love is blind (moon/lady)

Kate huffed making a face even as phil smiled a little. “I don’t care. Don’t call me fat.”She grumbled. “Huh. Indeed that is quite funny.”Phil snickered a little before rolling his eyes. “You’re still getting punished.”He agreed before smiling as he kissed loki back. “Okay. Take your time, make sure she’s okay.”He said before looking nervous, nodding. “I trust you. You know that, it’ll be fine.”He smiled kissing him again before laughing. “Go.”he said waving them away. “It was only a few contractions, they haven’t gotten to close together.”Kate whined a little as she let him hustling her out of the room.
Loki chuckled. "of course." he agreed, more than willing to do as she ordered. she could certainly hurt him if she wanted to. she'd done it, he wasn't about to push her when she'd already made her point clear many, many months ago. "i'm glad." he purred, smiling at Phil. "i'm pretty sure you'll have a nice creative punishment for me." he agreed. "i will. i'll be back as soon as she's in capable hands." Loki promised. "i have the room set up and ready for us." he admitted. "be prepared to bleed Phil." Loki warned, looking worried before hustling Kate to the doctor. "you where supposed to tell Dr. Hartman the second they started!" Loki chastised. "you know he was worried about the birth happening too fast!" he complained, getting her settled in the med labs where Dr. Hartman was waiting. "indeed. even if your contractions haven't been close together, once your water breaks you could have as little as an hour before the baby is born. though it's not usually that fast." Hartman admitted, washing his hands so he could be ready to deliver the baby while Loki headed back to Phil to get ready for their own procedure.

Loki gathered Phil and headed up to the large empty bedroom. Loki had given Phil a basic rundown, so the man knew to never, ever step on the lines that Loki had literally burned into the floor and then coated in various herbal pastes. on a single table there was a dagger made out of some blood red stone and what looked like silver for a handle. with a sharp movement Loki drew a line across Phil's hand and made him bleed into a cup that had various colored powders in it. a swift stir and the blood became as thin as ink that Loki pulled into a Fountain pen and handed to Phil. "Write your full name." he instructed, indicating the blank space. Loki had meticulously trained Phil in how to write his full name in the proper runic formation. once he was sure Phil had written his name perfectly he urged the man into the middle of the diagram, following him in and made him stand, legs at a V and arms straight out palms facing the floor. with that, Loki began to very carefully carve runes into Phis flesh. not deep, just deep enough to draw tiny dots of blood, like a paper cut. Loki was swift, but perfect in his applications and then he removed himself from the circle and cast the spell, pouring his magic into the circle. it would feel as if fill was full of writhing snakes as his blood pooled out of him and slid back in through various runes. it hurt, but not as bad as one would have expected. mostly, it was the constant burning of the runes etched into his body. it took little time, from start to finish, the entire process had taken only ten minutes. there was a thick pile of black sludge on the ground, and bright splashes of phil's red blood all over, but it was done. Phil, unconscious from the effect of having all his blood removed and then put back in. unconscious from his heart being stopped, and then restarted.
“Kate sighed softly, ducking her head. “I know. I’m sorry...”she muttered rubbing a hand over her stomach. “I’d just wanted to check on phil...”she sighed quietly, tilting her head at the doctor as she settled into the bed, “Where’s the boys?”she said looking worried that they weren’t there yet, knowing jarvis had probably told them.

Phil looked nervous and fidgety as he followed the other, swallowing thickly as he ooked at the runes, before carefully drawing his name. Closing his eyes for a moment as he tried to be calm. Whimpering quietly at the feel of loki cutting into his skin, even if it wasn’t deep, it still hurt. Swallowing thickly as he felt the magic starting, eyes widening as he felt the blood leaving quickly, it hurt. Not as much as he thought, but it did. Gasping quietly as he fell, out cold. And it was only a few minutes later that the man woke, blinking stupidly as he tried to figure out what was going on, trying to rememeber what was happening. feeling disoriented and lost
he nodded. "i know." he admitted with a smile. "but you have to think about your own health and safety too you know." Dr. Hartman admitted. "they're on their way up." he admitted. "Grant was trying to calm down and Clint took him for an ice-cream." ice-cream always made Grant feel better. "they got you one too before you pout." Hartman promised her with a chuckle. and indeed they where there in seconds, three cones clutched in their hands, one chocolate, one vanilla and Clint's ever consistent swirl. Clint never got anything else, and Grant couldn't stand the idea of the two kinds of ice-creams touching, so he got a chocolate and a vanilla and let Kate choose which one she wanted.

Loki watched Phil closely, worried about anything that might go wrong. he was unable to catch the other himself, but his magic cushioned Phil so he wouldn't hit the ground too hard. he was holding the other tight when he woke up, stroking his hair and murmuring reassurances. "it's okay Phil. i'm here. it's all done." Phil wouldn't even be stiff, since the magic swept trough him and healed all the injuries caused by the procedure. "ho are you feeling?"
“I know.”Kate sighed softly blushing a little at being scolded, before smiling, starting to pout at the idea they’d gone without her to get ice cream. “Good. He needs to feel better.”She sulked a little until she saw the boys, smiling happily as she took the chocolate, wincing a little as she felt the contractions settling in as she focused on enjoying her ice cream.

Phil blinked slowly as he woke, swallowing thickly before focusing on the other. A slight frown crossing his features before focusing on his mouth. Hearing him, was obvious he was watching the other talk to. And it would only take someone knowing clint, to be aware of what he was doing. Because he was partially deaf. “...I think I’m glad the only problem I seem to be having is I can’t hear well...and I’m tired....”he sighed softly.
Hartman smiled a little at her. "yes. the Ice-cream will calm him a great deal i think." he admitted before watching her, timing the contractions that she could no longer hide. Grant settled in the corner so he wouldn't get in the way and slowly savored every lick. Clint had nearly gone and slaughtered someone when, three months ago, they'd gotten Grant an ice-cream cone for the first time and he'd asked what it was. since then, Grant savored every little drop.

Loki blinked t him and then, in a louder voice. "is that the only thing? no blurry vision? no sharp pains?" he asked, carefully scanning Phil for anything else. heart was strong, internal organs strong, if there was anything wrong, it wasn't internal. well,a side from the healing loss and anything else Loki hadn't scanned for yet.
“Good.”Kate winced a little, sighing quietly as she watched the doctor as the contractions started to grow closer together, glancing at grant with a small smile. “so, are you two ready for...this?”She winced a little as she finished her ice cream, swallowing thickly, it was starting to hurt now, wincing as she felt her water broke.

“Yes. It’s the only thing.”he said sitting up slowly, shaking his head. “No blurry vision, no pain. I’m just tired, and not hearing well.”He said careful to make sure he wasn’t hurting, “It...feels weird, to not need to draw or feel obsessive, but for the moment, I’m okay.”
"ah. no..." Grant admitted, looking utterly terrified at the idea of being trusted with a baby, or even being in the same room as a woman in labor. "yes." Clint admitted with a smile. "we're ready. we all went to classes and read the books and everything we needed to know." he assured her. "we even practiced with real babies. we'll be fine." he promised her, Hartman there as soon as her water broke. "here we go boys and lady." he chirped. Grant promptly passing out, the doctor sighing. "...alright hold on..." "i got him." Clint promised with a chuckle, arranging Grant on the opposite bed.

Loki sighed, looking so relieved you could almost feel him thanking his gods. "okay. let's get you to bed." Loki agreed, scooping the other into his arms and with a sweep of his arm, the black goo was gone and the circle was pulling up off of the floor, leaving nothing but blood behind. then they where in Loki's room and he was carefully tucking Phil in.
“Well, you’re about to be.”Kate said with a small teasing smile, before looking at clint in pained amusement. Not because she thought they weren’t ready, but it was tarting to hurt. “Good. We’ll be fine.”She said reassuring herself before yelping, wincing.”Grant?”She looked worried craning her neck to look at him, laughing quietly. “Poor guy.”She snickered holding out a hand. “Come here.”She said wiggling her fingers at clint, wanting to hold on.

“Yes. Let’s.”The man said tiredly, resting his head on the godling’s shoulder, sighing quietly as he was settled into bed, closing his eyes.”Go check on KAte and the boys. She needs you more then I do...I’m just going to go to sleep...”
Clint chuckled a little, Grant was really very cute. "we will be fine. he's okay." Clint promised. "he just got too worked up again." he admitted, carefully arranging Grant on the bed before smiling and holding her hand. "will i get in trouble if i tease him for passing out do you think?" he asked with a smile.

"she doesn't need me right now. i'm there for emergencies but a birth is something only the fathers should be there for. i won't get involved unless i have to. she won't appreciate a crowd, she barely tolerates poor Hartman as it is. sleep, i will go to her if i'm needed and not a second before."
“Poor guy.”Kate sighed softly, turning her head a little, tugging him closer, knowing he’d know what she wanted. Even though she’d grown used to being blind in the last two years, the woman still relied on touch, needing to reassure herself. Resting her head against his shoulder as he moved closer, she winced a little as the contractions grew closer. “Definitely, but it’d be worth it.”she smiled a little, holding onto him, before focusing on hartman and what he wanted her to do, wincing a little at the squalling sound of the babe as it came into the world. “Boy or girl?”She questioned, having wanted to be surprised.

“Well...that’s true.”Phil sighed softly, closing his eyes, simply tugging the other down next to him, before falling asleep.
he snickered a little. "we knew it would happen though, the way he's been upset." Grant didn't pass out very often, but when things got to be entirely too much emotion for him, his body shut down in what was commonly known as fainting, despite his protests to the name. "it would be worth it!" he agreed with a grin. "it's a little boy." Hartman informed them, cleaning the baby up gently and smiling at them. "perfectly healthy in every way. "whose screaming?!" Grant gasped, jerking away at a second lungful of baby screams. "oh...." he stared at the baby, wide eyed ad amazed, stunned that he'd missed the whole thing and there was a tiny baby right there....
Kate laughed a little, nodding. “I know, it’s still worrying though.”She said before sighing quietly, nodding. “It would be.”She agreed before relaxing, smiling softly. “A boy. A little boy.”Kate said sounding in amazement, before wincing, yelping a little as grant jerked, “The baby. Your son. Peter Alexander Ward.”She smiled, closing her eyes, utterly content as the doctor settled the baby in her arms, smiling quietly/.
Grant blinked and then shook his head. "Barton. Peter Alexander Barton." Grant corrected. "Ward is a bad name." he admitted. "i don't want anyone looking at the perfect little boy and thinking bad things because he has the same last name as people like me or my parents." he admitted, staring, transfixed at the sight of the baby. "is...." Grant hesitated and then. "can i be the uncle?" "what are you talking about? your the father of course." Clint scoffed. "a baby can have a mother and two fathers if we want and no one will say a word or we'll break their face." "oh...." he looked confused for a moment before beaming at them, realizing they where okay with him being a father.
“Well then. Barton. Though if he goes for shield training someday, he’s going to terrify everyone who’s had to work with the older barton.”Kate teased smiling at clint, before making a face. “No you can’t.Your a father.”she said smiling, reaching out to touch grant’s shoulder, tugging him closer, “Hold him.”She said softly, passing peter over to him with a smile. Grinning really. From the moment clint had pulled her out of that deprivation tank, every moment, had led to this one. And that this was amazing. Perfect.

The end.
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