love is blind (moon/lady)

“It does, but at least he’s not hurting right now.”Kate sighed a little before nodding, “we’ll sit iwth him for awhile if that’s okay?I mean, he might be calmer if I’m there...less threat to him. Both because he’s used to me, and I’m pregnant. Might see me as less dangerous.”Kate said smiling softly as they got him up “Well, you need to.”She said sighing quietly”It’ll steady soon. You’ll be okay.”Kate soothed as the other tried to walk, gently helping him before settling him on the bed, snickering. “We’ll see. I’m sure clint will want to, tomorrow.”she teased gently petting grant’s hair.
Bruce nodded. "that is true." he agreed with a chuckle before nodding. "we'll set up a rotation." he offered. "so you don't have to stay up with him all night. the effects should last until morning." he admitted. "at that point i'll have to decide if he needs another dose." he admitted. "i want someone whose able to restrain him if he gets violent." "doesn't Tony's bracelets take care of that?" he asked, examining the glittering circles around the assassins wrists. "okay." Grant agreed, compliant and calm under the effects of the drugs for now. Grant was completely unable to walk in a straight line. staggering from side to side even with the hands helping him. he settled into the bed, muttering about how he wanted the world to stop so he could get off. "you want me to stay?" Clint asked her, examining Grant. "i'm not sure he'll be safe, but i don't think he'll hurt you." he admitted.
“Thanks. That would be good.”Kate said smiling a little before sighing, nodding slightly. “They do.” “They should, but there’s always a chance of tech or magic failing, and I’d rather have someone in the room, just in case.”Tony said as he walked in, having ventured down for his own science reasons to get bruce’s upset. Amused as he watched them leave. “You can’t get off the world, grant.”Kate soothed smiling a little before looking up at clint, nodding slightly. “He probably wont, but stay. Just in case. I trust him, but he doesn’t trust himself.”She pointed out, remembering what the other had said about getting the order to kill them.
Clint nodded. "and we can't be sure Loki's magic will respond if he attacks himself, right?" he guessed, Bruce looking up at Tony with a smile. "what's up Tony?" he asked the man, washing his hands while the others left.

"i wanna get off the world, i don't like the spinny rides." Grant protested. Clint chuckled a little at that. "alright." he agreed with a smile. "i'll have Loki bring us some books or something." he agreed, well aware Jarvis would ask Loki for anything they wanted. "i think i want to read some more Star Wars." he admitted. "how about you?" he asked her, Grant already sleeping on the bed, not bothered in the least by the people in his space.
“Right. It’d protect us, but it might not work if he tries to hurt himself.”Tony said smiling a little before settling into a chair, fidgeting and nervous. “I need help. I want to make something for steve, but I don’t know if he’ll like it or not.”He fidgeted and nervous, definitely up to something.

“Well, it’ll stop spinning soon.”Kate promised a little stroking his hair, before nodding. “That would be great....and read star wars outloud if you don’t mind.”She blushed a little. “I’ve missed having you read to me.”
Bruce blinked, a little surprised before he grinned. "what do you have in mind?" he asked, knowing Steve would love anything from Tony, even if he didn't know what it was.

"sure... he didn't do that for you?" Grant could barely read at all, let alone read aloud. oh he had no problems reading, not really, but he was a very slow reader because of his stunted education. the only reason he could read the legalese he was constantly around was because Garret had spent long months teaching Garret meticulously. regular books where a lot harder for Grant to read, he admitted to her once that he thought he might have Dyslexia. still, he did read, and often and enjoyed it. it was just that when he tried to read aloud he couldn't focus enough on the words and everything turned into jumbled gibberish. he had tried, for her, lord had he tried, but he just couldn't manage it. so they'd compromised and listened to audiotapes together, but it wasn't the same. "thanks Loki." Clint chirped when a few books landed in his lap, appearing from nowhere. "alright where where we?" he hadn't touched a book since she'd vanished. "Korsin climbed into a hallway and began rummaging through cabinets, looking for something that would help those down below. unfortunately, Omen had been outfitted for a deep-space mission. Sith provisioners where sparing. no portable generators at all. another compartment. clothes. that would help tonight, but they wouldn't be staying." Clint read with a smile.
“A collar. And a ring.”He twitched staring down, biting his lip. “I...I...”He stuttered to a stop, fidgeting because he knew no one knew he had it, and it was scarring to him, but he still had it. “....I have the suit that got me out of afghanistan...I was...thinking about melting it down...reforging it into a ring...with vibrianium to give it strength, it to soon to give him a ring and collar?”ah, so it wasn’t so much that he was fretting over what to get, but more about the relationship side of things, that admittedly wasn’t his strong suit.

“Not...he tried. But he’s both dyslexic and a slower reader. Things he reads all the time, like shield regs, or laws, those he’s memorized so he can read it faster, but pleasure reading is harder for him...he can read. He enjoys it, but he’s had enough patient teachers to be able to read outloud well....we’ve been working on it, but a lifetime of problems, isn’t going to be fixed in a few months.”She sighed smiling happily as she snuggled down into grant, tugging clint down next to her, snuggling close to listen to clint.
Bruce blinked a little. "a collar? like BDSM? i didn't realize he was the submissive..." he admitted, looking honestly surprised before smirking. "that's perfect Tony." he agreed. "it's a memory he'll appreciate, from something that means a hell of a lot to you. before you ask no, i don't think it's too soon." he admitted. "now, what kind of design where you thinking of for the Collar? i don't think making it completely metal will work, it would chafe wouldn't it?" Bruce asked, frowning a little as he considered how to make the perfect gift for Steve. he'd do anything to make Tony happy after all.

he blinked a little and then nodded, that made sense. sort of. Clint had a hell of a time with the legal stuff, Phil had usually done all of that. "that's true, we'll keep working on it with him." he agreed. "everyone should be able to enjoy a good book." he admitted with a smile, reading aloud for her and mentally making a promise to read the both of them Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. he had a feeling the story would interest Grant, anything that could make that man feel a bit better was cause for celebration. he woke with a start to Bruce coming in, in the morning to check on Grant. Steve was reading a book in the corner, he had fallen asleep reading to Kate and she seamed to have fallen asleep to the story. Grant on the other hand was awake and was simply watching Kate sleep as if enthralled. "how are you feeling?" Bruce asked Grant, who had very heavy bruising under both eyes only half hidden by the brace. "i feel okay, still stings a bit but i don't think i need the painkillers today." "alright, but if you start feeling too poorly i need you to tell me." Bruce warned, Grant nodding. used to that order. enemies always went for the face, he'd had his nose broken so many times it was a wonder it still looked like a nose.
“Sort of. And he’s not. I was thinking I just needed a way to claim him, and well, a collar is a good thing in a battle, keeps some stupid idiot from cutting his throat.’Tony said squirming a little before relaxing, relieved. “Good.”He said relieved that the other understood it, and why he was asking. “No, it’ll have to have leather with it to.”Tony said smiling a little as he settled in to help bruce make the perfect thing.

“They should.”kate smiled at the other. Yawning when bruce came in she blinked slowly, tilting her head a little as she heard him, looking startled as she realized grant had been watching her sleep. “I’m betting this isn’t the first time his nose has been broken...”She smiled a little looking at him worriedly.”You sure? I mean, the painkillers?”She said worried about him.
he blinked a little and then nodded. "so why not make two collars?one for him and one for you? a matching set. you want it to be a somewhat public sort of claiming yes? what better than wearing matching collars? i know he'd be pretty tickled to know people could just look at you and know you where his." Bruce admitted with a smile. "okay so metal and leather." he agreed, helping Tony make the perfect collars. or rather, keeping him from doing too much. he did like Tony's idea of connecting them so that if one was in trouble the other would know. as well as a tracking chip so they could always find each other in case of kidnapping.

Bruce smiled a little, looking rather tired. he'd been up all night with Tony, and had been up all night the night before working on gene sequences. "five hundred and sixty six." Grant informed them. "that's how many times my nose has been broken, i kept count." he admitted. " is this thing still a nose?" "mild mutation." Grant admitted. "i can't heal faster, but it heals perfectly." he admitted. "sort of a lame mutant power, but better than some." he admitted with a smile. "considering how often my nose has had to be set, i think it's a good thing i don't have split second healing." he admitted. "yeah i'm sure. the pain is there but it's not so bad it will distract me."
“Oh.Oh I like that. Perfect.”Tony grinned happily smiling as he worked. And it was the next morning as he bounced into steve’s room, pouncing on the sleeping captain, landing on him like a overeager puppy, the sleepless night having left him manic. “steve!Wake up.”he demanded.

“You look like you need some sleep...”kate said looking more awake as she looked at bruce before wincing. “Damn. I think you have clint beat on how many times your nose is broken.”She snickered a little before looking relieved. “I’m glad you heal better. I’ll worry less about you then.”She smiled relaxing, listening to them.
Steve grunted when he was jumped on and blinked at the wall for a bit before wrapping an arm around Tony and yanked him down to the bed, snuggling into him with a sigh and going right back to sleep because he was a stubborn asshole in the mornings.

"i do. i've been up for about fifty hours." he admitted with a chuckle. "but it was so worth it." he admitted before smiling as he watched Grant, who seamed to have settled a bit more now that he'd been 'punished' whether it had been on purpose or not. "i probably do." "he does. mine's only been broken one hundred and eleven times." Clint admitted. though his showed it a bit more he had the option of having it surgically fixed every few years through Shield so he showed the effects much less than a civilian might. or even a professional boxer might. "you shouldn't worry about me at all." Grant complained, reaching down for the book in Clint's lap, since he was still asleep. "...Star Wars? he really is a nerd..."
“Tony growled, annoyed as he poked and prodded, trying to wake him up some, “’re supposed to wake up.”he whined with a smile, he so loved how stubborn his captain was about his sleep.

“After this, you’ll go to sleep.”Kate ordered sternly, with a slight smile. Kate sighed, “I like you. And you’re my child’s father. It sorta means I have every right to worry over you.”She huffed, smiling slightly, “He is. It’s adorable. He has a huge collection of star wars books.”
Steve growled at him and snuggled deeper into the blankets, trying to block out Tony's annoying-ness. "not 'sp'osed to." Steve slurred. "s too early Tony... 's not time for waking up yet." he whined, trying to snuggle away from Tony's pokes and prods. considering how little Steve could sleep, he valued those few short hours where he could rest. finally though, Tony won and Steve sat up, rubbing his eyes and sulking at Tony. "there had better be sex." he ordered, rather annoyed at being awoken for what he assumed was another tech mania.

Bruce nodded. "i intend to." he admitted with a smile before chuckling at Grants glare in her direction. "well... i hate you." he decided. "deflection doesn't work on KAte." Clint warned. "especially since she knows your lying. you won't be able to push her away as easily as that." Clint warned. "and i own all of the star wars, Tolkien, and C.S. Lewis books." he admitted with a smile. "i own everything by madeleine l'engle and everything by Tamora Pierce and Anne McCaffrey. i own al of the Harry Potter books and it's affiliated novellas and i own most of the classics, including, but not limited to, Alice in Wonderland, Water-ship Down, The Princess Brice, the Grapes of Wrath, of Mice and Men and others." "...nerd." "yup." "can i borrow the Princess Brice?" "sure."
“But steve, I have something for you.”Tony grumbled, annoyed at the other’s not getting up yet. Smiling happily as he squirmed closer, nuzzling into him as he nodded. “There will be. At least I hope so. It’d be nice.”He said nervous as he hugged the box containing the collars close to his chest, before poking him again, “Here. For you.”he said fidgeting.

“No you don’t.”Kate said rolling her eyes a little, shifting to get comfortable, before shaking her head. “You are such a nerd. But it’s okay. I love you for it.”She smiled leaning in to steal a kiss before laughing. “Have you seen the movie grant?”She asked, trying to find things he’d like, simply because she was trying to get him to fit in, relax here.
Steve groaned and whined at being constantly annoyed before nodding, pleased that there would be sex before blinking at the other. "...are you going to give it to me then or just keep hugging it?" he asked Tony, smiling before accepting the box and blinked at what was inside, his head cocked, looking very curious. he had been expecting more tech. instead he'd gotten, jewelry? "a necklace?" he asked, sounding very intrigued indeed, sliding it out of the box and examining it. he could see Bruce's touch on the designs, but most of it was Tony's. "how do you put it on?" there was no latch or lock, Bruce's idea. it had to be detached vocally and only then did the two pieces separate, it recognized only Tony and Steve's voices and you had to have the right code, otherwise it wasn't coming off and it was completely indestructible. Steve looked utterly fascinated with it, he knew it was more than just a pretty, Tony's gifts always where.

Grant huffed and turned away, lip barely poking out. Clint wouldn't notice but Kate knew he was sulking. not only did she know his facial movements but she could also tell using the magic senses that Loki had given her, int he colors that flashed across his 'aura' of sorts. it was how she knew he did love her, because when he told her his aura spiked with affection and love. and when he lied his aura spiked with guilt and shame. muted as they where. "yes i have." Grant admitted, finishing his sulking. "i actually got to protect Cary Elwes once for a Shield Mission. it was pretty awesome."
Tony whined a little."you can have it. Just nervous you won't like it."he muttered biting his lip as he handed the box over. Nodding slightly."a collar. Owning....matching collars."he fidget ed a little. Before smiling."voice command with 'spangled and iron' as the passcode. It'll only recognize those words,and us."he aid smiling slightly. Relaxing since steve wasn't freaking ou over it yet."it's indestructible. Made with vibrianium and..."he fidgeted."the dark streaks of metal..."he pointed cause it was a swirling color mix of bright vibrianium and dark iron,"are the original iron man suit....and it has a tracker so we'll always be able to find each other and if we get in trouble,it'll let the other know."

Kate smiled a little knowing he was sulking but knowing better then to try and convince him not to. He'd only get more stubborn about it. And it was quite amusing really cause she knew just what he was feeling."really?that's awesome. I'm jealous."
he smiled at Tony. "i like everything you give me." he admitted before blinking. "a collar?!" he asked, looking even more interested than before. "Tony, are you giving me sex toys?" he asked, eyes glittering playfully as he kissed the other a bit before examining the collar. "Spangled? Iron?" he asked the collar, grinning when it popped open, he wasn't sure which one had activated it but he didn't care much. he slid it on and felt it hook back into itself and stroked the leather. "oh man this is sweet." he mumbled. "what else does it do?" he asked, eyes dark with eager lust and delighted fascination. "did you really make this out of an old Iron Man suit? that's really romantic. i know how much those things mean to you, god i'm horny now can we have sex?" he asked hopefully, stroking the collar around his neck again. Tony would recognize the was Steve's 'i'm too horny to know what i want'. it was a moment where Steve wasn't sure if he wanted to dom or sub and was so trapped in the indecision that Tony had to decide.

"you should be jealous." he sniffed looking quite pleased with himself and very smug ad Clint had to hide his laughter behind his book. "well, come on then." Clint ordered. "i'm hungry, someone should be cooking by now." he admitted. Grant looked, for a moment, lonely before it was whisked away and was startled when Clint turned to look at him. "well? are you coming?" "...i don't think...." "ah! one? you don't make the rules around here. Steve does and Steve said it would be okay. two? you are never, ever going to convince us your dangerous." he informed him. "so. coming?" "uh... yes?" Grant guessed, looking baffled.
“Still makes me nervous to give it to you. Always afraid you wont.”He muttered before flushing brightly, “Yes. Everyone should know you’re mine. And even if it’s a sex toy, you’re mine.”Tony growled before nodding, “Spangled and iron will open yours. Mine’s ‘Tony’s always right’”Tony grinned as hi own collar snapped open, settling it on his own neck as he looked at the other. “Well, it’ll also keep anyone from trying to cut your throat in a fight, and it’s trackable. And it’ll give off....a proof of life....if we should ever be kidnapped, we’ll know the other’s still alive.”He squirmed a little before nodding, “I did. The original one. The one that got me out of that dark dingy cave in a desert.”Tony said before flushing as he nodded, pleased the the other still wanted him, leaning in for a kiss. “I think I want to ride you, Cap.”He purred settling in and straddling him.

“Very jealous. You’ll have to tell me all about it.”Kate sulked a little before rolling her eyes as she got up. “You only delayed cause you wanted to wait till you wouldn’t have to cook...I think it’ll fail. Cap’s probably still in bed with Tony.”She pointed out heading for the door before tilting her head at grant. “Come on. And not to mention, you cook better then both of us, so if food’s not done, you can make some.”She said nudging him towards the door, smiling. Taking advantage of his bafflement to get him out the door.
he smiled at Tony. "i always will.... unless you give me like, a duck or something." Steve, amusingly enough, had a very real terror of geese, ducks, chickens and turkeys after a visit to the farm led to him being swarmed by a hoard of farm birds all intending on beating the shit out of him. he'd ended up with a broken arm from a rather petulant swan and had needed sixteen stitches from the various roosters and turkeys that had attacked him. "matching collars, god that's awesome." he breathed, eyes dark with desire. "and all the things it can do..." he muttered. "i love you." he breathed at Tony, moaning as he was straddled. "yeah. okay. fuck yeah. we're wearing too many clothes. naked. now. please. fuck."

he smirked, pleased with the order and nodded. "it was actually pretty boring." he admitted with a smile before blinking at her accusation, Clint smirking. "that is very true and i am not ashamed in the least." he admitted with a grin. "Grant can cook?" of course he could, Garret had insisted on it. had taught him personally even. "oh that's right, Tony was making presents last night, i forgot." he admitted, watching Kate expertly manipulate Grant out the door and into the kitchen where he obediently started making french toast for them.
"...I'd never get you a bird. That was traumatic for all of us."tony said making a face at the memory before swallowing hard."well I didn't want it to just be a seemed like a waste of good tech..."he muttered shivering as he squirmed in the other's lap."l-loge you to.-he said stuttering some. Despite having admitted it before he still had problems saying it.laughing a little as he started pulling ay the other's clothes."definitely to many clothes."

"That's horrible. But at least you got to meet him."she said laughing a little before smirking."you should be so ashamed. And of course he can. He's been looking after me and he's not had a captain to cook for him."Kate pointed out."yea which means we probably won't see them all day."she said shrugging smiling as she settled on a chair and watched grant cook.
Steve nodded. "and i was only twelve at the time." he agreed with a shudder knowing Tony had his own traumatic farm visit experiences. every kid probably did, though Steve's was worse than most. "it's an amazing gift." he admitted with a grin. "i love it." he promised Tony. "is it okay to wear it in public?" he asked, wondering if Tony would be okay with that, hopeful but willing to keep it a secrete until Tony was ready. he had to beam at Tony when the genius managed to say 'i love you' back. struggling to get them both naked and find the lube.

"i did get to meet him. he was really cool, very funny." he admitted with a smile before blinking a little, watching their by-play. he'd never really understood how anyone could be in love with Clint, but he was sort of getting it now. "i am never ashamed." Clint admitted with a smirk before nodding. "that's a good point. i suppose he's always had to take care of himself too right?" Clint mused, examining Grant who nodded. that was true. he was glad to be doing something useful, and didn't even flinch when Loki and Phil came in, discussing their options for Phil's 'condition'.
" and farm animals don't get along. Did I ever tell you about the time dad took me to one?"he shuddered making a face at the idea being near nature."good."tony smiled blushing a little at the other's promise he loved it before nodding."of course. You can wear it as long and where you aant."tony said smiling slightly. Growling as he got the lube he growled in annoyance as he shuddered clinging to the other.

"I knos. Even when you should be."Kate teased stealing a kiss. "Yea. He ha s. And he's done a good job at it."she smiled a little as she watched grant. Phil sighed shaking his head a lkttle."loki I know you said it'd be dangerous to separate the blood and all, but I think we need to do it. Risk it..."
he snorted. "often enough. you got broken ribs tangling with a billy goat didn't you?" he asked with a grin and a shake of his head. "only you, could loose a fight with a goat." says the guy who'd lost a fight with birds. "awesome!" he moaned eagerly, cock throbbing at the idea of wearing such a loud declaration of his relationship with Tony in public. he soaked his fingers in the lube Tony had found and slipped them inside of his lover before Tony could protest, grinning. "your always so tight Tony."

he smirked. "well, what's the point in being ashamed? i mean, it's like having regrets, pointless." he admitted with a nod. "my only regret in life was that i was never able to save my brother." he admitted. "well. that and letting you walk alone. but it worked out alright in the end." he admitted, glancing at Grant, who just looked baffled. "Phil, i don't think you understand. the chances of killing you are very low that's true, but doing this could permanently cripple you in ways you can't imagine. you could be weakening all of your internal organs, it could cause the vessels in your brain to weaken causing severe aneurism within a year, or weakening your heart till you have heart attacks. it could blind you, paralyze you, cause irreparable brain damage." Phil complained. "the chances are low for each, but with so many risks piled on top of each other you'll be lucky to have just one long lasting symptom... just give me one more month, i think i have the new algorithm worked out.... you can last that long can't you?"
"Yes! It was a monster goat."which meant that he'd lost a fight with a small goat probably." Only you could lose a fight with a bird."he pointed out. Moaning as the other stretched him he squirmed and gasped,whimpering quirtly."that feels so good.please. more."he begged whining and whimpwring.

"We'll that's true. And it did indeed work."Kaye said with a slight smile before looking up at the other two frowning slightly.pgil sighed softly frowning a little as he considered loki shuddering a little. He could feel the urge, the brokenness in him that wasdriving him insane but looking at loki....he couldn't quite give up just yet. He could hang on."okay. One more month..."
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