love is blind (moon/lady)

“He is.”Tony smiled a little. “I am fine!Always.” “only if you’re talking about how good you look. Then yes, you’re always ‘fine’”Kate teased smirking a little as tony snuggled into them. Tony smiled, relaxing into steve, even if he was snuggling them both, realizing that even if steve was upset with him, he was still willing to snuggle him.”Hm, m-”Tony paused snickering as sue yelled, shaking his head. “he’s such a narcissist.”Tony muttered giggling a little as he snuggled steve. “Just cause I gave you a fireproof phone, doesn’t mean I gave it to you to answer during fights. I’m the only one skilled enough to be on the phone in fights.”Tony pouted a little, before smirking. “No, you don’t need the ego boost. Just wanted to know if I should be worried that there’s a third person who looks as good as you two.”
Steve laughed at her joke and nodded. "he is always pretty fine." he admitted with a grin, relaxing when Tony snuggled into him. good. he still had a chance. "he is a narcissist. annoying little dink." "tell Steve rogers that i heard that!" Johnny complained. "i always answer during fights, makes the fight more of a challenge. i mean really, how can these people claim to be bad guys?" he complained. "they can't even fight, their weapons are terrible ad they have no fashion sense at all." he complained before humming. "well. there's a third look alike?" he asked. "what's his name? i'll go beat him up a bit." he decided. "how dare he look as fantastic as me? i can't really beat up the Captain for it after all."
Tony smiled as he snuggled, snickering a little. “You just don’t like him cause he looks like you.”Tony rolled his eyes even as he put johnny on speakerphone so they could all hear.”Well, you guys are the ones who keep telling me Doom’s a supervillian, even if his robots suck, so I dont’ think you’re a good judge of bad guys.”Tony huffed before nodding even if johnny couldn’t see. “Yes. There is, stop by and we’ll watch the movie. And you don’t get to beat up the look alike. Though I’m considering asking him if he’ll come model spandex for me, so I can decide who has the best ass.”
Steve huffed. "i don't like him because he's a dick." Steve huffed. "you tell him the feelings mutual! he's a jackass!" Johnny complained right back. "he's a child." Steve huffed. "He's got a stick up his ass!" Johnny complained. "he has no responsibility!" "he doesn't know how to have fun!" "he costs millions in damages every time he fights." Steve complained, Sue screaming at them both to shut up. "i could stop by later, it's been a while." Johnny admitted, making Steve sulk at some imposter in his turf. "i have th best ass." Johnny and Ateve chorused, which caused more bickering.
“...listening to you two, is like listening to tony and clint decide which ice cream’s better. This is insane.”Kate snickered a little shaking her head. “Do. And it’s always a pleasaure listening to you two.”Tony rolled his eyes as he hung up, levering up off the couch as he stretched. “I’ll see you two later. I should get some work done.”he said running away while things were still good, still okay, and that steve wasn’t remembering he was mad at him. Deciding not to push his luck as he headed for the lab.

“Well, that was interesting. You okay?”Kate said looking at steve, worried about how he was going to be with spending time with tony. It was one thing to say it wouln’t affect a relationship, it was another to see if it’d work.
Steve chuckled a little. "it's clear. Caramel flavored Ice-creams are the best." Steve stated simply. "you just like egging us on." Steve complained, pouting at Tony. "okay. be productive so Pepper doesn't yell at you!" he advised before chuckling at Kate. "i'm fine. there's still a chance. there's still some hope." he admitted. "it hurts. a little, but i can't let that affect the way i act around Tony or i'll never have a chance." he admitted. "did he really have to invite Johnny?" he complained. "i hate Johnny..." he didn't hate him, he just didn't like it that he was always flirting with Tony.
“I’m always productive, and she still yells!”Tony whined a little. “Always a little hope....and I’m glad you know that, otherwise he’ll think he’s done something wrong...I mean...”she stopped, because well, it wasn’t what they wanted, but tony hadn’t done anything wrong in sleeping with clint.”You’ll be okay cap.”She smiled before snickering. “I’m sure he did. Besides, I’ve never met Storm, it’ll be fun. And matt should be back by then, court should be out soon.”

Indeed by the time johnny showed up, it was early evening and kate was giving steve a hand making dinner, tilting her head, biting her lip as she heard everyone coming into the common dining room. Wincing a little at the sudden noise of so many people, but it was good to know that everyone was gathering, that she had a family that didn’t care if she was useful to them or not, simply they wanted her around.
Steve chuckled a little. "Tony didn't do anything wrong." he agreed. "and i don't want him to think that he did." he admitted. "it will be okay. as long as Tony is happy. i'll be happy for him." he promised. "Johnny's a dick." he grumbled.

Matt smiled as he listened to Kate cooking. he couldn't cook himself. he had tried but... well, he always lost focus and then everything was burned. "Hello Everyone!"Johnny yelled as he walked in. "Johny! not so loud." Steve ordered, voice a hiss, startling Johnny. "oh... does Tony have a headache?" Johnny asked, his voice dropped to a softer tone. "no. Kate is an Amplifier. we have to be a bit more quiet around her." Clint explained. "Johnny, this is Matt Murdock and Kate Daniels." Clint introduced. "Matt, Kate? this is Matt Murdock." at least Clint had stopped hiding.
“Hello.”Kate said wincing a little at the sound of johnny’s yell. Even a room away, he was loud. “No headache, but you’re going to cause one if you’re not careful.”Tony teased a little glancing up from the tablet he was reading, having come upstairs to simply see the others as he did some paperwork. “I’m okay. Just no super loud voice.”Kate promised smiling at johnny, “Good to meet you.”She said tilting her head glad that clint was doing okay.
"hello." Johnny said, back to chipper, even if his tone was much more calm and gentle so he didn't hurt her ears. "it's an honor to meet you Mr. Murdock." Johnny said, shaking the others hand. "and of course, it's always a pleasure to meet such a attractive woman." Johnny said, kissing the back of her hand. Steve didn't know what was worse, him flirting with Tony or him flirting with Kate. "why don't you go jump off a bridge?" "why don't you go jump in a volcano?" Johnny demanded right back. as much as they fought, they where always careful to avoid actually causing emotional damage to each other. "go get a day job you superhero wanna-be." "go get a life you workaholic."
Kate flushed brightly as Johnny kissed her hand. “T-thank you.”She stuttered a little, not used to compliments. Even when she could see, she’d been surrounded by other agents, who complimented her skills, not her looks, especially when most of the men looked towards natasha as beautiful, everyone else had fallen short of the beauty mark for most of the agents who’d ever met natasha. “You flirting with daredevil’s girlfriend, there fireboy. Just a warning, he might be beating your head in.”Tony teased snickering a little. “He needs laid I agree, but can you two be civilized for once?”Tony said as steve and kate put out the steaks and noodles, smiling slightly as they started to eat.
Johnny grinned, pleased with her stutter, he still had it. not that he ever lost it. "it's alright. she's her ow woman, if she doesn't like it i'm fairly sure she can still punch him in the nose." Matt admitted with a lopsided grin, making Johnny twitch. "you wouldn't really punch me in the nose would you? someone as gorgeous as me?" "Narcissistic asshole." "ugly ape!" "no. no i can't be civilized." Steve huffed, making Johnny pout. "he's so mean to me Tony! why do you let him stay here? you should move in with me instead...." he paused when Clint glared at him. "....or i could move in with you..." the glare intensified and Johnny blinked. "or i could stop flirting with you before the Hawk murders me." the glaring stopped. ""
Tony snickered at that. “That’s true.”he agreed. “I can’t see how gorgeous you are, Storm. It doesn’t change anything if I want to punch you...besides, women like men with scars. And a broken nose is a very dashing feature.”Kate teased patting johnny on the cheek. “Because he has a nice ass, and he doesn’t complain when I make him fancy toys to play with.”Tony snickered before pausing, looking at clint, in interest. Wondering why the sudden need to make johnny stop flirting, it never happened before. “...Everyone’s mean to you johnny, you’re even more of a narcissist then I am, which is insane.”Tony teased a little, scrambling to figure out the new dynamic, and feeling lost between the warm feeling that clint was jealous, and worry about his friendship with cap.
Johnny huffed. "no one loves me anymore." he whined. "i would rather not have someone 'adjusting' my appearance thank you." he sniffed. "i am perfect in every way and that's all that matters." he stated before sulking at Tony when Steve laughed. "i like Tony's Toys." Steve agreed. "even if i don't know how to use most of them." he admitted before blinking at Clint. "i am not a narcissist! it's not my fault that i'm perfect! and gorgeous! and loved by everyone! and more popular than all of you!" he whined, sulking. "i beg to differ. Tony is ten times more gorgeous than you." Steve scoffed, Johnny pausing to consider that. "well... yeah." Johnny agreed. "but i'm more beautiful than everyone else."
“Then I wont adjust it.”Kate snickered a little. “Hm, I’ll teach you anything you want to learn Cap.”Tony offered smiling a little amused at steve’s words at not understanding the toys. “...I think that’s the definition of narcissist actually.”Natasha pointed out with a smile. “...”Tony stared at them, tilting his head as he considered that everyone thought he was more gorgeous then the most perfect human he’d ever met-his captain- looking a little lost at the idea. “No, you’re not. You have at least two for the title of 2nd best, this chris evans, and steve.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly.
Steve grinned. "i know." he admitted. "it isn't! i'm not in love with myself." Johnny huffed. "i'm much too focused on young women than i am myself." "he has a point." Clint admitted, speaking for the first time since he'd finally come down from his nest. "i'm not that gorgeous." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes. "yeah! he's not that gorgeous! i'm so much prettier than he is!" Johnny complained. "...does anyone else see how wrong this is?" Clint asked, blinking at the practically twins.
“Hm, true. You are very focused on the women.”Tony snickered a little. “You are to. You two could pass as twins...actually. To prove this, can I get you both to dress up as each other and go out into the city?It would totally prove my point.”Tony snickered a little. Kate tilted her head listening to tony, frowning at the strained tones of tony’s voice, even if she knew most people wouldn’t hear it, she could hear that the brunette was still anxious and upset.
Johnny sniggered a little and then brightened at the idea, sulking when Steve pointed a finger at Johnny. "touch my stuff and i'll break you." Steve warned, eyes narrowed at the man. Steve was very possessive of his suit and shield. so possessive that Natasha and Clint where stunned when Steve let Tony touch both of them. even Natasha wasn't allowed to touch the suit and shield. "oh hell. i'm going to be late." Steve grumbled, looking at his watch. "sorry guys, i have to go." he admitted, dropping a kiss on Kate's forehead and then Tony's, offering a 'have a good night' before vanishing to do his 'mission'. he was visiting dying children at the hospitals for the night, part of the make a wish foundation.
Kate laughed at that, shaking her head a little. “He’s serious about that. He’ll break you.”She warned smiling a little. “Hm?”Tony frowned looking up at steve, looking confused as the man kissed his forehead, before sighing a little. “Bye.”he said watching the man go, remembering what he was going to do, before looking at kate. “You wanted to go out?” “Yea.For a bit....probably just down to the lobby. But I have a date this weekend....need to get used to the crowds...” Tony frowned a little worried she was rushing things, before smiling slightly. “Well, we should make a team event of it. Go down to the lobby, I bet we could get people donate to a cause if we go down there together....maybe surprise cap’s make a wish girl tonight with a donation from us all...”Tony said a little manic, because well, he was trying to get clint and kate to spend time together without being obvious about it, even if he wanted to spend time with clint himself. Utterly lost and confused over his emotions, so he was being manic.
Johnny chuckled nervously, he knew better than to touch the shield. he had touched it once. on the battlefield, and Steve had nearly tackled him. Steve didn't mind some people touching it. Tony, Thor, Bruce. the others where warned off and even Bruce and Thor where only allowed to touch it enough to give it back. well, kids could touch it too, but that was a bit different. "it's alright." Clint promised Tony. "she needs to set her own limits." he admitted. "a team event going down to S.I lobby?" Bruce asked, sounding amused. "that does sound like a good idea though, i have a few postcard sized photos of all the avengers, we could all sign one for her." Bruce suggested. "i like the idea." Clint admitted. "we should see how much money we could gather up, maybe make a donation to St. Jude's or another Children's hospital or something?"
“I’ll be okay. If it gets to be to much, I’ll stop and come back upstairs. Which is why I want to just do the lobby for now, easy to leave if it’s to much.”Kate smiled a little. “”Yea in the lobby.”Tony said twitching a little, “I have a fair amount of pictures to. and some of the avengers toys. We sign those to, and they’ll probably sell for alot.”Tony grinned a little as he got up, “We’ll donate it. It’ll be fun.”He said heading for the collection room to gather up the things. While the room was predominately still captain america stuff, there was some avengers stuff strewn through it to.
Clint nodded. "we can wait for Matt." Clint agreed, his smile only a little strained. it hurt less now that Tony was willing to fuck him whenever he needed. and since Steve didn't seam, to mind too much Clint decided it had to be okay. "it will be fun." Bruce agreed, rinsing out all the dinner dishes and stacking them up to wash later. "i'm not hulking out." Bruce warned, making Clint chuckle. "the kids will be disappointed." "the adults won't attack me." "true." they grinned when they saw Tony with his arms full and moved to help him carry the stuff. soon there was a line of people with their own things to get signed. Matt even got in line for an autograph and chuckled as he sat down next to Kate. "so what started this?" he asked, carefully tucking his autographed poster away.
Kate smiled as she sat between Matt and clint, quite content to simply listen and even if she had a mild headache, it wasn't killing her to listen to the crowd."steve had to go do make a wish, and apparently tony's feeling guilty about something, so he wanted to do equally charitable."kate snickered a little. "I am not. this is just being helpful. You wanted to be in a crowd,here's a crowd."tony said smiling slightly as he leaned forward to look at the two.
Matt chuckled a little. "from what i understand, Tony is always feeling guilty over something." he admitted. "so i can't say i'm all that surprised. judging by the activity i'd say he's feeling guilty about something to do with the good Captain." he admitted, making Clint blink, making the connection. he hated how stupid he could be sometimes. he smiled, he could fix that easily enough of course. well, he hoped so anyway. "how are you handling the crowd?" he asked Kate, a bit worried about her.
"I am not. Does no one listen to me? Me and Cap are perfectly fine. I just like surprising him sometimes. And me being in a crowd without berating anyone for getting near and touching me will be a shock."Tony snickered a little easily hiding his least he thought he was. Kate rolled her eyes at tony but didn't bother to correct him."I'm fine...Im starting to get a headache but not bad yet..."
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