Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

Steve chuckled. "i honestly think he might be more of a masochist than you are." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "it was pretty fun when she threw in all the bunnies though." he admitted with a grin. very once and a while they'd find another stuffed toy bunny, which was what all the real bunies had turned into. or come from maybe? "yeah okay." Steve agreed with a huff, following Tony. "Jarvis? is Thor here yet?" no he wasn't. not that it meant anything, considering Frigga had never set foot on earth and still managed to deliver her pranks.
"He might be. It'd be interesting to test sometime actually."Tony said thoughtfully before nodding."that was awesome. Seing my lab filled with bunnies was both awesome and disturbing."he grinned. "No he isnt captain, but frigga wasn't here when she played pranks either so it might still be a prank. But ms.Potts is waiting for you in the living room."
Steve snickered a little and shook his head. "it was kind of awesome. and we are not testing you and Clint's masochism levels." he ordered, amused. "i am not touching him and i don't think Phil would like seeing what i do to you." Phil didn't like hitting Clint. they'd play with bondage from time to time but they where surprisingly Vanilla. and Clint didn't want to get hit. not in the bedroom anyway. "to Mrs. Potts!" Steve agreed, smiling at Tony. "come on. maybe she'll know a way to get Glitter off." he mused with a chuckle. "...i don't recall covering you in Glitter last night." Pepper admitted, looking puzzled." we think Frigga or Thor are messing with us. because i can't make my hair behave and neither could Tony." he admitted.
"Why not?it would totally be awesome."Tony snickered a little before growing serious."I hadn't thought of tht he probably wouldntsnt. Phis oddly protective considering he threatens to take me weekly."toNY snickered a little."hopefully otherwise I'm going to look like a fairy vampire going to my own wedding."Tony grumbled a little before frowning."then how did I get glittery?"he said looking at the others."definitely a prank of some kind then."
Steve chuckled a little. "that and Clint's been beaten daily most of his life, any masochistic tendencies he might have is probably taken care of in the field." he admitted. not to mention Clint had been heavily abused by the circus folk so he probably didn't like people he loved and trusted hitting him. "ugh, you had to bring up those nasty books!" he complained, pouting. he hated the Twilight series that bordered on homicidal. "don't look at me!" Clint, Grant and James all ordered, inching away from the growling Steve. "it's gotta be Thor." Steve groaned, glaring at the ceiling. "it had better be fixed an hour before the wedding or i'll set the Hulk and Darcy on you!" he yelled. suddenly, Tony wasn't glittery anymore. though Steve's hair turned vibrant green and pink. not that he noticed. he was just too relieved that Tony would look fine for the wedding.
Bvery true."Tony winced as he remembered both the agents life in the field and his history snickering he waved a hand at himself."I do look like the stupid edward!"he whined making a face. Laughing at the threat and looking even more amused as it reversed."I think the threat of Darcy was enough but not to deal with your hair."Tony said studying the strands."I'm surprised it's not red white and blue really."he mused glancing ay the balcony at the roll of Thunder grinning as their resident thunder god arrived though he paled as he realized who was with him.
"you don't! your cute! Edwund is gross! how does no one realize he's a stalker!?" he demanded, scowling. he never, ever got Edwards name right. "well, i figure between Loki and Thor, most Asgardians are terrified of both Darcy for her 'power over lightening' and Hulk for... well, actually damaging a God." he admitted with a chuckle before scowling as he realized his hair was still a mess, grimacing when it did indeed turn red white and blue. "stop giving the invisible entity ideas Tony!" Steve ordered, looking amused before staring at Loki, god of Mischief. unbound, wearing.... wearing.... "is he wearing skinny jeans and a sweater?" Clint finally managed to choke out. "i am. yes. thank you for noticing. i thought it might make my ass look too big, but Thor assureds me i look pleasant enough."
"Edward is stupid and I am indeed cuter."Tony snickered before nodding."that's true. Asgardians probably think we're some amazing warriors if they're just a few of us."Tony snickered having heard all about thor's first run in with darcy."but this fits you better!"tony whined a little. Before staring at loki."you but is as amazing as ever loki."thor said rolling his eyes at the man's vanity giving his friends a sheepish look. " said you were bringing a date, I didn't think you meant your psychopathic brother."
Steve grinned. "your even cuter than Sherlock." he promised, kissing the other gently. "i know that Darcy has a fan following." he admitted with a grin. "they call her 'the Goddess of lightning'. she's very proud." he admitted with a snicker. "oh. and Harvey should be here in an hour, h's the ring bearer." he informed Tony, well aware he'd like the surprise. "why thank you Thor." Loki said, amused by all the reactions. "Psychopathic is such a Strong word...." Loki mused. "not incorrect but rather strong. and that's psychopathic Fiance." he corrected. "
"Definitely cuter then sherlock."tony agreed smiling slightly before laughing." I'm sure she is."he said looking amused at the idea of Darcy having a following."what?"tony looked startled eyes wide. "He is?really?"he looked eager,interested. "There's not a strong enough word for you,reindeer games, it's a good word." "Loki behave. I will not clean up after you if the hulk beats on you again."
"yes really. it came as a surprise to me too. but he's a strong man and he has good genetics and i'm not enslaved so why not?" Loki asked, shrugging a shoulder before shooting a wide eyed, rather terrified look at Bruce and stepping behind Thor. Steve's hair returned to it's perfectly coiffed position even and Steve, Clint, Grant and James all started to snicker. "i AM sorry for the actions i took." Loki admitted. "i was a bitter, upset spoiled little brat who never really had to take responsibility for my own actions. i was lied to constantly and my reactions to the truth where..... not unlike a two year old being denied a sweet." Clint stared at him, looking rather incredulous. "what? i said i was sorry..."
"...I'm nit sure what to say for this." "It's a miracle. Tony stark,at a loss of what to say."Natasha snickered a little as thor shifted wrapping a arm around loki."he won't harm you again loki. It's okay."thor promised kissing the other man's head. Even if he knew it wasn't because bruce didn't want to harm loki, but if he messed up tony and steve's wedding day, tony would probably so something drastic to the lab in revenge. "He's still not over the shock of you in skinny jeans. Don't worry he'll be okay. We have to forgive clint for being a little slow."Tony said yelping as phil smacked him in the back of the head."dammit phil!"he whined
Loki shrugged. "it's been known to happen." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "he's pretty quiet when i have my cock shoved down his..." "don't be vulgar!" Grant commanded, flushing brightly. for a grown man he was astonishingly innocent. "oh i'm sure he won't." Loki agreed. "the Captain would certainly have words with him if he ruins this place before the blessing of their union.... it's after the wedding that i have to worry." he admitted, even if he watched the good Doctor with a wary expression. "well. i do look fabulous." Loki agreed, pleased that he had let Thor pick out his Midgardian clothes. "Tony your such a dick." Clint complained, even if he sounded amused. relaxing as he realized Loki was a bit of a fairy. Loki was more likely to go crying to Thor over a slight than go on a murdering rampage.
"Not always. Humming the star spangled banner does not count as silence."tony said simply because watching grant sputter and blush amused him. "Don't worry so."thor muttered kissing his head before snickering as he watched the other's realize just how much of a fairy his lover was. "I know but if I acted nicely you'd be worried something was wrong."Tony pointed out slipping his hand into steves. "Ready,captain?"
Steve rolled his eyes. "it keeps you from talking at least." he huffed, snorting a little when Grant sputtered in dismay. "i worry constantly. about everything." Loki huffed, leaning into Thor. pleased that his lover had been right, they weren't raising a hellish fuss about him being there. Clint and Bruce would bear watching, but Loki was pretty sure he wasn't about to be drawn and quartered. Clint snorted. "good point. i'm just glad i didn't get blamed for the glitter!" he admitted, shaking his head. "i am ready." Steve admitted with a grin. "god Tony we're getting married!" Steve gushed, eyes gleaming with excitement.
"Very true."Tony snickered. "We'll dont. You worry to much."Thor muttered smiling a little. Glad to see that he was right. They might be a little disturbed but they weren't throwing a huge fuss either. Good. "We could still blame it on you you know."tony pointed out grinning as thor led them out to where they'd set up the ceremony set,smiling slightly at the red and gold decorations,amused that anyone had allowed tony of all people to decorate."we are."tony grinned smiling happily as the others settled in to watch, settled in smiling quietly as thor spoke the words,and tony smiled quietly,happily as he squeezed steve's hand."I do."
"i don't. you don't worry enough. or at all." Loki grumbled. "so i have to worry enough for the both of us." he sniffed. "i'd rather you didn't. i don't want to be turned into a past." Clint admitted with a grin, laughing at the decorations. "....Tony." Steve groaned, amused and exasperated. "well... it could be worse." Loki commented. "it could be all red and gold." Steve cringed at the eye bleeding idea. "good point." he muttered, chuckling as he kissed Tony before heading up to Thor. "i do." he breathed, yanking Tony into a deep, deep kiss. "god i love you." he whispered, smiling at Tony. "my lover. my Husband. mine." he mumbled, kissing Tony again.
"Which is why I don't worry. Because you're going to do it for me."thor said logically rolling his eyes a little. "What?you told me to get decorations so I got decorations."Tony huffed making a face, laughing as steve realized it could have been worse. Groaning as he was kissed he leaned in, snuggling close."love you to,husband mine."
Loki snorted. "you didn't worry even when i wasn't there to worry for you, idiot! how you managed to hold dignitary meetings without me i will never know." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i see that." Steve said, looking around at all the red white and blue. "love you forever." Steve promised, smiling at Tony, blinking when a bright flash and a soft cracking sound filled the air. ".... the hell was that Loki?" Steve demanded, Loki just giving Steve an unimpressed look. "a wedding gift, of course." he said, handing the other what looked like a picture only it was moving. it was of them kissing and whispering their devotions. " whode a thunk it. Loki, god of Chaos, is a Sap." "romantacist, please."
"Very skillfully."thor sure the other with a smile. Tony ducked his head blushing a little as he leaned into steve,jumping, reaching out to connect to the suit at the sound before calming as iron man walked out behind loki, calming though he looked surprised. Before laughing."sap. You are such a sap."he teased snickering.
Loki huffed. "well if you don't want it." he complained, reaching out to take the picture back, smirking when Steve held it up out of reach. "nope, it's mine now." he ordered, kissing Tony again. grinning at him. "how would you feel about adopting?" Steve asked, more curious and amused than serious. if Tony said yes though, they where totally going to go and get an adorable little baby just for them.
"no!you can't have it!"tony looked wide eyed and upset even as thor shook his head tugging loki back."do not tease them loki. You know youd make sure they had the picture even if theyteased you."thor muttered zlooking vaguely worried at the manic looking genius. "what?adopting? I what? I guess it'd be okay..."tony frowned a little a little disturbed at the idea of children but for the first time,really willing to try.
Loki snorted. "i wasn't teasing! if they're going to mock me they can't have it!" Loki complained, sulking even if he looked quite amused. "i would make sure they have a picture." he agreed. "i have a lot of pictures for them actually." he admitted. "it's wrapped in the ballroom." along with all the other wedding gifts, some sent from complete strangers who had somehow figured out that the two biggest superheros ever where getting married. Steve had already sorted through everything to make sure there wasn't any hate mail. surprisingly, there had been very little. "well, we'll talk about it." he agreed, grinning as he kissed Tony again. "we have a lifetime after all."

The End?
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