love is blind (moon/lady)

"I'm smarter then most people,so that's not really a surprise."tony said shrugging a little. Really it was like the two were two peas in a pod."yes. A...bomb went off and nearly destroyed me."tony shrugged a little looking anxious at the idea of getting undressed,before nodding a little."just tony loki...and that's really cool really."he looked Interested as he laid down and pulled off his shirt. Looking up ay the image he made a face as he watched it feeling so weird about it."...i..."he frowned as he considered that swallowing thickly Not looking at steve,cause if he did he'd never go through with it."okay..."
Loki smirked. "i share your pain." he admitted to the 'tin man'. "a boom?" Loki asked, his head tilted. "i was unaware someone could survive a blast of that magnitude." Loki didn't realize that there where different Kinds of Bombs. "i will teach you more about magic if you would like?" he offered. "i am not sure you can access it yourself but there are human sorcerers so you might be abe to access some form or another." he admitted before nodding and watched the other. "what are the chances of revival should he die?" "depending.." Loki admitted. "but it is about ninety percent chance of a successful revival." he admitted. "if he dies at all." Steve nodded. it was a good chance Tony would be fine then. "i must touch you Lord Stark, i need your permission. i will not remove the device but i need a closer look at how it is attached." he admitted. "it will give me a better idea if i can do the procedure with it in. if i can leave it in, then chances of survival are up to eighty five percent." Loki admitted. "as it will hold the piece still so i can grab it properly."
"It's good someone understands. Bruce just doesn't get as annoyed with idiot people as I do."tony snickered a little."yea...not a big one but enough."tony twitched,it so made him twitchy even years later to talk about it."really?that would be awesome. Even if I can't use it, I might be able to understand it enough to know how to make us safer in a fight."tony said sounding pleased with the idea, looking up as steve and loki talked."hey think about this. There's better chances I'll survive this then taking a nuke to the other side of space and free falling through a wormhole. If I did that,this will he okay."he said offering steve a small nervous smile before going utterly still. Despite having asked for his help, it still made him panic to think about loki touching him. Nodding slowly he swallowed hard."...if you must." He said trying to hold still and not go bolting out of the room
Loki nodded. "some people are just too calm and forgiving." Loki agreed before giving Tony a baffled look, clearly not understanding. "i would be delighted to teach someone who might actually have some interest in it." he admitted, scowling at Thor who just shrugged before leaving. Steve twitched a bit when Tony mentioned the hole in Space and Loki grimaced. "i will be quick." Loki promised before running a fingertip an inch over the skin around the arc reactor, muttering to himself with words they couldn't understand. "...excellent. it has absolutely no reaction to m magical presence." Loki admitted. "it will be able to stay in." Loki informed them. "you can dress yourself." he admitted, standing up and flicking his hands again, as if he was flicking away water, the green vanishing. "i will need some time to prepare. a few hours or so. shall we do it tomorrow morning? you shouldn't eat at least twelve hours before the procedure. no alcohol, no coffee. plain water is alright but you shouldn't have juice either." he admitted. "the chemicals could interfere with my magic or worse, you could vomit and asphyxiate." he admitted. "we'll do it early enough that you don't have time to complain about missing your coffee." Steve promised Tony with a strained smile.
“Awesome. I’d love that.”Tony grinned, looking utterly pleased with the idea of trying to figure out how to use magic, even if he could never use it, he wanted to try. “Tensing a little as loki touched him, he looked relieved though as it didn’t react, smiling slightly. “Thanks.”He said as he pulled his shirt on nodding a little. “Tomorrow morning.”He said looking relieved that wasn’t going to be right now, before whining, “What?No coffee. That doesn’t seem fair.”Tony whined, making a face, looking just as strained as steve did. Not quite sure how to handle this, but knowing he needed to.
Loki smiled a little and nodded. "i will get some beginners books for you." he promised. "best to start at the beginning when it comes to magic." he admitted. "much of it is similar to your earth science but the terminology is all a bit different." he admitted. "so while you would probably be able to do our kind of mathematics i doubt you'd know what a Quintep is or how to solve it for Mercury transduction." he admitted with a smile. "then again. Thor cant do that either so..." he snickered a little and nodded. "you will, of course, be asleep during the procedure." he admitted. "when you wake you will be very drowsy, but it should only last upwards of a quarter of a turn." "a turn?" "oh a half a Cycle. four turns to a Cycle. which would be about an earth day." he explained. "we don't bother keeping track of more than that." he admitted. "a few hours i suppose, using American earth time. a nap should sort you out fine." he promised. "you shouldn't do anything taxing for at least three days after the procedure just to make sure everything has healed properly." he admitted. "magic can do a lot but even it needs time to work fully."
“Awesome.”Tony grinned wider at the idea before laughing a little. “It’ll be interesting for once, not being the one who knows weird ass terms and ideas. It’ll be fun.”he said looking amused before sighing quietly. “I’s just...I don’t trust alot of people to mess around with my chest even wehn I’m awake...”Tony grumbled, twitchy and weird, disliking this, but knowing he needed to, otherwise someday, he could get himself killed cause the reactor failed. “...Okay. Well, that’s not to bad. And I can always sit out of a fight and let the team, and the fantastic four take care of things if absolutely needed.”Tony sighed before looking up at steve, tugging him down to sit next to him, to anxious with this idea, to relax. “Okay Loki. This will be fine. I’m okay with this.”he promised sighing softly.
Loki chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i'm sure you will enjoy learning, if only to be learning something." he admitted with a smile. "i know." Loki admitted. "it's hard to trust people when so many of them have used, hurt, or turned against you." Loki knew that more than anyone. "soon you won't have to worry about it." he admitted. "i would recommend sitting out of battle yes." Loki admitted with a chuckle before shaking his head. "i must go and prepare. is there a room i may use for the procedure?" he asked before blinking when Jarvis spoke, looking around in an attempt to find the person it belonged to before shrugging and followed Jarvis instructions to a very nice room that Loki could alter however he needed. "it's okay Tony." Steve promised. "if you really don't want the arc reactor removed, no one will make you."
“Go on. There is. Jarvis?”Tony said smiling as Jarvis spoke up, “It’s a AI...sorta like a ghost I created, but he’s there to help. If you need anything, or any of us, just ask Jarvis and he’ll get us for you.Goodnight Loki.”Tony smiled watching him go before sighing as he leaned into steve, closing his eyes. “I know....but I hate having the arc reactor....I’m just more scared of taking it out to...”He sighed quietly.

In the morning Kate sighed quietly, gently stroking clint’s hair, having been reading while she waited for him to get up, simply relaxed with him. “You awake?”She said softly sounding worried about him as he stirred.
Loki's eyes brightened. "you have managed to connect a soul to our technology!" he declared, looking delighted. "oh you must let me look at him!" he pleaded, Steve chuckling. "no Loki. Tony didn't attach a soul. Jarvis became sentient and aware of himself and sort of grew his own soul." "...amazing!" if anything Loki looked even more impressed. "i know Tony. we trust Thor and Loki though right?" he asked with a smile. "you'll soon be free. no one will be able to use it against you again."

Clint mumbled a little and shved his face into her hip. "no. i'm not. shh. sleepy time is now." he mumbled, clearly he was awake but didn't want to be. "i feel as if i got run over by a truck. did i get run over last night?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

Tony was a floor down in a room that glowed green. killing off any sort of germ, bug, virus or particle of dust that might infect Tony while Loki worked. Steve was there, occasionally wiping Loki's forehead since he was sweating while he reached through Tony's body as if it was a hologram and slowly, carefully lifted out one piece of shrapnel at a time. "this is the last one. it's the hardest too. get the paddles ready." he ordered. "once this is done, we'll be able to remove the life support system. the, Arc reactor he called it? may very well have been supporting his heart, so it may cause breathing problems and heart palpitations once it's removed. it should cause no real damage nor threaten his life." Loki admitted, taking a moment to catch his breath. "resuscitation ready?" there was a zapping sound and then a whirr of a noise. "ready." "here we go." Loki stated, carefully reaching into Tony's body, carefully, carefully gripping the last piece and slowly, carefully moved it. if Tony's heart failed, Loki would abandon the piece and Steve would start the resuscitation process. once Tony was stable, Loki could remove it like the other pieces, now that it was away from Tony's heart.
“He is fairly amazing.”he grinned, smiling slightly. “...Right. We do. It just makes me nervous.”He sighed quietly, “I know. I like no one using it against me, it just makes me nervous..”he sighed softly, relaxing into the other.

“....You are such adorable.”she teased a little smirking as he pressed closer to her, still petting his head in amusement. “...and no, you didn’t get run over by a truck.”She teased a little.

Andn indeed as loki pulled the piece out, tony’s breathing stuttered a little, going still as he made a quiet whine as the other removed the piece despite being asleep. But despite that, he stayed alive until loki went to remove the arc reactor, his heart stopping at the sudden loss of what had been keeping it beating without a problem for so long, his breathing stopping as the arc reactor was removed.
"am not." Clint protested with a groan before huffing. "then why do i feel as if i have a hangover so bad i must have drank all of Tony's liqueur?" he asked, blinking at her.

Loki sighed in relief and shook his head. "it's out. this is the last of them." he admitted before gently, carefully lifted the Arc reactor out. "Fuck!" Steve hissed, moving forward when Loki stepped back. just like they had practiced. "Clear!" and with that he pressed the paddles in place, over the conductive pads they'd plastered to Tony's chest before they even started. electricity roared through Tony's chest, forcing Tony's heard to beat again, whether it stayed beating remained to be seen. Steve wouldn't stop until the heart continued strong, Loki's magic pouring into Tony, strengthening the heart muscles as much as he could to give it a head start. it wasn't a guarantee though, nothing ever was.
"You were upset When you went to sleep. Of course you still feel badly."she sighed quietly.

Tony's heart stuttered and stopped before starting again, making a deep whine as his heart settled into a hard beat, before slowing down and slumping into the bed with a sigh, the man blinking slowly, looking up at the two men before drifting off again. But alive. He was tired but breathing well on his own.
he blinked and then tensed. "fuck... the Blue!" he gasped, sitting up so fast he went dizzy. "it was i my head! i couldn't get it out! did i hurt anyone!?" he demanded, frightened. "Kate! be honest! Did i hurt anyone!?"

Steve took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, his breath misting like it was cold out, only the mist was green. "....that scared me..." Steve admitted, setting the paddles down and setting them to recharge, just in case. "very well done." Lki assured the man, returning to his work. closing the hole in Tony's chest. there would be a mass of scars, Loki couldn't help that, but he would be healed and no longer compromised. "there. all done." Loki sighed, sagging into a chair and all the green vanishing as Loki went to sleep right then and there, too tired to do anything else. Steve smiled and gently picked the godling up and settled him on the other bed and then checked Tony's pulse just to make sure. content that everything was okay, he stood vigil over both men.
Kate yelped at his worry,tightening her fingers on his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his head."calm down. You're fine. You didn't hurt anyone, I promise. Scared us trying to get out the window,but you didn't hurt anyone."she promised.

When tony woke he frowned slightly looking up at the other with a confused little frown." it okay?"he asked quietly focusing slowly.
he sighed, relaxing. "thank god." he mumbled, sighing in relief. "i... remember a bit this time." he admitted. "The Blue. it wanted me to leave. wanted me closer, so it could control me more. we're too far away. it can't ride on the Tesseract here to control us. it's power is limited." he admitted, looking at her. "that's wh Loki suddenly has his right mind back. he's too far away from the Tesseract. the Blue can't fuck with him anymore."

Steve smiled at Tony, glad to see the other awake. "look for yourself." he suggested, gently helping Tony sit up and positioned a mirror so Tony could see the entirety of his chest. "your heart stopped once. so your chest is going to hurt a lot." he warned. "it was a complete success. no more shrapnel at all." he admitted with a smile. "and no more Arc Reactor... i wasn't sure what you wanted to do with it though..." he admitted. "so i put it in the locked briefcase for now." he admitted. "go back to sleep." he suggested. "you must still be tired."
“Really?”KJate said looking interested before frowning slightly, gently petting his hair, before smiling pleased.”Good. That’s good. We’ll have to tell loki he can’t go back to asgard until we figure this out.”Kate sighed quietly pleased with the knowledge that this was a limit, that the blue was limited to only a few things.

“Kay.”Tony said looking nervous, startled as he stared down at his chest, raising a hand to gently touch the scars, looking disturbed before nodding. “It I just got the arc reactor...”He frowned a little before nodding. “Good....and I’ll get rid of it...blow it up or somehitng....”He muttered knowing better then to let steve see the statue pepper had made of the last one, otherwise he’d get another statue, even if he liked the last one, he didn’t think he could live with another.
He nodded. "the Blue can still reach us. sort of. like a week radio signal." he muttered. "but it's too weak for him to have control for more than a few seconds. minutes at the most. i think." he admitted. "sometimes the signal gets stronger, or weaker... i don't understand it, but i'm thinking more clearly than i have in months." he admitted. "i think the Blue exhausted itself, trying to make us get closer...." he admitted. "i think i need to talk to Loki."

Steve smiled a little. "we couldn't do anything about the scars. Loki said the wound was too big. but he can give you a lotion, or a paste or whatever, that will make them lighter." he admitted. "don't you need the Arc Reactor to power your suits?" he asked, blinking at Tony. "besides, didn't you yourself say it was the source of almost unlimited clean energy? ou should do something with it. play with it until you found a way to keep anyone from turning it into weapons and then make them into batteries or something." he admitted. "there's lots of good things you could do with it."
“...That makes sense really.”Kate said sounding thoughtful before grinning. “good. Hopefully he stays exhausted for a bit.”he said smiling, before nudging him a little. “Come on then. We’ll go talk to Loki.”She said movign to get up.

“...oh. Well. Scars aren’t something I haven’t had to deal with before.”Tony sighed softly, resting his head against the other’s shoulder before nodding a little. “Yea, it does power the suit. But I’ll have to redesign it some since it’s not in my chest anymore either....”Tony said before biting his lip, as much as he hated the arc reactor, he also knew it was a good thing to work with.
he nodded. "i hope so." he admitted. "i hate hearing that laugh i my head..." he admitted, shuddering a little before getting to his feet. "food first. i'm hungry." he admitted.

Steve nodded. "i kid of like it." he admitted, very gently stroking the flesh there. "it's a sign of how strong you are." he admitted with a smile before he grinned at him. "well. you do like designing. and since it's not physically taxing you can work on that while your resting." he admitted with a smile, kissing Tony's forehead. "are you hungry, since you don't seam willing to go back to sleep?"
“Hm, I’ll help keep that laugh away.”she sighed quietly, wishing she could do more before laughing. “Food then. Tony or steve should be up by now, we can go cook for them to.”she said smiling as they headed upstairs.

....If you say so.”Tony sighed softly, shaking his head a little before grinning. “Good. I’d hate to not be able to do anything except lay here.”he smiled a little before laughing, wincing as it made his chest hurt. “I never sleep...and yes I am. Starving. And I want coffee.”
he shook his head. "i don't know that you can." he admitted softly before smiling a little. "yeah. Tony'll be up, provided he isn't science binging." he admitted. unaware that his best friend had just gone through heart surgery.

Steve snorted. "as if we'd live through that." he admitted. "you are not very good at laying still. at all." he admitted with a smile. "alright, alright i'll get food and Coffee." he promised, handing Tony his Tablet. "do not get up. at all." he ordered before heading up to get food.
“I will.”Kate smiled a little before grinning. “Or screwing the Captain. Really, he’s probably still in bed sipping coffee.”she snickered a little.

“...I can totally!I can totally lay around and do nothing.”Tony whined squirming to get comfortable, ignoring how it made his chest hurt as he got comfortable. “Cap?You okay?”kate asked as she walked into the kitchen, tilting her head as she listened to him, the super soldier sounded tired.
Steve snorted. "no you can't you hyper rabbit." he teased, kissing Tony's forehead before heading to get the food. he looked up at Clint and Kate and smiled. "yes. fine. i didn't sleep much last night." he admitted. " and Tony and Loki did something a bit dangerous. sorry for not telling you, but Loki removed the shrapnel and Arc reactor from Tony's chest." he admitted, making Clint blink. "...he... did what?" he asked, stunned. "yeah. it worked out perfectly, though Tony's going to be weak and tied for three or five days." he admitted. "i came to get him some food."
“I’m not a bunny!”Tony whined a little. “....Get some sleep.”Kate fussed a little before frowning worriedly, paling slightly as she realized what they’d done. “what...”She trailed off before nudging clint. “You should go check on him. Make sure he’s okay.”She said knowing the man would want to.
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