love is blind (moon/lady)

Steve blinked, horrified that Tony had stopped making weapons because one had been used against him. that was... fuck. "it'll be okay Ton." Clint promised, hesitating, searching Tony's face before nodding and following Kate. "poor thing." Pepper sighed. "i'll make her some soup." she promised Matt. "if she is coming down with something she'll feel better for it." she assured the man who made a sound of agreement. even that sounded a bit worried.

"...Tony?" Steve asked, looking up at the other from where he'd been rinsing his mouth out and getting his toothbrush. "sorry. i didn't mean to dash off like that. i just... there was a man, back in the war. Higgs. Harald Higgs. he used to tell the filthiest jokes. he worked with the Commandos for a week or so because he was a specialist with bombs.... he... the shrapnel... he lived for a month. every day he got paler and paler. he stopped eating and couldn't sleep and he looked like death... one morning we got up and he just... laid there." he admitted. "he was fighting till the day he died and when you said... when you ...." he choked, turned to the toilette and heaved again. the idea of Tony going like that. living in death, walking, talking dead man... he couldn't take it.
“...Okay...”Tony said looking upset though, worried. “You don’t have to stay you know. You can go take care of tony and steve.”kate offered as she walked into her rooms, sighing quietly as she got ready for bed.

“Yea.”Tony said looking upset and worried, before sighing softly. Pale at the idea, nodding. “since...since I got back, I’ve seen some of the pictures.”He swallowed thickly, looking around, “Ho Yinsen saved my life....the man, he hooked me to a car battery, to make the magnet stronger, made sure that it wouldn’t kill me before I’d done what the insurgents wanted....instead of building bombs...I made this. A miniature arc reactor.... It’ll power the magnet for 50 lifetimes....not to mention my’s....Steve. I saved myself. I didn’t...”He trailed offm not even sure how to make this better, to help steve.
Clint shook his head. "no. your upset." he admitted. "you need more attention than Tony does right now." he admitted. "you do realize Matt didn't realize he was flirting right? and that he's worried your really sick?" he asked, taking her hand gently. "men like me and Matt. we rarely get hit on you know. we're broken, to other people. faulty. as if we can give them our blindness or loss of hearing." he admitted. "so when someone pays attention to us like we're normal, we cling to that because it happens so rarely." he admitted. "you haven't been blind long enough to really notice. because everyone in the tower sees us for us, not our disabilities." he admitted. "but most people don't work that way and Matt's been alone for so long that hes still adjusting to the people here." he admitted.

Steve coughed a little once he was done and rinsed his mouth out again. "i'm sorry Tony. for me, the war was only a year or so ago. i still have nightmares about Bucky falling, about Peggy calling me. i still have nightmares about seeing people shot, about people exploding..." he shuddered. "the war is still so fresh in my mind that sometimes i can't shake it." he admitted, washing his face. "i just need a chance to calm down is all." he promised, gently setting his hand on the others chest, to the side of the Arc reactor, over his heart but not over the Arc reactor. "Ho Yinsen was a hero." he admitted softly. "i'll say a prayer for him tonight for saving you." he admitted. "i'm sure that there's a way to cut your dependency on this. i know you don't like it." he admitted. "maybe we could ask Thor? there has to be technology somewhere that can help you." he mused, reaching up to stroke Tony's face instead, offering what comfort he could.
“ long as your sure.”he sighed quietly, rubbing a hand over her face before sighing quietly, slumping into the bed as she held his hand. “...No...”She bit her lip, looking a little startled that matt hadn’t known that she’d be upset. “ I shouldn’t... Be mad that he’s clinging to pepper, who really is just being nice?”She said calming as she realized that matt hadn’t been trying to upset her.

“...I know. I’m sorry. I just...forget sometimes.”Tony said biting his lip, looking at the man, “...if it’s traumatic and insane for me to...I mean, out of all of us, I was the only one that hadn’t signed on really, to do this. I mean...after I designed the suit yes, but I really was...just a a arms dealer you know....the worst kind of death I had to worry about was weather I’d die cause of a STD or alcohol poisoning....”Tony sighed a little, tensing as the other touched his chest, going utterly still and quiet, tense, eyes widening as he looked down. Despite trusting steve, having the other’s hand that close to the arc reactor, to the temptation to pull it screwed him up. “...I’ve been trying for 2 years...sharpnel’s to close to my heart...can’t take it out...”he muttered before sighing, simply relaxing when steve touched his face instead
he nodded. "no. you can be mad at Pepper. she was blatantly flirting. in her defense she doesn't know Matt is taken though." he admitted. "she's too busy working all the time, but with you as CEO the workload should ease up." he admitted. "she won't have to do everything anymore, so that means that she'll be less tired all the time." he admitted, wrapping am arm around her. "i don't see why your so fussed anyway. your not really jealous at all, you just think you should be."

Steve nodded. "it's okay everyone does. for them, the war is just something that happened a lifetime ago. the wars you have now are cut off from the basic populous so they never know the pain of having to watch anyone die. never have to see the soldiers gie up everything and then come back to be hissed at and glared at." he shrugged. "people don't think there is a place for War anymore, not realizig there will always be one because people can't get along." he admitted. "you where a civilian Tony. a useful one and when it comes to War, no one cares whose innocent or not." he admitted. "you, like everyone else didn't understand the way the world works. the way War works and you, unfortunately had to witness it first hand." he admitted with a smile. "ah but Tony. Thor has Magic." he pointed out. "LOKI, has magic even if he hasn't woken up for more than two hours since he got here." he admitted. "Thor thinks that whatever the Blue did to him it cut oout parts of Loki's magic and he has to regrow it or something." he admitted. "but he would have an idea i bet." he admitted, pulling the other into a kiss. "your my best friend Tony. i'll do anything i can to make you happy and healthy." he promised.
“Oh, well that’s...wait. She knew. He was my date for the party, remember?”she pointed out sighing quietly, knowing she’d have to talk to pepper, but it wouldn’t be to hard. At least it’d be easy to tell pepper that she was seeing matt. “Good. I’d want to help her really, hopefully she’ll be better then.”She smiled before frowning leaning into clint. “...You think I’m not?”She frowned a little.

“Exactly...until I got hurt...I really didn’t understand what my weapons were doing to the wars, to people. It was...simply a intelligent excerise, making better ways to kill people. But...this made it real for me.”he sighed softly, before nodding a little. “Well....maybe they’ll know how to help.”he muttered biting his lip, not wanting to hope to much, but wanting to. Groaning as he was kissed he smiled a little. “Okay. I want you to be happy and healthy to you know.”
there was a pause and then. "you know, i don't think she remembers much of that night." he pointed out. "you did see how drunk she was right? well. no maybe you didn't.... you left before her." he muttered. "she got completely sloshed, Tony was petrified. she's a MEAN drunk." he admitted. "no. your not. if you where, you would have said something. or made a mention of it. something other than slink away. this is you distancing yourself so that when you break up with him neither of you will be too emotionally affected even if your not aware of it." he admitted. "you like Matt a lot, but it's mostly a platonic feeling. much the same way me and Tony are. doesn't mean you can't fuck his brains out of course." he admitted. "but when it comes time to move on, you probably won't be very upset."

Steve nodded. "most people go through that when they make dangerous things. after all, the man who invented the spear only did it to feed his family. the sword to defend his children. the tank to protect the country." he shrugged. "you did it because you wanted to help, no matter what you tell yourself in your guilt." he admitted. "you made weapons that took lives, yes. but you also made weapons that saved lives." he smiled at Tony. "i am happy and healthy." he admitted. "i'm happy in this world. i have people who understand me here. and i love the candy and the food. we could use more green things though."
“Ahhh, well that explains it.”Kate laughed grinning, blushing a little. “well. I did duck out early...”She said not about to admit she’d left to have sex. Snickering a little. “really?mean?”She said looking amused. “....For a man who’s having emotional problems considering the rest of his life, you’re fairly bright about how things are.”she said sighing quietly, realizing he was right, even if she did still want to fuck matt something fierce.

“...Yea I guess.”Tony said knowing better then to voice his guilt, otherwise he’d have more then just Clint all over his case for the self hate, but steve. And not willing to risk making steve hate him, so he weas going to let it go. “Good. I’m glad you’re happy here.”Tony said grinning, before glancing at the clock.”Think we should go rescue clint? He's probably tired of the legal talk..."
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "yes it does... was it good?" he asked, smirking. "oh yes. very mean. she called Tony names, tried to bash Steve's head in, DID bash in the head of one of the board members and then no one's sure after that. i think she went home. or to her room. no telling." he admitted before blinking at her. "i'm not having emotional problems. i'm grieving that's all. besides P... Phil said it was important to study people, see how they think, what they feel." he admitted.

he nodded. "i am happy here." he admitted with a smile before he shook his head. "nah, leave him with Kate. we're trying to set them up remember? probably what Matt is doing right now." he admitted.
“Was what good?”Kate asked blushing a little resting her head against his shoulder before giggling a little. “That’s epic. I’m seriously considering taking Matt’s advice, and telling everyone she’s the super viliian.”She giggled before sighing. “You’re not grieving. You’re refusing to deal with it.Which is a problem.”She muttered gently petting his hair as she settled into the bed next to him, content with his company.

“Good.”Tony said smiling pleased before nodding. “I know, but I like cuddling him to.”He pouted a little before smirking. “Whatever shall we do now?”he said stealing another kiss before heading for the hall, having every intention of heading down to the lab.
he smirked. "the sex of course!" he scoffed before pausing. "oh my GOD how did i not realize?! she IS an evil villain!" he gasped. "we must alert the world immediately!" he said before cringing at her. "....i don't deserve to be better. not when i'm the reason he's dead." he whispered unhappily, leaning into her ad accepting the comfort because he was tired of being strong.

"i do too but i think he needs Kate right now." he admitted. "he's breaking." Steve admitted with a sigh. "before long, he's not going to have the strength to keep himself together." he admitted before smiling. "well, i'll grab my drawing pad and we could spend a few hours in the lab." he offered. "you haven't been down yet today."
“Oh.Well.”Kate flushed brightly. “It was very good.”She said before grinning, “It took Matt pointing it out for me to realize she’d be a scary ass super villain.”She snickered before sighing softly, shifting to get comfortable, tucking the taller man in against her side, head resting on her shoulder/chest area. “Clint, Phil wouldn’t want you to be like this. He wouldn’t want you to break under the pain...yes, your actions got him killed, your and loki’s....but you are trying to be better. And in the end, that’s all we can do. Be better. Be the people the ones who are gone, would want us to be.”

“He is, and I have no idea how to help.”Tony said looking frustrated that he wasn’t able to help clint more before smirking a little. “Awesome.”He grinned as he bolted for the lab, utterly happy and glad that neither steve or clint tried to force him to abandon labtime, the two simply allowing him to work when he needed to. Settling in to work on a new phone for kate and matt.
Clint smirked. "your not really a fan of girly gossip mongering are you?" he asked with a chuckle before laughing. "well he would know! while people like me, Steve, even Tony face what amounts to brutes on the battlefield, Matt's opponents are just as political as they are physical. admittedly, he is in a league of his own when it comes to super-villains." he admitted before cringing. she was the first person to admit that it was indeed his fault instead of laying fake platitudes. it felt so damn good to hear someone else say it. he snuggled into her and closed his eyes, he didn't have the energy to cry.

Steve nodded. "i don't know how either." he admitted with a sigh. "and all this business with the Blue isn't helping at all, i don't think." he admitted before laughing at Tony's delight and followed him at a more sedate pace, grinning when he settled in to draw once he was down there, sitting on his favorite couch and watching Tony work and drawing the scientist because Tony was just fascinating when he was completely focused on something.
“...And I supposed to be?Do you want details and everything?”Kate said smirking a little blushing. “That’s true. He faces some bad people in the courtroom.”She said because she knew as a superhero he faced his own brand of villains, but in the courtroom, was a whole other ballgame. Sighing softly as he cringed she gently pressed a kiss to his hair, stroking his hair. “You’re okay...just sleep Clint..”She muttered, not about to point out his guilt over her blindness, not when he was already feeling bad enough.

“...No. It really isn’t.but we’ll talk to loki later, we’ll figure something out.”Tony sighed softly. Settling in to work a few hours later, tony smirked as he held up the newly created walking stick.”Here, try this out.”He said, grinning as he handed over the weapon, much like matt’s, but lighter and slender, made for a woman’s hand, with more tech in it then it probably needed, but tony had made sure it was a weapon, good enough that kate would never have to worry about being unarmed.
Clint laughed a little. "just wondering if i can add him to my Harem after you decide he's not worth sex anymore." he teased, nudging her to let her know he was joking. "not only that, but several of the people that he face in the courtroom he faces in the streets as well." he admitted. "that's why Daredevil is considered a bad guy to just as many people as he is considered a good guy." he admitted. "okay... you won't be bothered? i could lay down somewhere else." but he didn't really want to move. se was so soft, so comfortable and she smelled so good.

Steve nodded. "we'll have to talk to Loki." he agreed. "or Thor at least. his mother is a healer i think." he admitted. Steve had started to doze when Tony piped up and he snorted a little and blinked at the other before hauling himself to his feet and accepting the pole. the hand grip was too small for him of course, but perfect for Kate's tiny hands. he did something very surprising then. he adopted a fencing pose. he raised the pole so it was level with his face and then slashed, danced, moved, jabbing, slashing and spinning the pole like it was a long slender blade. "the Balance is good." Steve praised, examining it with a critical eye before smiling. "she's gonna love it. what else can it do?" he asked him, his head tilted before twitching when Jarvis commented that both Clint and Loki where acting oddly and their eyes where glowing blue. "well fuck." at least they weren't doing anything, they seamed to be trying to escape actually but where too dazed and confused to actually achieve anything, especially as their eyes flickered from bright blue to Clint's slate grey and Loki's emerald green.
“Ahh....well. You might be able to.”Kate said blushing a little, laughing quietly. “...Hm, that makes sense.”Kate sighed quietly pressing a kiss to hsi head, “No, I wont be bothered. And if matt comes in, he can just join in on the snuggling. Go to sleep, Clint.”She ordered a little ,ore sternly.

“Yea I think so. We’ll have to.”He agreed grinning as steve took the pole, laughing softly. “I didn’t know you could fence.”He snickered a little before blushing slightly at being praised. “It’s got a tazer, a way to deliver a sedative to a attacker or a poison, it folds down into being small if she needs it to, and it emits a small near silent sound every few seconds, a soft one really, just enough to give Kate something that will constantly allow her to see, just in case she’s somewhere really quiet.”Tony smiled a little before frowning as he headed up to check on kate, while sending steve to check in on loki and thor. “...Clint?What are you trying to do, sweetheart?”Kate said looking up at tony walked in, looking relieved to see him as the man moved closer to clint, “Clint?”Tony smiled slightly.
Clint chuckled a little and shook his head. "okay." he breathed, snuggling into her and going to sleep.

Steve grinned. "Jacques taught me." he admitted. "we never got past the basics but it did manage to save my life once." he admitted. "damn Tony." Steve said, sounding highly impressed. "so long as she has this she'll never be helpless. how did you manage to pack so much tech into this?" he asked curiously, following Tony before grimacing at the news that something was happening, heading to Loki and Thor. "...have to... way out." Clint mumbled, staggering to the side as his eyes flashed bright blue and he ran his hands along the window frame of the bedroom before seaming to realize he was up too high to escape that way before his eyes returned to slate grey and he blinked at the, "don't let me go..." he pleaded before flinching as if something heavy had hit him in the head and the Blue came back, his voice a hiss now. "you cannot hold him here forever Mortals. he will be mine again and i will ruin this world." Clint hissed, his voice strangely warped.
“That’s awesome, and I want to hear that story later.”Tony snickered before grinning. “Nano tech, it’s sorta like what I use in the iron man suit, just...smaller. It might break though, I’ll have to have her test it out, that much tech might be to sensitive to be in this.”Tony frowned looking worried about it before swallowing hard as he watched, following clint, making sure he didn’t fall or anything. “There’s no way Clint. You don’t get to go anywhere.”Kate said sounding scared as she gripped his arm, ebfore growling at the voice. “he’s ours. Mine. I wont let you have him, and this world?It’s ours to.”Kate said her voice tight with both fear and anger, trying to figure out what they needed to do to free clint even as she clung to him.
Steve chuckled a little. "sure." he agreed. "i've been thinking of taking lessons." he admitted before blinking. "Nano Tech? that's the really small stuff right? like those weird flat things that store data?" he asked. "if it breaks, you'll just have to build a better one... maybe make it out of that new plastic stuff. carbon fiber?" he asked, head tilted.

"Videbo tuum mors" Clint's creepy vice hissed, eyes flashing a vicious blood red before he shuddered, eyes rolling into the back of his head before he collapsed. Jarvis reported that Loki had said the same words and that they where apparently Latin and that whoever had controlled them said 'i see your death'. which was creepy. still, there was a shudder and a funny tingling sensation that ran over their bodies and Jarvis spoke again saying that 'according to Thor, Loki's magic is back to one hundred percent and he's pretty hacked off about having some ancient bastard playing in his body like a hand puppet'. which was also creepy.
“Yea, it’s really small stuff.”Tony snickered a little nodding. “I’ll have to see and figure out what works the best.”He sighed smiling uqietly.

“....Clint?”Kate startled yelping as clint collapsed into her, barely bracing quickly enough to give tony a chance to help her lay him down, growling softly, scared as she wrapped her arms around him. “...I’m sure he’s very hacked off. If he’s feeling up to it, I have some questions for him. If not, I’ll find the reindeer after he gets some sleep.”Tony said having every intention of distracting loki from his anger, even if he wanted to know what was going on, he also didn’t wnat a pissed off jotun in the tower for long either.
Clint groaned a little and blinked at them. " 's okay..." he mumbled. "Loki chased him out. 'm Tired..." he mumbled before snuggling into her and dropping back to sleep. "Lord Loki said he would be up as soon as he had some sustenance." Jarvis declared. "so far, he has eaten three rotisserie Chickens and a half of a Pizza that Steve has supplied him." Jarvis informed them. "he is coming up now." he said after a seconds pause. "i am in control Thor! stop hovering! i haven't lost control of my magic since i was six, and unlike SOME oafs i can name, i don't dissolve into childish object throwing and destruction when i feel like having a temper tantrum." well. as annoyed as Loki sounded, it wasn't anything like the icy rage he'd spoken with the last time they had encountered him. "Technomage Stark. i great you in the name of Jotunhiem and Asgard. i wish you many apologies for my past actions, and i cannot thank you enough for the help and safety you have given me, as well as stopping my previous activities, in my right mind or not." the ancient Godling said, bowing to Tony before kicking Thor in the shin. "bow you idiot!" "oh! uh..." Thor stuttered before bowing to Tony.
“good. Sleep then.”Tony smiled softly as he got kate and clint settled into bed. “Good. Make sure he knows he can eat as much as he wants. I’ll be in the living room.”he said leaving kate and clint to sleep, but not wanting to go to far. Looking amused as he listened to the other’s, smirking slightly, not sure what to think of this Loki, who sounded so astonishingly like him...if he’d lived centuries. “...I uh, you’re forgiven, and welcome.”He sputtered a little, for once in his life, at a loss for words, glancing at steve for he help before waving a hand. “Don’t bow, it’s weird. But if you’re feeling truly thankful, I do have a request to make of you, as a favor.”
"i'm sure Steve let Loki know." Clint mumbled sluggishly, proving he was still paying attention no matter how exhausted he was. "...those aren't the right words. make him say the right words Thor." "Loki." Thor said, chastising. "Human ways are much simpler than ours. he has forgiven ou, be content." "...but he didn't say it right!" Loki whined before sighing. "well. they are heathens after all i shouldn't expect less." he grumbled. "Loki! these are my friends." "and your just as much of a heathen as they." "...i've forgotten why i wanted you back." "i'd forgotten how much you smell." watching from the corner, Steve started to snicker. they where brothers alright. "it is proper to bow." Loki stated with a sniff. "granted, your supposed to bow Back[/]" Loki complained, Thor's lip twitching. "for us. bowing is a way we show how much we honor, and respect the person we are bowing to." Thor explained. "he was giving you a compliment." he explained, Loki huffing and muttering about uncivilized cultures. "a request?" Loki asked, looking highly curious. "you have saved m life." Loki admitted. "i will do almost anything for you." he admitted. "there are things i won't do of course, but most everything else i'd be happy to do for you."
“....I don’t know the right words...”Tony said tilting his head, looking at a loss as he looked at the brothers, before snickering. This really was amusing. “Ah, well thank you, loki.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly as he realized the other had complimented him by bowing, tilting his head a little as he bowed back before straightening. “Yes, a request.”Tony twitched, looking nervous, before swallowing hard as he tapped a finger against the glow that could be seen through his shirt. “I have some inoperable metal pressing against my heart. Trying to get it out would kill me. At least if I tried with human tech. I was wondering....if you knew a get rid of it without killing me.”
Loki huffed and then beamed, pleased. "see, Thor! the Technomage can learn! it's clear he's much smarter than you." he said with a sniff. Thor sighing. he loved his brother, and was very, very glad the other was back to normal, but Loki was a hell of a headache. "hmmm. shards you say?" Loki asked curiously. "out, Thor." Loki ordered. "Lord Stark, please lay down... that couch should do." he admitted, flicking his fingers, an emerald green glow spreading from his fingertips up to his elbow. "sanitizing spell." he explained. "it kills all germs and continues to until i release the spell." he admitted. "please remove your shirt." he ordered. "don't worry. your life support won't be affected by my magic." he assured the other. once Tony was bare at the chest and laying down Loki ran a hand over Tony, making him glow bright green as well before lifted a holographic image of Tony so that it hovered a foot above Tony. "hmm... very impressive." he admitted, removing the arc reactor from the image and examining it before vanishing it and examining the hole left over in the image. "mmm yes, reconstruction..." he mumbled, poking at the image before banishing the outer layers and examined the black spots inside of Ton's muscle structure. "my..." Loki muttered, stunned. "lets see...." he examined them from all angles and then. "i can remove most of them without any risk at all to your health... this one though..." Loki admitted, indicating a shard that was just touching Tony's heart. "this one is going to cause problems." he admitted. "i'm sure i can remove it. the question here is, can i do it without killing you." he admitted, frowning. "i would probobly be able to revive you but there is about twety five percent or so that you could die during the procedure." he admitted.
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