Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

he blinked a little. "well maybe we should ask him?" he wondered, his head tilted. "i mean, Hulk recognizes us, and he references things that Bruce has experienced so they have to be connected somehow." he admitted. "i would never leave you behind." he promised with a smile. "you can be Iron Man... the only problem i'm going to have is remembering not to call you Tony." he admitted. "it is a bit mind bending." he agreed with a smile, kissing Tony deeply, humming happily.

three days later, Clint happily announced that the dot had stopped moving. "the house belongs to Alexander Pierce." Clint explained. "James has been resting there for three hours. the longest he's stopped since he started out." every few hours he'd stop for about an hour or less and then continue. "so we think that Alexander Pierce is behind this?" "or he's the next target." Steve admitted, watching that little dot. "let's head out. if he starts moving before we get there, we'll have Phil send in some Agents to scope things out while we continue on to get Bucky."
“I’ll have to.”Tony said looking interested in the thought. Relaxing even more at the idea of not being left behind, smirking a little. “ I’ll have to reward you if you remember to not call me tony.”He teased a little.

“....As in, the Alexander pierce that’s in charge of shield?”Tony asked as he gingerly sat up, while he’d been out of bed and mostly healed, he was still taking it easy for both his and steve’s peace of mind, but he was okay. “...We’ll find out.”Tony sighed quietly before looking at them. “I’ll meet you guys there.”He said heading for the lab to suit up, ignoring the worried look natasha shot at his back, wanting to protest, but knowing better then to do so.
"he's part of Shield, yes. and part of the council i think." Clint admitted. "we will find out." Steve agreed before setting a hand on Tony's shoulder. "you will not fly ahead of us." he ordered firmly. "you will sit, inside the jet, like a sane person. your still recovering and i don't want you wasting all your energy by trying to prove yourself useful." he ordered sternly. "all of you suit up and get in the jet." he ordered. "and no one is going ahead of the others." this time he scowled at both Natasha and Tony. "are we clear!?"
“What?I can fly ahead. I’m not that hurt anymore, and if I’m in it, I can let Jarvis do most of the work.”Tony whined a little his eyebrow twitching a little even as he started suiting up, sulking that he’d been ordered to take it easy even if his body was cheering for the fact that he should indeed rest some more. “Yes Captain.”Natasha tilted her head, smiling slightly as they all piled into the jet.
Steve shook his head. "no. you stay with me." he ordered firmly.

by the time they landed on the front lawn of Alexander Pierce's home the dot had moved and then settled again, still in the same house. "spread out." he ordered. "Natasha, start hacking into his servers. see what you can find. Clint, Tony, your with me, we might have to restrain Bucky. Phil, start looking for Peirce. Bruce, go with Phil. if Peirce was the target he might be hurt or ding." more likely dead. "looks likebucky is downstairs." he admitted, heading down the stairs, cautiously peering into every room, just in case. finally they reached the final room in the very basement. Bucky was sitting in a chair and Pierce was waiting for them. "come in, come in. welcome." Peirce stated with a smile. "did you know." Pierce stated. "that the very same technology we use on Bucky Barnes-" he snapped his fingers at Bucky who seamed to focus intently on Peirce. like a dog who had just received a command. "was used on Captain America?" Pierce asked with a smirk when Steve jerked, surprised. "what?" "oh yes. you see, the person who developed this technology was Anthony Stark himself. he sold it to us after he got bored with playing with you Captain." Pierce admitted with a smirk. "as a matter of fact... Captain Compliance Code two two four sixty eight Contact." Pierce stated and suddenly Steve went slack, his eyes went as blank as James. his arms went limp and he stood there in an almost 'at ease' position. "...what the fuck did you do!?" Clint demanded, horrified.

"Captain. kill the archer." Pierce ordered, smirking when Steve turned and his hand closed tightly around Clint's neck, the archer choking, surprised. "S-Ste-eve!" Clint gasped and Steve paused, his hand relaxing, a startled pause and Pierce scowled. "i gave you an Order Captain. kill the Archer." the hand tightened again and Clint choked, struggling against the tight grip. there was a flicker in Steve's eyes though, fighting the order. "you see, he's trying hard to fight it, but Howard Stark put so much tech into the good Captain's brain that he CAN'T fight back." there was a snarl and suddenly, Steve's hand released, utter and complete rage in his eyes as he turned to face Pierce. "i bow... to no, fucking, man." he hissed. James watched, dispassionate as Steve turned his wrath onto Pierce. "Over Ride Five Five Six For, Captain America Shut Down procedure!" Pierce yelped. Steve stuttered, staggered, and fell onto hands and knees, gulping in air, entire body shaking as he struggled not to pass out. "i'd be careful if i where you." Pierce warned, smirking. "i know the Kill Code too. but you knew that already, didn't you Mr. Stark?" well fuck. Pierce knew Tony was Iron Man.
“Got it.”Natasha said already moving into the house to see to the man’s computers, listening the the others moving into the house. “....I wouldn’t do anything, Mr. Pierce.”Tony warned the voice modifier hiding just how freaked out he was at knowing the other man had figured out the secret behind the winter soldier. “I know. Though I find it interesting that you didn’t out Mr. Stark as a traitor.”The younger stark said sounding interested tensing at peirce’s words, having not seriously considered that the man would know what had been installed into the good captain’s head.

“Captain!”tony growled starting for pierce, but stopping, sending bucky a look as he moved between the two groups, hesitating because he had no idea how the assassin would react, and he was also worried that if he moved for pierce, he’d order steve to attack him. Tensing as he moved towards Steve as he fell, resting a hand on his back, even though he kept his eyes on pierce. “Steve?”He muttered before looking up at pierce, eyes widening behind his helmet, shaken. Wondering if the man knew everything, and not just what was going on with steve. He could only pray that the man didn’t know enough to send him spiraling out to, he just had to hold it together long enough for natasha and phil to get down here to help. “I know all kinds of things, Mr. Pierce.”Tony said as he reached up and pulled off his helmet to look at the two, flicking a glance towards Bucky. “including the command codes for your soldier. If you take mine, I’ll destroy yours.”Tony said tilting his head, because it had taken him awhile, time and practice, and no shortage of emotional pain, but he’d found the key. At least...he hoped so. Not the key to death...but freedom. “How about you just let steve go, and me and you can talk about whatever else you want.”He said willing to bartner and threaten, he knew his boyfriend. Knew he’d fight it off, if given time, and not killed.
Pierce just smirked. "i don't have to do anything at all. the good captain will do it all for me." he admitted simply. "and why on earth would i have outed Howard, when he was so very helpful to us?" Pierce asked. "i'm not sure if Howard knew we where Hydra and just didn't care, or if he didn't know who we where at all and just didn't care." he shrugged. "either way, we gained a lot of things he got bored with." he admitted with a smirk. Bucky blinked at Tony before focusing on Pierce again, waiting for a command. "nnng..." Steve could only groan, it felt as if his entire spine and brain where being assaulted with electricity filled needles. not the good kind of electricity either. Pierce's grin vanished at the information that Tony knew Bucky's codes as well. "well we are at an impasse aren't we?" Pierce asked, his eyes narrowed as he turned a glance at Bucky who stood up and stepped to the side, out of the way of the way. "so." Pierce mused. "you want whats mine, and i want what's yours." he mused, studying Tony. "Steve Rogers, really belongs to Hydra you know. it was Hydra's technology that gave birth to him. really, he belongs to Hydra, after all, it was Hydra that created the serum, Hydra that created the Vita Rays, Hydra that allowed Dr. Erskine to escape with his research to see if he could succeed again." pierce admitted. "red Skull was a devout leader, but in the end all he was, was a failed experiment. but i would e willing to let you keep the good Captain, in return for the Black Widow. she too, is ours after all....." he paused, a gun pressed to the side of his head. James, had finally reacted. he didn't like the idea of Pierce touching Natasha apparently. "Soldier. stand down." "Вы не коснется Наталья." James stated, voice blank. Pierce's eye twitching. "Stand, Down!" "Она моя." "I SAID STAND DOWN!" "умереть" and the gunshot rang out into the air, splattering bits of Pierce all over the ground, not that it stopped the Command Code from affecting Steve, who was slowly starting to recover, panting as he fought through the debilitating pain.

You will not touch Natalia.
She is Mine.
Tony shrugged, simply talking to keep pierce from turning on steve again, giving steve time to recover. “Probably just was that dumb and didn’t know. My father wasn’t the brightest person in the world.”He said, knowing that there was nothing he could do for steve but give him time to recover, at least not yet. “So we are.”Tony said studying pierce, “Steve Rogers belongs to me. Even if the technology that had created him belongs to you, he’s mine now. And Black widow is her own person, even if you had her, I doubt you’d keep her.”Tony said eyes flicking over to james, looking slightly startled that he was talking. Tense and ready to act if james turned on them, he startled even worse as pierce got his brains blown out, already collapsing to his knees, wincing as he touched the other, “override code five five nine, recover.”He muttered pained and tense, knowing steve was going to hate him for this, but glad to see the other recovering more as teh pain stopped. This he could do at least. With his ill gotten knowledge of what his father had done, at least he could stop the pain. Swallowing thickly as he tensed, waiting for both to see what James would do trusting clint to watch the other, and steve’s bad reaction to the knowledge what tony had always known. “Black Widow, we need you down here.”Tony said into his comm even as he fussed over steve, the motions quiet and nervous-definitely showing that he was scared of what steve was going to do. “Iron Man?”Natasha said as she eased into the room, eyes widening slightly at the sight in front of her, before looking at james, studying him. Trying to decide what he was going to do.
Pierce snorted. "he had a great mind, brilliant. bu your right, he was dumb as shit." he agreed. "oh, we held Natalia for years, it wouldn't be too hard to control her again." he admitted before looking startled when James reacted. "fuck..." Steve gasped, heaving in a deep breath once the pain stopped, slumping a little though he didn't collapse. "god.. Tony... i r-remember e-everything." he whispered, tears pulling up into his eyes. "Howard... he.... he..." he shuddered violently and fell silent, unable to give voice to the horrors yet. James stood there, examining Pierce for a moment before shooting him again in the chest, just to make sure. then he focused intently on Tony when he said Natasha's code name. he made no movement to attack them however. he didn't move until Natasha walked into the room. he gripped the barrel of his gun and held it out to Natasha, handle aimed for her, gun aimed at him. it was a move that left Steve baffled, but Natasha would recognize it. it was something she had done over and over. the Handlers where not allowed to be unarmed around their assets, so the assets where trained to arm their handlers anytime they noticed that their Handlers where unarmed. his eyes where still blank, he showed no real recognition of her other than offering her a weapon.
“I got you.Easy.”Tony muttered growling quietly in frustration as he stripped his gauntlets up so he could feel the other’s heated skin under his suit, simply needing to feel the other’s back instead of feeling it through metal. Shifting he let the other man lean against him, he smiled sadly, brokenly. “...I know. Shush, stevie...I got you.”He muttered glancing up to look at the other’s. “...James. We’re going home now. Will you make sure the way out of here is clear to do so?”Natasha said the only reaction that said she was startled, was the slight quavering of her hand as she took the gun, sliding it easily into her utility belt. “...Can you stand, cap?”Tony said his utter fear and worry and anxiety hidden for the moment.
Steve shuddered at the feeling of skin on his but he didn't pull away the way most people who suddenly realized they'd been raped would have. Tony wasn't Howard and he knew that for a fact, plus the hand on his back made him feel a little better. "hows Clint?" "i'm fine." Clint promised softly. he'd done his best to stay unnoticed and from the way James had spun around to stare at him, it had worked. "i'll have some nice bruises but you stopped yourself before you could actually hurt me." Clint promised. "Да любовницей." James stated calmly, pulling out a second gun and picked up his mask, strapping it into place before heading out to make sure the path was clear. "James! we have two people in the building. don't shoot them." James paused, examining Clint before focusing on Natasha, seeking reassurances that he was to obey Clint. once he knew he nodded and headed out to clear the way to the door and kept it clear, not that there was anyone else in the house, but James had been given orders and he would follow them. "i can stand..." Steve promised, though he needed help. "...what happened?" Clint asked softly. "...i'll explain later." Steve promised. "once i make sense of the memories... Tony..." Steve felt his knees buckling, he was going to need help walking.

Yes Mistress
Tony winced a little as he realized that he was being stupid, being so touchy feely, swallowing thickly as he dropped his hand. Looking at the other, glancing up at clint.”He’s okay.”he muttered looking over the man, even if he let clint answer, he was doing his ow reassurances that the other man was okay. Natasha nodded slightly at james’ look, reassuring him that he was to obey watching him go. “Kay.”Tony muttered watching anxiously as steve got up, glancing at clint, flinching as he hung his head a little. “....I made a mistake.”Tony muttered flinching as steve started to fall, huffing quietly as he bent and picked up the bigger man, glad that the suit was strong enough to let him do it, heading for the quinjet, even if he let the scary assassins go first, even knowing that james had cleared the way, he was cautious enough to let the ones not encumbered by carrying steve ho first....and he might have been delaying the time he was going to be alone with steve as long as he could.
Steve uttered a short, choked sound when Tony pulled away, protesting the sudden distance. relaxing at the promise that Clint was okay. "'s not your fault." Steve promised. "you didn't know Howard would have sold those secretes. fucking bastard." Steve muttered, tensing when he was picked up before relaxing again, resting his head on the others shoulder and closing his eyes. Clint followed Natasha, gun in hands as he checked to make sure it was safe, knowing Phil already called i a 'task force' to sweep the entire house for anything of interest. "Tony, i love you." Steve promised before settling in to sleep. James was standing in the jet once they where done and sat where Natasha told him to and simply sat there, silent and waiting for more orders, not unlike a robot. Steve just dozed, clinging to Tony and refusing to let go, no matter he probably would have been more comfortable in his own chair.
Tony tensed frowning at the sound, before touching him again, “Shush, I’m here.”He muttered sounding upset, not because he didn’t want to touch the other, but because he couldn’t consider that he wasn’t at fault. He knew that somehow, this was his fault. “Love you to.”He muttered smiling quietly as he pressed a kiss to steve’s hair as he settled into his seat, simply holding onto him as natasha and clint got them going, knowing that soon enough they’d be home.

When steve woke up, tony was there with him, curled up on the couch, so obviously torn between the desire to run away from the conversation he thought they’d have, and the desire to not leave steve alone. Looking decidely uncomfortable from where he was curled up in the corner of the couch, for a grown man, he could make him surprisingly small when he was feeling hurt and scared. Stirring when he realized steve was up, but not moving to get up yet.
Steve relaxed again when Tony went right back to touching him, sighing a little.

Steve woke slowly and blinked a little at the ceiling for a moment. his entire body ached furiously and he knew that Howard had used that order often when Steve had tried to act up, tried to escape, tried to fight back. Howard could snap that command so fast Steve hardly had time to blink before he was on the ground in agony. there where many codes, some that made Steve so horny that he couldn't stand it, he would beg for it, let Howard do anything to him because the tiny... things, inside of him released certain chemicals that made him aroused to the point where nothing mattered but release. there where command codes to make him a cold monster, just like James was now. command codes to make Steve completely compliment ad emotionless. sometimes, if Steve had been really 'bad', Howard would make him stay awake through an invasive surgery. one of which was when Howard had installed something right into his spine. it had hurt so badly he had screamed and screamed and didn't stop until Howard finally let him pass out. he made a small, agonized sound, the more he remembered the more helpless he felt. he hadn't been helpless in so long. "Tony..." Steve whispered. "can you make the memories go away again?"
Tony whimpered quietly as he curled up more into the couch cushions, his face pressed into his knees, sighing quietly. “No...No I can’t make the memories go away. Mine or yours.”Tony sighed quietly, sounding so broken, before sliding off the couch and edging closer to the bed, looking down at him, looking everywhere but steve. “...No, I can’t make the memories go away....”He said sadly.
Steve swallowed. "yeah.... i didn't think so." he admitted softly. "will you hold me?" he asked hopefully, sounding rather shattered. he just wanted to know Toy was still willing to touch him, even though he was weak and defiled. at least it explained why Steve refused to submit to anyone. why he was so dominant and so good at handling Tony. even if he couldn't remember, he knew what it as like to have no choices, no chances, nothing but someone stepping on you. "Tony?...i'll be okay, right?" he asked softly. "you don't think anyone else knows? about the C-codes." he asked biting his lip. "am i going to have to stop going on missions against Hydra because i'm a security risk?"

"Natasha?" Clint asked, knocking on the door before walking in. "i was wondering if you wanted me to get James cleaned up?" Clint asked, examining the filthy man who was sitting, as he had been all night, in the kitchen chair. he was pretty filthy, his hair was greasy his clothes where covered in old blood, he looked to have some deep cuts that where trying to get infected. he hadn't removed the mask but Clint was pretty sure he needed a shave too.
“I will....are you sure you want me?hold you, I mean?”Tony said easing into the bed, sounding just as shattered. And it didn’t take a genius to know that tony was holding onto all that guilt, all the pain, the knowledge that his own father had done had shattered him in a way that had broken him long ago. Shifting to snuggle the other , he swallowed hard, closing his eyes as he rested his head on the other’s chest, snuggling again. “You’ll be fine.We’ll be fine...and I don’t...I hadn’t thought anyone knew. But...I don’t think so. James might know.”Tony said sounding so lost, that for once he wasn’t even acting like a genius, simply responding like a worried boyfriend.

“Hm?”Natasha looked up having been sitting with the other, in a chair across from him. Because she hadn’t quite figured out how to approach this, having been trying to clean him up, but she had no idea how to do this. Glancing at Clint she nodded a little. “Please. James....we’re going to go with Clint, and get you cleaned up. Come.”She said making it a gentle order.
Steve nodded. "i feel better when your here." he admitted softly, wrapping his arms around the other. "i feel safer." he admitted, pressing his face into Tony's hair, letting the scent of his lover soothe him. "....can you take them out?" he wondered, his head tilted. "the... things that he put in me?" no, they couldn't be removed, but they could be permanently deactivated. it would hurt, a lot though. and it wouldn't stop the purely mental effects. granted, Steve could probably fight most of those on his own. "Phil should be able to find out too." he admitted softly. "from what i understand Natasha downloaded and then fried all of Pierce's computer files and... uh... things. so Phil has control over all that information." he admitted.

James looked a bit confused by the term 'cleaned up'. clearly his last handlers hadn't cared much about his physical state. "Да любовницей." he stated, following Clint into the large bathroom. "i have some extra clothes here. Steve's of course, most of us are too small for him." he admitted. "James? take off your clothes please." James looked even more baffled, as much as he could of course, but he followed the instructions. "Mask off too." James tensed violently. the only time he was told to remove his mask was when pain was about to follow or when he needed to report. this was not a report, so logic, little that he had, said that there was about to be pain. lint was turning on the water and looked at James. "...boxers too." James tensed even more. Peirce, had never, but his other handler had, sexual favors? was Clint going to demand sex? James didn't much like sex with men, an order was an order though and he obeyed when Natasha said nothing. he calmed as soon as he realized he was just getting a bath. Clint scrubbed him head to toe, ignoring James startled squeal when he got in-between the assassin's toes. James looked more shocked that he had made such a noise. "there. all clean." Clint stated calmly. "hand me the shaving cream and my straight raer would you?" he asked, examining the rough stubble that was covering James face. "your better with the straight razor though, you want to do the shaving and the hair cut?" he asked Natasha, wrinkling his nose at the grime caked mask. "...i'll go wash this."
“ shouldn’t....I....I’m not good. I failed steve....I couldn’t even tell you about yourself....”Tony said whimpering a little before shaking his head a little. “No, but I can shut them off....I think. I’d been working on figuring them out...not hard, I mean, I didn’t think anyone but me knew they existed, so I wasn’t that concerned about it, but I should have considered my father’s antics, I mean, he’d known about James’ programming, even if he hadn’t named him per se, but I...I should have been more careful...”tony said nearly whimpering a little, before nodding. “We’ll ask him.”He muttered.

“...It’s odd considering Steve bigger then james, when for most of their lives, it was the other way around.”Natasha said laughing quietly because she’d seen pictures, steve had just been so little! Watching James’ reaction she tilted her head a little, thinking it over before nodding a little, but didn’t stop clint when he told him to undress all the way, “It’s okay.”She muttered before laughing out aloud at the squeal, looking amused. “That was amusing.”She informed the assassin before getting the cream and straight razor, snickering a little. “I will. And it amuses me that you use a straight razor, and still cut yourself half the time.”She teased before moving over to james, gently lathering the cream and spreading it over his face, glancing at clint. “Wash it in here.”She requested, having seen james’ reaction to taking it off, knowing he wouldn’t do well with clint leaving with it.
Steve snorted. "Tony. why i the hell would you tell me about that s... sick..." he stuttered and swallowed thickly. "i didn't want to know. i don't want to know now." he admitted. "why tell me something like that when i didn't know about it? all it would have done was cause more problems for me." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i always knew there was a reason for why i hated Howard. and that it had to do with why i couldn't remember most of my 'dancing monkey days'. it's not... that big of a surprise that he did something it's... it's just.. i never... god..." he shuddered violently. "the things he did to me Tony... i... he hurt me, so much and... and at the time i was fucking glad because if he was focused on me, then he wouldn't hurt anyone else..." he swallowed thickly. "i was his greatest creation you know. he told me, all the time. "Steve, your my greatest creation. and i'm going to make you perfect..." he had often told tony That. 'your my greatest creation Tony'. only back then, it hadn't been Tony. "Tony, you didn't do anything wrong. you did very, very well today. you stayed calm, steady, you didn't fall to pieces and you even managed to keep that maniac from killing me. never blame yourself for the things that Howard did. he was a sick bastard and i can only imagine living with him was eve more hellish than having to put up with him for three months."

he nodded. "think that's why James didn't recognize him? because he only knew 'Big' Steve for like, a year?" he asked before snorting a little at the squeal. "apparently he's ticklish." "мудак" James grumbled in a rare show of personality. then he flinched, as if waiting for someone to backhand him. "i cut myself even more on the safety razors." Clint admitted simply. "it's just because i rush in the mornings sometimes." he admitted with a shrug. James gave her a baffled look when she smeared the stuff in his face and obediently tiled his head this way and that as she ordered, even it it was just a touch of her fingertips. Clint was at the sink, washing the leather mask and scowled at t a little. "this is never going to come clean. might as well make him a new one." he admitted, even if he continued scrubbing, doing his best to get all the dirt, blood and grime off. "ugh... i have to get some things." Clint explained to her before leaving the bathroom to get his leather care kit. he was nice enough to leave the mask on the edge of the sink so James could see he hadn't walked off with it. he was back with a heavy duty leather soap and re-tackled the problem, scrubbig it with a special leather brush while Natasha finished making James presentable.
“....I know that. I know you didn’t want to know...still makes me feel bad that I didn’t warn you...”He sighed quietly, because hearing the other’s words, they made sense but didn’t relieve the guilt of having not protected steve even from teh moments of pain. Flinching at steve’s words. “....He used to tell me that....’You’re my greatest creation Steven....’....guess he hadn’t been talking about me, and I’d been far from wonder he changed things...”Tony muttered wondering if even that little bit of praise, had been about another steven. Wondering for the first time, just how much of Steve howard had seen when he looked at tony. So lost in the pain and guilt, that he wasn’t aware that he’d admitted to something only a few people had known. That his name wasn’t originally Anthony Stark. But Steven Anthony Stark. Smiling quietly, stirring at the praise, he smiled a little. “...No, I didn’t. I was in control.”he smiled turning his head into the other’s chest, snuggling close. “ was hell.”he agreed.

“Maybe. I mean, the memories wouldn’t have nearly as much time to become part of him as the older memories would have..”Natasha said smiling a little looking amused and pleased at the show of personality. “So he is. That was fairly adorable James.”She teased a little, gently tugging on his hair like she’d always done, to simply tweak him because his head was sensitive, “You are such a clutz. It amazes me that phil doesn’t punish you until you take your time.”She teased as she shaved the other,”Clean it as best as you can. I’ll see to getting another one made.”Natasha said snickering a little as clint left and got the supplies, gently washing james face off when she was done.”There. Better. Now the hair.”She said looking it over, tilting her head. “James?Do you want it short, or leave it long?”She asked, since she’d never seen him with it shorter then a few few inches long, always in his face, she had no idea what to do.
he shrugged a little. "how could you have Tony? i never would hve understood, not really. not without actually remembering." he admitted with a sigh before he paused and looked down at the other, startled. "he called you Steven?" he asked, horrified. no wonder Tony had so many issues with Captain America. "i was far from perfect. his idea of perfection was a blank puppet that only did what he told it to." he admitted. "no personality, just a pretty face." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "you where in control. well, until James blasted his head off. that was kind of gross." he admitted with a smile before kissing Tony's head. "i love you."

he nodded. "which is why he recognized you, because even if you where only a kid back then, you haven't changed much." he admitted before snorting at James, amused that the man was completely asked and n one seamed to care. James jerked at the tug of hair and gave her a suspicious look. as if he wasn't sure she hadn't just done something. "well, he does the same thing you know. he cant yell at me for doing the exact same thing he does." he admitted with a smirk. "что вы хотите." James spoke calmly. it wasn't as if he cared one way or another what he looked like. "give him a trim but keep it long." Clint suggested. "it'll be easier to cut it off than to grow it back. he can make a better decision once he has a bit more personalty to him."

What you want.
“....true.”Tony sighed quietly relaxing, before ducking his head to keep from looking at the other, not about to meet his eyes, not wanting the other to know the truth. “...Only when he was drunk.”He said, hoping he could brush off the mistake, but knowing steve wouldn’t believe it. Wouldn’t take the words at surface value, would know in that usual perfect steve way, that howard had changed tony’s name, letting his son know that he hadn’t been worthy of even sharing a name with steve rogers. “...yea, that was fairly gross.”He agreed before flushing, nuzzling his face against the other’s neck, hugging him tighter, “ you to.”he muttered blushing and flustered even after this time, to admitting it.

“Exactly. I just got taller, not truly changed.”Natasha said smiling a little. Shrugging at the supicious look she smiled as she finished shaving him, glancing at clint. “You two are both hopeless.”She teased. “ think you’re right.”She agreed with clint, brushing out james’ hair and washing it before trimming just a inch or two off, before tying it back out of his face, “Come on. Time to get dressed. Find some food, go check on the others.”She said sounding worried about the captain and billionaire
Steve nodded. "...sure. only when he was drunk." he agreed softly. might as well let Tony have the lie. Howard was dead after all. there was no way to have revenge on him now. "you where always worthy of me." he promised Tony with a smile. "always." he promised, stroking the others hair. "we should probably get up." he admitted. "the others will be worried about me and i want to know what Phil found out." he admitted, leaning down and kissing Tony. "and then i need to talk to River before my head implodes." he admitted. "...or i need some doombots to show up to i can rip them to pieces. either would be welcome." he admitted.

Clint nodded a little. "your really good at that." he admitted, indicating James face, which was smooth and clean now. "of course we're hopeless. we're men and we never had a woman to teach us better." Clint admitted with an impish grin before putting the final touches on the mask and setting it to dry. "there. it's as clean as it's going to get... how come he's only responding in Russian though?" he asked, his head tilted. "did he forget how to speak English, even though he can clearly understand us?" he wondered, watching her tie his hair back, handing the borrowed clothes to James who slipped them on without any further prompting. "what should we feed him?" not much. he had bee living off of a high energy... gloop for the lack of a better word. gruel that was mostly vitamins, minerals and proteins. everything the body needed to survive. unfortunately it was mostly liquid and soft things and he'd been eating it for so long anything of substance would probably make him sick. Natasha had been the same way when she'd been recovered.
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