The faces of Mr. Smith (Anzekoni x VioletRose)

"We won't be taking your car Ms.Trent," he spoke slightly timid "Steven will be taking us. Speaking of.." his voice trailed of as he pick up his phone and pressed a button. "Yes, Steven bring the car around." He hung up and told Abigail that the cat would be there in five minutes. When the car cane around Dwight recognized the blue color of his 2016 Chevrolet corvette. He liked the this one looked. Nice and and sleek, and it had quite a bit of room for a sports car. He noticed Abigail staring and gave her a wink, "what's the point of being rich if not for the women and the cars" he laughed. "Ready Ms.Trent?"
"I was not assuming we were, but I will need to get it." She stated. Closing her door behind her and locking it she followed him outside. As the blue Chevy Corvette pulled around her jaw dropped. They had not even released but a handful. "The point of being rich is to show how sucessful you are, but not to flaunt it." She nodded as a man whom was probably Stwve stepped out and opened their door. "Sir, Ma'am." He nodded with a stirn but friendly smile.
Steven will handle your vehicle, it'll be here when you get back, now of we go." He said with a smile as they drive he spoke with Steven about his wife and kid, and about the security issues. Dwight dropped his voice just barely above a whisper, "Any Leads?" He cast a sideways glance to Steven." No sir, sorry." Steven mimicked his hushed tone without removing his eyes from the road. "Dammit" Dwight breathed. "Ms.Trent, how would you like to join me for lunch after this?"
Abigail sat quietly as the spoke. Her fingers clicking away on her phone as she texted her friends trying to figure out what had happened. As her fingers clicked away, she over heard "Secuirty Issues." Without intruding in the conversation, she sat back. Her phone buzzed as she set it on silent/vibrate mode. "Thanks for the offer Mr.Smith, but I had serious amounts of class work to catch up on."
"Are you sure Abigail? I'd love to entertain you this evening." He spoke in a very calm and precise tone to mask his anger with the perpetrator who broke into his building. "I know a wonderful place we can go, and after that I can drop you off anywhere you want."
Abigail could not resist this man for reasons unknown to her. Even though her school work was piling up, she knew she had to get started but her voice defied her. "I can not see why I can't spare a few hours." She smiled. Mentally kicking herself in the ass. The Advil had started taking affect and the headache was slowly being relieved. "What's this place called?" She questioned referring to the one he had mentioned.
"Le cygne noir" Dwight spoke trying to hide his joy. "It's a French restaurant. The title means "The Black Swan" in English." He chucked to himself, knowing she wouldn't argee if she knew what he had planned for them. He was going to show her why he loved being rich and resourceful.

"Are you ready Ms.Trent? Once we get him here, sick to me, and don't leave my side. You won't need any thing but that beautiful body Ms.Trent all you can leave your belongings with Steven." He spoke to her as he locked eyes with her. "Oh and Steven, retrieve her care and leave it at her home for me. Be back here in two hours. You can go grab something to eat if you want." Dwight gave him two hundred dollar bills and got out of the car. "Ready Ms.Trent?" He had dropped his voice to a very sexy and mysterious voice.
Having heard of the place she nodded. Abigail could never imagine being able to afford a dinner at that place. Checking her phone once more, she slid it into her purse. Leaving her things in his car was not something she really wanted to do. Then again, he was her boss and she could not chance losing her position over a silly bag.

Stepping out of the car,she smirked. "I'm not the one getting my photo taken Mr.Smith. You are." She followed him inside, impressed by the amount of photographers and people running around frantically as if they were expecting a king or someone in that nature. "What is this photoshoot for again?" She questioned.
"Oh but you are Ms.Trent. I Todd you I needed a beautiful woman beside me today. It wasn't just for show he winked." As he walked he put his hand on Abigail's back and piled her a bit closer. "It's hard to get a photo taken if you're so far away."He spoke under his breath to her.

"I'm a guy who owns one of the most successful industries on this planet, I'm in my mid twenties and single. To the press, that makes me an interesting man. The fact that they know so little about me adds to the craze." He responded to her question. He poked her to the right and said "smile Trent" as the photographer took their picture.

After an hour and a half of having cameras in his face he leaned over to where Abigail was sitting, "are you doing okay? Are you cold or anything?" He asked softly.
Abigail glared at him. She thought it was for show, her being here with him that is. As he pulled her closer to him she smiled while cussing under her breath. This was not what she had not dressed for this. "Perhaps a warning would be in order next time."

She smiled once again acting like she wanted to be here. Finally getting out of cameras view she sat and watched as the photographers continued. Glancing up when he spoke. "I am just fine Mr.Smith." She replied as the camera man got one with him leaned over talking in her ear.
"A warning was given. I told you we were going and a needed a beautiful lady with me. My apologies if my words weren't clear enough for you. Ms.Trent" he smiled a devious smile. "Are you sure I can't get you anything, or ate you ready to go?"
"Yes, to attend with you. Not be apart of the photo taking process." She stated. A grin appeared on her face as she nodded. "Yes, I'm ready to get out of here." She stood and waited to follow him. She wasn't much of a picture person, and cameras made her a little nervous.
"Good, I've called Steven he's here." He led her to the door and they stepped out. "You look amazing Ms.Trent. Ready for our date?"
"Great." She replied. Heading outside she glanced around until she spotted the blue corvet. "Thank you Mr.Smith." She got into the car and settled into the seat. Checking her phone and noticing Setenity had tried to call about a dozen times. Knowing the twenty some missed text messasges were from her she slid the phone inside her purse. " I would not call this a date Mr.Smith, more like a casual meal between co-workers."
"Is that so Ms.Trent? Well I guess I got my hopes up for nothing." He said with a wink. As they drive he made idle conversation until they reached the restaurant. "Let's go have dinner Ms.Trent." He got out and extended his hand to her. "Would you give me the honor of escorting you?" He spoke in a playful tone.
Rolling her eyes at him, she smiled as they got to the resturaunt. Taking his hand she stepped out, "Well, I can't see why not." She answered in her own playful tone. "But only just this once. Would not want to mix Buisness with pleasure." She joked. Abigail could not believe she was allowing herself to joke with her boss, of whom she found oddly attractive. Especially since he was older than she, and totally out of her league.
Dwight smiled "I could fire you Ms.Trent, that way there's only pleasure and no business he joked." Dwight enjoyed her smile she really was they got into the restaurant her signaled for the waitress to seat then. "Party of two under the name-" the waitress cut him off. "Yes Mr.Smith, we have your private area empty and ready for you."

Dwight's brow furrowed, he hated be cut off. As they walked to the table he became more aware of Abigail. Her hangs had a slight tremor in them, her breathing was careful, but most of all his arm tingle under her touch.

Finally they were seated and the waitress left then alone. "So Ms.Trent, what's your poison? They have a wide variety of wine offered, find something you'd like." He said never breaking eye contact. "Personally I prefer white wine but I enjoy a tasty red."
Abigail could not believe she was standing in this restaurant. Let alone having a meal here. As he guided her towards the table she realized she was trembling under his touch. Trying to control the shaking she sat, glad to not have his touch rattling her nerves.

"I think my poison will be water, after last night I need a break." She replied as she glanced at the menu. Glancing up on occasion to see him looking at her. Her cheeks flushed a little as she set the menu down. "Something on my face?" She questioned moving a piece of hair from her eye.
"Only your beauty." Dwight responded with a smile. "You sure on the water? I panned on getting me a bottle of their finest wine." He said with feigned snobbiness. "That's what rich people do right? They flaunt their money when in the presence of a lady, if I'm not mistaken."

He looked over his menu and decided on the duck player. "Have you seen anything that would interest your appetite Ms.Trent?" The waitress came back starting at Dwight. "Can I get you anything Mr.Smith?" He could hear in her voice that she was interested in him, but he didn't even spare her a glance. "No thank you, I have everything I need" he responded not taking his eyes off Abigail.
Abigail was unsure what she should say or do at this point. He was right, that was what rich people did but then again she was not rich. Abigail could only dream of having the amount of money Mr.Smith had. "White wine sounds good, a glass certainly cant hurt." she stated with a smile as she glanced at the menu again.

"The chicken parm does sound good." she set the menu down and glanced up at the waitress as she returned, It was quiet obvious she was interested in him but he paid her no mind. Mr.Smith was more interested in her. In me...but why she thought to her self. "I do hope I am not out of line by questioning you about the security issue you asked Steven about..." she stated along with questioning as the waitress went on her way.
"They security issue is minor, but I didn't ask you here to talk about me. I want to know more about you." The waitress came back and asked if they were ready, her eyes still focused on Dwight. "Yeah, I want every kind of white wine you have, Ms.Trent here will tell you which she likes best. She'll also have the chicken parmesan, anything else Ms.Trent?"

He look at her bit a fixed gaze as he asked he cocked his head to the side. " I'll have a bottle of Vin de la Mort circa 1879, I'll also have your roasted duck." As he spoke he didn't bother to give her the courtesy of a glance.

He pondered for a moment if he was taking this to far, should he try for Abigail or should he not be selfish and end this date now.
Abigail fluushed, trying to figure out what his game was with her. "Ill just have what ever he is drinking." she told the waitress. "A glass of water please." she asked the waitress with a smile, trying to make up for his rudeness. Her eyes glanced quickly as him, he was still watching her as if she was a still painting that he ws critiquing.

"Well, Mr.Smth...There is nothing to know." she grinned at the waitress as she brought the wine and the water. "There is nothing interesting about me." she stated. "What about you, what are your hobbies outside of work?" she questioned trying to take the spot light off her self. Sipping the wine slowly, it was sweet going down. Licking her lower lip savouring the tast.
"As he watched her lick her lips, he felt a pang of jealousy over them. Well Ms.Trent, I'm a distinct man with distinct taste. My hobbies consist of many different thing that are expensive in nature." He treated his head on his hand and asked his index finger to trace his lips.

As tier food arrived he was glad to see the waitress had given up on trying to get his attention. "Thank you Jessica." He said in a flat tone. He saw her blush out the corner if his eyes and smiled a barely notice one. He loved the way he effected woman.

"So Abigail," he caressed her name with his tongue "are you here alone? Where's your mother?"
"Well you do seem like a man with many details that are unspoken." she replied. Greatfull that the food had arrived. Watching the waitress walk away she focused her atention on the plate infront of her instead of him. His movments with his finger made her shift in her chair.

Why does he have this effect on me? she questioned herself silently. "My mother lives out west. " she replied. "I came out here for college with my friends." she stated. She had noticed the waitress and her reaction when he stated her name. Why did he affect women this way, and why was she so intrigued by this man whom she did not know. "Well a man of your reputation, surley your not alone."
" I have family here, but I was given up for adoption as a baby. My foster parents raised me since I was four. My mom's a pediatrician, my father is a lawyer. I have a brother and sister. One is studying to be a doctor, my brother, and the other is in culinary, that would be my sister." He spoke in a tensed voice. He changed the subject by asking her "do you currently have a significant other Ms.Trent?"
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