love is blind (moon/lady)

“Tony groaned, rocking his hips a little, squirming as he tried to keep from moving to much as he let steve explore, moaning as he swallowed him down, yelping a little as he looked down at steve before laughing. “No we don’t, but we’ve also been sucking cock since we hit our teens. Not gagging takes practice, Cap.”He teased gently stroking his hair.

“Hm, but you feel better with me teasing you, then simply treating you like glass.”She pointed out before laughing, “Yes, yes it would. Except I’m gonna tell matt you’re being mean to me, and then he’ll make you give me some.”Kate snickered.
Steve huffed. "well... i just need to keep practicing then." he decided and proceeded to do just that. four tries later and e was sulking again and muttering about what an impossible task it really was, eying the cock with a glint in his eye. "you'll just have to teach me then." he decided, nodding.

he snorted. "that is so not true." he was so lying. "Matt wouldn't believe you!" he huffed. "fine. i'll steal Matt's then! that will teach you!" e decided. and best of all, he'd get two desserts! because Matt would fight for his own dessert while Kate fought for her dessert so they'd have to fight each other for the dessert and Clint could eat all three while they where arguing. it was perfect! f course, then they'd turn on him... hmm. maybe it would be easier to just ask Steve for seconds? naaah.
Tony panted shivering as he swallowed hard,”C-can I come now?”He asked looking up at the other, struggling to stay up, to not sub out as hard as the sight of steve sucking his cock made him want to, swallowing thickly. “And I can teach you whatever you want. You want me to give a demostration again?”

“Matt would totally believe me.”Kate laughed before grinning, looking up at the sound of her boyfriend coming in. “You want to help me make dinner?”she asked smiling a little.
"of course you can cum. hold on i wanna taste it." he ordered, wrapping his mouth around the other and sucking again. sputtering when Tony came. there was more than he'd thought there would be. still, he managed to swallow most of it and he looked ever so pleased with himself for it. "there. you can give me a demonstration now if oyu like." he promised with a grin.

"he'd totally take my side." Clint huffed, rolling his eyes before smiling when Matt walked in. "hey. thanks for letting me sleep on you." "it's no problem." Matt promised the man. "Steve and Tony are being filthy by the way." Matt admitted, Clint smirking. "actually that raises a thing. i was hoping you two might help me set Tony and Steve up. you know, make them realize they love each other." "i'm in!"
“K-kay.”Tony said sputtering a little, gasping as the other swallowed him as he came, whimpering as he slumped back into the bed with a soft growl. “...Oh gods....that was good Cap...”He muttered shivering, shifting as he tried to focus, before squirming down to swallow steve whole.

“He would not. He’s not sleeping with you, Barton. He’ll side with me.”kate teased with a smirk, smiling up at matt, “I’m sure they are. Tony’s very very filthy.”she said before tilting her head, frowning a little. “...But...if they’re having sex...surely they know how they feel about each other?”
Steve beamed, pleased tht, even if he couldn't do it properly, Tony had enjoyed himself. "i'm glad you liked it... ooooh...." he moaned, shuddering, trying, and failing, to focus on what he was doing. "yes! fuck. Tony. Yes!"

Clint snickered. "yeah well, i'm cuter and give better blowjobs so he'll side with me." he chirped making Matt pause. "...i'm not sure i want to be a part of this conversation." he admitted. "very filthy but Steve's worse." Matt admitted. "you over estimate Tony." Clint chirped. "Tony's been emotionally abused for the last... how old is he? old? most of his life then." Matt snorted. "he doesn't think he deserves to be loved so he doesn't see the evidence the way everyone else does. and because of that he doesn't act the same way other people do so Steve, who hasn't known Tony very long and had a pretty bad childhood of his own, can't read Tony's body language and the other signs." Clint admitted. "Steve is using Sex as an excuse to get close to Tony and get the man used to physical affection before working on the emotional. it's really a very good ploy." Clint admitted.
Tony grinned around the cock in his mouth, closing his eyes as he rested his hands on steve’s thighs, gently urging the other into thrusting, simply enjoying playing with the super soldier, and trying so hard to not focus on the soft feeling that was supisciously close to love instead of lust. Scared of the emotion really.

“....How do you know you give better blowjobs then me?”Kate pouted a little before laughing at the idea of tony and steve being filthy before sighing. “Nearly 38.”She said sighing quietly, shaking her head. “....Did you help him come up with that, or did he figure out tony’d run away screaming if he tried the emotional first all on his own?”She snickered a little.
Steve moaned eagerly when the other swallowed him down, thrusting slowly into Tony's mouth, panting eagerly when he came entirely too soon, hand on the back of Tony's head, forcing him all the way down and tight around his cock as he emptied himself down the others throat. "f..fuck." he moaned, pausing to make sure he'd squeezed out every last drop of cum before letting Tony back up. watching the other to make sure he hadn't hurt the other. he'd seen Clint do that, but he was a bit bigger than Clint was.

"common sense. sorry Kate but a man will always give another man a better blowjob." " Tony is old..." Clint mumbled. "no, he came up with it all on his own." Clint admitted. "but we all know that's exactly what Tony would do." he admitted, shaking his head, grunting when Matt set a pile of plate-ware into his hands. "set the table." Matt ordered with a grin. "you staying for Dinner?" "is that okay? i should probably leave you two alone..." "i insist.we'll plot on how to get Tony to admit he's in love with Steve." "fun!" Clint agreed, sounding very eager. he wanted to see Tony happy after all, and Steve would make Tony very happy. never mind that Clint would probobly be alone again. he didn't even think about himself most of the time.
Tony moaned as he was held down, swallowing thickly around the other as the man came, coming up slowly as he looked up at steve with a slight smile. “I’m good. Promise.”he said his voice sounding husky, but not hurt. Blinking up at the other with a slight smile, “Warning though, considering how compromised my breathing is, we’ll just have to be careful when we do that.”Tony muttered, because since that first time, he’d been aware of their reaction enough to want to warn them, to make sure that they didn’t hurt him, because he knew it would upset them if he let them hurt him.

“....”Kate shook her head making a face before laughing. “And just how old are you? And you know, if I didn’t know how old he was, I’d put him a decade younger, not 38.”Kate snickered a little because despite the hard living life the billionaire had lived, the man had aged well. “Well, that’s true.tony’d totally would run screaming away.”Kate snickered a little before smiling as she started gathering things to make dinner. “No, it’s fine stay.”Kate said worried enough about clint to not want to leave him alone. “we’ll think of some epic idea on how to make tony admit things. It’ll be fun.”
Steve grinned a little at the other, relaxing before beaming at Tony's warning. "very good Tony!" he praised. pleased that Tony was taking his health a little more seriously. "i'll make sure to keep that in mind. maybe a signal so we can tell when you need to be let up? tap me maybe? or pinch? snap your fingers? something like that." he admitted. "i think i want to try again." he admitted with a grin. "i really do like sucking your cock Tony." he admitted, squirming his way down Tony's body and nuzzling the cock again, grinning impishly. "i think i get it this time. i just have to... relax..." he murmured, and did just that. he still choked, but he rode through it for a few minutes before pulling back, mumbling about how easy Tony and Clint made this look.

"i'll have ou know i am not that old!" he informed her. "i am only thirty one!" he stated happily. "he is pretty handsome isn't he?" he asked with a grin and a chuckle. "okay." he agreed, all too willing to obey Kate. "Sir. Lady Pepper is asking to speak to Mr. Murdock." Jarvis intoned suddenly, making Matt twitch in surprise. "why?" "she wishes to Hire you i believe." "oh.... maybe we should invite her up for Dinner too?" he asked Kate.
Tony blushed at the praise, smiling slightly as he looked up at the other, nuzzling him a little, because he was embarassed at the praise, even if it made hi mfeel good. “I’ll tap out if I need to.”he smiled slightly, before groaning as he laid back, smiling quietly as he watched the other, “Relax and enjoy.”He muttered gently stroking the other’s hair, groaning as the other tried, closing his eyes as he squirmed. “you’re doing so good.... You’re okay...just practice...”he muttered, whining quietly as he tried to not shove the other down on his cock, desperate to feel him again.

“not that old. I’m only 29.”She teased, before smirking. “Though I think Cap is the oldet of us all.”She mused before grinning, tilting her head. “Jarvis, invite her up. Tony and Steve should be here for dinner soon anyways, so we might as well have everyone here.”Kate smiled slightly.
Steve grinned at the blush and stroked his thumb over it. "your adorable when you blush like that." he admitted before nodded. "good! we'll tell Clint about the tap out later." he decided before going to town on Tony's cock. he finally had it, in the end, swallowing around the cock and moaning eagerly. Tony's hands in his hair, holding him down, it was the best. he made a muffled sound and sucked harder, taking Tony's cock like he was born for it. as fast as he'd managed to pick it up, he probably had been. "mmmm." he huffed happily when Tony came again and swallowed it all down before smirking at Tony. "awesome." he admitted before glancing at the clock. "we should get some dinner." he admitted. "i'm starving now. let's go check on Clint." he decided, pulling Tony into a deep kiss before getting them both dressed.

"...i feel so old..." Matt admitted with a sigh. "i'm forty." he admitted. "i feel like a cradle robber now." he admitted. "seducing a woman nearly half my age." he admitted with a chuckle, giving her a peck on the lips and went back to helping her cook while Clint set out a table setting for everyone.
“I’m not adorable!”Tony sputtered before nodding, groaning, squirming as the other sucked him off. Stroking his hair softly, “You were so born to sucking cock weren’t you...”he muttered squirming and needy as he came, slumping into the bed as he looked up at the other. “...Food sounds good....”He muttered groaning as he was kissed, whining and grumbling as he was forced up, whining as he headed for the door. “We’ll have to surprise Clint with your talent later.”

“Really?You don’t look that old. Well, when I could see you that was.and you definitely don’t have sex like a old man.”Kate said tilting her head a little before laughing as she was kissed. “You are a cradle robber.”She teased smiling as they settled in for dinner, grinning as steve and tony walked in.
"you are adorable!" Steve admitted with a Grin. "i must have been." he agreed, licking his lips. "delicious." he teased with a grin. "Food does sound good... do you need me to carry you?" he asked, looking amused. "we will!" he agreed, nodding happily at the idea.

"of course i don't. i age slow, it's a Murdock family trait." he admitted. "of course i have sex like an old man." he teased. "i am an old man." Matt admitted. "morning Tony, Steve, done being Filthy?" "not by a long shot." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "but we'll behave in pubic." "i should hope so." Pepper declared as she walked in with a sigh. "today was a mess." she admitted, smiling at Tony and kissing his cheek before doing the same to Clint and Steve. "so, are we having a party?" "no. people are just too lazy to cook." Matt admitted.
“Am not.”Tony huffed. “I don’t need you to carry me!I’m a adult, I can walk.”Tony whined, though he did snuggle into the man’s side as he walked.

“Ah, that’s good. I wouldn’t want to be out in public with a old man.”She teased patting his cheek with a smile. “Never. But for the moment, yes.”Tony smiled kissing pepper’s cheek, looking at her worriedly. “Or they can’t cook. It’s better to just eat together.”Natasha snickered. “...Did something happen?I know I just signed on to be CEO, but you could have gotten me instead of giving me the weekend off Pepper.”Kate said looking concerned about the fact that she hadn’t been found, and instead had just lazed around in bed for most of the day.
Matt snorted a little and shook his head. "but i keep telling you, i am an old man!" he pointed out before chuckling at Tony's quip, Pepper snorting. "behave Tony." she ordered. "remember, i have years of blackmail on you." she warned. "nothing in SI happened no. though they are pitching a fit about having someone in control that they can't manipulate or bully." she admitted. "they can't do anything though because your perfect for the position." she admitted. "no it's those fucking assholes in the Senate again." she snarled. "that's why i wanted to hire Mr. Murdock. he is the best from what i understand and it will look better if we have actual legal representation when we demand to know why the government thinks they have a right to a patented design that costs more than the entire united states spends in taxes a year." she admitted. "it's going to be televised again of course because they are fools." she admitted with a huff. "that fucker Stern actually learned at me! as if i'd cave to him just because i had 'nice knockers'! i mean really do i look like a Bimbo?!"
“Oh, well. Me and steve did put together the financial cost of building just one suit, not to mention the toll on the human body using it. We’ll let matt take that to.”Kate smiled a little before sighing softly. “he is the best, not to mention even if he’s in hiding, he is still a superhero, he knows how the life can be hard on the body and soul.”Kate smiled slightly. Tony snickered, smirking a little. “Hey, you say I didn’t do it right the last time?”He pouted a little before smirking at pepper. “Well, now that you mention it, you-” “Tony stark!Don’t finish that sentence.”Natasha scolded lightly rolling her eyes.
Matt nodded. "that will come in handy." he admitted. "can yu have it translated for me?" "i'll do it." Clint promised. "i have a special typewriter that writes in Braille." he promised. "i'll have the information printed out by tonight." he liked to be busy, he thought about Phil and Kate less that way. "Kate has a Braille Typewriter too if you need to use it." he promised. "we'll include why Tony's doing this too, or rather, let them come to their own conclusion." Matt decided. "after all, Tony's already famous, he doesn't need the money." he pointed out, Steve nodding. "that's very true." Steve agreed. "he's brash, loud, but he's doing this for the betterment of others, not himself." Steve agreed, Pepper chuckling. "no, Tony. you didn't do it right. you came off as bratty and childish." she admitted before smacking Tony as well.
Kate nodded,”we-well, there you go. Clint can do it.”Kate smiled brightly at the archer, so utterly pleased that he was helping, that he was doing something kind and involving himself in the world instead of simply dwelling over phil, that she was happy. “True. And it’s even been effecting my sex life...serving humanity is seriously putting a dent in the time I get to have sex.”Tony sulked with a smirk though, teasing before laughing. “I am bratty and childish.”He pointed out yelping as he was hit. “Pepper!”
Clint beamed happily at being allowed to help and Matt chuckled a little. " has not. we just had sex." "but before me and you Tony wasn't getting laid at all." Clint pointed out. "what, really? okay maybe it was affecting him." he admitted. "come to think of it he can't really hold a proper job either because he's always out fighting bad guys and saving lives." he admitted. "i'll hit you again." Pepper growled before smiling at the offer of her favorite meal. home made macaroni and cheese and braised pork tenderloins. yum!
“We did, but between rushing off, and this stupid hunk of metal in my chest, it’s seriously cut into my sex life.”Tony made a face before laughing a little. “not that I actually want a proper job really.”Tony grinned as they ate, quite happy to be with his family. Smirking a little as he watched pepper and matt talking about the senate, raising his eyebrows at steve a little, tilting his head, a silent question if the man was seeing the flirting that he was. And wondering if kate was picking up on her boyfriend’s flirting.
Steve snorted a little. "why do you have that thing in your chest anyway?" Steve wondered. "i never really thought about why you'd have it. it can't be vanity, i know you better than that." he admitted. "no one wants a proper job." Matt scoffed. "but then nothing would get done." he pointed out before engaging Pepper in a long conversation about the whose who and the what's what while still helping Kate and paying attention to her, effortlessly. Steve glanced back at Tony and wrinkled his nose, confused. why would Matt flirt with Pepper while holding hands with Kate? weird.
“It’s keeping the shrapnel that’s near my heart from destroying it. It’s powering a magnet that’s holding them in place.”Tony shrugged a little twitching a little, because he hated telling anyone about it, but he trusted his team, trusted them to not use the knowledge against him. Tony looked bemused as he watched, shrugging a little, as he stretched and finished his food. “I’m gonna go take a nap, do dishes would you?”Kate muttered squirming away, kissing matt’s cheek as she got up.
Steve blinked before paling. "Walking Dead...." he whispered, looking like he wanted to pass out. he had seen many people with that injury. they rarely lived for very long. walking, breathing, every movement a painful one until they finally gave in and died. "you... Tony... you...." he swallowed hard and forced himself to take several deep breaths. Tony wouldn't appreciate being squeezed to death, though Steve had done so before. Thor had even done so before. he had to calm down. "i need to go throw up." Steve admitted, staggering to his feet, Clint wincing. "don't worry Tony. unlike most people, Steve's actually seen what that kind of injury can do to people... he's probably seen it with hs own eyes." Clint admitted. "he's just in shock." "alright. are you okay?" Matt asked, worried. "take Clint with you, you've gone all pale, i don't want you alone if you get sick." he admitted, gently checking her temperature. the blind man was completely oblivious to the fact that he'd been flirting with Pepper.
Tony looked a little shaken himself, hunching his shoulders, curling up a little, protective and hurting. Nodding slightly. “Yes.Blown up by my own was quite traumatizing...”He muttered looking up at the other in a slight panic, worrying about how the man was reacting, looking at clint for help, having no idea what to do. “...Okay....”He said still looking upset and scared, “I’m gonna go check on stay with Kate.”He ordered softly when he raelized matt was worried about her, heading after steve. “fine, just tired.”Kate said smiling softly as she kissed his cheek, leaning into his hand a little before heading for her room, not protesting clint coming with her.
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