love is blind (moon/lady)

Steve nodded. "everyone in this damn tower needs to take better care of themselves." he mumbled, rolling his eyes. he was three hours from forcibly dragging Bruce out of the lab, risk of the Hulk was worth it, since Jarvis had reported that Bruce hadn't slept in a thirty eight hour period. which was pretty dangerous for Bruce since the man got very grouchy if he didn't have ten hours of sleep every night. at least Bruce didn't skip meals the way Tony did.

"...whossit?" Clint asked sluggishly as he woke up to Natasha's voice. "Tasha?" he asked sleepily, blinking at her before smiling. "hey. welcome back." he mumbled, snuggling into the bed, sighing as he went back to sleep. he hadn't slept properly in weeks, so even after a night of sleep he was still too tired to stay awake now that he hadn't had nightmares. too tired to dream. "hmmm... G'night Phil..." Clint mumbled, too sleepy to remember his lover was dead.
“They do. I’ll help you corral them all into taking care of themselves.”Natasha said snickering a little.

“Yea, it’s me, Clint.”Natasha said smiling as she gently stroked his hair, smiling as he went back to sleep. “I just wanted to let you know I was here. I’ll let you two sleep then. Get some rest yourself, you look tired.” “I can feel you staring at me, Tasha.” “Good. Now lay down like a good girl and sleep.”Natasha ordere smirking as the woman simply laid down and snuggled into the bed, and was fast asleep within minutes. Smirking a little as she headed back upstairs to get settled into her rooms.
when Kate woke again it was to Matt's vice this time. reading aloud for both Clint and Kate. Jarvis had told him it might make them feel better. "Nice? it's the only thing;' said the water Rat solemnly, as he leant forward for his stroke. 'Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simple messing about in boats. simply messing,' he went on dreamily: 'Messing about in boats; messing' 'Look Ahead Rat!' cried the Mole suddenly..." "....hnnnng... not the Wind in the Willows again..." Clint whined, pulling his pillow over his head, Matt chuckling. "sorry Clint. i didn't know you knew this book." Matt admitted, making Clint blink at him. "oh... your... i thought you where...." Clint fell silent again and then. "you should keep reading, Kate likes to listen."
“...I’ve never heard it before...”kate muttered sleepily whining quietly as she stretched, rubbing a hand over her face as she woke. “Morning Matt.”She muttered smiling a little before looking at clint, “You okay?”She muttered looking worried about him as he went silent.
"Good morning Kate." Matt said with a smile. " should listen to it. it's a good book." Clint admitted. "it was one of Phil's childhood books. he always read it when he was feeling mischievous. i was usually the victim." he grumbled. "how long have i been asleep?" "about sixteen hours." "....son of a bitch...." Clint groaned. "i must have been more tired than i thought...." he admitted. "im okay now." he promised her. "i didn't have any nightmares for once. must have been too tired. or it was the company." he admitted, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes. "i'm starving. what's for breakfast." "lunch." Matt corrected. "Steve's making some sort of soup."
“It sounds good. I might have to.”She smiled a little before laughing. “You’re usually the victim.”she teased before wincing as she realized how long they’d been asleep, frowning at clint worriedly.”Are you sure?”She asked before nodding. “And natasha’s here to, so I’m sure there’s something sweet to go with the soup.”She said, natasha’s sweet tooth was notorious in shield.
Clint smiled a little. "there's a whole host of books i could suggest to you." he admitted before smiling. "i'm fine. i feel better than i have in a long while actually." it was amazing how a real nights rest could make you feel so much better. "Natasha's back?" he asked, sounding excited. "there probably will be sugar then." he agreed, stomach growling while he slid out of bed and stretched with a grunt. "how are you feeling? is your headache gone?" he asked Kate.
“That would be nice. I liked you reading to me before.”She said blushing ever so slightly as she looked up at the other, habits of looking towards people when talking to them, even if she couldn’t see them. “That’s good.”She said relaxing, pleased that the other was better before nodding. “yea, she stopped to visit, but I wasn’t sure if you remembered.”She snickered a little before nodding a little as they headed upstairs. “Yea, it is. I’m okay."She promised.
Clint smiled. "i'll read to you anytime you like." he promised her. "ah, no i don't remember." he admitted with a smile, eager to see Natasha again. she always made everything better. he could feel a bit calmer knowing she was there to watch his back. "good. your probably just as hungry as i am, shall we see what kind of soup Steve is making?" it was a Chinese dumpling soup that was to die for. stuffed full of pork and chicken Gyoza and full of rich broth, vegetables and spices most people couldn't pronounce. with it was mounds of fried dough coated in sugar and a large Devil's food cake. "Morning! Tash, you can't have any sweets until you've had soup so keep your fingers off the fried dough." he ordered without even turning to look at the Russian woman.
“I’d like that.”Kate smiled a little. “I am. And it’s steve, I’m sure it’s a aamazing one.”she snickered a little. “...Fried dough is not a sweet. That cake, is sweet. I can have some dough.”Natasha rationalized from where she was sitting on a bar stool, having settled in to simply talk and enjoy being with the people that mattered to her. Her grief having settled into her, letting her be with the others without causing some sort of violence. Her time in DC, having really helped. “Can I have some?”Tony asked as he shuffled into the room after the others, looking just as tired and amused.
Clint smiled a little. "you pick the book then and i'll do some reading for you tonight." he promised her. "it's covered in sugar. it's a sweet." Steve shot back. "you have to have at least half a bowl of soup before you can have a sweet Tony." Steve informed him, smacking Clint's fingers when he tried to just grab a fried dough ball and leave. all he got for the attempt was stinging fingers. Steve instead started dishing up soup and set Tony's in front of him with a firm look. "i have to get Bruce, touch those sweets, any of you, and i'll break your fingers." he warned. Clint huffing as Steve headed to the labs and came back up ten minutes later with a sulking, damp Bruce Banner who sunk into a chair, mumbling to Tony that Steve was a sadist and that they had to make sure he didn't go over the deep end.
“But I don’t want soup. I want coffee and cake.”Tony demanded sulking as he settled into his chair, looking up at steve before huffing.”Fine. Food first.”he grumbled as he started to eat. “You know, it’s amusing that we’re all listening to his orders.”Kate mused as she ate. “That’s cause he’s the captain, he should be listened to.”Tony grumbled snickering at bruce’s whining before nodding. “yes, he is. And are you sure he hasn’t already gone over the deep end?”He muttered as he ate.
"you can have cake after soup." Steve informed Tony, though he did let Tony have a hot cup of Coffee. "it's not that amusing. Steve is... intense." Clint admitted. "everyone obeys his orders, even Fury shuts up and listens to Steve when Steve speaks in the right tone of voice." Clint admitted. "we humans might be mostly evolved, but we're still animals and Steve is at the very tippy top of the Alpha Pack. it's in our nature to obey him." Clint admitted with a snicker. "or maybe it's because we all saw him furious once and it scared us so bad we never want to see it ever again." Steve had witness a male Shield Agent slap a woman secretary across the face for not bringing him the 'right kind' of Coffee. Steve, had, Exploded. well, if Exploded was the right word to be used. he had spoken so softly, that you almost couldn't hear him. yet the agent had pissed himself and had spent three days being coaxed out from under his own bed before he resigned and was never heard from again. everyone, even Phil and Fury, where wary of Steve's temper after that, no matter how hard it was to actually ire him. "he might have." Bruce admitted, watching Steve smack Clint's fingers again.
“Fine, after.”Tony sulked a little. Kate smiled a little as she ate, nodding slightly. “Well, they did make him the world’s best soldier. Not a suprise that he’s able to get people to follow him.” “That, and he’s a good man, along with being a brilliant tactician. It makes following him easy.”Natasha smiled a little before snickering. “I remember that. I didn’t think Jason was ever going to come out from under his bed.”Kate snickered shaking her head even as she remembered that quiet fury. “I’m not sure furious is the word to describe steve.But it works.”Tony snickered a little before shaking his head at clint, smirking as he tilted his head.”You doing anything this afternoon clint?”Tony said
Steve smirked, pleased with Tony's compliance. "that's very true. it's more than just that though. he has this... personality? aura maybe? it's like staring at a Leopard. gorgeous, lazy, calm, but you can see the danger, the power inside of him. sort of?" Grant mused. "Jason deserved it, the woman beating son of a bitch." Clint growled. "he smacked more than just Leah you know. he struck Tandi, Allison and Ramona too." he admitted. the four most amazing women in shield. they where a lot like Pepper Potts to be honest, only multiplied because Pepper only had to handle Tony, those four had to handle every single desk Jockey in Shield. "intense then? overpowering?" Clint muttered, head tilted before he blinked at Tony. "i promised to read to KAte at some point tonight but other than that nothing planned. why?" he asked curiously.
“He’d make a good leopard.”Tony hummed a little looking up at steve, looking amused as he considered steve. He was weird, he could totally see steve as a shapeshifter, and that was some of the more tame thoughts that crossed tony stark’s mind at a given moment. “I know. He was foolish enough to try and hit pepper once.”Tony said tilting his head, snickering a little. “I thought she was going to break his hand off and feed it to him when he called her a secretary.” “Definitely overpowering.”Kate agreed smiling a little. “I have a new weapon I want you to test out for me,I needed a break from designing stuff for blind people, and screwing around with a new bow was fun.”Tony said sounding pleased with himself, not just because of the new toys, but because he had every intention of moving his ‘project seduce birdbrain’ well under way, enjoying flirting and being with clint to much to really be aware that it was probably going to bother steve.
Steve snorted a little. "someone actually hit Pepper and survived with all their limbs attached?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "haven't you been giving Pepper lessons?" he asked Natasha. "some men just don't have the brains needed to procreate. honestly i think anyone who scores beneath a certain IQ needs to be sterilized. but then no one on this god given earth would breed anymore." he admitted, rolling his eyes, Clint snickering. "what's overpowering?" Steve asked, his head tilted curiously as he started in on his own soup. "sure! i'd be glad to help you with some new toys!" he agreed, Steve chuckling. "nothing gets Clint more exited than explosions." Bruce admitted with a chuckle as he drained the last of his broth and asked Steve for seconds. Steve of course was now starting to distribute the sweets as well. the fried Dough was actually full of rich creamy pudding, or cream or whatever of Vanilla, Chocolate, Pistachio and Hazelnut, though there where some without the filling. each person got a massive slice of cake too. so Natasha would be happy for a while at least.
“Yea, only because it was our anniversary, and apparently she didn’t have time to properly maim him.”Tony snickered a little. “I have. She’s learned well.”Natasha smiled a little before laughing. “I like it. WE should totally put that to law, it would totally go places. Though that would sadly rule out Tony from ever having kids.” “What?I have one of the highest IQ’s in the world!” “Yes, but you don’t have the common sense of a dingbat to take care of yourself, so that takes care of that.”Natasha teased as the billionaire sulked, looking as cute as a kitten all puffed and and annoyed. “Overpowering- extremely strong or intense. Overwhelming.”Kate said smiling slightly. “Awesome. I made some changes that should make your bow easier to use. And some new arrow heads.”Tony grinned amused as they all ate their sweets, smiling slightly as he watched Kate daintily eat hers. Despite being blind and a little clumsy with it, the woman was obviously figuring out how to live. Good. The stupid doctors hadn’t totally ruined her then.
Clint snorted, amused and Matt chuckled while Steve wrinkled his nose. even Steve was mildly afraid of Pepper. "i think it would stop everyone but you, me, Pepper, Eliza, Matt and MAria hill." Steve admitted with a sigh. "hey!" Bruce complained. "sorry but aren't you already Sterile?" "....yes." "what about me!?" Clint protested, sulking. "...there are no words for you Clint." Steve admitted, smirking when the man whined, Bruce snickering into his cake. "i am well aware of what overpowering means Kate." Steve complained. "i was asking what you thought was overpowering." he admitted, sounding amused. "wow, really?" Clint asked, eyes gleaming with interest. "it amuses me to no end that the two blind kids at the table, eat neater and with more manners than the Russian assassin, the rich man who should know better, and the scientist who really should know better." Steve admitted. looking a bit annoyed that Clint, and Bruce was stuffing their faces full of sweets like demented apes. "i'd be surprised by Clint but really... i'm not."
“Wait, does that mean matt can have kids and procreate with natasha, pepper, and myself?”Kate teased snickering, wishing she could see the blushes going on. “Yes. Though you and matt would make some pretty children.”Natasha grinned, enjoying screwing with the two blind people to much to really respect personal boundaries. “definitely no words, but he’d make pretty babies. I think clint’s prettiness, should make up for his other lacks.”Natasha teased kissing clint’s cheek, letting him know she was just teasing. “Oh. Well, you’re presence when your angry. Its quite strong.”Kate snickered a little. “Yes really. I’m amazing I know, so you’re weapon’s going to be even more dangerous.”Tony smirked, waggling his eyebrows a little, because any time he could make a sex joke he would. “Hey, I can eat plenty neat.”Tony sulked at steve’s words, making a face. "Are we really eating better then the others?"Kate asked raising a eyebrow
Steve laughed. "yes. that is what that means." Steve admitted with a smirk. "and i suppose i could be donor too. you know. if i ever wasn't scared of Natasha, you and Maria." he admitted. "i suppose Pepper's not that scary...." he admitted with a grin because he knew Tony would clock him given the chance for flirting with pepper. Clint scowled at his plate at the idea of Kate ad Matt having enough of a relationship to have kids before he smirked at Natasha. "i am beautiful. it's as much a curse as it is a gift." he said with a chuckle. "when i'm angry? i've not been angry very often." Steve admitted. "i have to be calm because the Serum can sort of... well you know how when Bruce gets annoyed and Hulk sort of peeks out? same thing, almost." Steve admitted before grinning at Clint's obvious excitement at a new bow. "are you making sex jokes at the table?" Steve demanded, narrowing his eyes at Tony, annoyed that Tony was paying so much attention to Clint. "you eat like a child." Steve huffed, amused, Clint blinking before snickering. "yes. now that i'm paying attention to it." Clint admitted. "you are eating a lot neater." he admitted.
“Between the two of you, we’d all be arrested for causing pileups. I mean, our children would be so pretty to cause traffic accidents just by going outside.”Kate snickered a little amused that matt was probably wisely staying out of the conversation. “What?hey, you can’t have kids with pepper. If anyone’s having kids with pepper, its me.” “....Stark, is there something you need to tell me?”Pepper asked as she stepped in, stepping out of her high heels as she looked at the group. “I am indeed making sex jokes at the table.” “Tony behave.”Pepper scolded lightly, shaking her head a little as she sat down to eat. “I do not. I am not a child.”Tony sulked a little. “Thanks. I think...I’m thinking about it. Concentrating, and you guys are making enough noise...I can sorta see what I’m doing...”Kate said blushing a little.
Steve snickered a little. "we would make absolutely gorgeous children." Steve agreed with a grin, Clint huffing. "i'm prettier than you are!" "sure you are." Steve agreed. "well, fine then, you have kids with Pepper and i'll take Natasha and Kate can take Matt. hello Pepper." Steve greeted. "want some soup?" Steve asked, smiling at her. "yeah Tony. behave." Clint said, mocking the obedient Tony. "Clint, behave." Steve ordered, making Clint sulk. "Pepper, this is Kate Daniels and Matt Murdock. they're staying at the tower for a while while Kate adjusts to being a amplifier." Steve explained to the woman with a smile.
“...I don’t think I want to even know why Captain America is deciding I’m having kids with the annoying pain in my ass.Hi steve.”Pepper snickered a little as tony sulked. “I don’t want to, but I said he couldn’t have kids with you either.” “...You are so transparent, Tony.”She muttered smirking a little at the man, knowing his protest to the hypothetical kids was more about steve then it was her. “Shut up clint.”Tony scowled at the archer. “Hello.Welcome to the tower.”Pepper smiled at the two. “Thanks. It’s been fun.”Kate smiled a little. “Oh!I forgot.Kate, your rooms are done.Sorry, I spent the morning in the lab, and got busy and forgot....”Tony winced as he remembered that indeed, the contractor had told him they were done, he’d just barely registered it in his designing binge.
Steve chuckled. "Random conversation that i started." Steve admitted. "i was complaining about the IQ and common sense capacities of the modern American." he admitted, handing her the slice of cake and fried dough balls he'd saved for her. "besides, i think Tony would make a lovely father." Steve admitted with a smile. Clint beamed at Tony. "really?! it's done? that's great! i'll move all her things in there for her and give her a tour of the rooms you gave her." he promised Tony. "then she can really start learning how to best organize her location." he admitted. "it's hard to show her tricks in a space as small as your bedrooms. though they are very nice for getting her used to spacial recognitions." Clint admitted. "she's learning quite rapidly actually." Clint admitted, Matt nodding. "she is. even i didn't recover so quickly as she did." he admitted. "she's almost an instinctive learner, which gives her an impressive advantage."
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