love is blind (moon/lady)

he shrugged. "it was in my best interest. kidnapping Kate did exactly what it was supposed to. it destabilized the Avengers and kept them distracted while Garret worked on the other plans." he admitted. "they where too busy fighting each other to do anything about me." Grant stated calmly before scowling. "well she shouldn't be. it'd be better if she just hated me the way she's supposed to." he admitted before crossing his arms. "you really think a pair of handcuffs is going to stop me from setting traps around here, flooding the place with gas or even bringing in people to do the killing for me?" he asked, looking as if he thought she was stupid before he paused, hesitating and looking confused for a long moment before. "no. Garret didn't. he never said i couldn't though, i just had to do whatever i could to turn her away from the Avengers. i thought Sex might do it. if i made her pregnant she'd turn away from them." but that was a lie and they all knew it. for one thing, he'd never had sex without wearing a condom. for another thing, he hadn't seduced her until he'd given up trying to use her and had fallen in love with her. "it looks weird. i'm not eating it."
“What other plans?”she asked curious. Even knowing garret was in custody she was curious if he was loyal enough to hide what they’d been up to. “You of all people, know she’s to kind to hate you. And she’s carrying your child, it makes it hard to hate you.”He said before smirking. “The best tech Stark can make, holding his own magical talent, and two asgardian gods lending magic to it?Yea, I’m fairly certain it’ll keep you from doing to much damage.”She sighed a little, “But more then that, I don’t think you want to.”She said before shaking her head.”You and I know that’s a lie.”She pointed out before nodding. “Okay then. I’ll have some normal food brought down.”She said knowing jarvis was taking care of it.
he shrugged. "i don't know." he admitted. "i didn't need to know that information." he admitted. "i was to focus on making Kate the tool we needed her to be." he admitted before nodding. "yeah. well. she should hate me even if she won't." he admitted. "besides, we all know that i'm not going to be allowed anywhere near that child. Clint, if no one else, will see to that." he stated, looking very smug. as if glad that someone at least hated him. "....okay. yeah that might do it." Grant admitted before pausing. "i don't want things. i'm content with just being told what to do." he admitted. "i want whatever Garret wants me to do." he stated before shrugging. "i'm not hungry anymore." he lied. "your boring. go away i don't like this test." he complained, deflecting because he didn't want to admit, to anyone, that he loved Kate and that he loved the baby growing inside of her. he didn't want to admit his weaknesses because then Garret would kill her, or worse, make Grant do it.
“No. Not exactly. It seems Kate being happy matters to him more then punishing you. If she wants you involved, and it’s safe, clint’s agreed to back off.”Morgan sighed knowing he wouldn’t believe her before studying him. Trying to decide how much to push it before nodding. “Well then, I don’t want to bore you, I’ll see you later.”She said before walking out, tilting her head at loki. “he’s lost, confused....but I think if he has some guidance, relearning how to interact with people,he’ll work with you.”
and indeed he was looking at her as if he thought she thought he was stupid even if he didn't say anything the look was clear enough. 'do i look that stupid to you?'. "yeah, sure. whatever." he stated, laying back on his bed and staring up at the ceiling. bored again already. and aching inside, hurting so badly. "he's been hurt badly in all the years he's been alive. trust won't come easy for him." Loki admitted, glancing at Phil. "will you be talking to him about what you found out from Garret?" he asked the other. Garret had been paying the Ward parents to beat on and abuse their two eldest. had actually bought the two eldest. so that they could be molded and formed into perfect Hydra soldiers. the Eldest had turned out to be a dud. cruel and wicked, but too much of a pansy to do anything about it. Grant on the other hand, had nearly beaten his elder brother up and then set fire to the house in an attempt to burn everything down. a perfect, malleable little killer in training. "what are the chances that he can be included in the Avenger protocol?" Loki asked the woman curiously. "it doesn't really matter either way, we want you to keep working with him even if he's too dangerous to be let out. i don't want to give up on him." Loki admitted. not when that man reminded him so much of himself.
“I will. Soon....I might have kate come and talk to him to, when she’s done sleeping.”Phil sighed because he really, truly didn’t want to tell grant what they’d found, but it needed done to. “Moderate to likely. I think he’ll thrive under the avengers. Especially with Cap. He longs for someone to tell him what to do, it’s how he understands the world. Given that Steve has more practice at leading troops, and understanding his men then most, he’ll be okay here. I’ll be happy to keep working with him, as long as he allows me to....none of this will work, if he’s unwilling to work with us.”She said.
Loki nodded. "that would probably be good for him. see proof that she doesn't hate him and still has a place in her life." Loki admitted. "Clint feels bad for him, and seams to want Grant to be a part of the babies life, if he's stable enough to be around a baby at any rate." Loki admitted before smiling. "he'd do well under Phil as well. Phil has a long history of what we Asgardians would call 'submissive complex'. people who can't control themselves, who need others to guide, control and tell them what to do. Clint is one after all." Loki admitted. "Kate is taking her role as his 'boss' quite well actually. she managed to bring Clint down into a Haze without even tying him up." Loki admitted. "i think he does want the help though. he didn't chase you off, he didn't scream, he isn't fighting us. i think he wants to be here. if only so he can be closer to Kate."
“Probably.And I think he’s safe, and though we might want to supervise them, I don’t think he’d be a danger to the baby.”Morgan said tilting her head before nodding. “Yes, then phil would be a good choice to.” “we’ll see about getting the man to trust us.”Phil said pleased to know there was a way he could help before smiling. “Kate is doing extremely well.”he agreed before nodding. “I think he’ll bond with the rest of us the longer he’s here.”He said sighing quietly.
he nodded. "he won't go unsupervised for a long time. but as long as you think he's safe with proper supervision Kate will be delighted to know she can visit him." he admitted. "i think the more time he spends with us, the more he'll realize we honestly don't want anything from him, but to help him get better." Loki mused, watching the man lay on the bed as if he completely didn't care that he had nothing to do. "does he. you know, enjoy doing things?" he asked Phil, since out of them all only Phil really had any experience with Grant, even if it was usually through Garret. "we could get him some different books, see which ones he likes the most?" Loki supposed. "anyway i'll go tell Kate it's safe for her to visit." he decided, heading for Clint and Kate, since Jarvis had informed him, via Text, that Clint was awake and reading a book while he stroked Kate's hair.
“He’s safe.”Morgan said before nodding. “he will. It will just take time.”she agreed even as phil frowned. “...He enjoys reading. Working out...I mean.I don’t think I’d ever seen him simply relax.”Phil frowned a little before nodding. “we’ll get books, and see what he likes.”he said sighing softly. “I’ll go get them, while you go talk to kate.”he said smiling slightly as he left to do that.

“,,,Hm, loki?”Kate blinked slowly, sleepily as she stirred when he came in, resting his head on clint’s chest.
Loki nodded. "we'll try a few different things for him then, see what he likes more." Loki agreed with a smile before smiling at Kate. "yes, it's me." he admitted. "Grant just finished his assessment. Dr. St. Clair thinks he's not a threat." Loki admitted. "in fact, she has high hopes of Grant settling in here with us, he just needs some special handling." Loki admitted. "either Steve or Phil will most likely be handling that though." he admitted. "he'll need to be supervised, but you'll be allowed to see him." Loki admitted with a smile. "maybe he'll stop being so defensive once he knows you really don't hate him. we're certain that he can at least find stability here, and he might even find a purpose in life other than following orders." he admitted. "we have high hopes of a semblance of a normal life for him. he'll probably always have trouble, especially when deciding things for himself, but we think he can be a good contribution to the team."
“oh. Oh good.”Kate said as she sat up, looking utterly relieved to the idea that grant wasn’t a true danger, at least any more then any shield specialist was. “I’d like to see him. Hopefully it’ll help him steady, and know that we’re letting him be involved in life and the baby’s life if he wants.”She smiled as she got up, already searching for clothes before smiling. “That’s good. At least, if he wants to stay, he’ll have something to do with the team.”
Clint smiled, relaxing as well, glad to know that it really was okay to have Grant there. "hold on, i'll go with you." he promised her, getting up and getting dressed as well. "i want to talk to him too, after you i mean, so he knows for sure he's really welcome here. i might hit him." he warmed. "but it'll only be the once and i won't break or crack or bruise his bones. it'll just be a good bruise." "why?" "because he's expecting it. he wants to be punished, so. i'll punish him, sort of." Loki blinked and then. "fine. but don't hit him too hard and no more than twice." "i'll only need the once." Clint promised, smiling at her. "you okay with that?" he asked her. "he'll settle in better, i think. we're a lot alike, him and me... sometimes people like us, we need a good smack." he admitted. Phil had told her that too. if she couldn't get Clint to calm down by giving orders, then she'd have to slap him, hard. it would drop him very fast, dangerously so but it would keep him from doing anything dumb and she'd be able to stabilize him easily enough.
“Kay. He’d probably feel better knowing where he stands with you, instead of us just telling him that.”She shrugged a little, before frowning slightly. Wanting to protest, but figuring that it was for the best. “Just a bruise.”She warned as she tugged on a hoodie, “Once the punishment is out of the way, he’ll not be worrying about it. It makes sense.”She said stealing a kiss before following loki down to grant’s room, stepping inside.”Grant?”
he nodded. "that's what i was thinking." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "just a bruise." he agreed before grinning. "exactly, and right now i'm pretty sure i'm the only person, aside from you, who could hit him without retaliation." he admitted. "he'd hit back if it was anyone else." he admitted before smiling, waiting outside, ignoring how worried he really was.

"...Kate." Grant said, sitting on the bed and looking at his toes, refusing to look up at her, waiting for her to yell, waiting for her to hurt him. just sitting there, waiting.
“Good.”Kate said smiling at him, before nodding. “You’re probably right. He’d hit back.”She sighed quietly, squeezing his arm as she walked in.”It’ll be okay.”She muttered.

“’s me, in the flesh.”She teased a little looking around, getting a sense of everything before moving over, sitting down next to him, hands resting in her lap. “I’m glad you’re okay. But I have to warn you. I’m not going to punish you. I’m leaving that up to clint, and he’s going to come in here next...I just wanted to tell you I don’t hate you.”she smiled a little.
he nodded but still didn't look up at her, tensing just slightly when she mentioned that Clint was going to be in charge of his punishment. it was barely noticeable, but she'd been with him for seven months, she could spot the slight shift in his shoulders and the slight tightening of the wrinkles around his eyes. "you should hate me." he complained. "shouldn't have given you that dumb recording." he grumbled. "you all should have just killed me when you had the chance." he complained, finally looking up at her. "because someday Garret is going to give me the order. and i'm gonna kill you." and it was easy to see in his eyes, that he was utterly petrified of that idea. he knew if Garret ever made the order, he'd follow it, because Garret had saved him, giving him a reason to live, had taught him how to survive and how to be useful.
“Relax. He’s promised it wont be to horrible.”she muttered leaning into him a little, before sighing softly. “No, I liked it. made it easier to understand what was going on.”She said looking at him, before shaking her head. “Garret’s under arrest, and tony’s working with loki to come up with a way to protect us. We'll be safe here. and you'll be safe to."
he cast a glance at her. the same look he'd giving Morgana. that 'do i look like an idiot to you?' look. "yeah well... you weren't supposed to listen to it unless i was gone." he complained, pouting. he didn't Look like he was, but the way his aw had tensed slightly and his lip twitched out a little bit meant he was pouting. "what? he's under arrest? why!?" he asked, honestly baffled. as if he didn't understand that Garret had been breaking the law. didn't understand Garret had been doing bad things. just didn't understand that Garret was a bad, vile, disgusting little cockroach.
“well, I had it, and I had to know what was going on. It was confusing.”She said sighing quietly as she made a face, leaning into him a little before frowning at him. “well. Let’s see. Getting you to kidnap me was bad enough ,but grant....”She bit her lip, nervous and not wnating to tell him, but not sure how to.”He...he was hurting you. By paying your parents to make them hurt give him a excuse to rescue you, and be your hero.”
he wrinkled his nose just a little. not happy with the response but not blaming her either really. how could he? it was his own fault for giving her such a weakness against him. for giving Garret that weakness. "well. yeah i guess people probably weren't too happy about that." he admitted before startling. "what?" he asked, confused before a true, honest to god rage spread across his face, leaping to his feet and slicing his hand across the air, as if cutting her words. "That's not true! don't you dare speak about Garret that way! he saved me! he loves me! he's the Father i Never Had!" he spat "you can't trick me!" he hissed. no matter how enraged he was he wasn't attacking her at all. "You think you can use my own tricks against me?!" he demanded of her. "out! get out!" he demanded, moving to yank open the door. he couldn't though, he wasn't allowed, Kate or Clint where going to have to do it. and Clint did, reaction to the yelling the door snapped open, Grant howling when the door slammed into his face. "oh shit!" Clint gasped. "Christ! are you okay!? oh my god i broke your nose!" Clint sounded utterly horrified and was already yanking his own shirt off and used it to very carefully stem the flow of blood gushing from Grant's nose. well, so much for hitting Grant. "alright, out of the way Clint." Bruce ordered with a sigh, settling down to examine Grant's face. who didn't look all that bothered by the injury. "i'll have to X-ray this."
“Yes. He paid your parents to let him have you and your older brother.”Kate said before wincing as he raged at her, watching him, calm even if she was a little nervous. “It is. I promise, it’s true.”kate said studying him. “Don’t you see grant?This is exactly what he wanted?A completely loyal servant.”kate sighed softly, before getting up. “I’m going.”She said before wincing, making grant sit down, looking so worried for him.”Grant?”She muttered gently pressing clint’s shirt to his nose, before smiling slightly. “Well, it seems you’re not going to get to punch him.”She teased clint, teasing because she was nervous and upset, hating the feeling of blood on her hands. Moving away to let bruce look at grant.
he snarled at her. "he didn't! How dare you! he would never!" he spat, outraged because part of him, the part that could still think for itself, whispered that she was probably right. he hated that little voice, because it was never, ever wrong. which meant Kate was right and everything he had ever known in his entire life had been a lie. he couldn't handle that idea in the least. not even a little bit, so he denied it and denied her because what else could he do? " i guess not. i think this is more than enough punishment." Clint admitted with a grimace, making Grant huff. "come on then." Bruce ordered, slipping Tony and Loki's special cuffs around Grant's wrists and helped him to his feet and down tot he Med labs where he had his skull X-rayed and his nose straightened. "well the good news is, he won't need surgery." Bruce informed Clint who was looking guiltier than hell. "his nose is broken in two places and he has fractures along both cheek bones but they'll heal very easily." he admitted. "he's gonna have some nasty bruising but he'll be fine and from the looks of things he's had worse breaks than this often enough to know what not to do." "i am, SO Sorry." Clint said, Grant huffing again since he couldn't snort. snorting hurt. "whatever." "i gave him some hefty painkillers. in about a minute he's gonna bee too loopy to remember what you are, let alone that your talking." Bruce warned, making Clint chuckle.
“he did.”Kate said sighing quietly, not worried about getting hurt, simply watching him. Nodding a little as she looked at grant’s nose. “O think it is.”she said movign back to let bruce put on the cuffs on, looking nervous as they got downstairs. Letting out a quiet relieved breath to know they wouldn’t surgery. “Well, that’s not so bad. Painful, but dealable with.”She sighed quietly, glancing at grant before slightly, resting a hand on grant’s arm. “In that case, we better get him to bed and lay down before he starts getting loopy.”
"yes. painful, but with the life he's lived i think he's used to pain." Bruce admitted with a sigh, Clint grimacing and nodding. "yeah, and that sort of really sucks." he admitted shaking his head. "we'll have to try talking to him again after he's done being high. we should have someone sit with him too, someone with his background? he's probably not going to be very safe with himself while he's hopped up on drugs." Clint would know, considering every time Clint got hopped up on painkillers he decided he as evil and tried to kill himself so he couldn't hurt people. or worse, forgot he wasn't actually a bird and tried to fly, right off the top of a seventy story tower. "i don't want to." Grant complained, already rather loopy. "standing makes the world spinny." he complained even if he did let them get him to his feet, a nose splint holding his nose in place, making him look rather ridiculous really. "hey..." he looked at Clint who blinked at him. "make sure you hate me properly tomorrow." "we'll see what i can do." "okay."
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