Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“Yea, only then.”Tony muttered relaxing even more as the other let him have the lie, even if he knew they both knew it was a lie. “....I’m trying to be.”he muttered nuzzling his face against the other’s shoulder, smiling quietly, relaxing, before whining a little. “I don’t wanna.”He grumbled even though he moved away after he broke the kiss, sighing quietly. “...I can go talk to phil, if you want to go talk to river first.”He said looking worried about the other as he headed for the door.

“Hm, it’s not the first time I’ve shaved him. He’s nearly as hopeless at is as you are.”natasha teased a little sighing a little as she looked at the mask, before looking at James. “James, you’re going to have to leave it off for awhile, until it dries. Then you can have it back.”She said, knowing that it was a security blanket, and not quite sure how he was going to take it. “...His handlers are mostly russian, they probably found it ironic and easier to have him respond that way....not to mention less of a chance of him remembering who he is, if he’s not speaking english.”Natasha shrugged a little as the man dressed before sighing, biting her lip, “...Not much. He’s going to be like me...I don’t remmeber alot about those first few months, what did you feed me?”
Steve smiled and shook his head. "there's no trying Tony, you already have me, that means your worthy. you think i'd stay with you, especially now, if you where anything like him? no. you are fifty thousand times more the man that Howard was and don't you ever forget it. he is, and was, and always will be garbage. you? you are the purest alloy, the shiniest gem, the rarest metal." he promised, kissing Tony again. "you are the light in my dark world and you give me hope and joy every day." he promised before hesitating and then nodding. "yeah, okay." he agreed. "you talk to Phil while i go have an emotional breakdown. be careful, your still healing." he ordered softly.

Clint blinked a little and then snorted. "i'm pretty sure the mind wipe thing they do deletes the knowledge of that from his mind." he admitted. "Shaving is something your taught to do as a teen right? so while things he knew from childhood, how to read, how to count, stuff like that? he wouldn't necessarily remember other things, like how to play football or how to shave." he admitted, handing the mask to James who gripped it tightly, but didn't try to put it back on. just holding it seamed to calm him a little more. "your probably right." he admitted before pondering. "well, Phil was the one who set up the diet." he admitted. "you where a lot worse than James was though but we could probably use the same stuff. a lot of fruit juices. cooked and soggy cereal with warm milk. Tea and Coffee and we worked up to dry solids like cheerios without milk, toast and work our way up from there. soups would be good for him too, with the really soft noodles and vegetables with small bits of meat to get him used to digesting again." he admitted. "maybe some pancakes or french toast once he's started to recover more. sandwiches, soft or canned fruits of course we'll have to talk to Bruce to be sure. for today i think a thin broth and some oatmeal should be okay for him. that's what we fed you that first day. in small but often quantities." he admitted. "like, a fourth of a bowl of soup and a fourth of oatmeal and then feed him again in two hours." he admitted, watching James who was studying a box on the wall with his head tilted. "oh... James, that's Jarvis." James glanced at him. "Jarvis.?" well! he'd responded!
“....”Tony flushed brightly as he pressed his face against the other’s shoulder, smiling quietly. “Okay. I wont forget it....and well...I am Iron man, totally a alloy.”Tony muttered smiling pleased with the comparison, feeling utterly pleased with the knowledge, for the moment it pushed down his thoughts and feelings of what was some of his darkest days. “I’m always careful. And I’m sure phil and the scary ass twins will make sure I am resting enough.Don’t worry.”He smiled stealing a kiss before asking jarvis to get river for steve before heading off to find the others.

“...usually. And that makes sense.”She said smiling a little tilting her head as she watched james take the mask, something tight relaxing in her chest as she watched him just hold it instead of putting it on. Maybe it wouldn’t be to bad. “Probably. I’ll ask bruce, he’ll know for sure.”she said looking relieved with the idea of having bruce to help them figure this out, starting to make food. “Yes, Mr. Barnes?”Jarvis said. Tony winced a little as he walked into the room, pausing at the sight of the three, holding his hands up towards james, in the universal sign of meaning no harm. “That’s my AI, not a real person.”he said trying to offset the attack he was sure was coming from the assassin’s response to the sudden voice.
he grinned a little. "that's right. you don't forget it." he ordered, kissing Tony again. "good." he stated happily. "i think we should have a few days of peace and quiet now don't you?" he asked with a smile before heading off to throw a world class temper tantrum and call it 'mental healing'.

Clint nodded a little and watched James, his head tilted. "yeah. Bruce is an actual doctor right? he'll know what to do." no Bruce wasn't an actual doctor, he was just made to act like one because no one liked hospitals. as soon as Jarvis spoke through the Speaker James reacted, he slammed his metal palm through it, making it spark and zap., he punched the speaker again, harder and then stepped back. "James! no! ou can't do that!" Clint protested. "Дурным голосом. Золя должны молчать." James stated, voice firm... and frightened. the most emotion they'd gotten from him since he'd tried to shoot Natasha. "...James. we don't know who Zola is." Clint tried to explain. "that's not Zola. it's Jarvis." "...Jarvis?" James asked, still as confused as the first time he'd said it. clearly he did not associate Jarvis with, well, anything, so the name, or for him word, didn't mean anything.

Bad Voice. Zola must be silenced.
“Yea, we can only hope for a few days peace.”Tony smiled slightly.

“No he’s not, but he’ll know more then the rest of us....and if not, we’ll figure out something else.”Natasha said not liking the idea of having to go out of the tower to get help, but she would if they had to. “No!”Natasha startled scowling slightly as james destroyed the speaker before frowning. “...Who’s Zola James?That’s not zola. That’s Jarvis, Tony’s creation....A avenger’s friend. Please don’t destroy the tower. It makes tony unhappy.”Natasha said looking worried for the man, tilting her head a little.
Clint nodded. "if anything we'll just let him have a go at the fridge. you seamed to know what you could and couldn't eat." he admitted. "oh! before i forget, that tracker is still inside of him, it'll work for about three years according to Bruce, so if James does a runner, we'll be able to find him. you where always trying to run away." he admitted. "Zola." James huffed, annoyed with her. f she was going to talk in English then dammit, so was he even if she never gave the 'speak in English' command. "Avengers?" "oh this is getting us nowhere." Clint grumbled before brightening. "oh! i have an idea!" he admitted, moving over to the speaker. "Not Zola! Jarvis!" he said sternly, pointing at the speaker before pointing at himself. "Clint. Natasha, Tony, Jarvis." he pointed to each person in turn and then back to the speaker and James seamed to suddenly understand. "...This is Not Zola." he muttered, examining the speaker. Natasha had never met Zola, but James knew that voice intimately. every time he woke up, it was to Zola's voice, issuing the Handler who would be in charge of James and assigning the main task. Zola then decided if James needed a mind wipe r a torture session before James was let out into the world. Zola was also the last thing James saw before he went back on ice, Zola's face flickering above him as the ice started to creep in. James shuddered violently and examined the Speaker again, as if checking to be completely sure that the green face wasn't about to appear before turning away and moving to Natasha to await punishment for attacking the Jarvis.
"That's true...he's intelligent enough to figure out what he can eat."Natasha agreed looking even more relieved with the idea that James wouldn't die cause she had no idea what to feed him."hmmm I'm sure tony'll appreciate that." "Definitely. Not digging through millions of video feeds will be good."tony smiled a little."no thats not zola. I promise."Natasha said looking curious thoughabout his sudden change to english. Looking at james as the man moved over to her she studied him before looking at the other two for help. Knowing what he wanted and having no idea how to punish him without making it worse. " could make him help me install the new speaker."tony said twitching a little because he normally hated other people helping him build but James was important to steve, so tony was trying to be civil and helpful.
Clint nodded, watching James intently, his head tilted. "what? what's wrong?" Clint asked, looking confused. "...uh, no. i think we should keep James away from the speakers." Clint admitted. "in fact we should probably keep James away from Jarvis completely. clearly he has issues with Jarvis and we don't want James going on the warpath. at least, not until we can figure out who Zola is and why he has such issues with him." Clint admitted before pausing, examining James. "who is Zola?" he asked James who hesitated, recoiling a little before speaking as if giving a report. "Zola is a computer who sets Handlers, assigns Targets, and puts me into the ice. Zola finds those who are the most dangerous and sends me out to kill them. recent Target. Tony Stark, A.K.A Iron Man. Secondary Target Natasha Romanoff, previously Natalia A.K.A The Black Widow of the Red Room. Secondary Target Steven Rogers, A.K.A Captain America. Secondary Target Bruce Banner A.K.A the Hulk. Bonus Targets Phil Coulson, Assistant Director of Shield, Clint Barton A.K.A Hawkeye, Nicholas Fury A.K.A Fury, Director of Shield. Handlers, Alexander Pierce, Secondary Handler, Grant Ward." he recited. "Current Handler. Natalia. secondary Handler Clint Barton. Targets, none. Primary Objective, none."
“He wants punished for destroying it.”natasha said tilting her head towards clint a little before sighing. “Agreed. Jarvis, for the moment don’t do anything unless it’s a emergency around James.”Natasha requested knowing the AI would listen before lookign at james. “...I like how your a bonus there, clint.”She teased a little because she was a little freaked out at hearing such a standard and together report when it meant their deaths if james had completed it. Glancing at Tony she tilted her head. “I didn’t think we’d see you for awhile.” “Hm, steve’s down talking to river. Figured I’d come see if you guys needed anything or if you found out anything.”
James just stood there, waiting for punishment and didn't seam to understand why there was no pain. didn't they go through the rundown? wait, she had been a Target, he'd chosen her as a handler. of course she didn't know proper procedure. well he'd have to fix that. he spun on his heal and headed over to Tony, tugging his ever present tablet out of his hands and within seconds had all his pertinent information on it, which he handed to Natasha. i it was every single piece of information that Hydra had on James including behavioral modifications, how to keep up those behavior modifications, and control codes. a list of previous handlers was also supplied as well as medical lists. instructions on how to wipe his mid, when to wipe his mind and when to torture him to keep him behaving in a proper manner. "well... looks like we found out a lot of stuff here." Clint admitted, examining the Tablet. "i bet you could hack into Hydra now, James just basically gave you complete access." he admitted. "...we're not really going to..." he hesitated, referencing the 'punishments' list. "break his fingers? electrocute him? god! this list is sick!" he complained, looking up at James. "we are not doing these. no." James looked puzzled, cocking his head to the side as if he wasn't sure Clint was speaking English anymore.
Tony yelped looking annoyed that his tablet was being taken away, but not trying to get it back. “Thanks James.”Natasha said looking interested and a little concerned as she read the list over. “Hmmm, I’ll find something.It’ll be fun.”tony said already walking away, leaving the tablet with natasha as he headed for the lab to work, obviously already hooked up to the tablet to work, extremis letting him process stuff just that much faster, hack just that much faster. “...No. We’re not.”Natasha said looking sick herself, even knowing what she did, and everything she’d done, this was going to far. Swallowing thickly she glanced at Clint, “James, we’re going to go spar. And I expect you to go all out, and don’t hold back. If you should get hurt, then that will be your punishment, but you are not allowed punishing yourself.”Natasha said trying to find a middle ground, knowing if they tried to change things to quickly, they’d mess the other man up more.
James gave her another baffled look. why i the world was he thanking him? stupid woman. this is why women weren't supposed to be his handlers. emotional bunch, that's what all his other handlers had said anyway. as Tony worked he would find that all of James Command codes and all of Steve's where the same. which was how Alexander Pierce had known the codes. all you had to do was change the name of the person receiving the codes. of course, each handler was warned that if they shared those codes with anyone but the secondary handler they would be tortured to death. granted, some might still have blabbed but so far the only immediate threat to Steve was the secondary handler, Grant Ward. of course, Tony could also have access to every single person working for Hydra just by digging deeper into his hack. Hydra was no challenge tot eh superior skills of Tony.

"Yes Mistress." James said, calm as ever even if he looked a bit baffled still. "are you sure that's a good idea?" Clint asked, looking a bit worried. "i know he taught you and all, but what if he can't tell the difference between a spar and a fight to the death?" he asked, following the, into the Gym. he hadn't seen the part where all Handlers where to assess the 'Assets' physical performance. usually by sparring and then pitting him against two or more opponents to the death. James would never harm his handler. even the mind wiping couldn't delete that brainwashing from his head. 'don't hurt your handler. never hurt your handler'.
Tony sighed as he dug through things, frowning a little. Only one immediate threat was evident, and while he’d keep digging, for the moment he knew only that one. And he knew how to deal with it, it was easy enough since he knew Grant Ward was living on the helicarrier, at least had been the last time he’d seen the agent. Still working on the hack as he headed down to find steve, anxious to tell him the good news.

“Yes, it’ll be fine. And he’ll know the difference.”She said tilting her head a little, “ ‘don’t harm your handler’ is one of the first rules they taught us. Even as wiped as his mind is, that is one command that never completely goes away.”Well, that explained why she had problems sparring with phil most of the time. Stepping into the sparring room she turned to face james, waiting to see how this would go.
Steve was still with River, he was sitting calmly now, though he was sitting on the floor since the couch he usually used was completely torn to shreds. fortunately Tony's favorite chair, one that River had brought in himself, was untouched. there where drying tears on Steve's face, though he wasn't crying any longer. the 'emotional release', as River often called it, seamed to have done Steve wonders since he was calm now. calmer even, than when he didn't remember the truth. "hey Tony. what's up?" Steve asked, sipping at some strawberry dragonfruit juice that River had given him.

"if your sure." he agreed, looking a bit worried still though he didn't protest as James slipped off the socks he'd put on and slid into the ring, his eyes sharp as he watched Natasha. once he noticed she was ready he slid into a defensive stance and waited, ready for her attack. he was amazing, she couldn't land a hit, not even a glancing blow! as they continued he started. slipping into old habits as it where. "your elbow is out of line. kick straight, not at an angle. don't lean so far your balance is off. " Clint was actually sitting in the corner snickering.
“Tony smiled a little as he poked his head around the door, making sure it was okay to come in before moving into the room, grinning happily as he settled on the floor next to the other, resting his head against his shoulder. “I’m hacking Hydra, it’s quite fun. But I felt the need to come see you and at the moment, we only have one serious threat. A Grant Ward.”He said sounding quite happy, after all, he was connected to tech, and it allowed him to forgo the emotions of things for the moment.

“I am.”Natasha assured the other assassin smiling slightly as she attacked him, smiling a little wider as she realized he was still as good as ever, making a face at him as she followed his directions. “I can fight you know. I stopped a alien invasion, I think I can handle hand to hand and Barton, I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t stop laughing.”Natasha threatened.
Steve chuckled a little. "i bet it is fun." he agreed before looking at River. "what's Hacking?" River just shrugged, looking baffled. "Grant Ward? he's Hydra?" Steve asked, looking surprised. "he's one of Phil's personally chosen Agents, he's not going to like that." Steve admitted. "send him an E-mail? about it and he'll bring Grant Ward here i'm sure." he admitted with a smile as he watched Tony. River had explained that when Tony was 'hooked up' emotions didn't really penetrate. all Tony did was feel good. like smoking pot, or getting a blowjob.

James just blinked at her an blocked another attack. "don't get distracted." he ordered, ignoring Clint easily. "focus Natalia." he ordered, reaching out and flicking her in the forehead, as he had when she'd been a child, learning in the red room. then he paused, looking startled, as if he couldn't believe he'd just done that and he stepped away from her, staring at her, as if trying to figure out if he'd hurt her, as well as what had driven him to do that. looks like more had survived his mind wiping than just 'don't hurt your handler'.
”It is.An hacking is breaking into other people’s computers to find what they’re hiding....remember when you yelled at me on the helicarrier for snooping?That was hacking.”He said before nodding, “He is. James’ alternative handler, though he’s replaced pierce and ward with Natasha and Clint now.”Tony hummed a little as he nuzzled his face into the other’s shoulder, acting even more kitten like like this, more then when he was down, this, was him at his happiest, most relaxed....he really was high.

“I’m not distracted.natasha growled before yelping, a sound of more surprise then injury, pausing midstance, and nearly falling as she blinked stupidly at him. “ just flicked me.”She said sounding surprised as she stared at him.
Steve blinked. "i didn't yell at you for snooping. i yelled at you for poking Bruce." he pointed out. "i was terrified of him at the time so it was a reasonable reaction i think." he admitted. "it amazes me that he managed to choose his own handlers." he admitted. "from what i understand free will and decision making where quickly stamped out of him." he admitted before grinning when Toy snuggled him, River chuckling as he set about fixing the couch Steve had destroyed. "your adorable like this."

James blinked at her. "i'm... sorry?" he asked, ot sure if he was supposed to apologize for that or not. "i don't know where that came from." he admitted. "i should be scheduled for another Wipe." it was another thing that had been drilled into him. anytime he reacted oddly, did something strange, had any sort of personality based thought or any memories he was to inform his Handler immediately to be scheduled for a wipe. "no more wipes James." Clint said calmly and James paused. "hw am i to function if you do not eliminate distractions?" "we're going to teach you how to function with those distractions. we're giving you your humanity back." "...i do not want to be human."
“You yelled at me, and asked why I thought no one wanted me around. And poking bruce was for science.”Tony huffed before nodding. “Me to. But he knows natasha, seems to trust her decisions. If he had to move handlers, had to adapt to life again, it amkes sense he’d choose the one he already knows.”Tony muttered huffing.”I’m always adorable. And what did you do to the couch?That was a good couch.”

“It’s okay. Just startling.”Natasha said before laughing a little. “You used to do it when you trained me and I messed up.”she smiled a little before tilting her head, shaking it slightly. “No. No more wipes.”She agreed before sighing quietly. She’d known there’d be problems, she just hadn’t thought they’d start running into them so soon. “You might not want it, but the life you have been living is no way to exist. There is more then just the mission.”
Steve blinked at him and then. "i remember no such thing." he informed the other imperiously, though his eyes where twinkling while he said it. "that's true. he's been with her before, so he probably latched onto her as the only familiar face he knew." he sighed, pouting a little. "as glad as i am that it's her having to 'handle' him, i wish he'd at least recognize me." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i tore it apart in a fit of rage." he admitted. "you didn't notice it was torn to shreds when you walked in?" he asked, looking amused.

James blinked at her a little. "...i trained you?" he asked, frowning, trying to remember. it slipped through his fingers like trying to hold water. "i want a wipe." he stated, or more like ordered, his eyes narrowing at them and Clint shrugged. "we don't have the technology to wipe you James." he explained. "we couldn't wipe you even if we did want to, and we don't." "The mission is the only life i need." James said, voice hard. "if you are tryig to test me, it will fail. i have been properly trained." he explained before huffing when he realized Clint wasn't lying. they didn't have the technology. now what was he going to do?
Tony smiled a little at the other’s words, rolling his eyes before nodding. “I have a theory on that. The you he knew the longest, was a lot smaller and definitely less....captain-y. He knows you, he just might not be recognizing this you.”Tony muttered before huffing. “I did, it just wasn’t important since you were sitting on the floor. But i want to lay down now, and the chair’s not comfortable enough for us both.”

“You did.”Natasha said sighing quietly.”Don’t strain yourself. You’ll hurt yourself if you try to rush the memories, just let them come.”Natasha said before raising a eyebrow a little at the order. Well. It seemed bucky barnes dominate, demanding nature wasn’t nearly as buried as she thought it was. “This isn’t a test james, we’re trying to help you.”
he blinked, looking startled and then he grinned. "you know. you might very well be right." he admitted, kissing Tony again. "he might start remembering me properly later then, you think?" he asked hopefully before he snorted at the other. "so lazy. come on Kitten, we'll go cuddle in bed." he promised. "did you send Phil that email?" he asked, picking Tony up and carrying him out of the room and to the bedroom where they could snuggle with impunity.

James shook his head. "i don't want to remember." he said sternly. "i want to be given my Mission and my Objectives." he said, staring at her. "i want to be mind wiped so i may function at maximum efficiency." he stated. "no. you are trying to trick me." he stated simply. "it won't work." he turned and walked out the door, if he couldn't get what he wanted from Natasha, then he would go to the science man. he just had to find him.
“...”Natasha sighed quietly, watching him go, disliking it, but knowing that this was to be expected. Asking jarvis to warn tony that james was probably looking for him he looked at clint. “Spar with me?”

Tony grinned kissing him, “I’m always right.”he said looking pleased before nodding. “I do. The longer he goes without being wiped, I think the more he’s going to remember.”He said smiling slightly before sulking, even as he snuggled against the other and let him carry him.”I’m not lazy. And I did, he’s looking into it.”he said before stirring at jarivs’ words glancing up when he saw james walking into the penthouse. “JAmes?”
Steve chuckled a little. "not always, but often enough." he admitted with a smile before nodding. "good. although, i think we're going to have problems with that too. he won't like the sensation of the memories returning, according to Phil anyway." he admitted. "Phil said that Natasha kept demanding them to wipe her, begged them even, screamed and ranted and raved and actually threw temper tantrums. i don't know if Clint got to see that part." he admitted before looking up at James. "i want you to build a machine that will achieve a memory absent state." "you want us to mind wipe you. i'm sorry James. we can't." Steve said calmly. "it's important...." he paused and was struck with inspiration. "it is important to your new mission that you remember." " mission?" "es." "what is my mission?" "you will be told when you remember the right memories." "....." this seamed to throw James for a pretty big damn loop. he didn't want the memories, but he wanted his mission. he couldn't have one without the other. "...agreed." James decided. the mission was everything.
“Probably. I mean, even knowing I was hiding stuff from myself, didn’t make me happy about knowing they were coming back. He’s going to fight it worse.”Tony sighed quietly, wincing at the idea of james coming apart at the need to be wiped, even worse knowing natasha had been that way to. Looking at james he tilted his head, shaking his head. “I don’t have the tech, james. I’m liable to mess it up.”He said before looking at his boyfriend startled, before smiling.”you are a genius you know.”he muttered before looking at james. “you want to come cuddle James?”Tony said starting to come back down from his tech high as he disconnected from what he’d been hacking.
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