Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

Steve nodded. "i didn't much like remembering myself." he admitted dryly. "well, we'll do our best to help him, even if i have to pin his ass down and hold him there until he stops throwing his tantrums." he decided with a smile. "you could make the tech." James accused, annoyed with all the excuses. "of course i'm a genius." Steve scoffed. "ou think you'd date someone stupid?" he asked with a grin. "....cuddle?" James asked, looking confused. "yeah, you know, snuggle, hold each other." Steve explained, making James blink. was that an order? a trick? was he allowed to cuddle? there was nothing on his behavioral control lists that had anything to do with cuddling. he did the only thing he could think of, he left and went to his Handlers. "Is the Offer of cuddling an Order, or a trick?" he demanded of the two sparring people. Clint was loosing, but he was getting better every time. "uh.. cuddling.. OW! Nat that was my head!" Clint complained, having gotten distracted by the question and gotten kicked in the head.
“Hmmm, I’d be jealous of you wanting to pin him down if I didn’t know better.”Tony snickered a little before sighing. “No, I can’t.. My sanity wouldn’t survive doing it, so don’t even think about it.”Tony huffed sounding annoyed before tilting his head.”Hmm, I might, I mean have you seen your ass lately?That ass would be worth non-stimulating conversation.”He teased before nodding.”Yes, cuddle. I want cuddles.”Tony said vaguely annoyed that he was coming down from his high and he wasn’t being cuddled yet. Watching him go he shook his head looking at steve, “You know, we might confuse him enough that he doesn’t throw a tantrum all the time.”

“You were distracted. You’re supposed to pay attention.”Natasha said as she settled into her stance again, flicking clint in the forehead, much like james had done to her. Well, at least now it was obvious where she’d picked up the habit before looking at james. “Now, what was this?Cuddling?”She asked, wondering exactly what he'd walked in on
Steve snorted. "gross Tony, he's practically my brother. i'm not into incest." he assured the other with a chuckle. "even if i know you'd find it pretty damn hot, watching two beefy guys wrestling on the floor." he teased, kissing Tony. "Tony, to be honest, i'm not sure your sane now." Steve admitted with a grin before snuggling the other, taking the hint. "you know, we just might. i can't imagine he got a lot of physical attention. he was always a tactile man you know?" he asked with a smile. "he was always hugging people, holding them. he needed to. i imagine if he doesn't even know what cuddling is..." he muttered. "he's going to be clingy once he gets most of his memories back." he admitted, smirking. "and i'm pretty sure it's going to be Natasha dealing with it. he always had a thing for red heads."

Clint huffed, glaring at her for the flick while he rubbed his forehead. "oh, like i'm supposed to just ignore that!" he complained, indicating James. "Yes. cuddling. the Smart Man asked me if i wanted to cuddle. is it an order, or a trick?" not used to having the decision to say 'no' those where the only two options in his mind. he was either told to do it, or he'd be punished for doing it. unfortunately, tricks like that where common to Assets. even Natasha had been given an order and then punished for doing it.
“Hmm, but he’s not your brother really, so it wouldn’t be incest, and it really woudl be hot.”Tony said, completely unrepentant in his lechery. “...I am perfectly sane!”Tony sulked, smiling pleased as the super soldier took the hint and snuggled him. “I Said that he was always touching, casual fleeting touches, but still there. Nothing weird about it, just there.”Tony said before wincing at the idea of not even knowing what cuddling was before nodding. “He will be, and I doubt she’s going to have a problem with that.”

“You are.”Natasha said snickering a little before sighing a little. Realizing what was happening didn’t make it hurt any less to know that he wasn’t used to taking his own feelings and want into account. “It’s a question. Tony’s a little touch starved sometimes, he likes touch. Would you feel better if I make it a order?”She asked studying him.
he snorted. "he's my blood brother so it does count as incest. we might not share parents but we share blood." he admitted. amusingly enough, they both had the same blood type, so anytime one of them needed a blood donation, they gave to each other. well, before the serum anyway. as a child, Steve had often needed a blood transfusion and Bucky was always the first to volunteer. "Howard had no right to talk about Bucky, ever." Steve grumbled. "he attacked Bucky a couple of times, trying to keep Bucky away from me, i dunno if he was just feeling threatened that Buck was so close to what Howard saw as 'his property' or was afraid Bucky would realize that something was wrong with me, i dunno." he admitted. "good thing Howard was never much of a fighter." he admitted. "you know. i think your right, Natasha does seam a bit infatuated doesn't she?" he asked with a grin.

"...Touch Starved?" that sounded... familiar. it sounded... him, yes, him. himself? he was touch starved. where had that thought come from? it was wrong. he didn't need touch, it was a pointless thing. "....i don't know." he admitted, blinking at her. "whatever you want Mistress." "it's creepy that he calls you that." Clint admitted. "i think James is probably pretty touch starved. once you got calm enough to let us get near you, you where like a limpet." Clint admitted to her.
“...That’s a amusing thought, but I still want to see you two rolling around together....not that I want to share though...”Tony said looking torn between the two desires before huffing. “Howard stark had no right to talk about anything, but he still did.”Tony made a face,”But I’m glad he did....made things...well. Not easy...but you and the howling commandos, those stories....only reasons I made it through childhood.”Tony sighed a little before smiling. “Probably a little of both really. And he never was...thank god. Once he realized I was stronger then him, it was easier to get him to leave me alone.”He muttered before nodding. “she does. It’s sorta cute really.”

“Yes. No one’s touches him alot, he’s been isolated....he enjoys touching.”Natasha said before tilting her head, sighing quietly. “It is, but it’s okay. I like being mistress.”Natasha said only because she knew trying to get james to call her natasha just yet was pointless. “Then I’m making it a order. Cuddle.”Natasha said, knowing it would do both james and tony some good to cuddle. “...I am not a limpet!Limpets are not cute.”She whined a little.
"...isolated." James muttered. no one touched him unless he was performing sexual favors, and even then touching was minimal. was he touch starved? "whatever floats your boat Nat." Clint teased, amused. James tilted his head a little at her and then nodded. "Yes Mistress." he agreed before pausing. "how does one cuddle?" "Tony will show you how." James huffed at that and headed back up to Tony and Steve, making Clint snicker. "that poor man."

he snorted. "well, we did used to spar a lot, that's close enough right?" he asked with a smile before shrugging. "i'm glad i was able to help, even if i wasn't actually here." he admitted, wrapping his arms around the other, nuzzling him gently. "i'm sorry you had such a shitty crappy childhood." he admitted softly. "but... i'm glad your here with me ow." he admitted, giving Tony a deep kiss before blinking when James appeared again. "uh. yes James?" "i have been instructed to cuddle." "uh... great! come on in!" Steve chirped, grinning. Tony would love cuddling with James. "...whats wrong?" Steve asked, looking puzzled when James didn't move. "i do not know how."
Natasha rolled her eyes at clint's teasing before smiling."just ask tony james."she said watching him go before snickering at clint's words."which one,the assassin or the billionaire who's going to sulk at having sex time interrupted?"

"Nooooo that doesn't count since I wasn't there."tony said huffing a little."me to but it's fine. Crappy shit happens to everyone."tony said shrugging a little sigh ing quietly as he was nuzzled before looking up at james."...well come on in. We'll show you. Get in bed with us."tony said looking a little puzzled himself at how to help the other man relearn things. Feeling utterly lost.
Clint snickered. "both!" he admitted before trying to sweep her feet while she was distracted.

he snickered a little. "i'm sure me and James will spar again Tony." he promised with a smile before sighing. "not everyone." he admitted, sulking before blinking at James who did not look like he wanted to crawl into bed with them at all. finally he settled into the bed, Steve on one side of Tony and James on the other. soon James was laying down, flesh arm wrapped around Tony, his head on Tony's chest while Tony basically laid on top of Steve. James wouldn't admit it out loud, but he... liked the feeling of heat sinking into him, Tony's body temperature warming him, the sound of his heartbeat in his ear and the breath moving his head as if he was being rocked. "Tony... look." Steve whispered, amused. "he's asleep." and indeed James had fallen asleep.
"Good. Cause that's totally going to get recorded and replayed for my masturbaty fantasies."tony snickered a little. Looking concerned as james looked upset at the idea of getting in bed, before startled as the other man relaxed, snuggling into steve with a contented sigh before caning his head to look down." he is. Thats....amazing."tony said sounding in awe
he snorted a little but didn't protest because he knew Tony wouldn't masturbate without him. "it is amazing. he's probably so touch starved that just this is enough to make him feel safe." he admitted. "who knows. maybe it'll help." he was right, when James woke up, he did not leave, he stayed clinging to Tony even while Steve got up and made Dinner for the Tower and some clear broth with oatmeal and milk for James, along with a banana that Phil said would probably be safe. James ate the oatmeal without a fuss, but when it came to the rest he looked a bit hesitant. finally he picked up a slice of the banana, slipped it into his mouth and paused. it was the first thing he'd tasted in over seventy years that wasn't oatmeal or 'gloop'. he sat there for a good five minutes, just holding that slice of Banana in his mouth, as if he wasn't sure what to do with it before he slowly began to chew, savoring the taste. "well. he likes Bananas." Steve muttered, glancing at Natasha, highly amused. "here James, try some milk." Steve offered. James blinked at it and picked up the glass and took a small sip and sat there again, just holding it in his mouth as if he was too shocked to do anything. then he swallowed, took another sip and repeated. Clint snorted. "he likes Milk too i guess." it was more like he was shocked at the intensity of taste. oatmeal and gruel didn't have much of a taste, they where bland, dull, Banana's and milk in comparison was like lighting a firecracker and letting it go off on your tongue.
"I 5hink you're outta luck nat,if he likes bananas." "Stop being perverted and behave tony."Natasha said rolling her eyes a little even if she found the billionaire amusing most of the time. Watching james in slight worry as he ate,worried about how hed do eating."well its probably really good compared to what he normally eats."tony pointed out as he ate his own food.
Steve snorted at Tony's joke and rolled his eyes. "Nat, i don't think he's capable of behaving." Steve admitted with a grin. "but that's what makes him so fun." he admitted. "he fell asleep on Tony earlier. after you 'ordered' him to cuddle." he admitted to Natasha a bit more quietly so he wouldn't disturb James who was savoring every tiny mouthful. "i think we have a good chance at helping him." he admitted, watching James who finally decided he'd had enough. he'd eaten all the oatmeal, three spoonfuls of the soup, all of the banana and half of the milk. he'd probably eaten more in that sitting than he had in the last seventy years.
“I’m not. I’m very naughty. You should punish me.”Tony said smirking a little as he looked up at his lover, flushing a little at the praise of being fun. “Really?That’s good.”Natasha muttered quietly so james wouldn’t hear, sounding pleased that there was hope, that they would be able to help him. “Full?”She asked reaching out and gently stroking the brunette’s hair, almost praising him silently for eating.
Steve smirked. "oh i'll punish you." he promised Tony, smirking a little. "i think we have a few electrodes just begging to be used." he admitted, Clint lifting an eyebrow. "electrodes?" "....yes." Steve said, blushing furiously when he realized he'd said that in front of people who could hear him. "me and Tony certainly thought so. of course it could be that e was just exhausted, it's hard to tell." he admitted, grimacing when James flinched away from the hand, as if expecting to be punished for not eating all of it. "Yes mistress." he stated once he realized she wasn't hurting him. "oh! Nat. just so you know, i told James that he couldn't have his new mission until he remembered certain memories so.... hopefully that might help too."
Tony shuddered looking up at the other, looking amused and embarassed as he realized the other’s had heard, mostly because steve was blushing. Sex so rarely could draw a embarassed reaction from him, that this was different. “I think you should.” “....I don’t want to know. Really.”Natasha said looking slightly disturbed before looking at james, “It could be, but he trusted you enough to go to sleep, when he could have fought sleep off for awhile.”She muttered dropping her hand when he flinched, smiling a little, “Good. And really?Well, that’ll make things easier.”She agreed knowing james might not fight them so much if he thought his mission was going to come after he got his memories back.
"no. you really don't." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "that's a good point. he didn't fight to stay awake at all, he just drifted to sleep." he admitted before nodding. "i hope so. he was fixing to throw a hell of a tantrum when Tony told him 'no'. would have been kind of funny though." Steve admitted with a chuckle, watching as James examined the dishes and then gathered them all up and started washing the dishes. he had been trained, as all Hydra agents where, to clean up after themselves. " what?" Steve muttered. "we can't just ignore him. we shuld find something constructive for him to do.... maybe introduce him to X-Box?"
“Of course it’s a good point, cause unlike tony, I am indeed always right.”Natasha teased a little because she’d heard this conversation alot with tony, and teasing him amused her. “You’re never as right as me. And He was. I was actually surprised he just left.”Tony said looking amused as he watched james clean up before looking worried, they indeed couldn’t simply ignore him. “....Let’s. Teaching him mario kart will be amusing, and phil emailed me back, said he was bringing grant to visit tomorrow.”
Steve snorted and Clint rolled his eyes. "they're just as bad as each other." he complained, shaking his head. "i think he was confused by the offer more than anything." Steve admitted, Clint nodding. "yeah he came right to Natasha for clarification." he admitted with a snort. "i have a bad feeling he's going to be a limpet himself now."

he was right. in the to days that had passed, James refused to sleep unless he was snuggling someone. he didn't really care who. his favorite was Tony though, amusingly enough. Natasha was his second favorite though, and he was often found cuddling her, silent and waiting for an order any order. his appetite was slowly increasing, though he still savored every little bite, something that both Phil and Clint said that Natasha had also done. the taste of food was overwhelming at first of course, but slowly he gt used to the massive variety. he was already on easily digested solids. mostly fruits and cooked vegetables and tiny chunks of meat in soup. it was the milk he was really getting into. he had drank an entire carton in just one morning. Clint had been amazed the man hadn't gotten sick. he didn't care much for the X-box games, especially not the shooter, war, or battle games. though he did enjoy Phil's Harvest Moon and Rune Factory. he'd only play if someone insisted though. typically he just sat there and stared at nothing.
Phil sighed quietly as he walked into the tower, looking at the man with him. Having not told grant anything about why they were visiting the avengers, he was hoping to find out a little more information when what tony had already dug up if he surprised grant with james’ presence. Glancing at the two on the couch, it took him a moment to recognize that yes, it was both tony and james cuddling on the couch. It was both disturbing and amusing to see the two most touch starved people nearly always cuddling though. It also made him wonder just what the good captain was thinking of having his genius being cuddled by someone else, even if it was just james. “Hey!Agent, ward. Come on in.”Tony said waving a hand towards the seats pausing the video game he had been playing. The good thing about extermis was that he could pause the game without even having to use the remote.
Grant had a good idea of why he was there even if Phil hadn't said anything. "Hello Mr. Stark." Grant stated before looking t James. "hello James. Pierce is dead then?" he asked, James narrowed his eyes and nodded and Grant smirked a little. "good." he stated before sitting down in a chair and lacing his fingers together in a chair, looking for all the world like he was waiting to be tortured even if he was so calm it was creepy. James fussed a little when Tony got up but finally stood up as well and headed for the kitchen to get some milk. "already making personal decisions, impressive. it took Natasha Romanoff weeks to achieve that level of independence did it not?" "Natasha had also been trained since childhood." Clint pointed out. "it's much harder to break childhood training than it is to break training as an adult." "very true. Hydra did love their children soldiers." Grant admitted. "and where you a child soldier, Grant?" "no. unless you consider fourteen to be a child." he admitted, looking quite unconcerned that he'd admitted to being Hydra.
“He is.”Tony said as he stared at grant, resisting the urge to simply bash the other’s head against something until he forgot everything he ever knew about the codes or signals. No matter what, he wasn’t a cold blooded murderer, even if protecting his captain drove him to want to be violent. “I’m coming back, don’t worry.”Tony muttered leaving the room only long enough to get his tablet and tell jarvis to get steve and natasha, settling back on the couch, knowing james would return soon enough, having amusingly enough been proven right and the man was quite the limpet now that he was being cuddly. “James was a adult, already with a code of ethics in place, lifelong habits are harder to break even if you don’t have the memories to go along with it.”Tony shrugged. “Not a child, but not a adult either.”natasha said as she stepped into teh room, “You’re looking very calm and unconcerned about the fact that you’ve been outted as hydra.”
James just huffed at Tony's reassurances and gathered his milk, sitting back down with Tony once the other was back and snuggling him. "that's right. and James had always had a very strict moral code even as a child." Steve admitted. "why should i care? i'm not loyal to Hydra." he scoffed. "i'm going to die anyway when they figure out what i've done." he admitted. "might as well make myself useful before they manage to collect me." he admitted, Clint lifting an eyebrow. "and what have you done?" "...i set him free." he admitted, indicating James. "his Codes don't work anymore. i killed the Bio-modules." he admitted simply. Clint sucked in a breath, stunned that Grant would risk himself like that for someone who was essentially a stranger. "you... did what?" "the electronic things inside of James, i turned them off. they cannot control his activities anymore. there is no more kill command, he cannot be stopped or dropped because of debilitating pain in his spine and brain." Steve shuddered. remembering his own brush with those codes, with the debilitating pain. he was dealing with the mental affects now while Tony worked on the tech to kill the Bio... things. something River was helping him with, Steve hated the floating sensations River caused when he went into Steve's head. but it was worth it if it meant the mentally reinforced codes no longer existed.
Tony smiled a little as he shifted to get comfortable as the other snuggled into him, looking at grant in curiosity. It was quite interesting to see him so calm about this. “Then who are you loyal to?And why were you working with them?”He asked, curious to what had turned a 14 year old to hydra before looking at james, then his eyes snapping up to grant. “You will show me how to turn them off.”Tony demanded, his voice going icy, because while he had figured out how to do it, he wasn’t sure it wouldn’t kill steve, had been hesitating on doing it. Grant could show him how. “Tony, calm.”Natasha said staring at the billionaire, seeing he was moments from getting up and shaking the answer out of grant, even if she understood the desire, since it effected steve, and it upset tony.
Grant shook his head. "i'm loyal to Garret. or i was." he admitted. "i was working for them because Garret was." "wait... as in, John Garret?" "yes." "high level Shield Agents, used to be best friends with Phil, access to level seven information John Garret!?" Clint demanded, Grant giving Clint a look as if wondering if the Archer was missing a few screws. he frowned, confused at Tony. "sure, if you want, but why? they're already dead." Grant didn't know. Grant didn't realize! he had no idea that Captain America had the same stuff in him. "one of our Agents is being controlled in the same manner." Steve lied. well, it wasn't really a lie. "sure i can show you." he promised. "i'll need a tablet or a computer though." he admitted. "and you'll have to have access to nano tech." he paused and then shook his head. "it's Tony Stark, of course he has access to Nano tech."
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