love is blind (moon/lady)

Kate smiled a little as he touched her hand, nodding as she slumped a little. “Fine,...just had a bad dream....fell asleep while getting steve to sleep...”he sighed quietly shaking her head a little before nodding. “Sounds good.”She muttered sounding a little tired as she leaned into the other.
"....I..."She trailed off as she rested her head on his shoulder, nodding softly. needing to talk, but not wanting to hurt him because of what she dreamed. "I dreamed...about the helicarrier.... and the world going dark on me....and being forever stuck in a sensory deprivation tank, and no one ever coming for me...."
he smiled a little before tensing violently at her admittance. "oh Kate..." he sighed, holding her a little tighter. "no matter where you are, i will always come for you." he promised softly. "you should never have been put through that. not ever." he admitted. "go to sleep now. i'll stay with you." he promised.
Kate shuddered a little, sighing quietly as she rested her head on his shoulder, relaxing. “...Good. I trust you to keep that promise.”She muttered, indeed she trusted him to always come for her, trusted him in a way she trusted so few people. Matt and Clint were two of the only people she truly, whole heartedly trusted, enough if they asked her to do something, she wouldn’t question why, simply do it. “...kay...”she muttered snuggling against him and drifting off, safe and content in his arms, praying he'd be able to keep the dreams away.
he nodded. "i'll always keep it." he promised. "i won't ever leave you behind." he promised. when she woke up Steve and Loki had both woken up and where sitting in the room with her, Clint and Tony and where devouring Pizza and mumbling at each other with low voices so they didn't wake anyone up. "i'm sorry, there's just nothing i can do for a loss of sight." Loki admitted with a sigh. "if it was just weak eyesight that's one thing. but complete vision loss isn't something we can help with." he admitted. "magic can't fix everything." "...yeah. i had just hoped..." Clint admitted with a sigh. "i can't stand how much she's hurting." "pain is a part of change. she hurts now, but soon she'll grow past the pain, and begin to understand that just because her life isn't the same, doesn't mean it's not just as good."
Kate stirred tiredly as she listened to the others, simply dozing, content and easy because she trusted them, and being sleepy meant she could just enjoy their company before focusing a little as she realized they were talking to her. Whining quietly as she shifted, pressing her face into clint’s chest.”...Can see. Not...not normally...but sound can make me see things.”She muttered moving away from the memories, and the dream that had nearly broken her, because it scared her some to consider just how dependant on him she’d become, not trusting it.
Grant paused when she stirred and they all fell silent to make sure they didn't wake her before speaking softly again once they thought she had settled back to sleep. "she's exhausted. has she been having many nightmares?" "i don't know..." Clint admitted, sounding miserable. "Matt didn't think so, but he isn't sure." he admitted. "Matt went to get her a special thing, he wouldn't tell me what, so she'd feel safer." he admitted before jumping when she spoke. "sorry. we woke you..." he said, sounding as if he was guilty for such a thing. "how are you feeling?" he asked her. "Miss Kate? did you say you could see using the sound vibrations?" Loki asked, sounding very interested. "that's incredible, i didn't know humans had a capacity for Magic." "i don't think it's magic, Loki." Steve admitted. "of course it is. primitive humans even called it Mage Sight. she'll see things deeper, more clearly even if she can't see color, textures ot anything else." Loki admitted. "the innate magical abilities must have woken during the trauma ad accessed the parts of her brain that create vision and the parts that translate sound. that's how Magi in Asgard do it anyway. though we typically need a lot of training before we can do that." he admitted.
“’s okay. Can’t sleep all day,otherwise I’ll not sleep tonight.”She muttered sounding better, sounding less exhausted. Having slept well enough even if she hadn’t slept long. “Matt wants to get what?”she muttered sounding interested before smiling a little. “I feel better. Less tired.”She muttered before starting at loki’s voice, turning towards him, before nodding. “Yes. It’s not...settled yet. Matt says I’ll probably gain the ability to see all the time, but for the moment, I’ve not adjusted enough to see everything for more then a few hours at a time.”Kate said looking interested in what loki said. “Really?That’s...wonder if that’s why matt has it to, and not the other blind agents.”She said looking thoughtful.
Clint smiled a little. "that's true. and i don't know what Matt is getting. he wouldn't tell me." he admitted with a huff before smiling, stroking her hair and helping her sit up. "good." he blinked at Loki who just nodded. "that's to be expected really. it's a new sense. it's like you suddenly developed heat senses or ultraviolet light abilities. it takes time for your brain to learn to process what your seeing and control it." he admitted. "here, give me your hand, i'll see if i can't be a bit of help." he decided. "he gently touched his fingers to her palm and suddenly her world was bright, awash with images. and then, as if someone was rifling through a drawer, the images ordered themselves, and she could see. she could make sense of what she was seeing. every noise echoed, showing her the world as if she'd always seen this way. "there you go. hows that?" "...what did you do?" "i showed her brain how to make sense of the images. think of it like a computer. i downloaded my mage sight into her brain so it knew how to use and handle the informative input." Loki explained. "the magic turns sound waves into images ot unlike whales, bats or shrews." he admitted. "it's a higher level of echolocation."
Kate smiled softly as she leaned into Clint’s hand. “...You people are loud you know...”tony muttered making a face as he started to wake up. “That makes sense. Like a kid learning something new, I’ve not adjusted yet.”Kate said thoughtfully. “Why?”She frowned though she gave him her hand, eyes widening as she turned her head to look around.”It’s....amazing. Its...I can hear your’s giving me a image of’re prettier then I thought up close, loki.”She said in such amazement of her new sight that she wasn’t really registering what she was saying.
"sorry Tony." Steve said softly, smiling. "want some Pizza? we saved you some." Steve admitted, moving to help Tony sit up ad stuffed pillows behind his back so he could semi sit on his own. "yes exactly." Loki agreed with Kate, nodding. "it is fairly amazing, and watch this." Loki said, flaring his magic. it was like a sunburst. she could SEE his magic! "it gives you an incredible advantage. my experiences show that you can differentiate between humans, super-humans like Steve and Bruce, and Mutants." he admitted. "you can also tell when something is enchanted." he admitted. "with all of my knowledge in there, you should be able to tell what spells too." he admitted, touching the table and rendering it invisible. not only could she still see it, she could tell it was supposed to be invisible. "now, you might get a headache after a while, so taking a nap is recommended. your brain will adjust better when you sleep." he admitted before pausing. "why thank you." he said, beaming happily and primping a little.
“Thanks, I do.”Tony smiled as he ate a little, smirking as he watched. Looking interested. “Oh!That’s...bright.”she frowned blinking a little, reacting like it’d been a real sunburst and not simply something she was...hearing for lack of a better way of explaining. Turning her head to look at the others, she nodded slightly. “I can see you’re cold....steve’s different...”She muttered before reaching out and touching the table still. “that’s creepy and awesome. She wont have to worry about walking into invisble things, and she can warn us if somethings enchanted...” “WElcome....and I think I will take a nap...”Kate muttered already starting to feel a headache coming on, even if she wanted to stay up and wait to see if matt would be back soon.
Loki chuckled. "the urge to wince when you see bright flares like that will diminish with time." he promised. "it's an automatic response, never mind that you aren't using your eyes." he admitted with a chuckle. "when i first started learning Mage sight i was flinching every few seconds. Asgard is so full of magic that something is always flashing, spinning or reacting." he admitted. "i am cold?" Loki asked, looking amused. "that would be my Jotun heritage." he admitted. "very awesome. with the inborn Magic, i might be able to teach you a few things." he admitted. "i'll have to examine this Matt person too, might as well see if i can't give him a bit of a boost too." he admitted. Clint chuckled a little and stroked her hair. "you want me to carry you to bed? you can't be comfortable laying like that." he admitted.
“Good. It’’s painful, even if it is not my eyes that are seeing it.”She said looking thoughtful. “Your mind’s processing it, thinks you should be in pain, even if it’s not a normal thing.”Tony said thinking over it. “Not...cold, but the air...around you looks cold. A bluish thing....”She said tilting her head before grinning. “Cool. Matt has the same sight to....he should be home soon.”she said looking concerned about her boyfriend before nodding as she leaned into clint. “Please.”
Loki nodded. "it's a trick of your mind." he admitted. "many people experience 'phantom pain' when they expect something to hurt. it's why people go 'ow!' even when something didn't hurt, they anticipated it and thought it did hurt." he admitted. "what you see is my Aura for lack of a better word. it is a energy signature that all things, living, give off. each species has a different color, feel, or sensation associated with it." he admitted. "i'll speak to him then." Loki agreed, smiling when Clint carefully picked her up and carried her out of the room to bed. "are they aware that they are in love with each other?"
“Ah. That makes sense.”Kate said smiling a little. “That’s interesting...wonder if I could give a computer, or AI the same ability....”Tony said frowning, looking thoughtful as clint carried kate out before snickering, shaking her head. “No, they don’t. Well, we’ve tried telling them, but they don’t believe us.”Tony huffed.

“Did matt say when he’d be back?”Kate muttered tiredly as she rested her head on clint’s shoulder as he carried her to bed.
Loki blinked and then. "...i'm unsure how that would work, but i would be glad to work with you on it." he assured Tony. "i was hoping to ask you for permission to stay for a while. the Blue has a much harder time reaching us here. before, it could use me as an amplifier to reach through to Clint. with me here, we're both too far away for easy reach. particularly with the Tesseract out of my vicinity." he admitted. "hmm... is this Matt person aware that Clint and Kate are in love with each other?" "yes." Steve promised with a chuckle. "he's trying to set them up."

"no. i can't imagine he'll be gone for too long. he only left five minutes ago or so." he admitted, gentle settling her into bed. "i'll make sure he's here when you wake up." he promised with a smile.
“Me to, but it would still be great to work on.”Tony grinned at the idea before smirking, slumping back into the pillows with a shrug. “You’re good. Stay and entertain me as long as you want. And the harder the blue has to work to reach you, the better.”He said before grinning, “Oh yes. It’s quite amusing watching her boyfriend trying to set her up with someone else.”

“Oh. Kay.”She muttered smiling a little as she shifted, snuggling into the bed with a sigh as she fell asleep.
Loki chuckled a little. "we'll figure it out. as smart as the both of us are." he admitted. "your invisible... butler?" he asked. "Jeevis?" "Jarvis." "yes. i bet he could help us too." Loki admitted. "how did you render him invisible?" he asked curiously before chuckling a little. "i would be delighted to entertain you.." he promised with a smile before chuckling. "i can imagine so." he agreed. "how long do you suppose before they are dating?" "...Loki? are you trying to incite us into a betting ring? because if you are? fifty for the end of the month." "fifty what?" "fifty dollars." "....whats a dollar and what is its value equivalent to gold?" "...uh. Dollars are outside of the Gold Exchange...." "....i don't understand..." Loki admitted. "do you not use Gold to transact purchases?" "nope."
“Well, he never had a body. So he simply has a voice.”Tony said smiling slightly, before grinning. “I’m sure you would.”he said flirting, because for him, it was a reflex for him. “A dollar is...”he frowned thinking about it. “Here. We’ll make it simple, one gold coin for a dollar. So fifty coins for them dating in a month.”he said smiling slightly
Loki blinked. "ou mean he's really a sentient soul in a computer!?" he asked. "i was so sure i'd dreamed that!" he admitted before smirking at Tony. "i do believe certain people here would be upset with me if i seduced you." he admitted before blinking at them. "fifty gold coins?" Loki asked, looking at them like they where crazy. "...i think not." he informed them, Steve chuckling as he used his Tablet to bring up Dollar to Gold conversion charts. "here Loki. one ounce of Gold here in the U.S is equivalent to..... one thousand one hundred fifty eight dollars." Loki blinked and then seamed to be running a series of calculations in his head before nodding. "agreed. fifty dollars. i bet they will be together by the end of the week." Loki decided, reaching into a belt pouch and pulled out a tiny gold ball. about a gram and a half, and set it on the table. "it might be a bit more than fifty, but i'm not too fussed." Loki admitted. " that pure gold?" "yes." Loki admitted. "we have a lot of gold on Asgard, it is our primary currency." he admitted.
“Yes, he is. And no you didn’t dream that.”he said smiling a little, before frowning looking at the two men. “’re probablhy right.”He agreed smiling a little before laughing at loki’s look. “No, probably not.”He agreed snickering a little, amused as loki thought about how much to give them. “The end of the week it is.”he agreed smirking as he blinked at the small ball.”...that’s pretty awesome really.”he mused interested in the idea that they were so advanced, and yet, still used gold for money.
Loki nodded, pleased with the idea of sentience. "definitely not. even Odin would never waste that much gold on something so trivial." he admitted. "well, it's mostly for interacting with other worlds." Loki admitted. "in Asgard, money systems aren't needed because everyone has everything they need. everything is shared. food, finery, housing. no one wants for anything." he admitted. "so the Gold is traded with the other worlds for things we can't get on our own, like Silk, Thethnol seeds and some kinds of meat. we trade with the other realms using gold and share everything. there are very few privileges that only some people get." he admitted. "and that's typically because it's too rare or expensive for just anyone to have. like Ambrosia. a single bottle is worth a full three pounds of gold, so that is only brought out for specific purposes and usually only to bless a new prince, or send a King to Vanahiem." he admitted. very advanced indeed.
Tony’s eyes widened at that, looking curious. “That’s really cool....I wish humanity could figure out how to do that. But they wont....we tend to go to war with each other to much.”Tony sighed quietly, shaking his head, “,...ambrosia?”he asked sounding curious even as he shuffled around to cuddle with steve, having every intention of going back to sleep, still feeling wiped out from the surgery.
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