The faces of Mr. Smith (Anzekoni x VioletRose)

Bossy! She thought but obeyed. As he reached in and unbuckled her his scent once again stirred her nerves. His command echoed within her. Obeying once again she took his hand as he pulled her to the elevator. Abigail had not realized she had held her breath, her eyes staring down at his hand on hers. As the exited the elevator she gasped.

Gasped for air, and because it was like a museum. It was extravagant. The windows looking over the city, the fireplace. Marble flooring. She could not find her voice to speak. It was amazement as her eyes danced over everything. "Extravagant indeed." She muttered. Her mind returned to her, and her reasoning for being her. "Now enlighten me on what it is you have stated numerous times you wanted to." She stated still in shock that their hands were stil tangled together.
"Come," he pulls her to the couch. He then produces a document "you'll need to sign this NDA before we continue." He spoke in a careful tone. "This document states that what happens between us, stats between us. Both my lawyer and myself decided this is the best route to take." He spoke whilst looking at her trying to gauge he reaction.
Abigail looked over the paper. This basically stated she could not talk to anyone about them, the things they did and so forth. Abigail was confused. "I believe I signed one of these when I took the internship Mr.Smith." She said in a cocky tone but nodded. "Where's the pen?" She questioned deciding to give in to her inner self.
"You did, but that involved the company. This involves our relationship." He produced a pen from his pocket and handed to her. He watched as she signed her name." Abigail if you have any questions feel free to ask. you've signed your NDA so I'll answer any questions now"
"Our relationship?" She questioned a little to high pitched. "Was not aware we had one on a personal level." She stated. Signing the paper she looked at it, her inner self screaming to hand it over. Handing him the paper she walked over towards the ceiling to floor windows. Looking out over the landscape of buildings and lights. "What is it you have to show me?" She questioned, watching his reflection in the window.
"Before that remember that there's a car waiting to take your any where you wish should you decide to leave at any moment." He glanced at her starting at him from the window. "I want to show you my playroom Abigail." He got up and grabbed her hand and led her down a corridor. The stopped in front of red door and Dwight produced a key from his pocket and placed it in the lock. "Are you sure Abigail, you can still run for the hills" he spoke.
Abigail rolled her eyes, "So you keep reminding me." She muttered softly. As he stood, taking her hand she followed him. Play room? she thought. "Let me guess, a pool table, air hockey, possible a chess table." She responded to him. As he pulled out the key, she body stiffened. Why lock a room like that. "Enlighten me." She said speaking lightly, all nerves stirring inside of her.
He unlocked and pushed open the door. Inside everything was bathed in a light purple glow. He stiffened and let her browse through his room. She walked to the wall with the cross brace, he heard her gasp and he stiffened even more. She traced her hand over a flogger made from leather strips and had feathers attached to the end. He found his voice and spoke to her. "That's called a flogger, it's used to whip or smack an area of the body, the feathers are meant to tickle and increase pleasure within the body." He said in a hushed tone.
Abigail watched as the door opened. Walking inside she felt as if she in the Victorian age perhaps. Her eyes wander as her mind panics. Her eyes glance at him, seeing him stand there stiff as his eyes watch her. Whips, crops, long thin wooden poles hung on a wall. Chests with draws placed in random spots. Walking farther into the room her mind wanders on what most items were used for, or even names. A paddle like thing lay on a leather surface. Her fingers trail over it slowly, glancing up at him for an explanation.

Listening to his response, she moved on towards the couch and bed. Linens piled at the end. Her hands trailing over the purple leather. The room smelled as leather and citrus, most likely something used to clean with. "I don't know what I am soposed to say." She finally found the courage to speak. Her inner self was bouncing in delight and enjoyment.
"Say anything," he pleaded "how does ask this make you feel?" He remained stiff, his words soft. He could feel her running any minute now. "This is what I do." He spoke again." She was still looking around the room taking it all in. Every time she stopped he tensed up wait for her to turn and look at him with disgust.
"Anything." She repeated. She continued to look around. Her hands touching different things. Everytime she would glance up at him it seemed as if he was scared. "I don't know what to say, this..." She trailed for a moment. "Is certainly mind shattering." She murmered. Biting her lip she looked up, brows arching at the mechanics hanging down. Closing her eyes she took a deep breath. "I need a drink."
"I'll go grab a bottle of wine, wait here." He left to go get the bottle and started looking around for the bottle opener. "Dammit, where did she out the thing?" He asked himself. He kept looking and finally found it. He grabbed two glasses and filled then halfway. He listened, still not hearing anything. He began his trip back to the room. When Dwight reached the playroom, he noticed Abigail had gotten curious.
Watching him leave, she turns and looks around. The cross catches her eye as she walks closer. Her hand trailing it. Restraints as both ends, curiously her fingers mess with one of the restraints. Wandering away she stops at a chest, slowly she opens one then another. Zip ties, clamps, rope... Hearing his foot steps as he returns. Her face flushed red as closed the drawers. "You do this to people or they do it to you?" She questioned as she stood there.
He looked at her going red in the face. He grabbed her her wine and took a sip. "I do it to them." He finally responded. He took another sip. "Does that bother you Abigail?" He asked with a serious look on his face.
Abigail took a sip of her wine. "If there are others that you have done this to...." She stopped for a moment. "Why me?" She questioned. Sipping once again. Her body trembled at the thought of herself being in here..."Your a sadist." She spat out with out thinking. Her inner self pursed her lips and shook her head. Abigail was frightened what this room had seen.
"There have been 5 other people I've done this with, all willing participants. As for 'why you' because I want to do this with you very, very much." He tensed at her 'sadist' comment. His blue eyes became intense and he corrected her "I'm a dominant Ms.Trent" he spoke in a guarded tone. He looked at her watching how her face changed with her thinking.
Abigail was shocked, there had actually been willing participants. His eyes changed from a soft blue to a stormy color. Abigail held her breath slightly, he was frightening. "I don't think I am the right person your looking for... For this." She waved her hand. Finishing her wine she looked around. This was intriguing but, to allow a man to do this. "Your a dominate?" She thought a moment remembering the deffinition. "So you control every aspect of their life." She stated. "You imprison them basically." She shook her head in disbelief and walked towards the door. "I can't stay in here." She stated, this was a lot to think about.
"Yes, I'm a dominant. Yes I like controlling you. Yes I want your obedience. No, I do not imprison you. You're free to live your life within the contract guidelines to guarantee your overall safety" he spoke very carefully. He walked after her and grabbed her arm as she exited. "Wait." He spoke sternly. He locked the door and led her back to the couch in the living room.

"Have you eaten today Abigail?" He asked as the sat down. She was visible shaken and hee tried to comfort her by taking her hand be she jerked it away. He looked down at his shoes. He knew what was coming and wanted her to get it over with.
His last statment pushed her over the edge. A contract, guidelines, jeez.. Looking at his had as he grabbed her arm. Waiting as locked the door, walking back to the couch she sunk down into it. Pulling her hands away she shook her head.

"A small meal this afternoon, but after all that I just saw I don't have an appetite." She sat quiet for a few minutes. Her eyes looking at her hands, slowly her gazed move towards his eyes in which were gazing at her. "What guidelines do these women follow?"
He produced a document and gave it to her and asked her to read. "This is the contract with all the information in it." He listened as she read certain parts aloud. "Obedience, the sub will obey the dom at any given moment. This includes all commands that he sees fit to have his sub to partake in. This rule is in effect until the sub speaks her safeword." He heard her say the last word as if it were a question. "A safeword is a predetermined word set by you. When you speak it I will immediately stop what I'm doing and the session is over until we determine what the problem is. I like having two words in effect, the first will tell me you're close to your limit, the second tells me to stop.

"I'm not here too hurt you Abigail, I'm here for pleasure. Both yours and mind, but in this instance my pleasure is my focus." He spoke and she nodded. She began reading another passage, " Personal being, the sub will not enter any relationship whilst participating with the dom. She will refrain from excessive drinking, smoking, recreational drug use, or put herself in any unnecessary danger. The sub will exercise personal hygiene with regular waxing and/or shaving. The dom will provide regular trips to salons to maintain the subs hygiene. The sub will also be given a clothing budget to allow a wardrobe depicted by the dom." She looked at him.

"All that is pretty self explanatory" he spoke still looking at her.
Abigail read the pages, then asked as she went. Getting to the hygiene part made her smirk a little. Waxing would not be needed, she had the part covered. "So as far as I can tell your paying for women who allow you to beat them." She stated with out looking up, she continued turning pages stopping at a page that listed hard and soft limits. Reading over them her eyes widened. Knowing what some where and what others were not she closed the packet and set it down between them.

"I'm not an experienced submissive as you call it. Amongst other reasons, I do not think I'm the person your looking for."
"First off, I'm not paying you for anything. As a dom it's my job to make sure you're well groomed and then care of. Secondly I don't beat you, I punish you if you deserve it. Your job as a sub is to pleasure me how I see fit. If you break my rules you get punished. That doesn't mean I beat you. I don't leave scars and any marks will be gone the next day." He spoke and as he did his eyes started to lower. "What experience do you have Ms.Trent?"
Abigail glanced over the couch towards the widows. Taking a deep breath she looked back at him "None." She replied her hands twisting in her lap. Now this was not what she had expected for this evening. "Besides the kiss in my door step." She finished her eyes lowered to her lap watching her hands while biting her lower lip.
He listened to her words and then it hit him. "Why the fuck did you not tell me Abigail?" He got up and ran his fingers through his hair. "Dammit Abigail, I showed you ask that stuff. Jesus fuck." He kept pacing. He walked up to her and say beside her. "Do you want to go home" he asked looking at her face. He couldn't believe how much he had corrupted her already.
"It was not brought up, and I don't make a habit of letting everyone know my sex life." She stated her hands knitting in her lap. Her lower lip caught in her teeth as she watched him pace, the sight of his hands running through his hair frantically. "Do you want me to leave?" She questioned. She was confused at what was happening. Why would being a virgin be a bad thing? She questioned herself.
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