The faces of Mr. Smith (Anzekoni x VioletRose)

Dwight awoke to his phone vibrating. He had received an email and was expecting it to be from his office, but it was from Abigail. He quickly read the email and replied,

To: Ms.Trent
Subject: Your eating habits

Last night was quite enjoyable I agree. Does your class got to 7 a.m. or p.m.? Either way, I would like to see you Tuesday night before we take this any further. As for your ritual if bit eating you seen to partake in, you will eat regularly, is that clear Ms.Trent? I can't have you running around malnourished.

Dwight Smith

CEO of Smith Enterprises

He sent the email then peaked for his day, he believed he had a meeting today, he'd have to check with Steven. He washed and dried his hair along with the rest of his body. The taste of her kiss lingering on his mouth from the previous night.
Abigail had fallen asleep. Awaking to the laptop making a noise she stretched looking at the time. Shit! she got up and quickly dressed. Tossing in her favorite jeans and a camisole. Glancing at his email she smirked.

To: Mr.Smith
Subject: Seriously

My eating habits are my own. I have managed for twenty-one years. As for Tuesday night, I think I can sneak away for a bit. Wish you would just tell me what this 'thing' is. Your a confusing man.
Reminder: according to your schedual you have a meeting.
Good Day!
Abigail Trent

Grabbing her stuff she shut the machine down and headed out to classes. Making it just on time, she sat in class unable to concentrate. Dwight was invading her thoughts with his confusing words, the kiss and everything about him.
To: Ms.Trent
Subject: Thank you

Even so Ms.Trent, they are poor. Your eating habit isn't heavy, and I'm going to need you in tip top shape for what I have planned if you choose to stick around. thank you for making me aware of my meeting, I thought I had one but I wasn't sure. Tuesday night is perfect I'll pick you up at 8:30, you never said if it was a.m.or p.m. Ms.Trent. I don't like asking twice.
Dwight Smith

CEO of Smith Enterprises

He sent the email then called Steven to take him to his meeting, it went by as slow as ever. But he barely focused, Abigail was on his mind.
Abigail managed to get through her classes. Taking notes the best she could, sighing as she climbed into her two door Chevy Cavalier. It was the best vehicle she had owned, well the only vehicle she had owned that's to her second best friend Josh. He had talked his mother into selling it cheap to her. As she returned home she sighed dropping her things by the door.

The apartment was quiet which meant Serenity was out again. Getting coffee she wandered into her room with her stuff. Spreading it all out she fired up the machine once again. Seeing the email she smiled, it was like passing notes in hopes of the teacher not catching you. It was nearly eight thirty at night when she was able to reply.
Subject: Pushy

Your Welcome. And it is 7pm sir'. I must have over looked your question.
Hope your meeting went well.
Abigail Trent
Dwight phone chimed and he picked it up to see a response from Abigail. He read it over and laughed.

To: Ms.Malnourished
Subject: Not pushy, caring

The meeting was a buzz kill, just a bunch of sits wanting to get into business with me. How did class go? Have you eaten today? Oh, and I'll be there tomorrow night to pick you up. We aren't going anywhere special so wear what you want.

Dwight Smith

CEO of Smith Enterprises

He sent the email then returned to his paperwork to finish. Anticipating tomorrow
Abigail was reading a chapter in her text book. A smile appearing, she replied to the email.

To: Mr. Confusing, Control Freak
Subject: Looking forward to it

Well sounds like a normal day of work for you. Class was decent and no I have not eaten yet today. I'll be ready.

Miss. Not Hungry

Abigail crossed her arms, ha can't force me to eat when your not here. She rolled her eyes and turned the machine off as she slipped into a pair of shorts and a tank top. Making her way to Serenities room she grabbed jeans and a low cut shirt. Retreating back to her room she returned to her school work.
Dwight read the email and felt a pang of sight anger in her decision to not eat. He caked a catering service and ordered one of everything from then and had them deliver to her address. He pulled up As they did and knocked on the door. When it opened he saw Serenity, "good evening Ms.Serenity, is Abigail around? I'd like to see her." Spoke in his usual tone he used for most people. He saw Serenity told her eyes and call for Abigail." Abigail cane out of her room to the door and when she saw him her eyes got big. "Hello Ms.Trent, I do believe you said you haven't eaten yet." He spoke with a smile.
Serenity was wandering with her phone in hand when the knock appeared. It was nearly nine thirty at night. Making her way to the door her eyes widened. "What can I do for you Mr.Smith?" She questioned. Opening the door so he could enter she stepped aside. "Abigail!" She yelled, returning to her phone. Abigail was almost done with her chapter, her hair braided to one side text book in one hand she stood expecting Josh at the time of night.

Her eyes scanning her book, her lower lip lodged under her teeth she walked out of her room. "Josh not-" she looked up and her eyes widened. Dropping her book she stood speechless. "Really, you came here this late at night because I have not eaten?" She knelt ad scurried to pick her book along with the loose papers. Serenity giggled and disappeared into her room. Abigail looked up. "Seems like stalker alert to me." Abigail said a slight joking tone, but more nervousness. She had forgetten about her attire as she stood there.
"If caring for your well being makes me a stalker so be it. I wasn't sure on what you'd like so I had them delivery everything on the menu, you and Serenity can have your choice of what you want. I'll be staying here for dinner as well, so I can make sure you eat." He spoke in a strict tone to let her know he want playing. He called for the caterer and had him bring them both a menu. He watched her eyes as Serenity cane back in the room asking what was going on.
Abigail frowned, this was a bit strange. Taking the menu she glanced over it. Deciding on a chicken salad she was great ful for Serenities entrance. "Mr.Smith has decided to bring us dinner." She stated handing her the menu. Abigail turned on her heel and walked back into her room. Setting her book down she turned to leave but realized she was wearing her pajamas. Using her foot she closed the door and quickly peeled out of her shorts. Sliding into her jeans from earlier she grabbed a hooded sweatshirt. Opening the door she slipped it in and noticed Smith and Serenity were sitting and talking, the food waiting.
Dwight was talking to Serenity about her plans after school when Abigail walked in. "So nice of you to join us Ms.Trent." He smiled at her realizing she had changed. "Join us." He said in a tone that meant he want to be contested with. As she sat down he resumed talking to Serenity. "So how long have you two been acquainted?" He watched Abigail as she ate. Her attire was reserved but still it caused him to think about their kiss. He noticed her lick her lips, he couldn't tell if it was on purpose or not.
"I don't really know, my interests vary but I think journalism is going to be landing zone." Serenity answered him as she ate her pasta entree. Abigail sat across from Smith, her eyes not meeting his as she slowly picked at the meal. "Eight years in September." She stated dryly as he questioned how long they had been friends. "Moved in together thanks to my parents buying this place." She looked around.

"Which reminds me Abbi, the loft in Seattle will be ready two weeks after graduation." Her eyes sparkled, she was excited. It would cut back the amount of driving they both had. Abigail would be closer to the office. "That's great, was it the brick interior or the glass show room?" She questioned not hinting at the fact she could sense his gaze on her. "The brick interior." Serenity squealed. Abigail rolled her eyes.

Finishing her plate she stood and took both of theirs to the kitchen. Being take out containers it was easy to dispose off and clean the ute bikes. Serenity yawns. "Early morning, I'll see you after classes tomorrow. Don't forget Wednesday either. You need a break to relax you take your studies to serious." She whinned as waving her hand in the air. Returning to her seat she finally glanced up at him. "Your a complete control freak."
"I've been called that before Ms.Trent." he's eyes kept their stare. But you must understand, nutrition is what keeps you going. I'd like to keep you going as long as I can. ." He reached over and took her hand. He felt her tense under his touch, he winners how long he'd have that effect on her. "Look, I know I'm pushy and controlling, but it's the way I am. And tomorrow you're going to see just how controlling I am."

He got up and kissed her forehead, "good night Abigail. I'll be here at 8:30 to retrieve you." With that he left to drive back home.
She rolled her eyes. "That's what you keep telling me this, why can't I see now?" She questioned. As he took her hand her body stiffened, her inner self doing leaps of risk telling her to go for it. Abigail looked down at her hand and back up at him. His eyes glaring into her. As he stood and kissed her forehead she had a pouty look on her face. "Tomorrow then."

Watching him leave she scampered off into her room and laid down. Confusion was exhausting and she fell asleep quickly. In the morning she checked her email as she dressed.
To: Ms.Trent
Subject: Today's the day

Good morning Ms.Trent. As a reminder, I'll be there at precisely 8:30. I hope your classes go well today and make sure you eat something. You'll need it tonight. I'm taking the day off to make preparations, so make sure you're ready.

Total control freak

CEO TCF Enterprises

After he sent the email he went and had his house cleaned and ran some errands to pas the time.
Grinning ear to ear as she read the email. Uncertain why she was so happy. Choosing a snug pair of jeans, and a light blue t-shirt she slipped into a pair of pink converse and headed out the door. Deciding to not email him back, all to tempting to just email him all day. Class ran over, it would take over an hour to get home. She was going to be late.

Serenity was doing yoga when she heard the knock. Walkng over she opened the door, leaving it open she returned to her yoga. "She is not home yet. Think her cell died because she hasn't called. That or it finally broke." As she bent and twisted her body. Abigail rushed in the house and dropped her stuff. "Stupid phone." She chucked it across the living unaware Serenity was not alone.
Dwight remained seated and watched as he became aware that she wasn't aware of his presence. He stifled a chuckle and watch her practically run to her room. He called Steven "Steven it's Smith, do me a favour go by Verizon and pick up a Samsung galaxy...... Yeah the S5 is, just get the whole package is fine....Yeah just use my card...I'm at Ms.Trent house so being out here...alright Steven." He hung up and looked at serenity and asked "does she what's come home stressed?"

He got up and when to retrieve her phone, it was cracked pretty badly. Thankfully he was replacing it, it looked like it was ten years old. Her heard he yell "Serenity, ley me know when he gets here." "Sure thing Abbi." She yelled back. Dwight motioned for her to remain quiet act his presence there.

When she finally emerged she was still unaware of Mr.Smith presence in her moment of trying to prepare for tonight, and heard a knock at the only to open it to find Steven with a package in hand.
Serenity started laughing when the phone basically shattered. "Seriously Serenity I'm not in the mood!" Serenity tried to quiet her self but it was useless. Watching her slam the door she went to tell her he was here and saw him shake his head. Abgail ventured out a few times grabbing her stuff by the door and returning to her room.

Serenity nodded. "Normally yes, she gets flustered easily. Never this bad since-" she cut herself off before revealing to much. Serenity yelled for Abbi to get the door since she was in a bad position to move. Abigail rolled her eyes, "Your flexible enough." Getting to the door she opened it trying to braid her hair.

"Steven?" She questioned. "Let me guess, he sent you to take me to someplace?" Lookinh down she saw the package. "What that?" Steven just smiled. "Mr.Smith called and told me to bring these items here to him. " Abigail arched a brow, "Well he's not-" she heard Serenoty cough slightly. Taking a few steps back from the door she saw Smith sitting by the island in the kitchen. "Oh jeez." She muttered.
"Hi there Abigail," he spoke with a smile. "Thank you Steven, the rest of the night is yours to do as you wish, give little tiffany my love by the way." "Yes Mr.Smith." With that Steven left the package with Abigail. "Inside you will find a new phone Ms.Trent, take care not to use it as a stress reliever." He mocked her scene with chucking her phone at the wall.

" Are you ready to go Ms.Trent, or must I wait for you to run around some more oblivious to me?" He teased her. He could see her temper staring to build so he went to her and stroked her cheek. "It's okay Abigail, take your time. I can't wait a little longer if need be." He caressed her name with his tongue as he spoke.
Little Tiffany? she thought to herself but quickly the temper flared as Steven was dismissed. Slamming the door she crossed her arms. "It did not relieve any stress trust me." She replied as she looked at the box. A new phone, seriously? "I can't except that, I can replace mine tomorrow."

And yet again in a flash they casual and back to last name basis. "I'm ready." She replied, her body tensing under his touch. Serenity observed, "Abigail, I need your help real quick." She rushed over and pulled Abigail behind her. Closing the door she turned her radio on. "What's going on? You never act like this?" She questioned. "I am fine Ren, he's just my boss, this is all to weird." She replied. Serenity looked over her attire, grabbing a black halter top from her closet. "Wear this, he will be eating out of your hands." She replied as well as handng her a blue button up short sleeved top to slip into. "Now go, call if you need." Serenity pushed her out of the room.

Abigail stumbled a little but regained her balance. Slipping ino her converse she opened the door. "Ready when you are." She stated grabbing her purse.
"Great Ms.Trent, of we go." He placed his had on her lower back guiding her to the car. As the got in he buckled her to the seat. Moving his body close to hers. He could smell her scented body wash and shampoo. She smelled sweet like honey with a mix of lavender. With each touch of her skin he heard her take a small intake of breath.

"Good, now you can't go anywhere." He winked at her then went to the drivers side of the car. He drove toward his home and started to make small talk with Abigail. "Why did you agree to dinner with me Ms.Trent? And why did you agree to come tonight?" He asked mostly because he was curious, but he also wanted her to realize why she was doing this herself.
Her body burned under his touch, it was like a sensation that was to much. As he buckled her in, he was close enough to smell. His body wash, his cologne it was intoxication. Drawing in staggered breaths, she finally relaxed as he closed her door and moved to the drivers side.

Abigail smiled, even though he was a control freak, and had stalker tendencies she felt relaxed. Hearing his question she smiled and turned towards him. "I am a respectful person. You being my boss, I think it would be rude to refuse." She noticed the smile on his face disappear. "Besides, I like your company outside of work Mr.Smith." She continued. Not to mention, your touch drives me crazy, all I have though about was the kiss on my door step, and your eyes. she thought to herself. Her hands twisted in her lap as she watched the buildings pass them as they drove. "How far is it?" She questioned.
"I'm glad you enjoy partaking in my company because yours drives me crazy." He spoke as he watched the road. It was almost 10 o'clock now. The sky was darkened, but the moon lit the earth enough for things to be visible in the darkness. There was another twenty minutes of driving left.

"We're almost there, maybe 15 or so minutes." he replied. " I need you to understand something Abigail. At any point in this night if you want to leave, a car will be waiting on standby waiting to take you anywhere you want to go." As he spoke he noticed he was gripping his steering wheel harder. He relaxed his grip and glanced at her. She was looking down at her hand as if pondering his words.
It had grown really dark out, no clouds in the sky only the stars and the moon. "Mr.Smith, I highly doubt I would have a reason to just up and want to leave." She glanced up at him. He seems stressed, nervous perhaps. The last portion of the drive that sat quietly. As they arrive, Abigail gazed up at the building. It was enormous, made her feel small and insignificant. Her eyes trail up the large building until they are in the parking garage. "It's very big." She muttered.
"I'm an extravagant man" he winked at her. "Stay put." He commanded as he put the car in park. He got out and went around to her side and opened the door. He reach across her taking in her scent once more. "You're intoxicating Ms.Trent." He said in her ear. "Out." He spoke in a tone with pure dominance. He took her hand and pulled her to the elevator. He put in a code to unlock it and they got in. Once inside he put on another code and pressed 33.

The elevator rocketed them to his floor. It opened up to his home and they stepped out. He heard her gap as she took it all in. He smiled at her face of awe.
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