love is blind (moon/lady)

Clint nodded. "he's an asshole." he muttered. "that's all he is. a giant asshole." he huffed, shaking his head before wincing a little. "it's not Loki's fault he was infected with the Blue. besides, ultimately, i'm the reason you died." he admitted. "you should hate me!" he complained. "besides, it's not Kate's fault i fell in love with her." rising to her defense because he couldn't let someone speak ill of her. "...i'm sorry Phil..." Clint whispered, staring at him, feeling horrid for betraying the other. "what happens when you get angry?" he asked curiously before shaking his head. "never mind, that was a stupid thing to ask..." he muttered, scrubbing his face with his hands. "i don't know what to do..." he admitted with a sigh.
“Indeed. I’ll have to inform him of that.”Phil said before wincing. “I know it isn’t, but it doesn’t make me feel better....and I’d much rather be angry with him then you, and I’m frustrated that I really can’t be angry with either of you and I’m just....tired.”He sighed quietly before smiling slightly, amused that even as upset as he was, he’d come to kate’s defense no matter whwat. “True, but she fell in love with you to. Somehow, I blame her for this.”phil sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. “Me to.....I...she’s nice. Good for you. Best agent I ever trained...doesn’t make me feel better for this.”He said making a face before shrugging. “Nothing. I’m just afraid something will when I get angry.”He sighed a little.”Me either....we can not know what to do, together.”
he nodded. "i'll kill him if he shows up anytime soon, make sure he knows that too." he growled before shaking his head. "you want to be angry t someone else but you can't be because your too pissed off at yourself... i know how that feels." he admitted, running his hand through his hair. "don't blame Kate. it's my fault she's even here in the first place you know. fucking Fury.... i'm the reason she's blind and he's the fucker that told me she needed help... and she did! they where keeping her in a fucking Depro Tank!" he snarled, still not over the abuse she had suffered. the negligence she had been exposed to. "....can't Loki tell you?" he asked Phil, softly before gripping his own arm, looking down. "you won't ask me to leave Kate? because i can't. Phil... i need her..." he admitted softly, tears in his voice. "she's the only reason why i...." why he hadn't killed himself. he had been considering it when Fury asked him to take on Kate. probably why Fury had finally acted.
“I’ll tell him. In volume and great annoyance.”Phil said sighing softly before nodding. “Yes...”Phil sighed softly looking at him before wincing. “...He...he put a depro tank?For how long?That’s not regulation.”phil said starting to work himself into a fine temper. He might be angry with her, but she had been a good agent. She didn’t deserve being hurt simply because fury was plotting or doing something. And wondering how kate was doing with that. With the knowledge of being hurt by the people she’d trusted to look after her. “...maybe...but Loki freaks me out...”he sighed softly, before shaking his head. “No. I can see how you both care for each other...I can’t...ask you to leave her. She needs you to.”Phil said smiling a little, loving clint enough to let him go.
he nodded. "make Steve yell at him too. everyone's scared of an angry Steve... and no, He didn't. the fucking doctors did because she's an amplifier. they thought it would 'help'. more like they just didn't care. upwards of sixteen to eighteen hours a day." he admitted, shaking his head. "she has nightmares about it..." he admitted. "they didn't know what to do so they just fucking abandoned her for a good week and a half before they finally decided 'hey Clint might know how to help her, let's get him involved." he scowled. "and that fucking bastard had the audacity to call her a 'useless reliability'. i nearly pounded his face in." he growled, shaking his head. "Loki's a bit weird, yeah...." Clint admitted. "he's half insane because of what The Blue did to him...." he admitted. "he was under it's control for so long he can't... really function too well..." Clint admitted with a shudder before breaking down and honestly starting to cry, again. "i'm sorry. Phil, i'm so sorry i can't be the man you want me to be." he said, trying to wipe his tears away, he didn't want Phil to feel badly.
“I’ll have to ask him. Steve’s is amazing when he’s angry.”Phil looked amused before wincing, shaking his head. “...that’’s harmful even for a hour or two...who...”phil stopped, shaking his head with just how angry that treatment made him. That was utterly insane, utterly wrong. “I’m glad they got you involved. She’s well taken care of.”She smiled before wincing. “she might not be what she was, but from all accounts, she’s not useless. Hell, Stark named her CEO.”Phil sighed before nodding, biting his lip. “I know he can’t...he still makes me uncomfortable though...”Phil said before wincing, wrapping his arms around him. “I want you to be yourself, if that means I can’t have you, so be it. As long as you’re happy clint.”He said holding the other gently.
Clint nodded. "he is amazing." he agreed before nodding. "yeah they really fucked her up. we had to sedate her just to get her into the soundproof room in Tony's lab." he admitted. "and even then she was pretty traumatized." he admitted. "it took her almost a week to calm down." he admitted. "i'm glad i got involved too." he admitted. "no one should have to suffer what she has. who knows what they might have done. left her in the Depo tanks? dumped her?! i made sure most of those assholes where fired at the very least." he admitted with a growl before he smirked. "she's never useless." he admitted. "most people are terrified of her, and rightly so." he admitted before nodding. "he makes me nervous too." he admitted before blinking when he was hugged, leaning into the touch, hugging the other back. "but what about your happiness Phil?" he asked before flinching when he heard yelling. specifically Thor screaming that there was a fire and Loki yelling that it was Thor's fault. "...oh hell what did they do this time?" he groaned, shaking his head. "hold on Phil i have to see what they're doing." he sighed, sniffling and wiping his eyes before going to see what had happened. apparently Thor had tried to stuff more than two Poptarts into the Toaster and they had caught on fire. Loki was watching, laughing while Thor freaked out and ran from the sink and back to the toaster with a glass of water, trying to put out the fire. "...aaaand now i have a headache..." Clint groaned.
"...well. I'll be having a conversation avout that to. She's a good agent. That should have never been a option. No one should go through that."phil said frowning. Even more angry over it then he normally would have been because clint cared for her."considering she's got stark making weapons for her. I'm sure her bad ass level just keeps rising."pgil snickered before sighing."well. I'm sure I'll find someone. I mean,I still don't know what's going to happen with being part kree..."he sighed nervous about getting attached cause he didn't know if he'd liVe. Wincing at the yelling he nodded before following clint shaking his head a little."thor you can only put one in at a time. And you,stop laughing. You could have stopped him."phil pointed out knowing out of either sibling loki knew more about earth.
he nodded. "no, they never should have done that to her." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'm not sure how much Fury knew about it, but i can't think he'd have been entirely clueless." he admitted, eyes burning with anger, he really would spill Fury's guts onto the floor if he saw the man too soon. "oh, it's even better, Matt Murdock is sharing his weapons with her too." Clint admitted. "so she's armed to the teeth." he admitted with a smile before looking worried about the other. "what exactly is... wrong? with you anyway?" he asked. he hadn't bothered trying to eavesdrop onto that conversation, he hadn't wanted to hear Phil's voice. not to mention he'd been asleep for most of it in the first place. "i don't even know what that thing is." Loki complained, sulking. "just because i managed to bullshit my way through an invasion doesn't mean i know anything about human technology. mostly it was the Blue soaking in information from the humans it was controlling as well. Dr. Selvig, Clint and the other humans where where most of my so called intelligence came from. that doesn't mean i myself learned any of it." Loki admitted. "i can work the microwave now though." Loki admitted. "the one named Jarvis taught me. i made soup... your not supposed to use the metal can though, apparently." he admitted, watching Clint put out the fire with a fire extinguisher. "Fascinating! what is that? how did you harness the power of a frost giant?" Loki asked, examining the Fire extinguisher, proving he was the more intelligent brother when he didn't actually touch the Fire Extinguisher. Tho on the other hand nearly suffocated when he blew the CO2 right into his face, making Loki laugh again.
"Fury is never completely clueless unless he knows it's something he doesn't want to deal with."phil sighed before laughing looking amused ay that."oh dear. The world should be very frightenex. Between her and pepper I'm not sure which is the better super villian."phil snickered."its...Fury used DNA from a alien to bring me back...but it had consequences of making me draw kree letters compulsively and loki says it will make me into a kree mindless killing machine...but we're working on it."he sighed. Shaking his head a little at loki's words he sighed."well we'll just have to have jarvis teach you both more."the man decided looking up when tony ran in."what happened?jarvis said there was a fire?" "Just a small one." "Ah...and that's a fire supressor...its a chemical that puts out fires."tony said in response to loki's question
Clint huffed. "i'm still killing him if i ever see him." he growled before laughing. "everyone knows Pepper is a Super Villain! i knew it!" Clint declared, lifting his arms in victory. "...wait.... if you know she's a Super Villain, why isn't she in prison?" he asked curiously before paling. "he seriously used alien DNA to raise you from the dead?! he's more disgusting than i thought he was..." he muttered. "what does this mean for your soul?" he wondered, scowling. "it's against the wishes of God to raise the dead... what if you never get back into heaven?" not many knew it, but Clint had been raised very Catholic. to the point where he'd been slapped, many times for being left handed, forced to write with his left. even now he still winced when he did something with his left as dominant. even if it was something as simple as opening a door. "....Loki can fix you, can't he? he can make it better?" he asked, worried before blinking at Loki. "but... i learned a bit about you from the Blue..." "yes, but, consider how much you really know." Loki stated. "i can work a cellphone now because the Blue personally showed me how, after receiving the information from you. not because i learned it by being connected to your mind. small things filter through, that's true. like i know ou are supposed to be left handed, and i know that you learned how to be an archer after you ran away and joined the circus. but i couldn't shoot a bow and arrow, and i certainly don't know what this means." he made the sign of the Cross, touching his forehead, then his chest, the right shoulder followed by the left. "it's a religious prayer." Clint explained before smiling when Thor dramatically twitched on the floor. CO2 was COLD.
“Cause she’s a good super villain. She’s not harming anyone, just making sure everyone stays in control.”Phil snickered a little before nodding. Pale as he swallowed hard, looking down. “HE’s...I don’t know. I really don’t.But I’m going to try and do good with the time I’ve been given, even if it’s against the rules.”phil said. Quite religious himself, the man was feeling sick, and had tried really hard to avoid really thinking about what it meant. “...We’re hoping he can.He thinks he can.”Phil said closing his eyes a little. “So, you got snippets of learning, but not everything. That makes sense...considering how much you already knew, the Blue probably didn’t want to risk overloading your system by forcing you to learn a whole other life’s worth of lessons.”phil said thinking about it. “Sort of like how the norse offered up burning things as prayers to the asgardians. That’s just a religious prayer.”Tony said shrugging a little before looking over thor, making sure he wasn’t truly harmed by the CO2. “You’ll be okay in a few minutes.”
he blinked. "...i didn't know any villain could be good... isn't that what villain means? someone bad?" he asked, looking a bit baffled before shaking his head before reaching out and taking Phil's hand. "well. i'm sure God will understand." he beamed suddenly. "hey, you know... i bet he gave you a second chance, since he wasn't ready for you to die yet. maybe there are still things you need to do before you can move on to heaven?" he asked with a smile. "i'm sure your coming back has a higher purpose then just Fury fucking with stuff. after all, even if he brought your body back, only God could put your soul back where it belongs right?" he asked with a smile. "because you where with him after you died, so only he could have sent you back." he decided. "i'm sure Loki can fix you if your meant to be fixed." he admitted. "actually, if the Clue had attempted for us to do such a thing, out brains would not have been able to handle it. human brains and Jotun Brains are not the same. we have different thinking processes, even where we work our bodies is located in different sections of the brain. had the attempt to transfer full information download from one, to the other, our brains would have died, killing us nearly instantly, but not before a great amount of pain." Loki admitted. "small transfers of information is to be expected, but large informational downloads would have caused serious brain damage." he admitted. "as it stands, my brain was damaged simply because of the Blue having a hold on me for so long, Clint's brain on the other hand, handled the conversion from himself to the Blue very well, leading me to believe that whoever controls the Blue is more closely related to humans, than to Aeser or Jotun." he admitted. "it's c-cold!" Thor stuttered, Loki rolling his eyes. "oh honestly Thor, i make it colder than that in my sleep." "don't remind me!"
“Well, true. But if you think pepper and your girlfriend should be arrested, I think I’ll let you be the ones who tell them.”Phil said looking amused before nodding, squeezing the other’s hand. “Maybe he did.”He said feeling better at the idea, nodding.”Yes...only god could ahve done that.”he smiled before wincing at loki’s words. “Well. That would have been worse....broken the tools he was trying to use.”Tony said looking thoughtful as he considered what would be closer to human the aeser or jotun. “Jarvis, warm it up.”Tony said smiling as jarvis turned up the heat. “What happened in here?”Kate said walking in, frowning as she looked around at them all.
he smirked. "i dunno.... if i could be the guard i'd totally go for it." he admitted. "i could see the kinky prisoner guard roleplay sex thing." he admitted. "dunno if Kate would let me boink Pepper though, better save that for Matt if he ever admits he likes her." he admitted, smiling at Phil. "i am glad your back." he admitted softly. "yes. as much as the Blue was disgusted by our.... limited, abilities." here Loki scowled, sulking. "i was the only creature within his grasp capable of amplifying his control onto other creatures. i was under it's control, to an extent, until i was brought down here after trying to drive the Blue out..." he hesitated, stroking the lines on his wrist where he had tried to kill himself. "it didn't work, but the distance gave me enough mental power and control over my magic to strike back at it." he admitted. "ii don't think it can reach us now but i wouldn't bet any money on it." he admitted. "your a bit pathetic Thor." Loki admitted before scowling as the temperature went up. his body reacting to the heat by doing the same thing it did when he got too cold. he turned blue and his body temperature dropped so much he was letting off fog, not unlike what happened when you opened the fridge and all the mist came out. "now look what you did!" Loki complained, sounding rather mortified, vanishing in a puff of smoke, Thor wincing. "oh dear... i forgot about that..." he admitted, sounding worried. "he hasn't really come to terms with being a Jotun yet. please don't tease Loki on his appearance."
“ know, I was afraid you’re experience would change you permanantly. So glad to see your sexual perversion is firmly in place.”Phil teased a little before shaking his head. “I doubt Kate would be willing to share.”he snickered a little, nodding. “I’m glad to be back to.”he muttered. “Well. We’re glad you’re here...away from the blue. Hopefully it’s enough to keep it way. If not, we’ll deal with it.”tony said watching the others, looking startled as loki changed, eyes widening, looking fascinated. “....Do you think I’d let me study it?” “...such a scientist. Not caring about the looks, but the effect he has on the body. You are so weird, Tony.”Kate said rolling her eyes a little. “What?It’s fascinating. I mean, he was warm, then cold.”Tony whined a little making a face before nodding. “We wont tease him thor.”He promised.
Clint chuckled a little. "i'll always be a pervert Phil." he promised the other. " still changed me though." he admitted with a smile. "shame. i think you would have liked her. her breasts are amazing." he admitted with a chuckle, well aware she'd be punishing him later when she saw this video. he knew Jarvis was recording it for her. "i'm glad to be here too." Loki admitted. "it is highly unpleasant, being a backseat attendant to your own body." he admitted, Clint nodding. ", i don't think he'd let you study it Tony. he looked pretty upset. sounded upset too." Clint admitted. "it was kind of awesome though, wasn't it?" he asked with a smile. "it's his True Form. Loki's magic, and the power of the Golden Apples is what gives him his Aeser and Human appearances." Thor admitted. "when his body perceives a dangerous temperature change, his body automatically changes to preserve itself. temperatures too high, or too low can be dangerous for him when in human skin." he admitted. "it's not unlike a person sneezing, a completely involuntary physical reaction." Thor admitted.
“Good. If you ever stop being one, I’ll truly know something is wrong.”Phil smiled a little before nodding.”You’re so going to get you’re ass kicked.”Phil said snickered a little shaking his head. Clint was so aiming to get himself in trouble. “...Damn.That was still really cool though.”Tony grumbled sulking, but not willing to ask loki if the man would truly be upset with him asking. “...Makes sense. We bundle up or change to warm, loki has a different form.that’s fairly cool.”Kate said smiling a little.
he chuckled a little. "i am gonna get my ass kicked, that's half the fun." he admitted with a smile before blinking at Tony. "it was kind of awesome, but it seams to be a pretty sore subject..." "unfortunately, it is." Thor admitted. "you see, we grew up believing that the Frost giants where evil monsters." Thor admitted. "most of the adults instilled a terrible fear of them into us, i realize ow they where picking on Loki because he was a Frost giant. Loki has always been terrified of the Frost Folk, scared to death of them really. when he found out he was one... well, he didn't take it well. he's rarely afraid of anything to be honest, but he's completely terrified he's become a monster simply because of his true heritage." he admitted. "Loki is having a lot of problems coming to terms with who he is, and what he is."
Tony winced at that, nodding. “It does.”He agreed making a face, shaking his head. “That’s evil, and cruel. To know that he’s a frost giant, and still say that....I don’t think I want immortality, if that’s what it does to people.”Tony made a face at that. “We’ll help him come to terms with it. We’re all a little weird here.”kate said with a slight smile.
Thor nodded. "unfortunately, neither myself nor Lki knew the truth, though most of the Aeser knew. Odin, my father, decreed that no one would talk about it, but that didn't work too well. since all the adults whispered it to each other, and then made sure their kids knew that they weren't to be nice to, or even play with Loki." he admitted. "growing up, Loki's only friends where me and our other two brothers. Tyr, unfortunately has turned on Loki, the other Aeser have him convinced that Loki is the bringer of Ragnarok, simply because he was born by Jotun, but raised as Aeser. they seam to think he's an abomination, which is ridiculous. our other brother, Baldr, is extraordinarily protective of Loki though, ad has even fought duels to the death over Loki's safety." he admitted. "he is the eldest brother, but since he has no interest in ruling, the crown will go to me when Odin decides to pass the title on." Thor admitted. "yes, being so long lived, many Aeser are idiots." Thor agreed. "we are all a little weird." Clint agreed, looking at Phil and smiling a little, mischievous. "some are a little weirder than others."
“Ah.So that part of the legends is’s amazing how much of the norse myths are real.”Kate said looking thoughtful at the idea. “There’s always truth in lies.”Tony shrugged a little, “Good. Loki deserves protection. And he’ll be good here. Me and loki are going to get along. He’s teaching me magic.”Tony grinned. “....I feel like I should get out my tazer just to be ready...”phil said eyeing the billionaire at the mention of tony doing magic. That was just a scary thought. “...Don’t make me tell her just how weird, Hawk.”Phil said smirking a little. “Oh, I’m well aware of just how weird clint is.”kate said smiling, blushing slightly.
Thor nodded. "much of earth's histories of us are accurate. a number of things portrayed in your texts are true." he admitted. "some of them aren't, but a good number of them are surprisingly accurate." he admitted. "including some of Loki's... punishments? having his lips sewn shut, being tied to a tree and having poison drip on him?" "unfortunately, yes. those are true." Thor admitted. "Father was beyond furious when we came home from war and found Loki in a dungeon with his lips sewn shut and his magic bound. fourteen young Aeser men found themselves turned human and banished to Hel that day." Thor admitted before smiling at Tony. "i am glad he has found an interest in you. it has been a long time since i have seen my brother smile." he admitted. "i feel he could be happy here, if you would allow him to stay?" "i'm not that weird!" Clint protested, pouting.
“That’s interesting really.”Tony said looking interessed and amused at the idea, before flinching. “That’s...that’s really insane.”Tony winced at the idea of the punishments, but looking pleased that the youngsters had been punished for it. “Of course he’s staying. Between the two of us, we’ll make great things.”Tony grinned having every intention of letting loki help him create things. “....I think history will condemn us, for not taking this moment and separating them.”Kate teased. “I’m not a supervillian!I’m not going to use his powers for evil!Stop teasing.”Tony made a face, sulking a little. “And you are that weird.”phil teased a little.
Thor nodded. "yes, it is insane." Thor admitted. "people are always a little bit insane when it comes to Loki. he's much safer here." he admitted before smiling. "Loki adores creating new things." he admitted. "Asgard is mostly stagnate. they don't really appreciate new things. new magic is frowned upon because we are already superior to everything else, why bother continue growing? we have been at the top for millions of years... that's how most of the Aeser think. me, Loki, the Warriors Three, Sif, Odin... we all know better." Thor admitted. "we know how fast humanity is growing. you might still be evolving, but already some of your technology surpasses our own. most of the Aeser seriously underestimate you, most of the nine realms do. it will be their downfall once you start trans-dimensional travel. your not too far off from it really." Thor admitted before chuckling at Kate, Clint nodding. "Loki makes a great Super-villain. we should all thank the gods that he and Pepper don't like each other." he declared with a shake of his head. "i am not! i'm a pervert not a weirdo! there's a difference!"
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