love is blind (moon/lady)

Clint snorted a little. "i'm not entirely surprised." he admitted. "well, no i am, Phil was never really sciency, but Loki, Bruce and Tony talking about the same thing is a recipe for disaster." he admitted before hesitating. "i don't know..." he admitted, shaking his head. "no. not... not now. i.... i don't... feel the way i should..." he admitted. "i don't... i don't think i'm in love with him anymore." he whispered, pressing his face into his knees. "and i feel horrible about that. it's not his fault he died... but i. finally moved on and now he's back and i don't know how to handle that..." he admitted with a sigh. "
"It really is. we're just lucky they're not planning world domination."Kate snickered a little before swallowing, sighing softly as she wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes for a moment, "People change Clint...This has probably changed him to...he'll understand."She stroked his back, swallowing thickly. "what can I do to help, Clitn?"
"we really can't be sure that they aren't. they are Pepper's minions after all and she is an evil overlord." Grant pointed out, Steve snickering at that, Clint leaning into Kate, glad for the lingering contact."i don't know... just... hold me for a while?" he asked hopefully. "i feel warm when you hold me." he admitted, sighing as he snuggled into her. "do you really think he'll be okay?" he asked softly. "he won't be mad?"
“....oh, don’t you start. It’s bad enough tony and matt have got her overlord status locked in, we don’t need you deciding we’re all her minions.”She whined a little smiling as he leaned into her, shifting to get comfortable. “I can do that.”he said pressing a kiss to her forehead, “I think he’ll be fine, and that he will understand clint.”
Clint snickered. "but we are all her minions. we all work for her after all. even if technically she now works for you." he admitted, sighing happily when she held him. "okay. if you think so." he mumbled, snuggling into her. "i'm just not ready to see him yet. do i have to? can i wait a while?" he asked, looking anxious.
“Well, that’s true. She does work for me...though I’m fairly certain that’s just part of her plan to rule the world.”She smiled a little before nodding.”I truly do think so.”she said stroking his hair before shaking her head. “You don’t ahve to see him until you’re ready.”She promised.
he nodded. "i'm sure it is." he agreed. "after all, you'd make a great evil villain." he admitted. "i have nightmares at the idea of you and Pepper teaming up." "oh my god, not i'm going to have nightmares!" Steve complained. "me too." Matt admitted as he walked in through the now unlocked door. "i have food." he admitted. "anyone hungry?" "starved." Clint admitted, his stomach growling loudly.
“...I’m totally a great super villain. I’m so good, you didn’t even know I’m bad.”She said playfully, glad to know she was distracting him, before looking up at her boyfriend, leaning up for a kiss, even if she felt a little awkward doing so, considering what steve had told her. “Famished. Sit, eat.”She ordered smiling as she settled in with food to eat.
Clint giggled at that and nodded. "that's the best kind of Supervillain. the kind that never does anything bad." he agreed with a nod. "you'll make the world a better place i'm sure." he admitted happily, Matt smiling as he kissed her. "alright." he chirped, settling down with their food, letting Steve and Clint distribute it. Clint tore into his like a starving man, which wasn't a surprise considering how many meals he'd missed. he refused to leave the room though, and insisted on curling up and reading a book out-loud for Kate, to avoid running into Phil.
“I’m sure I would. Me and pepper, we’d be epic as world leaders.”She snickered a little smiling at her boyfriend. Settling in to eat she winced a little as she realized just how starved clint was, sighing softly as she ate. Settling in with him, she was quite content to read, well at least listen to clint reading.

“...Still not coming out?”Tony asked looking up at matt as the man walked out, looking worried about the two.
Clint snickered and nodded. "you would make good world leaders." he agreed with a grin, Matt chuckling. "she would rule with an iron fist." he admitted. "i'm sure you and i would become her sex slaves. Pepper would claim Tony and Steve i'm sure." Clint laughed. "Tony wouldn't complain!" he admitted with a snigger before settling down to read Star Wars, Last Tribe of the Sith #1-Precipice. he was such a geek.

"no. he's reading to Kate, which is good." Matt admitted. "but no, he's not coming out." he admitted with a sigh. "he's going into Denial, i think." he admitted, shaking his head.
“...You two would make amazing sex slaves. All those muscles, just for my personal use.”Kate said blushing a little, and flirting slightly, because she was responding to him, but she had no idea how to help him, “Geek.”she muttered snickering a little as she saw what they were reading.

“...Good.Hopefully he wont totally shut down.”Tony sighed softly, looking pleased before nodding. “Probably....I just have no idea how to help them. Any of them really...”Which was a feeling the billionaire truly didn't enjoy.
Clint snickered. "i would make a good Sex slave, i obey orders very well, just ask Steve..." he ordered happily. "i am not!" he huffed before settling in to read.

"i hope so." Matt admitted, shaking his head. "i think Kate has realized he has feelings for her. she was flirting with him." he admitted, looking very pleased. "don't worry Tony, things will work out." he promised, setting a hand on the billionairs shoulder. "by the way, i had that congress meeting about your suit." he smirked. "it's being televised today. you should watch it." he admitted. "it was hell of a lot of fun running rings around those dumb-ass bastards."
“I think I will.”Kate teased looking amused.

“Good. They’ll be good for each other.”Tony said smiling a little, “I’m trying not to ,but I can’t help worrying.”Tony shrugged before perking up, “Oh?Well, I think I’ll go watch with clint. He could use a laugh.”He grinned already getting up, heading for the bedroom, knocking on the door before walking in. “hey, Matt’s talk to congress is on. We should watch.”He said settling on bed next to clint
"they will be good for each other." he agreed with a smile. "yeah, i worry too." he admitted with a sigh before chuckling as he watched Tony leave. "....really? that's awesome. Jarvis? TV please." Clint asked the A.I. pleased when the newswoman stated that they would be showing a scene from Congress. the scene flipped and there Matt was in front of all the senators. the best part was when Matt said. "so your saying that your going to make the Tax payers pay over sixty thousand dollars for a suit you not only won't be able to use, but won't be able to maintain without taking it to Tony Stark in the first place?" that had made them all pause and Matt read a long list of costs for every single thing that went into the suit. "and that's not counting the brain of the machine. what, you thought that Stark was making all those minute air corrections on his own? no, he does all the heavy lifting, he takes all the hits and Jarvis does the auto corrections." Matt stated simply. he then went on to call the entire senate to task, chastising them for bothering a private citizen of the united States. after all, they weren't demanding that six year old who invented a new type of fuel, or that thirty year old who had designed a new engine, or that sixty year old who had developed a gas that would put people to sleep. what right did they have to demand Tony of anything when he was A: not under any government contract aside for the ones he wrote up himself and B: not on any American government staff. he ball busted them for wasting government time, money and effort over a childish squabble over a toy they couldn't work properly anyway. the Senate, save for senator Stern, visibly deflated and gave up. Stern just looked furious and pissed. "okay that was awesome." Clint admitted with a smirk.
“Really.”tony grinned as he settled in to watch, looking utterly delighted. “Oh man, that was awesome. We all knew that the iron man suit wasn’t going to work without me, but hearing it like this, was great.”He said nearly manic in his utter delight to watching congress getting their asses handed to them. That was truly awesome. “I think I’m going to have to hug my boyfriend for being utterly awesome.”Kate grinned a little sounding amused as she got up and went to find matt, knowing they needed to talk anyways, but not sure how to bring it up.
"that was kind of amazing." Clint agreed with a chuckle. "i mean, completely amazing. did you see the shame on some of their faces when they realized they where basically trying to enslave you and steal things like little school yard bullies?" Clint asked, giggling in delight. "give him a smacking smooch from me!" Clint called after her. "and be careful on the stairs!" he demanded. not that there where many stairs to be worried about. "i'm going to finish my book." Clint decided.

Matt was in the kitchen, talking on the phone when she arrived. "i'm sorry but i won't. i do not represent supervillains. no, i don't care how much money you have, i am not going to help you get your boss out of jail, especially since i was the guy who helped put him there in the first place." he stated. "look, i have another call, the answer is no." there was a click and then. "Matt Murdock, how may i help you.... oh, hello Mr. Richards. the government is trying to.. what? claim your bodies? oh boy..." Matt sighed. "alright i'll take that case and see you in a few days to go through the legalese with you. goodbye." he hung up and groaned when the phone rang again. "Matt Murdock how may i help yo... or for fucks sake Foggy! i already told them NO! i helped put the bastard in jail for gods sake! just. no!" he hung up and slumped into a chair. "i should never have taken such a high profile job." he grumbled.
“It is definitely amazing.”Tony agreed snickering. “I’m sure they looked very ashamed. Good. It’s nice for them to get a dressing down sometimes.”Kate snickered before laughing. “I’ll be careful, and I’ll give him a kiss.”

Kate paused, tilting her head as she listened to them, looking amused as she moved over to stand next to him, wrapping a arm around his shoulders as she leaned against the back of his chair, pressing a kiss to his hair. “No, probably not, but if you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have been able to live with yourself knowing tony was still getting hassled. It’ll calm down in a few days.”
Matt chuckled a little when she hugged him and he leaned into her. "hey." he chirped. "Clint still hiding?" he asked her. "your right, i wouldn't be able to stand myself if i hadn't helped him. unfortunately i don't think it's going to die down. did you know that the government is trying to claim ownership of the fantastic four because it was under government power and money that they became superheros? idiots." he huffed. "so i'll be facing the supreme court again in no time over that one as well." he admitted. ", have you figured it out yet?" he asked her, sounding amused. "your tense so i'm assuming you want to talk about something you think will upset me."
“Hey.”she smiled, before nodding a little. “Yea. He’s reading star wars. We might not see him for the next year.”She said with a smile before frowning a little. “Really?That’s like trying to claim Cap as government property because it was project rebirth that created him. Stupid morons.”She huffed before sighing quietly.”Well...yea. Sorta. Steve said Clint liked me...and I like him and that you knew, and I just don’t know.”She said sighing at a loss.
Matt nodded. "he is a bit of a geek." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "ah, well they did try. but since he's still technically working with the Army, they didn't make too much of a fuss." he admitted. "i expect a bit of trouble later, but not too soon." he admitted before pausing and then chuckling. "you and Steve are pretty much in love with each other Kate." he pointed out. "i didn't say anything because i didn't think it was right to. i've been preparing for you to notice." he admitted. "i do like you, a lot, but i don't love you anywhere near as much as you deserve." he admitted. "if you want to start a relationship with Clint, then do o. i won't be upset." he promised. "all i really want, is for you to be as happy as you can be you and Clint both." he admitted.
“Probably will. But we have time to prepare t hat that trouble.”She sighed softly before flushing, ducking her head a little. “Oh. Well. Steve and Tony are in love with each other. And delusional.”She said deflecting some before growing serious again. “ doesn’t matter I think. He’s going to go back to phil now.”She said sadly, shaking her head a little.
he chuckled a little. "as if Steve couldn't take care of himself." he stated with a chuckle before nodding. "they are in love with each other. too bad they're too..." here he paused and chucked. "blind to see it." he admitted before shaking his head. "Kate, if he was going back to Phil he'd have done it already. he's hiding from Phil because he doesn't want to break Phil's heart." he stated. "he's hiding because he doesn't love Phil anymore and he feels like shit for it."
“They’re blind. They need help. Maybe we should lock them in a room with lube and a bed?”they could figure it out, have more sex then they’re already having, and talk.”kate shrugged a little before biting her lip, looking nervous at the idea but nodding. “...I’ll have to talk to him...”she said nervous at the idea.
he snorted. "if we stole their clothes and gave them lube all they'd do is sex, they wouldn't talk at all. we need to tie them to separate chairs." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "that would be a good idea." he admitted with a smile, gently taking her hand. "and if you and Clint don't work out. you and i will always be an option, okay?" he promised her.
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