love is blind (moon/lady)

"no one listens to you." Clint remarked simply, making Matt chuckle and shake his head. "...what the hell?" that was Steve's voice. "let me through please. thank you." Steve said as the crowd parted for him. the good captain looked very baffled. hours had passed and there was still a massive line. everyone had to pay five dollars for the autograph, according to the sign Phil had hung at the door. there where tables full of merchandise they could have signed as well that Phil had run out to get. "...." Steve looked even more baffled as a three year old bought a Iron Man mask and had Tony sign it, beaming at him. " what is this?" Steve finally asked, looking amused now.
Tony snickered a little at the sound of steves voice, even the baffled confusion in the man's voice could make him smile. Smirking as he signed the mask he smiled as he helped the kid put it on before looking up at steve."doing my civic duty in helping the blind. Kate needed a crowd, so we made a crowd." "No wonder no one believes you. You've given 3 different answers anytime anyone asks you that."kate snickered
Steve snorted. "Tony never has just one reason for anything." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "you have fun, i need a shower. Elissa puked all over me, the poor girl." he admitted. "she was so upset." he admitted, looking more amused than upset that he'd been vomited on. "what do you guys want for Dinner?"
"It's never fun just having one reason for doing stuff."Tony said smiling a little before wincing."go ahead. We'll be up when this crowds done."Tony said making a signal at phil to end letting people in for the day,his stomach growling."lasagna."the billionaire said smiling up at the captain."but don't cook I'll order in. You should just relax."Tony said fussing over steve as much as he fussed over clint
Steve chuckled. "makes covering your ass easier too." he teased Tony, dropping a kiss on the top of the man's head before doing the same to Kate and then, astonishingly, the Archer. who looked so gobsmacked it was hilarious. "alright." Steve agreed, beaming at Tony before heading up to get cleaned up. "...did that happen?" Clint asked, looking baffled, rubbing the top of his head. "that happened right?"

(Phil was supposed to be Pepper. >< because Phil is dead XDD)
“That to.”Tony snickered a little, jumping slightly at the kiss, tilting his head as he looked up at blond as he watched him go, looking slightly baffled. Despite it being how steve usually treated him, he kept expecting anger “...Yea. That did.”Tony said looking confused. “...What happened?Clint?”Kate said looking concerned as the crowd started to thin and leave.

(oops XDD)
Steve bit back the urge to start laughing. Tony and Clint where so cute when they where confused. "he kissed me on the top of the head like he always does for Tony and you..." he admitted, sounding even more baffled. Steve had explained it to Tony once, that he had always kissed the top of his mothers head before he left. because she was always so sick he never knew when the last time he'd see her was. after being frozen and loosing everyone he loved, it left him feeling skittish, so he kissed Tony on the top of the head, just in case they never got to see each other again. in case Tony died, or Steve did. it was something he did to show Tony how much Tony mattered to him. he did it to Natasha from time to time too, he'd done it to Kate from day one, and now he was doing it to Clint. it made the archer feel... very warm inside.
"Ah. You sound baffled."kate laughed a little before nudging him."come on, let's go order for so by the time it gets here steve'll be out of the shower."kate said getting up carefully to avoid running into anything as she headed for the elevator with matt."she's doing good."tony said with a pleased smile as he watched her, absently holding clint's hand as he headed after them. While he knew cling would probably leave him for kate sometime,for the moment he was enjoying having a new romance in his life.
"i am, a bit..." Clint admitted, Pepper sighing as she walked in. "they where not happy being told that the time was over." she admitted, looking hassled. "i told them that you'll be doing this again next Saturday." she informed Tony, giving him a look. "and you will do it, or i'll make you." with that she sniffed and went to go gather her bearings, Clint chuckling. "that poor woman." he admitted, smiling as he held hands with Tony. "you have a meeting tomorrow don't you?" he asked Tony. "shouldn't you be sleeping?" he asked, amused.
“I’m sorry, pep. But it’s dinner, and the captain should have company for dinner.”Tony smiled a little, whining quietly at pepper’s words before nodding.”Fine.Saturday it is then.”he made a face, because he might be willing to fight her over things, but really, he enjoyed this, so despite not enjoying adults mostly, he’d do it cause he knew the kids loved it. “She is fairly poor. I’ll have to do something for her.”He huffed before whining, “....I might. Maybe.And no, I want to eat, then I have a few things to do in the lab before going to bed.”
Pepper snorted. "maybe next time you should tell me what your doing ahead of time." she huffed, even if she did offer him a small smile. "isn't she almost as rich as you are?" Clint asked, looking amused. "just buy her a new pair of pumps, and a dress to match and she'll forgive you." he teased before rolling his eyes. "eating and then straight to bed Tony." Clint ordered. "we both know you won't sleep at all if you have to go to the labs." he pointed out.
"I would, if I'd been planning it for longer then 10 minutes!"Tony whined a little, "I had to make sure the captain would forgive me for making him walk in on sex. so donating was a good thing."Tony huffed making a face before smiling slightly. "Well, I should do that."Tony said pleased with the plan, before frowning. "No. I have work to do. important things!" "Tony, you're just working on the stuff you're making for me. Don't worry about it."Kate said smiling slightly as she settled the food on the table.
Pepper huffed. "i should smack you." she complained, sulking that he was being impulsive again, shaking her head. "does Steve even know what your doing?" "nope." Clint admitted with a grin. "...sort of defeats the purpose then, doesn't it Tony?" she asked, raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow at him. "he's just making excuses Kate. he wants to stay up all night so he can claim he was working all night when they call him out for not paying attention."
“If you’re going to hit me, it better be a spanking. I enjoy spanking.”Tony said smirking, waggling his eyebrows at his ex girlfriend, smirking a little. “Noooo it doesn’t. He came in, smiled, and kissed my head. I don’t think he’s mad anymore.”Tony said sounding pleased with himself. “Bad tony. You have to pay attention.”Kate scolded lightly. “Well, how about you go to the meeting for me, and I’ll stay here and make things. They like me in the lab more then in the meeting room, I’m not nearly as distracted then.”
Pepper snorted and shook her head. "i am not spanking you, get Clint to do it." "sure. i can spank you." he agreed with a grin. "Tony i don't think he was ever mad." Clint admitted, looking amused. "i think you just thought he should be." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before blinking at Tony. "actually. he has a good point. why doesn't he assign a CEO?" Clint asked. "Pepper would make a great Boss for Stark Industries."
“Awesome.”Tony grinned smirking at clint, wincing a little as he stared at the floor for a long moment. “...Even though he doesn’t like me like you think he does, walking in on me having sex ruins everyone’s mood. Making it up to him was the least I could do.”Tony grumbled. Kate rolled her eyes finding the billionaire’s delusions amusing, even if it made him want to smack him sometimes. “Can’t. They’ll give her even more problems then they give me. After that week she did it while I was dying, she quit and refuses to be CEO again. So she’s just....helping me do it.”
Clint snorted a little. "Tony. i think your overreacting." he admitted. "everyone in the entire Tower, workers included, have all walked in on you sleeping and no one but you ever cares." he pointed out. "now stop it before i smack you." he ordered, giving Tony a gentle kiss to negate any hard feelings. "....okay then we have to appoint someone new as CEO." Clint mused. "i can't do it, not learned enough. Bruce could do it, maybe? no? uh,....Kate! you wanna be a CEO?"
“....Well. I do care.”Tony whined a little, frowning. Because it was true, despite the utter wildness of his life, of living in the public eye, as he’d gotten older the man had retreated into what little privacy he could have, usually becoming very upset when his sex life was seen by others, simply because few things were his only anymore. Kissing the other back he made a face.”No smacking.”He grumbled. “Yes you do. And it’s not like whoever it is wont have help, it’s just I haven’t found someone I like for the position.” “What?I can’t.”Kate said looking upset. “Why not?”Tony said looking interested, because the agent would be good at it, from everything he’d seen. And while she’d been a field agent, he had read her file, she made a excellent handler, coming in a close second to Coulson for sheer number of agents wanting to work with her. “If you haven’t noticed, I’m blind. And a little blunt, and abrasive. Your board wont be happy with it.” “My board’s already unhappy, and you can’t be any more blunt or abrasive then I am to them. Besides, you’ve got help. I mean, pepper’ll help, I’ll be around, you have your own lawyer if you don’t want to use SI’s lawyer. You get a pretty kick ass office...and jarvis can help you do anything you need.”Tony said warming up to the idea, snickering quietly at the startled and overwhelmed look on the woman's face
Clint smiled a little at Tony. "i know." he admitted. "good thing i'm not into exhibitionism then isn't it?" he asked with a smile. "oh, so you don't want that spanking?" he asked with an impish grin. "of course you can Kate. in fact you'd be perfect for the position." Clint admitted, well aware that soon enough she wouldn't need him at all anymore. she was picking up everything so fast, almost instinctual. even the Braille. "your smart, you won't put up with their crap and you'll be able to keep them in line. you have all the schooling you need for the position and your already extremely used to running a business like operation with the hoards of people you where handling." he admitted. "think about it at the very least." he suggested. they both knew she'd never be a shield agent again, being deaf was one thing, being blind was a liability they couldn't risk.
“Very. Otherwise you’d be having a very lonely time with that.”Tony snickered a little before flushing a little, squirming.”Well...maybe.Later.”Tony said laughing a little. “Really?”Kate frowned thinking it over. “Really. Seriously, you’d be good at it.”Tony said watching her, wincing at the look on her face. Knowing that she couldn’t go back was one thing, accepting that she’d never be a agent again was another. “...I’ll think about it.”She swallowed hard, sad and hurting as she stood, stretching. “I better get some sleep. Goodnight guys.”She muttered biting her lip as she headed for her rooms. "Should we worry?"Tony muttered looking after the depressed woman, looking worried for her.
"very lonely." Clint admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "you would make a very good CEO, you have the disposition, the training, the background and even the personality and attitude for it." Clint admitted before smiling. "goodnight Kate." he chirped, Matt echoing Clint. "do you want me to walk you upstairs?" Matt asked, not because he didn't think she could do it, but because he didn't want to leave her company so soon. "no. this is normal." Clint admitted with a sigh. "she's finally coming to terms with what happened and how it's changed her life. until now, part of her hoped she could go back to being am Agent even if she knew she would never be able to go back. she's just... coming to an understanding of sorts." he admitted, shaking his head.
"I said I'll think about it."kate snapped a little at the archer scowling slightly. Tilting her head at matt’s question before nodding."if you would like."she smiled at him holding the elevator to let him catch up. "Ah...she's realized really that she's never going to have her life again...damn."Tony sighed shaking his head as he studied cljnt."how are you?"he said wondering if he could keep the other talking enough that he wouldn't notice tony slipping off to the lab
Clint flinched and took a step back, hiding from her behind Tony, wondering why it felt as if she'd just clawed through his chest with that cutting remark. he'd only been trying to help.... "excellent." Matt said, wondering if maybe he shouldn't ask her if she was okay? she'd been unusually... vicious just a second ago. no. no need to upset her further. "i'm fine." Clint said a little too quickly. "i think i'm not hugry. i'm going to go lay down." Clint decided, heading off for his nest.
"..don't look at me like that. I know I was mean to him when he was just trying to help."kate said tilting her head towards Matt with a tired hurt sigh. Having lashed out before she'd thought better of it,for once her emotions getting the better of her. Shewas usually in control, but it seemed with Clint barton there was no such thing as control.

"'re the one who said she'd lash out as she felt comfortable with us. She just realized she'd lost everything for ever. While it was mean, you're a tough guy. You can put up with one bitch."tony said watching him leave having every intention of needling him some to make sure he was really okay, his response was what tony would do. Either he could sneak down to the lab or call it a day and cuddle up to the archer for the night
Matt chuckled a little. "he understands. he'll be a bit hurt but he knows what it's like to lose everything." Matt admitted. "it's only natural for your emotions to get the better of you." he admitted. "even i have my bad days." he admitted. "will you be alright on your own?" he asked, wondering how bad she was, emotionally that was.

Clint nodded a little before snorting. "don't call her a bitch Tony, that's not nice." he complained even if he looked amused. "i'm fine. i'm just... it's a bad day." he admitted. "everything hurts..." he admitted softly. "i saw Supernanny on the TV this morning and i..." he shook his head. "i just need more sleep. that's all." he assured Tony before heading for his room instead of his nest. if Tony was going to be working in the labs then Clint wanted the peace and quiet of his bedroom.
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