The faces of Mr. Smith (Anzekoni x VioletRose)

Abiail could sense the strain in his voice as he spoke of his family. A reson unknown to her, but she allowed the change of subject. "School does not allow me the time for a steady commitment. Adding on the time spent for my internship and my schedual is full." She shook her head. "I hardly have time for friends these days." She picked at her food, not really hungry she moved it around her plate.

Finishing off her glass of wine, she crossed her legs. Realizng he had once again moved the subject onto her. "Mr.Smith, do tell me...Why at such a young age would you want the responsibility of running your own company?"
" Don't pay with your food Ms.Trent." He spoke sternly. "As for why I run my company, I don't know, as a young child I wanted to be successful and I believe that through hard work anything is possible. And with it comes that responsibility, a power if you will. And with that I run this company." He spoke nonchalantly. "Are you saying you don't prefer the company of some one significant our you simply don't have time Ms.Trent?"

He loved the way she responded, he reached out and caressed her hand ever so slightly "or is there another reason perhaps?" He retracted his hand when he felt her jolt, smiling at her.
Abigail slid her plate away slightly. She would not be forced to eat when she was not hungry. "Well, I am not saying I dont have time, or that I would prefer the company of a male over work." she rested her arm on the table. "I enjoy being busy, if I continue to work hard, Ill eventually beable to settle and be happy, instead of in debt and suffering." she stated.

Abigails hand jerked as he caressed it. Pulling it from the table and resting it on her lap she arched a brow, ignoring the fact that her heart was pounding at a fast rate. Shifting her eyes from her hand back to him. "What other reason could there be Mr.Smith?"
"You shouldn't waste your meal Ms.Trent, there are kids starving somewhere." He spoke is a rougher tone than he planned. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to speak like that to you, " his eyes dropped "it's a touchy subject for me."

He peered up to see her looking at him. " By the way you just jerked back, there's the passivity that you're not exactly attracted to my type." He spoke softly now, afraid that he'd angered her. "What do you do for fun Ms.Trent? You seem as if you'd have interesting hobbies." He said in the same tone
His harsh tone surprised her, reluctantly she started to eat the chicken parm she had ordered. Sitting silently for a few minutes, she almost choked trying not to laugh. "Your type?" she questioned. You have no idea Mr. is I who is not your type she thought inwardly to her self. A smile appeared across her lips as she sipped her water. Abigail was now amused. "Im not sure what your type is." her eyes twinkled slightly. "Perhaps a deffenition would clear things up." she said deciding to play his game.

After clearing her plate she sat back. She had just wat twice the amount of food she would normally have eaten in a week. Always eating on the go, caused a decrease in appetite. "I prefer my studies over anything Mr.Smith, or reading books." she stated. Abigail was a boring girl, she had only recentlt started going to The Tavern with her dearest friend Serenity inorder to please her party habits. "Like I stated before, there is nothing to me."
He saw her tension begin to drain. He was glad, he wanted things from her, but her anger was not one. "You're very reserved Ms.Trent, I like that. I can respect it." He said, his voice picking back up "As for my type, will I'm a particular man with very particular taste as I've already said. But as an example, if I may be so bold, you would be my type Abigail."

"But if we're on this subject Ms.Trent," he smiled his playful smile "what's your type?" He saw her stiffen at his question. He suppressed his chuckle and managed to look puzzled.
Abigail was in shock. She was his type? Doubtful Her eyes watched him. That smile he kept giving her, she wished that he would just stop that. "I do not have a type really." She shrugged, "I haven't given it much thought." She replied, clearing her throat. His question causing her to shift, she hated the spotlight yet here he was setting her dead center of it.
" Everyone has a type Ms.Trent." As he spoke he pushed his paste aside finished. "Would you care for another glass Ms.Trent? Or would that be pushing your limit?" He teased her playfully. He looked at her saying nothing, taking in her sight. Even when she wasn't trying to be she was beautiful.

And I believe I forgot to mention earlier, if this at any time get uncomfortable you have to tell me okay?" He doubted he had actually done so, but anything was possible. Running her of was the last thing on his list. "But if we are to continue there are things you must understand." His voice became serious and his eyes locked with hers. "I am not you're typical man, as I said I'm particular with particular interest." He protested himself for a final tone to allow her to absorb his words.
Smiling she shook her head. "I think I will stick to the water." She finally took a good look at him for the first time today. He was dressed so Buisness like, even though he was out of the office. Biting her lower lip she took a small drink from her water glass, the ice clinked against the sides as it moved.

"Well, you never mentioned that, and if having a meal with you boss is not uncomfortable I'm not sure what exactly is defined as uncomfortable." Besides the sensation your touch has on me, or your mysterious eyes... her throughts were interrupted. "You have shown your not a typical man a few times Mr.Smith." She replied while trying to read between the lines. Of course he is not typical, far from it. He obviously does not realize what he is doing to me, even though he is sitting on the opposite side of the table.
"Fair enough, but I'd rather you didn't think of me as your boss, because I'm not thinking of you add my employee. I asked you out as a regular person." He spoke in a careful voice. "But all you have to say is you want to go home and I'll end whatever we're doing." He gauged her reaction when he said this. " But whatever you decide i need you to stop biting your lips."He spoke in a voice that mimicked a groan.

"As you can see, I'm a man who knows what he wants, and I go after what I want. Ever since we meet, there's one thing I want. Cab you take a guess at what that might be?" He wanted her to acknowledge that he wanted her, but if she had any reservation about him, he'd rather she end the date now. He watched her start considering his words. He loved how her brows furrowed and he saw her blush.
As he spoke her heart stopped, he had asked her out as a person who wasn't working for him. Once again as he spoke she began to bite her lower lip, she had always done that if she was nervous or in deep though. At this moment in time it was both.

"I'm sure I probably could, but I can not seem to figure out why you would be wanting me." She twisted her hands in her lap. "I'm sure there are dozens more girls out there that you could be chasing after." Taking the wine bottle she poured more into her glass. Taking a sip she slowly licked the left over from her lower lip without realizing it. Realizing he had noticed her cheeks reddened.
"I don't chase Abigail, I hunt." He said with a voice radiating dominance. " If you bite that lip again I'll bite it. As for those other girls as you so put it, they have nothing that interest me." He sipped his wine.

He noticed her lick her lips and a pang of lust flowed through him. He shivered slightly at a thought of his, and then regained his composure. "But why do you think it is I asked you out? If I picked you over the 'other' girls, why would that be?" He quizzed, curious of her answer.
Quickly releasing her lower lip her heart raced. Adjusting her legs once again, crossing the left over the right. Her insides burned, a sensation that she could not get a grip on. Sipping her wine, she had tensed up again, but she was intrigued.

"There could be many reasons Mr.Smirh, non of which come to mind." She she stated. In a lower almost whisper state she voiced her thoughts aloud. "Enlighten me Mr.Smith." Once the words were out, she wished she had not said them. Her body trembled as she waited to hear what his answer might be.
"For starters there's your beauty. I've always been attracted to a woman's eyes and yours are like two pools of liquids emerald." He spoke with tenderness yet managed to keep his voice strong. Her body started to give of a slight tremor, "Am I making you uncomfortable Ms.Trent?"

It was starting to rain outside and Dwight never liked driving in the rain. "Ms.Trent we can either have this night end one of two ways. The outcome is purely up to you since you're the one massively involved. After tonight I'd love to see you again, so that's option one. Option two is you think I'm a creepy boss and therefore you'd rather us keep this professional. I'd prefer the latter, but as I said it's your choice. This rain is predicted to pick up quite heavily tonight so I want to get you home soon."

He got up and grabbed his coat and skid it on. He went around to Abigail's chair and reached for her coat to help her into in, but ask he could think about was taking note than that coat off of her.
Abigail could hear her friend Serenity mocking her inside her head. Shaking the thought her cheeks flushed as her eyes went from looking upon him to looking at her hands once more. His worlds echoed through her ears and lingered. "No Mr.Smith you are not, it's rather cold in here." She stated, glad he didn't question her further.

It could go either way, yet here he is contradicting his words. "Well Mr.Smith you are a confusing man." She stated with a smile as she stood, allowing him to help her into her coat. Stiffening under the slight touch of her thumbs against her shoulders. "Shall we?" She questioned as she turned, realizing he had not moved back yet. Standing inches aart her breath cought in her throat. Her eyes searching his for answers she didn't have questions for.
They were inches apart, he breath smelled of cinnamon and her meal. He caught her eyes looking for something, but what? He ran his hand across her cheek in a caressing way. "You know Ms.Trent, you're even more beautiful up close. Sitting at that distance all night has been Damn near unbearable." He spoke softly. Starting back he moved a little closer, leaning his head to her and looking at her with eyes of lust. He was surprised he was controlling himself tonight.

"No," he mumbled, " I can't touch her right now. Not until I have her written consent." He finished. With that he straightened his back and regained his composure. "This night had been rather surprising Ms.Trent, but I do how to see you again." He spoke in a half ass attempt at a normal voice.
Abigail didn't not move as he leaned closer. Her heart raced beneath her chest as his forehead leaned against hers. Her eyes continued to search for answers she hadn't a question for. There was nothing, just hooded eyes that were filled with lust for me? she was unable to react.

His sudden move away. His words Written Consent? what is he talking about? She adjusted her coat as her eyes dropped. She was confused, she needed Serenity, she would know what was going on. Abigails inner self pouted as he stepped away, "Shall we?" She questioned finally regaining herself motioning towards the door where just phtside it had began to pour.
The night had darkened and the sky was cloudy enough to block out the moon. As Dwight called for Steven they waited inside the room. Dwight could see the questions in the way she looked at him. He must have confused her. He listened to the rain slamming into the ground and the he heard a honk. "Stevens her Ms.Trent." He spoke as he grabbed her hand. He pulled her to the car and Steven met him at the door with a large umbrella. "Good evening Mr.Smith" he gave Abigail a polite nod.

He pulled her close as they walked to the car and got in.He relayed that they were going to drop Abigail off at her house and then they would be heading home. "I'm sorry Abigail, if I confused you. There's a side to me that you don't know. I'm not a heart's and romance man. I have very singular taste." He spoke and as he spoke he couldn't meet her eyes. "I'll have to show you, and then you can make your decision. What's your schedule over the next few days?" He asked finally looking at her find her starting at him.
Abigail stood waiting, as they walked out the brisk coldness as the rain hit her before the umbrella appeared made her smile a small laugh escaping her lips. Sliding into the car she adjusted her skirt. Glancing around she felt uncomfortable, but in a good way. No man has affected her the way he has done since their first meeting. Thankful for the darkness in the backseat her eyes drifted his way.

As he spoke her stomach dropped. A singular taste? She was intrigued but frightened. Her head spin in so many possibilities.... Mafia, gang, gay? realizing he was now looking at her staring at him her eyes jolted to looking out the window near him. "Classes, I can email you my schedual for I am afraid it's going to barge into work hours with exams coming up." She replied coldly. Why had she changed her tone, it felt strange, but sitting in the darkness aloud her the security to hold her own.
Her words bit into him and he looked away. "When can you get away Abigail? I'd rather not drag this out just to have you run for hills on me." A smile danced at his lips, but he dared not show it."I tried to resist it but as you can see it wasn't very successful." He spoke in a softer voice. The night was darkening even more and the rain was coming down harder.

He saw that they were getting closer to her home when he began to recognize the area. He realized their tone ed coming to a close against his will. He had to see her again.
Now it was back to Abigail, her anger rose. Was it the switch of his tone, was it the switch fro casual to buisness like. Taking a deep breath as the car came to a stop. "When Serenity arrived home I'll borrow her laptop and email you my schedual. I am sure we can find a neutral time." A neutral time for him to show me... But how mecwhat? She questioned herself. As Steven came around and opened the door she slid out. "No need for the umbrella, I enjoy the rain." She stated. Looking back into the car. "Thank you for the meal Mr.Smith, I'll be in touch." She started for her door.

The rain felt amazing. It's cold pings against her face made her smile and giggle lightly as she unlocked her door. Stepping in she turned and watched the car drive away. Closing it she sighed. "What is it about him?" She questioned herself.
"Steven, keep the car running." The rain was coming down with the force of thunder now. He sprinted to her door and knocks as hard as he could. Abigail opened the door with a surprised look on her face. " Mr.Smith what a-"she began. "Fuck the paperwork." And with that he pulled her into him and he kissed her with an intense ferocity. He pulled her hair so her head would toolkit back and felt her moan. He used that opportunity to let his tongue explore hers. He let hers dance with his as
He held her chin with his fingers, he didn't want her moving around as her tasted her.

Every part of his body was like live write that had just been set off. He became lost in the moment, and want aware of someone standing behind her until they cleared their throat. With that her pulled away, but before he faced the stranger in the back he whispered "You. Taste. Amazing."

With his kiss so rudely interrupted her turned and faced the stranger behind them. He assumed it must be serenity, Abigail's roommate.
Abigail was removing her heels, dropping them listening to the echo on the hardwood floor as the knock could be heard. It was more of a pounding, slowly she opened the door "Mr. Smith what-" she was cut off as his lips met hers. Her body against his, her inner self jump with joy. Abigails hands twisted around his neck as if to sturdy herself. Their tongues danced a fast paced number.

The rain pouring down on them, her head had gone błank as he tugged on her hair. Moaning into the kiss her body trembled beneath his touch as her nerves sprang to life. The sound of throat clearing broke the spell. Curse you Serebity Curse you. she screamed silently within. A smile creaked across her lips as her whispered.

Serenity arched her brow, "Abbi, I didn't realize you had company." She stated quiet enthused at both of their reactions. "Serenity, the is Mr.Smith" she said once she had manifested her voice. Serenity grinned. "The over bearing, control freak hottie" she shook her head and started for the open door. Abigail shoved her as she walked by giving her a 'What the fuck' look. Returning her attention to him, "Why?" She questioned him, hardly audible.
"Is that how the lovely Ms.Trent refers to me? Well, I can't days she's wrong." He smiled Abigail trying to convert his sense of carelessness over it. "Although Serenity, I wouldn't say control freak. It's true I like to exercise control over all things I do, but it has led me to a life of fulfillment." He gave a polite smile to Serenity, but as quickly as his eyes left Abigail for that brief moment, they were back on her.

He heard her question and started to think. "I don't know, this is what you've done to me. I told you, I've tried to stay away but you just won't let me. Are you familiar with the ancient Greek mythology? There was a creature called the siren and she sung in the middle of the ocean luring sailors to their doom. She sung a song that resonated within then and made then willing to die for her. This is where the mermaids myth comes from, but right now your singing my song." That's the best way I can put it." He spoke running his thumb across her cheek.

"Serenity it's been a pleasure meeting you,"he spoke without leaving Abigail's eyes "and Abigail, it's been an honor dining with you tonight. I hope to do it again soon." He leaned in and kissed her once and whispered "this won't happen again, but unless it's premeditated." With that he left and returned to his car and had Steven drive him home.
Serenity looked at him. "Well it shows I will say," Abigail felt as if she was melting. Serenity did not take anything from anyone, she could meet snarky comments with her own all day. She nodded as dissapeared into the apartment. Abigail felt his finger graze across her lower lip. Biting her lower lip as he does.

"Interesting." Was all she could manage, her body was flustered with a mix of enjoyment and confusion. As his lips met hers again she quivered. His words left her speechless and intimidated. Watching the car pull away she sighed knowing Serenity was going to grill her. It wasn't long when the questioned began, Abigail stood undressing.

"Serenity, I don't know what is going on. He is a confusing man, intriguing but confusing." She collapsed on her bed. Her fingers delicately traced her lips where his had just been. Premeditated?? she thought. He was confusing. After emailing him she sat on her bed trying to focus on studying.

Subject: Enjoyable

Tonight was very enjoyable. Thank you for the meal, don't thnk I'll be able to eat for days. As promised here is the schedual.
Monday-class until 7
Tuesday- same
Wednesday- girls night in/out
Thursday-Friday normal days
Saturday- cramming for tests, dreadful
Sunday-cramming for tests, dreadful

Abigail Trent
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