love is blind (moon/lady)

“Ah.Well.Sometimes it’s easier getting excited over computers. They tend to not upset me to much.”Tony shrugged a little smiling a little as he worked. And indeed, he was carrying a basket of toys as they headed back to the tower.

“Hm, that’s true.”kate looked amused before snickering as she shook her head. “Steve’ll kill you if he ever finds out.” “Yes, but it’d be worth watching him freak out. Not alot tosses steve off step.”Phil snickered a little. “Well, it seems that he thinks you’re a fluff ball.”Kate teased looking at loki. “...Tony, think you got enough stuff?”Phil asked when he saw the two coming back in, eyes widening at the sight of it all.
Steve smiled. "yeah. that's true. although, considering what happened the last time you got annoyed with a computer..." he shook his head. "we almost got a lawsuit over that one." he admitted with a smile, chuckling as he carried everything but the Cat toys.

"oh, he won't kill me. get very frustrated maybe." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "besides, he needs to have a few jokes pulled on him now and then. he's too uptight." Loki complained, smiling when they returned, the kitten in his lap, sleeping while he stroked it ever so gently. "no. he doesn't. i made him stop." Steve admitted with a chuckle, blinking at the bow on the kittens head. "uh..." "it was supposed to be a present." Loki admitted. "but the sly little kitten slipped out while i wasn't looking."
“No.”Tony huffed giving steve that look. “I was told I wasn’t allowed buying everything, so I just chose the best of what I found.”he grumbled before staring at the kitten. “Well, it’s a good thing she’s taking after her namesake then. We have a kitten of mischief and mayhem.”Tony grinned as he scooped up the kitten, cuddling it. Oh yes, it seemed actually being with steve had greatly improved the billionaire’s mood...not to mention that the cat was replaced his obsession with work for the moment, simply because he was swinging through mood swings to fast to really notice.
Steve chuckled a little. "we don't have room in the tower for fifteen Cat trees Tony." he reminded the other with a smile. "and he doesn't need fifteen pounds of Catnip either." he stated. "she." Loki corrected with a smile. "the Kitten is a female." he admitted with a smile before laughing a little at Tony. "yes, i heard you named it Lo-Kitty. i'm honored." he admitted with a bright smile. glad that Tony liked his new pet. "come on Tony. we'll set up her litter box and give her some food in your bedroom. that's probably where she's going to spend the most time. we'll put a litter box and a dish in your labs too." he decided. "that way she can pester you when she wants attention." he teased with a smile.
“...I have a whole tower. I could totally have that many.”Tony huffed sulking at the teasing, before staring at the kitten.”It’s a cute girl.”he muttered before smirking at loki. “Well, she’s a green eyed black haired fluff ball. Sorta like you.”Tony snickered before nodding, stretching. Holding the kitten carefully as he got up. “I’ll have to put in a cat door so she can come and go.”he hummed thinking about it, trying to figure out what he was going to do.
Steve smiled a little. "but half your tower is filled with people who work here, and a third is rented out to the avengers." he pointed out to Tony. "you don't want your kitten hanging out with bad influences like Thor do you? or that creepy kid downstairs whose super smart but doesn't see anything living as worth any kind of effort?" he asked. "no i don't think you want your kitten around him." he admitted. "besides, we have six Cat towers as it is, that should be plenty." he admitted with a smile. "one in Clint and Kate's room. one in Natasha's and James. one in Bruce's. one in your room, one in the lab and one in the living room. that's where she'll be spending most of her time anyway." he admitted. "and Loki probably has better things than plain old Cat towers." "hmm... i forgot, you haven't seen my rooms yet." Loki mused with a smile. "i have a garden in there. she likes to chew on the milk plants." he admitted with a smile. "a cat door is a good idea." Steve agreed with a nod. "come on, lets start unpacking everything." he decided. "we can start assembling the cat towers too while you think of where to put the cat doors."
Tony’s eyes widened comically. “Thor is not a bad influence. He’d totally teach my cat to carry the hammer. Which would be epic. But no, no other bad influences.”Tony said protectively before nodding. “well. Maybe you’re right. That might be enough.”he said smiling slightly. “You do?That’s awesome. What else do you have in your rooms?And is milk plants okay for her?”tony said looking at loki supisciously. “they’re fine. Loki knows how to take care of a kitten.”Kate said amused as she watched tony follow steve out eyes already glazing over, most of his attention dedicated to figuring out the cat door problem. “...we’re never hearing anything else except for that cat and tech...”Kate snickered amused.
Steve chuckled a little. "Tony i don't think the kitten is big enough to heft that thing even if it was a normal hammer." he admitted with a smile. "i don't think it could heft a wrench right now." he admitted. "i'm sure it will be enough, and if it isn't, you can tell me i told you so, and go buy more." he promised. "i have a lot of things in my rooms." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "and Milk Plants are fine for animals. they are called milk plants, because they produce a rich fatty based milk like substance that can be used for nursing animals with no mothers." he admitted. "it can even be used for Aeser babies if the mother hasn't enough milk herself." he admitted. "it's very common, so we also use it a lot for cooking and the like." he admitted. "i'll show you later." he promised with a smile before chuckling when Clint grinned. "how is that any different from usual?" he asked. "at least we'll have a little bit of variety now with him talking about the Kitten." he admitted with a smile. "i'm just glad to see him so happy."
"But it's a magical hammEr. It could be light."tony said with that ridiculous smirk that said he was just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn."good. I'll look forward to the day I can tell you I told you so."he teased steve with a smile."oh. That makes sense."tony said looking thoughtful at the idea of a milk plant."see that seems healthier then our condensed milk really."Kate said sounding thoughtful. "Well. That's true but I'm glad he's happier now. Instead of using the tech b able to hide."kate said leaning in to kiss clint's cheek."you look adorable with a ball of fluff."
Steve chuckled a little. "good point." he agreed, making Loki smirk at Thor who ducked his head and snickered. he knew exactly what kind of prank Loki was going to pull this time. "Tony, you tole me that like, three hours ago." Steve reminded him. "mm, yes. especially since we don't have domesticated milk giving creatures on Asgard." he admitted. "condensed milk?" Loki asked curiously. "what is that?" he asked before smiling. "he is a lot happier." he admitted, happy to have helped. "Thor! i'm borrowing your hammer." he stated calmly, grinning impishly. "i just need to alter it a bit." "what!? no way! leave my hammer alone Loki. "Relax, i just need to make it light for a pure hearted kitten, that's all." "....well... okay. but only if you wear not to do anything else." Loki pouted. "but last time was so much fun." "it wasn't!" "it so was. but fine. i swear it." Loki promised Thor who huffed and nodded, Clint flushing at Kate with a smile. "so we should get our own kids.. i mean, Kittens too right?" he asked, flushing so hard a person aught to have been surprised he hadn't died of bloodloss.
"I did. but that was about which way to go to the pet store. This will be about the cat towers."tony said wisely. "Its..."kate paused thinking about how to explain it."it's milk that's had the water taken out of it so you can store it without it going bad. When you're ready to use it again you just add water. We give it to babies when mothers don't want to nurse."kate said smiling. "...what did he do to your hammer last time?"phil asked looking amused and curious before staring at clint raising a eyebrow."kids? I didn't think you guys had sex yet."he teased. "Kittens. Yes. We should get a kitten."Kaye stuttered a little
Steve rolled his eyes. because he had gone the right way to the pet store, it was Tony who had gotten them lost and Steve who had altered their path, but he would let Tony think he had won. he was cute when he was smug like that. "oh?" Loki pondered that and then. "that's fascinating." he admitted. "but why wouldn't mother want to nurse their babies? if the baby's don't nurse, they don't get key nutrients important to the first month development." he admitted. "people can replicate those nutrients, and place them in the formula." Clint explained. "for humans, sometimes a mother can't give milk for reasons, usually medical or personal." he admitted. "he didn't do anything to my Hammer!!!!" "every time he tried to use it outside of the battlefield, it turned into a halibut." Loki admitted with a grin. "isn't that a type of fish?" "yes." "that's epic." "it was horrible!" Thor whined. "we haven't..." Clint admitted, blushing hard. "it was just a slip of the tongue, i meant Kittens..." he stated firmly.
"It's nearly as good as actual milk,and sometimes easier but it can be hard sometimes to if you run out of condensed milk or can't afford it."Kate said with a shrug Eyes widening."a fish?"she bit her lip patting thor on the shoulder."I'm sorry. That's just mean."she said even if she was trying not to laugh."well. You'd look equally adorable with kids."pgil teased simply because clint and kate blushed so nicely even if the Woman looked upset and confused at the teasing. She wasn't used to people teasing her,she hadn't had alot of friends before coming here so this was something new
Loki blinked a little and then nodded. "so it's for people who can't breast feed, but not everyone can afford it?" "most people should be able to. and those that can't are supposed to get help from the government. not everyone gets that help though." Clint admitted. "yes. a fish. a big one." Loki admitted, grinning very impishly. Clint just blushed harder and glared at Phil, muttering about traitorous Exs and how Phil was getting revenge and muttering about how it had only been the once! "See! Kate's nice!" Thor whined, pouting at her. "everyone else laughs." he complained before smiling at her. "don't worry. he's only teasing. it means he likes you." he assured her.
“Sometimes. It’s complicated, but most people can get it.”Kate smiled a little before shaking her head at the idea of a fish. “That’s just mean.”Kate said scolding loki lightly. Phil snickered a little amused as he glanced at clint, patting him on the shoulder.”It’s okay.”He teased amused at listening to the other’s mutterings. “Oh. Well. That’s good.”Kate said looking relieved at the idea of phil liking her, squirming a little because she wanted to ask about clint, and stuff, but not wanting to do so with the asgardians there.
Loki nodded. "humans as a whole are pretty complicated." he admitted before smiling ever so sweetly. "of course it's mean. i'm his little brother, i'm supposed to be mean... oh, speaking of..." he reached over swift as a bird and plucked a hair from Thor and Clint's heads and then vanished. "AAAH! Loki! Don't you dare!" Thor shrieked. "dare?! dare what!? what is he doing with my hair?! Loki! Loki!!!!!" Clint yelled, racing after Thor, who was running down to Loki's rooms leaving Kate and Phil alone to talk as they pleased.
"Well true."kate laughed a little before wincing as the boys yelped. Curious as to what the other was going to do. The two agents left grinned as they settled in to tlk.

Later kate smiled as she walked through the park,having needed some space because she was nervous she wasn't going to be able to be enough to him, but she was going to try. Tensing at the sound of someone getting close, snarling as someone grabbed her fighting as the hydra agents made off with her. The agents having every intent of forcing the avengers hands. Being blind,not even realizing there was something odd about the supposed hydra agents....that they were actually shield.
"Hey! has anyone seen Kate?" Clint demanded, walking into the living room where everyone was gathered, Loki laying on the floor, floating a feather around with his finger for the kitten to play with. a 'minor application of Magic' as he called it. Clint called it 'wingardium Leviosa.' to which Loki replied 'your terrible at Latin'.

"Hey!" that was a new voice for Kate, though Phil would recognize him. Grant Ward, one of Shield's specialists. "i'm only going to say this once. let the girl go or your all going to die." he demanded. when the hands tightened on her, he shrugged. "have it your way." he was well beyond the petty skills of these grunts, and they where all dead before they could even make a move to threaten Kate's life. "Kate Daniels right?" he asked her, smiling. "i'm going to have to ask you to come with me." he admitted. "it's not safe here."
Tony looked up from where he was installing the catwalk along the ceiling,”Yea. Said she was going to meet Matt for lunch. Since you were still sleeping she hadn’t wanted to interrupt.’Toyn said smiling a little. “I can’t believe you read harry potter, you geek.”Tony teased rolling his eyes a little.

Kate frowned, stilling as she struggled, trying to fight despite the numbers and muscles still locked from getting tazed, the woman was trying to get away. “...”Kate swallowed hard as she turned her head towards the man, hands raised to fight back,stepping back.”Yes....who are you?”She said, looking nervous, trying to relocate her way back to the courthouse, figuring if she could at least get there, even if he wasn’t in costume, matt could offer some backup to whatever was going on.
"...Tony? what are you doing?" Clint asked, looking baffled. "if you fall, i'm telling Steve." he warned before shaking his head. "she must have talked to Phil then." he fidgeted, looking worried now. what if she didn't like it? what if she left? "i love Harry Potter! it's the best series ever!" he complained, sulking even as he worried about if Kate was ever going to look at him again.

"i'm Grant Ward. we worked together on the Jericho mission." he informed her. "we need to get out of here. there's been a small uprising in Shield. Phil asked me to take you in and protect you." he lied. "come on. we're going to a safe-house." he explained. "the Avengers Tower is being attacked by other Shield assholes who want to kidnap you to force the Avengers, and Fury and Phil, to change some of the policies Fury put in place after he found out the doctors who where taking care of you where Hydra." he lied. man he was a dan good liar though, even Matt wouldn't have been able to tell. "a lot of Shield, and a lot of Hydra pretending to be shield, are pissed off. both sides want to kidnap you so they can gain control of the Avengers, as well as control over Fury." he admitted, gently touching her elbow. "we have to get going before their backup arrives."
“I’m putting up a walk way for the cat to climb on.”Tony said as he rolled his eyes, looking down at the iron man boots he was using to balance on air. “I wont fall.”He said before rolling his eyes.”Don’t worry about it. She’s having lunch with matt to try and get him together with pepper. She’ll be home soon.”Phil said as he walked into the room, looking at clint in amusement.

“Oh. Grant.”Kate relaxed as her mind made the connections before looking worried. “We should go back to the tower. Help.”She said looking worried even as she let him lead her towards the safe house, biting her lip.”I should call clint, make sure he knows I’m out of danger.”she said looking worried as she groped for her phone.
Clint blinked a little and then. "okay then..." clearly, Tony was insane. "make sure you don't." he ordered with a chuckle before blinking at Phil. "oh. okay." but that only made him worry more. what if she was going to go back to Matt? what if she didn't want him anymore. "Tony? what are you doing?" "Matt?" Clint asked, surprised, blinking at the man. "yes.. what is it?" "where's Kate!?" "...what do you mean? i haven't seen her." Matt admitted. "...Clint?" "...something is wrong..."

Grant smiled, glad she had relaxed. "we can't. our not skilled enough yet to help and i;m injured." he admitted. "some asshole shot me. i was wearing a vest, but i have broken ribs to contend with, i'll be a hindrance if we get into a fight right now." he admitted. "wait to call him." Grant ordered. "if you call, he'll answer and if he's fighting he'll get distracted and then get hurt. he promised to call as soon as the fight was over. it's nothing too dangerous. just a bunch of pumped up grunts." he huffed. "they won't be able to hurt the Avengers unless they get a lucky shot." he admitted. "he was there when Phil told me to go find you, he knows your safe with me." he promised. "if he doesn't call in a half an hour, we'll call him. if he doesn't answer, we'll go straight to the tower, okay?" he offered her. "for now, we have to get off the streets."
“I wont.”Tony said before nearly falling off the boots when matt walked in, staring at the other. “making a cat walk. And Kate was going to meet up with you for lunch. She didn’t find you?”Tony said even as his eyes unfocused, already working on tapping into NYC’s computers to look for kate.

“Oh.Okay. Well. Did anyone call Daredevil, get him to head over?”She said even as she followed him, before putting her phone away, anxious but following grant. “A half hour then.”She agreed biting her lip as she followed, wincing as the city noises assaulted her, it was nearly to much for her even as she followed him, letting him get her off the streets.
:i told you not to fall!" Clint chastised Tony before frowning at Matt. "no. i didn't know she was going to come for Lunch." Matt said, looking worried now. "you don't think she got mugged?" he asked, worried. "come on, we'll go look the streets for her. she might have simply gotten turned around. the city is still a bit baffling for someone in her current condition." "yeah. let's go. Tony, you'll find her on camera right?" he asked. it was no good though, all the cameras in a five block section where all down, total power outage.

"i think so. Matt right? Tony was calling him using that weird computer person." Grant lied, offering her a smile. "i'm sure everything is going to be okay." he promised. "are you alright?" he asked after a moment. "you look pale... are you ill?" he asked, worried, scooping her up into his arms and heading for the safe house. "just rest. i'll get you there." he promised. soon they where in a small apartment and she was resting on the bed while Grant pretended to call Clint. "hey. yes. i have her. no she's fine, some thugs tried to grab her. i'm not sure who they where, Shield or Hydra. i... what? you can't be serious?!" Grant demanded into the phone, sounding upset. "you can't just decide something like that!" he protested before sighing. "fine. but you have to tell her yourself." he ordered, sounding angry now, handing her the phone. it was Clint's voice, a perfect mimicry that she didn't have the skills to see through yet. "Kate. i'm sorry... i'm just too selfish. stay with Grant. i'm going to be with Phil from now on. i can't leave him. i need him more than i need you. i'm sorry... don't try to contact us again." and with a click the line went dead, leaving only a buzzing end call tone.
“I didn’t mean to!”tony huffed before frowning, looking worried. “You guys go look, I’ll call you if I find her on the cameras.”Tony said but by the time they got there, tony had called to tell them that someone was really, really wrong, the cameras off, and no hint of the woman anywhere.

“Yea.”Kate said relaxing a little, knowing that matt would be able to help more then she could, swallowing hard.”City’s...still loud. I’ve gotten used to things...but it’s much. To many things to try and see.”Kate said resting her head on his chest, pressing her head to his chest, simply listening to the heartbeat, letting it drown everything else out. Frowning as she listened to grant call clint. “What?”Kate said sounding upset as she listened, before taking the phone. “What?Clint?But- I thought...I thought you wanted...”She stopped, stuttering to a stop as she heard the buzzing, eyes wide and tearful.
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