love is blind (moon/lady)

"correct on both counts." Clint admitted with a smile. "it's me and Tony." he agreed. "i like what you've done with the place." he admitted. "Matt's been helping you learn organizational tricks then?" he asked, pleased with how far she was progressing. she was doing so well! "i have indeed." Matt admitted. "she's doing very well for herself." he admitted. "Steve's doing all the heavy lifting before you worry."
“Hey guys.”Kate chirped happily, glad that she’d gotten it right, smiling a little. “Thanks. And he has.He’s very good at this.”Kate said and even if he couldn’t see it, she smiled brightly at the other blind person. Tony choked on his laughter as he realized what was going on, amused before he looked around. “really?” “Yea. An he’s making sure it looks okay together. Trust the artist to know what things look like.”Kate said smiling slightly, slumping down onto the couch with a sigh.
"well of course he is." Clint said, amused. "he lives it." he pointed out, wondering why he was hiding his jealousy. it wasn't like he cared that Matt was more helpful to Kate than he was... because that wasn't it! it wasn't true either! maybe it was.... "well Steve is very good at Colors and stuff." Clint agreed. "i am. not that i need to help much she had a good eye when she bought most of this stuff and the things Tony bought match her colors for the most part." Steve admitted. "i have the bed in place." he informed her. "let me know if it needs to be pushed around a bit." Steve offered before grinning at Clint. "i'm going to leave the heavy lifting to you now. i need to go make dinner lest certain people starve to death."
“Well, that’s true i guess. Better him then you, though. I don’t think there’s a ice cream cone big enough to stop you from sulking if you were blind.”She teased clint a little, tilting her head a little before smiling a little. “I will.”Kate said heading for the bedroom to check it out. “Was that a jab at me?I think that was a jab at me. That’s just mean Captain.”tony huffed making a face at steve. “It’s perfect Steve. Thanks.”Kate smiled a little as she walked back into the living room, doing well even if she was resting a hand on the wall to make sure she got back to the right place.
Clit snorted. "to be perfectly honest, i don't think i could stand being deaf and blind." Clint admitted. "i would like an ice-cream cone though." much like a hormonal girl, Clint tended to eat ice-cream when he was upset. that and chocolate. and Donettes. though, he usually had to fight Phil for them. "it was a jab at you... and me. i'm hungry." Steve admitted. "any opinions for Dinner?" he asked. "Pasta!" Clint chirped suddenly. "and seafood." "Shrimp Scampi?" "delicious." "done." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "i'll make some other things too." he promised, heading out to cook.
“You’d probably go insane.”Kate snickered a little, tilting her head. “I think I have ice cream cone....tony said something about girls needing ice cream around.”Kate rolled her eyes a little. “Ahhh.Pasta.”Tony agreed smirking as he followed after steve. “wait up, I have something for you to.”Tony smiled as he followed the other out, having every intention of leaving clint alone to figure out what he was feeling about matt and kate flirting, having been....spying....on them with jarvis, he new it had been very flirty up there as they arranged her rooms.
"very insane." Clint agreed. "i know there are people who are both deaf and blind but..." "but Archery is your life." Matt agreed. "not everyone can handle what other people can Clint and it takes a brave man to admit that." "uh... thanks?" Clint asked, sounding a bit puzzled. "something for me?" Steve asked, looking surprised, letting Tony trail after him without a fuss. "say. Kate... i was wondering." Matt piped up suddenly. "would you, maybe, feel like getting a cup of Coffee together sometime?" Matt asked her, Clint tensing as he realized Matt was asking Kate out on a date.
“Takes a brave man to know what would break him.”Kate said smiling a little at clint, tilting her head because indeed, she knew just how bad it would be if he was both. “Yes something for you.”Tony grinned as he followed. “Hm?”Kate looked towards Matt as he said her name, ebfore flushing as she realized he was asking her out, biting her lip a little. “I-I would like that.”She said stuttering slightly, nervous about going outside, but willing to do so.
Clint shrugged. "i guess." he admitted before grimacing as he realized Matt was going to take Kate out on a date. well that just sucked. "how about This weekend?" that would give her five days to continue adjusting. "Sunday maybe?" he offered her happily. "i know a nice quiet Cafe that's close by where we could have Coffee and conversation." he offered.

Steve chuckled a little. "well. i suppose i'll have to see what you have before i make Dinner then." he decided. "otherwise you'll whine while i'm cooking." he decided, grinning playfully at Tony.
"This weekend is fine."kate said looking relieved as she realized that she'd have a little more time to adjust to going out. "Quiet and conversation. It seems like the perfect date."she smiled at him even if he couldn't see it. Poor clint having to witness the blind flirting.

"I would not. I could totally behave."tony made a face before holding up a watch, smirking a little."hit the button on the side."he said laughing in delight as indeed the hologram shield sprang to life between them.
Matt beamed at her. "it's a date then." he agreed happily. Clint bit back a sigh. "i'm gonna go help Cap with the food, you guys need anything?" he asked, hoping to god the answer was no. he darted for the kitchen, gathered his triple chocolate Brownie ice-cream and hid i the nest in Tony's lab where no one could bother him.

"you never could before." he teased with a chuckle before blinking at the watch and pressed the button, yelping and dropping it when the shield flared into view, blinking at it. "....okay, that's cool." he admitted, walking around it before flicking things at it, grinning when they bounced off. "okay, really coo..." he paused, blinking when Clint darted in, took a spoon and a tub of ice-cream and vanished. "...Clint's upset...."
“Cool.”kate smiled before shaking her head. “No, I’m good. Thanks Clint.”She said frowning, listening to him go, worried about him.

“I could totally.”Tony huffed before laughing as the other dropped it, rolling his eyes as he looked at the shield on the floor, smirking as it acted much like it’s real version before frowning when he looked up. Sighing he shook his head. “I’m going to guess Murdock finally asked Kate out.”He said rolling his eyes.
Steve shook his head as he watched Clint flee. "if he wasn't so worked up about Phil...." he admitted. "he might have realized he was in love with Kate before Matt asked her out." he admitted. "honestly i'm not sure he even knows why he's upset right now." he admitted. "maybe you should go talk to him? he always responds to you the best." he admitted. "go cuddle him and i'll make his pasta and seafood." Clint's favorite kinds of foods. aside from Ice-cream that is.
“Hm, maybe. I tried telling him, he’s decided he doesn’t like her like that. Between phil and his own guilt over her condition...”Tony shrugged a little before shaking his head. ‘he probably has no idea why he’s upset.”He agreed before nodding, “Come down to the lab when it’s done. You can join us for the snuggling and eating.”Toyn smiled a little as headed downstairs, climbing up into the nest as he collapsed onto the couch with a smile. “Share?”
Steve sighed a little. "he really needs some help." he admitted softly. "problem is i don't know if we can help him." he admitted with a sigh. "sure." Steve agreed, not sure he wanted to go watch Tony snuggling someone else, but willing to do it. Clint was huddled up on his favorite couch wrapped up i his favorite comforter and glanced at Tony when he slid up the ladder and snuggled deeper into his mound, as if hiding, though he did offer Tony the Ice-cream and spoon, so he wasn't that upset. well he was, but he wasn't so upset he'd take it out on someone else.
“He does, but I don’t know if anyone but kate could help him.”Tony muttered smiling slightly as he went up to the nest. Rolling his eyes a little as he looked at the other, poking the archer before tugging the comforter up enough to climb under with him. Starting to eat his ice cream he smirked a little. “So. Do you want to talk about it?”
"that's true, but he won't want her help when she's the reason he's upset, even if he doesn't know it. and he won't want to upset her when she's finally recovering either." Steve admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head.

" go away." Clint mumbled, though he made absolutely no effort to stop Tony from settling into the comforter with him. "no... yes... i don't know." he grumbled. "i'm too broken, i don't even know what the hell is wrong with me." he complained, snuggling with Tony and opening his mouth for the scoop of Ice-cream on the spoon. he knew Tony would give it to him, this wasn't the first time they'd been in this position. it was what he did anytime he was upset.
“Yea, it’s a mess.”Tony agreed.

“No.”Tony said smirking a little as he settled in, sighing quietly as he ate, glancing over at the other. “Murdock asked Kate out didn’t he?”he asked eyeing the other, wondering if he could slowly work the other around to dealing with the guilt, loss and his developing feelings. “Cap’s making dinner.”he muttered as he fed the other.
he nodded. "why am i so upset Tony?" he asked. "i should be glad she's found someone who can take care of her. she doesn't deserve to be saddled with a monster like me." he mumbled. "Matt can help her better than i can...." he admitted, snuggling deeper into the other. "i don't want Dinner..." he muttered, looking up at the other. "Tony? will you fuck me? i miss being intimate.. i know your in love with Steve, and i won't hold you down with a relationship when i'm pretty sure he's going to balls up and ask you out on a date sooner or later... but... just once... please?"
“Because logic has nothing to do with liking her. If it did, I would totally convince myself not to be in love with the good captain.”Tony muttered, not even really aware he’d just said love instead of like. “Matt is a good guy, but better?Not sure.”Tony muttered smiling quietly as teh other snuggled into him. “I will.”He muttered leaning down to kiss the other slowly, before leaning back, studying him.”Are you sure?I mean, we did just have that conversation about not...”He muttered gently stroking the other’s hair, forgetting that steve was probably on his way up with dinner, simply going to seduce the other, enjoy seeing him, making the other happy.”if you’re sure, then yes.”
he snorted. "i don't like her... i can't. i'm unlovable you know." Clint said softly. "everyone who loves me dies." he whispered, nuzzling Tony's shoulder. "he is better than me. i bet he'd never turn against his own lover because someone poked him with a stick." he mumbled, hating himself even more than ever. he kissed Tony back, leaning into it, desperate for human affection. "i need it." he whispered, tears pulling into his eyes. "i have to move on. it's just sex right? i can have sex..." he mumbled, kissing Tony again, fingers searching out, and then undoing Tony's pants, seeking out the others length. too desperate to care that after this he and Tony weren't going to be better. maybe they wouldn't be worse, but it would probably be a spot of regret for the both of them once they came to their senses.
“...You’re one of the most lovable person I know. If anyone’s unlovable, it’s me. I’m obsessive and insane and damn near got everyone killed on a regular basis.”He moaned softly, sighing as he leaned down to kiss the other, nuzzling him a little, before his hips jerked up a little as the other’s touch, whining a little as his own hands tugged at clint’s clothes, getting them both naked even as he rearranged them both to lay down on the couch, smirking at the other as he kissed him again.”Top or bottom?”He said perfectly content to be whatever clint needed.
Clint huffed a little. "you haven't gotten anyone killed." he mumbled, shaking his head before grinning when the other moaned, distracted, kissing him again to keep him silent. he didn't want to pla 'whose the better killer' right now. "god... Tony." he moaned, helping him strip, pupils blown wide with lust. "bottom." he gasped, stroking Tony's chest and nipples, wriggling so he could lay on his back and watch Tony work him open. "i want you inside me, Tony. i want you to make me feel it for days!" he never heard Steve gasp and then leave. he wasn't sure he could care even if he had.
“Oh yea,I’m a god.”Tony smirked grinning as the other stroked his chest, laughing as the other laid down, shifting to get some lube, he was tony, he didn’t go anywhere without having some stashed everywhere, sliding his fingers into the other, he groaned, not even aware of steve arriving an leaving as he worked the other open, his fingers quickly followed by his cock, shuddering as he fucked the other into the couch. Despite wanting him, the fact that he’d hurt steve was going to make him regret this.....but at the moment nothing mattered except making clint forget everything.
Clint blinked when Tony came up with Lube and offered the other a raised eyebrow, clearly asking 'why the hell did you hide Lube here? have you been having sex with people up here that are not me?' he was surprisingly territorial of his space. even Tony wasn't allowed up there for the first few weeks. he forgot his worry that some woman had been in his nest when Tony's fingers slid inside him, crying out and moaning, forgetting everything but the pleasure. pleasure he hadn't felt since before Phil died. pleasure he had missed so very much. "Tony! Tony! Tony!" he moaned, arching as he came, hard, his back bowing, head slamming back, trembling because the pleasure nearly made him pass out. "good. so good! don't stop! please don't stop." he moaned.
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