Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

Clint smirked. "we like calling each other names." he admitted. "your not maiming me either! i'm officially a productive member of this team! you said so yourself! that means i need to be in a healthy, full bodied position to leap into action at any time!" Grant called back. "he's so cute when he's confused." Clint agreed, James just grunting, finishing off his meal with a massive slice of Apple pie from one of the four pies Steve had made. "i don't think James should be allowed to plan either." Steve admitted. "the last time he planned something we got arrested." "...really?" James asked, sounding curious. "yeah. you decided we where going to go drinking and when i woke up i was wearing a pink bathing suit, you where wearing a red thong and Brassiere. i still don't fully remember what happened." Steve admitted, Clint, Grant and James all snickering at the idea of Steve ad James wearing ladies clothes. "No." Steve ordered, pointing at Tony. "...well.... maybe. we'll talk about it." he promised. "but we have to agree on the Tattoo first."
“Hm, well as long as it’s okay then.”Tony said looking at the man, making sure they were okay. “Well, I guess you’re safe then.”Phil sai sounding amused.”He really is.”Natasha said looking amused. “ seriously was wearing a pink bathing suit?”Tony said looking up at steve, his eyes blown as he considered the other man. “....Now that, would be a amusing sight.”Natasha snickered a little. “....No?”Tony looked up startled at the direct order, frozen as he considered going against the other’s wishes, ducking his head a little. “It’s okay. I already have the collar.”He muttered frowning a little as he finished his food.
Clint grinned. "it is okay." he promised. "me and Grant have what is known as a competitive friendship. he thinks he's the best, but i know i am." he admitted. "he's wrong and won't admit it, so we insult each other to make him feel better." "he's lying! everyone knows i'm better than him!" Grant informed them all. "yes i was. i was still a tiny thing back then you know? of course, i can't get drunk now, the Serum burns it up too fast." he admitted. "it was totally worth it though, i think i got laid that night." he admitted. "...i think. being how stickish i was back then, that was quite the achievement." he admitted, smirking at Tony and giving him a wink. "i found a website, i'll see what i can do." he promised the man. "no, Clint is not getting you a Tattoo, it'll say 'Steve's Bitch' or it'll be something gross." Steve scoffed. "if you get a Tattoo i want to get matching ones and i am NOT putting 'Steve's Bitch' on any part of my body." he admitted, kissing the other. "okay?" he asked with a smile, stroking the skin around the collar, licking his lips. "it's insane how much that thing turns me on." he admitted.
“Ah, well okay then.”Tony said smiling slightly before snickering. “we’ll let you think that Grant. But we all know Natasha’s better then you both.”Phil supplied smirking a little. “...that’s adorable and hot all at in drag...”Tony hummed lost in the thought as he considered that before laughing a little. “it os qiote amazing if you got laid, since I didn’t think you knew how to fondue before you got to this century.”Tony said with the careless easiness that you just knew ‘fondue’ had been a regular term for sex for him for awhile. “...oh. Yes. We don’t want that.We’ll get something.”Tony hummed a little as he kissed the other back, shivering, moaning quietly as his neck was stroked. “...really?”
Grant snorted a little. "okay that's true." Grant agreed, Clint nodding. they knew better than to try and claim they where better than Natasha because she'd prove them wrong right then and there. "you all suck, i'm the best." James informed them. "....well he's better than Natasha so it has to be true..." Clint agreed, Grant nodding. "....yes, me in Drag." Steve admitted with a chuckle before he choked, spitting pop all over the table when Tony popped up with 'Fondue'. "Christ! Steve! what the hell!" Clint complained, trying to keep his food from getting spat all over. James blinked and then started to snicker. "oh... yes. i remember that story." he admitted, snickering some more when Steve scowled at him. "really." he promised Tony with grin. "don't forget you promised to make a tag for it." he reminded the other. "you should snuggle James some more tonight too. you both seam to be more at ease after a good cuddling." he admitted with a grin, James nodding. "i want my cuddles." he ordered. "and more pie." he let Steve pretend that he hadn't just spat Coke all over the table, Clint and Grant where still looking at him as if he was insane.
“...Okay. I agree, james is the best. Though I know tony thinks we all need to go back to school, since we all failed at following him around.’ “You do. You need to go back to super spy school.”Tony agreed. “Steve?”Phil raised a eyebrow looking at the man, then looking at james wanting the story, looking even more supicious as their reaction simply made tony giggle. “I wont. I’ll make the tag after snuggles.It’ll be a amazing tag, the most epic, awesome thing.”Tony said looking eager, before looking at the men staring at them. “steve?”Natasha questioned, then ordered. “Story.”
James nodded. "Phil might be better than me." James admitted. "he refuses to spar." he shot Phil an annoyed glance. part of the sparring routine was also to see which handler needed more protection. he was often on a protective detail so he was supposed to assess all people under his 'domain'. that Phil refused to allow him to assess annoyed him very, very much. "i do not need to go back to super spy school! it wasn't like we where honestly trying to hide that we where following you." Grant whined. Steve ignored Phil's question with practiced ease. "everything you make is amazing Tony." Steve assured the Genius before ignoring Natasha. "see, it was like this..." James began. "No! you shut up!" Steve demanded of James, flaring bright red before groaning. "fine... Fine!" he grumbled, sitting down. "so. it was the day that i found out Bucky had been captured. Colonel Phillips couldn't send anyone in after them so i got ready to storm the lines myself. i wasn't going to let them have Bucky, even if he was already dead i had to go get him. Peggy arranged for Stark... the senior, may he rot in the deepest pits of hell, to fly me over the war lines. he asked Peggy for a 'late night Fondue'.... i don't think i need to tell you what i thought that meant." Steve grumbled. "i ended up pissing Peggy off so bad thinking she was gonna have sex with Stark that i pissed her off in return... she shot me! or At me, three times!" he complained. "it's not funny James shut up!" James was practically roaring with laughter.
“I don’t need you protecting me, that’s why I have Clint if such protection would be needed.”Phil said tilting his head towards james with a slight smile, because he knew just how much it annoyed the other man. “Yes, yes you do. You guys were horrible, and standing there while I went into a sex store was horrible.”Tony huffed looking annoyed. By the time the story ended, tony was dying because he was laughing, and even the most stoic of them, natasha and phil, were smiling and amused as they looked at their captain. “Y-yes it is. Dad said that was the best thing he’d ever seen, you getting shot at over it. Thank god your shield actually worked otherwise you would have been screwed.”Tony said giggling a little.
James eyes narrowed. "weaker than Clint then." he deduced, pleased to know that he had managed to place Phil's skill level anyway. Clint bit his lip and looked away to keep from laughing in James face because there was no way in hell either he or Natasha where anywhere near Phil's level. "Steve was bright red and sulking and Grant and Clint where giggling wildly. "i know! she was completely over reacting about Mariah Cerrera kissing me!" he complained, sulking. "wait... you made out with Tony's Mom!?" Clint demanded, looking horrified, which only made Grant and James laugh all the harder. "no! she was aggressive and she scared me! i'd never had a woman crawl all over me like that and i didn't know what to do!" Steve protested, mortified when that only increased the laughter.
“Yes.”Phil said agreeing simply to make the other man feel better because he knew it bothered him, and well, it didn’t bother him any if the other considered him weaker then clint. “...You”Tony stopped laughing, looking startled, howard had never told him that. Looking a little lost and confused as he stared at the table, trying to figure out how he felt about that. “You tell her to stop. Though I can see your problem, I’ve seem Mariah, very beautiful woman.”Natasha teased snickering a little.
"she kissed me. it was before she and Howard got together, by like... seven? ten years i think?" Steve asked, his head tilted. "she scared the piss out of me." he admitted. "and she totally wasn't my type. i think the reason why i liked Peggy so much was because she was so... no mean to be disrespectful here but she was pretty masculine." he admitted, flushing even harder. "i'd rather never speak of Howard again if ever possible though." he admitted, refusing to think about the hell that fucker had put him and Tony through. "...and for the record i don't think it should matter who i kissed seventy years ago!" he complained, sulking.
“Oh. Well. That’s good.”Tony said, having figured that, but it was s till weird to consider his boyfriend kissing his mother even if it had been 70 years ago. “let’s never speak of howard again. Though I am going to want to fondue you later.”Tony muttered nuzzling the other man a little, trying to relax before stretching, “james, you coming to cuddle?”he said stretching as he stood.
Steve snorted a little. "if it makes you feel better Tony, i think Howard was just as scared of her as i was." he admitted before nodding. "that's right! from now on that man is completely banned." he agreed. "save for talks with River." he decided with a smile. "since River helps." he decided. "oh, we're fonduing later." he agreed, smiling a little, kissing Tony. "you go take a nap with James." he ordered with a grin, kissing Tony again before starting to clean up from Lunch while James snuggled Tony on the way to the couch for a longer nap. James hadn't slept in three das because he was toos cared of remembering things while he was sleeping so he was pretty damn tired.
“That does make me feel better.’Tony muttered, because the times when his mother was home, had been the few times that his father hadn’t tried estroying him, hadn’t dared hurt mariah’s beloved son. She was a absent mother, but she had loved him in her own intense devoted way. “Good.Fondueing his good.’Tony smirked kissing him before heading off to snuggle in for a nap.

A few months later tony cursed as he threw himself out of the bed, soaked in a cold sweat and exhausted, annoyed that he’d not given in to steve and let the man come with him on the business trip. While he’d personally wanted to keep steve close, a shield mission had dragged the man away for a few days, and tony hadn’t wanted to demand he not do it simply because he couldn’t sleep without him. Running his fingers through his sweat slicked hair, he sighed quietly as he looked over the city. He just had to get through the next two days, then he could go home. Glancing at the clock he bit his lip, before dialing the tower, waiting for james to answer. If he couldn’t talk to steve, the other super soldier was a good option, as he was steve’s best friend and wouldn’t ask to many questions usually about why tony was calling at 3 am.
James was indeed the one who answered the phone. he always was. he had recovered a lot in the last two months and had finally stopped asking for a new mission. instead he made it his mission to always answer the phone, no matter what time of night it was. he only slept two or three hours a night though, even worse than Steve, so it wasn't unusual for him to be the first one to the phone. he refused to give up his Tony snuggle times too, and got very anxious and grouchy when he couldn't snuggle with his 'favorite'. "it's three A.M. in the morning so this had better be Tony or an Emergency." James ordered once the phone was picked up, already grouchy from not having Tony snuggles. "Hey Tony!" sounding much better already. if he couldn't snuggle Tony, then talking to him was the next best thing. James chattered with Tony for about ten minutes about the newest episode of something or other he'd seen on the TV before handing the phone to Steve who was chuckling. "hey Tony. you okay?" Steve asked. "as you can see, James is getting twitchy. i have no idea what Jarvis has been showing him but i'm not sure he should watch it anymore. he attempted to make a Pipe Bomb of all things." the A-Team was certainly not for easily impressionable super soldiers who would try to enact what they saw on the TV.
"It's tony,don't get your panties in a twist."tony teased the super soldier as he moved to stare out his window sighing softly, amused as he listened to james ramble the simple easy conversation letting him settle. Startling a little,wincing as he cracked his forehead against the glass he smiled at the sound of his fiancee."so I hear. We might not want him to watch the A-team anymore otherwise he might be convincing clint and grant to do insane ztuff. Though a pipe bomb shouldn't be made without me. If I was there it'd be Amazing."he said neatly side tepping the question if he was okay before smirking."I didn't know you were home,captain. How was the mission?"he asked as he looked over the London nightlife feeling inordinately tired.
Steve chuckled a little. "is that what he's watching? well i'll keep a closer eye on him. Clint probably introduced it to him." he admitted. "besides Clint and Grant don't need to be convinced to do anything." he admitted, sounding exasperated. "i caught them trying to build an actual castle in the middle of the public park. they had a legion of minions, that is, a bunch of kids, helping them." he snorted. "the parents where no help at all because they where laughing too hard." he admitted. "you are not making Pipe Bombs Tony." Steve ordered. "the last thing we need is you blowing your arm off." he complained with a chuckle. "it sucked." Steve admitted. "those fuckers didn't even need me. it was just a scared mutant kid who didn't know what he was and was terrified they where going to turn him into an experiment. they could have talked calmly to him but no, they tried to force the issue and then complained when they kept getting set on fire. idiot assholes." Steve growled. "i'm half tempted to fly to England, i miss you." Steve admitted with a sigh. "on the plus side, Thor is back so he can officiate this weekend! exciting right? i can't wait Tony. we're going to be married!" Steve gushed. he sounded like a girl most of the time, because he was so excited about the wedding.
"Yea it is. And I really woulsnt be surprise. Bird brain likes all those stupid sorta shows."tony snickered a little his distress momentarily forgotten as he lost."they have minions now?and that's just unfair. Why do they do the fun stuff as soon as I'm out of town and can't join in?tell them to stop steve that's discrimination against me and I won't stand for it."tony sulked eveN if he was laughing a little at the mental picture that made."I wouldn't blow my arm off. I used to make weapons all the time you know. I'd make a awesome pipe bomb."tony whined a little not that he actually wanted to make it but listening to steve scold him was amusing. "...what?thats...stupid. should have sent natasha. She'D have gotten the kid calm AND terrified the would have been epic."tony smirked a little before smiling."I miss you to. But don't I'm only here for one more day then I'll be home to marry your awesome ass. And the rest of you to I guess."tony snickered quietly simply because he was excited and liked hearing the other so happy and not wanting to ruin his obviously good mood."you are such a girl sometimes."he teased
"i'd much rather him watch those boring things that Phil watches. super nanny and Rehab addict and Extreme makeover and crap." he agreed. "i fear the day he finds Mythbusters." he admitted. "they do have minions now." he admitted, rolling his eyes. "it's horrible. they haven't stopped gloating, never mind that none of their minions where over ten years old." he admitted with a chuckle. "i don't think they planned it they just found about a hundred thousand abandoned cardboard boxes and went to town." he admitted with a smile. "but i'll let them know about your protests." he promised. "Tony if you built a pipe bomb James, Clint and Grant would certainly feel as if they 'had' to use it." Steve pointed out. "no pipe bombs." he ordered before snorting. "Natasha's in Greece taking out some new mob boss." he admitted. "i made sure those idiots knew what they where doing wrong." he promised Tony. "a few of them may, or may not have a black eye now." he admitted before smirking. "my ass isn't nearly as awesome as yours." Steve admitted. "oh! hey. i drew something for you for when you get back. i was thinking, if you like it, we could get them Tattood." he admitted with a grin. "i don't know if you'll like it though, so if you don't we wont use it and my feelings wont be hurt." you had to be specific about things like that or Tony would say 'i like it' just to spare your feelings.
"Did I ever tell you about the time he threatened to aze me and why me drool as he watched supernanny? Phil's weird."tony decided before huffing."well I have more minions then they do. Let then enjoy their moment until I get home then I'll show them who's better."tony snickered a little before nodding even if steve couldn't see them."good. They should know I'm displeased."he said before laughing."now I really wish I was home. Seeing you beat on idiots is always hot."tony smiled a little."...okay. I can't wait to see it."tony said sounding unsure if he really could say he didn't like it if he did, slowly but surely steve was teaching him it was okay to express himself. "...I should probably get some sleep..."he sighed quietly not wanting to get off the phone cause it meant he'd go to sleep and sleep poorly but he knew he had a long day ahead of him.
Steve snickered. "you know, i don't think i've heard this story." he admitted with a chuckle. "but, considering it's Phil, and you are you i can't say i'm surprised." he admitted with a chuckle. "you do have more minions. oh! i almost forgot. some kid named Harvey? he won the local Science fair and is going to State, or something, he called to let you know." he admitted. "something about a promise?" he asked, sounding puzzled. "you do have more minions." he agreed. "every lady and gay man in the world lusts after you." he admitted with a snicker. "i'm hot no matter what i do, according to you." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "go lay in bed, leave the phone on." he ordered. "i'll sing you to sleep." he promised, well aware of why Tony had called, even if he pretended not to. he always sang to Tony after the other had a nightmare.
"Yadvey?awesome. I'll call remember me telling you about the kid who saved me in the whole Killian mess?that was Harvey."tony grinned pleased with the idea that he had done well."we might have to go to the science fair.""true you are hot."he smiled pleased before getting back in bed and snuggling down."kay. I'm ready."he muttered already drifting to sleep at the sound of steves voice.

The night before the wedding tony sighed softly as he slouched on the edge of the bed upset but trying not to be as he looked up at steve as the man came in,smiling quietly."you ready for tomorrow?"
Steve blinked a little. "oh! yeah i do remember him!" Steve agreed with a chuckle. "the mouthy opinionated brat you whined about missing." he teased. since that was what Tony had called Harvey. "yeah we might have to, he's actually coming to New York for the finals if he makes it." he admitted. "it's some huge country wide affair." Steve admitted. "first place winner get's like, three thousand bucks or something." he admitted. "and a free scholarship at some impressive smart person collage." he admitted.

"Totally ready for Tomorrow." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony. "are you sure you won't wear a wedding dress?" he teased, grinning impishly before pausing, his head tilted. "you okay? have you been having nightmares again?" he asked, worried about Tony. "your stag party is tonight right?" Steve's had been last night and the many people of the tower had come home very disgruntled that they hadn't gotten Steve even a little bit tipsy. not only that, Steve had actually gotten bored at both strip clubs they'd tried, had gotten frightened in the casino, and refused to show them the Tattoo he and Tony now shared. Steve;s shield cut in half with half of Tony's Ark Reactor on the other side. 'so we'll always have a part of the others heart' had been Steve's explanation.
"Yes!that brat."tony snickered a little."oh if he makes the finals we're definitely attending."tony sI'd snickering a little.

"Yes I'm sure."tony made a face."the white suit is bad enough,I'm not a virgin and I shouldn't wear it but I'm not wearing a dress."he smiled slightly even he looked tired,hanging his head a little avoiding his eyes before nodding."yes...I've...I need to tell you something. Before we get married...cause it might change your mind..."he muttered looking upset.before nodding."it is. You sure you trust me and clint out together?"he snickered because they had plenty of supervision so they'd be okay. And despite having worried about the style of tattoo when he'd first heard about it, he really was in love with thething
Steve chuckled a little and kissed the other. "well i'm too big to fit into the dress so i thought i'd ask again." he teased with a grin. because while Steve didn't mind dressing in ladies cloths, he didn't particularly like making Tony wear girly clothes. not because Tony didn't look fabulous, but because he always felt like Tony would take it a little too seriously and then start apologizing for not being a girl or something silly like that. he never said no when Tony took the initiative, but he didn't ask or make Tony wear girl clothes. "Tony nothing could ever make me change my mind." he promised the other. "you tell me when your ready, okay?" he asked with a smile before snorting. "Tony, no one trusts Clint alone with anyone. that's why i'm making Phil go with you, to make sure Clint doesn't do anything naughty." he admitted with a grin. "or worse, talk you into doing something naughty, or even worse! talking Grant and James into it!" because while Tony had some common sense, Grant and James where so fucked up, they'd pretty much do anything someone told them to without care or concern for damages they might cause.
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