The faces of Mr. Smith (Anzekoni x VioletRose)

Abigail smiled, it was very obvious she was not comfortable at this point. "It was nice meeting you Dr.Smith." She said respectively. Watching as she kissed him without the slightest touch. Watching he leave she glared at him. "Seriously, introducing me to your mother?" She questioned, her hands knotting. " I do have a lot of studying to get done, I really should be going."
"Is there a problem with my mother Ms.Trent?" He questioned. "Steven go pull a car around, doesn't matter which one. Have you finished eating Abigail?" His voice softening. He found his jacket and led her to the elevator. He noticed she was biting her lip "if you keep biting your lip I'm going to fuck you in this elevator and I don't care who gets on." He spoke through his teeth. They exited the elevator and Steven pulled up to let them in the back. "We're taking Ms.Trent home Steven." "Yes sir Mr.Smith" Steven responded as he began driving.
"No there is not!" She spat back, "I simply do not think it is appropriate." She grabbed her purse and her coat. "I have ate enough." She stated following him to the elevator. Standing in the elevator beside him she began biting her lip. She was nervous, and starting to feel shy again. Hearing his statment her eyes flung to meet his. "You wouldn't." She stated, but the thought made her inner goddes swoon, her insides clenched. Abigail didn't dare bite her lip again. Reaching the garage, she slid into the car and buckled up. Quietly sitting she felt the car push off.
"When you get home I want you to do some research before deciding yes or no on this arrangement. I want you to know what you're getting into here." He spoke to her. "I do hope you say yes Ms.Trent. I've never wanted something as much as I want you." He told her truthfully. He tried watching her to gauge her reaction , but it was no use. "What are you thinking baby?"
Abigail nodded, trying to grasp the situation. "Just thinking how I'll manage to keep Serenities laptop long enough to do this 'research'." She stated as she knotted her fingers in her lap. He wanted her to do this, he wanted to tie her up in that room and do who knows what to her. Could she really comply to the contract that rested in her purse. This was nothing like she wanted in a relationship.
"I can loan you one Ms.Trent. I'll have it delivered tomorrow. But for now, read over the contract and really try to see the pleasure with the pain." They were getting closer to Abigail's house now. "I want you to know that last night was one of the best in my life. I've never felt the way I did last night with you." He ran his hand up and down her leg. They were last than five minutes from her house now.
"I don't need you to loan me yet another peice of technology." She mumbled remembering the Galaxy S5 sitting on her counter. Nodding as she stiffened his hand rubbing her leg. "I quiet enjoyed it my self." She stated flushing, her body reacting to his simple touch. "I don't see how you can mix pleasure and pain but I'll try." Her inner goddess shaking her head in approval, abial ignored her trying to focus on the drive.

As they pulled up to her apartment, she un buckled herself. "Once again Mr.Smith, thanks for the evening and a delisious breakfast," as Steven opened the door she stepped out. "Thank you Steven."
"You're welcome Abigail." He watched her get out and and he walked her to the door. "Look over the contract and do your research, can I see you Wednesday? We can discuss any questions you have then. " He leaned down and kissed her lips. As he pulled away he felt compelled to kiss her again. Luckily she did it for him. "Goodnight Abigail." He said. He then went back to his car watching her close the door.
She nodded. "I'll do the research, and Wednesday sounds fine." She replied. As he leaned down to kiss her she raised up on her toes and kissed him back. Her body aching to have him once again, she pulled him back for another kiss before stepping back. She had no idea if she would see him again after this. "Goodnight Dwight." She went inside and closed the door. Leaning against it she sighed. Knowing Serenity would be quiting her massively.

As the girls sat on the sofa, she answered her questions without giving much away due to the NDA. Once Setenity was satisfied she excused herself. Abigail ventured into her room and lay on her bed. Pulling the contract out she began reading over it. This was a lot to consider.
Dwight went home and went to his room to lay down for a bit. The previous night playing in his mind. He called Steven and told him he wanted a laptop delivered to Abigail tomorrow morning. He received a call ten minutes later " much....okay.....I'll handle it......goodbye." with that he shut his phone off and checked his watch. It was getting late and he was tired. He fell into a sleep that was accompanied with thoughts of Abigail.
When morning came Abigail showered and slid on lounge clothes. Today was her day to lay around and study while relaxing. Standing in the kitchen making coffee. Hearing the knock on the door she opened it, seeing the man standing there with a package. She knew right away it was from Dwight. "Let me guess, for Abigail Trent." The delivery man nodded. Taking the package inside he set it up and explained to her how to use it.

Once the delivery man left she sat down and opened the email program.

To:Deight Smith
Subject: Unwanted gifts

I must say, you once again have given me something I asked you not too.
Either way, Thank you!
Abigail Trent.

After sending the email she took the laptop inside her room. Sitting on the bed she began googling things mentioned in the contract.
To: Abigail Trent
Subject: unwanted gifts

I didn't want the laptop either Ms.Trent. So I passed it to you. Get someo use out of it for me Ms.Trent.

Dwight Smith

CEO Smith Enterprises

Dwight responded to her email while he was at work. It was strange glee much she could affect him. He went about his daily routine and waited on Abigail's response.
To:Dwight Smith
Subject: Research

I will do my best, but I'm being distracted.

Spending the next few hours research she felt overwhelmed. This was not what she had expected. Taking a look over the contract, she decided to email him back.

To:Dwight Smith
Subject: concerns

Mr. Smith
I have over look this contract and I have come across concerns.
Eating habits
Obeying at all times
Every weekend.

I would like to discuss this on Wednesday when we meet.

Hitting send she smiled. Then went to work on her studies.
He heard a ping from his phone and saw that it was her. He read her email twice before responding.

To: Abigail Trent
Subject: Wednesday

I'm glad you've been doing your research. I'm more than happy to discuss these things Wednesday. Is there anything you need?

Dwight Smith
CEO Smith Enterprises

Dwight sent the email and then went to go take a shower. After checking his watch he realized it was almost 10 o'clock. He heard his phone chime again and picked it up to find another response from Abigail.
Abigail read his message. Anything I need?? she thought to herself. Knowing he was across town she smiled and replied to his email.

To:Dwight Smith
Subject: Needs vs Wants
Yes, Wednesday, preferably some place public. I can meet you anywhere around seven pm
As for anything I need...No.. Wants, well that's a different subject.

Abigial Trent

Sending the message she made her way to the kitchen to find ice cream. Sitting down besides Serenity they began watching crapy tv. Her phone laying on her lap awaiting a response.
He read her email and quickly responded.

To: Abigail Trent
Subject: your wants

Dear Ms.Trent,
I'd love to discuss your wants come Wednesday. Seven sounds great. Where would you like to meet at? I'm looking forward to sitting down with you.

Dwight Smith

CEO Smith Enterprises

He responded to her email and decided it was time for bed. He sent her text to let her know he was going to bed and she should do likewise, Wednesday was only a day away. She'd need her strength.
Abigail read the email and smiled. "Wednesday then." She muttered aloud. Having to study for her tests she sat awake doing so until nearly three am. Falling asleep soundly the phone laying beside her. As morning came she slept in, it was nearly noon before she awoke to the sound of Serenity causing a fit over the phone. Stretching she slipped out of bed and went out to see what the problem was.
"Josh got a spot in the art show case! We are celebrating tomorrow night!" She screamed excitedly. Abigail was happy and excited, her previous plans escaped her mind as they sat down making out plans.

Abigail managed to make her test by five, sitting and finishing the test. Waiting for the buzzer to sound so she could leave. Giving the test to the professor she checked her emails.

To:Dwight Smith
Subject: Dreadful
I hate exams, so draining. I hope work is much better.

Finally able to leave, she headed home to prepare for an evening out.
He was sitting at his desk handling some paperwork involving an over seas company attemppting to get into business with Dwight. He heard a pinging sound form his omputer indicating that he has recieved an email. He quickly red and responded to Abigails reply,

To: Abigail Trent
Subject: Equally Dreadful

Unfortunately Ms.Trent it is with grave remorse that I inform you that work is equally if not more dreadful. Its a bunch of suits trying to have me as a monetary beneficial and all their ideas are terrible or self interested. Im looking forward to tomorrow MS.Trent. For now i must return to my job and politely tell each of these candidates to promptly fuck off.

Dwight Smith
CEO Smith Enterprises

Dwight clicked send and then left his office to go and try and let all those people down easy. He wanted nothing to do with them. His thoughts turned to tomorrow and he instantly felt better. Soon he would have her.
Abigail was home getting studies out of the way, getting his email she closed it out and decided to do more research. It was nothing she had imagined, yet her inner goddess was all for it, pretty much begging her to say yes.

To:Dwight Smith
Subject: Where and When

I realized you have not given me a place and time as to our meeting.

Abigail Trent

Hitting send she curled up in bed and went to sleep. When morning came Serenity was all about getting ready, and planning the nights events. By mid afternoon they had planned an evening at The Tavern to celebrate the good news Josh had given them. Her meeting with Dwight had slipped her mind as the day went, forgetting to check her emails. The Tavern was packed of friends and people she had known from classes, the drinks were being passed along at a continuance pace. Dancing with Josh and Serenity, something felt odd, as if she was being watched.
Dwight mentally kicked himself for forgetting to share the details of their meeting. He quickly responded to her in hopes that she'd see it before going to bed.

Subject:Mentally Kicking Myself

My sincerest apologies, I seem to have forgotten the important part. Tomorrow at precisely 7:00 I will be expecting you at my house. Do you need me to get Steven to pick you up? If you prefer I can pick you up myself. Either way I expect to see you no later than 7 tomorrow night.

Dwight Smith

CEO Smith Enterprises

Dwight set his phoen on Do Not Disturb Mode and took a shower before heading off to bed. He awoke the next mornign and checked his phoen for a response email and saw no notification. He quickly sent her another one to make sure she was aware of thier meeting.

Subject:Mentally Kicking Myself

Good morning Ms.Trent. I hope your night was pleasant. Im sending this as a reminder for tonight, 7 pm. Remember that i don't like repeating myself, and im not a patient man.

Dwight Smith

CEO Smith Enterprises

He sent the email the prepared for work, as the day droned by he never received a response and slowly his anger began to build. Was she ignoring him? Did she completely reject him and instead of telling him she simply stopped talking to him? The thought of it made him shake with anger. He Sent her one simple text "At seven if you haven't responded and are not here, i will be coming for you. "as he got off of work and called Steven. "Steven at 7 i want you to find Ms.Trent. Once you find her i dotn care if you have to drag her out, but bring her to me. " He ended the call without waiting for a response form Steven and began his game of waiting.
Abigail searched the bar with her eyes, the feeling continued as she spotted Steven watching her. Shit. I totally forgot. she thought to herself. Pulling her phone out she saw the missed emails, and the missed text message. She quickly replied.

to: Dwight Smith
Subject: Drunkenly Sorry

I do appologise. I totally forgot about tonight after hearing about a friends honorable opportunity. I don't not appreciate you sending your gaurd dog to find me.

Hitting send she turned away from Steven, giving him a back off look. Continuing to dance with her friends as Serenity handed out shots. Downing the shot she glanced over her shoulder, Steven had vanished from his post by the bar.
Steven called Dwight telling him that he couldn't get her out of the tavern. Dwight threw on his sweat pants and bolted to his car. She was DRUNK again. He had just warned her not even 2 weeks ago, but shes a persistent one. He sped to teh tavern and walked in to see her dancing. He moved his way across the dance floor before ending up beside her. "Come, now" he grabbed her hand and began leading her off the dance floor.
Abigail was mid shot when she felt someone standing beside her. Finishing it off she glanced up to see Dwight standing there. Her eyes widened slightly before she started laughing. Stalker alert she thought to herself. "No, I am enjoying a few drinks with friends." She stated pulling her hand back. Although he managed to get her off the dance floor, she stood her ground. "I'm not leaving." She crossed her arms. Serenity walked over to her and whispered something in her ear. "He wouldn't dare throw me over his shoulder!" She stated, before realizing she spoke aloud he had already grabbed her. There was no point in fighting now. Hitting his back a few times she gave up. "You should think about going to a shrink, your very much a stalker."
Picking her up he felt her beat against he back. he ignored it and carried her out to the car and told her to calm do. "We made arrangements Abigail Trent, and your going to honour them." He put her in the car and buckled her in before getting in the drivers side. "You reek of cheap booze Abigail, Jesus." She smelled terrible, he would have to shower her before they had their talk. He drove without speaking to her the entire way after that. As they arrived at his place he got out and left the car running,Steven would park it for him. he pulled her to the elevator and punched in his code. As the descended he kept his eyes straight not looking at her. They reached his home and he drug her to the bathroom and stripped her down. Turning on the bath faucet he finally spoke to her. "Get. In." he said in a steely voice.
Crossing her arms as he put her in the car. This was beyond acceptable. As they arrived at his place she reluctantly followed him, standing in the bathroom she was shocked when he started to strip her down. Pushing his hands away she rolled her eyes. " I'm drunk, not incapable." As she finished undressing she stepped into the tub. The hot water poured over her body, relaxing her muscles. It felt amazing. As her body was covered in the hotwater she sighed. "You realize we could have rescheduled!" She spat towards him. Reaching for the cloth and soap. "And the booze may be cheap. But it gets the job done." She muttered as she started to wash her self.
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