The faces of Mr. Smith (Anzekoni x VioletRose)

Abigail nodded, sitting down on his left she glanced up at the clock when they began. As she typed and recorded the meeting as he had told her to do she could feel eyes on her at all times. Glancing up a few times she noticed the Mr.Smith was watching her. Was he taking mental notes on her work, her behavior, or her? she thought to herself everytime she glanced up.

Mr. Smith could not be seriouse, he was asking her opinion when two hours ago he had told he to be quiet and not speak during the meeting. Her eyes swayed between both the men while they argued about the way John had spoken about her. Once the attention was shifted fully onto her she shifted in her seat. This has to be a has to be...

Glancing back at Mr. Smith then at the other man, "Well his company does have many aspects to it that yo-.." "That our company does not have." she glanced back down at her notes and scanned quickly. " The net worth of his company could be increased by a mass amount if they would focus more on the larger percentile of customers and products instead of tossing out new products when ever they can." "For example, instead of focussing on the higher paying accounts, work with the general public, that could increase the companies revenue....." she did the math quickly in her head "Roughly 87%."

Abigail realized she had probably over stepped her boundries, her eyes dropped back to her screen. "Thats just my opinion and view."
Dwight smiled at her. She could handle being under quick and intense stress. He approved her opinion and begin to speak to John, " you heard the lady, roughly 87% increase can be made. So I believe it be fair to ask you to get your margins up to at least 50% increase and you have yourself a deal. With that I will be closing this meeting. Ms.Trent has a job to do." It was at this moment Dwight knew he had to have her.

As they were on their way back to Dwight's office after he had escorted John out he spoke to her "Ms.Trent would you like a cup of coffee?" He offered in that smooth tone of his that implied no was not an answer.
Abigail could not believe he was actually taking her opinion on the matter. After finishing up the last bit of the notes she stood and walked with them out. Walking silently with the both of them she watched her feet as she walked.

Trying not to get involved in any more of their conversations, she hardly realized that John had left and they were on their way back towards his office. Knowing that she was not going to get out of it she nodded. "Sure Mr.Smith." "Shall I run down and bring it back up to your office?" she questioned setting her ipad on her desk.
"Actually, I was thinking we could make it an early day. I thought we could go grab some coffee at the place across the street." Dwight had to play this right, he could not rush it. He wanted to know more about Abigail, but didn't know if she would be interested in what he has to offer. She appeared and acted as if she held herself very high. And it was this attitude that lured him in. But they say you can find out more about a person by the way they are when they're not in a workplace environment. And Dwight definitely wanted to know more.

" They have almost every kind of tea ,coffee, or drink.I used to frequent here a lot. But with all the work that I've had recently I've yet to have the chance to get back into there." Dwight spoke almost to himself.
Abigail was shocked. "I dont see why not." she replied with a small smile. Grabbing her things, she slid her ipad into her purse and checked the zipper. She did not want another clumsy act apearing. Not bringing a jacket today, she was waiting for him.

Getting to the small beverage shop across the street they stood inline waiting to order their drinks. Once they were ordered they took them at sat at a table next to the front window. Abigail had no idea what to say, so she waited for him to strike up the conversation. Abigail was not used to going places in public with guys, let alone her boss.
Dwight was happy Abigail allowed him to take her to the coffee shop. Has to go out for drinks and sat down at their window sheets he looked at her. I mean watch that she looked at him, she appeared to be waiting for him to speak. That what something he was used to and little did she know it's exactly what he wanted from her.

" Ms. Trent, may I call you Abigail?" Without bothering to wait for an answer from her he continued his speech. "I like knowing my employees better, so how exactly did you come up with the estimate that John could potentially be a useful partner?" he asked her, he honestly didn't care but he had to start with the small talk. John wasn't a threat to him or his company, so you wasn't in the least bit worried. He just wanted to see how she'd react.
Abigail nodded. "Abigal is fine." listening to his question she shrugged. "Well considering I know a few aspects of his company due to having an interview there for my intership as well I had done some research." sipping her coffee carfully. "Its public access as to what classes of people they serve, and what products they handle its easy to see where they lack." "Its common public knowledge really."
"Fair enough Abigail." He looked at her even close and could see the underlying smile she had. Something about that hidden smile started to drive him crazy. "I'm going to be honest Abigail, I thought you were going to mess up our back down. I can appreciate a woman who.stands her ground." He wondered how she'd take that faux insult. "Where do you see yourself in your future Ms.Trent?" He asked with a curious voice.
Abigail arched a brow, "If you thought I would scree up, then why give me a chance to begin with Mr.Smith?" She was starting to feel like he as playing games with her. "I do not know where I see myself, perhaps working I'm a large company like you have, or figuring it out as the future becomes closer." She shifted in her seat, just then her cellphone began buzzing. Glancing at it, "One second." She answered her phone. "Hey Serenity..." " Yes, I am going there, probably around eight. Yeah you can ride with me to the Tavern" she hung her cellphone up. "Sorry about that."
"Who's serenity? And what tavern might you be going to tonight?" He asked, he didn't like the thought of her drinking. Alcohol had always put him off. Sure he didn't mind a glass of scotch here and there, but kids these days drunk to get wasted.
"She is a friend of mine, and the only tavern around here..' shevreplied . Taking a drink from her coffee she set the cup back down. "Why does it matter, I won't be on the clock."
"I-" Just then the the phone rang. "Smith, you will WAIT." He spat the last word through clenched teeth. He remembered Abigail was there, "I'm sorry Ms.Trent, I must be going. I look forward to enjoying a drink with you again." And with that he left a fifty dollar bill on the take to cover the drinks and whatever else she wanted.
Abigail sat there as he answered his phone. With out saying a word she watched him get up and leave. Seeing the fifty on the table she grabbed her drink, paying for their order, she stuck the change in her purse to return to him tomorrow. Abigail left and headed for home, tonight she decided to wear jeans and a t-shirt. Purposely trying to avoid any situation with a drunk guy. Picking Serenity up they headed to the bar.

As they arrived, Abigail hooked her elbow with Serenities as they walked in. Their other friends had already arrived and waiting for them. The girls grabbed their drinks and joined the others who were dancing near the back. The Tavern was filled with loud music, the smell of booze and lots of people getting to frisky in public.
Mr.Smith was angry. How could the security at his company been broken through? He decided he would find out. He took out his phone and dialed Steven's number. " hello Mr.Smith, how may I help you" the voice spoke. "Steven, I need to know who the hell manage to break into my company." Mr.Smith replied with his voice radiating anger. "Yes sir, do you have any ideas? I've already attempted to view our video logs, but there's no trace of them. Who ever did it knew what they were doing." The voice replied in a flat and work like tone. "I don't know, they're a few names. But regardless I pay you to figure these things out. I'll relay the names to you when I'm home. For now, work on finding those tapes. There should be a copy uploaded to the cloud. Your ID number and you last name should work to get you on. Call me when you figure out out." "Yes sir."And at that Mr.Smith hung up.

Later that evening he was in his living room reading a random book he pulled from the shelf. He often read, it helped to distract him from the real world. It was all going great until he got a call from a drunken Abigail.

"Hello Ms.Trent." he spoke as he answered.
Abigail had been having a great time, her mood was amazing when she realized it was Mr.Smith on the other end of the call and not her brother of whom she was trying to call. "I...surry Mr.Smith-." She started. "Wronggg number..." Was all she could mutter out of her mouth. Abigail felt like crap, and this did not make it any better, she had just called her boss and she was beyond drunk. "See yoou tomorrow." She muttered and hung up.

Digging in her purse she headed outside. A cab it would be since she couldn't even manage to find where she parked. Walking a little ways she leaned against the brick wall and stood there, she felt sick and her friends were off inside the bar somewhere.
He looked at his phone in disbelief, outraged at her drunken stupor. He quickly dialed her number and waited as it rang. He heard her voice answer in that same stupor. "Abigail, you said you were at the tavern correct? Okay, good. Stay there." He hung up barely managing to control himself. He ran to his car paging Steven as eh went. "Steven prepare the car." He got and and barked "to the tavern.Now." "Yes sir Mr. Smith." he replied.

He pulled up to see her perched against the wall. Her head was hung down and it was starting to rain. "Abigail, get in the car." he spoke through clenched teeth.
Abigail answered her phone, but never had the chance to protest. Leaning there, she slid down the wall balancing on her heels with her back still against the wall. Hearing his voice she shook her head no, "I have a cab coming to take me home... Go away." She groaned, work was not going to go very well tomorrow. The thought of losing her job came to mind.
He grabbed her by her arm "No, you're coming with me Trent. im not taking 'No' as an answer." He swept her legs form under her and carried her to the car. "why must you dink to this point of intoxication?" He heard her hiccup as he placed her into the car. " Abigail, where do you live?" He asked in a sharp voice. He listened as she told him. "Steven, get us there." As they drove he watched as her as her eyes slowly closed and she began to lean toward him. He caught her and allowed her to rest on his shoulder. When they got to her house he gently retrieved her keys and went to unlock the door. "Steven, bring her inside as well as her belongings." "Yes Mr.Smith." he answered.

Steven placed her in her bed and left. Dwight began to remove the now wet clothes and placed them into her clothing hamper. He got her other the covers as she softly snored and started to turn. He looked at her with careful eyes. He knew she'd be curious in the morning, but he called to Steven telling him to go home, he'd call him in the morning. HE then took a place on the couch and went to bed.
She tried to pull her arm away from him, but soon realized he had scooped her up. Abigail had lost this battle. "Because I'm able too." She muttered as she felt the seat beneath her. Everything seemed to spin, and her eyes started to close. "Ridgmore apartments, third floor." She muttered. Trying to stay awake until she arrived home she dozed off her head laying on his shoulder.

The apartment was the full third floor, it was not huge but it was roomy. Since Abigail had Setenity as a roommate it was easy to afford. The bedrooms were massive, livingroom dimly lit by lights. A brown sued couch that wrapped around two walls with a coffee table covered in Abigail's school work. Her iPad on with a giant list of things she wanted and needed, mixed with things she wanted to eventually do.

As morning came the sun light woke her up. Covering her eyes from the light she groaned. Glancing at the clock, she had an hour to get to work. "Fuck my life." She looked around, trying to remember how she got home. As she crawled out of bed she realized that she was only wear her bra and panties. "Umm.." Glancing at the hamper seeing her clothes she shook her head thnking he had undressed and went to bed. Grabbing a towel she headed out of her room and into the bathroom not noticing him on the couch. Quickly showering, she wrapped the towel around her and headed back to her room.
Dwight awoke to the sound of a shower running. He heard her leave the bathroom and go back to her room. He got up and dusted off his clothes and started heading to the kitchen to look for some coffee to make. He found the coffee and the maker and started enough for two cups. once he thought shed be dressed and what not he walked to her room and knocked on her door. "Trent, are you decent?"
Abigail had tossed on a a mid-thigh skirt and a Blue collar button up shirt. Standing there bare foot she was trying to apply her makeup and brush her hair. The night was a blur and her head throbbed. Starting to smell the coffee she was about to tell Serenity to get her some in a togo cup. That was until she heard his voice a screamed. Dropping her brush, her eyes widened. "What Are you doing here... In my apartment?"
Dwight's ear started to ring, "easy with the screaming trent. I brought you home. i wasn't comfortable leaving you in case you woke up and needed something." He rubbed his ears trying to get rid of the ringing. "Either way, get dressed we're going out." he Said in that commanding voice of his. By the way, there's coffee waiting for you.
She silenced and stared at him. "We have work... " she stated as she slid her heels on. Abigail felt weird with him standing in her apartment let alone her room. Grabbing her brush she headed out to the kitchen, the coffee smelled amazing. "Where are we going?"
"Today, I have a photo shoot and I need my assistant that. Without you I can't possibly be a successful business owner right? Every owners needs a hot young intern to make him look good." He joked and finished his cup of coffee. "After that I have some errand to run, Steven with escort you back to your home when we're done." He spoke as he checked his tie in the mirror
Abigail nodded. "I guess you are right, your the one who has excelled so far." She replied still uneasy and fuzzy about what has occurred last night. Finishing her coffee with a dose of Advil, she slid her phone into her purse. "Can you Atleast tell me if my car is here, or across town at the Tavern still?" She headed for her door.
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