love is blind (moon/lady)

he chuckled a little before snorting. "there would be an uprising." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "let's avoid that before they decide i need to be 'fixed'." he stated calmly before snickering. "it would be amusing though. there would be betting pools." he admitted, well aware that she knew exactly who he was in love with. "well... that's true, but it's pretty hard to beat me and pepper." he pointed out with a grin. "it's not 'like' a massacre at all. it's more like watching a starving rabid wolf." he admitted, gathering up all the junk foods he wanted and following her. "so you and Matt are going out on a date?" he asked her once they where all settled.
“There really would be. I’d die laughing, it’d be epic.”Kate snickered a little before huffing. “Fine, no fixing the captain.And there would be thousands of dollars worth of betting pools.....are we sure Natasha’s betting somewhere, and making a ton of money by playing them all for fools?”Kate snickered a little before blushing at the praise, nodding a little. “Indeed that is.”She smiled a little before nodding as she settled on the couch, “We are. Going out for coffee this weekend.”
he snorted. "epic for you maybe. i'm not putting up with it." he admitted with a snicker before rolling his eyes. "you know, you could just as easily set up a betting pool here." he pointed out. "you could easily win a ton of money easily enough." he admitted. "i can't imagine he and Clint will last long." he mused. "not when Clint is still upset over Phil and in love with someone else, no matter how much he's trying to deny and hide it." he admitted before smiling a little. "i hope you have a good time. Matt's a great guy." he admitted. "you think you'll be okay to go outside by then? did you want to try and work up to it before then?" he offered, he rather adored Kate, the whole tower did really. they would all happily help her if she only asked.
“I could, if not everyone in the tower, except the idiot in question, knew who you had the hots for.”Kate pointed out with a gentle smile before sighing. “Maybe not.”She said tilting her head a little at the idea of clint being in love with someone else, before nodding. “Tony’ll be good for clint. Maybe he’ll be able to deal with how he’s dealing with the invasion...”Kate muttered slightly worried about clint before nodding, “I’m sure I will. I enjoy his company...and I hope so....we’re going to a quiet cafe so it should be okay....and I was thinking I’d go down to the lobby for awhile, slowly get used to sound...”
he huffed. "i highly doubt anyone but you and Natasha know." he scoffed. although... he had to admit, he was a bit worried. Did everyone know? was it true? what if Tony found out?! what if someone told him!? "Tony and Clint need each other right now i think." Steve admitted with a sigh. "Clint isn't recovering at all, no matter the brave front he puts on." Steve admitted. "Pizza roll?" he offered her. "ah, a Cafe is a good place for a fist date." he agreed with a grin. "think you'll get a kiss?" he teased her.
“Well, maybe.”Kate smiled a little. “I wouldn’t worry about tony figuring it out. I mean, even if someone told him, he dislikes himself enough to not believe that you like him you know.”Kate said, and while it was a a horrible point to make, it was actually true. That tony wouldn’t believe anyone. “well, hopefully Tony will be good for him.”he smiled a little before nodding, taking the pizza roll, before flushing brightly, ducking her head. “I don’t know. Kisses would be hard for blind people you know...”
he grimaced. "stop reading my mind." he whined, sulking at her. he knew she couldn't see him but he imagined she knew. "...yeah, i know. i really need to work on his self esteem." he admitted with a sigh. "i hope so..." he admitted. if he couldn't have Tony, at least he could be sure that Tony would be in good, tender hands. "not any harder than a teenager. you just have to relearn the motions. kissing is rather hard for anyone... i still haven't got the hang of it, my big nose get's in the way." he admitted with a huff.
“I can’t help it. I’m a woman, I read everyone’s minds.”Kate said smiling a little, before nodding. “You’re doing good for him. Small steps, rushing it will mess things up.”Kate said smiling softly, before flushing a little. “oh....well. That’s true.”She said before laughing,”You’re nose is a nice size. I’m sure you’ll figure out how to kiss.”He said looking amused.
he chuckled a little. "shame Gay Men don't get the Talent." he sighed, shaking his head before huffing. "i just wish doing right for him didn't hurt so much...." Steve admitted softly before chuckling at her. "i'm sure i will too, i just need someone to practice on who doesn't have breasts and isn't repugnant." he admitted.
"Oh most men do just wish the idiot had some common sense. He's a little dense."kate snickered a little amused before huffing."I'm not repugnant!you make it sound like a bad thing to have breasts!"she whined laughing before smirking a little."you should totally ask tony for lessons."
he chuckled a little and nodded. "good point. but i can't read minds the way you, Pepper and Natasha seam to be able to. it's pretty unfair." he admitted before laughing. "all women are repugnant to a gay man and besides, being as pretty as you are i wasn't talking about you. you have to admit, most of the people i have to interact with are kind of gross. either in personality or in body." he admitted with a huff. "or both." he grumbled. "i might." he admitted with a laugh. "or maybe i'll ask Clint, he's not so bad looking." he admitted with a chuckle. "do you want rocky road or cookie dough?"
“Hm, thats true. And very amusing since I’m not sure any guy can do that.”he said snickering a little before smirking. “That’s true. You do have to deal with some very weird and odd people you have to interact with....and that’s just the agents. Not to mention the villians you fight.”She teased a little before laughing, “No, clint definitely isn’t bad looking.”Kate said with a slight blush. “Cookie dough.”
he snorted. "not to mention the politicians that keep trying to schmooze up to me." he admitted with a shake of his head. "the villains are horrid too." he agreed, handing her the cookie dough ice-cream gleefully. he loved Rocky Road. "hmm... somehow i get the idea that you might like Clint a little bit." he admitted, sounding amused. "is it a case of Stockholmes?" he asked with a grin.
“them to. I don’t know who gets the worst politicians, you or Tony.”Kate snickered a little as she ate. Blushing a little at his words, shaking her head. “I don’t. I mean, I like him, but not like that.”She said twitching a little, because she’d gotten the impression clint was only helping her out of guilt, so she didn’t want to drag him into something with her. “Besides, stockholmes for kidnap victims, you guys didn’t kidnap me.”
he snorted. "Tony does. me they just want to own. him they want to put on a pike and then steal everything he ever owned before forcing him into slavery." he admitted. "they can't make me do anything, they want to make Tony build weapons." he admitted. "they won't succeed of course." he admitted. "i'm sure you don't." clearly Steve didn't believe her. "well... we kind of did." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "or at least Clint did. he didn't exactly ask your opinion when he brought you here, no matter that it was the best place to help you adjust." he admitted.
“Ahhh well that’s true. Tony has some of the worst people wanting the suit.and wanting him to build them stuff.”Kate shook her head a little before smirking. “They wont. I think tony would sooner screw himself up and risk making himself stupid, rather then building weapons again.”she smiled a little before blushing, ducking her head and refusing to think about that he thought she was lying. “Well when you put it like that, I guess you did.”She snickered.

“”Tony demanded whining a little as he nudged the other, not wanting to get up but knowing he had to. If only to go see the captain and see if he’d fucked up so badly that his best friend wouldn’t want to know him. He wouldn’t be surprised if steve never wanted to talk to him again, not because he believed steve wanted him, but well, he was used to people having problems with him and his sex life/
Steve nodded. "it really sucks." he agreed. "i really don't know why they think they want the suit. they couldn't even afford the chest plate." he admitted. "and even then they'd have to raise Taxes to get it." he admitted, shaking his head. "considering Titanium, pure Titanium is over 30$ a pound and the soup is... uh,... let's see.... the original was 1500 pounds so that's..." he paused and did math in his head. "a minimum of 45,000 dollars. but that's not including the electronics which would cost, at minimum another thirty thousand. not to mention the AI system that has to come with the suit in order to run the machine which is another... let's see Tony said it cost sixteen hundred to build Jarvis originally and since prices have gone up that's probably been doubled." he admitted. "all in all just the Titanium alone would be too much for them to afford, let alone all the time, work, and everything else they'd have to buy." he admitted with a snort. "and i've no doubt Tony would shoot himself in the head rather than let them make him build weapons again." he admitted with a sigh. "you know what? i think i'll write up a full on expense report, not only for building an Iron man Suit but for maintaining it as well." he admitted. "that'll get them off Tony's ass."

Clint mumbled unhappily and shoved Tony off the couch before snuggling up into his blankets again, refusing to be awoken when he was finally having a nightmare free sleep.
Kate laughed a little at that. “Tony’s one of the few people in the world would can afford to be iron man without going broke. And not only that, but make multiple suits as he develops better tech and ideas for it. And even if someone was willing to pay to put a AI in it, it wouldn’t be as good. We both know no matter what he told anyone, he’d never be able to build another jarvis. He’s had jarvis for 15 years, he’s a learning AI. What jarvis has learned, what he’s figured out, can’t be replicated simply by building another, even if Tony would be willing to try.”Kate snickered a little, knowing tony had built jarvis to have a friend when at 15 he’d gone to college, and nearly drowned himself in alcohol and girls....jarvis had been the only true friend he’d had until he’d met rhodey and johnny storm. “Hm, you should. Ask tony to do it. You two can have a project to work on.” “Ask tony what?”Tony asked as he shuffled into the room and headed for the kitchen to get himself some coffee, pausing to stare at the tv screen. “...there’s a naked captain on the screen...why is there a naked captain?”He said sounding sleepy, having not drank enough coffee to truly wake up as he stared at the tv playing ‘what’s your number?’
he chuckled a little and nodded. "i'm not sure he could afford the Iron Man suits if he had to build one from scratch." he pointed out. "he already had Jarvis and most of the tech he dismantled from other things." he pointed out. "he did all his own work too so really all he needed was to buy the raw materials and since he's a fluent blacksmith and a genius he could make his own Alloys too, greatly reducing the price. but we won't tell the government that." he admitted with a chuckle. "i'm not sure how A.I's really work, but Jarvis is pretty brilliant." he admitted. "he wigged me out a bit at first of course, i mean... i've read George Orwell..." he admitted, shaking his head. "Big Brother is watching me." he mumbled dryly before chuckling a little. "he's pretty awesome now that i'm used to him." he admitted before smirking at Tony. "a project to get the military off your ass about Iron Man." he admitted before blinking at th screen, startled. "oh. my god... it is a naked me, how did i not notice that!? looks like your not the only one with a look alike twin.... is that Johnny Storm i wonder?" he asked, picking up the case and examining it. "hmmm, some guy named Chris Evans... god that's creepy...." Steve admitted with a shake of his head. "want some Pizza rolls Tony?" he asked, he wasn't about to take his broken heart out on Tony, and maybe there was a chance. after all, Clint was in love with Kate, and if KAte did settle down with Matt, maybe Clint and Tony would be open to a threesome?
“Well, that’s true. And he does cannibalize previous suits to make a new one...and no, we’re never telling the goverment that, otherwise they’ll want to hire tony to build the suits and not do any of his other projects.”Kate smiled a little before smiling. “Jarvis learns, the more things that happen, and he has to deal with, he remembers and learns....much like a child learning how to be a adult.”She said before laughing. “Big brother-and tony- are watching.”She snorted amused. “...I’m open to anything that gets them to leave me alone. They’re cutting into my inventing time.”Tony huffed before snickering a little. “It is a naked you.” “...I didn’t notice either. And maybe?”Kate said, having been listening to the video, even if she couldn’t see it, she’d seen the movie before, and not remembered the similarities. “Everyone has their dopplegangers then. You should send him a signed picture or something.”Tony snickered a little. “Yes.Thanks.”Tony grinned as he snagged a pizza roll.
he chuckled and nodded. "yes, and personally i'd rather he continue working on those nano thingies that are supposed to help cure cancer." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "really? i mean i knew he was smart but i didn't realize he actually learned..." he admitted, his head tilted. "so, what's the difference between him and us then? i mean, if you think about it, the only thing that's different is that we have a physical body right? but i guess so does he, considering the entire tower is kind of him.... oh my god we're living inside of someone." yep, Steve had freaked himself out. "i'll tell you about it later." Steve promised with a grin. "it'll involve a lot of math, i'll do most of the work for you, i just need some facts and figures from you." he admitted. "i bet it's Johnny storm pretending to be some guy named Chris Evans. he's narcissistic enough." Steve admitted with exasperation. he and Johnny didn't get along too well. "....i should send him a signed picture." he agreed with a smirk. "hows Clint?" he asked Tony, a bit worried about the Archer.
“Me to. Which is why shield’s been jamming up the senate over it as much as we can, and simply letting tony be well, tony, and fucking with them. But until a real decision is reached over it, there’s not much we can do to stop them from bothering him about it.”Kate said sighing quietly. “He’s only this smart because he’s gotten to watch one of the leading geniuses of the 21st century grow up. Watching tony learn had to be a true wonder.”Kate snickered a little before whining a little.”Steve!STeve that’s weird and a horrible thing to think and I have no idea what to say to that and....”kate to, looked a little freaked out at the idea. “Kay.”Tony shrugged not overly bothered by the idea of waiting, laughing a little. “I wouldn’t be surprised. I should call and ask Johnny....”Tony snickered a little, rolling his eyes as he remembered the two didn’t get along. “He’s sleeping and doing well.”Tony said blushing a little as he got his coffee, fidgetting and upset, but trying not to show it. Trying to decide if this was how his life was going to be now, simple conversations about work and everyday things with steve.
he nodded. "well they've been doing an okay job i guess." Steve muttered, wrinkling his nose. "we just have to do a better one." he admitted with a smile. "actually i think Jarvis might be smarter than Tony." he admitted with a grin. "but yeah, i bet watching Tony grow up was just as amazing as it was heart breaking." Steve admitted before shrugging at her. "sorry but i couldn't help it!" he complained, pouting a little before focusing on Tony. "you know, you should call Johnny." Steve agreed. "ask him if he's really that narcissistic." he ordered with a grin before nodding. "god. he was... he was straddling a shaking edge there for a moment i think." he admitted with a shake of his head before blinking at Tony. "Tones? are you okay?" he asked, realizing the other was fidgety. " you want to watch the movie with us? we have snuggles?" he offered.
“We will. We’ll protect tony.”Kate smiled a little before snickering. “Well, he might be. Jarvis doesn’t nearly explode something every other week.”She snickered a little before smiling sadly “Probably.”she muttered before shuddering at the idea of being in someone’s body. “I will.”tony grinned a little before nodding. “I know....he’s okay for now.”Tony muttered frowning slightly, biting his lip.”I’m fine.”he muttered before looking at the two, nodding a little. “Yes. Snuggles and movies...”Tony said as he crossed the room to settle on the couch, fidgety still but wanting to be with them....well. Him. Tilting his head a little before smirking, “Jarvis, pause the movie. I’m calling Johnny.”He said smirking as jarvis called teh firestarter, grinning. “Storm!I’m watching a movie here, with someone who acts disturbingly like you, naked and whorish and all, and wanted to know if you’d picked up acting in your spare time, you narcissist.”
he chuckled a little and nodded. "that's right, Jarvis is much more restrained." he admitted with a nod. "well. as long as he's okay." Steve agreed with a sigh and a shake of his head. "i was a bit worried there for a while." he admitted. "your never fine." Steve huffed before smiling a little as Tony snuggled in between the two of them. Steve looped his arm around Tony's shoulders, same as he always did when they snuggled on the couch. "Hey Tony!" Johnny chirped as he answered. "a movie? well no, i've never been in a movie." Johnny admitted. "do you think i aught to be?" he asked, sounding very amused. "hold on a sec Tony." Johnny ordered when Sue screamed at him to stop feeding his Ego and FOCUS. "i am focusing! look! i just took out twenty bad guys! they're not even that bad! jeez." he complained before focusing on Tony. "sorry. in the middle of fighting. you know how Sue gets. so, you think i should be in movies?"
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