Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

he rolled his eyes. "Gadgets won't always be enough Tony." he admitted simply. "i'd know that better than anyone." he admitted. after all, the best gadgets in the world didn't help him be found, didn't stop him from loosing Bucky, didn't stop him from flying into the ocean. Gadgets had their limits and Steve didn't want to see Tony dead, ding, crippled or hurt because he had relied on them too much. "no one really has respect for their own lives." he said, rolling his eyes. "again, i'd know." after all, he could have at least tried to survive. people where selfish sometimes and dying had seamed the perfect response to failing to save Bucky at the time. "god. you will do the stupid lessons. and if you skip, i'l double them." he warned, smirking. "and i'll get away with it too because Pepper, James and Harry are all on my side on this. so there." Steve stated, looking ever so smug. "and so is Fury, Phil, Clint, Natasha, i'm not sure about Bruce but i'm pretty sure he'd take my side, oh! and Iron Man agrees with me." he declared, though that last one he'd made up. he hadn't thought to tell Iron Man, but being Tony's friend, he was sure Iron Man would take his side. he smiled a little when Tony stripped and shook his head. yeah he'd been warned about Tony's immodesty.

when Tony woke up there was a hot steaming cup of Coffee next to his head and a couple of the toasty Zeppoli coated in powdered sugar and half dipped in chocolate waiting for Tony. Steve himself was curled up on his couch in the sitting area chewing on his own Zeppoli and sipping a cup of Coffee while reading the Sorcerers Stone. he was half done already, so either tony had been sleeping longer than he'd intended, or Steve was a hella fast reader. "explain something to me?" he demanded, looking up at Tony. "has the world really dropped so low in standards that no one raises an eye at Child Abuse anymore? i mean honestly, locked in a cupboard? no food for three days? two teachers that promise physical retaliation and bully the children they teach? not to mention keeping an obviously rabid animal in the school... people think this is entertainment?" and yet, he was still reading.
“...I know.”Tony flinched a little, because he knew just as well just how gadgets could fail, get him in trouble, nearly cost him everything. The only reason he’d made it out of afghanistan, was because he’d remade himself, let Yinsen recreate the man who’d been tony stark, created a man of iron. “...Fine. No need to be threatening. I’ll do them.”tony huffed making a face before snickering. “Bastard would agree with you probably. Idiot.”Tony grumbled even as he went to bed.

Tony stumbled into the living room carrying his coffee and nibbling on the zeppoli, pausing as he stared at the other man. “How long have I been asleep?”He asked sounding concerned if he’d slept the whole afternoon, before snickering, not even about to go into his own childhood to prove that no, as long as you could pay someone to look the other way, whatever you did to your child was ignored. “No, there’s those who care. And try to do the right thing, but for the most part, yes, the world has fallen into such disrepute. All you can do, is try to do your part in cleaning it up.”Tony snorted.”Besides, you’re finding it entertaining. You’re still reading.”
he examined Tony for a moment and then nodded. "good. and i do need to be threatening, it's in my Captain America Contract." he admitted with a smirk. "of course he'd agree with me. he likes me." he stated with a grin.

"just a few hours..." Steve said, blinking at his watch. "oh... well... maybe a bit longer." so Tony wasn't the only one who'd lost track of time. "well... maybe i'll just have to start lobbying again." he decided. "America will be a great country again even if i have to kill every last politician in it." he decided. "it's a good book. the abuse just troubles me a lot. and the clear lack of caring if the students are actually educated. this Quirrel guy rubs me the wrong way, and Snape is just a point blank asshole. Filch gives me the creeps and the ghost teacher, forgot his name, is pointless." he admitted, shaking his head. "and honestly, why is it that no one in this books seams to have any common sense? 'oh it's a dragon! don't worry Hagrid well help you hide it!' never mind it will be too big in a matter of weeks TO hide..." clearly Steve was one of those people who was very opinionated about books. "J.K. Rowling clearly had a very sheltered childhood." he muttered before slipping in a bookmark and setting it down. "i think i'm going to go check on the others." he admitted. "it makes me nervous when i don't know what they're up to. especially since no ones babysitting Clint."
“...Well. Good to know I’m not the only one who loses track of time.”Tony snickered a little before smirking. “If anyone else said that, I’d laugh in their faces, but I think you’re one of the few people capable of making things change.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “You’re reading to much into this cap, it’s just a book. Though it does say something about common sense being dead.”Tony snickered a little before smiling. “I’ll come with. He’s probably hiding in the vents or something.”Tony smiled even as he followed the other up towards clint’s rooms, wondering what was going on with the other’s, nervous to know how they were liking their apartments.
he chuckled. "no missions means no clocks." Steve informed him with a shrug. "why bother keeping track of time when there's nothing to do?" he asked with a smile. "if you'd had something important Jarvis would have woken you up." he pointed out. "es... well. you might want to laugh in my face anyway. since i'm not exactly politically savvy enough to actually make a difference." he admitted. "Common sense in this country is dead." Steve admitted, shaking his head. "i'm going to check on Phil first, odds are, Clint's with him. or near him." he admitted. "Clint did NOT like being separated from Phil for this long, no matter that Phil needed the rest and Clint was busy." he admitted. "knock knock!" Steve called as he cautiously peeped into Phil's rooms. where he and Clint where sort of sharing. "hey Phil! i brought goodies!.... i forgot the goodies..." Steve started, looking startled at his empty hands. he'd made enough zeppoli for everyone and had intended to share them with everyone. he even had a plate for Pepper and Iron Man. "i'll be right back!" Steve promised, racing out of the room and back up with the plate of treats. "okay! now i have treats for you!" by then, Clint had dropped down out of the ceiling and was laughing at Steve, accepting the tray since Phil was still too hurt to get out of bed. "how you feeling Phil?" he asked, worried about the man who had taken a scepter to the chest. Clint was too busy chewing on a zeppoli to interrupt.
“That’s true. Just odd sleeping as much as I need.”Tony shrugged because it was a rare day that he didn’t wake up panting and sweating from a dream. Even when he was home, he got no relief from the torutre or the near dying he’d had at flying into a wormhole to deal with the chitauri. “Probably. He really didn’t like being away.”Tony smiled a little as he followed Steve, snickering as he realized steve had forgotten his treats. “You are such a dork.”he snickered a little watching steve go. “Thank you steve.”Phil smiled a little as he shifted on the bed to sit up, smiling at steve. “I’m sore. And easily tired, but considering how I was before, Better. Tony here was helpful.” “Hey, thank iron man for that, I just figured out how to stabilize Extremis enough to help.”Tony smiled pleased that indeed, he’d managed to save the agent years of healing, and while it was slower then the serum, it was still healing him quicker then it would have been if he’d been completely human.
Steve smiled a little. "i know what you mean. granted, with the Serum i only need five or six a night, but with nightmares i usually only get two or three. i tend to take a nap during the middle of the day. but i read through my usual nap-time." he admitted with a chuckle. "i can't really blame him. he was there when Phil.... you know, when his heart stopped." he admitted. "it's the only time i've ever seen Clint in hysterics." he admitted. "Natasha too for that matter. Phil practically raised them himself from what i understand." he admitted. "i'm not a dork, your a dork." Steve complained with a smile before blinking. "Extremis? the thing that infected Pepper and made her start blowing things up?" that was about all he'd understood from the explanation. "is Phil going to start setting things on fire too?" Pepper still burst into flames on occasion when the board really pissed her off. "No." Clint promised with a laugh. "Tony did say he stabilized it." "Stable can mean anything from 'it won't blow you up' to 'it only does exactly what i want it to now'. at least, according to the smart people at Shield." Steve admitted. "i'm not sure they understand 'stable' to be truthful." "well. Shield Scientists are all off their rockers anyway." Clint admitted, handing Phil the plate of goodies after shoving a third one into his mouth. "don't worry Phil, i brought you your own plate." Steve promised, setting it on Phil's lap. Steve knew how much Phil loved desserts. Clint too for that matter. they both had terrible sweet tooth's.
“I know, reading about child abuse is just to fascinating to sleep through.”Tony teased a little before looking a little pale himself. “I heard. Though destroying Agent’s captain card’s was a little extreme.”He snickered before making a face. “You are the dork. I’m to smart and awesome to be a dork.”He said before nodding. “Yea. But I fixed it.” “No I’m not.”Phil said laughing a little before smiling. “That does sound like a Stark explanation of stable, but this is stable in the sense that I’ll only blow up things when I get angry.”Phil smiled a little. “Hey!I’m not off my rocker. Don’t lump me in with the shield scientists.”Tony whined a little. “Thanks.”Phil smiled pleased to have his own plate and giving clint back his, starting to eat. “So, how did training go today?”Phil said studying the two men. “It was long and horrible, and I’ve been blackmailed into continuing. It’s annoying.”
he rolled his eyes. "i just want to know what the hell is going on. i can't decide if Dumbledore is Evil or just Senile." he admitted. "oh god don't even bring those up! he cried when he found out Tony, cried!" he complained. "i actually spent fifteen hundred thousand dollars buying him and signing new ones just so he'd lay still and rest!" he admitted. "although. i was pretty stunned to realize i could afford that. apparently i'm in the same tax bracket as you are." he admitted. "back pay is awesome. not as awesome as payback, but..." he shrugged, looking amused. "nope. you watch Dr. Who and Star Trek. according to sources, namely Rhodey, Pepper and Jarvis, that constitutes as a Dork." he admitted with a grin before blinking a little. "so your still going to be a Metahuman?" he asked, curious. "does it hurt when you explode?" he asked, Clint chuckling as he chewed on his desserts. "it went well." Steve promised with a chuckle. "he has the basics down perfectly thanks to James and Harry.... Rhodey and Happy." he corrected when he got baffled looks. "tomorrow we're going to show him some actual maneuvers but i'm going to need Clint's help. while possible, it's very difficult to show someone how and where to hit on yourself or on them." he admitted. "so i'm going to be a punching dummy?" "no. your just the maneuverable mannikin. he'll be hitting me because it's damn hard to hurt me and Phil would never forgive me if i returned you with a set of broken ribs and a broken nose." Steve admitted, looking amused when Clint rolled his eyes. "so, you settled in okay?" Steve asked Clint who brightened. "man this place is awesome! i have my own archery range! and it's not boring like the crp Shield has! it has moving targets that scream when you hit them! it's more like Laser tag! only with sharp deadly projectiles! some of them even spit stuff back at me! don' worry they don't shoot anything dangerous. even if i got poked in the eye it would barely hurt. it's kinda like chalk on a stick. so it leaves bright marks when i get hit so i know i failed. it's epic! Nat even tried with her guns!" he admitted with a grin. "plus, the vents here are massive so i can slid through them even faster than the ones at Shield."
“Senile.”Tony said grinning a little, before snickering. “I know. I heard. And I was going to buy them if you hadn’t.”Tony snickered before laughing at the other’s words. “Now that, is amazing. Justthink me and you are among the richest men in the world. I think the title of ‘world’s most eligible bachelors’ of the year is going to go to avengers this year.”Tony snickered before twitching. “...You forgot lord of the rings, star wars, and the ever important comic books.”Tony grumbled not protesting being a dork. “Yes, I will. Though one that’s more stable then tony and pepper had been in the beginning.”Phil smiled before shaking his head.”Not really. It just feels warm mostly.”He said before smiling at tony pleased. “Good. He needs to look after himself then.”Phil said pleased with tony. “Oh good, I get to beat on a national icon. I think there’s rules against that or something.”Tony said rolling his eyes, because he knew if he let himself think about it to hard, he’d really, really enjoy beating on steve a little to much, and not for any good reason beyond daddy issues. Which was not a good reason to hurt anyone. “We are for the most part.”Phil smiled at clint’s obvious delight in having a archery range. “I know, I thought about making this a test run for the archery room at shield, but you know what, I sorta don’t want to share with them. Fury’s been a ass.”Tony sighed a little smirking. “I’m glad you’re liking it.”Tony said quietly, though it was obvious he was relieved and utterly pleased clint was so glad for his rooms.
he snorted a little. "how could i not? he was so upset." he admitted, looking amused. "and so embarrassed that he was so upset. it was really kind of adorable." he admitted. "he actually keeps them locked up now." he admitted. "so Fury can't ruin them the next time he needs to motivate us. with a voice, eyeball, fingerprint analysis." he admitted. "i'm not a bachelor." Steve stated with a grin. "i believe the rule is you have to be under forty to apply and i'm up into my nineties now, so i can't be a bachelor." he admitted with a snigger. "...uh.... right... those things... comic books?" he asked, looking interested. "they still make those?" "well at least we don't have to worry about you too much now. Tony does good work, he won't let you down." Steve agreed, Clint nodding. "oh i'm sure he can look after himself. just in Case, Jarvis has agreed to get me anytime Tony's being stupid." Steve admitted with a grin. "like going thirty six hours on a half an hour of sleep." busted. "of course there's rules against it. but i am neither endangered nor fragile." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "and on the off chance you do manage to hurt me, i'll be healed in a matter of hours anyway." he admitted. "no! it's mine! you can't!" Clint protested, looking very annoyed at the thought of someone 'unworthy' touching his Archery range. even if it was only a copy. Steve just snickered. "Tony built it Clint, he can do what he wants with it." "but... but... but it's mine!" Clint protested, well aware that was a terrible argument.
“I know. It was fairly adorable...and we’re never telling him I called him that. I’ll never hear the end of it.”Tony grumbled. Before wincing. “Good. Definitely need locked up to keep fury away.”He snickered before shaking his head. “You are. Cause we’re not counting the years on ice, so technically, you’re younger then me by five years.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “Oh yea. There’s a whole lot of different comic books now. I’ll show you.” “Oh, Cap, look what you did. You got Tony talking geekery.”Phil teased amused at how excited tony looked at having someone to talk to about things he liked, knowing just how much a rarity this was for him. “What?I didn’t-Jarvis!Me and you are going to have words.” “I look forward to it, Sir.” “I can reprogram you, you bucket of bolts.” “It’s always a joy listening to you threaten when your tired. Do I need to get Iron Man to make sure you sleep?” “No!Stop it, you stupid AI.”Tony growled whining a little looking put out and mumbling about being ganged up on. “I wasn’t going to. I don’t like the idea of sharing my things with anyone.Don’t be so upset.”Tony said snickering at clint’s reaction.
Steve snickered. "sweet. blackmail material." he chirped playfully. "i think Fury was just jealous that Phil had all the cards." he admitted. "next thing you know he'll be tearing up Jame's Captain America Comic Book collection up." he admitted. "actually that probably wouldn't be so bad, i hate those things." he admitted. "are you sure? because i'm pretty sure they have to count the years i was on ice. i got back pay for it you know. so it counts." he paused. "i can't get Health insurance because it it, but it counts." he admitted with a grin. "well, i did like Comics as a kid." Steve agreed. "do you have any robot ones? i never did care much for the alien invasion comics." he admitted. "sorry Tony. but you did program Jarvis to look after your best interests." Steve admitted with a smile. "and you also programmed him to listen to me, it's your own fault." he teased with a smile. "good! because it's mine!" Clint muttered, pleased that he wouldn't have to share after all. "your such a child." "a child who gets what he wants." Clint agreed, quite uncaring about being called a child. "you'll come up and challenge me from time to time right? i could totally teach you how to shoot like a boss." Clint promised Tony with a grin. "we should invite Iron Man too. i bet he'd kick ass with those glowing things on his hands." "repulsors." Steve commented. "yeah those... how do you know that, and yet can't work a microwave?" "i can too work a microwave! Pepper taught me!"
“probably. I was jealous of those cards. He had more of them then me.”Tony sulked before twitching. “Blasphemy! Don’t say that!You’re a horrible man to say that.”Tony said shaking his head before making a face. “Considering you look 26, instead of 92, I’m fairly certain you’re still going to get voted in as bachelor of the year, even if its against the rules.”Tony rolled his eyes before nodding. “You do realize who you’re talking to right? Of course I have robot ones.’Tony rolled his eyes before sulking. “...It is not my fault. And jarvis listening to you, is totally pepper’s fault.”Tony sulked before smiling at clint’s pleasure. “It is yours.”He smiled before nodding. “I will, though I’m not sure I’ll be good at using a bow.”he shrugged before smirking. “He probably would.You should call him, he’s usually free on the weekends.”Tony said. Phil looked at the billionaire in curiosity, because it truly amused him to see the man pretending to not be who he was. “He’s better at tech then you think, Clint.”Phil said smiling a little. “I saw him working the mircowave, he can do it.”Tony snickered a little before looking at steve. “Speaking of things for you to work, I got the avengers phones done, if you want to see yours.”
Steve snorted. "and now he has even more." he pointed out. "how is it that i could get an entire full set, yet you can't? i don't even know how to wrk a computer and i still managed to get an entire set." he admitted, looking amused. "i am a horrible man. they should all be burned." he stated simply. "i'm twenty two." he stated simply. "i was eighteen when i jointed the army." he admitted. eighteen, nothing but a child living child's dreams. "good. i like the robot ones." he admitted with a grin. "Jarvis listening to me is our fault still because he was programmed to listen to Pepper." he stated simply. "nah, you wouldn't do well with a bow. too impatient. i'll teach you the gun." Clint promised before grinning. "cool! i'll do that." he agreed. "i'm better at certain tech. i did manage to learn some things despite having crappy as hell teachers. i can work a phone... kind of." he admitted. "i can't work a touch screen, i think because the Serum and then the ice lowered my core body temperature. i think the screen doesn't recognize my fingers or something." he admitted. "and i know how to work the modern radios. never mind that they aren't radios anymore but some sort of Frankenstein of record player, alarm clock and god knows what else."
“Cause I’ve been forbidden from buying more then one a year. Apparently being the creepy stalker I am, does not go over well with my CEO.”Tony snickered a little. “Noooo. You can’t do that.”Toyn said indeed looking like he was going to cry at the threat of burning the comics. Staring at steve for a long moment. “.....Oh gods. You’re even younger then I thought.”Tony whined a little before smiling a little. “Fine, whatever. Blame me for it.”Tony huffed a little before tilting his head at clint before nodding. “Gun it is.”He said sounding so pleased with the idea, because most people, i.e. Pepper and rhodey, refused to arm him even better then he already was afraid he’d shoot himself or something silly. “Well, you’ll be able to work this one. Custom built for you.I’ll bring your guys up later.” “Thanks tony.”Phil smiled looking amused. “Those are boom boxes. And you’ll figure them out.”Phil said sounding amused, because as much as he liked helping, he found steve’s troubles with tech, and tony’s horror over it, amusing.
Steve started to laugh. "i'll get any that your missing myself." he promised, chuckling a little. "that's funny." he admitted with a grin. "i can. they're mine aren't they? well James, but technically they are all mine since i own the copyrights to them." he admitted. "yeah, i get that a lot." he admitted with a smile. "Dr. Erskine almost told me no, when he realized how young i was. but the other options where.... displeasing." he admitted. "of course, you have to undergo the gun safety courses." Clint admitted with a grin. "oh good." Steve stated, pleased. "is this what you where working on all night?" he asked, looking a bit worried that Tony would go through so much effort before snorting at Phil. "i think your delirious and need more sleep." he admitted. "get some rest, i'll come check on you again tomorrow okay?" he asked with a smile. "you and Clint oth, since Clint is apparently without a sitter for the time being." Clint just grinned impishly. "come on Tony, let's go hand these off to Natasha Bruce and Pepper, and yes i have another plate for you Tony." he promised with a chuckle.
Tony smiled pleased,”Awesome.”He grinned. “noooo that’s evil. I can’t talk to you anymore. No.”Tony said nearly whimpering at the idea. “Whatever. Classes will be fun.”Tony shrugged before making a face at steve.”Noooo. The phones only took a couple hours. I was redoing parts of Iron Man’s suit. Said they weren’t working well, so I needed to get them done quickly.”Tony smiled a little. “Okay. I’ll see you later.”Phil smiled amused, indeed he was looking a little tired. “Jarvis can be his babysitter.”Tony mused smirking a little before grinning, “Awesome.I should get a plate to myself.”he smiled as they left, grinning as they found the other three in the kitchen.”no,no,no don’t cook. Cap has stuff for you.”Tony smiled as they walked in. “Zeppoli?”Natasha said looking amused as she raised a eyebrow, looking bemused at the hyper billionaire. "Hey Cap."Bruce smiled a little as he put on a pot of water to make pasta,"Making noodles, you want some?"
Steve smirked. "i am Evil." he agreed. "classes suck." he admitted. "i'd rather learn on my own, people are just a distraction. or maybe i'm the distraction?" he wondered before chuckling. "yes well, Iron Man wouldn't want you to stay up all night and risk hurting yourself from exhaustion." he pointed out. "sleep well Phil." Steve suggested, smiling at him before snorting. "Jarvis can't physically stop Clint when he has a bad idea." Steve pointed out. "although he can redirect Clint, that works almost as well." he admitted. "and if it doesn't he can call for backup. okay Jarvis your on Clint Duty." he warned the AI. "never let him out of your sight, if you do, bad, bad things will happen." he warned with a smile. "Tony, not everyone can live off of sugar." Steve warned, looking amused. "yes. Zeppoli. Tony trains harder when there's a food reward at the end." Steve admitted, looking amused. "Pepper told me." he admitted. "yes i would, thank you." Steve agreed. "want some help?" he offered, setting the two plates for Natasha and Bruce down and heading over to help Bruce with whatever he needed.
“You are the distraction. I mean have you looked in a mirror lately?”tony teased a little, smirking. “What Iron Man doesn’t know wont get me in trouble. I had to fix the suit, I can’t fight with you guys, but I can make sure you don’t get yourselves killed doing it.”Tony rolled his eyes a little before snickering. “It sounds like a bad game. Clint duty.” “of course, Captain, I will watch the archer.”Jarvis said sounding amused. “I don’t live on sugar. I’ve been forbidden from eating just sugar, which is a ridiculous rule, but fighting with pepper scares me, so the rule stays.” “You are such a kid.”Natasha said looking amused at the idea of tony fighting simply to get food. “If you want. I’m making pizza macaroni, if you want to make the sauce.”Bruce said tilting his head towards the ingredients for the homemade sauce. “pepper!Darling. How was work?”Tony said perking up at the sight of his best friend walking through the door.
he snorted. "i try to avoid reflective surfaces." he admitted. not about to further admit that he hated the way he looked now. it was something someone had said once. everything special about him, came from a bottle. every muscle, every facial expression, every line of his body had been created. he hadn't worked for it, he had cheated, and that deeply bothered him. he also knew if any member of the team ever found out some squint had said that to Steve's face, that low level desk jockey wouldn't exist anymore. he'd just be a smear. no matter that he'd just said what Steve already thought of himself. "well. you can defend yourself at least." Steve commented. "so that helps a lot, us knowing your safe too." he admitted with a smile. "Clint Duty is a bag game. if he doesn't like his sitter, which is usually, he goes out of his way to make them miserable. it's why Clint Duty is a punishment in HQ." Steve admitted with a grin. "Pepper is a smart and frightening woman. you do well by obeying her." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "...Pizza Macaroni? is it okay to combine things like that?" Steve asked, wondering if this was one of Bruce's 'experiments' or an actual food. he decided to try it, it did sound kind of good, he set about making the sauce. "Tony! what do you want? whatever it is the answer is no." Pepper teased, breaking into one of the plates of pastries. Steve just laughed. "no, those aren't from Tony. i made them, help yourself to a plate, i made one for everyone." "oooh, your a doll, i knew i liked you." Pepper admitted, grinning at Steve before kissing Tony's cheek. "work went well. i didn't set anything on fire today... though Clarkson has a few singes."
“Me and you both. I look older each day.”Tony said though he looked vaguely curious about the man’s avoidance, he didn’t question it. “Yea, yea, if it makes you guys feel better. Just know that I’m taking the threats and training, serious only because you people are.”Tony grumbled. “That’s fairly amusing. I vote if someone needs punishing in the tower, we give them clint duty.”he snickered. “Exactly. As Iron man said, if she wanted to dominate the world instead of Loki, we would all be screwed.” “It is wise to listen to scary women.”Natasha smiled a little. “IT’s fine. It’s really good. Cheese and sauce, especially good when its all homemade.”Natasha smiled a little. “What?Why must I always want something?I’m wounded, Pepper, wounded.”tony said dramatically before snorting. “Steve, don’t make it sound so weird. I can cook.” “Weirdly enough he can, though most of his food contains alcohol in some form, and bribery.”Natasha said looking thoughtfully at the man who was drinking a glass of whiskey even as he nibbled on his zepolli. “Hm, you like him cause you’ve seen him naked, not for his cooking.”Tony teased before smiling. “Good.And clarkson deserves it.”He huffed.
Steve just smiled. "you look fine." he promised Tony. "your a bachelor remember? ladies dig it." he teased with a chuckle before smirking at Tony. "your only taking the training and threats seriously because Pepper is making you." he corrected. "i think that's a good idea." Steve agreed with a smirk. "but you know that means your going to be on Clint Duty a lot." he warned with a snicker. "you know. i'm not convinced she doesn't already have plans for World Domination.she seams more of a 'act from the shadows' sort of woman." he admitted. "she could control everything already and we'd never know it." he admitted with a grin at Natasha. "i bet Nat's helping. she's a scary woman too." he admitted. "shes one of the few people who can kick my ass." Steve admitted. "when you give me food, you always want something." Pepper scoffed. "especially when it involves Chocolate." she admitted with a grin, chewing on her treats. "well, at least i know he won't starve if we have to go on a three day mission or something." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "...Pepper's seen me naked?" Steve asked, a blush creeping across his face. "i have. when you where in the hospital. i have to say your very well.... proportioned." she teased, smirking when he went even more red. "he did deserve it. he was making sexist comments about me again. something about how a woman deserved to in the kitchen, not a board room." she admitted, smirking. "he won't be making any comments for a while, i set his beard on fire." she admitted. "As if i've ever set foot in a kitchen." Pepper huffed. and she never had. she was the daughter of one of Howard Starks partners in business. she was the rich daughter of a CEO who went to all the best schools in the world. she had graduated from law and business schools as Valedictorian. she had earned her position. but all anyone could ever see was Pepper Potts the secretary. never mind that she'd been running Stark Industries before Obediah fucked up. she didn't really care about other people's opinions though, she had a business to run, it wasn't her job to deal with rumors and gossip.
“Ladies do dig it. Speaking of ladies, never walk in my penthouse without letting me know you’re on the way. Not only for your safety cause I tend to spread out doing projects, but cause well, I’ve been known to have sex everywhere.”Tony snickered a little before smirking. “That’s fine. I have nerf guns, we’ll have fun.”Well, no wonder tony didn’t mind spending time with clint, they had a similar sense of humor. “....Don’t say that. Now I’m going to be paranoid they really are taking over things.”Tony shuddered. “And such a fine ass it is.”Natasha smirked. “Well, I didn’t make these, so I’m not angling for anything, as I’ve been informed I’m not getting out of self defense classes.”He said sulking a little. “...Well, considering how scrawny he used to be, I’m sure it’s more then well proportioned.”Tony said looking at the super soldier in curiosity and amusement, because it amused him to watch steve blush. “...Good.And you’re not allowed in the kitchen. You can’t cook.”Tony replied with that ever slightly unfocused look that only pepper would know what was wrong, that he was focusing on connecting to the electronics in the building. Oh yes, Clarkson was going to regret his words about kitchens and pepper when none of his computers or email worked.
Steve snorted a little. "okay. i'll keep that in mind. although cock blocking you could be pretty amusing." Steve admitted with a grin. proving that while he had problems with the tech, he'd caught up well on the lingo. "Nerf guns are pretty awesome." Steve agreed with a smile. "don't tell anyone but i have a couple stashed myself for when Clint's britches get too big." he admitted with a grin. "oh Tony, it's not paranoia if they're really after you." Pepper promised, smiling innocently. "you guys are about to cross a line." Steve warned, only blushing harder. mostly because his cock was the only thing the Serum hadn't changed. "no i can't cook, but that's okay because i'm rich so i can just go out to eat." Pepper admitted with a smile. "besides, you can't cook either." Pepper complained, grinning at the glazed look. unlike others, she understood what that look meant. not even Phil and Fury knew what Tony was truly capable of. "in any case, i'm sure Karma will kick in when it comes to Clarkson." she admitted, chewing on another pastry. "these are amazing Steve." "thanks. my mother taught me. i learned how to make German, Italian, French and Mexican food during the war." he admitted. "i was literally, the only person in the Howling Commandos who could cook something that wasn't burnt, raw, or ruined." he admitted with a grin. "i was the favorite for months because i was the only person in a good seven hundred plus man company that could cook more than boiled potatoes." he admitted. "Tony? are you daydreaming?" Steve asked, looking worried about that glazed look on Tony's face.
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