love is blind (moon/lady)

Loki nodded. "you'll get there. most of you are still evolving after all. Asgard was a lot like your people many, many, many billions of years ago after all." he admitted with a smile. "Ambrosia is a liquid made from the Ambrosia plant." he explained. "the Centaurs of Mount Alympus grow it special. it takes about three thousand fresh picked flowers to make a single vial of ambrosia." he explained. "it is literally, the sweetest liquid you will ever have. i've never even had any." he admitted. "it's said that a single drop can turn a human into a god." he admitted. "no one really knows for sure though because even a single drop can cost up to three ounces of gold." he admitted. "i did have a drop placed on my forehead when i was taken in as a Prince of Asgard, much to the other Aeser's disgust." here Loki scowled. "they didn't think Jotun scum deserved the honor." he admitted. "Thor, Tyr and Balder all had their births blessed with a drop of Ambrosia as well." he admitted. "from what i understand, Ambrosia has only been drunk once in my life history, and that was when Hod accidentally killed Balder." he admitted. "they gave Hod a sip of Ambrosia when he tried to kill himself in guilt. the sip healed him completely, and uplifted him so much he became the God of Light and Compassion. when people are upset, they go to him." he admitted.
“We’re just clumsy children to you aren’t we?”Tony said with a slight snicker, closing his eyes as he listened. “Sounds good...I want some...”he muttered sounding interested even as he was starting to fall asleep, definitely a bedtime story.

When Kate woke she frowned slightly, raising her head, looking around, smiling slightly as she found clint snuggled up against her. “You know, this is getting to be a bad habit, you falling asleep on me.”She teased tugging his hair gently, lookign around to see what woke her up, smiling slightly when she saw her boyfriend.”Hey Matt.”
Loki smirked. "something like that." he admitted with a chuckle. "well, i think if anyone should have it, it's you. but we're not sure what it would do to humans and i think certain people would throttle me if we tested it on you, Thor and my father included." he admitted with a smile.

Clint snorted a little when he woke up. "huh?" he asked, looking around and blinking at Matt who was sitting in a chair and looking very, very amused. "hey." he said with a chuckle. "i would have woken you, but you guys looked so cute while you where sleeping that i just couldn't bring myself to bother you." he admitted with a smile. "are you guys feeling better?" he asked with a smile. "...hnuh?" Clint asked. without his hearing aids in he couldn't hear a thing. "....put your ears in Clint!" "i can't hear you. i have to put my ears in."
“..probably. They’re so protective. Makes being me hard sometimes. Can’t risk blowing myself up anymore...”Tony muttered tiredly.

“Hey.”Kate said snickering a little at clint’s response, gently petting his hair before turning to look at matt. “Yea, I’m feeling better. Loki helped me adjust to seeing things faster, so I’m ‘seeing’ things all the time now.”She smiled a little snickering at clint’s response, before realizing he didn’t have his hearing aids, poking him in the shoulder to make him let her sit up before giving him his hearing aids."Better?"she said smiling before looking at matt. "Where'd you go?"
Loki chuckled a little. "it's good that they watch over you. clearly you can't be trusted to take care of yourself." he teased.

"morning." Clint mumbled, Matt chuckling. "i know. he told me." Matt admitted. "he tried to do the same thing to me but i don't have enough innate magic to use the same level of ability as you do." he admitted. "if you go so long without using it, it starts to die down and i never used more than what i thought i already had." he admitted, snorting as Clint slid his hearing aids in. "sorry. took me a minute to wake up enough to realize i'd taken them out." Clint admitted. "oh that's a Secrete." Matt sang, making Clint snort. "i went home." Matt explained. "i had to repaint most of them of course, but you are the proud owner of the Daredevil arsenal. you'll never be helpless again." he promised her. "Tony's working on a few things too." he admitted, setting various weapons in her hands and explaining how to use them. tazers, mace, knives, poison darts, everything she could possibly need.
“Ah, makes sense. You were young, you didn’t know that you could, so it sorta just died.”She mused thinking it over before snickering at clint. “You are so weird.”She teased shaking her head, before looking at Matt, tilting her head. “...It’s a secret?”She pouted sulking before grinning, startled at the other’s words. “you...what?”She stared at him, looking amazed and touched as he showed her how to use them, sniffling a little. “...You kept some for yourself didn’t you?”She said worried about him to.
he nodded. "i still have access to the amount it takes to do what i already do, but if i want to grow the 'magic' in me it would take years of very serious work effort. and even then it would not grow very much. that's what Loki said anyway." he admitted. "effort and time i just can't give, considering my life." he admitted with a chuckle before laughing at her sulking tone. "of course i have plenty for myself." he assured her. "i have a room of nothing but this stuff. like, eight of each thing at the minimum. i forget how much i have." he admitted. "i'm fine" he promised her with a smile. "
“That makes sense....and besides, you’re amazing at what you right now, no reason to put so much effort into something that wont offer that much.”Kate smiled a little, making a face as he laughed at her, but nodding.”Good. And you and the rest, such hoarders.”She teased amused that most of them, had at least a room stuffed full of everything they needed.
"Matt chuckled a little and nodded. "exactly. too much effort into too little gain." he agreed. "well, i do go through a lot of them." he admitted. "i break my ticks about once a month or so, i need to have a lot of backups." he admitted with a smile. "Clint is the hoarder." "i am not!" " your collection of bottle-caps?" "is just that! a collection! most of those are really rare!" "and your collection of bubblegum wrappers?" "i need those!" "and your collection of rubber bands?" "stop looking through my stuff!" "and those piles of crappy rhinestones?" "they're pretty!"
“....You collect rubber bands?”Kate said sounding amused and happy as she listened to them argue. Looking amused as she settled back onto the bed to simply enjoy their company.

“Sir?There is...a problem that you need to take care of.’Jarvis said sounding worried and upset. “What is it, J?”Tony said as he sat up slowly, looking worried. “There is...Phil coulson is alive, sir.” "What?"
"no! i need them!" he protested, sulking. "stop going through my things!" "i didn't. Natasha did." "that traitor!" Clint complained, huffing, making Matt laugh. "shut up! now i have to go back and see what she threw away!" he whined, already sliding into his vent to find his hoard. wailing in horror when he found most of it gone. he was usually allowed to keep his rhinestones and his bottle caps, since some of them actually where rare and Clint had combed through the metal bins in the dump-yard the last time they'd tried. he hadn't left the dump-yard for three weeks because he was still missing a bottle cap and then got tetanus. no they didn't mess with his bottle caps. everything else was gone. "NATASHA YOU SON OF A WHORE WHERE ARE MY THINGS!?" Matt blinked and then turned his attention to Kate. "i think someone's in trouble... did you know he had a hoarding problem?"
“What?Clint...”Kate said looking startled at the man’s reaction as she looked at matt. Shaking her head. “No, I didn’t. I mean, I knew he collected but not that it was a problem....”

“Cleaned out and stored downstairs in Tony’s ‘collections’ rooms. Stop being a baby. I just moved them, and left the most important things in your rooms.”Natasha said shaking her head a little, not disturbed at being yelled at.
Matt blinked and then. "i think he needs a therapist..." he admitted. "i thought Natasha was exaggerating you know? pop tabs? gum wrappers? no one collects stuff like that right?" he asked. but Clint did. he never said why, only that he saved every single gum wrapper, pop tab, spring, funny rocks and even sparkling chinks of glass that he found on the roads if they looked enough like a gem, jewel or rhinestone to catch his attention.

he glared at her and scuttled down to Tony's collection room to check and make sure everything was still in place. it was. good. Clint got very funny when people fucked with his things though, and since she had stored everything in boxes he was even more annoyed because she hadn't organized them right. he muttered to himself, sorting through piles of, what amounted to as complete crap to make sure everything was situated properly. "yeah he needs help." Bruce commented, watching on a video feed. he had been bad before, but after Phil's death he'd gotten so, so much worse.
Kate frowned a little, before nodding. “I know...let me try talking to him first. If we bring someone in to talk to him, he’ll just get angry. I’ll try.”kate said looking worried before getting up, “I’ll be back. Oh.Clint wrote up those reports for you, on the iron man suit. I’ll go deal with this.”Kate said looking worried as she made her way downstairs, looking worried. “Clint?”
he nodded. "that's true." he admitted. "i wonder if this is a grief repression thing? or if it's a thing he's always had?" it seamed to be a little of both. he'd always had a bad collecting and hoarding problem but he had gotten so much wore since Phil had died. "hey Kate." Clint chirped. "don't step there, he warned. "Tony spilled oil. three steps to the left... there you go, clear path." he promised her. "you wanna help?" he offered. she probably didn't realize how big that offer was. Tony, Natasha, even Steve where snarled at if they got within ten feet of the collection. he went back to mumbling to himself and sorting everything out.
“Maybe a bit of both.”Kate said looking worried at the idea as she walked through.”thanks.”She said carefully stepping around the oil before sitting next to him. “I do.”She said looking concerned about him.

“Sir?There is...someone here to speak to you.”Jarvis said as tony woke. “Hm?J?”Tony muttered sitting up slowly. “Agent Coulson is...alive. And wishing to speak to you.”The AI said sounding as upset as he ever did.
"great! here.... you have this box. we have to sort the metal gum wrappers from the paper ones." he explained. "she just threw them all int he same box! i can't believe she did that. i have them in separate piles for a reason... i hate it when people touch my stuff, they never do it right." he grumbled.

"Tony?" Steve said, walking in. "JArvis just said... Jay just told me... that can't be right, right!?" he asked, stunned. "how can he be... alive?"
“okay...”Kate said biting her lip as she frowned at the wrappers, trying to tell the difference, running her fingers over them, and even with her heightened senses, it was taking alot for her to figure out how to help. “Clint, I don’t think this is healthy...I mean...I know you collected before, but oyu’ve gotten worse since...”she trailed off, not sure how he was going to take it.

“Yea...he just told me to.”Tony said looking shell shocked as he got up, swallowing thickly. “I don’t know, but we’re going to find out, before we tell clint.”he said heading for the door, paling at the sight of the agent waiting for them in his office. “Captain...tony...”Phil said swallowing hard, not quite sure where to begin, but knowing they deserved answers, frowning slightly as he looked for clint, before wincing. realizing that despite his request to see him, jarvis hadn't told clint.
Clint was handling the wires now and he paused when she spoke, shaking his head. "Phil loved gum." he explained softly. "he used to pop a piece in his mouth and then hand me the wrapper and i'd stick it in my pocket and forget to throw it away, and when i'd wash my pants i'd pull out wads of gum wrappers from the pockets or the dyer." he admitted softly. "sometimes i'd actually remember to empty my pockets first and i'd pull them out by the hundreds because he couldn't go an hour without popping a piece of gum...." well. that explained the gum wrapper obsession. he was talking about it too, that was a good sign at least.

Steve nodded. "if we tell Clint." he admitted, looking worried. "i'm not sure he could handle knowing right now." he admitted before staring at Phil. "Clint is i no mental state to be informed yet. you speak, we'll decide if we tell him or not." Steve ordered. "you have fifteen minutes and if it's not good i'll make your death a little more permanent." he growled, more because he was worried what would happen when Clint found out. and he knew Clint would find out.
Kate whinced at that, tilting her head a little. “I remember...he was always chewing it. It was a running joke, that the more he was chewing, the more the bad guys were going to get hurt for upsetting him.”She smiled a little not sure exactly how to handle this. Cause it was definitely not something she knew how to tell him not to do, not when she knew the reason.

“I know...but we can’t not tell him, otherwise he’ll freak even worse....”Tony sighed quietly. Phil winced before nodding a little, wincing as she realized how bad clint had to be. Biting his lip a little he swallowed hard, looking up at the two avengers.”....I...died. Truly. Fury used a program that he’d set up to bring back a dead avenger if it ever happened....I was clincilly dead for three days.....he brought be back by using alien dna to undo the damage that dying had was....”He stopped not sure how to explain, or if there was even a way to explain.
he nodded. "yeah the more pissed off he was the more he chewed on the gum." he admitted with a weak little smile. "he was always collecting wires too. nuts, and bolts and screws and stuff. and gears. he said he was trying to build a robot." he admitted. examining his boxes full of all the things he'd mentioned. "i hoped... at first, if i collected enough of them, that when he came back he'd be so happy, because he'd have enough to F-finish...." he couldn't talk anymore. he'd buried his face in his hands and he was now sobbing wildly. because he was finally beginning to realize that Phil was never coming back. logically, he ad known that for a while, but emotionally, it was just starting to hit home.

"that's true..." Steve admitted, staring at the screen, completely torn between finding the truth and comforting the sobbing Clint. "wait. you really where dead?" he asked, looking worried. "for how long?" he asked, concerned now. "he... good gods Fury raised you from the death!?" he demanded, mortified to say the least. "Phil... how traumatized are you from the experience?" he asked, worried. how bad was Phil going to be? Clint was bad enough for all of them, Steve wasn't sure they could handle a second man too traumatized to function in normal society.
“I remember that. He stole my gun once, cause I have a lady’s sig sauer, and the bolts holding it together were smaller then most.”Kate said smiling a little wincing as he started crying, before scooting over, wrapping her arms around him.”Hey, hey I got you. Just let it out, clint.”Kate muttered rubbing his back, resting her head against his shoulder, simply holding him.

“I was.”Phil said swallowing hard before nodding. “He did....he was testing to see that if he had to, if it would be able to raise a avenger...there have been...adverse affects to it though. I have been...”He swallowed hard. “Most of the time, I’m me...fine...but others, I’m compulsively drawing, I don’t....I don’t remember being dead, but that...the drawing...”Phil shuddered a little. “I am able to function, I’ve been recovering for months, and Fury gave me my own team to help with it...but I...I needed to see clint. When I knew I was stable enough to do so.”Phil said looking sick and lost himself.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "he was terrible for that." he admitted. "taking stuff apart and stealing pieces from it. we went through ei. eight TV's." he admitted before breaking down. simply sobbing because he couldn't think of anything else to do.

Steve swallowed thickly. "so he used you as a guinea pig because he figured what was there to lose?" he asked. "people shouldn't fuck with death... they. they just shouldn't..." he whispered, staring at him before glancing up. "Jarvis? get Bruce." he ordered. "we'll help you anyway we can Phil." he promised. "why don't you start with explaining the compulsions?" he asked. "and explain what you mean by stable. are you... you know. violent? dangerous right now? because we'll have to set up some safety features if you are. not to mention that Clint is a bit dangerous himself what with the issues he's having with the Blue, though we hope with Loki here that should end..." he paused. "Loki's not evil by the way...."
“yes, because I was already dead, and because he figured...better to use me, then risk a avenger....but it went badly. It wasn’t...what he expected. I don’t know...but I don’t think he’ll be using it anytime soon.”he sighed quietly, before nodding. “We’ll help.”Tony promised watching him. “They’re drawings...I, I just feel compelled to draw things.”Phil said sighing quietly, before shaking his head. “No, I’m not violent, I just get antsy when I can’t draw right away, and I don’t like others looking at them while I’m drawing it, though when I’m done, I don’t midn...”Phil sighed softly. Looking worried. “How is...clint?”he asked looking anxious.
Steve nodded. "that's pretty sick." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "it's.... i just..." he sighed. "i need to go talk to Clint." he admitted with a sigh when Bruce walked in. "are you contagious?" Bruce demanded first off before going over a whole host of other questions. 'have you ever blacked out or forgotten where you where, what you where doing or who you where? have you attacked anyone recently or suspected so? any sharp pains anywhere at any given times? could he have access to Phil's new medical files? did he had any samples of the sketches?' "Clint is... volatile. he is only just now coming to terms with your death. only now just starting to move on." he admitted. "i'm not sure what this is going to do to him to be honest." Bruce admitted.
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