love is blind (moon/lady)

“She wouldn’t believe it. I use ‘bloody hell’ all the time.”Tony sulked a little, looking worried about the thunder god as he got him cleaned up. “Good. See, I told you trust Tech over magic.”Tony said before reading the text, frowning a little. “It’s just clint.”He said when bruce looked at him, frowning. Looking torn between staying here, or going to stop clint from coming down, not wanting the man to be faced with loki, even if he said it was okay.

“Thanks.Easier to walk with the cane tapping things, and you leading.”She said smiling slightly, glad indeed for the other’s presence. While she was doing fairly well on her own, it was a little easier to navigate with matt helping her know where things were. “,...Hopefully not.”She said tilting her head, frowning as she turned her head, hearing teh elevator stopping to, listening for a moment to who was coming towards them before. “Clint?”She said, recognizing the feather light footsteps as tehy headed for medical. “What’s going on?”
he smirked. "just more proof that i'm right." he teased. Bruce nodded and went back to work once he was sure it wasn't another emergency. Thor settled down next to Loki, looking very worried about his little brother. "he's been getting worse." Thor explained softly. "at first, it was just nightmares. he'd wake screaming, begging us to not let him go. to keep him safe, begging us to not let them take him. it wasn't long before he just begged to be left alone, pleaded with us to drive away 'The Blue'. after a while, he stopped sleeping completely, terrified of his nightmares. then he stopped eating, anything we tried to force into him, just came back up." he admitted, stroking Loki's hair. "then... i went to go and hold him he sleeps sometimes when he has someone to cling to... i found him laying on the floor b-bleeding..." Thor admitted, wiping the tears away again. "i've felt so helpless, because can't do a damn thing to help him...."

Matt smiled. "i know. we're working on getting you a cane too. Tony's being picky about it of course." he admitted with a chuckle before leading her out of the rooms. "'s Loki." Clint explained softly. "he tried to kill himself." Clint admitted. "he tried to die, but the Blue wouldn't let him." Clint, soft, sort of... like he was struggling to find the mental faculty to speak. "i'm... not sure if i should go down." he admitted.
“....damn.I’m sorry Thor...for not finding what the blue is. What’s going on....I’ve been focusing on things here so long....that I really didn’t go searching...”Tony shuddered, wincing looking upset as he wrapped his arms around thor. “We’ll take care of him. And clint.We’ll find out what’s going on. We’ll figure out how to help them.”

“Tony’s picky about everything.”She rolled her eyes a little smiling a little, looking at clint worriedly. “...Do you want to go down?Thor is there....if not...I can stay with you you know.”She said despite being blind, she was watching and listening to clint.
Thor shook his head. "i don't think that any research could bring up anything Tony. not on earth at any rate." he admitted. "i am certain whatever this Blue is, it's something to do with the Tesseract, and the power that Loki wielded during his attempted invasion. no matter that he wasn't in control of his own actions at the time." he admitted. "i fear we are dealing with something outside our realm of understanding." he admitted. "i fear there is no way to help them..." Thor admitted, terrified for his little brother. Loki had already suffered so much, how much more could Loki live through?

"...yes. i should go down." Clint agreed. "let Tony know i'm okay. let Loki know i don't hate him." he hesitated and seamed to focus. "do you think He will be there? will He be with Loki? the man with the high pitched Laugh? the man who controls the Blue?"
“I know, but it still doesn’t make me feel good about not finding anything.”Tony sulked a little, because it drove the genius insane to not be able to figure something out, or at least figure out where he needed to look for answers. “...We’ll figure something out.We always do.”He muttered.

“well then, let’s go then.”Kate said letting go of matt’s hand and gripping clint’s arm, gently urging him towards the med lab. “Let’s go...and I don’t think so. He;s probably who loki was strying to escape.”
Thor nodded. "i didn't find anything either. mother didn't find anything. father didn't find anything. Heimdall didn't find anything." he sighed and shook his head. "i fear that this is beyond our worlds." he admitted softly. "i'm sure your right though, we have stopped invasions. a single enemy could not possibly be a threat, right?" he asked, smiling sheepishly.

"yeah, come on Clint. we'll go with you." Matt promised. "yeah. okay." Clint agreed before nodding. "yeah. Loki tried to kill himself so the Blue couldn't have him. makes sense." he agreed. he didn't understand how Loki had deteriorated so fast. was the connection Stronger because Loki was in Asgard? closer tot he source maybe? or was it because Loki was more powerful, or more useful, or had magic? would Clint be affected more now that Loki was there? Clint didn't know ad that scared him, a lot.
“...It might be. But we;ll figure it out.”Tony muttered looking up at clitn worried as they w alked in.

“....Don’t worry. We’ll protect you from whever the blue is, and whatever comes.”Kate said though she was slightly worried, scared she wouldn’t be able to protect the man she’d come to care for a great deal. “...Clint?”Tony muttered looking at the man worriedly.
Clint nodded and blinked at Tony when he realized the other was there, staggering over to Tony he curled up in the man's lap and refused to be budged until Steve gently picked the Archer up and cradled him like Clint was a baby. "he's in shock." Steve murmured. "this is a lot for him to have to process." he admitted, sitting next to Tony so he could comfort Clint as well, Loki groaning as he started to come to.
Tony nodded a little absently stroking clint’s hair as the man curled into both steve and clint, holding onto them. “...we should take him up to bed.”Tony muttered frowning, looking torn between talkign to loki, and taking care of clint. “....We could take him up. And stay with him until your free.”Kate offered tilting her head a little, looking worried. “Clint?You want to go lay down with kate and matt?”
Steve nodded. "we should. he's nearly asleep as it is." he admitted, looking just as torn. "...are you sure?" he asked Kate, a bit worried. did she honestly not realize how much Clint was in love with her? "okay." Clint breathed sluggishly, getting to his feet and following her. too sleepy to care where he was so long as someone, anyone was holding him. Matt was more than happy to let Clint snuggle with them. even if he did end up being the bed. Clint had crawled into his lap and refused to be moved, not even for Kate, though the death grip he had on the front of her shirt insured she wouldn't be going anywhere either.

Loki blinked, sluggish and confused. for once, the Blue was not pressing at his mind. the loss of much of his magic, and blood had made it withdraw. he had hoped so. the pain was immense and The Blue didn't like that. The Blue didn't like feeling pain, it much preferred Loki's fear. "Loki? can you hear me?" Bruce asked, shining a light- Too Bright!- into Loki's eyes. the Green Beast, the man with the monster inside, when had he come to Asgard? "Loki." Thor, a more familiar voice. comforting. when Thor was near, the Blue was hesitant. it pulled away, let him think, let him breath, stopped causing pain and fear. "Thor...."
“We’re sure. We can take care of him.”Kate said, smiling slightly. She was so completely oblivious, much like tony was. Snickering as she settled into bed. Looking amused as clint laid on matt and clung to her.”He’s quite adorable like this.”She muttered gently stroking the man’s hair, reassuring him he wasn’t alone as she settled in with a book to read.

“Careful with that light. Doesn’t look like he liked it.”Tony muttered gently, tilting his head as he watched the man.”Loki, you are currently in avengers tower. You are safe.”Tony muttered wanting to reassure him.
Steve nodded. "thanks Kate." he said softly. "he is cute." Matt agreed, smiling. "hows your Braille coming along?" he asked, smiling as he rubbed Clint's back when the man fidgeted, settling down when he realized he was still safe.

"no. his eyes are very sensitive, but i had to test his reactions." Bruce admitted. "...kay." Loki sighed, relaxing a little. the monster, the metal man and the others wouldn't let the Blue take him again. they had stopped the Blue before, they could stop it again. easy. no problem. he could rest now. they wouldn't let his body walk off without him.
“it’s coming along. Some words take me a bit to figure out, takes time to figure out what they’re supposed to be, but it’s not as hard as I feared.”Kate said with a smile.

“Well, when he smacks you, remember you did that.”Tony snickered a little, smiling as they settled in to rest and see how things went.

“Kate?Matt?”Tony asked, knocking lightly on the door, tilting his head a little as he opened the door a little to look in, needing to check in and see how clint was doing, having left steve downstairs waiting for loki to wake up more with thor.
Matt looked up from where he'd been working on folding origami. "we're decent." he called to Tony with a smile. Clint had relaxed his death grips ad was now laying between them, sleeping peacefully. "he's sleeping." Matt explained, voice quiet so he wouldn't wake Clit. "how is Loki?" he asked, well aware of how everyone in the tower was worried about the godling.
Tony looked worried smirking a little.”You’re never decent, DD, but I’ll settle for not naked.”Tony teased a little stepping inside, looking them over before smiling as he walked in. “He’s resting. With a thunder god and super soldier looking after him, for the moment, he’s okay. How’s clint?”He muttered looking down at clint, a soft sad smile twerking his lips as he considered the man.
Matt snorted a little. "i am always decent, a perfect gentleman in every way." he said with a sniff before nodding. "i'm glad he's going to be okay. Clint was pretty worried about him. and himself too... what... exactly is 'the Blue' that Clint was talking about?" he asked, frowning. "is it a person or something?" he asked, stroking a hand through Clint's hair to keep him calm when he mumbled in his sleep. Clint often talked in his sleep. it was when he was completely still and silent that you had to worry. "he's asleep, as you can see. it took us a while to get him calmed down. he actually sat in my lap." he admitted. "for hours. my legs went numb." he admitted, looking and sounding more amused than anything, blinking when Clint murmured, snuffled and nuzzled his pillow before going still again with another mumble. "is he always so active in sleep?" yes.
“uh-huh. If you say so.”Tony snickered amused before nodding. “We all were.”he said while he might still be coming to terms that loki wasn’t a evil brat, he still had worried about him dying, if only because it would upset clint and thor. “The far as I can who...or what...controlled him and loki during the invasion. Beyond that?we have no idea. And it’s driving me insane. I don’t do well with not knowing.”Tony made a face smiling softly as he watched clint. “So I can see. Thanks. I’d worried he wouldn’t calm.”He said before laughing at matt’s problem. “it was quite adorable and amusing really.”Kate said smiling sleepily, having been dozing herself. “Yea, he is. This is actually fairly quiet, he’s usually more active actually.”
Matt chuckled a little and shook his head before sobering and nodded. "so The Blue is..." he paused, frowned and then. "let me call a few people." he ordered. "i have a few contacts who might have some ideas. Blade, Constantine(1), a few people in the underworld, someone might know something." he admitted. "i'll talk to the X-men too and get in contact with a couple of old researchers." he admitted. "there might be a couple of Greek Pantheon who might know something about this. there's a couple of Greek Gods i could talk to." he admitted. so, Norse mythology wasn't the only one that produced real gods. "it took him a long time to." Matt admitted, smiling at Clint. "he's really adorable to be honest." he admitted. "huh... it's kind of cute, must be a pain in the ass to sleep with him though." oh it was. it really was, especially if he was having a particularly active night.

1:(which is actually DC but i don't care because he's awesome.)
“....Thanks Matt. It’d be greatly appreciated if you find anything.”Tony said grabbing onto the small hope that indeed, they would find something. He knew it was a long shot considering they hadn’t found anything before, but he was hopeful. “it truly is. I’ve given up on trying to get him to sleep still, and simply live with being pushed around, sometimes right out of my bed.”He said rolling his eyes a little.
Matt nodded. "i'll start contacting people after Clint wakes up. he gets upset when we try to leave." he admitted before he chuckled at Tony's suffering. "he really pushes you out of bed?" he asked, grinning impishly. "have you ever fallen out of his nest? that must have hurt." he teased before pausing when Clint complained that there 'wasn't enough Ketchup to take a bath' before rolling over. "...i'm not sure i want to know...." Matt admitted, yelping when Clint mumbled and then sank his teeth into Matt's hip. "you cannibal! Stop it!" Matt ordered, sliding out of the bed to check his hip. he'd have a very lovely bruise. he'd bitten Tony once too. he'd also completely molested Tony in his sleep the other day. full on intercourse and Tony hadn't realized Clint had still been asleep until after. that was a very active day, as it where.
"That's fine. He always gets upset when people try to leave."tony smiled a little."yea. Hard and annoyingly. he pushes me alot. Can't wait till he tries pushing steve out."he snickered before shaking his head."no. I make sure I'm the one against the wall when we're sleeping up there." Kate startled looking upset at matt’s cry,"what?" "Oh clint just bit him don't worry to much."tony snickered before smirking."be glad it's just a bit and not full on sex. He seduced me the other day asleep it was awesome."
Matt chuckled a little and shook his head. "good plan, sleeping against the wall." Matt admitted. "i don't think he could push Steve. probably just end up switching his efforts to you." Matt teased. "that hurt." Matt admitted before pausing. "well. you know. that wouldn't be too bad." Matt admitted. "he is a handsome fellow." he admitted with a chuckle. "Kate might get mad at me if i let him though." he admitted with an impish grin. "would you be mad if i let Clint sleep molest me Kate?"
“No, he’s totally going to push steve.”Tony snickered a little before shaking his head. “It does. He’ll probably bite you again. He’s a biter.”Tony rolled his eyes a little. “...Hmmm...” “I think she’s enjoying that thought a little to much. I think that answers the question.”Tony teased smirking a little. “I am not. Though it would be quite the picture, if only I could see it.”kate smirked a little as she gently petted clint’s hair, which only made tony roll his eyes. Those two were so stupid, they were so stupid gone over each other it was ridiculous.
Matt snorted. "Tony. Steve weighs at least two hundred and sixty pounds. there is no way a scrawny guy like Clint could shove him at all at a dead weight." he pointed out. "no one is going to be pushing Steve out of bed." he admitted with a chuckle before laughing at Kate's happy daydream hum. "well, you could listen to it anyway. we'd make sure to be very vocal for you." Matt promised, sliding back into bed and giving her a playful kiss. "anyway, Tony and me have some stuff to talk about, legal junk. would you mind if i left you here with Clint?" Matt asked, a bit worried about abandoning her.
“...He is a horse isn’t he?”Tony snorted making a face,before snickering at kate’s words. “Well, as long as you’re very vocal, I guess I could forgive you.”She teased smiling as she leaned up for a kiss, shaking her head a little before nodding. “I’ll be fine. Go.I’ll take a nap and cuddle clint.”She smiled shifting to get comfortable.
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