Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“....Only you. If I told her that she’d have taken my head off.”Tony whined a little before snickering. “I’m totally making something new and telling him he has to wait to get them for like his birthday or something.”He snickered at the idea amused as he watched steve leave before suiting up himself. By the time he arrived he was sulking as he realized that indeed, this wasn’t a super villian, it was hardly worth the effort of showing up. “....I miss the days when we had a mad godling running around. At least Loki made things interesting.”Tony whined a little snickering. “Don’t complain to loudly, Iron Man, he’ll show up sometime.”Natasha warned snickering quietly as she watched tony Iron man start taking out one of the bots, simply agitating it into following him, and making a game of it instead of being serious, the iron man was simply enjoying himself before he pulverized the stupid bot.
he smirked. "for one thing, i'm gay." he pointed out. "and she knows it. for another, i don't actually say 'hey you have big boobs that makes guys drool all over themselves from both ends'." he pointed out with a chuckle before laughing. "he's been dropping hints about a new lightweight bow that won' snap when he pulls too tight or folds it in too fast. make him that." he suggested. "god don't mention Loki." Clint ordered. "i still haven't forgiven him." he admitted. "and i don't want Thor crying all over us again either." he warned, Steve laughing at them. he blinked when an explosion sounded. and he looked up just in time to see Iron Man's head engulfed in flames. an exploding bullet. it didn't have the force to penetrate the armor, but it would rattle Tony, make him dizzy, make him stumble, lift his arms to his head. once he did that another shot sounded, high powered, armor piercing bullet that slipped through the week point of Tony's Iron Man Armor just under the armpit and exited on the other week point on the other side, just under the armpit. a perfect shot. "IRON!!!!" Steve screamed, ignoring James who was dropping down from the building. Steve tore through the robots, which had multiplied to the thousands instead of the hundreds, heading for Iron Man. James on the other hand, pulled out a hand gun and pressed it to Natasha's forehead, grey eyes boring into her baby blues. secondary mission, kill the black widow. there was a long pause, gun pressed to her head, eyes staring into hers, and he couldn't do it. "Why can't i shoot you?" he demanded. "you are my secondary mission, why can't i complete that mission?" he demanded of her. wondering if she had something to do with it.
"...I never said that!I said she had killer thighs that someone wouldn't mind having to die to have around him!"tony whined a little looking amused.hmmm I can make that..."tony said totally distracted from the fight by the idea. And that's what exactly happened, tony was disoriented enough and confused to raise his arms, his breath leaving in a whoosh as the bullet hit him through the armor, the man at a total loss to control and block the pain, hitting the ground with a bone shattering thud, so incomprehensible that he didn't even notice anything going on around him,otherwise he might have been concerned that the other's were getting clkse,but he was losing to much blood and within moments he blacked out. "...we were close once. You know me james. You know steve. Let us help."Natasha said hoping to keep him here so the other's would have a chance to get to iron man, trying to focus solely on the assassin in front of her and nothing else."james let us help you...". .
he snorted. "which is just as bad Tony." he teased with a chuckle giving the other a kiss before leaving.

"IRON MAN!" Steve screamed, finally tearing through the last robot and rushing over to the now unconscious man. he was lucky, the bullet had missed his heart. he was unlucky, the bullet had punctured both lungs. Clint got there first, and was issuing override commands to make the armor release and they both froze. "T..Tony!?" Steve demanded, his voice trembling, a hurt, betrayed look on his face even as Clint called for River, who arrived in seconds, setting a hand on Toy's chest, doing everything he could to keep Tony alive even as Ambulances started to arrive.

"....i know you?" James asked, eyes sharp, gun steady. still he didn't pull the trigger. "...i know you." he sounded much more sure now. "Natalia..." he whispered, blinking when an Arrow zipped past his face, slicing his cheek open and making blood spill out. James jerked, turned the gun to Clint and shot at him he was already out of the way and James scowled, watching Clint knock another arrow. he plucked something out of his pocket, pressed a button and tossed it to the ground, grunting when an Arrow thudded into his shoulder, the small ball exploding, kicking up debris and smoke. by the time they could see again, he was gone. Clint on the other hand looked very smug. "he'll need a few stitches when they remove that arrow, but i doubt they'll notice what was left inside." he admitted, offering her his tablet, which had blinking dot on it. Clint had managed a microchip GPS insertion. clever man.
Tony blinked slightly at the sound of his name, but didn’t respond, to busy dying to try. “You know me.”Natasha said staring at him, nodding slightly.”Yes, James, I’m Natalia.”she said yelping as she jerked back as james was shot, cursing as the debris clouded the air, coughing a little to clear her lungs as she looked up at clint, smirking at the smug look on his ace.”Well, at least that’ll give something for tony to be happy about.”She said before nodding towards the ambulance, squinting trying to see the man that steve was hovering over as they loaded him in a ambulance. “How bad is he?And WHO is he?”She said already heading for the car so they could follow the ambulance.
Steve blinked at Tony, swallowing thickly. "...Natalia... i'm sorry." James whispered before vanishing. Clint just smiled at her, expression soft. "he recognized you." he said with a smile. "there's a good chance he can come back to you." he admitted softly before wincing at her. "'s Tony." he whispered softly. "it was Tony in the suit..." he admitted. "Steve's... not taking it well." he admitted softly. "in any case it was a through shot.... missed his head but both lungs punctured... i... i don't know if he's going to make it." Clint admitted softly. watching Tony and Steve get into the Ambulance and drive away. "come on. we better follow." he admitted softly. "there's not much we can do, we can't take James on ourselves. and i doubt they'll notice the Chip. it's made from skin. sort of. Bruce made it." he admitted.
“He did....and maybe.”Natasha said not willing to be hopeful when she wasn’t sure about it before turning to stare at the other man. Looking utterly...lost at the idea. “Huh.”Was the spy’s only reaction to tony being iron man, having no idea waht to say to that before frowning. “..Extremis will let him heal nearly as quickly as the serum. As long as they can keep his heart beating, he has a chance.”Natasha said trying not to worry to much. “...That’s both interesting and disturbing, skin trackers.”He hummed a little looking amused slightly even as they followed.

Nearly a day later Tony jolted, eyes widening, chest aching, nose bleeding as extremis overworked itself trying to heal him, but he was alive. Looking around him in panic he looked for the other’s, trying to make sure they were all safe.even if he couldn't move, couldn't get up, he was still looking around.
he nodded. "yeah... Iron man is Tony." he said softly before nodding. "here's hoping. as upset as Steve is, i don't think he'd forgive James if he killed Tony." he admitted softly. "yeah i know right? but it means they can't use metal or X-rays to find it." he admitted. "so it's particularly useful in situations like this." he admitted.

Steve was sleeping in a chair next to Tony's bed. dressed in a pair of jeans and a sweater, waiting for Tony to wake up. River was curled up in another chair and Faith was cured up in a little ball at the end of Tony's bed. Johnny was sleeping on the floor and Clint was sitting up, awake, hand on his bow and eyes fixed on the door as if daring someone to try and come in. "Steve. Tony's awake." Clint called softly, the super soldier jerking awake and blinking at Tony. "...oh god.. Tony..." Steve whispered. "i was so scared." he murmured, gently stroking the side of Tony's face that wasn't completely covered in bruises. "he almost killed you..." and Steve was now sobbing into Tony's stomach, too distraught to hold it in.
“ No, I don’t think steve would forgive that. Hopefully, steve wont have to make the choice.”Natasha muttered knowing that it would kill steve to kill james if something happened to tony.

Tony blinked slowly, looking around at them, taking a careful breath as he closed his eyes again, relaxing back into the bed, flinching a littel as clint woke steve, worried about what the man was going to say, leaning his cheek into the other’s hand quietly, “...Cap...hurts...”he said slowly, carefully as the other’s head rested on his stomach, even the gentle weight nearly to much for a man who wasn’t completely healed yet.
Steve moved as soon as Tony said it hurt. "i am... so pissed at you. right now." Steve said through his sobs. "but i'm, so glad, your not dead." he admitted, holding Tony's hand instead, wiping his eyes furiously. trying to stop the flow. "you... utter bastard. making me. find out, like this." he complained, shaking his head. "god i love you, freaking asshole." he complained, clutching Tony's hand, Clint chuckling. "don't mind him Tony, he's torn between being pissed off you didn't tell him and overjoyed that your still alive." he admitted. "we are glad your alive you know." he assured the man. "you just rest ad get better. River explained a bit. about why you didn't tell. Steve'll calm down once he's had his chance to yell at you about taking dangerous risks and lying." he promised with a smile. "granted, it's not exactly lying of you don't actually say 'i'm not iron man'. you just let other people come to that conclusion." he admitted. "still, it was a hell of a shock, peeling open that armor and finding you inside." he admitted. "i just can't figure out how you where there right next to Iron Man so many times. i thought maybe it was Jarvis, but he can't hide his britishness even when i the suit." he admitted. "you'll tell us right?" he asked hopefully.
“....s-sorry.”Tony muttered whincing, sounding so upset even if his breathing was labored, eyes wide and pained, and not just because his chest felt like someone was sitting on it. So very anxious despite the drugs about steve being upset at him. “....”Looking up at clint he frowned a little. “Don’t worry Tony. You’re okay. River told us some, and you can tell us the rest when yo ucan talk better.”Natasha promised smiling quietly. “Extremis....”Tony said as he settled back into the bed with a exhausted sigh, closing his eyes. Not feeling up to explaining everything just yet.
Steve huffed a little and gently kissed Tony before blinking at Clint. "Extremis?" Clint wondered, his had cocked to the side, River sighing. "it allows him to mentally access electronic devises so long as they have a wireless connection of some sort." he admitted. "even if it's connection to a remote or the internet he can connect to it. he would connect his mind to the Iron Man suit and walk it around with his brain." "...thus the migraines and nosebleeds." Steve agreed with a sigh. "idiot. i guess i can't blame him though, so much trouble over a stupid suit that the government has no rights to at all." he huffed. "if people knew he WAS iron man, he'd be having twice as much trouble. as it is no one can persecute him because they don't know who he is." he agreed.
Tony smiled, simply enjoying the kiss before making a agreeing sound at river’s explanation before he turned his head, smirking as his heart monitor beeped out the beginning strands of a rendition ‘star spangled man with a plan’. Smirkng tiredly, he cracked a eye to look at the others, making a annoyed sound. “Already...get enough of a hassle for making...the suit....didn’t need them to was me.”He muttered before scowling, looking a little anxious, the more he was awake, the more extremis was keeping him aware of things instead of letting him rest, and he really really hated this. “Go home. Go home now.”he demanded, cranky and hurting enough to sound like a sulking two year old.
"Jesus! Tony don't fuck with the equipment that's keeping you alive." Steve ordered firmly, stroking the others hair gently. "it's okay. we won't tell anyone." he promised Tony. "just rest." he ordered. "he can't. his mid is working too quickly." River admitted, reaching out to touch Tony's forehead, forcing him to sleep with magic. when Tony woke again, he was in Steve's bedroom. still strapped to heart monitors and I.V's. Steve was talking to River about Tony's mental state and Steve was nodding. "So what your saying is that even though Tony trusted me, most of his trust was locked away in the... aspect? of himself that was Iron Man, so Iron Man could have told me, but Tony couldn't." "essentially, correct." "and because Tony's trust has been so fundamentally shattered due to his father, mother and that fat prick Obediah, he couldn't let someone else in willingly." "also correct." "so while he did trust me, he was more afraid of my reaction." "yes." "i can understand that." Steve admitted. "he's still getting yelled at." "i know." River admitted, amused. "but he needs the rest." "oh, i won't yell at him while he's hurt." Steve promised. "he doesn't deserve to get yelled at for getting hurt." he admitted. "really he doesn't deserve to get yelled at for hiding that he was Iron Man... but he made me WORRY, for MONTHS about those migraines!" River chuckled a little at that.
Tony whined, giving a painful snicker at the order, leaning his head into the other’s hand letting the monitor go back to the normal beeping. Sighing tiredly as river put him to sleep. Blinking when he woke he frowned a little listening to the others talk, not drawing attention to himself yet. Whining quietly as he realized he was goign to be getting yelled at, he sounded anxious at the idea, but relaxing. While his chest still hurt, and he knew he’d be taking it easy for a few days, shifting a little said that extremis had done its normal amazing work and healed it most of the way, even if he was still sore. “.....I got migraines even before I had extremis...”He muttered blinking slowly, looking up at steve, watching him. Waiting to see how he was reacting to the idea that his boyfriend had shattered himself so completely that he was nearly two different people sharing a body.
Steve snorted a little. "Extremis made it worse you twit." he corrected, moving over to Tony and gently taking his hand, holding it gently. "you had me worried sick you know." he complained. "i was sure you had a tumor or something." he admitted stroking the others hair. "god Tony... i almost lost you." he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes again, trembling as he pressed Tony's palm to his face, kissing it gently and just holding it there, reassuring himself that Tony was alive. "i can't even be mad at you anymore." he admitted, blinking at him. "not to say i won't punish you once your feeling completely better, but i'm not mad." he promised softly. "the whole duel personality thing is a bit weird, i don't really understand... but i know enough." he admitted, nuzzling the palm. "i love you." he whispered, blinking at Tony. "i love you so much."
“No, searching for your missing boytoy made it worse.Stupid assassins who can’t stay near cameras.”Tony grumbled sounding so sulky over the fact that you just knew he was going to be fine. “No tumor, simply me and my fucked up mind.”he muttered stroking his fingers against the other’s cheek, shuddering a little as the other cried, cupping his fingers against his cheek, sighing quietly. “....”Tony stared at him, not quite sure if he believed him or not over not being angry, so used to being punished for things that were beyond his control, that he wasn’t sure he’d been forgiven for this. But he shoved that fear away for the moment as he focused on the other. “....I had to hide so many memories from not go insane, and protect myself from what....happened....that I created iron man as a guard to hide it from myself....until recently, I hadn’t known some of the things that I had hid from myself...”Tony sighed quietly, trying to explain and knowing he was failing, sighing quietly, closing his eyes simply glad to hear it. Even if he was still utterly scared at steve being angry with him, it still made him feel better to hear him. “I love you to.”He muttered quietly, blushing, embarassed at saying it, but forcing the words out.
he snorted. "you'll be pleased to know, then, that Bruce managed a microchip made completely out of flesh and it is currently informing us of every movement Bucky makes." he admitted. "he's heading for D.C. actually." he admitted. "well, that's what we think anyway." he admitted. "as far as we can tell, he's heading for his Handler. Clint said that before they where able to really start helping Natasha, she kept trying to escape to go to her Handler. it was like a fail safe built into their 'programming'. when they could not complete a mission or had odd memories they returned to their handlers. where, according to Natasha, they would be mind wiped, reprogrammed, prepped, and sent back out to complete their mission. "it's not that fucked up." he assured the other with a smile before smiling. "yeah, River kind of explained but he wouldn't tell me any of your memories." he assured the other. "he also said your getting a lot better." he admitted with a smile. "i'm going to take advantage of this you know. anytime i need to know the honest truth i'm going to ask Iron Man." he admitted, smirking. "as revenge for listening to me whittle on about how much of a crush i had on that damn suit." he teased with a smile. "your so cute when you blush."
"I am very pleased. That's awesome I don't have to try and find him."Tony said looking so very happy and pleased at the idea."...I wonder why. We're all here....wonder why he's going back there..."tony said frowning looking bemused as he considered what bucky was doing."...oh. well. That's....interesting. I wonder who it is in DC."tony said starting to mentally run over everything." should know...but I cant..."tony gave a shuddering breath because it pained him badly to not be able to talk but he couldnt."...well you could ask me when I'm down,I'm incapable of lying then to. Iron man's my less...guarded self..."tony sighed quietly."...I shouldn't be punished for that! For awhile there I was truly worried you liked the suit more then me!"tony whined blushing more at Both the admittance and the compliment.
Steve nodded. "Phil has a few suspects." Steve admitted. "more than a few really." he admitted with a shake of his head. "we'll know for sure once he stops and i'll be going with Natasha to recover him." well, if he could be recovered. "i'm sure there's things i should know, but i don't need to know them right now." he promised. "we'll take our time with it, okay?" he asked with a smile. "i could. but that seams like cheating and some of the things i want to know could screw with your head-space. sex is for pleasure, not heavy conversations." he pointed out before snorting. "Tony. i had a crush on a metal suit. how could you honestly think i liked it more than you? he asked with a grin. "i only liked Iron Man because i thought he could never like me back, you know?" he asked, his head tilted. "besides, in a sense you are Iron Man so my crush was perfectly justified." he stated with a sniff.
“Well, then again, it’s DC, of course it’s corrupt.”Tony snorted a little amused. Studying the other for a long time, he bit his lip, looking a little anxious at the idea of not telling the other, even if he couldn’t tell him...torn between the two desires really....”okay.”He said sighing quietly.”..Ah. Well, ask me now. Even if I don’t answer, I’ll know what you want to know.”He said studying the other, before smiling. “Yes, sex is pleasure.”he muttered before smiling quietly, blushing. “...Well...I’m different as iron man...thought you’d like that more then me...”Tony muttered staring down at his hands, his chest hurting a littel from talking as much as he was, before laughing quietly. “Well, if you say so.”
Steve snorted a little. "thanks for ruining my view of the world." he teased, grinning impishly. hell back in his day politicians had been corrupt so it wasn't that much of a surprise. "well. there's a lot of things i want to ask. like, does Iron Man like me as much as Tony Stark does? how separate are your personalities? if your mind really does end up splitting will you still love me? how did you work Iron Man even when you weren't in it? how did Extremis make your nose bleed? how fast does your healing work with Extremis? does the fact that Iron Man hold most of Tony's emotions mean that Tony didn't feel as strongly about things as iron Man did? or vise versa?" Steve asked, still referring to them as separate people, more for the sake of his own sanity than anything else.
Tony snickered a little at steve’s teasing, before growing serious. Shifting to rest his head on the other’s shoulder, closing his eyes. Simply relaxing, not freaking out about the questions, simply thinking it over. “To answer that, I have to answer the second question. We’re not...completely separate. I mean, I am aware of his existence, and know what’s going on around me, even when I’m ‘Iron man’ instead of ‘tony stark’’s not a complete break....more like a fracture between us. And a fracture that mostly exists to protect me from my past, not current stuff....while he’s a little more open, and willing to work with people, I’m still not great at things when I’m iron man.”He said wondering if that made sense before smiling. “Extremis sort of acts like a Wifi system, letting me connect to electronics. The suit is more complex, but easy to work once I built it easier for me to control...though most of the time, it’s me in the suit. The only time it’s not, is when it required me and iron to be in the same room.”Tony sighed quietly, “Extremis speeds up my systems, the nosebleeds were from my brain rebelling at having to work so hard....sorta the body’s version of smoking when it’s overworked like a computer does.”he shrugged before smiling. “I don’t heal as fast as you do, but I should be up and about in a few days.”Tony said tugging his shirt up to show the other his wound, and while it was still obviously healing, it was weeks into healing on a normal person, rather then just a day. “....It’s....I feel,....more, I think. Because it scares me so badly to feel that much, Iron man pushes them away, hides how I’m feeling about things.....I...River would probably be better to explain this....”he said sounding helpless.
he watched Tony thinking about how to answer. "so it's... kind of like..." he paused, struggling and then. "nope, can't think of anything. it's different from what Bruce goes through then?" he asked. "Wifi... that's when the computer connects to the internet right?" he asked his head tilted. "that all makes sense... sort of." he admitted with a tilt of his head. "it will take Bucky a few more days to get to D.C. if that's where he's even going, so you should be able to go with us." he admitted glad that Tony would be able to go with them. "River tried to explain, i think i just don't really get it." he admitted with a shrug, lowering his head to kiss Tony. "so long as you love me, i'll never leave you." he promised with a smile. "no matter what, even if your personality splits and half of you doesn't know me anymore, i will always love you." he promised. "now, you should get some sleep. i'm going to go get my sketch pad and stand watch over you." he promised.
“...Yea. I’m glad I’m not the only one having problems.”he said looking amused a little as he relaxed, before nodding. “...You know. I’m not sure. I mean...Hulk is a alter ego for him, but I’ve never asked how much bruce is aware of as hulk...”Tony said looking thoughtful before nodding. “Yea, that’s when the computer connects to the internet.”She smiled looking amused before grinning. “Good. I don’t like the idea of you going without me. I mean, I can totally be iron man now. More so now.”Tony said sounding excited at the idea, before sighing. “’s a fairly hard concept, and one I don’t really understand either, and it’s me that it happening to.”he smiled before relaxing, trying not to worry, because he was worried indeed, but he didn’t want to worry steve. “I love you to.”he muttered already starting to drift off to sleep at steve’s order, simply to exhausted to stay awake.
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