Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

Tony whined as the johnny yelled at the man, sounding upset as he listened to the other’s yelling. Even as the man stuttered out apologizes and assurances that the manger would be there soon, even if he wasn’t. Johnny or tony would most likely be getting a call the next day by a contrite owner. “...You two should dress up as each’d be awesome.”tony muttered nuzzling his face against steve’s chest, frowning a little. “I’m a good jdge. And I can give consent. You say yes, to consent.”Tony grumbled as he was settled into the backseat of his car, stirring at the sound of johnny’s voice. “I like sex. We should have sex when we get home...though steve would be left out. That’s not fair.”
Johnny glared at the man. "Get out and don't come back until you've been properly trained." he snarled. "if i see you in here again without a trainer i'm going to really kick your ass." he warned before shaking his head at Tony, amuse. "i dress as Cap all the time Tony." "you do?" "sure. it's fun. people bother me less when they think i'm you." "...i should complain, but honestly i just can't bring myself to care." he admitted, looking faintly amused. "no Tony, giving Consent means that you understand what 'm asking you. you'd say yes even if i asked you if it would be okay if i killed you while i was fucking you." he stated calmly. "don't worry, we'll have sex." Johnny promised with a smile. "but not in the car, because you'll hate me in the morning if we have sex in one of your babies." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "it's okay Tony. you and i can have sex another night." Steve promised, looking worried at Tony. "is it really okay? him being like this?" "sure. he's lower than i'd like but he's not so low i'd be worried about him hurting himself somehow." Johnny admitted. "he's too low to be around strangers but he's safe like this now that you and i are here to contain him a bit. think of him as being really high." "...should i call Iron Man?" "nah. Iron Man won't be able to do anything for Tony. i'll send him a text." he admitted. "we gotta take care of Tony first. help me get him to his room?" "uh... yeah, sure." Steve stuttered, blushing brightly. working together they managed to get Tony into the bedroom and Steve quickly fled the room, Johnny chuckling. "i think you scared Cap Tony." Johnny admitted. far from being afraid, Steve was finding himself horrifically turned on. "Jarvis?... what was it i just saw?" Steve asked. he'd read about things like kink and BDSM but had ignored it for the most part. "Bring up the information online would you?" Steve asked, working one of the Holographic screens that where available in all rooms and played with the blue screen. he knew if anyone came around the screen would vanish in time for him to pretend to be doing something else.
“...Not as cute as the real thing. You’d be a asshole. It’s amazing no one freaks out about the national icon being a jerk.”Tony muttered. “...No I wouldn’t. You’d make a mess of my bedroom if yo did that.”Tony hummed, because really, he was mostly a danger to himself mostly because he’d talk himself into circles at this time, make a mess of things. It was when he went even further beyond his norm, that you’d have to worry about him hurting himself. “...You want to have sex with me?Okay. Iron-idiot would be jealous, we should.”Tony whined a little,”But yo like him more then me. So we can’t do that. You’d be upset.”Tony muttered, obviously mostly talking to himself, upset at the idea of steve liking his alter ego more then him, even if he was still so very carefl about not telling anyone that he was iron man, even like this. Muttering annoyed at being hussled into his room, he frowned a little as steve fled before tilting his head to look at johnny. “Didn’t mean to.”he muttered shuddering as he pressed closer to the man. “Need you.”he demanded, simply giving himself over to what he was feeling,”Stay tonight.”he demanded, simply letting johnny do what he wanted.

“You saw Sir at his lowest. He is unaccustomed to dealing well, and has dealt with it by sex, and bondage--domination-sadism and masochism. Commonly known as BDSM. And of course,Captain.”Jarvis said as he brought up everything helpful, even bringing up some of the online articles about tony when he was younger and even more wild then he was currently, and less careful at not being caught doing his kink in public. "Captain?I wish to tell you that Sir has gone to sleep, and is well taken care of."Jarvis said after awhile, wanting to reassure the man that he was okay.
Johnny snorted. "i'm not a national icon Tony." "i think he's talking about me." Steve admitted before looking very worried about where the conversation was going. "you wouldn't care if i made a mess. you'd be dead." Johnny pointed out, looking amused. "just take a nap Tony your talking nonsense." he ordered with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Iron Man wouldn't be jealous he doesn't even know." Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes even as he blushed because really... Sex with Tony would be pretty amazing really... if the man was in his right mind. "i know. he's Captain America though, i think it upset him to see you getting hit." Johnny admitted. "you and i are having a good long talk about you going to sex clubs without a Dom Tony." He warned. "in the morning, yes i know." he promised before smiling. "i won't leave." he promised before giving Tony exactly what he wanted.

"yeah i kind of figured that was his lowest. i don't think you can get much lower without Drugs." he admitted. "Bondage Domination... oh! Master Slave is part of that right? i read something about that a while back." he admitted, head tilted as he watched the Screen before relaxing at the promise that Tony was sleeping and was alright. "good. tell Johnny to stay with him would you?" Johnny never left Tony when the other needed his Subby Space. not until he was fully certain that Tony was fully in control of himself and then another day just to make sure. "interesting." Steve muttered, reading through the material and branching out to read more. he ended up staying up all night, not that he needed more sleep anyway. he worked his way halfway through the entire Internet looking for more stuff to read. getting into everything he could. from the science and psychology to it, to 'how to' manuals. lists of kinks to an actual BDSM Checklist that he actually filled out. and then buried as deep into the system as he could, so deep only Jarvis could fetch it back. certainly gave him a lot more to look up. only when the clock hit eleven thirty and he realized Tony might actually show up for training did he close everything down and get tarted on a lunch. he was starving! and horny... could he get in a wank before Johnny, Clint or Tony showed up?
“I’d totally care you made a mess. Pepper would bring me back from the dead and beat me senseless.”Tony muttered before huffing, whining a little even as he dozed a little. “Oh. Well. Okay then.Iron-Ass can just be blissfully ignorant.”Tony muttered. “...Kay. Morning.Talking later.”tony muttered.

And it was indeed morning....well. Late morning before tony even stirred, snuffling closer to the warm man cuddling against him, cause Johnny felt so warm to him. Sighing quietly as he buried his face into the pillow he groaned before rolling to his back, craning his head to look at the clock. “J? Will you tell Cap I’m running late, and will be awhile before training?I want to shower and clean up first.” “Of course sir.”Jarvis said as he relayed the message. Slumping back into the bed, tony groaned a little, “I know you’re awake fireboy.”Tony grumbled knowing he better just get the conversation over with before he pissed off johnny even more then he probably already was. At least he was back in control enough to make rational decisions about people’s feelings, even if he was still a little off balance, it wasn’t as bad as it was before.

“Yes, exactly Captain.”Jarvis said. “I will. Mr. Storm usually stays for a day or two after episodes like this.”Jarvis reassured the captain to make sure he’d know tony wasn’t alone. And in the morning Jarvis cleared his throat a little as steve started cooking. “Sir asked me to tell you that he is running late. He just woke up. It’ll probably be a few hours until he’s feeling well enough to venture out of his bedroom, Captain.”
Johnny smiled as Tony talked to Jarvis, deciding to doze for a little bit yet."yeah. i'm awake." Johnny admitted with a sigh, running his fingers through Tony's hair to calm the other down. he never yelled at Tony, it never did any good. though the other always expected him to. "We talked about this last time you know. i distinctly recall you promising me you would never, ever go into a BDSM club alone after the last one left you in the hospital." Johnny admitted, staring at Tony. "why break that promise after all this time? you know i would have gone with you, or done it myself. you know i'll never leave you behind or tell you no." he admitted, staring at Tony. "Tony you could have gotten really hurt. i know you don't take the death threats seriously, or your personal safety for that matter, but others do. please don't make us worry so much? okay?"

Steve nodded. "at least this is not all that destructive... i mean, it could be, but if he's with people like Johnny then it's safe, right?" Steve mused. "good. tell him when he wakes up that he's invited to training anytime." Steve decided. "....okay Jarvis.... you know what? tell him to take Today off, since i'm not sure how sore he is right now. i don't want to aggravate injuries or something... but tell him he can't make a habit of it! he misses tomorrow and it's getting doubled!" he warned, smiling a little as he headed for the bathroom to enjoy a wank before going into his bedroom to Sketch. it was only when he realized he'd drawn a very nice picture of Tony all tied up, panting and covered in red lines. "....oh hell..." that one was buried inside of his bed before someone else saw it. "i am so fucked..."
Tony sighed softly leaning into the other’s hand even as he closed his eyes, simply enjoying the touch. “...I know.”Tony sighed softly, shivering under the remembered pain. Even if it’d left him with broken ribs, a back so flayed open he’d needed stitched, and his cheek laid open to the bone, extremis the only reason it hadn’t scarred, the man had seen the logic in not going alone. “....didn’t...”he sighed quietly. “Didn’t mean to go. I had gone out to get drinks, and was bar hopping my way over to Reed’s tower, and...”He shrugged. “....I don’t remember how I went between that and there...don’t really remember you taking me home really.”Well. He didn’t remember steve being there, the two men a senseless blur of a man who’d crashed hard. “....I’ll try not to.”Tony promised still feeling weird but not totally strung out still.

“...Yes. If he’s with johnny, he is. But you know Sir. He has all the survival skills of a ant.”Jarvis sounded unsure, not sure if he wanted to tell steve everything and worry him even more, or let the other man know just how self destructive tony could be. “I will. Doubled, he wont like that. He’ll show up.”Jarvis said sounding amused.
Johnny smiled a little. "well at least you didn't plan on it. i'm giving a running order that your not to be allowed into any of those places unless accompanied by Myself, Reed or Bruce." he decided pausing. "well Steve too if we didn't scare the hell out of him." he admitted. "he didn't look scared, he just looked confused, and a bit curious." he admitted, running his fingers up and down Tony's back now. "that idiot marked you more than he should have... i'm making a formal complaint at that place. there's no way a greenhorn like him should have been working someone alone." he grumbled, shaking his head. "do more than try, okay Tony?" Johnny asked with a smile.

"good. i'm glad. we'll just have to keep a closer eye on him." he decided with a smile. "clearly he can't go to places like that alone, so i'll just have to learn how to go with him." he decided with a smile. "and he has a little bit more self preservation than an ant...." he admitted with a smile. "no, he won't, that's why i threaten him with it." he admitted with a chuckle. "hey.... just to be clear... my...uh... 'research'.... never happened, right?" he asked Jarvis.
“No I didn’t. I was just...I guess I was more upset then I thought, ended up-”Tony stopped turning his head to look at the other. “....Steve?”he said after a moment, brown eyes so wide that he looked ready to panic, the mere idea of steve seeing him, threatening to send him into a panic. shivering a little as remembered pain and pleasure tilted him back into that floating, quiet space, that wasn’t quite all the way down, but simply more relaxed. “...I chose him Johnny. No one asked.”Tony muttered though he knew johnny would do it anyways, simply because tony should have never been allowed getting up there as drunk and far down as he’d been already. “Kay.”he muttered smiling back, as his stomach growled. “We should go harass Cap into giving us food...”He muttered more because he needed to see for himself that steve hadn’t been scared off.

“A good decision, Captain.I know we’d all appreciate it if he took someone along with him, who can manhandle him out the door if he needs it.”Jarvis said sounding amused before laughing quietly.”Never happened. Though you may want to reassure Sir that you’re not freaking out on him. He is....even more unsure of himself on days like this.”Jarvis warned, knowing tony even if the man wouldn’t say it to steve, he figured he’d save them all the trouble, and just tell steve to be careful with tony for a bit.
Johnny nodded. "you where pretty upset last night i take it?" he asked before smiling. "yeah, Steve. you should have seen him threatening the Door Man." he admitted with a smile. "it was kind of sexy." he admitted with a smile. "easy. shh. easy." he murmured, stroking the other, sighing when he watched Tony slip back into subspace. "that's the problem. no one asked." he growled. "no one should have ever let yu in there when you where as drunk as you where." he grumbled. "as messed up as you obviously where." he grumbled before smiling a little. "yeah, okay. lets go eat all of Caps food." he agreed with a smile as he got up and got dressed, helping Tony do the same before leading the other to Cap's room.

"I think i'd sleep better at night myself." Steve admitted. "and i can manhandle him, just throw him over m shoulder and he'd be helpless..." he paused, remembering a time when Bucky used to do the same to him. "oh, no worries. i'm sure he'll be here soon for food." he admitted with a smile. "what do you think he'd like Jarvis?" he asked. "i was thinking Mexican." he admitted after he'd hidden his newest sketchbook so no one else could ever find it. "Come in!" Steve called. "Heya Johnny. Hey Tone." Steve chirped. "want some food?" he asked, looking amused. "night like tht, you get a heck of an appetite." Johnny started laughing and he shook his head. "yes please, food would be great." "great. you like Goats cheese?" "yuck. no!" "...pity." Steve muttered, wrinkling his nose at Johnny, as if wondering how someone so uncultured had gotten into his rooms. "oh hell... Jarvis? how do i make the oven change temperatures again?" Steve asked, even though he knew exactly how to do it.
“Yea.”Tony said going quiet, not ready to talk about it before smiling a little.”Hm, steve’s good at sexy.”He muttered sighing softly as he settled into subspace, relaxing more. He nuzzling against the other’s hand,”I didn’t end up in the hospital, but you’re right. Someone needs to make a complaint before someone without a high healing ability gets hurt.”

“good.”jarvis said sounding satisfied that someone was just going to manhandle tony when he needed it, the Ai sounding pleased that steve understood how bad tony would be, and would handle things well. “mexican would be good indeed. It’s one of his favorites.” “Hey.And yes.”Tony smiled a little at the offer of food, looking nervous and fidgety, unsettled until he realized that steve wasn’t freaking out or anything, relaxing into his chair as he listened to the other to talk. Far down enough that he was simply okay with johnny deciding things. “You’re having problems working your cooking stuff?”Tony asked as he stirred blinking at steve before getting up to help him.”here, like this.”He said helping him set it how he wanted, before relaxing again. “need help with anything?”He asked looking around at the gathered ingridents, trying to decide what was needed.
Johnny chuckled a little and shook his head. "Steve is good at Sexy. shame he's so shy." Johnny agreed with a chuckle before shaking his head. "Tony. if you where a normal person, you would be in the hospital." he warned. "if that man had been with anyone else they would be in the hospital and that's dangerous." he stated gently. "that's why i'm making th complaint." he admitted.

"i'm glad he has you looking out for him Jarvis." Steve admitted with a smile. "good! i'm glad he likes Mexican then." he agreed with a smile before looking worried at Tony. "are you okay?" "he's fine. he's pretty much just emotional and overly sensitive right now..." Johnny explained, Steve pondering that before nodding. "yeah, i get like that sometimes." he agreed. "part of the PTSD. or so i'm told. i cried for an entire day for no reason once. it was traumatic." he admitted with a rather adorable sheepish grin. "no! i'm not having problems! this Stove just has weird buttons that i don't understand yet..." he admitted, smiling when Tony helped him. "Tony, i'm not sure you should be trusted with a sharp knife or a hot pan right now." Steve admitted, looking amused. "no he can't be." Johnny agreed. "but i know how to cook?" "no. your a guest. guests don't cook. o sit in the living room and watch a movie with Tony and snuggle him. Jarvis said he'll be cuddly so you should let him cuddle you." Johnny laughed and nodded. "you got it Cap, come on Tones. let's go watch your favorite on the couch and snuggle."
Tony whined a little at the idea of the man being sexy, well at least johnny wouldn’t have to work to hard to figure out why tony was all out of sorts. “....That’s true. I’ll make one to.”Tony muttered sighing quietly.

“I’m fine.”Tony smiled a little before frowning at steve.”I am never over emotional.”Tony sulked a little smiling at steve,”I’m sure it was traumatic. Just think of how many people would have wanted to comfort you, either gender. You would have so gotten laid if you let others see you cry.”Tony muttered, and it was obvious while it was barely existent normally, his mind-to-mouth filter was totally off line when he was like this. “It does not. The stove’s fine. Just your 1940s weirdness if making it weird.”tony muttered before looking at johnny, whining a little at the idea of not getting to cook with steve. He liked cooking with steve!”I can cook.”he sulked, even though he didn’t try to help. “...hmmm okay. We’ll eat when steve’s done then.”Tony said making it sound like it had been his idea as he settled onto the couch after asking jarvis to pull up the movie kiss kiss bang bang. Definitely a good movie there, and making him like it even more cause the actor was a young looking him. It was amazing really, that there was someone else who could look like him. Smiling as he snuggled into johnny as he half watched half dozed.
Steve nodded. "yeah, he's a bit sensitive today." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "...Tony!" he complained, flushing brightly. "i, unlike some people here i could name *Johnny* don't need to have sex." he stated with a sniff. "hey!" Johnny complained. "Tony has sex too!" "yes. but Tony is a valued member of my team, is twice as adorable as you, and actually contributes to Society therefor he's allowed to have sex every day." "....i contribute to Society." "you set fire to all the billboards advertising that book... uh... the vampire one... Twilight?" "trust me. that was a contribution." "it cost the city of New York over ten thousand dollars in damages." "i saved thousands of people from a horrible, horrible reading experience." "my 1940's weirdness?" he asked, looking very, very amused. "your cute Tony, go lay down." he ordered with a chuckle. he watched parts of the movie while he cooked. making several cheese, beef, re-fried bean, turkey and steak Enchilada, followed up by a beef tip, chicken, and cheese Quesadilla followed by some Empanada simply because Steve felt like it. there was three sliced Avacado to go on top and sour cream. he also made Flan, as promised and some Sopapillas. "Lunch is up!" Steve called after laying the last item out on his table. there wasn't enough room for all three of them at the kitchen bar he and Tony usually ate at.
“I am not.”Tony huffed before laughing, grinning at the other as steve protested. “I need to have sex. It’s fun. You need sex, you just don’t want to admit it.”Tony smiled at him, before laughing at the argument. “That was indeed a contribution to society. No one should have to watch or read twilight.”Tony hummed looking thoughtful, before nodding. “yes. You’re from the 40s, and weird, so therefore 1940s weirdness.”Tony explained as he watched the movie. Boncing into the room he smiled as he looked at the table’s worth of food, smiling slightly. “It looks so amazing.” “It does indeed.”Natasha smirked a little as she walked into the room, despite being in just jeans and a captain america t-shirt, the woman looked gorgeous, looking at all three men thoughtfully. Having heard and pieced enough together of the night before to need to check on them.
Steve snorted. "Sex is boring." he huffed, shaking his head. "clearly you haven't been having the right sex." "well, Sex is Sex isn't it?" "uh.... no." Johnny complained. "no, Steve just... no." he complained. "Hey Natasha. you joining us?" Steve asked later, smiling at her, not even yelping when Clint slid out of the vents right behind him. "hey Clint, you hungry?" "Starving. Bruce and Phil are coming down too. apparently Phil can leave the bed so long as he does so in a wheelchair now. which is awesome because if he keeps complaining i might shot him again." he admitted with a grin. "god. did you go to school for this or something?" "nah. my Grandmother was Mexican. on my Fathers side." Steve admitted with a smile. "and my grandfather on my fathers side was French American." he admitted. "i learned how to cook from all of them. food is important culture, and they wanted to make sure i was culturally connected to all of my roots." "so in other words, you're only like, one sixth American." "yeah, pretty much." he admitted with a laugh. "let's see.... my Mother was Half Italian and half German, so she taught me those languages and foods, my Father was French American and Mexican so i know those languages and foods. i learned Russian food and language during the War along with Swedish and Asian." he admitted, head tilted before grinning as Bruce and Phil joined them. "come in! have a seat there's plenty of food."
“Definitely not having the right kind of sex.”Tony muttered shuddering in memories, because while it might have been a blur, he knew last night had been amazing. “I am.wanted to see how Tony was doing, as from discreet rumors of flying. None from the club, but people saw you two carrying him out.”Natasha said looking concerned as she watched the content looking tony simply eating, for once not being his normal demanding, manic self. “That’s awesome. We have a Captain that’s not really American. I’m totally going to tell Iron man, he’ll die laughing.”Tony hummed a little sounding utterly pleased with himself for finding something amusing, quietly happy to be with the others, though despite sitting next to johnny, and not everyone would notice, but it was steve the sweet submissive was watching as they talked. He wasn’t doing anything overt, and wasn’t totally down as far as he’d been the night before, but he was still for the moment riding the contentment that usually left him soon enough, leaving him irritable and annoyed. “It looks like your trying to feed a army.”Phil said as he wheeled over to the table looking amused. “He is. Have you seen Clint and johnny try to eat?” “I have actually. It’s like a massacre happened.”Phil teased looking up at clint.
Steve shrugged. "he was pretty roughed up. had he been a 'normal' person, he'd have been in the hospital from the damage. i'm filing a formal complaint." Johnny promised. "i fixed him up and settled him in." he promised Natasha, Steve nodding. "he's kid of cute like this actually." he admitted with a smile. "well i was born in America and my daddy was American and died in the war for America, so it counts." Steve admitted with a smile. "he actually served in the 107'th like Bucky did." he admitted, chuckling at Tony's spaced out behavior. "i am trying to feed an army. you lot don't count as an army?" Steve asked, looking amused. "hey!" both Johnny and Clint complained. "i'll have you know i was raised in a circus so i have a decent excuse." Clint stated with a sniff, Johnny just shrugged. "i'm just a sloppy rich bastard. feed me." "you go wash your hands first, i know where they've been." Steve ordered, grinning as Johnny sputtered and sulked. Steve as quite pleased with the impromptu gathering. everyone eating and enjoying the food he'd worked so hard to make. everyone happy and smiling and getting along with each other. "the only thing that would make this better is if Iron Man was here." Clint admitted. "Rhodey, Happy and Pepper too." Steve agreed with a grin, brightening when Pepper stepped in. "someone call my name? Jarvis said there was free food. oh it's gorgeous!" she admitted, sitting on Tony's other side and dug into the meal, all the while eying up the desserts. they all knew she was actually there to make sure Tony was okay though.
Natasha tilted her head studying tony, looking over the man, making sure he wasn’t to hurt, before nodding. “Good. I also visited with the person that did this....they will not be making that mistake again.”It had taken some doing, but she’d found out what happened, and had dealt with it in a normal natasha-non death solution to things. “That does count.”Tony agreed smiling a little. “We do count now that I think about it. I mean, you did stop a invasion.”phil snickered a little. “Don’t sulk, god knows what your hands where doing.You don’t want to eat with cum on them or something.”Bruce teased, while he was still somewhat shy around them, he’d relaxed more. “You should call Iron.He might not come, but you could ask if you want.”Tony said tilting his head at steve, looking happy even if it twisted his stomach in knots to know steve wanted iron man.
the table stilled and Johnny and Steve both looked at her, worried. " he dead?" Johnny asked, looking a bit worried. "tortured probably. or crippled." Clint mused, chewing on his meal calmly. "....he's screwing with you Johnny... i think." Steve admitted, giving Natasha a wary look, Pepper huffing. "he could have seriously hurt someone! he deserves anything Pepper gives him!" she informed them. she was very fiercely protective of Tony, so finding out someone had beaten him that bad made her rather bloodthirsty. "oh! hey! why aren't you making Tony wash his hands?! he was doing it too!" "Tony also knows better than to sit at my table without washing his hands." Steve stated simply. "okay. Jarvis? Dial Iron Man's number would you?" Steve asked, tucking his phone to his ear, upside down. Pepper reached over and corrected it. Johnny choked on his laughter before glancing at Tony, wondering how he was going to pull this one off. "Hey! it's Steve, Captain America, no nothing to blow up, a bunch of people showed up and are eating my food and i was wondering if you wanted to join us?" Steve asked. "also me and Tony where hoping you'd go to a ballgame with us?" he asked.
“Don’t look so worried. I’m not always so lethal.” “What did you do,nat?”Tony said looking curious. “Just taught him the error of his ways in thinking he was the skillful one with a flogger.” “....Oh, kinky assassin sex. That’s epic. I want a video.”Tony decided looking amused shifting to nuzzle pepper a little, pressing a kiss to her head. “So bloodthirsty.”He teased snickering at johnny’s complaining, giggling even more as steve messed up using his phone, eyes going a little more unfocused as ‘he’ answered the phone, making jarvis answer it downstairs for him.“Well, considering you’re the only Steve I know, I’d hope it was you Captain.”Iron man teased before sighing. “Sadly, I can’t join you at the moment because of prior commitments, but I would love to, as long as you promise Tony doesn’t make us go to a Yankees’ game.”
Pepper laughed, delighted at Natasha's very appropriate punishment. "oooh me too." Johnny and Pepper ordered, Pepper smiling at Tony and kissing his forehead back. "Well... good point. Stop laughing Clint! i'm sure plenty of people do it!" "no. no they don't!" Clint yelled, laughing harder. "well i'll pack you up some stuff hows that?" Steve offered with a smile. "provided Pepper doesn't eat it all." "He!" " we have to go to a yankees Game. i want to see them loose so i can laugh in their sucky looser faces!" Steve growled, shoulder twitching. "if not a yankees Game how about a Mets? i love the Mets." he admitted with a grin.
“I might have a video.”Natasha snickered rolling her eyes at the other’s response to the punishment smiling a little at the sight of tony snuggling. It was good to see him like this, even if she knew it wouldn’t last longer then today, and maybe tomorrow morning. “Clint, stop being mean. I make your weapons you know, I’ll make it confusing to use if you don’t.”Tony teased looking amused. “That, sounds good. I’ll stop by after I’m done to get it okay?”Iron man said before snorting. “Well, if we must. I’ve been told I’m not allowed being a Yanks fan anymore, but if we must go see them lose...”Iron man sounded amused. “Find out what game you want to go to, and I’ll go whenever.”Iron man said, sounding utterly pleased at being included in his team’s activities for the first time really.
Steve rolled his eyes but made a mental note to get that video from Jarvis. "don't ruin my weapons! Tony, nooo.... i'll give you cookies?" Clint bribed, pouting at the other. "Great, i'll make sure it's hot for you." Steve promised. "and i'll leave my window open so you can just f right in." he promised with a grin. "that's right! your not allowed to be a Yankees Fan, because i can, and will convert you by any means necessary." he admitted with a grin. "i'll argue with Tony about it. he'll probably win." Steve admitted. "oh, and if you heard about Tony, it's too lat, Nat already dealt with it." he admitted, looking a little annoyed about it. "and Johnny's taking care of everything else so we can't really do anything now." he admitted before grinning as Clint snickered and made grabby motions for the phone. "hold on Clint want's to talk to you." "i beat your high score Bitches!" Clint informed Tony and Iron Man, super smug. "High Score?" "yeah. on a couple of games. i'll leave it to them to figure out which ones."
“....cookies are the appropriate bribe. I want double chocolate chip.”Tony voiced looking amused. “Awesome. It shouldn’t be more then a hour or so.”Iron man said before laughing. “Any means Captain?”He teased before snorting. “He would win. Just let me know. And yes, I was going to ask.And dammit widow, you’re supposed to leave me some things to do.” “Sorry. The little bastard was to tempting to torture to let you deal with.”Natasha smiled a little studying steve’s face, looking amused at his reaction that everything was already taken care of. “...Okay...”Iron man said sounding intrigued before laughing. “Well, I’ll have to wait and let you enjoy the win for now. Me and tony will be winning soon enough again.”Iron man said before sighing. “Well, as much fun as it’s been, I must be going.” “Bye bye, Iron idiot.”Tony muttered snuggling into johnny’s side after he finished eating, content to simply be held until johnny....or steve...needed him to do something.
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