love is blind (moon/lady)

he chuckled a little. "yeah. i guess so." he admitted before grinning. "i remember the fountain! it was an amazing fountain!" he admitted. "i was planning on going back in the dead of the night and stealing it." he admitted with a chuckle before sobering, stroking her hair. "it's hard, but your strong." he promised her. "you'll get through it, like you have everything else." he promised, holding her. "let yourself cry. let yourself grieve."

Loki nodded. "yes that's very true." he admitted. "some humans are more sheltered than others after all, and some humans just don't have the right kind of personality. it's humanities immense diversity that allows you to create such amazing things. Aer, for example are all pretty much the same. beat it up and you win. but humans, you have so many different kinds of people. you have the beat it up and win type, and the kind that talk circles around others, and the kind that don't want any trouble at all. you have writers, and painters, woodcarvers and thread workers. humans have immense creativity, as well as a drive to become better." he admitted. "even though humanity is only a few hundred thousand years old, you have made such a massive impact on yourselves as well as the world around you. when Aeser where a few hundred thousand years old, we where still trying to work out how to farm." he admitted, snorting. "hell we're still trying to figure that out." he huffed, shaking his head before smiling a little. "actually, Tony has expressed an interest in magic." he admitted. "i thought i might teach him some, see if he doesn't have the capacity for it. i think you might be capable now, actually. with the Kree's black blood within you, you might be able to access that kind of energy." he admitted.

"yes, but you shouldn't have to suffer more than you need to." Loki admitted. "and the tea will help curb the desire to carve as well, lessening the strain on your brain, mind and body as well." he admitted. "of course it tastes well. that's why i added ginchen." he admitted. "it's leaves have no real medicinal properties, but they are very very sweet, because they hide their nectar inside their leaves, to keep other animals from getting to them." he admitted. "it's the Feiiten and scuuto that have the medicinal effects." he admitted, laying three leaves out on the table. "this is the Ginchen." he pointed to a thick, cactus like limb. he picked it up and with a sharp nail, cut a line about an inch long and then squeezed above the cut, thick, clear liquid oozing out. "here." he offered the drop to Phil, settling it onto his finger. it was so sweet it was almost disgusting. it tasted almost like someone had mixed Honey with a pound of sugar. "it's very potent, but we use it a lot to sweeten pretty much everything. we don't have Sugar you see." he admitted with a smile. "it's the Feiiten that gets addictive. it has a chemical in there that causes the mind to relax." he explained. "when people get addicted they start to abuse it very quickly and it can cause irreparable mental damage. when used too often or too much you enter a euphoric haze. you don't care about anything at all, not sleeping, not eating, you don't drink water. you just sit there in a haze ad waste away, the only time an addict moves is to make more feiitan tea. which is why we are going to be monitoring you very carefully." he admitted.
"It was a amazing fountain. Even if you were unnaturally at tat he'd to it."kate teased smiling a little. snuggling into him she sighed softly as she cried herself out, rubbing her face to get rid of the tears."t-thanks clint."she muttered calming.

"Hm. You have a good grasp on humanity. Did you spend time here?"he said looking interested and thoughtful as he considered humanity from loki's view. Considering the race from loki's view instead of the somwhat dark outlook Working with shield had left him with."...oh god. Tony with magic. It'll either be the greatest thing ever to happen to humanity or what history will say finally blew us up."phil said with a snicker.

" doesn't mess it up?I mean,I know it's not a potion,just tea. But I would think the different ingredients would cause problems when mixed..."as phil didn't cook alot, he never could quite understand how things went together in foods."ahhh sort of like human drugs. Nothing matters except the drug."phil said shuddering a little at that, disliking the idea of being a addict. "Good. I don't want...not being in control of myself isn't a option. This kree blood is bad enough...I don't want to be a addict to..."
he held her while she cried and nodded. "of course. i couldn't leave you alone to suffer. not after everything you did for me when i was finally starting to realize Phil was never coming back..." he admitted, sighing. "i'm not sure what i'm feeling about that right now, but we'll help each other, right?" he asked with a smile. "we won't leave each other alone."

Loki nodded. "hm. yes." he admitted. "and i watched earth a lot with Heimdal." he admitted. "i was always fascinated with your species." he admitted. "i have always been able to see things that Aeser couldn't. the others, they see you as clever monkeys." he admitted, lifting his lip into a sneer, showing exactly what he thought f that stupid opinion. "but me... i can see the fires in your souls. the potential that you have, the amazing powers you possess." he admitted. "most Aeser, forget what we where when we where your age. they look down on you because your not as advanced as them. they forget their own past." he admitted. "and i have no doubt, that they will grow to regret that very soon. humanity is on an edge. all it needs is one more push, and they will be beyond Aeser. better that Aeser..." here he grinned viciously. "i would love to be here, to watch it while it grows beyond imagining." he smiled at Phil. "humans, in another thousand years, are going to be so amazing." he admitted before grinning. "don't worry, i won't let Tony misuse magic." he promised. "not that he needs much help keeping himself under control in that manner." he admitted.

"no. Ginchen is chemically inert. it adds flavor without being reactive to anything." he admitted. "which is a good thing. here. lick this." he ordered, handing the other one of the leaves. "this is Scuuto. it relaxes the muscles and is a mild pain reliever. non addictive." Loki informed him. "it's leaves don't have properties until you add hot water, so it's perfectly safe." he promised. the leave was round, and fuzzy. like licking a African violet or a short haired dog. only it was worse than if you'd bitten into a raw onion followed by a lemon juice shot with minced garlic. it was sour, bitter and was strong enough to make anyone want to gag. "can you imagine trying to get anyone to drink that without the Ginchen?" he asked, looking amused. "i won't let you become addicted." Loki promised. "this is actually my specialty. medicinal herbs. healing without magic." he admitted. "as well as experimental magic of course." he admitted. "i know what signs to look for. there are always warning signs when you start to become dependent on Feiiten. if i see those, i stop you right away." he promised. "it can take a while for a dependency to develop however. so you have a while before you have to worry about anything like that." he promised. "if your too worried about it, we can cut it back to two cups a day, which is too little for a dependency to occur. it would be difficult with three cups, but possible if taken for too long." he admitted. "considering how stubborn you are though, i don't think you have to worry that much." Loki admitted.
Kate sniffed a little,snuggling into him."yes. We'll take care of each other."she smiled softly resting her head on his chest.

"Hm,some of us are clever monkeys. Though tony's a clever metal monkey."phil snickered a little."...we'll Be there to watch humanity find a bigger edge. It'll be interesting to see what comes next."phil agreed smiling slightly as he considered that before nodding,"I'm sure you'll be welcome here as long as you want to stay. He might not say it,but tony tends to collect people,and not want them to go anywhere."he smiled before nodding."I know you wont,it's just sorta scary to give a man who enjoys explosions even more abilities to watch things go bang."he snickered.

"Okay..."phil said eyeing the leaf as he took it rubbing it between his fingers a litrle before licking it and promptly gagging as he made a face."that's disgusting!"he growled taking a sip of his tea to get rid of the taste before sighing."no one would want to drink that."he said before nodding."good. Thanks loki."he said smiling slightly."no...three cups a day for now. Despite being able to handle the pain,I would still like to not be in pain...if I show signs then we'll handle it then."he sighed quietly.
he nodded. "Tony is more clever then most. i think the term is Genius?" he asked, his head tilted. "though, there are different types of cleverness i think." he admitted. "after all, some humans have no schooling at all and yet are smarter than most humans are." he admitted with a chuckle. "although... to be honest. and don't take this the wrong way, but most humans are kind of... dumb." he admitted with a shrug. "particularly the ones on the cusp of adulthood." he admitted "ah. but there's the problem. i will outlive all of you by another good. oh, two hundred thousand years or more." he admitted with a smile. "i don't know where i will be in a thousand years, but i'm pretty sure most of the humans here will be dead." he admitted. "you might actually live that long though." he admitted. "it's hard to say." he admitted. "well... yes. i suppose that's true... considering how much i love explosions maybe we should get Thor to babysit us?" he wondered, head tilted.

"very disgusting." Loki agreed. "but, when boiled on proper dosages, you can numb someone so effectively, you could operate on them and they wouldn't feel a thing. especially if the leaf is turned into a numbing paste." he admitted, looking very impish indeed. he loved playing little tricks like that. ones where no one was really hurt. and Phil was such a good sport. "of course." Loki assured him with a soft smile. "it's the least i can do for you." he admitted. "then i will make sure to prepare you a cup three times a day. one for your breakfast, one for your lunch and one for your dinner." he decided. "would you prefer to have it delivered?" he asked. "i can use a spell to make sure the cup appears next to you, no matter where you are, so long as i tag you with the receiving part." he admitted. "that way, you don't have to come here every day for a cup of tea. i know i must make you anxious."
"Yes it is. Though in tony's case it's a mad genius. I swear,he gets off on nearly giving me a heart attack."phil grumbled with a smile."oy don't worry. Most humans are truly dumb. It's what keeps me having a job. Humanity's stupidity."phil snorted amused."...well. that's true. I hadn't thought of that. We'll in that case,you have a place as long as we're here."phil said despite the uncomfortableNess the gods presence made him feel,he was indeed trying to accept that he was here."hmm. Yes. Probably a good idea having a babysitter."

"That's really,still disgusting though."phil said making a face."..that would be nice. Having it delivered."he said biting his lip."though you should see me at least once a day. I mean just in case I have adverseeffects to it or somethimg."that was phil,always cautious. Tilting his head as he nodded."i...I'm sorry. You do. Even knowing everything you went through...its still..disconcerting to have you here."
Loki chuckled a little. "i wouldn't doubt it. he's the sort of guy who likes to play with others." he admitted with a smile. "pranks. jokes and the like." he admitted. "not unlike myself." he admitted with a chuckle. "the best joke, is the kind where no one gets hurt." he admitted. "so Tony's kind of fun is something i like to watch." he admitted. "of course, he's entirely too reckless with his own well being, but i'm sure Steve will have that trained out of him in no time." Loki admitted. "i would like that." Loki admitted. "i've never really been accepted anywhere before." he admitted. "no one wants a monster living with them after all." he admitted before snickering. "i could always teach Tony hw to make Snapping Dragons." he admitted with a grin. "i bet he'd love those." he admitted. "or maybe how to make flash bangers." he mused. "he could get into all kinds of trouble with those." he admitted.

"it is kind of disgusting." he admitted with a grin, "but most medicine is." he admitted. "i will make sure to have your tea delivered. and i can monitor your well being from a distance. right now, i am constantly monitoring your brain wave patterns, so i can use my magic to help buffer the trauma during one of your... hmm, we'll call them episodes." he admitted. "while monitoring your brain waves, i can keep an eye out for any kid of spike. including a growing dependency upon Faiiten. the spell only alerts me to specific kinds of spikes however, so your privacy is still safe." he promised Phil. "in magical medicine, privacy is always very important." he admitted. "because otherwise, magical medicine could become abusive to the person we're trying to heal. emotions are a very important thing, so f you ever feel frightened, upset, or uncertain about anything i do, or use on you, i want you to tell me right away. got it?" he demanded before smiling at the other. "it's understandable." he admitted. "i wouldn't be too comfortable around the guy that stabbed me through the heart either." he admitted. "although... i think you should know. that last attack you threw at me? it broke three of my ribs." he admitted with a grin. "i was quite impressed."
"Definitely. I've never seen a man more prone to playing pranks...except maybe you. Thor's told stories."he smiled slightly before snickering."I'm sure that he will. Caps very good at getting tony to do things."phil smiled a little."well. You're not a monster,and even if you were,like I said, we collect strays here."phil smiled a little."...oh two are going to let me have no peace are you?teach him whatever you want."he snickered amused.

"Oh. Well that works to."phil said relaxing some at the idea of the man being able to look after him without having to see him if he was uncomfortable. Nodding he smiled slightly."don't worry. If I ever have a problem,you'll hear about it."he said smiling a little."it's good to know you are careful to not abuse it,since it would be so easy to do."he sighed quietly pleased to know that the other was so consciousness about what magic could do. Relaxing a little as he realized the other truly did understand why it was uncomfortable."well good. You deserved that...and I've used that gun since then. Still makes a impressive mess."phil said with a small smile
Loki chuckled a little. "well, i claimed the God of Tricks for a reason you know." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Thor always tells stories, and he always tells them wrong too." he admitted with a snort. "like the fact that he starts all those prank wars." he complained before smiling t Phil. "i am a monster you know. i let the Blue in, so it could change me, and make me anything but myself. i have only myself to blame for the events that occurred." he admitted before smiling. "well, just call me kitten then." he agreed with a chuckle. hell, if being a stray meant he got to live here then he was all for it. "oh don't worry so much." he teased Phil with a snicker. "i won't teach him anything dangerous. Snapping dragons and Flash bangers can't be used to hurt anything, not even the walls or a flower, so it's all harmless fun." he promised.

"the less stressed you are in the day to day life, the less the obsession will become." he admitted. "the more calm you are, the less you'll want to carve." he admitted. "it's my job to find as many ways to keep you as calm as possible." he admitted. "without going against my own oaths, of course." he admitted. "anyone who becomes any form of magical healer has to take special oaths so we cannot abuse the knowledge we have, or the knowledge we might gain from others." he admitted. "it is those oaths that keep me from speaking about Clint's memories that i am now in possession of." he admitted. "though that won't stop him from speaking of my memories that he holds." he admitted. "yes, i did deserve that." he agreed with a chuckle before blinking. "does it really? who else did you use it against?" he asked curiously. "bad guys i'm sure." he admitted before checking his watch. "huh. Thor's been left alone for a whole hour and nothings caught on fire. that's a new record."
"Well of course. And I'm sure if we asked him,he'd sY you told them wrong."phil snickered." you might have let it in,but it's not all your fault.much like how clint's not totally to blame."he sighed a little. "I'm not quite sure I can call you're not fluffy or furry."he snorted amused."I know but he still likes watching me freak out."

"Well...thats...okay. I can do no stress.maybe."pgil said smiling slightly."of course. I wouldn't want to do anything that compromised you."phil sighed a little."t does. And a former shield agent turned hydra. It totally knocked him out."pgil snorted as he thought about garret."I'm sure it is...we should go check on them"pgil smiled as he headed for the door
Loki snorted. "just because i'm known as the God of Lies doesn't mean i always lie! only when it suits me!" he protested with a chuckle before shaking his head. "there is a difference between me and Clint however. i let it in. but i forced it into Clint. he never had a chance to accept it willingly or fight against it." he admitted. "the Blue needed a willing source, because it wasn't strong enough to take over someone's Will on it's own. however, using me, i became an amplifier. my magic made the Blue ten times as strong. not unlike hooking up a speaker to an electric guitar." he admitted. "using me, the Blue was able to override others Wills, even when they fought back." he admitted. "i can be." Loki admitted with a smirk. "i can be anything i want really." he admitted before nodding. "it is fun watching you wig out." he admitted. "it's funnier to watch Thor though." he admitted with a smile. "everyone has stress in their lives, both good ad bad there's no way to eliminate it at all, not even by moving you into an empty room because the lack of human companionship would also cause you stress. all we can do is try to help you minimize it. that said, i would highly recommend you spend at least an hour or two every day doing something you enjoy and find relaxing. reading a book, polishing a collection or painting are good examples." he admitted. "former shield?" he asked. "Shield is the place i blew up, right?" he asked. "where they had me in the big glass container?" he asked, looking curious before grinning, leading the way out to the kitchen where Thor was sitting patiently for Pop-Tarts. on the way there Loki shrank, from one step to the next, into a fluffy black kitten. "...Loki? what on earth are you doing?" Thor asked, Loki just jumped onto the table and started washing behind his ear with a paw.
"It would suit you to blame thor for not getting the stories right."he said smiling. Feeling weird that he was actually enjoying the gods company."ah. Well. We've all done things we weren't proud of. Just help us now. The avengers could use someone who knows magic really."phil smiled before staring. Not quite sure what to think of loki saying he could be fluffy. this conversation was just to weird for him."less stress then. And I'll do something."phil said not about to admit it would either be rearing or going through tony's captain America collection. "Yes it is. After you came, we found we had more enemies in our ranks and had to clean house."the man shrugged a little before staring at the cat at a loss."...he said he could be fluffy..." "Cool. Who got the cat?is it mine?I'd totally be responsible with it."Tony said manic in the throes of a inventing binge,staring at the cat. Having only come up to get some food.
Loki smirked at Phil. "and that's half the fun. one never knows, if i'm lying, or telling the truth." he admitted with a snicker before smiling at Phil. "it's because of how they persevered that i'm helping them now." he admitted. "i wouldn't stay with just any humans after all. the Avengers, the people living in this tower are special. especially you and Clint." he admitted. "not to mention Tony." he admitted. "it's a rare person who can look death in the eye, and not be afraid. a rare person who can face the unknown and be afraid, but fight on anyway." he looked at Phil. "because of your natures, as humans, or perhaps, despite being human, that i can trust you to not abuse the knowledge of magic and the other nine realms." he admitted with a smile. "this tower, the people in it, are very rare." he admitted. "i can't wait to see how much stronger you become." he admitted before grinning. "you should take bubble baths." he decided, eyes glinting mischievously. "that's very relaxing, or so i'm told." he teased with a grin before blinking. "enemies in your ranks?" he asked, looking confused. "like... spies? i thought you where already spies?" he asked, baffled. "of course he can be fluffy. he is a shapeshifter after all. my guess is he's planning mischief." Thor admitted. "he always looks the most cute when he's about to do something awful." Thor admitted, sulking at Loki who mewled adorably. "it's your cat." Thor agreed, picking Loki up and dumping it into Tony's arms, making Loki hiss at Thor before snuggling into Tony, more than happy to enjoy some snuggles.
"Hm they are truly unique here. It takes a good man to know that he's traveling to the other end of space and still go through With it."phil said having seen the video of tony falling from the sky. Flushing a little at loki's words proud of his team,even if they weren't technically his team anymore."I'm sure they are."phil said eyeing the sorcerer, wondering what mischief loki was planning."yes. And even spies can have was quite a mess really."phil said making a face."most likely. I'm feeling a prank war coming..."phil muttered. "Really?awesome."Tony perked up and smiled brightly ay the idea he was being trusted with the life of another living thing holding the kitten away to take a look at him."hmmm "I'm naming you LoKitty after another black haired menace."tony grinned running off to find steve to show off his kitten. "LoKitty?"phil muttered before collapsing in giggles
Loki nodded. "more than that, Tony entered into the Abyss..." Loki shuddered violently, voice dropping into a whisper at that last word. as if he was frightened of it. "the darkest, deepest parts of space where the Other lives." he whispered. "the Other, who reaches into your mind and takes what he wants from you..." he shuddered again. "lucky for Tony, he only saw a brief glimpse. he wasn't overly affected by the Others presence... how the Chitauri stood it, i don't know." he admitted before smiling ever so innocently at Phil. yep, he was up to something. "weird. i never really understood the concept of a spy. liar that i am, subterfuge isn't my strong suit. Tony calls it 'my Drama Queen Complex'... i'm not sure what that means but i'm sure its an insult." he admitted. "oh, i don't know about a war. a war indicates the other side has a chance." Loki admitted, eyes glittering with amusement ad mischief. "yes, really. he's all yours." Thor promised. Loki blinked at him, hanging limply from Tony's hands and purred at him. Thor roared with laughter, collapsing back into his seat. "i'm pretty sure Loki wasn't expecting that one!" he admitted. "i finally got the better f him for once!" well, so he thought anyway. "what's all the noise about?" Steve asked, walking into the kitchen. " better not be setting things on fire again."
"Well I'm actually glad you don't understand spies. We'd be in a world of trouble if you did.though you'd make the perfect spy with your shape changing."phil mused before laughing."it is indeed a insult. Don't worry though,tony's just as much a drama wueen."he snickered."awesome."tony grinned happily as he left the room."no I don't think he was expecting that. Though I think tonys participation in naming his was what made it great."he grinned looking up at steve."oh no. We just gave tony a pet he wants to show you. He has a kitten named LoKitty"
Loki chuckled a little. "ah. that's true. however, spying wouldn't be any fun, because spying can hurt people. i don't like to hurt people." he admitted. "mostly, because i don't want to end up like the people who have hurt me. i don't want to be cruel or evil like them. so i always carefully monitor what i do." he admitted. "i don't like to make people sad, or upset." he admitted. "so being a spy isn't something that would be good for me to do." he admitted before beaming at him. "well, if Tony's a Drama Queen, then it must be a good thing!" he decided. "i just hope Tony doesn't get too attached." Thor admitted with a grimace. "i'll pay for it if Tony get's upset." Thor admitted with a sigh. "ah well. we'll just get him another kitten, for when he finds out Loki is the Kitten." Thor decided. "Tony has a pet?" Steve asked, surprised. "huh. here i was, thinking he was scared of things he had to take care of." he admitted with a smile. "a kitten will be good for him." he scowled. "why'd he have to name it after that annoyance though?" "annoyance?" "yeah. he put honey in my shampoo." "well no wonder you smell so nice." "shut your face Clint." Steve ordered the talking vent.
"Ah. Exactly. You would not like being a spy."phil smiled because sometimes, he didn't like being a spy either. "Me to. though considering taking care of things scare him,he'll get over having a cat."phil said. He hoped at leasst. Though he had a feeling tony was okay with having a cat cause he trusted steve to help him with it."he does smell good."kate agreed with a giggle. "Cause it's black and fluffy, and really is loki. Even if tony doesn't know that. So it's LoKitty."phil snorted amused. Bcap!look I have a kitten. You get to help me take care of it."tony said smiling manic ally as he walked back in.
Loki nodded. "i'd be good at it though." he admitted. "if i didn't have such strong morals anyway." he admitted with a chuckle. "well... that and i have no impulse control." he admitted with a shrug. "and i hate staying still for too long unless i'm focused on something." he admitted with a smile.

"your probably right." Thor admitted with a smile. "ever since they admitted they where in love with each other, Ton has been relying on Steve a lot more. it's a bit of a relief." Clint agreed. "Tony's not the sort who handles himself well. being able to trust Steve with him is a good thing." he admitted before sniggering when Tony ran back in with the kitten. "oh Tony..." Steve sighed. "you don't know anything about animals huh? first, you can't hold a cat like that, it hurts and makes it hard for them to breath." he warned, taking the cat out of Tony's hands. "you have to support the front and the back end. like this, see?" he stated, handing it back to Tony. "before you even say it, most cats are lactose intolerant, no feeding it milk, or cheese. and yes, Pizza counts as cheese." he informed the other. "if you really insist, we can get it special milk at the pet store that won't upset his stomach." Steve promised. "we're going to have to go out to get everything the kitten needs, a litter box and cat food." he stated. he knew Loki had a back up plan so Tony wouldn't be upset about loosing the Kitten. so he wanted to be prepared.
"It is indeed quite a relief. He's less....unstable really."Kaye said pleased that the genius had found someone who complimented his manic genius so well. Steadied him when he needed it.eyes widening as he looked at steve making a small distressed noise."I didnt hurt him did i?"he asked as he gently held the kitten,amazingly gentle for a man who spent most of his days welding things."okay....we'll get special milk. Kittens should have milk, all the tv shows say so.Btony sId wisely looking a little lost before looking at clint."you'll cat sitwhile we go to the store?" "Of course we will tony."kate said as she struggled for seriousness,not wanting to laugh at him
Steve smiled at Tony. "no. he's young so they're very limber. he's not hurt, but when he gets older, it'll be painful, even dangerous to hold him the way you where, so make sure to get in the habit of holding him properly." he ordered with a smile. "not everything on the TV is accurate Tony." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "this Kitten is old enough to not need milk anymore." he admitted. "but it won't hurt him o long as we get the right kind of milk." he admitted. "we won't let the little one get hurt or nothing." Clint promised with a smile. "i'll even keep him out of the vents and away from the nest, okay?" he asked with a smile. "come on Tony." Steve ordered with a smile. "we don't want him crapping in the house, we better get that litter box." he admitted, leading the other away. only once Tony was out of the Tower did the kitten turn back into Loki, who looked very amused. "and what would you all do if i didn't have a backup plan?" Loki asked, waving his finger about in a rather complicated pattern, an identical Kitten with a bright blue bow on it's head appearing, snuggled up in a cat bed. "your you. you always have a backup plan." "that's true."
“Oh. Okay.”Tony said looking relieved that he hadn’t hurt the kitten, swallowing hard as he frowned. “well...we’ll see if he likes milk, then see what happens next.”Tony decided smiling a little. “We wont.”Kate assured smiling as tony fussed over the kitten before settling him in kate’s hands, making sure she was holding him well before stepping back. “we better. And toys.”Tony said chattering the whole time as they headed for the pet store. “That and we would have figured out how to get another black kitten here before he got back. We’re skilled like that.”Phil snickered a little.
Steve smiled at him a little. "that's a good idea." Steve agreed with a smile. "if he doesn't like the milk, then we can always take it back or donate what's left to a shelter." he admitted. rather glad to see Tony so excited about something other than tech. "ah, yes Toys too. and a scratching post." he agreed, shaking his head. "no need to get kitten claw marks on your walls or furniture." he admitted with a smile, letting Tony chatter.

"hmm. Tony's not that dumb. he would have noticed a difference. this Kitten however, is exactly the same as i was. or rather. i turned into her." "her?" "yes. this one is a female. at this age however, it is rather hard to tell what gender a kitten is. so Tony won't get too suspicious." he admitted with a smile. "plus, i can play with his head later." he admitted with a chuckle. "isn't that right, LoKitty?" he asked the kitten, stroking it's ears with a smile. "a Kitten will be good for Tony anyway. i was planning on giving this little one to him tomorrow. but, i can claim it got out. it's not unexpected for a Kitten to be good at escaping."
“Okay. We’ll do that.”Tony said smiling before pausing, frowning at the other. “You look to pleased. What did I do now?”He said supicious about why his captain was so happy with him, before nodding. “No. I don’t want scratch marks on my walls. That would be bad.”He chattered, and indeed, by the time they were ready to leave, he had a ridiculous amount of stuff for the cat, easily a thousand dollars worht of stuff.

“I’m not sure. I mean, he doesn’t notice things not tech. He would have been fooled.”Kate snickered a little before raising a eyebrow. “why a girl?”phil said looking curious before laughing. “I still can’t believe he named the thing LoKitty.”Kate snickered before nodding. “It will be very good for him.”
Steve smiled at him. "i'm just enjoying seeing you so excited about something is all. it doesn't happen very often." he admitted with a smile. "it's nice to see you so happy about something other than computers." he admitted. he was all too happy to do all the heavy lifting as they got Cat towers, Cat stands, cat food, litter boxes, cat litter, Cat treats, cat toys, catnip and countless other things that Steve carried for Tony.

"he would have noticed. Tony doesn't notice things he's not obsessed with, but currently, that cat is one of his obsessions." Clint stated. "the kitten is a girl, i just picked it up for Tony because i thought it was adorable. when i took the form, i remained a male." Loki explained. "later, when you can tell the gender properly, i'll still be appearing as a male fluffball every once and a while just to screw with Steve." Loki admitted with a grin. "it will be fun." he admitted before laughing. "i was shocked too!" he admitted. "i thought for a moment he actually knew it was me." he admitted, eyes glittering with laughter.
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