love is blind (moon/lady)

Pepper shrugged. "they don't have a choice." Pepper admitted. "being as how both i, Tony, and Natasha will approve of you." she admitted. "you won't be.... pressured, into giving up the post either." Pepper admitted with a sniff. "of course it's possible to ignore him. for a few minutes at a time in any case. then he gets very sulky and leaves. sometimes. or gets worse." Pepper admitted. "it's best to just distract him with something shiny i suppose." she admitted before chuckling at Tony. "....fuck." Steve complained when Tony announced his intentions. "shit." Clint echoed, both of them scattering, hoping that if they hid long enough, they wouldn't have to go.
“well, that’s true.Hopefully that’ll be enough.”Kate said biting her lip a little as she considered that, swallowing thickly. Because seh was worried about what was going to happen, before laughing. “I’ll have to remember that.” “I don’t get distracted by shiny things!Just cause cap’s shield is shiny, doesn’t mean that’s why.”Tony sulked laughing as the other’s left.

And despite their intentions, Tony had managed to wrangle them long enough to get them suits and dressed for the evening a few days later, looking quite dashing himself in the dark black on black suit as he walked into the living room, smiling slightly as he saw his new CEO and her date for the evening waiting for the rest of them. Kate smiled as she heard the other’s coming in, the beautiful blue/green dress hugging her frame, showing that despite not being a agent anymore, she’d stayed in shape, and looking at her, even if he didn’t want her like that, all tony could think of was sex and bedsheets. His board was never going to know what hit them when they took her at face value for being a bimbo, and never suspected the brilliant mind behind those big blue eyes. “Evening.”She smiled as she slipped her arm into matt’s as he helped her walk, the high heels giving her a little bit of trouble. “ready to go?” “Nearly. Almost everyone is here.”
Clint was sulking, dressed in his suit, and Natasha Bruce was fidgeting in his own, it was the nicest thing he had ever worn and it made him very uncomfortable really. "no we're not ready. where's Steve?" Steve was hiding again, hoping they'd leave without him so he didn't have to go out. he hardly looked at all like himself. not even in the least. it didn't help that Natasha had gotten her hands on him and cut his hair. his perfect hair. "he's probably hiding again, he wasn't too happy when Natasha tazered him and then cut his hair while he was twitching on the ground." Clint admitted, sounding very amused. "he was even less happy when i ambushed him, stripped him and forced him into his suit just an hour ago." Pepper admitted. "poor boy blushed sp hard i very nearly laughed at him." she admitted. "shame he's not my type." Pepper admitted with a sigh. "...i hate you all." Steve complained in his gorgeous suit. "...Tony we should have a threesome with Steve." Clint murmured.
Natasha smiled a little looking at bruce. “Stop fidgeting. You look fine.”She said looking over the man with a shake of her dark hair, watching them all with a smile. “Hiding.”Tony sighed softly, shaking his head before wincing. He’d known natasha had been planning on cutting his hair, but he hadn’t seen the man yet, so he wanted to know what the other looked like. “I’m sure it looks fine.”Tony said swallowing hard at the thought of the good captian, even if he was still not admitting he wanted the other, he found the other utterly attractive. “Really?”Tony said looking at pepper, tilting his head, “You wouldn’t do the good captain?” “You look amazing.”Natasha said smiling a little. “...We should.He looks amazing.”Tony said responding quietly before he’d really considered just what he was saying, ducking his head a little to hide his blush, not about to admit to wanting the other, smiling as he wrapped a arm around clint’s shoulders.”Let’s go then.” “I wish I could see everyone. Everyone makes it sound amazing...”Kate sighed softly as they all headed for the limo
"i feel like a two year old wearing his fathers clothes." Bruce admitted, tugging at his collar a little. "and i'm sweating..." he complained making Clint snort. "you think i'm doing any better? i'm a spy after all." he admitted. "going to parties like this is.... not what i was trained for. the opposite in fact." he admitted, shaking his head. "yes. really." she admitted with a smirk. "it was quite amusing actually." she admitted, pleased with herself. "he actually looks very nice." she admitted with a smile. "he just thinks he looks like an idiot, he's wrong but then, he usually is." she admitted. "no. i wouldn't 'do' the good captain." she scoffed. "i don't like men who are obviously in love with someone else." she admitted, amused. "....i look like an idiot... i only came up because Jarvis threatened to shoot me." he grumbled. "i wish you could see yourself." Clint admitted, sounding almost wistful. "you have no idea how beautiful you are right now." he admitted, making Matt smile. "....i don't want to go. i hate parties. people will want me to dance." Steve protested, shaking his head. "you don't know how to dance?" "no...." Clint smirked and glanced at Tony, giving him a wink. "well Tony can teach you." here Steve perked up, a lot. "really? Tony could do that?"
“Well, you don’t look like a two year old. Stop tugging on it.”Natasha said smacking his hand a little, smiling at him. “I thought you were trained to blend in anywhere. Just consider it a mission, I mean, you’ll be keeping tony out of trouble, consider that you’re mission for the night.”Kate said with a smile snickering slightly at pepper’s words, rolling her eyes as she listened to tony. He was such a idiot sometimes. “....I don’t know what you’re talking about. But at least tonight’ll be good for him, he might pick up someone.”Tony said even if the idea of steve going home with someone made him sick, he also wanted the other to be happy, so if getting laid looking that good made him happy, well so be it. “You look amazing. You look like a idiot in your spandex, this is no worse then that. Just think of this as another kind of fight, with dancing rather then fighting.”Tony said trying to make him feel better. “Oh yea, tony’s the one who taught me to dance.”Kate said smirking a little as tony sputtered a little. “Y-yea, I guess. It wouldn’t be that hard.”Tony said blushing a little, avoiding clint's eyes, not about to take part in whatever scheme the other was up to. the poor delusional billionaire who was so sure they were all wrong about steve's feelings
Bruce jumped, startled when she smacked his hand and Clint snickered ad shook his head. "i can blend in anywhere." Clint admitted. "doesn't mean i like it." he admitted before rolling his eyes at Tony's constant denial. honestly, the man was just begging to be locked naked in a closet with Steve. "i doubt Steve will 'pick someone up'. he already is completely infatuated with someone." Pepper admitted simply. "he's so smitten i don't think he'll even look at anyone else." she admitted. "....that doesn't make me feel any better Tony..." Steve mumbled. "i look like a freak in that damn red white and blue." Steve grumbled before taking a deep breath. he could do this, for Kate if not for anyone else. "will you teach me Tony?" Steve asked hopefully. "it might not be so bad then." he admitted. "if you promise to protect me from the gold diggers too." he pleaded. well aware that there where going to be women clinging to him all night.
“Ah, well it’ll only be a hour or two, then you can leave if you want.”Kate promised, biting her lip, not wanting to make him go if it was going to upset him, but knowing better then to tell him that as pepper and tony would make him go. “...Good.”Tony muttered sounding slightly sad at the idea of steve having someone else. Poor delusional fool, couldn’t even see it. “You do not. It’s amazing, I made that suit, it’s great, and your ass looks amazing. In both suits. Stop whining.”Tony smiled at him as they got to the ballroom, nodding. “Of course. It’ll be fun.”He smiled before snickering.”As long as you promise to protect me to.”
Bruce and Steve and Clint smiled at her. "well, that won't be so bad." Bruce agreed. "i do like watching the dancers." "yeah and maybe i can get a good handful of Peppers arse." "shut up you heathen." Pepper ordered. "touch my arse and i'll tazer you so bad you go infertile." "okay. not touching Pepper's Arse." "keep making fun of the English and i'll taze you anyway." "shutting up." "at least he learns well." Pepper mused, pleased that Clint was looking the most lively since before Phil died. "i feel like i'm playing dress up." Steve mumbled. "and Natasha cut off all my hair! i don't even look like myself! i look... i look... i look like Johnny Storm!" he said that with such horror that Clint ad Bruce started snickering. "we'll protect each other and make Clint protect us too." "agreed." Clint stated with a grin, Matt chuckling. "your all ridiculous, it's just a party. you all act as if your going to be eaten alive." "says the man whose identity is still a secrete." "Touche."
“Hey, if you should be grabbing anyone’s arse, it should be mine.”Tony huffed wrapping a arm around clint’s shoulders smiling a little at pepper’s threat. “Don’t doubt her, she really would do it.”he snickered. “I’ll let you burrow my tazer.”Kate offered smiling a little. “oh, he is quite trainable.”Tony smirked a little. “You do not. You look better then Storm.”Tony reassured, though he could see it, even if he’d never found johnny as attractive as he was currently finding the captain. “we might be. We’re showing up dateless, you have Kate. None of the golddigger’s will believe we’re happier with guys then girls, so they’ll try dating us.”Tony sulked smiling as they walked in, wincing a little as everyone stared at the sudden appearance of the avengers.
Clint snickered and shook his head. "i get your ass anytime i want." he pointed out, smiling at Tony. "and i know she would do it, her and Kat both. and Darcy. mustn't forget Darcy. she's insane you know." he admitted, nodding. "i am trainable. Phil and Natasha trained me very well." he paused, waiting for the 'bark Boy' that Phil always said after the training quip but it didn't come and he sighed, remembering that Phil was dead and would never speak again. "are you sure? i'm sure i look like that hoity toity pretty boy..." Steve complained, sulking. "it will grow back Steve." Matt assured the man. "if Natasha doesn't attack me again anyway." Steve grumbled. "you know... maybe we should all just hide in a corner." Steve mumbled. "then the Gold Diggers won't be able to find me." ah, so it wasn't the dancing or the party, it was the women he knew where going to be hanging off of him.... and his hair, stupid Natasha.
“True, but you could still grope me instead of my ex, you know.”Tony sulked a little before laughing. “Darcy is insane. I refuse to let her anywhere near my lab, otherwise I get tazed while I’m trying to work.”tony snickered. “We did. He even listens reasonably well.”natasha said her smile sad as she remembered the rest, not sure what would hurt worse, hearing the words or not. “I’m sure. And you look fine.”Tony reassured. “She wont.”Kate said smiling a little, “You can’t hide, you’re having dancing lessons remember?”Kate reminded him smiling as they walked in, wincing as she got dragged into a million conversations as soon as tony announced that she was going to be CEO. The moment that happened, it was like a small bomb had gone off in the room as everyone wanted and demanded her attention, for once steve and tony not being the center of attention for things.
"true." Clint admitted with a smile before laughing. "she tazed Phil once you know! he stole her and Jane's research and she tazed him for it the next time she saw him!" he admitted with a laugh before grimacing. he really wished he could stop thinking about Phil all the time, it hurt every time he did. "oh. right." he agreed, nodding before scowling when the room wet insane. "cover your ears." he ordered Matt and Kate before his thundering roar left the room silent. "You will all SHUT UP!" he demanded, his 'I Am Captain America' in place. "Kate is an Amplifier! that means that all ur doing is hurting her with your childish temper tantrums and inability to demand answers like a self controlled adult! now! one at a time!" he demanded. "since you can't act like adults..." he said when they all clamored again. "you will raise your hand, i will pick one of you, and she will answer that question." he stated, glaring around the room, making them fidget. "keep in mind this has already been done! she is, in fact, your CEO already so bare in mind she can, and will fire you for asking stupid questions, calling someone names, or acting in any way disrespectful. are we clear?!"
Kate winced as the room went insane, going pale as she tried to focus on the words instead of just the clamor. Raising her hands as steve yelled, she looked vaguely amused at the sound of the captain’s voice, sighing softly as she leaned into matt. “He should have been a teacher.”She snickered a little, smiling as the sounds of the board agreeing, sighing quietly as she settled into answer questions. And for the most part it was polite asking, and need to know instead of the vicious taking down she’d expected, at least till the end. The younger man, looking like a young lawyer and so very full of himself, shook his head, studying her. “Do you have any idea what you are doing?” “I think after handling missions and SHIELD, I’m more then capable of handling a company.” “You have no experience.” “Both your former CEO’s think I do, and that I will be fine. We’ll just have to see.”Kate said tilting her head, even as natasha made a note to look into the younger man’s record and history, but he wasn’t being uncivilized, simply rude. “I think that ends the questions for the evening. We are here for a party, I think we should dance.”kate said neatly sidestepping the questions for the moment, her confidence shaken even as she touched matt’s arm. “A dance?”
Steve looked pleased when they all obeyed his orders. "Katherine Daniels, your new CEO, has more experience at being a CEO than Tony or i do." Pepper stated to the young man. "and since you don't raise a stink about Tony i can tell you that you have no right to complain about Kate." she stated with a sniff. "she is very well versed in everything needed. particularly dealing with childish men." she stated, offering the younger a glare. he was one of those who called her 'Stark's Slut' when he so foolishly thought she couldn't hear him. "i would love to." Matt agreed with a smile, taking her hand as the music started. Bruce was already hidden in a corner, well forgotten and Clint and Tony where now dragging Steve to the dance floor to teach him how to dance. Steve was fairly eager to hey his hands on Tony, how was it that only Tony didn't seam to realize how much Steve wanted him? it was ridiculous.
“well, I guess we’ll have to see.”The man said shaking his head, knowing things would have to simply wait and see where it goes. “You are so good, Pepper.”Tony teased smiling as he kissed the other’s cheek. “Good.”Kate smiled as she danced with matt, leaning into him, smirking a little as she watched clint and tony. “I’ve never seen such a oblivious idiot.”She muttered smirking a little. Tony grinned as he helped steve dance, resting his head against the other’s chest a little, smiling quietly, simply enjoying him for a long moment before stepping back, patting his arm.”You’re doing well.”he smiled at him."You should ask Nat to dance."She smiled watching the assassin entertaining everyone.
Pepper sniffed at him and then smiled at Tony. "of course i am." she scoffed. "go flirt with someone else." she ordered playfully. "he really is a bit deluded isn't he?" Matt asked with a chuckle and a shake of his head. Steve smiled as he danced with Tony, his skin tingling wherever they touched. "i'm not. i think i need a few more dances. and i'd rather not die, thanks." he grumbled, rolling his eyes, Clint laughing. "i'll dance with you while Tony gets us some drinks." Clint decided, winking at Tony and dragging Steve off for a hushed hasty whispered plan. then Steve was back and dancing with Tony again, looking quite pleased with himself. "so. i had an idea." Steve admitted. "being that i'ma virgin, i think i should ask for other lessons too." he admitted.
“Awww,but you need flirted with.”Tony teased looking pleased with himself. “He really is.”Kate snickered a little leaning into matt, closing her eyes, simply enjoying being held.”You’re fairly good at this you know.”

“Hm, she wouldn’t kill you. You’er her favorite.”Tony pointed out before smiling.”Drinks it is.”He grinned as he left and returned in a few minutes with drinks, sipping his scotch as he raised a eyebrow. “You did?”He said before nearly choking on his drink as he heard the other’s words. “W-what?”
Matt smiled a little. "of course i am." he admitted. "being the kind of lawyer i am, i often get invited to stuffy parties like this." he admitted. "still, it is a nice party." he admitted with a smile. "especially since it's for you." he admitted with a chuckle.

"no, Clint is her favorite. i'm tolerated. besides, she has breasts. the scare me." he stated simply. "your much more nice to dance with." he admitted with a grin. "yes. i don't have them often you know." he teased with a grin before nodding. "yes. i think it would be perfect. i mean, i could ask Clint, but i think he'd take it the wrong way." he admitted. "and since you and he are the only men who are physically appealing that i trust, well." he smiled at Tony. "and besides, didn't you already say you wouldn't mind a threesome with me?"
"Hm. Yes I'm sure you get asked to alot of parties. Especially by your female clients."she teased her handsome boyfriend a little. "Well. It's not really for me. It's just tony being tony."she said leaning into him nervous a little.because she was excited, and happy and feeling confident enough to want to seduce him but not quite sure how to go about it.

"Clint doesn't count. He's everyone's favorite."tong pointed out before laughing."hm, breastS are nice."he said blushing."but I'm glad you think I'm better."he snickered "...I uh...i..."tony stared for the moment his mind short circuit ex at the idea before realizing what the other had said. threesome. Steve didn't want just him. He wanted them both. Which was totally okay, cause him and clint were amazing and well, he'd totally be okay being with the other." I Did. Okay...we can."
Matt chuckled a little. "actually, so far the only woman whose asked me on a date was Electra." he admitted. "and i had to beat her in a fight in order to get it." he admitted, shaking his head. "she was only a little insane." he admitted with a chuckle. "might i kiss you?" he asked hopefully.

Steve pondered that and then. "huh... you know, our right. he does seam to be everyone's favorite." he admitted. "how weird..." he muttered before smirking at the other. "in any case, your my favorite." he admitted happily before snickering. "a speechless Tony. how cute." he teased. "great. i'll leave it to you and Clint to decide on the details. i'm going to go dance with Natasha." he decided, kissing the top of Tony's head and wandering off to find Nat while Clint stepped in and stole Tony as a dance partner. "your blushing, too much scotch?"
“Well, I’d challenge you to a fight, if I didn’t think I’d end up on my ass.”She snickered a little smiling slightly before blushing. “Yes, you can.”she said resting her hands on his shoulders, “....kissing blind is awkward.”She said biting her lip a little.

“Well, as long as I’m someone’s favorite.”Tony said blushing as he ducked his head, making a face. “I’m not speechless.”He muttered shrugging a little before smiling quietly.”We’ll figure it out.”he agreed before looking up at clint, swallowing hard. “I’m not blushing!and I can never have to much scotch.”He said smiling as he danced with clint, sipping his drink at the same time.
he chuckled. "you'll be able to fight again." he assured her. "i'll train you myself if i have to." he admitted before smiling and ducking his head. "like everything else in life." he breathed. "it just takes practice." he admitted, kissing her. unaware of Clint glaring daggers into his back.

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "you will always be my favorite." he promised. "and i dunno. you seam pretty speechless." he teased with a smile. "okay, let me know what you decide." he chirped with a grin. "you are blushing." Clint admitted, examining the other. "did Steve say something naughty or something?"
“That could be alot of fun really.”Kate said smiling slightly as she laughed quietly. “Hm, and I definitely want practice.”She muttered kissing him back.

“I am not. Totally not speechless.”Tony said starting to recover. Looking at clint he made a face, “Am not.”He sulked even as his blush deepened. “Wantsathreesome.”He said in a jumbled mess before glancing over his shoulder, both to see if steve was listening, and to see what clint was glaring at.
he grinned. "it is a lot of fun." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "there's not a lot of people who can match me. either they're not to my skill, or they hold back because i'm blind." he admitted. "it's rather frustrating actually." he admitted before happily kissing her.

"Are too." he teased with a chuckle before looking startled, dragging his eyes away from Kate and Matt to stare at Tony. "he wants... really?" he asked, blinking. "that would be awesome..." he admitted, looking glassy eyed. "two of the hottest men in the tower fucking me. hell yes." he admitted with a grin. his plan was working! woo! now if he could find a reason to make Matt go away forever his life would be perfect. well, so long as Kate wasn't upset with Matt leaving. huh, he was going to need to plan that a bit better....
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