love is blind (moon/lady)

“Huh. I feel like you guys can never be left alone, i never know what you’re going to talk about.”Pepper teased as she started to eat, snickering a little at the look of utter panic on tony’s face. “Don’t worry Tony, despite having sex with anything that moves, you’re not a father yet.”Pepper teased as she patted his arm, glad when he calmed a little. “Yes it’s done.”Tony said smiling a little pleased to have his space back even if he hadn’t complained to them about it. “Yea, they’re okay for being just my napping rooms. But the apartment will be better.”Tony said smiling pleased that the woman was doing okay. “...really?I feel like I’m going really slow really...”kate muttered, blushing at the praise.
Steve snorted. "we're men. of course you can never be sure what we're going to talk about." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "not yet." Steve agreed with a smirk before chuckling at Tony's eager happiness to help. "if they're napping rooms, why do you have work benches in them?" Clint asked, lifting an eyebrow at him. "because sometimes i work in there." Pepper admitted. "and sometimes he needs a place for paperwork." she shrugged. "he sleeps when i tell him to so i don't mind." she admitted. "you can't really judge yourself at an accurate rate." Matt informed her. "you are recovering very well. just a few days ago, you wouldn't have been able to handle sitting in a kitchen, the sounds unshielded, with five people talking around you." he pointed out. "i don't think you realize just how much of an improvement that really is."
“Cause they’re attatched to the lab.And pepper works down there....and she leaves my paperwork down there, figuring I might do it if it’s in the lab.”Tony made a face as he kissed pepper’s cheek looking amused. “Hm, I usually do what you tell me to, Pep. It’s better for my health to listen.”Tony pointed out, they might not date, or really be together, but he did love her, relied on her when he needed someone. “...Well, you guys aren’t talking that loudly....and it was hard at first...but I adjusted....”She frowned a little thinking over.
Clint pouted, he'd been hoping to get Tony in trouble. revenge for making Pepper beat him over the head with her shoe when Tony lied and said Clint was stopping him from doing his paperwork. Pepper chuckled at the kiss to his cheek. they were no longer dating, though they did enjoy sex with each other now and again. friends with benefits as it where. "we're talking at normal levels." Matt stated. "no one's bothered to lower their voices." he admitted with a grin, Clint snickering. "you've adjusted very quickly." he admitted to her with a smile. "it took Tim three months to get used to his new sensitive hearing and Amy took four and neither of them are an amplifier the way you are." he admitted. "by the way both want to meet you when you're ready." he admitted with a chuckle. "they're a hoot and a holler." he admitted with a smile.
Tony snickered at the archer,”Can’t get me in trouble. She always knows when I’m doing things I shouldn’t.”Tony grumbled making a face before finishing his food. “Oh...well. Then...I guess I am adjusting.”Kate frowned thinking that over her tilting her head. “Maybe because I’m a amplifier, I’m adjusting, adding things to my senses is just so overwhelming, that it was either adjust quickly or go insane.”She mused shaking her head. “I don’t know,but I’m glad I am...and okay. Well...soon.”She said not sure about meeting more people, but willign to try. “come on, barton. Time to get to work.”Tony said poking the other man in the shoulder as he stood.
Clint huffed. "asshole." he complained, sulking at Tony. "you made her beat me up with a shoe." he complained, sulking. "you know, she has a point." Clint admitted. "sort of like a sink or swim. you either learn how to float or you drown sort of thing." he admitted, shaking his head. "i wish i could know for certain, but i was a kid when it happened so i think we'll have to assume that it's just your brilliance." he admitted to Kate with a chuckle. "maybe we'll aim for a few weeks?" Clint offered Kate. "give you time to get properly settled." he mused before snorting at Tony. "alright, alright i'm coming. Kate? will you be okay with Steve and Matt for a few hours?" he asked, worried about her.
“Hm, but it was so amusing to watch.”Tony snickered a little. “Exactly. I had to figure it out, otherwise I’d go insane.”Kate shrugged a little before blushing, laughing softly at his words. “WEll, I am fairly brilliant.”She said smiling a little before nodding. “A few weeks would be good.” “No your not, your standing there talking. Move birdbrain.’Tony whined a little as he left. Kate laughed softly, tilting her head. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.:
Matt chuckled a little. "did she really?" he asked, wondering if Clint Barton really had been beaten up by a woman with a shoe." "yes. because Tony lied and said it was my fault he hadn't gotten the paperwork done." he whined. "you are pretty brilliant." he agreed with Kate, chuckling a little. "jeez Tony, pushy pushy." Clint complained, looking and sounding amused and rather affectionate. he was well used to Tony and rather adored him to be honest. "are you sure?" he asked her. "it's okay Clint. i won't let anything happen." Steve promised. "we'll take her up to her apartment and she can show me her favorite music." Steve offered, more to Kate than to Clint. "well... okay." Clint agreed, letting Tony drag him away.
“She did.And it was totally your fault somehow.”Tony snorted a little amused. Rolling his eyes at the other’s complaint. “I’m sure. Go.”Kate promised before nodding, tilting her head towards steve.”I’d like that.”She said perking up at the idea of having friends, it was a rare thing really, she hadn’t really had friends before, this was nice. “Go.”She promised waving him away.

Later tony grinned as he held up the finished bow, having let clint use and correct the prototype as he finished it, then rebuilt it when the man corrected it. Looking him over her smirked a little, “You’re adorable you know that?”He teased as he sipped his coffee, flirting.
"it was not! it's not MY fault you where working on a hoverboard instead of your paperwork! i was sleeping!" he complained before smiling as he brushed Kate's shoulder. "okay, if you need me, just yell at Jarvis okay?" he asked with a smile. Steve happily entertained Kate, telling stories and sharing different kinds of music with each other.

Clint grinned as he puled the arrow back and in a matter of seconds three arrows hit the target. he had developed a new wait to shoot. holding the arrows in his hand he could leap and run and jump as he pleased and lose three arrows in a split second. backup arrows where in his quiver and he could gather them as he needed. "this is the best." he admitted before blinking at Tony, looking puzzled. "adorable?" he asked, his head tilted. "well... uh, thanks. your pretty cute too."
“SO?It’s still your fault.” “And I will.”Kate smiled amused and simply glad to be with friends as she let steve entertain her.

Tony grinned as he watched the other before snickering, “yes adorable. And thanks.”he made a face, shaking his head as he looked at the puzzled archer. “You know, flirting with guys confuses me. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it...maybe it’s just you I’m having problems with?”He mused tilting his head. “Would it be easier to just say I want you?”He said smirking at the other man, oh yea. Poor tony, simply setting himself up to be turned down, because he truly thought no one could resist him.
he blinked at Tony a little, head tilted. "uh, flirting?" he asked, looking upset. "Tony... i'm sorry i... i can't. it's too soon. Phil...." he stuttered, grimacing. "the thought of moving on right now hurts too much...." he admitted, tears springing to his eyes because he knew Tony was going to be hurt. "i'm sorry. your my best friend but i... i can't... not now. not yet..." he whispered, wrapping his arms around Tony, hugging him tight. "besides, i'm pretty sure you'd rather have Steve." he admitted with a smile. "if... when i'm not so broken, if you want to try, i'd be happy to." he promised. "but i won't be hurt if you go after Steve instead." he promised Tony. "okay?"
“Yes flirting. This is unfair, I haven’t had this many problems flirting since I was a kid.”Tony sulked a little wincing as he realized he’d upset the man, that hadn’t been his attention. “Don’t!Don’t cry, I didn’t say anything because I wanted to upset you!I just wanted you to know!”Tony said sounding upset himself now, because clint was his best friend to, an while it’d had started as a bet, he wouldn’t have followed through with it if he hadn’t been attracted to clint. Whining quietly, tensing as he was hugged hunching his shoulders a little. “Would not. Capsicle doesn’t swing that ways, anyways.”he grumbled.
Clint chuckled a little. "me and Phil never flirted so..." he shrugged. he didn't really know how to flirt. "i'm sorry, i don't mean to. i just didn't want to hurt your feelings." he admitted, sniffling. "i like you, i do, i just don't think i could have a relationship right now. i can't even masturbate without feeling ashamed and guilty." he admitted, snuggling into Tony. "your blind." he admitted with a wet chuckle. "so blind Tony."
Tony smiled a little.”That’s saddening.everyone should get to flirt.”he muttered nuzzling his face against the other’s shoulder, simply relaxing. “..Well, you’re good. I’m not upset.”He muttered even if he was a little, he understood. “Well, then its a good thing you don’t want a relationship, it’ll keep you from acting on your feeligns with Kate.”he teased a little, before whining, leaning into the other,”I am not. I can see alot.”
he chuckled a little. "we're usually too busy tearing each others clothes off to flirt." he admitted with a smile, relaxing at the promise that Tony wasn't too upset. "i don't have feelings for Kate." he said a little too quickly. self denial at it's best. "so blind." he mumbled before sighing. "i'm tired." he admitted. "will you watch me while i sleep?" he asked, knowing Tony would settle in with a gun or a repulsor so he could get some sleep without having to worry about waking up under someone elses control. if he woke up, ot himself, Tony would put him down.
“....Thanks for that mental image. I don’t want to picture Agent having sex.”Tony whine a little before rolling his eyes.”Now who’s being blind.”He muttered better nodding, waving him towards the nap room. “Go sleep. I’m going to be working out here on the suit, so rest.”he ordered, well at least clint wouldn’t have to worry about him not being well armed if things went wrong.
Clint snorted a little and shook his head. "Phil was sexy." he huffed before shaking his head. "i don't like Kate like that." he complained with a sniff before smiling at Tony. "thanks Tony... i don't know what i would do without you." he admitted softly before heading off to sleep. aware that Jarvis would tell Kate and MAtt and Steve that Clint was taking a much needed sleep and would be up after he woke up. he did wake up, screaming, fighting against hands that pulled him down into blue light that took his mind and his will. "NO!!!!" he wailed, fighting against Tony who was trying to wake him up. "no! no! please! don't take me NO!!!!" Clint pleaded, sobbing as he struggled against the hands clutching him.
“He was, still don’t want to know Agent had sex.”Tony sulked a little before snickering, shaking his head a little but not bothering to tell the other he was wrong about his feelings for kate. “You’d be okay.”Tony said gently strokign the other’s hair. Gripping the other’s shoulders, the strength of the iron man gloves keeping the other from pushing him away, or hurting him either. “Clint!It’s me. Tony.No one’s taking you, you’re going to hurt me, Birdbrain, if you keep it up.”Tony begged sounding upset, not wanting to hurt him but knowing he had to get through to him somehow.
Clint gasped and blinked stupidly, frightened and confused. "T...Tony?" he asked, trembling in Tony's grip. "i.. i... the Blue. it's coming. it's taking me. Tony.... don't let me fall! Don't let it take me!" he pleaded, clinging to Tony now, holding him tight because he was frightened. "Don't let him take me Tony..." he pleaded, pressing his face into the others chest. taking comfort in the hard metal suit and the smell of Tony and motor oil. "...i'm okay." he whispered after a moment. "i'm sorry.. i... the nightmare." he never needed to say much more than that. it was always the same one. sinking into blue light and having Loki take over again. only it was never really Loki, the deep rich, evil laugh that was never Loki's but haunted his dreams incessantly.
“Hey, the blue’s the arc reactor, birdbrain. Come on, it’s me.”Tony begged looking worried, trying to reach him, smiling slightly as he wrapped metal arms around the archer, ducking his head to nuzzle him a little. “You’re not going anywhere, I’m here. And if I have to, I’ll go get cap and his amazing shield, and make him fight to. You gotta admit, he’d be a good choice in hitting you really hard in the head.”He muttered trying to make him laugh, relaxing a little as he calmed.”It’s okay, Clint. You’re not the only one with nightmares.”He muttered though his were more blood, death and pain as he relived his months in afghanastan, he understood. “You’re okay.”He promised rubbing the other’s back.”You want me to get kate?”He muttered, having noticed the woman soothed him, and simply wanting him comfortable and happy.
Clint trembled. "no. Arc reactor is white." he scoffed. "mostly." he admitted, trembling against the other. "this is blue. bright blue. like if the sky could glow." he admitted, trembling some more. the blue of the tesseract, the blue of the weapon in Loki's hands. "...yeh. okay." he agreed. "Steve would be really good at hitting me." he admitted softly, a small smile on his lips as he started to calm down. "NO!...i mean, no. don't get Kate." he stuttered. the woman had enough problems of her own, she didn't need to see him like this. "i'm fine now. it was just a nightmare." he tried to reassure Tony in case he decided to get Kate anyway.
“Mostly.”tony agreed sighing softly as he pressed a kiss to the other’s hair.”Well, it’s not blue anymore. You’re okay.”He muttered before snickering.”he would. Steve’s got a punch like a freight train. He’s dented the suit you know, just by punching it.’Tony said because it was the only way steve would fight him most of the time, if he suited up to make it a more fair fight. “...Okay. No kate.”Tony said watching him, still debating on getting her anyways.
he nodded. "that's right. no more Blue." he agreed softly before chuckling. "yeah he hit me once, just because i was curious. it took me almost a half an hour to recover." he admitted with a smile. "i don't think he even hit me properly the jerk." he admitted, sighing a little as he ran his hands through his hair. "i'm okay." he promised Tony again. "i think i need a shower." he admitted with a sigh as he pulled away and staggered for Tony's shower so he could clean off the fear sweat.
“Probably not. He’s reluctant to really hit things as hard as he can unless it was his punching bag or in battle.”he snickered a little before nodding. “Go ahead. I’m going to go back to work, then we’ll go see what Kate’s apartment looks like.”He said grinning a little.

And indeed when they ventured upstairs, Kate, despite not being able to see was moving things here and there, pictures and books and about anything you could want, not just what she’d brought with her from shield, but anything tony had thought she might need. Smiling a little as she paused, tilting her head. “Clint?Tony?”She said frowning, more trying to figure out who it was without having them talk first.
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