love is blind (moon/lady)

Clint smirked. "you can't make important decisions Tony." he stated simply. Steve was gasping for air by the time he'd emptied out and moaned when he realized they weren't going to let him stop. the orgasms he was having now where so much more intense than anything he did for himself. "god! god!" it hurt, it did, but he didn't care because it was a good hurt. he moaned and mewled and tightened his ass around that wonderful cock. "yes. god. more. don't stop. fuck me!" he moaned, trembling as Tony did just that. once Tony was done, Clint took his tur fucking the good captain. then he showed Steve how to prepare Tony, letting the good captain fuck Tony before fucking Clint. he'd lost count of the orgasms, but Clint hadn't. "six orgasms." Clint chirped, smirking when Steve completed inside of him. "can't... done..." Steve wheezed, collapsing onto the bed and groaned. "then why are you still hard?" Clint asked, sounding amused when Steve blinked, startled. "i am!? Christ... i am." "Tony, you wanna suck that?" Clint asked, wondering how Tony was handling his own orgasms.
Tony looked utterly undone, slightly pale as he fought to even out his breathing, for once not being conscious of the fact that the arc reactor was bathing them all in a soft blue light. It took alot, both trust and pleasure, to make the man completely forget that it was there. But the excerise and workout with his compromised breathing and the pressure on his heart, left the genius panting and struggling to keep up half the time, even if he was down enough to not be trusted with his own safety, so he nodded eagerly, already squirming down to suck on steve’s cock.
Steve was too undone to notice but Clint did, after he gave the offer. "Tony, stop." he ordered, tone gently as he pulled the other away. "Tony what's wrong? are you having trouble breathing?" he asked, looking worried. "look at me Tony. he ordered. "are you having trouble breathing." he demanded, worried about the other, checking the other. "Jarvis? get Bruce." "Bruce? is Tony hurt? did i hurt him?" Steve asked, sounding anxious. "no. he's not hurt. he just can't breath. it's okay Tony." Clint promised, stroking the man's hair. "just calm down for me Love."
Tony whined at the order to stop, growling at clint even as he let himself be pulled away from steve’s cock even as he palmed the other, trying to keep up with the task of pleasing the super soldier even at the cost of taking care of himself. The carelessness he had with his own health was even worse when he was under. Looking up at clint at the order, he frowned a little. “Fine....”He muttered struggling to pull up enough to talk, whimpering quietly as he tried to breath, even as he heard the anxiety in steve’s voice, looking worried.”Bruce is on his way.”Jarvis said after a moment. “I’m okay...”he muttered calming slightly under clint’s hands. “Clint?Tony?”Bruce said as he half walked, half ran, looking worried as he walked in.
Steve shook his head, trying to clear it and groaned when Tony palmed his cock, making him shudder. he was almost too sensitive down there now. "our not fine." he protested, shaking his head. "you need to calm down a little." he mumbled, trying to get Tony up enough to realize he was hurting himself. "your not okay." Clint complained, stroking Tony's hair, looking up at Bruce. "tony can't breathe. it's not an anxiety attack." he admitted. "We where having sex and i didn't notice and now he can't catch his breath. something is wrong." Clint explained, worried as hell but forcing his voice to be calm and cool so he didn't panic Tony in his subspace..
“Am fine.”Tony muttered whining as steve sat up, looking at the two, frowning a little as he calmed, simply sitting there even as his breathing calmed some. “How long have you been at it?”Bruce said calm and cool, looking at the billionaire sitting on the bed, he knew better then to act worried, otherwise they’d panic and upset tony something fierce. “Tony?Look at me.I’m going to touch you okay?”Bruce said moving closer, pressing the stethoscope against the billionaire’s back, listening closely before frowning slightly, nodding as he glanced at the other two. “The arc reactor makes it hard for him to breath sometimes,, especially if he’s not being careful and getting enough breathing room. He’ll be fine if he takes a break.”Bruce said leaning back, studying the two. “He just needs breaks sometimes, otherwise this will happen....not usually a problem when he’s only having sex with one person, seeing as you both are usually taking breaks together between rounds. But with three of’re going to have to make sure he does, otherwise he really will hurt himself.”Bruce warned watching the three of them. “I’m okay, I can keep up!”Tony whined looking upset, because more then anything, he wanted a normal life. “Tony, you know you can’t. You’re body’s compromised. Be careful otherwise you really will harm yourself."bruce muttered wincing as tony teared up. he knew tony had issues with the arc reactor, knew that the billionaire hated it as much as he loved it, but it needed to be said.
Steve shook his head. "your not fine." he complained, looking very upset and worried, but since he was behind Tony, the man couldn't see him, and he managed to keep his voice calm save for a tiny little tremble. "i don't know. i lost count of time after my second orgasm." Steve admitted. "a few hours at least." Clint admitted, both men watching Bruce work. "shit.. i didn't know that..." Clint admitted, looking worried. "is it something that could risk his life?" he asked, worried. "of course you can keep up Tony." Steve reassured the other. "your no worse off than i was... well no, your probably in better shape than i was when i had my asthma." he admitted. "we just have to put a few precautions in place." Steve admitted, stroking Tony's hair. "like a half an hour break after each round. we should be doing that anyway, hydration is important you know." Steve admitted, Clint nodding. "and calories too, we should be eating between rounds. not too much, but some fruit, maybe some cheese." he agreed, smiling at Tony. "it won't slow us down at all." he promised, patting his knee. "oka?"
“He’s careful not to tell anyone. Even if you’d noticed before, he would have brushed it off. I only know it fucks with his breathing because he’s been trying to downsize the arc reactor even more, but not been able to. Continually frustrating to him that he can’t get rid of it, but can’t keep it either.” “....No!No it wont risk my life!Nothing does. Except insane godlings, and the occassional doombot”Tony whined looking upset. Bruce frowned at the billionaire,he’d known tony was overprotective, paranoid and utterly insane about showing anyone a weakness, especially when it concerned the arc reactor, but this was obviously worse then his normal reaction. tilting his head slightly before sighing, glancing at the other two and nodding slightly. “If he’s not careful, yes it could.”Bruce said not wanting to worry then, but knowing it needed said. “Just make sure he stops when he needs a break, and doesn’t overdo it, you’ll be fine.”The doctor reassured, wincing as tony looked even more upset. “Sorry...”He muttered glancing at clint, knowing he’d managed to sour tony’s subspace. “....Okay...”Tony sniffled looking up at the other two, “....I’ll be good...I promise...”he muttered.
they both nodded. that was a ver Tony thing to do, Steve was half tempted to talk to Thor and see about getting a day pass into Helhiem to torture Howard. the ruler of death was Thor's niece after all, surely he'd be willing to try at least? "hush Tony." Clint assured the other, stroking the others hair. "we won't stop fucking you just because you have trouble breathing." he promised, smiling at the other a little and pulled him into a gentle kiss. "we'll make sure he's more careful." Steve promised. "it's okay." Clint promised Bruce. "it's okay Tony, shh. your always my good boy." Clint promised him with a smile, Steve grinning as he laid a kiss on Tony's neck. "a very good boy." Steve agreed. "it's late. and my dicks finally gone down." Steve admitted. "what say we grab some food, eat it in bed and then go to sleep?" Steve asked with a smile.
Tony whined softly at clint’s words, even as he nuzzled his head against the other’s hand, sighing quietly, settling in, starting to calm. “Good.”He muttered sighing softly as he kissed the other back, before sighing quietly as he snuggled into clint, resting his head against the other’s shoulder. “Yell if you need anything else.”Bruce muttered quietly seeing himself out. “ more sexy science....we’ll do more later...”Tony muttered before nodding, “Sleep and food sound good.”He muttered, steadying some, relaxing as he settled between the two.
Clint smiled a little and kissed the top of Tony's head, Steve grinning. "he really is adorable like this." he admitted, watching Bruce leave. he'd have to find a way to thank Bruce later. "we will do more Sexy science later." Clint promised Tony. "we only got six orgasms out of Steve this go. we'll have to try again, maybe use toys on him next time." he mused, making Steve go a very bright red. "toys?" he squeaked, clearing his throat. "oh yes. Toys. between me and Tony i think we have an impressive enough collection." "...i'm going to go get food." Steve decided, fleeing before Clint decided to show him said toys. Clint just snickered and snuggled Tony until Steve came back with the food. most of it was sugar. small cakes, doughnuts, candy, chocolate, a few fruits like strawberries that would be easy to eat. "i just grabbed a bit of everything from Tony's fridge." Steve admitted. "remind me to go shopping for him." "i'll do that."
“I’m not adorable.”Tony whined making a face, before smiling happily. “Good. We should do more later.....he’d look good being used with toys.”Tony muttered pleased with the idea, grinning happily as steve blushed. “he’s adorable when he blushed.”He grinned amused as steve fled. “...My food’s fine. Good food. Awesome food.”Tony muttered even as he settled in to eat, yawning after awhile, looking quite content and happy, stuffed full as he settled down to sleep.

In the morning though, found the genius hiding in the bathroom, actually taking a bath, instead of a quick shower, hiding mostly as he waited for the men in his bedroom to leave for breakfast.He didn't want to see either of them, at least not yet, and the fact that he was hiding in a bath that normally terrified him, just said how much he didn't want to see them yet.

",...Morning."Kate muttered smiling happily as matt handed her her coffee, snuggling into the bed een as she sat up enough to drink it.
Steve and Clint both smirked. "very adorable." they chirped. "he would look good." Clint agreed. "nipple clamps especially. he seamed to really like it when you first pushed inside him, i bet he's a bit of a masochist." he admitted. "we'll have to go slow with him of course, don't want to scare him." he admitted. "your food is fine, but this is all that was left." Steve admitted. "it's only fair that i replace it." he admitted.

in the morning, Stee was the one who made the first move, stepping into the bathroom. "Sorry Tony but i have got to piss and Clint says we're not allowed to leave until we check on you." he admitted. "so i'm going to use your toilette." he admitted. "Clint's babbled about something called subspace, which i don't really get, but apparently it can mess with a guys head." Steve admitted, pausing to take a leek. he was a military man after all, peeing in front of other people had never bothered him. "your going to get pruney if you stay in there too long you know." Steve warned.

"morning." Matt chirped, sipping at his ow Coffee. "i got Doughnuts too." he admitted. "they're all the same kind though, the glazed ones." he admitted. "they're fresh made though."
“...Hmmm I think he is to.”Tony agreed smirking a little, before whining slightly. “No, we don’t want to scare him...”He hummed a little. “Ah, okay.”

“....I’m fine.”Tony grumbled as he slid lower into the chair, obviously he wasn’t considering he was doing a awkward hover thing between actually sitting in the water to his chest and not letting it touch the arc reactor. “I’m great. Just thought I’d get some reading done this morning.”Tony said gesturing to the holoscreen in front of his face where he was reading the newest star trek novel. While he did enjoy reading, he despised baths, was simply hiding. “....I haven’t been in here that long. I have awhile until I get pruney.”he said because it wasn’t even anything they’d done really, simply his subspace had messed with him badly, and he was reeling on how to deal.

“That’s okay, doughnuts are doughnuts. You can’t go wrong as long as they’re fresh made.”Kate snickered a little stealing a kiss as nibbled on a doughnut.
Steve lifted an eyebrow at Tony. "yes. that's why your sitting in water even when it freaks you the hell out, don't think i haven't noticed." Steve said, shaking his head while he washed his hands. "Tony. seriously, your freaking Clint out. he's in there hating himself because he thinks your scared of him. he thinks he pushed you too hard last night and you hate him. he thinks he raped you Tony." he said. "you can't keep hiding in here, your not the only person freaking out about last night, we all are, but we can't get through it if you hide from us." he admitted. "it's not nice of you to hide from us. it just makes us worry more."

he chuckled a little when she kissed him. tasting like Doughnuts and coffee. "that's very true, though i nearly had to beat up a couple of people on the way back up so they wouldn't try to steal them. Pepper was the worst." he admitted. "she tried three times to make off with them." he admitted with a huff. "Doughnuts are like gold around here apparently."
Tony whined a little at that, making a face. “I’m not scared of water.”He grumbled even though he scampered out of the tub quickly enough at the idea of freaking clint out. Biting his lip as he dried off, upset and off balance, having no idea how to handle this. “...Clint didn’t push me to do anything. Sexy science was awesome.”he muttered avoiding looking at the other, fidgety and nervous, wired. More then normal, his subspace going sour on him leaving him even more weird then normal. “...Clint?”Tony asked as he pulled on a pair of sweat pants, stepping into the bedroom.

“...Good thing you didn’t see Tony or clint on your way in. You would have gotten beaten up for them.”She snickered amused as she ate them, sighing quietly, relaxing. Simply enjoying his company, and trying not to wonder at what it meant neither clint or tony had been up, since they were the ones usually up first. Or steve for that matter.
Steve scoffed. "anyone whose been put to the water board is afraid of water." Steve said simply. "Bucky... he couldn't hardly stand even a shower after. he had to have sponge baths for months and even then, sometimes it was too much." he admitted. "i can't stand baths myself. not after..." he shuddered and swallowed thickly before shaking his head. "i know that. hell Clint knows that too, he's just upset because you where hurt and he's blaming himself like an idiot." he admitted. "Tony!" Clint gasped, surprised and quickly dashed the tears away from his face. "hey, i was just going to go get Coffee and Doughnuts. any requests?" trying so hard, too hard, to look like he wasn't hating himself.

"i'm sure i would have been, i came up the back way though." he admitted with a grin. "i never did like elevators." he was so lying, there was no way he had climbed up seventy flights of stairs with hot doughnuts. "in any case, i had a hard enough keeping Pepper off of me." he admitted. "she was nearly rabid you know. it was frightening." he admitted.
“....Sometimes.”Tony muttered shuddering at the idea, becaues he really didn’t like baths, but it had been the only way he’d known to hide well enough, and even then, he hadn’t hidden well. “...he is indeed a idiot.”Tony muttered as he walked into the room, edging closer to the man, “Not your fault.”He muttered poking the other in the shoulder, shoving at him a little. “everything isn’t always your fault, Barton.”He muttered before nodding, “Coffee and cream filled chocolate donuts. You know what I like.”He said sounding soft and quiet, upset because he’d upset clint and not quite sure how to fix it.

“...You couldn’t have. The coffee and doughnuts are still hot.”She teased smirking a litlte, before laughing. “She’s quite scary. She’d make a scary super villian if she wanted to be.”she said before sighing, relaxing as she sipped her coffee.
Steve nodded. "of course he's an idiot. we wouldn't love him if he wasn't." he admitted with a smile. "...thanks Tony." Clint said, voice so soft you almost couldn't hear him, relaxing now that he realized Tony wasn't pissed off at him. "alright." he agreed, smiling as he pulled the other down into a kiss before heading out to get the breakfast things, Steve looking amused. "i think he's forgotten that Pepper likes to ambush people for their doughnuts?" he wondered. "wanna snuggle?" he offered Tony.

he chuckled. "i stopped on the floor below and came up the stairs. Pepper still found me. she's like a bloodhound." he admitted. "are we sure she's not already a super villain?" he asked, his head tilted. "she's probably already a super villain." he admitted.
“Welcome. Wasn’t mad...just don’ people knowing about that..”he muttered, a absent protective hand curling over the arc reactor as he crawled back in bed, snuggling into the blankets. Moaning as he was kissed he snickered. “Most likely. We’ll hear soon enough if he’s been ambushed by pepper.”He snickered before nodding eagerly, “Please.”he said sighing softly as he was snuggled, going quiet, trying to get the words to explain why he was so freaked out not sure how to explain.

“that’s amusing.”Kate snickered at that, finishing her coffee with a contented sigh before her eyes widened, shaking her head. “Matt!Don’t say that!I’m going to see her, and it’s going to be freaky cause all I’m going to think about is if she’s a super villian.”
Clint smiled. "it's okay Tony. i understand. i don't much like people knowing i'm deaf." he admitted. "it's something they can use against us." he admitted, smiling at Ton. "we understand." he promised the other before chuckling at the moan. "tease." Clint teased, kissing Tony again before heading out. "i'm sure we will. he'll bitch for hours." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. he wrapped his arms around Tony and snuggled in ad enjoyed holding the man he'd loved for so long, groaning when the phone rang. "it's Thor..." he mumbled, answering it. "hey Thor... wait. calm down... speak slowly.... in English!" he ordered before going so pale it was like he'd been told his mother had died. "...yes. of course, bring him here, i'll get Bruce." he promised, hanging up and looking at Tony. "...Loki just tried to kill himself..." he explained before looking up. "Jarvis? tell Bruce he has incoming wounded would you?"

he snickered a little. "oh come on! you have to admit, you've thought of it before!" he teased with a grin. "you know you have, don't try to hide it!" he teased, smirking as he kissed her again. "just don't say it to her face, we don't want people disappearing." he admitted with a chuckle.
“...yes it can.Not that I think you will its just....”He shrugged helplessly smiling slightly as he leaned into the other, whining quietly.”of course.Always a tease.”He mutered watching him go. “Hours and hours.”Tony agreed, sighing softly as he let the other snuggle him, content and happy to be held even if he was being willfully blind about about what the other felt. “Hm?”He frowned looking confused about the other’s words, concerned before wincing.”Bloody hell.”He cursed, well he might not like the godling, but having him come, well, whatever was going on, he could at least make sure the man was safe, for thor. “Bruce is waiting for you, Captain.”Jarvis said even as tony got dressed. “let’s go then.”He sadi looking nervous before stopping, “Will you let the others know that we’re having a guest Jarvis?”He said worried about how any of them were going to react.

“...I have, but no!I can’t. I have to work with her matt!I can’t worry about her going supervillian.”She whined laughing a little before growing serious at jarvis’ words.”...wonder who’s coming...”
Steve and Clint both chuckled and kissed Tony quiet. "we understand. it's a trauma Tony. Steve doesn't talk about the.... falling. i don't talk about my ears or the.... accident. and you don't talk about... it." he said with a shrug, Steve shaking his head. "it's just too much emotion that we simply don't have the mind to handle right now." Clint admitted. "like i said, we of all people understand." he promised. "yeah...." he muttered, amused because he knew he'd picked up that English slang from Pepper. she was very good about hiding her accent but there where some things she still did. like have two teas a day as well as breakfast lunch and dinner. she refused to use tea bags too. sometimes she slipped and demanded to know if they where taking the mickey. whatever that meant. he assumed she wanted to know if they where lying, or maybe making fun of her. "thank you Jarvis." Steve said, heading for the balcony where the crack of thunder and lightning announced Thor's arrival. "Jesus fucking Christ!" Steve gasped. Loki was laying limp in Thor's arms, and he was still bleeding. "he used M-Magic. none of the healers at home can stop the bleeding." Thor admitted, looking frantic. "please! help him!" "bruce is downstairs." Steve assured the other, taking Loki and sprinting for Bruce's labs. Thor sniffed and wiped his eyes with his fore arm, smearing blood across his face.

he chuckled. "might be for some fun entertainment if you spread it around the office though." he admitted with a grin. "that's shut those old fogeys up right quick." he adopted a horrible fake accent. "shh, don't annoy that one! she's a super illain! just say yes to everything she tells you to do." he whispered, pretending to be a board member, chuckling before pausing at the sound of Jarvis. "a guest? maybe it's that Thor fellow we always hear about?"
“...hmm.Kay.”Tony muttered kissing him back, making a face as he realized that indeed, tehy did understand. “True.”He muttered smiling as he nuzzled them. Simply content with them. Growling as he rolled his eyes.”Don’t laugh at me. I’ll tell pepper if you’re making fun of her english-ness.”Tony teased amused looking worried as they arrived, wincing, covering his ears at the sound of thunder. “Well, if magic can’t fix it, tech can. I don’t trust your magic, I trust tech. And bruce. Come on big guy, we’re going to get you cleaned up first, then you can do down and sit with loki.”Tony said even as he steered thor down to the med labs, though another private room to get him washed up and clean before directing him in with bruce and loki and steve. Sighing quietly as he dialed clint’s cell phone number, knowing better then to let him walk into this blind.

“Oh god, that would be epic. They’d totally freak!”Kate giggled as she stole a kiss. “I might have to do that.”She said before nodding, “Maybe. Come on. Let’s go find out.”She said moving to get dressed and heading for the door.
Steve snickered again. "and i'll tell her you where making fun of her first." he teased before grimacing at the sound of thunder. his hearing was sharp, so the sharp cracks of sound where enough to make him wince. "yes. okay." Thor agreed, voice soft. in shock no doubt. it was his brother bleeding out after all. he let Tony lead him away and took a shower and dressed in the earth clothes they had made him get the last time he was there and then followed Tony back down to Medical where Loki, pale, too thin, sick, was getting his arms stitched up. "hey, Thor." Bruce said, looking up at the other. "Loki's going to be okay. he's going to be as week as a kitten and he's going to be izy for a few days but he's not in ay life threatening danger now." he promised. "his magic wouldn't let anyone heal him, but his magic wouldn't let him die either. at least that's what i'm assuming." he admitted, looking up when Tony's phone dinged, Clint responding that he would be okay.

"it would! so you should!" Matt agreed with a grin before kissing her back, chuckling. "we will have to do that." he agreed before standing up and getting dressed before grabbing his cane and then her hand and headed down the stairs. "Jarvis where is everyone?" he paused, started when Jarvis answered. "Medical? why are they in medical? was someone hurt?"
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