he nodded. "sorry. i didn't know you where in budapest." he admitted, wincing. probably because he'd had a severe concussion. which was why he and Natasha remembered Budapest so differently. he didn't remember Budapest at all. well, no, he remembered a big book shaped fountain and Natasha yelling at him to stop throwing rocks at the pigeons. "i like my scar." he admitted with a smile. "makes me look like Harry Potter." he teased with a snicker before nodding. "i understand. loosing your eyesight is not unlike loosing a hand, a leg.... it's tangible, and you mourn the loss just like you would if you lost a pet or a relative." he admitted. "for some people the grief is stronger, a lot of people don't realize just how off balance you are when you loose something so fundamental to your life." he admitted. "your grasping at anything you can, trying to make sense of your world that can't be real for you anymore." he admitted, gently taking her hand. "that's how it was explained to me once. i was born deaf, see. so i never had to experience a whole world."
Loki nodded. "humans are pretty amazing that way. pain is a part of your every day lives. you've come to understand that pain makes you stronger. pain is a fact and running away or giving in won't make the pain stop." Loki admitted. "so you rally against it, make it inconsequential." he smirked. "Aeser are used to some pain. broken bones. cuts, bruises... but if you where to capture one, and torture it, it would give up, give in because Aeser do not understand that it won't make the pain stop." he admitted. "no. destruction is simply what your good at now." he admitted. "do you think the Aeser never fought wars over it's own planet? didn't kill each other just to kill? weren't just as disgusting as humans are now? your still learning, growing, adapting. your still evolving, even animals fight wars you know." he admitted. "even monkeys kill just to kill. this is a fact of life." he admitted. "when you evolve beyond it, you will always remember what you where, and why you shouldn't be that way anymore." he admitted, leading the way to his room which looked completely unrecognizable from when Tony had first loaned it out.
the walls where lined with bookshelves, which where filled with books, scrolls, sheets of paper and parchment and odd metal cylinders. what had once been the second bedroom now appeared to be an indoor garden full of strange unearthly plants. the kitchen was half lab and half kitchen, bookshelves lined half the walls, filled with jars of various strange things and there was a cauldron in the middle of it all, while on the other side it was still a modern day kitchen. "don't worry. i'll put it back the way it was when i move out." Loki promised Phil with a smile, gently picking various leaves from strange plants. "now, unfortunately i am going to have to limit how much you use this tea." he admitted. "no more than three times a day. it can become addictive." he admitted. "it has to be made fresh too, the leaves loose their medicinal qualities when they're dried." he admitted, pouring hot water over them, bringing the fresh scent of pine needles, mint, and some sort of flower into the air. "it needs to steep for five minutes, and then you can drink. you can eat the leaves too but they are quite bitter by themselves and it won't really do anything for you." he admitted. the tea itself was faintly sweet, like honey with chamomile and mint tea. at least it wouldn't be hard to choke down.