love is blind (moon/lady)

"i can't sleep yet. i have to make sure Loki's okay and i have to make sure Tony's doesn't do stupid things..." "i'll go watch Tony." Clint said, nodding to Kate, thanking her for the nudge. "you get some sleep." he ordered, taking the food out o Steve's hands and headed own to Tony. "hey Tny." Clint said, smiling at him. "Steve's being forcefully remanded into a bed." he explained. "how are you eeling?" he asked, setting the try of food carefully on Tony's lap.
“No you don’t. Me and Clint can do that for a bit, and if we need help, I have both matt and pepper, not to mention thor and bruce around. Go rest.”Kate said already starting to bully steve to his bedroom to get some sleep as clint went to see tony. “Hey.”Tony smiled tiredly as he shifted enough to eat. “Like that time we drank all Thor’s ale, my head and chest hurt.”He whined as he started to eat.
Steve hesitated, but before he could really protest he was being bullied into bed. "fine... fine." he muttered. "don't strain yourself too much you'll run into a wall." Steve warned, going to bed obediently. "ha! you mean the time YOU drank all of Thor's ale." he corrected. "i was a good boy and didn't touch a drop." he reminded the other. "your alive though. that's what matters.... i wish you'd told me you where doing this. learning about it second hand after the fact is a hell of a shock you know."
“I didn’t drink it all. I’m fairly certain you had some.”Tony huffed before snickering, wincing as it hurt. Sighing quietly before wincing, looking up at him. “Sorry....You were out cold when I talked to loki about it...and then I was so nervous about doing it that I didn’t think to tell you...I’m sorry clint.”Tony said looking guilty about it.
Clint snorted. "i didn't drink a drop." he lied, grinning before shrugging. "it's okay Tony. just never. ever do it again." he ordered, giving the other a gentle kiss. "now eat your breakfast." he ordered with a smile. "i don't want to get in trouble with Steve when he wakes up." he admitted.
“lies!”Tony whined before sighing, “I wont. Promise.”He muttered kissing him back again before smiling tiredly as he started to eat, “I’m eating.”He promised before sighing a little. “So, how are you doing?”he said looking at the other man worriedly, despite being exhausted, he still worried about him.
"i don't lie! how Dareth Thou Slander Thine name?! i don't think i did that right...." he admitted. "i'm... actually doing a bit better." he admitted. "whatever happened last night, the Blue is exhausted, he can't get into my brain so i'm thinking, and feeling, better than i have since before Loki first showed up." he admitted. "i'm even less tired and depressed. i think the Blue was growing those feelings so that it could control me more." he admitted. "for a little while i'm going to be okay. not sure what's gonna happen when the Blue comes back online, but we can handle that when... if, it happens."
“....I think you need lessons from loki and thor. I’m sure the little bastard would be quite willing. I mean, he’s isnane, but amusing.”Tony snickered as he considered loki before nodding, glad. “Good. Cause I’m going to be out of service for awhile, can’t help until I’m back on my feet...”he said smiling slightly, looking at the other man, sighing softly. “But Kate can take care of you, and steve can to, until I’m better.”Tony muttered glad clint had people, before sighing softly. “...We’ll deal with it when it comes.”He agreed sighing tiredly.
Clint chuckled. "is he insane? i haven't been able t actually talk to him yet." he admitted, glancing over at the sleeping Godling on the bed across the room. "...he's not dead is he? he hasn't even twitched..." he muttered before smiling at Tony. "of course you can help. while your down you can do research. we all know how much you like that." he teased with a grin and a shake of his head. "i'm not about to fall apart." he admitted. "and i made Natasha promise to take care of me. either by knocking me out, locking me up, or tying me down." he admitted. "she wouldn't promise to put me down, i'm not sure if i should be relieved or upset by that." he admitted.
“He’ kind of insane, not in the traditional sense. He’s going to teach me magic.”Tony grinned at the idea before shaking his head. “Exhausted. The surgery took alot out of him, said he wouldn’t be moving for awhile.”Tony said looking a little worried before grinning. “Indeed. I’m going to have fun laying here actually. After I sleep.”he said yawning a little before smiling a little. “Be relieved. Otherwise Kate would bring you back, kill you again, and then raise your ghost just to yell at you.”Tony pointed out with a snicker.
Clint blinked and then. "like. hocus pocus abra kadabra pull a rabbit from a hat and saw a woman in half? or more like, let's call down thunder and lightening and fry half a block off of their electricity kind of magic?" he asked, amused before he nodded. "i just... need to check." he admitted, carefully checking Loki's pulse, just to make sure before nodding. "okay, he just looks dead." he promised. "yeah your exhausted too." Clint admitted, removing Tony's empty tray before wincing. "you know, if anyone was gonna be a necromancer, i'm pretty sure it would be her... did you know that Pepper is a super-villain?"
“I dunno, but whatever it is, it’ll be epic. He doesn’t know if I can actually learn, but at least I can guard against it if I understand it more.”Tony said smiling slightly at the idea, before snickering. “Okay.”he said sighing softly, before nodding, slumping back into the bed. “I am very tired.”He agreed, for once not fighting the need to sleep. “Hmmm, just think, you’ll never be able to mess up in a fight with her, she’ll just keep bringing you back to kill you again...”he muttered before smiling. “I did. Why do you think I have so many suits?”
Clint chuckled. "that's really kind of cool." he admitted, smiling at Tony, nodding. "and maybe you'll find a way to stop the Blue." he agreed. "that would be pretty awesome." he admitted, smiling at the other. " know. that's not as relieving as you think it is Tony." Steve pointed out. "....oh my god you made the suits so she could use them to take over the world! your her minion!" he gasped, feigning horror. "....can i be a minion too? might as well be on the side that wins."
“It is very cool.”Tony agreed yawning as he nodded. “yes, I’ll try. I’ll find something on the blue.”he muttered sighing quietly, “...It’s very relieving. After all, you want to date her, being able to come back from the dead for her would be awesome....I’m not making sense....”Tony frowned, looking annoyed that he was so tired he couldn’t think well, before whining a little. “I am her minion. And you can be, if you admit to being in love.”Tony smirked, taking the world’s most direct attack. Well, at least no one could ever accuse him of being subtle...really, matt and steve should have known better then to include him in on the plan.
Clint smiled a little. "if there is anything to find, i', sure it will be you." he admitted before pausing. "...i don't want to date Kate. what gave you that idea?" he asked, blinking at Tony. "it's because your too tired." he admitted. "you need a nap before your brain will function." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "....dammit. i don't wanna!" he whined. "she's out of my reach anyway, i culd never be good enough for her. she's dating Matt you know." he complained, sighing a little. "i'd rather see her happy. she could never be happy with me. i'm the reason she's blind you know." he pointed out.
“Everything. I’m amazing, I see everything.”Tony said before smiling, “I need coffee to...but sleep first. I’m so tired coffee’s not helping.”He muttered as he finished his glass of coffee, shifting to settle into the bed and get comfortable to go back to sleep. “You do realize you just admitted to wanting her, despite having just said you didn’t want to.”Tony snickered before rolling his eyes. “I know that, and we both know they’re enjoying each other, but not really each other’s one and only’s.”Tony pointed out before sighing. “And you think she’ll be happy with matt?And I know that.And yet, she still likes you.”
Clint snorted. "your about to 'see' the insides of your skull." he teased, shaking his fist playfully at Tony. "you do need to sleep." he admitted before huffing. "how can i pretend?" he asked. "everyone knows it. i know they know it because they look at me like i'm too stupid to know their looking." he pointed out, looking amused. "in any case, how do you know they aren't falling wildly into love as we speak?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at the other. "i think she would be happy with Matt. and i know she likes me. i'm a great little brother." he grumbled.
“You’re not threatening me right now, are you?”Tony said with wide eyes looking shocked and amused. “I’ll tell Cap on you.”he whined before smirking a little. “You are to stupid to know we’re lookign.”he teased before sighing. “Cause they wont. They enjoy each other, but not...not like how I am with Cap.”Tony said for once not aware he’d admitted to liking steve more then a simple fuck, before sighing. “You’re a idiot if you think that’s what she thinks of you as.”
"of course i am. i threaten you all the time." Clint pointed out with a grin. "you go ahead and tell Cap on me, i'll just tell him i was trying to keep u from getting up." he teased, smirking. "i am not!" he complained. "i totally know our looking. i just said i did, didn't i?!" he asked before shaking his head. "Tony. no offense but you can't even admit your in love with Steve. why should i believe you about Kate? she doesn't want me, not like that, ad I'm okay with that as long as she's happy. i don't deserve to be loved anyway. everyone i love dies."
“That’s true. You do. So mean.”Tony huffed whining a little before wincing. “you;d do that?He’d freak out.”he whined a little. “....I am not in love with steve, but you and Daniels are totally in love with each other. It’s sickeningly adorable really.”Tony smirked a little before sighing. “But okay, she’s happy with matt.”he sighed before growling, pulling the other in for a kiss. “Do not. And You deserve to be happy to.”
Clint snorted. "you love me anyway." he teased with a chuckle before shaking his head. "now whose in denial? you and Steve are so in love with each other it makes me want to gag you know." he pointed out before smiling. "i am Happy Tony. well, Happier at least. i can't ask for more than that." he admitted. looking at him. "you need to sleep. close your eyes and stop talking before i get Steve."
“I do. You’re awesome, and not just at sex.”Tony muttered before frowning. “Am not.”He huffed before smiling tiredly. “Good. You should be happy.”He muttered sighing as he whined a protest at being ordered to sleep, but falling asleep slowly. “He asleep?”Kate muttered stepping into the room slowly, quietly, not wanting to wake tony if he was asleep
Clint smirked. "but i am awesome at Sex right?" he asked with a grin before smiling at the others whining. "yeah." he whispered back to Kate. "he fought it of course, the big toddler. hows Steve?" he asked her, voice low so he wouldn't wake Tony. Steve was asleep, and wasn't likely to wake anytime soon.
"oh yea, very good."Tony muttered as he drifted off. "He is a toddler isn't he?"Kate snickered a little, soft and quiet, amused as she moved into the room, resting a hand on clint's shoulder as she found her way to the bed, sititng down before smiling. "he's sleeping. so exhausted it'll be a few hours till he's up."
he chuckled a little. "a very big toddler." he agreed, gently setting his hand on hers. "you okay?" he asked her softly. "good. they all need the sleep. we're going to have to order a feast though. Steve's going to need about three Pizza's. Thor will probably need four, who knows how much Loki eats." he scoffed, shaking his head. knowing that Jarvis would catch the hint and place an order for about twenty large pizzas to be delivered in a few hours.
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