love is blind (moon/lady)

“I know he does. Which doesn’t make me feel any better about yelling at him.”Kate sighed a little as she stepped into her rooms, biting her lip, before laughing. “I doubt that. You’re so very together.”She smiled hesitating before stepping closer, resting her hands on his chest, resting her head on his shoulder. “....Will you stay tonight?”She muttered.

“I’m not a nice person.”Tony protested snickering a little as he studied the other before nodding. “Ah. If it makes you feel better I can’t watch it either. Makes me twitchy and thinking about tazing myself.”Tony muttered smiling as he watched the other go before heading down for the lab. Indeed, managing to work a few hours before heading upstairs and snuggling in to clint for a few hours sleep, knowing better then to not sleep before a meeting, otherwise pepper would kill him.
he chuckled a little. "no. but then, it never made me feel better either." he admitted. "oh, i assure you, i had a rather impressive mental breakdown just last month." he admitted. "it's not exactly the same situation of course, but similar enough that when Foggy found me kneeling in my bathroom screaming and sobbing..." he shrugged. "we all have those moments. i'm not sure he's forgiven me for the black eye i gave him yet." he admitted before smiling at her. "of course i will." he promised her, wrapping his arms around her, holding her.

Clint chuckled a little and then smiled a little at the other. "i should hope not." he mumbled. "where would you find the tazer?" he wondered before wandering off. he was asleep when Tony came up, still managed to snuggle into the other and mumble a mostly asleep 'G'night Tony'.
“...”She swallowed her laughter, though she shook with it, her mood broken for the moment at the image of the blind man punching foggy. “Good.”She smiled heading for her bedroom, while she had no intention of seducing him-yet- she wanted to snuggle when she went to bed.Changing into her pj’s she smiled as she settled in with him for the night.

“In the lab. I asked fury if I could have it after....”Tony shrugged blushing a little.

In the morning Tony smirked as he spun his chair a little, absently listening to the members of his board, even though pepper could see that the doodles he was making on his paper weren’t notes about the meeting, but notes on a party and what would need to be done to hand the company over to kate. Because he didn’t doubt she was going to take it, he just had to wait for her to come to terms with it to.
"Mr. Stark." Pepper stated calmly, after looking at her Phone when it dinged at her. "Jarvis has reported a problem at home." she warned. "we need to go. i am sorry gentlemen. we will have to meet again later." she stated. they wold normally have protested, if not for the slight panic to her voice. once they where out of earshot she murmured to him. "it's Clint. Jarvis said he's in the middle of a bad Flashback." she glanced at him. "Steve has him restrained... Clint doesn't know who anyone is. he just keeps mumbling about 'the Blue'. Steve told Jarvis to call you."
“Hm?”Tony startled, looking up at the sound of his name, swallowing hard. “Sorry. Bye.”Tony said not even bothering to be polite as he considered what could be going wrong, eyes widening a little as he nodded. “I know how to take care of that.”He muttered. “J?Get the suit upstairs, and ask Kate to join us.”Tony said as he rushed into the penthouse, suiting up even as the suit closed around him. “Clint!It’s me. Clint.”Tony demanded as he got closer to the man, the slight whine of the repulsors, and the white light of them shining as he neared the archer, letting steve hold him still, even as he touched the other’s face.”I got you. Tony's here, Clint."
Pepper nodded. "i hope so because i get the impression that Steve is in a bit of a panic." she admitted. Steve was pinning Clint down, naked as the day he was born, a towel laying across the room, showing that he had been surprised either in the shower, or just coming out of one. Clint must have just woken up because he was wearing only his sleeping pants. "Tony." Steve sighed, looking relieved, Clint started struggling again, blue in his eyes, a faint, tiny glimmer that remained. "not the Blue... please. not the Blue..." Clint pleaded, trying to jerk away from Tony's light before blinking when he realized it was white. bright white light. the white light was safe... he sagged, leaning into the cold hard metal, trembling violently now while the blue in his eyes faded once more. "he just attacked me out of nowhere." Steve admitted softly. "his eyes where all.. blue. like Loki's." he admitted, shuddering. "once i pinned him down the blue in his eyes faded a little bit but i couldn't... he just kept begging me to save him from the Blue. to not let the Blue take him...."
“I’m sure he is.”Tony said pausing, looking startled at the sight of the naked captain, for one breathless moment totally distracted by that before focusing on clint. “Nope, no blue here. Except maybe my blue balls, which you need to take care of birdbrain. I had to go to a meeting without sex.”Tony whined as he knelt next to the other, keeping up the running commentary because well, no one else ever sounded sounded as manically insane as him, it was a reassurance to clint to know he was safe. Looking up as he looked at steve he paled a little. “...I knew he’d been dreaming about it...I hadn’t realized he’d actually had the blue...”Tony looked shaken as he looked down at the man, for the moment setting aside what he needed to see about the light, focusing on the archer. “Clint?Clint, can you hear me?”Kate asked as she eased into the room, looking as self assured and confident as phil did in dealing with a problem as she crossed the room towards them, looking sleep mused and tired, jarvis having woken her up to.
Steve blushed when he realized he was naked and Tony was staring. "the Blue... it's coming. don't let it take me. please. don't let it take me." Clint whispered, trembling so violently in Tony's arms that he was almost rattling his own teeth out. Steve on the other hand rushed to get dressed. "i know. it scared me out of my mind when he came after me with that knife, his eyes glowing like that..." he admitted, shuddering a little. Clnt didn't react at all to Kate's voice, he just lay in Tony's arms, trembling and begging them not to let the Blue have him. "...i think we need to call Thor." Steve admitted suddenly. "he was sure that after Loki had been defeated, this wouldn't be a problem." he admitted. "but it's getting worse..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "T-Tony?" Clint asked, voice shaken and afraid. "i can hear his voice Tony... i can hear the laugh..."
“No it’s not. It’ll have to get through me, and Steve, and Bruce and Kate, and Daredevil.Not to mention your scary ass twin. I’d like to see Tasha go up against Reindeer games. We got you Clint.”Tony growled, his voice oh so fiercely protective as he hunkered down next to him. “hey Clint.”Kate muttered softly, gently settling a blanket over the man, settling on the floor next to him, absently stroking his hair even as tony rubbed his back. “...Call him.”Tony muttered looking up at the super soldier, before looking down at clint, growling softly. “He can laugh all he wants. Your mine, ours, and he doesn’t get you back.”
Clint shuddered. "Not Loki. it's something else." Clint whispered. much as he had the last time he'd had the nightmare. "the laugh, Tony. the laugh!" he shuddered harder. "it comes with the Blue!" and with that he went silent, eyes fixed on the white glow of Tony's reactor and trembling from fear. the more they stroked his hair and his back, the more he started to settle, little bit by little bit while Steve collected the special phone. the one that traveled through dimensions. "Thor? it's Steve. we have a problem... what do you mean you can't come? Clint's been having nightmares... the blue was in his eyes ag...." there was a stunned silence and then. "what do you mean Loki's having the same nightmares?" he demanded, voice shocked. "are you saying what i think your saying?!"
“Well, whatever it is, we’ll take care of it. You know Tasha, killer thighs that one.” “You know, I can and will kill you, Stark.”Natasha muttered as she settled on the floor on clint’s free side, surrounding the man by people who cared for him, smiling slightly as she watched clint watching the arc reactor. “It can come, but I’ll always chase it back, Clint. I promise.”Tony muttered. “...What is it?”Tony muttered gently easing away even if he left the arc reactor from a gauntlet with clint to hold onto, trusting him to take care of part of his suit even as he moved to talk to steve.
Steve chuckled at Natasha's complaints and smiled at her before looking shaken at the phone call. "....Loki..." he looked sick now. "Loki was under the control of the Blue when he attacked earth...." he explained softly. "he's been going though some very extensive therapy that hasn't been helping. he's been catatonic since he was returned to Asgard until, all of a sudden he started having nightmare and screaming about a 'high pitched laugh' and the 'blue lake that will swallow him and not let go'...." he glanced at Clint, who was now curled up against Kate and Natasha, eyes fixed on the soothing white glow. "Thor didn't say anything because he wasn't sure if we could handle knowing he wasn't our enemy after all, and because Loki wouldn't respond to anything anyway." he admitted, shaking his head. "the Asgardians are as baffled as we are. especially since they don't have the Tesseract anymore... they destroyed it. or tried to anyway. they broke it into some pretty tiny pieces and then dumped those pieces across the most hellish places they could find. volcanoes, oceans, stuff like that..." he shook his head, still listening to Thor talk. "yes, Thor i understand. let us know if you discover anything. anything at all." and he hung up and closed his eyes, not sure how to feel about this new information.
Tony swallowed thickly, thinking that over. “Damn.Fucking hell.”Tony muttered feeling sick at the idea, and even if he had been inclined not to hate loki outright, simply because thor loved him, it still disturbed him to know that the sorcerer was under control the whole time....cause if something was strong enough to control loki, then it was goign to be serious bad news. “Damn.”He shook his head looking sick at the idea of not being able to help, nodding a little. “we’ll just have to play it by ear then...”Tony muttered shifting, leaning against the other a little, offering silent comfort before deciding the best thing to do, is well, be him. And piss off everyone. “So. I think we should have a party.” “....why?I mean, you don’t need a reason for a party, but you usually have one.”Natasha said studying the man. “we’re celebrating that I have a new CEO. Definitely party time.”
Steve nodded, running a hand over his face. "this is going to be bad, isn't it?" he asked softly. "yeah... i hate playing it by ear." he admitted with a sigh, wrapping an arm around Tony just to hold him, enjoy the physical comfort for a while before he twitched. "we are not having a party Tony." he complained, Clint chuckling weakly. "i thought Kate didn't want to be the CEO?" he asked softly, having come back to himself. "she hasn't agreed yet, Tony's just jumping the gun because he's hyper like that." Steve admitted with a chuckle.
“Yea, it’s going to be.”Tony muttered before nodding. “Me to.But Kate has no option there, so we’ll follow her example.” “...I heard that, Tony.”Kate twitched a little making the billionaire snicker as he leaned into steve. “Yes we are.” “And I didn’t say I wouldn’t, just that I wanted to think about it.” “Don’t think. You know you’re going to agree, and we all know it to. I mean, you’re good at handling people, you get along with me, you’ve ridden corral on the assassin twins, and you’re dating a lawyer. That seems like the perfect recipe for a good CEO.” “....”Kate stared at him, shaking her head a little running her fingers through her hair, torn up because she wanted to go back to what she had, but she knew she couldn’t. “....Fine. As long as Pepper approves.”Kate said after a long moment looking up at the red head.
Steve snorted and Clint snickered at Tony's terrible joke. "don't make Blind jokes Tony, she can still turn you inside out." Steve pointed out, chuckling a little before kissing the top of Tony's head and tightened his hug a little. "don't pressure her." Clint ordered with a huff. "she needs time to adjust you know." he pointed out before snorting at all of Tony's reasoning's. "approves of what?" Pepper asked, looking up. "i'm sorry i wasn't paying attention." she admitted, flushing hard. "i was doing Tony's paperwork. what are we talking about?" "Kate as CEO." "i thought she'd already agreed! i was doing the paperwork for the transfer!" Pepper complained, looking startled. Clint snickered. "i think that's your answer Kate." he admitted. "Pepper approves."
“She wont do that. It’d upset Clint. And she doesn’t want to upset you.” “I can still kick your ass, and taze you while I watch Perception.”Kate said, proving indeed she was exactly what they needed, a agent who had phil’s experience, and the ability to bend and work with them to. Shivering a little as Cap kissed his head he smirked, “You wont do that.”Tony said confidently, even if he was fairly certain she would, before snickering. “She’s been adjusting well. I’m telling you, we all know this is happening.”Tony said smirking, “See!pepper knows it to.” “Only because you told her I already accepted.”Kate sighed rolling her eyes, well used to the billionaire’s ideas of reasonable, before smiling a little. “In that case, I would be honored to be CEO.”She said though she sounded more sad then excited at the idea. Mourning her old life. “Good! Party it is then.”Tony said smirking.
"she'd do it because Clint would find it hilarious so long as you didn't die." Steve pointed out. "and as she said, she can still taze you." Clint chuckled again. "you sound like Phil." he mumbled. "she would Tony." Clint warned with a grin. "i've seen her taze rookies before, just because they wondered aloud what it felt like." he admitted with a smile. "it's tons of fun." "excellent. i would have had to hate to murder Tony for making me fill out fifty three separate forms of transfer." Pepper admitted. "we'll need your thumbprint later but that will take a few days." she admitted. "Natasha? are you still listed as a notary?" Pepper asked curiously. "i rather don't wat to bring another stranger into S.I." she admitted with a sniff. "Kate will make n excellent CEO." she admitted, pleased. "now Tony will stop bitching, the board will behave, and i won't keep being refereed to as 'Stark's woman'..."
"I totally would. And I wouldn't kill you." "So mean to me. I feel loved."Tony sulked whining a little and making a face."no need to take me."Tony reassured as the woman looked at him."I remember her doing that. It was a good day."Natasha snickered at the reminder of the rookies. "sorry. That's a lot of paperwork."kate winced a little at the idea of that much. "I am."Natasha said smiling a little Then tilting her head."they call you stark woman?"
Steve chuckled and shook his head. "well you should feel loved. she only teases people she likes." Steve pointed out with an impish grin before laughing at the idea of Kate tazing annoying rookies simply because she could. "it's not so bad." Pepper admitted. "every time we have a meeting i have to write an itinerary and minutes for all fifteen people and every single head of the department." she admitted. "that's sixty of the same thing." she admitted. "really all that the paperwork needs is my or Tony, or in a few days your signature." she admitted. "since your blind, the paperwork will mostly be signed by me and stamped by you." she admitted. "we'll have to get you an insignia first of course." she admitted. "but we can figure that out later." she admitted. "and yes. they call me Stark's woman. that's actually one of the nicer ones." Pepper huffed. "it's like they keep forgetting just who the Potts family is." she admitted. "i'm originally English you know. my father was in the House of Lords." she sniffed. "i pretty much out rank everyone in this building, save maybe Tony since he's been personally knighted by the Queen after saving England from.... i forget actually. a robot invasion? mutant bugs? something like that."
"Well. That's true. Doesn't make me feel better though."Tony sulked a little."...that's insane. There has to be a better way of doing it."kate said making a face at the idea biting her lip, maybe she woulsnt be great at this. She hated paperwork, even if she was nearly as good about coulson about getting it done."we'll find something. maybe I should make something for her to use."Tony said looking pleased that the two women could get along so well. his life was going to be so much better now."...your people are stupid. I'm surprised you haven't maimed them or something."Natasha teased shaking her head a little."mutant bugs. It was awesome. Though I hadn't realized who I was saving until I was carrying her away from the bugs...I'm just glad she didn't have a heart attack or anything whIle I was carrying her."Tony snickered
Pepper chuckled a little. "i could make it all electronic but that causes problems too. if someone looses the file or if someone hacks the systems or any number of problems. it's better to do both an E-version and a 'hard copy' on paper." she admitted. "this way people can't try to raise a fuss if they don't have a copy. they do that sometimes, tying to get the company or specific people, namely me, in trouble." she admitted. "typically, as the P.A. i am the one that does all of the paperwork, you just have to sign things, or stamp them in this case." she admitted. "i've thought about it. but that would mean more paperwork so i control my base urges." Pepper admitted with a chuckle before snorting at Tony's blase attitude about literally saving the Queen of England and the Prince of Wales. "well she is somewhere up in her nineties. but she's a spry old gal." Pepper admitted with a smile.
"Yea.that would be a mess,even with jarvis, no system is unhackable."kate sighed quietly realizing that no matter what,there was always going to be paperwork. Smiling slightly at pepper."so you'll stay as my pa? I don't fancy trying to find someone new to work with....not to mention Hill would probably want it or something just to make me miserable."kate smiled looking relieved. Even if she'd known it was stupid she'd been worried the other woman would be mad at her for being ceo."ahhh yea that paper work sucks."Natasha snickered a little."she is. Thank god." "Only tony would be so utterly...normal about saving the queen."kate snickered a little
Pepper snorted. "i am always going to be the P.A. to start industries." she admitted. "and it's not just because Stark Industries is a world wide corporation either." she admitted with a smile. "i'll still be your P.A." she promised. "i can't trust anyone else to do the job after all. you'll make a great CEO, but i'm not so sure hw well anyone else could pull off being a P.A. to the CEO and Tony Stark, since he is technically still the boss." she admitted. "Hill is entirely too loyal to Shield. she'd never leave, not unless it was disbanded or something." she admitted, shaking her head. "...Tony's just point blank insane." Pepper stated simply. "you'll learn to ignore the things that come out of his mouth."
“Oh good.”Kate smiled a little before laughing, “well, not only that, but I doubt anyone’s going to be happy with me simply stepping in without working up to being CEO. I’d rather have a PA I trust then anyone else.”Kate said thoughtfully. “Really?Is it possible to ignore him?” “Not really, but half what he says is insanity, so just og with it mostly..”Natasha snickered. “Hey!No talking about me like I’m not here.”Tony huffed sulking as he leaned into steve before grinning. “That’s it. We’re having a party. And not a wild insane party, but a black tie SI affair to announce the new CEO and introduce her around.”
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