Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

Grant blinked, surprised. "ah. so in other words, he's punishing himself for his failings." Grant agreed. "i can understand that." he admitted. "he'll stop doing it someday, good people always do." he admitted. "oh no, Shield has a pool going to." he admitted. "but i wasn't allowed to bet on that because i was part of Phil's team and labeled as 'too close' for impartial betting. i could have 'rigged the odds in my favor'...." he snorted a little and shook his head. "as if. they're just snooty bastards who don't like me because i'm a deleter." he made problems 'vanish'. not the official title but every company had it's lingo and shield was no different. "....i think i'd rather jump." Grant muttered dryly. "besides, i'm not that bad of a fighter." he admitted with a huff before sliding off the ledge onto the roof proper. "alright. i guess i could stay for a while." he decided with a smile. "who knows. maybe i'll like it." doubtful, but he could try right?
“Exactly.”Natasha said smiling a little before snickering. “Well, we have bets going on here that you can definitely bet on. Including, but not limited to, which one tony pisses off next johnny or steve, where we’ll catch them having sex, what object johnny’ll catch on fire next, and whether clint is going to accidently kill himself with whatever toy tony comes up with next.”Natasha snickered a little before smirking. “we have a few of those here. You’ll fit in fine.”she said before snickering, “might be a easier death then letting tony use you as a test dummy.”She agreed before smirking. “You haven’t fought either super soldiers yet, you might not be bad, but they’re in a class of their own.”She teased glancing a james before nodding. “Good.And you will.”Hopefully tony would be to off the wall and drive him away.
he snorted. "Tony's gonna annoy Steve next because i don't know who Johnny Storm is." he decided. "how much are the pots anyway? neither Shield nor Hydra paed well so i like, have no money." hoe did he not have ay money!? being a deleter, he got paid a shit ton of money! if Phil where to look into it, he'd find that Garret was keeping most of Grants money, from both Hydra and Shield. so Grant wouldn't have the means to do a runner, he had enough to pay for any food he wanted. th rest Garret 'provided'. the apartment he slept in, the clothe he wore, the decorations he had, all of it chosen by Garret. Grant had never had the option to choose what he wanted to buy. he just accepted anything other people bought for him because he didn't know he had money. "i'm sorry but Stark is not getting anywhere near me." Grant warned, amused. "and if i'm sparring with anyone, it'll be the normal folks who can't rip my spine out with their teeth."
“Pots vary depending on who’s betting, though if tony’s betting on things, go for toys. He tends to give out inventions instead of money if asked.”Natasha snickered though she did look curious, glancing at phil as tehy walked in, knowing that the man would look into why grant had no money when he should have gotten paid amazingly. “Hm, good policy to have there.”Natasha said snickering a little.

A few days later Tony grinned a little manically as he poked his head into living room, making sure his boyfriend wasn’t there before heading for the elevator, definitely trying to sneak out without anyone catching him, even if he was ignoring the fact that clint was watching from the vents. Definitely was enjoying playing super spy for once, instead of using jarvis to tell him where everyone was.
he blinked. "Tony bets on himself? isn't that a bit unfair?" he asked, looking confused. "i wouldn't mind a few Stark weapons though." he admitted with a grin. "maybe i'll have to rig a few bets, see if i can't get a few cool toys." he mused, smiling innocently at Phil while Clint snickered at them. Jarvis had alerted him and Phil as soon as James offered to push Grant off the roof. he monitored all potentially suicidal comments or habits, just in case.

Steve was in the kitchen of his apartment, cooking lunch and didn't know tht Ton was being a sneeky sneek. he just thought Tony was down in the lab again. he had Jarvis show a recording of Grant's ramblings to Phil, so of course Clint saw them too. Clint had been outraged, furious that someone could be so damn cruel. so what if Grant had a learning disability? not that Grant had said what it was, but still! clearly it hadn't stopped him from being one of the most successful people ever. Clint was the proud Agent who got to arrest John Garret too. it had taken days to sort out how much f the money Garret owned was actually Grant's. it had taken a lot of smooth talking with Fury to keep Grant in the Avengers tower too. now Clint was just trying to find a way to actually tell Grant all that without making things worse. Grant tended to keep to himself, stayed in his room more often than not, a little lost in how to behave. he didn't mind James or Natasha, but Clint, Steve and Tony where so boisterous and loud that they tended to wig him out a little.
"Not when he bets against himself, he generally assumes he’s going to piss off someone, it just matters who gets there first.”Natasha snickered before nodding. “Go ahead. I think he suspects we do it sometimes, but it’s amusing anyways.”

“Hey, you want to see something amusing?”Natasha asked as she pushed open the grate of the vent to grant’s room, smirking at the man as he jumped, “Come on. You know you want to see this.”She badgered smirking as she gestured for him to follow before disappearing back into the vents with james, the two having been playing tag with clint, but the sight of tony pretending he was a super spy was bound to lead to interesting explosions. Snickering as she watched the man sneak out of the apartment and heading for the lobby. “....Should we tail him?I mean, he does need a babysitter most of the time.”She said looking thoughtful and vaguely concerned that tony was going out alone.
Grant looked up at her from the book he'd been reading, startled. he was well used to her and Clint popping in at him from the vents by now but it always made him jump. "sure... what are we watching?" he asked, sliding into the vent. he wasn't as good at it as Clint was, but he'd surfed the vents a time or two for his 'job'. "well... that is amusing." Grant muttered, chuckling a little as he tracked Tony, hi head tilted. "yes we should tail him. to find out what he's up to for the sake of our curiosity if nothing else." Grant muttered, Clint nodding. "ten bucks he's going to a sex store." "twenty he's getting a hooker for Steve." "Fifty says he's getting a ring... what?" James asked, wondering why they where all gaping at him. "it could happen." "i don't have fifty dollars." Grant complained, Clint offering him a grin. "i'll spot you if you lose but you'll owe me a favor." "i'm not sure i should owe you favors." Grant admitted, suspicious of what Clint wanted.
“Tony pretending he’s a super spy.”Natasha snickered a little before loking at james. “I find it amusing that they assumed sex, and you assumed marriage. Why?”She said looking curious as they followed tony, knowing that despite his trying, they were good enough to stay fairly far behind the man, looking even more curious as they headed for downton
Grant snorted a little. "he's bad at it." he admitted. "if he doesn't realize we're all here." he admitted. "it's the way Tony looks at Steve." James admitted. "like he's hung the moon. you know? Tony's been fidgety for the last couple of days too. just makes sense." he admitted, blinking as he followed Tony. "i'm thinking i'm wrong." he admitted once they headed into downtown. "like i said, sex shop." "no he'd go into the one on Boulevard. he's getting a hooker." "....he's going to me and Steve's old apartment." James muttered. "i think so anyway. i'm pretty sure this is the right direction."
“Either he really is this bad, or he’s putting us on and knows we’re here.”Natasha saidstudying the genius before laughing a little. “He does look like steve hung the moon, it’s a little disturbing really.”She snickered a little eyes widening a little as tony did indeed walk into a old apartment house, tilting her head. “wonder what he’s getting.”She said looking even more curious as tony left in a few minutes and within a few blocks, indeed walked into a high end sex shop....followed by a jewelry shop...before heading back towards the tower. “I’m feel totally confused now...”
James snorted. "it's probably both." he admitted, watching Tony head into the apartment, his head tilted. "i can't imagine there's anything in there after all these years..." he admitted softly. "Howard and Peggy would have cleared it out, wouldn't they have?" he asked softly. staring at the old building. "me and Steve lived there together. for years. he was too sick to support himself." so James memories where coming back after all. he was just really good at pretending they weren't bothering him. "....well. i win." Clint muttered, Grant snorting. "no, i think you and James win." "....i think he's fucking with us." James admitted dryly. "come on. before we lose his scrawny ass." "yeah i'm dead curious now." Grant agreed, Clint nodding, following Tony.
“I would imagine so. Unless there’s something you two hid there. Though it’s tony, he might just be jerking us around while he thinks.”Natasha said smiling slightly before looking at james, raising a eyebrow. “You’re getting your memories back...”She muttered looking worried for him, before looking at tony. “Definitely fucking with us.”She agreed as they got back to the tower, delaying a few minutes before following the genius into the penthouse, nearly laughing outloud as the genius slunk into the living room, for all the world acting like he’d come up from the lab instead of having been out.
James shrugged. "if we did, i can't remember." he admitted softly. "yeah. they come all of a sudden." he admitted. "like if i see something familiar. i can't remember much, but sometimes they pop into my head before i even realize i've remembered something." he admitted. "he's probably listening in on us or something, the smartass." Clint grumbled, Grant's eyes lighting up with wicked glee. "okay quick! everyone strip naked, he's obviously bugged us." "you just want to see Natasha naked." "yes. yes i do." James growled, casting a glance at Grant who paled a little. "no. no i don't." "i didn't think so." James stated, Clint lifting an eyebrow at Natasha, wondering if she was laying a claim on James or if James was being protective because she was his handler.
“That’s probably the best way to remember things, instead of all at once.”Natasha said looking thoughtful before laughing. “Probably. I wouldn’t put it past him to bug us.”She said before raising a eyebrow at Grant, then looking at James, smirking a little as she patted grant on the arm.”Don’t look so worried. He likes you, he wont kill you for seeing me naked.”She assured him before looking at james, smiling a little. “Besides, none of you get to see james naked, so I guess not seeing me naked is a fair trade.”She snickered smirking as they walked into the living room. “Tony!”She called smirking as he nearly jumped out of his skin. “What?”The genius said clinging to the boxes he was carrying. “What are you up to genius?”She walked, talking loud enough to know that the cooking steve would hear, smirking as she walked over tugging at the boxes, snickering amused as he clung tighter to them,
he shrugged. "it sucks and i hate it. i want a Mind wipe but i know i can't have my new mission without my memories so..." he shrugged. so he'd made progress, but not a whole lot yet. "i might kill him." James admitted. "i bet he bleeds a nice red color." "all people bleed red." "aliens don't bleed red." "....have you made aliens bleed?" "yes." "....creepy." Clint snorted. "i've seen James naked." "me too." "he walks from the bathroom to his own room naked." "even when he's not in his room." "he'll go up the elevator completely naked with only a towel on his head from time to time." Steve paused when he heard Natasha yell and came out of the kitchen, frowning. "hey! are you picking on Tony!?" he demanded, eying the box that Tony was clutching possessively. "new toys Tony?" Steve asked with a smile. "anything that explodes?"
“You’ll get a mission soon. Memories will come.”Natasha said making a note to actually come up with a mission for him to work on as the memories came. “...We’ve all made aliens bleed. I mean, chitauri were like our introduction to superhero life.”Natasha snickered a little before laughing. “Okay, so I can’t tell you to not look at him naked if he’s going to walk around naked.”she snickered a little, “The most amusing naked moment when was he cuddled tony naked. Poor man had no idea what to do....and yes. Just a little.” “Y-yes. A few. And nothing explodes.”Tony said looking annoyed and upset enough to make natasha move away from him.
James nodded. "i've never made an alien bleed." Grant complained. "i was out of state when that happened." he admitted. "i did snuggle Tony naked. he was there so he was snuggled." Clint snickered. all of them had been snuggled, even Grant, who had looked very uncomfortable. he had never been touched with affection by anyone. not his family, not his handlers, he had no friends, so he had never had positive associations with touch the way everyone else did. he allowed it, but he didn't particularly like it. "Tony? are you okay? you four, out!" Steve demanded, Clint and Grant scarpered instantly. James only left when Natasha did. "Tony did they upset you? do you want me to put glue in their hair again?" he asked, gently pulling the box out of his hands and setting it on the table without so much as a glance at it before focusing completely on Tony, running his fingers through the others hair.
“I’m fine.”Tony growled sighing quietly as he watched the others leave, relaxing when natasha left him alone. Whining quietly as the other pulled the box away but not protesting as he leaned into the man’s hand, sighing quietly relaxing. “....No, don’t do that. They were just having fun following me around.”He muttered.
Steve blinked at him. "following you around? Tony have you been playing super spy again?" he asked looking amused, stroking the others hair. "do you need some cuddles?" he asked, head tilted. "what did you do that has you so upset anyway?" he asked, worried. "you didn't go into a sex club?" he asked, wanting to make sure. it had been a while since Tony had been dropped. "do you need me to drop you?"
"Plqying?playing?nooooo. I am super spy but no I havent."which meant yes he had. And it was such a blatant lie you couldnt be mad at him cause really it was like a little kid lying about eating the cookies when he had chocolate smeared all over his face. Leaning into his hand he smiled."I'm always up for some cuddles....and I didn't do anything!it was Natasha and her super secret sneak and the other's and they're not even that good. They really should be fired as super sneaky spies. They're horrible."tony grumbled. Shuddering a little."no I didnt. Promise."he said looking anxious that the other thought he had before nodding a little."maybe..."he muttered still avoiding saying exactly what he'd been doing cause really,he was nervous and "stupid Natasha was stupid for dragging steve out of the kitchen. The man hadn't even known he'd left,it'd been perfect!until stupid Natasha anyways." Tony muttered that mostly to himself.
Steve chuckled. "your such a terrible liar Ton." he admitted, amused. "i am not getting involved if you got stuff to prank the others with again." he warned, kissing the other gently. "well. you know, if you hadn't been acting suspicious they probably wouldn't have been following you." he pointed out. "at least Grant was interacting with someone for once." he admitted with a chuckle. "good." Steve sighed, relaxing. "i'm sorry. i know you would never cheat on me, but that blackout you had... and then finding you so hurt you should have been in the hospital. it makes me worry." he admitted, kissing the top of Tony's head. "they should be made to go through basic training again, much more humiliating." he admitted with a smirk before blinking at Tony, his head tilted, wondering if Tony realized that he'd said that out loud. probably not. "well cme on then. i'll finish breakfast, you go hide your box and we'll have breakfast in bed and snuggle for a movie and if you decide you want to be dropped you let me know okay?" he asked with a smile, giving Tony another kiss. sure he was curious about the box, but clearly Tony was touchy about it, he knew Tony wold tell him about it eventually. "and Clint? you better get the fuck out of here before i turn your innards into outards." Steve warned, smirking at the squeak of fright as Clint, and Grant, fled the scene.
“I am not. I am amazing.”Tony huffed making a face not even bothering to deny he’d been lying. “....No. I’m not pranking the others. I learned better after Clint punched me.”He sulked a little as he kissed him back, before whining. “No, they would have followed anyways. They’re bored.”he whined a little before sighing, relaxing as he realized that the other trusted him. “I know, it’s fine. I’m okay.”He promised before nodding. “We should do that!We’ll make them retrain.”Tony decided looking pleased with the idea before nodding. “Kay. Breakfast in bed sounds amazing.”He said kissing him back before scampering off with his box for the bedroom.

NAtasha snickered as the two came back, shaking her head as she looked up from the tv she was watching as james snuggled her. “I told you steve’d know you were there.”
"you are amazing at a lot of things." he didn't need to say that spying and sneaking wasn't one of them. "they are bored. and i don't think Clint knew it was you." he admitted, chuckling as he nuzzled the others neck. "okay. as long as your fine." Steve promised, relaxing a little. pleased that Tony really was okay. "i'll talk to Phil." he promised with a snicker. "put in Dumbo!" he ordered, heading over to finish breakfast. he was making Eggs Benedict with Hash, Bacon and Toast and each got a large fluffy waffle to go with it. soon he was snuggled up with Tony in bed eating breakfast.

"well we had to try didn't we? how else will we know who won the bet?" "we ask Tony later." James said with a roll of his eyes. "if we tell him there was a bet involved he'll probably tell us unless it's one of those sensitive things, and if it's a sensitive thing then we'd best be leaving off because Steve can, and will, kill us if we mess with Tony too much."
“I am fine. Really.”Tony promised, though he was nervous about what he’d gotten, he was also calm to. “Dumbo?”Tony said grinning amused even as he put in the video, quite content to be snuggled as they watched the movie as he ate, though he wasn’t really watching it, he was just thinking to hard. “...Steve?”he muttered nuzzling the other as the movie ended.

“And he wont feel bad about killing you two if he does indeed end up killing us for messing with tony.”Natasha said though curious, willing to let it go for now because she knew tony was upset.
Steve nodded. "yes. Dumbo, i've heard it's a great movie." he admitted with a grin. he enjoyed the movie a lot, even if he was only paying half attention to it. "yes Tony?" he asked, smiling at Tony. "what is it?" he asked, stroking the others hair, wondering what Tony could have gotten into that left him so upset?

Clint and Grant pouted, but even they had to agree it was better not to mess with Tony when he was anxious and twitchy like this. "well, i'm going to the Gym." Grant decided even as Clint settled onto the couch to join in the snuggles. all the snuggling made Grant highly uncomfortable.
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