love is blind (moon/lady)

he snorted. "it was a pygmy wasn't it? a baby pigmy." he teased before sulking. "those birds where as big as i was!" he protested. "they had no place around children in the first place!" he huffed before smirking at the other. "no. i think i want you nice and tight still for my cock." he decided, wiggling his fingers a little more, just to make sure Tony could take it without getting hurt before removing his fingers and setting his hands on Tony's hips, slowly lowering the tech genius onto his cock with an eager moan. "fuck i love how tight you are, hot and wet and wanting around my cock."

Clint smiled a little ad then blinked, worried about Phil. "...are... are you getting worse?" he asked, terrified that Phil might die again. while he was no longer in love with Phil. the man was still a very dear friend and a close confident. especially when he was freaking about Kate in some fashion or another. the only reason he wasn't dead after Kate hadn't come back was because Phil, bless him, had contained Clint as much as Clint had allowed. "isn't there anything we can do to help him?" Grant asked before anyone else did, looking as if he'd startled himself. "...there might be a few ways but they have to be things Phil agrees to." Loki admitted. "i could go into his mind and place barriers around the obsessions and the compulsions but those could lead to serious problems within a matter of a week and isn't suggested. he could go through hypnosis but i don't know how to do that. he could.... uhm... well..." here Loki blushed violently. "he could take his lack of control out on another through sex...." he admitted, blushing eve harder. "especially if it involves the stuff i see on the computers, with whips, leather and ropes and stuff..." now Grant was flushed too, so was Clint. "but, like i said that has to be up to Phil." "yeah i can see why." Clint muttered. poor Lki didn't seam to realize Phil was already into dominating sex.
"Itwas not!you have no idea what your talking about."tong grumbled making a face before snickering a little. "We'll neither did that goat."he protested. Moaning at the other's words he squirmed rocking into his hand a little."well that works to. But only for your cock...and oh gods..."he moaned his head dropping back as he ground into the other as he slid into him.

Phil winced a little having managed to not worry clint yet, he hated to show that it was getting bad."'s getting worse."he said gently looking upset at having to tell him. Kate looked up at grant startled before snickering a little. Despite her worry that had been fairly amusing."...its a good thing he already enjoys sex like that.....will it make it harder to control considering he already likes that?"Kaye asked after a moment glancing at loki.
Steve smirked at the other. "yeah, my cock is better than a gods, you don't have to brag about it." he teased with a snigger, wriggling his hips so he slid in as deep as he could get. "fuck Tony your always so tight." he moaned. "feel so good." he moaned, slowly pulling out and then slowly pushing back in, teasing the both of them with a shudder.

Clint sighed a little and shook his head. "i wish you wouldn't hide things from me." he accused, shaking his head before chuckling at Grant's blushing. "actually it would help because he won't have those silly worries about if he's hurting someone or whatever it is humans worry about." Loki admitted. "humans?" "when one lives as long as we do, Grant. 'alternative sex lives' don't so much as cause a blink. most sex in asgard is unusual. for gods sake i had sex with a horse once and no one looked twice at me." "okay, that's gross." "humans." Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes. "anyway, yes, if Phil could find someone to dominate in the bedroom he'd probably have a good outlet for some of his obsessions or compulsions." Loki admitted. "you should volunteer Loki." Clint teased, making Loki blush all over again and mouth half formed denials. not that anything came out. poor Loki seamed torn between admitting he had a massive big crush and Phil and denying that exact same thing.
“Yes I do. Cause I get to sleep with you.”he said squirming, moaning softly as he closed his eyes, hands resting on the other’s chest as he moved with him, whimpering quietly.”It does..ohh...”He growled squirming, looking desperate as he was teased, wanting more.

“...You were worried enough as it is. I didn’t want to make it worse.”Phil muttered sighing quietly. “Well, then there you go. Don’t worry.”Kate snickered a little. “Well...that makes sense. And we don’t worry that...a horse?Really?”he said looking startled by not freaked out, before pouting. “Damn, there’s no one who can compare after you got some with a horse.”phil said snickering a little. “Definitely should volunteer.”Kate agreed snickering at the godling, and phil who looked just as dumbstruck.
he snickered. "well, maybe the more you brag the more i'll fuck you." he teased with a smile, slowly rocking his hips, moaning eagerly before he couldn't take it anymore and finally gave Tony what he wanted most, a good fucking.

"that is not how it works Phil." Clint growled. "not at all!" he sniffed and looked away. "especially not when you've seen me at MY worst time and time again!" he grumbled. "i do worry!" he growled, shaking his head. "i always worry!" he whined before smiling a little at the idea of setting Phil up with someone. Grant could certainly use the Domination, either Phil or Kate would be perfect for Grant. and Loki had the biggest damn crush on Phil it wasn't funny. "there's plenty who can compare." Loki admitted with a shrug. "considering i was a horse at the time myself." he admitted. "i had to stay a horse for twelve months before the colt was born." he admitted. "it was horrible. Thor kept trying to throw a saddle on me and didn't understand why i kept biting the dumb bastard." he admitted, sulking when Clint laughed and Grant hid a few chuckles behind his hand. Loki just blushed harder at the suggestion he should volunteer and then vanished in a puff of emerald flame and purple smoke. too embarrased at being caught in his crush to defend himself, and he was rather shy to begin with really.
“ohhhh, I’ll do that then.”Tony moaned gasping as he came, clinging to the other man as he collapsed against his chest.

“Yes, it is. When you were losing your mind, I didn’t want to make it worse.”phil said just as stubborn as clint before rolling his eyes at clint’s words, knowing he’d keep him from worrying as much as he coud. “...That’s awesome. I bet you made a beautiful horse.”Phil said only blushing a little bit himself. “don’t bite thor. It’s not his fault he didn’t know you were a horse.”Kate said smiling a little. “....should I go after him?”Phil said looking startled as loki disappeared.
Steve moaned, shuddering as he pushed in, deep as he could go and released, hips snapping in short little thrusts, milking himself out into Tony with a grin. "fuck we're amazing at this." Steve groaned happily, wrapping his arms around Tony.

"well... okay, point to you, but you could have told me after!" "it's only been two days though..." Grant pointed out, making Clint sulk. "no one ever takes my side..." he whined before chuckling when Loki flushed harder at being called 'a beautiful horse'. "it's a Asgardian breed... they look rather similar to the black Arabian horses of the desert. long and lean." he admitted. "only they have long feline like tails that are covered in long hair like the mane." he admitted. "they are quit beautiful i suppose." he admitted. "and faster than a horse of earth i think." he admitted before sniffing. "that is NOT the point! i was in the pregnancy stalls which meant he shouldn't have been trying to ride me in the first place the Effervent!" he huffed before he vanished. "if you want to. he's just shy." Clint stated simply. "apparently he didn't realize we knew he had a big crush on you." he admitted. "at least you know he's into the same kind of sex as you." Grant admitted with a grin at Phil. he was feeling so calm here that he was actually joking with people... how the hell had that happened? from the look of bafflement on Grant's face he didn't know either.
Tony moaned softly, smiling as he cuddled against steve, shivering as he leaned against him, closing his eyes as he enjoyed teh afterglow. “We are very amazing.”he agreed.

“I’ll take your side.”Kate said smiling softly, looking amused as she listened to loki. It was quite adorable really. “That’s definitely different. You should change sometime, so we can see what it looks like....”Phil said looking curious about the horse before snickering. “Oh, you know you love thor.”Kate teased amused as he disappeared. “...oh. Well.”Phil flushed before getting up. “I think I will.”Phil said before going to find loki, making kate snicker as he left. “You’re fitting in well.Teasing and all.”She smiled looking up at grant.
Clint snorted. "we all know you agree with Phil that i shouldn't have been stressed anymore than i already was." he huffed, though he looked more amused than annoyed. "uh, sure." Loki agreed, looking baffled. he'd never met people who where so fascinated y his ability to change shape before. most asgardians thought him cursed for it or other such nonsense. "Thor is a buffoon who was handed every single thing he ever wanted on golden platters." Loki stated bitterly. he loved Thor, he did, but the idiot had never so much as been chastised for anything, and he had very nearly harmed his precious foal trying to ride a pregnant mare. oh Loki had made sure that Thor suffered his wrath for that once he was in human form again. "love him, yes. i do, but he's still an idiot." and Loki wasn't sure he could ever forgive Thor for some of the things that he had done to, and let be done to him. "i guess i am... weird..." Grant mumbled "i've never really... you know?" he asked, looking confused.

Loki, by the time Phi had found him, was tending his indoor garden, singing to a few of the plants in a smooth voice, stroking the petals gently as he trimmed one plant, and carefully stroked the stem of another as he carefully adjusted the wire's that was forcing one to grow in a specific way. he didn't seam to realize Phil was there, because Loki always seamed a bit awkward when Phil was around, trying far too hard to hide his infatuation and immense respect when he knew the other was rather bothered by him. now though, he was smooth and relaxed and as graceful as water flowing over smooth pebbles.
“Well, I’ll pretend to be on your side then.”She smiled a little pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Well, true. But he does love you.”Kate sighed softly because she knew the brother’s had so many problems. “I know you haven’t.”Kate smiled a little getting up and giving him a hug. “I’m glad you are fitting in well.”

Phil smiled slightly as he stopped in the doorway, watching the other for a long moment, simply glad to see him relaxing before moving closer, walking quietly, not wanting to ruin the man’s mood. “Loki?”he said softly.
he snorted. "but i know your only pretending so that sort of defeats the point doesn't it?" he asked, looking amused before shaking his head. "well, i love him too." Loki admitted. "doesn't mean i can't hate him when i've the mood to." Loki admitted. "i am of a fickle nature, i can change my mind if i want to." he said with a superior sniff. "...i... guess i am?" he muttered. he wasn't too sure about that, being in this place terrified him more than anything. one day, he knew, Garret would come and he was not sure he could make that kind of decision. he would turn against them, he would do as Garret commanded, and then he would most likely kill himself because he knew that if he hurt Kate, he could never, ever forgive or live with himself.

Loki squeaked when Phil spoke and then turned and blinked at him, looking too shy to say anything. "uh... you, uh... want a cup of tea?" Loki offered before grimacing. "look, i know you don't like me." he finally said. "it's just a silly crush, i won't bother you. i never intended on doing anything about it, i'm not a child after all. i know i bother you a lot more than you'd like to admit so you can just ignore it. it won't bother me at all." he promised, even if it was a lie.
”You are. I mean, I know it’s still hard, but you haven’t attempted to hit tony yet, or loki, and I think everyone at one point in time has wanted to do that.”Kate teased a little, hugging him as she leaned against him with a sigh. “We should do something.”She said fidgeting because she had no idea how to help grant relax and be happier here.

Phil smiled a little moving clsoer. “Yes please.”He smiled before his eyebrows raised a little, looking as puzzled as he would allow. After all, he was the master of controlling his features, and listening to the other, confused him. “Whoever said I didn’t like you? I mean...I didn’t know if you liked guys or not, and didn’t want to make you choose...or feel awkward...”He frowned slightly biting his lip as he sat down next to him.
he blinked. "should i want to hit them?" he asked, confused. why would he want to? they where friendly enough and rather nice really. they didn't glare at him or call him a nuisance or anything. he was frightened at how much he liked being there. very frightened. he finished cooking and handed the food out to them and leaned back, watching them eat, thinking hard about what was happening in his head. something was wrong, right? for him to think such things, something was wrong with him.

Loki nodded, examined his plants and then nodded, grabbing two leaves, a half withered root and some sort of powder from the shelves ear the garden and led the way into his kitchen. Loki loved showing Phil different herbal teas that could help with anything, even if you weren't hurt. "Shadowmax, Wolves Folly, the pollen of Lily Lotus flowers and the root of a Collinder Tree." he reported, throwing everything into a pot that was then filled with hot, hot water and set to steep. "mental clarity, good dreams, awareness and is said to bring about grand ideas." he admitted with a smile. "epiphanies you call them?" he asked as he set out his teacups. Loki, unlike humans, used teacups that looked as if they where made from clear glass. only they where so strong that even if you threw them against the wall they wouldn't break. Loki said they where cut from a special kind of rock, and when you heated them the right way, they got hard and clear. they where supposed to 'keep the tea pure'. he jerked, startled at Phil and then just stared at him. "i stabbed you through the chest! i Killed you! i don't need someone to tell me why you flinch when i appear too suddenly." he stated simply before blinking at him. "Asgardians don't care much for gender stereotypes." he admitted. "most of us have lived so long we're... poly-sexual?" he guessed. "we don't care what we're in bed with so long as it's consensual."
“Uh, tony, yes. Sometimes. He’s very hyperactive, and usually gets threatened with a smack every few hours.”Kate snickered a little smiling, “Thanks Grant.”She smiled as she settled in to eat.

“, don’t let tony drink it then.”phil said smiling a little as he followed, because he did indeed enjoy learning about everything. “He already has enough grand ideas, we don’t need him coming up with something utterly riddculous.”Phil said with a snicker before smiling as he looked at the tea glasses, it always amused him to see the fragile looking glass that was indeed stronger then it looked. “Not because I hate you. Startling me isn’t the same. I...I do like you, I just don’t like it when you appear behind me did then.”he shrugged a little sighing quietly. “Ahhh, well being as long lived as you are, that makes sense.”Phil said smiling slightly.
Loki chuckled. "actually, it might calm him down a little bit if i added some Sleeping Lavender." he admitted. "or even some Dragon tongue." he admitted. "not REAL Dragon tongue of course, it's a plant. Dragons are much to rare to be wasted making tea of all things." he admitted. "if you could even get the tongue in the first place, very clever creatures, Dragons. smarter than most people are at ay rate, very well learned but quick to temper." he admitted, babbling because he was nervous again. "besides, while most of the things Tony comes up with might seam ridiculous to you... well, let's just say he's come close to breaking a few 'walls' well call it." he admitted. "he very nearly made a scientific breakthrough in the traveling the universe problems with that portable poptart toaster he made for Thor you know." he admitted. "not that he realizes it yet, i'm not supposed to interfere you see. humans are supposed to figure out that sort of stuff for themselves." he admitted, picking up the teapot, which looked as if it was made of some sort of purple and green marble or stone polished so fine you could almost see a reflection. according to Loki, the teapot was made of a stone that was formed around Dragon fossils and was an amplifier for healing herbs. while Dragons themselves where rare, their fossils where not, and with them being so big, a person only had to dig around one until they found a stone big enough for what they wanted, chip it out, and then cover it up again and the stone would regrow in a matter of ten or so human years. "i don't mean to startle you." he admitted, pouring the tea, which was a deep ruby red now and tasted like honeysuckle and cantaloupe, or at least very close to it. "well i never imagined you hated me." Loki assured him. "i just figured i made you nervous and upset." he admitted. "i never once entertained the possibility of..." here he started blushing again and busied himself with his tea, stirring it several times before lifting it and blowing on it carefully, taking a sip so he could pretend he hadn't been about to say anything.
“...Maybe. You should try. And if he gets mad about you feeding him things, tell him it’s ‘for science’”Which was a common phrase around the billionaire. “Well, I’m sure dragons like tea.”he snickered a little, amused at the idea before snickering. “Well, according to every legend, quick tempered dragons make sense.”he looked amused before rolling his eyes. “He also made a waffle iron that sang the star spangled banner just to piss off steve so he can have make up sex.”He snorted amused before nodding. “Humans do need to take it slow, otherwise we might kill ourselves as we discover it if we had help.”he said watching the teapot, because he did enjoy it. It was a amazing thing really. “..I know. But it still startles me.”He shrugged as he sipped the dirnk, sighing softly. Before sighing a little, blushing himself. “Well, you do make me nervous. Because I like you.”He said sipping his own tea carefully.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "well of course Dragon's like tea." he admitted. "they are a sophisticated lot after all. in fact, it was actually a Dragon who taught me all of this." he admitted. "Artmeriddan." he admitted. "Thor was mighty enraged when he found out i was hanging out with a Dragon instead of him and went to confront the poor man." he shook his head. "it did not end well for Thor and Meri was sulky for a good number of years." he admitted with a huff before smirking. "yes. a waffle iron that works under water and can even sing and be heard, completely clearly, for a good mile, perhaps leading to better sonar in a few years or sooner if Tony ever realizes what he made." he admitted. "although, i didn't need to know he was pissing Steve off just for kinky sex." he admitted with a chuckle. "well. to be honest, i don't think you all need help killing each other." he pointed out. "i...." he blinked at Phil, stared at him for a long, long moment and then stood up, walked over to the other, removed the teacup from his hand and then bent low, hesitating before kissing Phil. his lips pressing to the others, soft, gentle, letting Phil make the net move.
“Well, I’m sure they are.”Phil snickered a little looking amused before laughing. “Poor thor. Poor Meri.”He snorted shaking his head a little before rolling his eyes. “Sometime, I’m going to find a invention, that doesn’t have anything good except tony’s own amusement.”Phil snorted amused because while he might harass tony, he knew the man was a good man and he liked him, giving him a hard time was just fun. “Well, if I have to know about the sex, so do you.”Phil snickered a little, kissing him back before flushing as he looked at the other, blushing as he kissed him back. Wrapping the other up in a hug, holding him gently. Intending on taking care of the man. Already feeling the tight knot of anxiety in his chest loosening at the simple action of holding him.

Nearly 8 months later Kate made a face as she waved a hand at grant, making a face. “Up. Help me up.”She demanded, looking upset, she could hear phil pacing in the next room, and while they’d been keeping her away from him because no one knew how violent he’d be at a moment, she wanted to check on him. Needed to.
Loki chuckled a little watching Grant and Kate. Grant was hovering nearby as well. he had settled perfectly into Avengers life, even if he had completely gone insane when he learned that Garret really had bought and paid for him as well as ensured his abuse. Grant flipped between devoting his life to Kate and devoting his life to Phil and hopped in and out of both beds. not that either Loki or Clint cared, they adored Grant just as much as their lovers did. Phil on the other hand had gotten worse and worse until Loki had no other choice but to attempt the still very dangerous procedure. he could say with certainty that Phil wouldn't die and wouldn't have his life expectancy cut short. that wouldn't stop any of the other many crippling side effects. Clint helped her up and glanced at the pacing Grant who was very, very upset that Phil was upset. Grant was so upset he had chewed his cuticles into bleeding, again. Loki kept healing them and Grant would keep chewing them. "Phil? do you feel stable enough to let Kate in?" Loki asked through the intercom. he knew better than to just walk in, especially if he was in there guarding a carving or actually carving. he might stab someone if Loki did that.
Kate sighed a litfle wincing as her weight settled onto her feet,feeling huge. Resting a hand on her stomach she squeezed grant's arm as he past her."stop chewing. He'll be okay."She ordered quietly jumping a little as phil spoke. Because he rarely spoke these days, all his energy focused on keeping it together enough to allow loki to do the procedure."yes. If she feels safe enough " "of course I do. You're always safe."kate said smiling as she stepped in amused as he focused on her stomach,the man having developed a fascination with the baby, and she knew it was because he'd never been around kids before so this was exciting to him
Clint smiled a little and shook his head, Grant pausing to blink at her, obeying for all of to minutes. "i don't like it." Grant mumbled unhappily. everyone he was the most devoted to was upset. how could he not be frantic? even his 'babysitter' Skye was upset! "i'll be going in with you." Loki informed her. "he's not stable." he warned before letting her into the room, smiling at Phil, taking a glance at the walls, a jumbled array of mixed communications that where ripping Phil's mind, and body, apart. Loki knew he had taken too long, but he had done his best to cut back as many risks as he could. "how are you feeling Phil?" Loki asked, examining the man, a sleeping spell ready at his fingertips and a transportation spell ready and waiting as well, just in case. neither could be seen or felt but Loki knew Phil knew they where there. "she's just about to burst. Dr. Hartman is here permanently until the baby comes." Loki smirked. "i heard he and Bruce 'stayed up late' last night. together. in bed." Loki admitted, wiggling his eyebrows.
“I know.”Kate smiled a little turning her head to look at phil, smiling slightly as the man moved close but not to close to look her over.”You look well, Kate.”phil said before swallowing hard, looking at loki before he sighed quietly. Relaxed. Knowing that if something happened, the other would keep him from hurting kate, even if it hurt him. “I’m...twitchy, and tired. Upset, but I’m okay for the moment.”he swallowed thickly before laughing a little, raising a eyebrow. “are you sure they weren’t just doing science?”
Loki smiled a little, watching the two. "she looks fat. not as fat as i did though." Loki admitted, he had about a fifty chance of not getting smacked, the odds where good. especially since he had shown her portraits of him when he was pregnant, glaring, sulking with swollen feet and a belly so big he couldn't see his toes no matter what angle he looked. "i'm pretty sure they where fucking, Bruce looked entirely too smug and Hartman wouldn't stop blushing every time he sat down and wiggled a bit. virgins." Loki scoffed, looking highly amused. "also, i might have spied a bit. Bruce is just as kinky as you are, did you know?" he asked, looking highly amused and well aware Phil was going to punish him for being naughty later. not that Phil cared that Loki was sneaking peeks, but they both knew Loki sneaked peeks just to get punished. "...Kate?" Loki asked, straightening, turning to blink at her. " long have you been having contractions for?"
“What?WHAT!?I’m not fat!”Kate growled smacking loki in the arm, her eye twitching a little, moody and sore, feeling utterly out of control at how fat she was really. “....Huh. Well, good for him then. It’s been awhile since bruce had sex.”Phil said looking amused himself, shaking his head before growling at the other. “No I didn’t, but you know you’re not supposed to spy on the other’s.”He growled possessively, annoyed loki had sneaked peeks, even if he knew loki did it just to get punished. Kate swallowed hard looking over at the man, hand running over her stomach. “Uh...a hour maybe?They’re not close together yet though...”
Loki yipped when she smacked him, more for her satisfaction than any actual pain and he winked at Phil. "your not anywhere near as fat as i was when i was pregnant you know." Loki huffed before smiling a little and nodded. "he hasn't stopped strutting since it happened it's kind of hilarious." Loki admitted before pouting at Phil. "it was only a little spy.... like, a minute at most." he pointed out, snuggling Phil. "i'll let you punish me later." he promised, voice a husky purr before blinking at Kate and shaking his head, looking at Phil. "i have to go get Dr. Hartman, i'll be right back Love." he promised, kissing Phil. "we're doing it tonight." he promised. "i finally settled the last Rune...." he looked nervous, but Loki's skill at magic was never doubted by anyone. especially since he turned Tony into a bunny boy the other day. "come on Kate." he ordered. "we need to get you to Dr. Hartman before your water breaks." he huffed. "i can't believe you went into Labor and you didn't tell anyone!" he complained, ushering her out of the room and calling for Dr. Hartman.
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