love is blind (moon/lady)

Tony smirked as the other raised a eyebrow. “Figured you’d eventually have sex up here.”He explained smirking a little growling as he fucked the other, shivering and fucking the other, closing his eyes as he rested his head against the other’s shoulder. “Never stopping.”He growled, shivering as he fought for control, and managed to last long enough to make the other come again before he lost all control, slumping down onto the man as he came with a cry.
he snorted. "so you hid lube..." he said, voice dry but amused. he sighed, limp and completely pliant when Tony finally emptied inside of him, feeling so relaxed, so calm. he was going to have to get Tony to do that again. he was asleep before he could ask Tony to stay, but the hand clutching Tony's sleeve was probably a good indication. he slept for the first time since the incident, without nightmares. he felt rather bad in the morning about using Tony like that, but he was in a good mood and felt better than he had in months. "...Tony? sleeping like that can't be good for your neck...."
Tony whined a little from where he was curled up in one corner of the couch, as closely curled up to clint to. “I’m okay. Okay.”Tony muttered whining quietly, sulking at being woken up when he didn’t want to be awake.
Clint chuckled a little and shook his head, gently moving Tony so that he was in a more comfortable position and simply snuggled down, enjoying the attention and physical contact. humming when, an hour later, he realized he was hungry. he gently slipped free of Tony, gathered up the plates of cold pasta and fish laying on one of the tables of Tony's lab and went back up with them, devouring his own plate quickly before nudging Tony. "wake up. food." he ordered with a grin. "and Coffee. it's cold though."
Tony whined as he was nudged again,cracking a eye to look at the other holding out a hand for the coffee even as he fomplained."how date you bring coLd coffee. Mornings require hot coffee. You need to take lessons from cap on the proper morning requirements."tony muttered a sliver of guilt tightening his chest at the thought of the captain before frowning at the food."where'd you get the food?"he said already having a sinking suspicion of where
he shrugged. "your coffee machine is dismantled Tony. you where improving it remember?" he asked, looking amused. "this is all there is." he stated with a sniff. "and if you'd just admit that you where in love with Steve we wouldn't have problems like cold food and coffee." he admitted before shrugging. "they where down on the table. i just assumed you asked Steve to leave them there... was that wrong?" he asked, looking a bit worried now.
“...oh yea. I better finish that. And kate has a coffee machine, you should have gone to get coffee.”He sulked even as he sipped his coffee, before sighing. “How does that go with getting food?He feeds me anyways.”Tony said frowning a little before paling even more, nodding slightly. “....I told him to come up for a cuddle and food when he was done cooking....”Tony said looking shaken.
he snorted. "i don't like leaving you up here alone." he stated simply. "it's not right, leaving someone without warning after..." he flushed and fidgeted. "thanks. by the way. i feel... so much better." he admitted, glancing at Tony. "i'll understand if your mad at me." he admitted, realizing he'd probably hurt Tony's chances for getting together with Steve.
“Ah.Yea....I probably wouldn’t have taken that well. Been abandoned to many times after sex.”Tony made a face, not about to admit that he’d had doms abandon him in the middle of subspace, letting the man free fall until he recovered. “hm, you know that wasn’t a problem. I enjoy sex, and your my best friend. Of course having sex with you was fun.”Tony grinned at him, “Good. I’m glad you’re feeling better.”he said sitting up, running his fingers through his hair, before leaning in to press a kiss to the other’s forehead. “Not mad. I forgot, not your fault.”He said shrugging it off as he shuffled towards the ladder, having every intention of getting real coffee to deal with his feelings over knowing steve’d probably walked in on them having sex.
Clint nodded. "yeah. me too. Phil never did but... i wasn't always with Phil." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "your not upset i took advantage of you then?" he asked, looking decidedly more cheerful that Tony wasn't mad at him, leaning into him when he was kissed. "and we can still be best friends?" he asked hopefully. "even if we have sex again?" he asked, a bit worried their dynamic would change now that they'd had sex. "...Tony?" Clint asked, watching Tony leave. "thank you. for helping me. i'm going to stay up here for a while longer. i don't feel like seeing anyone else." which of course, Tony would understand as 'i'm don't want to see Kate or Matt but if you come back i won't make you go away. and would probably appreciate more snuggles'
“No. You’re not the first person to take advantage of my amazing body, nor will you be the last. Seems silly to be mad over being so utterly irresistible.”Tony said snickering a little, which was a definite sign that despite the teasing, nothing had changed. Not really. Because even if he was worried about steve’s reaction, the teasing was tony being his normal ridculous self, so everyhing was the same. “Of course. I like you, I like sex. Seems perfectly logically to combine the two.”Tony said pausing before nodding a little. “Fine. Don’t move, I’ll be right back, better coffee is needed.”Tony huffed smirking a little as he shuffled off to find coffee before returning
Clint chuckled a little. "more like amazing Cock." he pointed out. "i think you where poking my brain. it's the only explanation." he teased with a smile. "well. i suppose that makes sense." Clint admitted, even if it didn't make much sense at all. "okay... bring me more ice-cream." he ordered, snuggling into his blanket again. Tony knew what kind of Ice-cream to get. the more 'extras' there was, the better. in fact, there was a new flavor in the freezer that Steve must have picked up. Chocolate Truffle. Chocolate ice-cream with chocolate truffle chunks. Clint loved Chocolate in his ice-cream. well, he loved everything in his Ice-cream so long as it wasn't nuts.
“Hm, that to. My cock is amazing.”Tony snickered a little before making a face at him. “Don’t give me that look. I made perfectly good sense.”Tony whined a little before nodding. “Ice cream it is.”Tony said returning with ice cream and coffee, his features only showing a hint of sadness as he realized steve’d gone shopping last night to get new ice cream. And upset that he hadn’t run into the other. Settling back in with clint he smiled, “as ordered, ice cream.”

“...Steve?”Kate said pausing, raising a eyebrow slightly as she realized steve had probably purposefully missed tony, one explanation for showing up just minutes after the billionaire had left with his coffee.
Clint chuckled a little. "Tony? i'm not all that smart, for me, you rarely make sense." he admitted with a chuckle, pleased that Tony would get him his ice-cream, blinking at Tony, wincing at the look on the others face. yep. he'd fucked it up big time. "thanks Tony... snuggles?" he offered, trying to make Tony feel better, opening his blanket for the other. "wanna watch a movie?" he asked. he rarely used the TV that Tony had smuggled into his nest, but when he was with Tony there was nothing better than curling up and watching cartoons.

"Yeah?" Steve asked, sounding a bit distracted. "you need something Kate?" he asked, sounding a bit less distracted now as he focused on Kate. "where's Matt?" he had court today so he had to leave a few hours ago to get ready to save another innocent person from vicious criminals.
"Welcome. And I'm always up for snuggles."tony muttered settling in next to clint. Clint was one of the few people tony was as snuggly and handsy as he wanted, his inner need to be touched usually curbed around others, but clint understood just how touch deprived the billionaire was. Especially when he was upset."lets watch sherlock holmes."tony ordered smiling as the movie started to play.

"Yea. I was hoping you could make me eggs for breakfast or something."kate said blushing a little. Hating she couldn't cook for herself but not willing to risk burning stuff just to do it herself."Matt has court this morning so he had to go get ready."
Clint smiled a little and snuggled with Tony. he knew he was one of the few people who Tony really felt safe with and he had to admit, it always made him feel warm inside. "you just want to see the handsome guy." Clint teased, well aware that Tony liked Sherlock Holmes because the man looked, sounded and acted just like Tony. it was pretty damn creepy. Tony had eve sent the actor a signed autograph.

"sure." Steve agreed happily, he was pretty sure Tony wouldn't come back for a while. "how do you like your eggs?" he asked, setting up the stove. "and do you want anything to go with it? we have Bacon, hash browns, hmmm. i could whip up some pancakes." he admitted examining the contents of the fridge. "there's a fruit salad in here too if you want some of that."
"Of course I do. He's a handsome devil l."tony muttered settling in to watch, closing his eyes a little as he relaxed trying to forget about the problem of steve avoiding him. Hating that he thought and knew steve was avoiding him.

Bthanks. And sunny side up...and uh...bacon."kate said as she settled at the table before nodding."and I'll have some fruit."she said before tilting her head a little."you okay cap?"
Clint snickered a little as he snuggled into the other. he was sleeping again once the Movie was over. with all his nightmares, even an hour was a lengthy nap for him and he often fell asleep only to jerk awake ten minutes later fright the nightmare that had started. he was getting very good at waking himself up, so long as he wasn't too deeply asleep.

"you got it. we have some yogurt too if you want that with the fruit. Natasha eats it that way." he admitted with a chuckle as he started cooking. "hmmm? i'm fine. why do you ask?" but she could tell he was lying. his heart had sped up and his voice had cracked just a pitch. most people wouldn't have been able to notice. Natasha might have, Matt certainly would have, but probably not anyone else.
“No, just the fruit.”Kate said smiling a little before sighing softly, tilting her head, looking a little startled as she realized she was hearing his heart beat. “Because you’re upset. And you sound upset. What happened?”she said looking worried for him.
he chuckled a little and gently set a bowl i her hands. "fruit." he informed her. "go ahead and use your fingers." he suggested. "Tony does." he admitted before flinching when she called his bluff. "...Tony and Clint started a relationship..." he admitted. "i guess i'm just feeling a little heart broken." he admitted. "i was too much of a coward to tell Tony how i felt and now it's too late."
“Thanks. And tony has no table manners according to clint.”Kate pointed out even as she nibbled on the food, smiling slightly before sighing softly. Tilting her head as she winced. “I’m sorry Steve...”She said looking upset, “We can have ice cream and watch chick flicks if you want. Its almost every girl’s heart break cure.”
he snorted. "Clint is correct." he admitted before he snorted. "now. i know you can't see, but i assure you, no matter how big they are, these are not tits." he informed her, chuckling. "still. that does sound nice. a movie and some stuff that's terrible for us. i'll make some Pizza rolls, get some chips. Ice-cream of course, it could be a junk food party." he decided. "here, eggs are done, careful, they're hot." he warned.
Kate laughed at that, smiling. “They’re not tits, but they are nice to stare at. Though I’m thinking the washboard abs and being hung like a horse are more attractive then your big man-tits.”She teased smirking at him. “You should hear what some of the agents talk about when they think no one’s listening. You are quite the eligible bachelor at shield.”Kate teased smirking before nodding. “I like it. Sounds perfect.”She smiled as she stared to eat slowly, “thanks Cap.”She said taking her time eating, and soon enough she was grinning happily, pleased indeed that she’d managed to feed herself at not only not making a mess, but not burning herself.
Steve laughed, he couldn't help it. "well, at least my washboard abs are nice for touching." he admitted with a snicker. "as for being hung like a horse i'd certainly hope nod. i'd not be able to walk if that where the case! have you ever seen a horses cock? impressive to be sure bit on a human it would be nothing but a pain." he admitted with a chuckle. "in any case i'm afraid that they're wrong, i'm not an eligible bachelor at all." he admitted. "i am well and firmly in love with someone and they aren't him." he admitted with a chuckle. "no problem." he assured her. devouring his own eggs and bacon and fruit. "well done." Steve chirped with a grin. "you managed to eat more clean than everyone else in the tower."
“Hm, very true.”Kate snickered a little before grinning, “True. I’ll have to let the poor agents know that you are sadly very normal human sized and not eligible....watching them try to figure out who you’re in love with would be worth the hassle and pain of going back to shield.”Kate said snickering, well aware that while she’d had friends at shield, that they’d mostly disappeared once they realized she was going to be no use to them as a blind agent. “Thanks. And it doesn’t take much to eat better then clint or tony. I mean, I saw them eat before I went blind, it was like watching a massacre.”She snickered a little as she headed for the living room to set up the movie.
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