love is blind (moon/lady)

Clint nodded and gritted his teeth when he realized Kate had been kidnapped. "son of a bitch!" he growled, annoyed. "who the hell took Kate!? why would they take her?!" he demanded, Matt looking at him. "being an Amplifier, and having the skills she has now makes her an extremely valuable asset. not to mention having her can force us to do things in order to keep whoever has her from hurting her. she's the perfect hostage if they want us to do things or ignore things." he admitted, shaking his head. "we're fucked until they contact us somehow."

he nodded. "ah, that's right. your an amplifier, i forgot, sorry." Grant murmured. "we'll be inside soon. it should dilute some of the sounds at least." he promised gently before making the fake call to the fake Clint. "...i'm sorry..." Grant said softly. "i thought he was behaving strangely when he contacted me, but i..." he shook his head. "i never imagined this." he admitted softly. "i promise, i'll stay with you until we figure things out, okay?" he asked her. "Clint has always had an overly dependent personality... he must have realized he just can't function properly without Phil." he admitted. "it's a stupid, cowardly way to do things, but Clint was always a bit f a coward. i doubt he even told Phil any of this..." he admitted, gently taking her hand. "it would probably be best if you didn't go to the tower right now. i don't think Clint is stable, mentally i mean. we should give him time to settle down."
“Lots. Hydra. Shield. Mandrin. Any of your enemies....there’s people out there she’s valuable to.”Tony sighed quietly, looking upset even as he dug through the video feeds, trying to find something. “Dammit. There has to be something we can do.” “..Clint. Sit.”Phil said taking control, resting a hand on the other’s shoulder and gently pushing him into a chair.

“...It’s...I thought....I thought I meant something...”kate said looking so lost. Because despite clint’s reassurances, the woman had been so alone for most of her adult life, so hurt by past lovers-except matt- that she had no basis to think this was weird. She had noo trouble believing that clint would leave her. “Okay.”She said tilting her head before slapping him, looking annoyed. “Don’t talk about him like that.”She might be hurting and lost, but she was still in love, still wanted clint, and wouldn’t stand to hear someone talking about him like that. “Yes...hopefully. Phil always knew how to help him.”She said remembering the last few months of how he was, so scared of how clint was doing.
Clint scowled. "well we can't just sit here! they could be hurting her! torturing her!" he complained, feeling very, very uneven. he hadn't dropped in months. he was going to fly completely off the deep end. "i won't sit! Don't tell me what to do!" Clint snarled, pacing back and forth. yep. he was getting all worked up, smacking Phil's hand away. he didn't want Phil touching him, not when he wasn't sure he could resist the other right now. with Kate gone, he couldn't stand the idea of seeking comfort from someone else.

"i'm sorry Kate. you probably did mean something. but Clint isn't mentally stable right now. he never handled big change well and Phil being alive is a hell of a change. just like Phil dying was." he admitted before gasping when he was slapped. good. he loved a feisty woman. "okay. one? Ow!" he complained. "and two, i'm not talking bad about him. not really." he lied. "i'm telling truth, fact, things that everyone knows. things that are in his public files." he admitted before sighing. "Clint is being selfish right now, that's all, and he's trying to push you away so you'll hate him and be angry with him, instead of pine after him and be miserable." he explained. "whether it works or not, will be up to you."
“I’m searching the whole city, and Matt and Steve are going to go search the streets. You are going to stay here, and let phil take care of you.”Tony said his voice doing that quiet soft snarl of a upset dom, glancing at phil who nodded as tony left, heading for his lab so he could search easier without straining extremis. “Clint?Let me help.”phil said catching the man’s arm and dragging him to a stop.

“...I know. But he was doing so well...”She sighed softly, smiling softly as he complained. “Good. It was supposed to hurt.”She said sighing quietly, because she knew most everyone knew clint was in a bad way, it didn;t make it any easier to hear. “Well...he’s always been sure I should hate him....but it wont. I don’t hate him...”She sighed softly, hating that she was feeling so lost.
Clint snarled at Tony, but didn't argue because he knew he wouldn't win. he was too unstable to win against an experienced Dom like Tony and Steve. hell he was lucky if he could win against Phil, and that's only because Phil was emotionally compromised at the moment. "No! get off!" Clint demanded, trying to yank his arm free of Phil's grip, Loki blinking. "what's wrong with him?" he asked, concerned about the emotions Clint was giving off. emotions that Loki couldn't help but pick up, like a magnet. "should i put him to sleep?" Loki asked, raising two fingers, blue mist seeping off them. "i can do it without hurting him." he promised Phil. "otherwise i'm going to have to leave, his emotions are too wild, they're battering at my mental shields." he admitted. letting Phil decide, since he was the one who knew Clint the best.

he nodded. "he was doing well." he agreed. "life had stabilized for him, but the new big change was pretty damn big. between Loki showing up, i still don't understand why you guys let him stay with you, but all the information is blacked out on that front..." he admitted. "anyway, there where too many little changes, followed up by a really big one. he's probably melting down right now." he admitted. "he can't handle himself, let alone a new relationship, so he's running to something familiar, which is Phil." Grant explained. "which sucks for you in a big way, but i'm sure if your patient enough, he'll come back to his senses." he assured her. "he's just overly upset. the attack on the tower and the attack on you probably drove him over the edge. in some way, i bet he's probably convinced that he's protecting you." he admitted before smiling. "good. you shouldn't hate him." no, not yet. she would grow to hate him, he would feed that spark in her. he had to take his time, nurse her into the right direction, guide her will into his own. make her his in all ways. it would take time. he had all the time in the world now.
Phil winced a little letting the other pull away from him, looking at loki. “he’s...he’s emotionally unstable. He’s....”He frowned trying to think about how to help him, swallowing thickly before sighing quietly. “Put him to sleep. I’ll talk to him when he’s calmer.”he said wincing a little, hating to do it, but knowing that at the moment, clint wouldn’t allow him to help, not with kate missing.

“I know...and loki’s thor’s brother. And we care for thor. He needed a place to stay.”she said even as upset and torn up as she was, she was protecting loki and clint. Biting her lip she looked upset and worried for clint before nodding a little. “That’s truel....hopefully he’ll call in a few days....”She said sighing quietly, hoping that clint would indeed call when he had a chance to calm down. Offering grant a small smile. “Thanks Grant.”
Loki nodded. "he's suffered too much at one time." he agreed, pressing his fingers to Clint's forehead. "what are you-?" he paused, his eye's wide before they fluttered closed and he collapsed into Loki's arms. the god holding him so he didn't fall to the floor. "he'll sleep for a few hours like this." Loki promised. "but if we don't find Kate soon, i don't know how many times this will have an effect on him. eventually he's going to start building an immunity. the more times i use it, the less effect it will have until it doesn't have any effect at all." he admitted, gently shifting Clint into Phil's arms. "i can make calming teas, but as worked up as he is, i don't know if he would drink it, and foce feeding him would only work him up more, making the tea pointless." he admitted, looking worried about Clint. and seven months later Loki was right, the sleeping spell no longer worked on Clint, though they didn't need it as much now, since he was only getting depressed.

Grant on the other hand, smiled as he watched his sleeping toy. no, he couldn't really call her that anymore. at first, it had just been him slowly brainwashing her. week after week of trying to call the fake Clint, and the false voice getting more and more aggravated with her attempts meant she had soon given up. he couldn't get her to hate Clint, even after four months so he had turned his attentions to making her hate Phil. which didn't go as planned either. the woman was just too kind hearted. when was it that he had started falling in love with her? he had helped her hone her skills, her eyesight, or whatever she was using in place of it. he taught her how to fight, and how to fuck, ow though, now he was starting to feel... bad, about using her like this. he was brainwashing her into thinking she was in love with him, using old techniques to make her think the way he wanted her to think. did that mean he was raping her? he was certainly taking advantage of her... now he knew she was pregnant. pregnant with his kid. he couldn't do it anymore. maybe he should call Clint, tell him where Kate was, tell him she was pregnant. if he dumped her, abandoned her then he could have her all to himself without feeling guilty, right?
Phil sighed softly, watching clint as he held onto him gently. “we’ll do what we can, and hope we find Kate soon.”

“Kate smiled as she turned her head, listening to grant, smilign quietly as she started to wake up. “Can we go into the city?We should get some stuff for the baby.”Seh said, more so because she wanted to go to the tower. Figuring if maybe she showed up, maybe she could figure out things. And despite caring for grant, there was...something missing. Something more she needed, and she knew it was clint. She wanted, needed the man, even if he hated her, she simply needed to see him. And even if she really did want to go shopping, well, she could probably convince grant to take a detour by avengers tower.
Grant turned to look at her before smiling a little. "yeah. sure." he agreed. "i'm going to try calling Clint again." he admitted. "he should know... about you being pregnant." he admitted, staring out the window. he wouldn't bother blocking out the electronics of the entire city this time. any other time he took Kate out of the apartment, he blocked out every electrical signal in the entire area, cameras failed, every single one of them, people couldn't take pictures with their phones, and the camera surveillance systems died. even when they didn't go out, he still did it at least once or twice a week randomly, just to piss Tony off. "well. you get ready and i'll call Clint. maybe he's calmed down by now?" he wondered, watching her head into the bathroom before flicking open his hone and dialing the Tower. "this is Grant Ward. i need to speak to Clint Barton involving Kate Daniels please." he asked Jarvis. "hello. this is Grant ward. i have Kate Daniels in my possession. she is currently pregnant with my child." he informed Clint.

"for the last six, no. it's been seven months now hasn't it?" he wondered. "in any case, i've been leading her to believe that you left her to start a relationship with Phil. so she crawled into my bed quite willingly before you accuse me of rape." Grant warned before smiling. "i was going to make a weapon out of her... but i can't. i love her. funny how that happens. we'll be in the park soon. you can meet us there, or you can refuse to see her. i don't care which. i just thought you should know. i can't do what i want, with all this guilt on y chest..." he admitted. "i guess i'm leaving it to you. if you want her back, you'll have to kill me. if you don't, then she's mine. either way. i win." and with that he hung up and checked to make sure she was still in the shower, sighing a little. well, either way it would be over. either Clint would hate her for being a slut, or he would kill Grant to have her back. he would win no matter what, because after all, she did like him. if Clint killed him, she would never forgive Clint. he smiled to himself, pleased with his final preparations and slid a cigarette into his mouth and lit it, taking a deep inhale.
“Awesome. I want to go to the toy store to.”She said smiling, before wincing, nodding slightly. “Yea. He should.”Kate swallowed nervous about the idea, even if she hadn’t seen him in months, she didn’t know what to think about him knowing. “Kay. Hopefully. It’d be good to see him.”She smiled as she headed to the bathroom to get ready. Returning after grant hung up in capris and a tank top, slipping on her sandals, making a face at grant’s cigarette. “Would you wait until we’re outside at least?”she said rolling her eyes a little leaning in despite her protests to kiss his cheek, smiling as they headed into the city.
he smiled. "the baby is months away, why do you want to buy toys now?" he asked curiously. "that's silly. in any case, i asked Clint to meet us at the park... i don't know if he'll show up though." he admitted. "so we'll go to the store, and then to the park." he promised her before blinking at his cigarette. "oh! i'm sorry! i forgot. no smoking while your pregnant... or around the baby..." he was already putting the stick out, smiling as he was kissed, blacking out all of the cameras so they could shop in peace. only once she had everything she wanted did he lead the way to the park, letting all the cameras come back online. being that he was carrying all the bags, that itself was proof that he was not forcing her into anything. which meant Clint would look even worse when he killed Grant. "do you want some ice-cream?" Grant asked her, indicating an Ice-cream stand. "we can sit there and wait for Clint to come." if he showed up at all. with a press of a button all the cameras came back online, letting Tony, and more importantly Clint, find them.
“Cause, then if I buy certain toys or decorations, I can paint and buy stuff that goes together. The baby’s going to have a room near us, so we can decorate in there.”Kate said looking amused before looking thoughtful, biting her lip a little before nodding. “Well.hopefully he will.”She said following him, laughing a little. “No, no smoking.”She agreed looking amused as they walked, settling into a park bench as she nodded. “Yea. Some chocolate. Set the bags down and you can go get ours.”

“Clint?”Tony paused as he rushed into the room, his dark hair sticking up every which way as he paused, looking at his friend.”Clint, I found Kate. There’s....a message you need to listen to though.”He said having jarvis play the message, having kept it back until they showed up in the park.
he nodded. "that's true." he agreed with a smile. "though. if Clint doesn't come. i think we should move. that apartment is only a safe house. we should find a real place to live." he admitted with a smile. "if Clint does come, i'm sure you'll go back with him." he admitted, voice sad. "if he does come." he held something out to her. a Cassette recorder. "i want you to listen to this, okay?" he asked with a smile. "if he doesn't, i suppose it doesn't matter, because i'll tell you myself." he promised her with a smile. "don't listen to it until later though, okay?" he ordered before heading to get the ice-cream.

"...Tony? really? you have!?" he demanded, leaping over the bed he had been curled up on, grabbing at Tony, trying to figure out of it was true or ot before his eyes narrowed at the message. "Someone get my guns!" he snarled. "i'm killing this fucker!" Loki sighed as he walked in. "don't make me knock you out again please. take deep breaths and calm down. if you kill Grant, you'll upset Kate." he explained. "you don't want that, right?" "well... no... dammit..." Clint scowled and then turned to look at Tony. "what should i do?" he asked, upset and worried.
“Well, if he doesn’t, we should. A house outside the city.”kate smiled at the idea, before studying the man.”Well. You could always come back with me, if he does show up. I’ll be awkward, could.”Kate said looking upset at the idea of leaving him before before looking down at the cassette recorder as she took it, frowning. “okay. Later then....”She said pocketing even if she looked curious.

“I did.”tony smiled slightly before wincing as he grabbed clint’s arms to keep him from running off to get weapons just yet. “You heard him. Kate likes him, I’m sure that’s part of his plan, if you kill him, you’ll upset kate and mess things up. Just calm down okay?”Tony said before smiling slightly.”Well. I suggest going to the park before they get bored and leave.”
he smiled. "yes. near the shore. clean air and fresh water. so our child doesn't have to grow up in pollution." he agreed before smiling softly at her. "i don't think that's going to be possible." he admitted softly. "you'll understand everything soon. i promise." he assured her, giving her a gentle kiss before getting the Ice-cream. he got the swirl, like he always did and he got her the chocolate like she wanted and they settled in to wait.

Clint nearly decked Tony in the face when the man stopped him. wouldn't be the first time he'd broken someone's face in a fit of rage. or even the first time he'd broken Tony's face. Clint had actually shattered Loki's nose at one point. Loki had to have Phil straighten it before he could heal it. he had been working with Phil a lot and honestly, Clint was delighted to see Phil and Loki getting so close. even if it made Clint miss Kate even more. "fine. i'm calm." Clint promised, wiping his eyes. "okay. yeah... we have to take Phil with. and Loki, so they can arrest Grant. if i can't kill her then i want him contained." Clint admitted.
"The beach would be nice."she agreed before frowning at him."I'm sure we can work something out."she said looking upset before taking a deep breath to calm. Reminding herself to trust him. She knew he knew what was best. Smiling happily as she at her cone.

Tony scuttled back aware the man wanted to break his face before sighing a little relieved as the other stayed in control."we're ready to go when you are."phil said as he walked in with Clint looking worried for him. Tony having given the two the information on what was going on before he headed down here to talk to clint.
he nodded "the Beach would be pretty awesome." he agreed with a smile before shaking his head. "i'm not so sure." he admitted before smiling at her. "trust me. i know what i'm doing. it will be okay." he promised, kissing her again before handing her the Ice-cream, looking up just as he'd finished at the assembled group coming towards them. well that wasn't in the plan. oh well. he could still make it work to his advantage he was sure. "Ward!" Clint snarled, glaring at him, Loki setting a hand on Clint's shoulder, sending soothing, calming auras into the upset man. Clint looked like shit. he had lost too much weight, had heavy, dark bags under his eyes and was pale and sickly looking. he looked as if he hadn't showered in forever, or even changed his clothes. not the look of a man who had been enjoying life with Phil. "in the flesh. you where supposed to kill me." Grant admitted, crossing his arms, standing in front of Kate, blocking him from seeing her, though not blocking her sight of him. "fucking asshole! i should just kill you!" "that would upset Kate." Loki reminded him. "Shut up! i fucking know that! just arrest this fucking rat bastard before i can't control myself anymore!"
“...Okay.”Kate said frowning looking worried though even as she ate her food. Sighing quietly, eyes widening as she saw the avengers walking towards them. “Clint?”kate said looking upset as she tried to dodging around grant to get to clint, needing to see what was going on, even if she couldn’t see him, she knew he was upset, could smell him actually. “We have him. Don’t worry.”Phil said soothingly, as he raised a eyebrow. “Are you going to come quietly, or do I actually have to break out the handcuffs?”Phil said studying grant. “What?!What’s going on?”
Grant smirked a little. "oh. i have no intention of going peacefully." "enough of this." Loki growled, reaching out with two glowing fingers before Grant could do a damn thing and tapped him on the head, catching him when he collapsed. "there. now. Clint, focus on Kate. she's confused, remember what Grant said. she thinks you left her to be with Phil." "i would never!" "Kate, i'm sorry. Clint hasn't dropped since before Phil died and he's been refusing all help, he's half insane. we'll explain and i swear we won't hurt Grant, but we need you to help Clint. you remember what Phil told you? how to help him?" Loki asked her. "please, you're the only person he won't hit for trying to calm him down."
“Grant?”Kate said sounding upset herself as she reached out to catch him, before freezing as loki and phil moved him away. Eyes wide as she tried to figure out what was going on. “kate, later. Help clint.”Phil said gently, urging her a little. “Y-yes I remember.”Kate frowned looking at the man, reaching out to touch his arms, making him focus on her. “Can we go back to the tower, clint? and I'll help you calm down okay?you're not helping yourself any."
Loki nodded. "you need to get him to calm down and drop him if you can." Loki explained. he knew Phil would have explained Subspace and how to drop Clint when just handcuffing him didn't do the trick. she would have to be firm with Clint, but Loki was sure she could do it, even if she wasn't as stern as Phil was Clint would obey her because he wanted to obey her. Clint snarled when she touched him but didn't move to hit her the way he would for Phil or Loki. he growled, twitched and shook his head. "no. he took you from me. he has to pay! he took you from me!" he complained, nearly wild with rage, but he was following her, letting her lead him away from Grant. she'd be able to handle him easily. she just had to calm him down and get him under control. he followed her all the way back tot he tower, muttering about how much he hated Grant and how he was going to make the man pay until about halfway back to the tower, seaming to realize he was upsetting Kate. "...the tower?" Clint asked, startled when he realized where he was. "but..." he frowned and turned, looking furious when he realized Loki and Phil ad Tony weren't there with Grant. there where they!? had Grant escaped!? was it all a trick!? where they on Grant's side!? should he go back? he should go back. but he couldn't leave Kate alone. what if Grant had escaped and he kidnapped Kate again?
“I will.”Kate muttered looking worried and upset, confused before swallowing hard. Setting her questions aside for now. “Yes, the tower. We’re going to go inside, and to my rooms.”She soothed before smiling quietly, worried for him. “They’ll be here soon .Tony’s probably flying him here in the suit so there’s no chance he’ll get away.”she said though she was confused, she had the sense to not try and get answers yet. “Clint, I need to take a bath, and get a footrub okay?Can you do that for me?”she said having every intention of making him obey simple commands, easing him into things, letting him slowly go down before anything else happened.
he nodded, eyes scanning the ground. in truth, Loki had simply 'trans-located' them straight to the prison cells under the tower so they could contain Grant without Clint catching sight of them. ll of them where still in the basement. "yeah... yeah Tony won't let him get away..." Clint mumbled before blinking at her. a bath? she wanted a bath? now? no, of course she wanted a bath, she probably felt filthy, letting that man touch her. he couldn't be mad at her though, if it meant she survived he would have rather her been raped than tortured to death. "yes. foot rub and bath. okay. i'll wash your back." hell he probably needed a bath himself. he did sort of stink a little bit. the longer he was with her the less agitated he was too, he was no longer twitching violently. he was still twitching, but they where small, sharp movements instead of full body jerks. he happily settled in to wash her hair and her back and rub her feet, surprised when he realized he was feeling hazy, like when he first started to sink into subspace. was he dropping? was that okay? was it safe? it had to be. she wanted him to, so it had to be okay.
Kate smiled slightly. “Yes, I want a bath. And you’re going to get a bath to.”she smiled as she let him wash her up, before coaxing him into the tub to help him wash up to. By the time they were both washed and relaxed, the woman was content and happy herself, “Clint, rub my feet.”She said smiling softly as she settled into the bed, smiling quietly as she gently stroked his hair, pleased to see the man relaxing, dropping.
he blinked and nodded, letting her order him about, settling into the bath once she told him to and scrubbed himself and his hair clean before blinking at her when she issued the order to get dressed and did that as well before settling near her feet and giving her a foot massage, relaxed now, content to simply be there with her, leaning into the hand. he wasn't calm enough that he would ignore someone walking in, but he was calm enough to be relaxed around her now. he wasn't twitching at all. "Kate?" he asked softly, looking up at her. "you know it's not true, right? what... He, said? i would never leave you. never ever." he promised. "not ever. i wouldn't even let Phil touch me. because i ddn't want you to think i was letting him do things to me." he stared at her, tears in his eyes, low enough to be emotionally expressive. "i'm so sorry, i should have looked for you harder. i shouldn't have let him take you, it's all my fault, i'm so sorry."
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