love is blind (moon/lady)

"actually, depending on the breed, he's bigger than a horse." Matt admitted with a snigger. "oh i'll be very, very vocal." he promised. "especially if Clint decides he's bigger than me and dominates." he teased with a chuckle. "alright. i'll talk to you later." he promised her, giving her another kiss before heading out the door. " how serious is your and Clint's relashionship?" he asked Tony. "i mean. i just want to know because Kate's clearly completely in love with him and i know you know it. i think the only person who doesn't know it is her. and maybe Clint... probably Clint..."
“...Not to mention being hung like a horse.” “Tony!”Kate scolded even if she was laughing. “Hmm, that would be amusing.”She snickered amused as she kissed him back, settling in and resting. “....”Tony frowned at the blind man, sighing quietly. “I love him, like a brother, he’s my best friend. I’m just love with him. I enjoy the sex, but it’s not...”He shrugged before snickering. “They both don’t know. They’re stupid.”He snorted, as if he was one to talk about being oblivious
Matt laughed, delighted. "i bet he is! we should measure him and find out!" Matt admitted, just to get another reaction out of Kate. "oh good. you won't mind me trying to get them together then?" he asked hesitantly. "it'll suck of course, i really do like Kate a lot but i think she'd be a lot happier with Clint, and more importantly, Clint might be a bit happier." he admitted. proof that Matt was in love with Kate. he was willing to give her up just to make her happy. "it won't be all at once of course. i think they're both too dense and if i just say 'hey, why don't you two go have sex and then go on a date already' they'll both run away." he admitted with a huff. "but i think, if we worked together, we could make them see how much they love each other right?"
“We should!”Tony grinned. “I shall have to do so, then tell you.” kate shook her head, looking amused. “No, I wouldn’t....I mean. I’d be sad to let him go, but they deserve to be happy.”Tony sighed quietly before nodding. “They would be happy....”He said studying the blind lawyer, trying to figure just how badly the man was going to fall apart when he had to give kate up. “They are fairly dense really.”Tony snickered before nodding, “I’m sure we can. Despite his guilt over his actions that led to the attack, he does indeed love her. It’ll be interesting.”Tony said before smirking a little. “We’ll get steve in on it to. He’s a romantic at heart, he’ll love it.”
"Matt sniggered a little. "it would be sad, but he wouldn't really leave. he's still your best friend after all. he'll probably still snuggle with you a lot. he's a very tactile person." Matt admitted. "he'll still steal your food and shoot Nerf darts at you through the vent." he admitted with a smile. "well. no more dense than you are." he admitted with a grin. "he is a very guilt complex laden isn't he?" he asked. "i wonder if a therapist would help?" he wondered. "we should!" Matt agreed, smirking even more. because while Steve and Tony where setting up Kate and Clint, he'd work it so Kate and Clint where setting up Tony and Steve. it would be glorious and epic.
“:....True.he is. He’d still want snuggles.”Tony muttered thinking about that, relaxing at the idea before laughing. Amused at the memory of him using the nerf gun. “....what?oh, not you to. You guys are all delusional.”tony grumbled rolling his eyes before nodding. “He is.And...maybe. I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know if we could convince him to go.”he said before smirking. “We will.Come on, we’ll go tell him.”He said going in search of the good captain.
he nodded. "i don't think he likes sleeping alone at all." he admitted with smile. "i can't be delusional, i'm Daredevil." he pointed out. "your the one whose delusional. all Genius's are you know." he teased before pondering that. "so. bring the therapist here." he suggested. "get Kate to make puppy eyes at him. blackmail him. bribe him. it's not hard." he admitted with a smile before following Tony to the Gym where Steve was, in all his sweaty, shirtless Glory was pounding on one of the punching bags. "Morning Steve... wanna have at it?" Matt offered, wondering if Steve needed a sparring partner. "sure. after you tell me what your up to." "matchmaking." "....Kate and Clint?" "yup." "i'm in."
“He doesn’t.He doesn’t like to be alone period, especially now after loki.”Tony smiled slightly before rolling his eyes.”So?And I might be.”Tony said avoiding dealing with what everyone seemed to think he was being willingly blind about before smirking, nodding.”I’ll do that. We all probably could do with a therapist really.”he said thoughtfully, pausing to stare at steve for a long moment. “Morning. And shush, Matt. For a moment. Let me enjoy the shirtless sight of Captain America in my gym.”Tony demanded before laughing.”I’m amused that you didn’t even wonder which couple we were setting up.”
he nodded. "i noticed." he admitted with a chuckle. "i could certainly use a Therapist. my Priest is nice of course, but he doesn't exactly get the whole 'it's not your fault' thing. granted, most of the time it is my fault but i'd like to be comforted once and a while too you know?" he asked with a grin before snickering at Tony's complaints about having distracted Steve who snickered at Tony. "well, Natasha would kill us if we tried to set her up. Matt doesn't need setting up. you couldn't possibly be asking help setting me or you up. deduction." Steve admitted with a grin. "unless your trying to set up Fury or something?" he asked playfully.
“hm, last time I was in church, my priest told me I was going to hell. It seems that for both our health’s, it was better I didn’t attend church.”Tony grinned before snickering. “Well, once in awhile, we’ll tell you its not your fault.”He said before sulking a little. “Natasha totally wouldn’t. We could set her up. And I could totally set up Fury. It’d be epic.”He decided
Matt snorted. "yeah, not a good Priest. if your religious you could come to the one i usually frequent." he offered before chuckling a little. "well thank you." he said. "i'll make sure to do the same." he promised. "we probably shouldn't. i think Natasha's waiting for someone." Steve admitted. "she mentioned him once, a guy from Russia." he admitted. "she never gave a name though." he mused before smiling a little. "who in the world would you put with that grumpy sourpuss?" Matt demanded. "i'd feel sorry for any woman who has to go out on a date with him."
“...My religon is tech, and that’s about it.”Tony said with a slight smile before making a face. “Fine, no setting up the scary assassin. She’ll murder me in my sleep or something.”he said snickering a little though he did look curious about the guy she was waiting on, he wouldn’t question it, because if he did and natasha found out, she’d kill him. “.....Hmm...”Tony frowned thinking about it. “Maria.”He said after a long moment.
Matt chuckled a little. "yeah i figured. they have a religion for that now though, i think." he admitted. "that's right. no setting up the Scary Assassin." Steve agreed before chuckling. "Tony, i hate to tell you this, but Mara is gay." Steve admitted, amused. "she's dating Agent Thirteen. you know, Sharon Carter?" he asked, smirking. "but don't tell Natasha, she's still trying to get me and Agent thirteen to date. it's hilarious."
“They do. I’m their god, as I’m the best tech person in the world.”Tony preened, smirking. “....Noooo. Really?That’s both awesome and disturbing.”Tony said his eyes glazing a little as he considered that. “And you should totally go on a date with them sometime. I mean, you did love Aunt Peg back then.”He pointed out with a small smile.

“Clint?”Kate muttered when she felt the man stirring, gently running her fingers through his hair.”You awake?”She muttered not quite sure if he was or not.
Matt snorted. "i don't think that's how it works Tony." he admitted, amused. "it is pretty awesome and no. Tony. just no. while i did love Peg, it was more of the love i feel for a sister." he admitted. "she knew this. she always called me 'her baby brother'." he admitted with a smile. "besides it would be creepy to date the granddaughter of the woman you thought of as a sister, or worse the woman you actually had feelings for." he admitted. "so no. on all counts."

"hmmm... Kate?" Clint asked sluggishly. "what... where?" he asked, sounding so very confused. "oh... i remember." he assured her, snuggling deeper into his pillow. "hows Loki doing?" still fading in and out of sleep but no longer in any real danger.
“I’m fairly certain it is. I’m a god.”Tony said before smirking a little, shaking his head. “Well. I guess that’s true. A tad creepy really.”Tony said before smirking at steve, distracted by the whole sight of a shirtless captain again. “Are you done working out?”

“Yea, it’s me.”Kate said gently stroking Clint’s hair, “My rooms.”He muttered before smiling slightly. “fading in and out of sleep, but he’s not in any danger anymore.”
Matt snorted. "your Ego can't possibly fit in this building." he scoffed playfully. "very creepy." Matt agreed with a chuckle. "no. not quite. did you need me right now? i can take a break." Steve promised, wiping his face with a damp towel.

"okay." Clint sighed, relaxing at the promise that he was safe. "good." Clint admitted. "i just can't bring myself to be angry with Loki... i knew he was never in control of himself." he admitted. "the Blue, i could feel it in Loki's mind while it had me." he admitted. "i hated Loki at first, because i had to hate someone..." he admitted, sighing. "do you think Phil would have hated Loki?"
“Hm, my ego fits. It’s my building, of course it fits.”Tony snickered before shrugging as he stared at steve as he wiped up.”Not really. Was just considering sex with a sweaty captain if you were done.”

“I know. I can’t hate him either. I mean...I did but then thor told us what happened...”She sighed softly shrugging before gently stroking his hair. “I think Phil would have, even if he didn’t hate him or act out, i think Phil would have understood why. I mean, loki did kill leaves room for hard feelings."She muttered a little
Matt snorted and Steve chuckled before he grinned, eyes flashing. "well. one workout is just as good as another." he admitted, grabbing Tony and throwing him over his shoulder and carried him off, hand on Tony's ass. "let's see how many times i can make you cum."

he nodded. "yeah but Loki wasn't in control when he killed Phil... i just... can't figure out how Phil would react to all this." he admitted with a weak chuckle, shaking his head. "i feel... like i'm betraying him... sleeping with Tony and Steve. forgiving Loki... i feel..." he choked back a sob and sat up, burying his face into his knees to hide the rest. breaking down because he just couldn't hold it in anymore.
“Hm, sex is a workout with you.”Tony snickered yelped as he was picked up, staring down at the man’s ass as he was carried.”You know, now that you’ve discovered sex, you’re awfully demanding.”Tony teased.

“I know...but Phil was a fairly good guy. He’d be angry, but he’d also understand. He might not like it...but he’d be okay.”Kate muttered not knowing how to help, feeling at a loss, before shifting wrapping her arms around him, resting her head against his shoulder, simply holding him because she didn’t have the words to make him feel better.
"of course it is. i know you where too out of it last time to keep track." he teased with a snicker. "i was always bossy." he admitted, giving Tony's ass a squeeze. "besides, i have you all to myself for the moment, i have to take advantage of this." he admitted, popping the door to Tony's room open and tossing Tony, carefully, onto the bed. "now. i believe you own me an orgasm." he admitted, licking his lips. "can't learn to swallow if i don't practice!" he admitted. "lose the pants while i find Clint's stash of Lube."

"...yeah." he agreed, nodding. "yeah e'd understand. i'm sure he'd forgive Loki, eventually. he'd taze him first though. i should Taze im." Clint admitted before crying silently into his knees, shoulders shaking while she held him. e wasn't sure he deserved the comfort, but needed it too much to pull away. "sorry..." Clint whispered after a few minutes. "i don't know what came over me..."
"Hmm it disturbs me a little at how hot I'm finding the idea of having the Captain in bed with me."tony snickered a little. "I do?"he smirked a little as he started undressing,raising a eyebroe."you sure you're ready to try?"he said looking a little worried as he settled back on the bed.

"Hmmm you might. Though considering he's thor's brother, he's probably used to shocks."kate pointed out rubbing his back as he cried smiling slightly when he moved to sit up."it's feeling better now?"
Steve snorted. "well considering i'm the worlds most perfect male specimen? i'd say you shouldn't be so disturbed." he teased. "yes. you do." he teased, smirking. "you owe me because you interrupted my workout." he decided before nodding. "fuck yes. you wouldn't let me try last time. i demand to try this time." he admitted, studying the other, licking his lips. "it's impossible for you to be that beautiful. you must be cheating somehow." he decided, lowering himself onto the bed and giving Tony an experimental lick, humming thoughtfully before he resumed licking. every single inch.

he giggled a little. "still would be worth it." he admitted, sniffling a little and wiping his eyes once e was done. "...yeah. i guess i am a little." he admitted. "i never knew crying could make a person feel better, usually it makes me feel worse." he admitted. "thanks... for, uh... you know... holding me." you could practically hear him blushing.
“Hmmm, yes but the Captain is more bossy then just Steve.”Tony whined a little before laughing. “Ah, well. I’ll make it up to you.”He said smiling before swallowing hard as he watched steve looking him over. “I’m not beautiful. Handsome maybe, not beautiful.”He whined as he tangled his fingers in the other’s hair, simply letting steve explore as he relaxed and enjoyed it.

“Good. And that’s cause you’re a guy. Girls have always known crying can make you feel better.”she teased before rubbing his back, blushing herself. “You’re welcome....and are you blushing?I can almost hear it.”She teased.
he smirked. "i am bossy no matter what i am." he teased with a smirk. "very beautiful." he disagreed before going to town on that lovely, wonderful cock. soon he gre bored with just licking and started laying sucking kisses all over the flesh as well, humming as he pulled back a bit to examine the flesh before opening his mouth and swallowing Tony down to the root. he paused, held it and then jerked back, gagging, looking very surprised. "that's... yeesh. that's not fair! you and Clint don't choke!" he complained, wondering if it was because his cock was different from theirs or something. silly virgin. well, ex-virgin.

"well. maybe." he agreed with a wet chuckle. "no i'm not blushing!" he protested. "it's not nice to pick on the guy who just had a breakdown!" he whined. "just for that, i'm.. uh... taking away our dessert tonight at dinner and eating it myself!" he decided. "that will teach you!" e said, amusement in his voice.
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