Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“No!I was going to give you lots of options for what you wanted to wear, then wash the rest. I want to sniff you, not your underwear.”He made a face. Before freaking out over the books. Whining quietly as he held onto the books tighter, staring at the other, as if not sure if he was just trying to pacify him when steve really was angry. “Okay...”he said shuffling the books around to find the unfinished one,holding it out towards him, blushing a little himself. “Well...they’re really good. And awesome. And gives me a thought on what kind of sex I want to have sometime. I mean, there’s stuff in there you hadn’t even mentioned wanting to try...”
Steve smiled a little. "ou where sniffing my underwear." he teased with a chuckle before shaking his head when Tony freaked out. "thanks." he stated, flipping to the last page where there was a half finished picture of Tony, sitting on his knees, arms chained over head, head tossed back, mouth open and welts growing on his chest. "...well... honestly a lot of stuff i don't realize i'm interested in until i've drawn them..." he admitted. "i'm still new to this don't forget and some of the things... it, i just..." he huffed and drew a hand through his hair. "it's hard, to talk about stuff like this." he admitted. "i keep waiting for people to find out i'm gay and try to drag me into an alley and beat me to death." he admitted shaking his head. "i don't know how fast or slow to go and Johnny's no help at all considering he keeps telling me to 'just fuck Tony already'." he admitted. "but i'd rather loose my virginity in a bit more of a romantic way you know? which is horribly cliche, especially when your not a Virgin and it shouldn't really matter since i'm never going to... catch?" he shook his head. "i'm babbling." he grunted, sulking a little.
“I was not!”Tony whined. “welcome.”Tony muttered still hanging on to the books as he leaned over to look at the picture, shivering as he looked at it. That was insanely hot. “Oh. Well. I’ll just have to keep a eye on the books, see what you want to do to me sometimes.”Tony said blushing a little watching the other. “I know. Even knowing I like it, it’s hard for me sometimes to talk about.”he muttered edging closer, leaning into the other’s chest. “No one’s going to do that. You’ll have some people who’ll dislike it, but they wont kill you.”he muttered before whining, “You should. Everyone agrees we need to have sex. I want sex. Sex would be amazing, but blowjobs are okay to.”Tony said, babbling just as much as steve was before rearing back, looking at the other man in startlement, he’d known the other had wanted it to be special, but he hadn’t realized the other was a virgin. Had steve told him that and he’d just not been paying attention?Frowning, he looked upset as he listened to the other’s babbling, his shoulders slouching a little, looking anxious. “I’m sorry...I don’t mean to make you feel bad by me being such a slut...I’d change it if I could...”
he nodded a little. "yeah that's... i do work on that list a lot too." he admitted. "you know the one i made you fill out before?" he asked with a smile. "but, pretty much anytime you want to try something just let me know, i'll probably be willing." he admitted, wrapping his arms around Tony. "i know... but all my life i thought i was wrong. sick." he admitted. "it's hard to get over a lifetime of... fear." he admitted. "i want to have Sex too... i guess i'm just scared i'll do it wrong and you won't like it." he admitted before snorting. "Tony. i don't think i'd like you half as much if you where a virgin." he admitted. "part of what attracted me to you was. well, you aren't shy. your modesty is... lacking." he admitted with a grin. "your so comfortable in your own body." he admitted. "besides i don't care that you slept with other people, what do i care what's in the past? sure i'd be upset if you went and had sex with some guy i don't know. but i don't really see you doing that." he admitted. "i don't mind you and Johnny sleeping together, because i know he was all you had for so long, i could never ask you to stop seeing him." he admitted. "your not a slut Tony, not at all." he promised the other. "besides, i trust him with you and i know if i can't be there, then he can." he admitted. "your not a slut and i wouldn't change a thing about you. well, except that terrible self image you have of yourself but we're working on that together." he admitted.
“Yea I remember. It’s fun seeing you work on it.”Tony snickered a little before nodidng, “I will.”he said leaning into the other, before sighing quietly. “You’re not wrong, or sick, I promise.”he muttered nuzzling him. “....I like sex. Even bad sex, is still good sex.”He teased a little, flinching as the memory hit him like a ton of bricks, swallowing thickly as he forced himself past that...there was only so many crimes he could deal with, and howard’s memory hitting him hard was to much...he didn’t want to think of that while he was in steve’s arms. He didn’t want to consider his first time, or being a virgin. It was to painful. “...I haven’t been shy since I hit my teen years.”he shrugged a little, before flinching. “...not really. It’s,....river tried to explain it to me’s...I don’t value myself, so I see no problem in showing off to people, because their opinions can’t be worse then my own...”He shrugged a little, wincing as he realized he’d dumped alot of feelings into a fairly not serious moment. Whining in anxiety a little he sighed quietly, wanting to not think that over. “...I wouldn’t. Even sleeping with johnny upsets me now...”He muttered flushing a little, wincing a little at the other’s words. Not protesting he wasn’t a slut, knowing it’d piss steve off if he did. “Kay. We’ll work on it....”he muttered.
he flushed brightly. "i have to keep stopping because i embarrass myself." he admitted sheepishly. "i know i'm not... at least, most of the time." he admitted, rubbing Tony's back, before his arms tightened a little when Tony flinched, assuming he was thinking about the time he'd ended up in the hospital after the wrong Dom had gotten his hands on Tony. "that's probably a good thing, considering how often yu where in the spotlight." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead. "that does make sense." he admitted softly, smiling a little at the other. "i don't mind if you sleep with Johnny." he admitted. "if i'm ever unable to perform for you, i want you to understand that you can go to Johnny for what you need." he admitted, running his fingers through Tony's hair. "you need Subspace and if i can't give it to you, i want you to go to Johnny okay? it's not cheating and i won't be mad. it's just me taking care of you. okay?" he asked with a smile. "i saw that wince." he warned before sighing. "well, Rome wasn't built in a day i suppose."
“Hmmm, I think I found a new kink. Seeing you blush and sheepish is quite adorable really.”Tony muttered sighing quietly, relaxing more as the other rubbed his back, the memory shoved away for the moment, knowing he’d have to tell river later, but for the moment, simply enjoying being back with steve again. “Very true. Considering how many times I’ve been literally caught with my pants down, it’s a good thing I don’t embarass easy.”He snickered sighing quietly. Going quiet as he listened to the other’s orders, biting his lip before nodding a little. “...Okay.IF...if you can’t, I’ll see johnny.”he muttered before shuddering at the warning, “....”He was silent, not sure how to answer without pissing the other off, nuzzling his face against his neck. “So. Feel like spending time with me down in the lab?I haven’t done any work in weeks.”He whined a little, because while he loved spending time with steve, and was nearly manic in his need to please, which had translated into skipping lab time to take care of and please steve, the man was missing it.
Steve snorted a little. "yes well, don't get used to it." he ordered playfully before grimacing. "you know, i'm pretty sure that the papers and reporters where actual paying people to seduce you just so they could catch you at it." he admitted, running his fingers through the others hair again. "good." he stated, pleased with the promise. he knew he could get Johnny to agree too, to make Tony drop if nothing else. "yes,a s a matter of fact i do." Steve admitted, grabbing the half finished picture and his favorite pencil and gave Tony a deep kiss. "i'm not in pain anymore but i still get tired." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't think i'm suitable for sex at the moment, but if there's a chair down there i can sketch while you work." he promised with a smile.
“Kay, I wont.”Tony said, to pleased with having steve back and okay that he wasn’t even sulking at the idea of not being able to always have a embarassed steve around. “...probably. Didn’t care, sex was still amazing.”Tony shrugged a little sighing softly as he relaxed under the other’s hand, simply enjoying being petted. “Awesome. There’s a couch, you can lay down and rest when you want, and just sketch.”he smiled stealing a kiss before he headed for the lab, looking utterly delighted to be able to combine his two favorite things again, spending time with steve and lab time
Steve smiled a little and nodded. "yeah Sex is pretty amazing." he agreed, rather breathless in that way he always was when he was imagining Tony naked. "cool. i wouldn't mind laying down if you don't mind that i'll probably fall asleep." he admitted with a smile. and indeed, once he'd finished the last sketch he had fallen asleep. looking so relaxed and peaceful in Tony's lab. he slept until lunch until his growling stomach woke him up and he rubbed his eyes. "hhhng... Tony... lunch." Steve ordered sluggishly. "i'm hungry so i know you are too. come on. let's run out to Frizzoli's and get some Pizza and then come back." he offered. "you can tell me about what your working on." he offered with a grin.
“Hmmm, you should get me naked more often.”Tony said snickering as he heard the other’s breathilessness, before shrugging. “I don’t care. Just rest.”he said smiling a little as he worked, for once not utterly manic, simply working. Stirring when he heard the other talk, he frowned a little. Biting his lip, he wanted to keep working, but he couldn’t bring himself to say no to steve. Nodding a little he smiled as he started to explain the new additions he was doing to the iron man suit as they headed for the pizza shop.
Steve smirked a little. "i have a plan for that actually." he admitted, lifting the sketch and letting Tony see the finished picture. the one where he was on his knees and getting cropped across the chest. "i think it's time i stopped being so silly." he admitted. "tomorrow, i am going to take you out on an honest to god date, ad then i'm going to strip you down, strap you in place, strike you all over and fuck you for so long you won't be able to walk straight for days." he decided with a grin before chuckling as he followed Tony to the Italian Pizza Place. he ordered his usual pepperoni with green olives and teased Tony for getting 'salad' on his pizza, carrying the two boxes back to the lab so Tony could eat and work at the same time. "it feels good to be walking around again." he admitted with a smile, looking up at the pale blue sky. "of course now i'm tired again." he grumbled, glad to see the tower so he could slide into the elevator and sit back down on the couch.
“...”Tony swallowed thickly as he looked at the picture, before nodding.”It really is time for you to stop being silly.”He muttered before looking up at the other, eyes blown as he considered the other man, looking a little worried. “You think you keep that promise?”He said worried about the other man. Whining a little as he was teased over his olive, anchovy, and pepperoni pizza, but not protesting to much. Looking pleased as they headed back to the tower he smiled a little. “It’s good to see you up. And you’ll be fine. Just a few more days of rest, and you’ll be back to being the good Captain in the field, instead of watching the team go out.”he said smiling a little as they headed back to the tower, knowing it truly bothered the other that he had to let the rest of the avengers handle things for awhile.
he grinned a little as he watched the other. "i'll do my damnedest to keep it." he admitted. "i'm gaining more and more strength with every passing hour, i should be perfectly capable of giving you the sex you deserve." he admitted with an impish grin. "ugh. i HATE watching them go out fighting without me." he grumbled, sulking. "Iron Man's kill count is almost about to beat mine! i have to get back into the field!" he whined. yes, he and iron man had a contest to see who could take out more killer robots. he devoured his pizza and half of Tony's, since Tony couldn't eat all his anyway, and then settled in for another nap. when he woke up again he decided to draw Tony while he was working, smiling while he watched the other. Tony was so adorable when he was focused.
“Good.”Tony said blushing a little, shivering at the idea of having sex. “...good, awesome, I totally deserve awesome amazing sex, and so do you.”Tony muttered before snickering. “You wont be out for much longer. And you’ll beat him as soon as you’re back out. He’s good, but not good enough to keep you from beating him.”Tony teased a little as he settled in to work. And indeed, the man was barely aware that he was being watched, simply enjoying being back to work.

The next day tony frowned as he walked into their room, looking at the sleeping captain anxiously, before poking him in the shoulder.”Steve. Steeeveeee. Sttttteeeeeevvvveee.”He whined bouncing on the bed a little. “What should I wear?Where are we going?”he asked upset because he was nervous and anxious about finally having sex with the other. Despite his experience, he was worried about making it good for steve, his own need to take care of steve translating to be utterly nervous about their date. Not to mention he knew he sucked at the whole dating thing, so he was nervous about this.
Steve grinned a little. "we do deserve awesome sex. not that what we've been doing hasn't been pretty damn awesome on it's own." he admitted, smirking. "i love watching you choke and struggle on my cock." he admitted with a grin. "and your right, i have nothing to worry about." he agreed, smiling.

Steve blinked stupidly when Tony prodded him and he blinked at the other. "uuuhng?" he asked before snorting at Tony. "wear whatever." he assured the other. "we're not going anyplace fancy." he admitted. "a pair of nice jeans or a pair of slacks of some sort and a button up with a jacket would be about perfect." he admitted. "or jeans and a T-shirt if your feeling lazy but i figured i'd dress up a little." he admitted with a smile. "and no i won't tell you where we're going, it's a surprise." he admitted with a smile. "you'll love it, i swear." he promised with a grin. "i got Johnny and Jarvis's opinions and even Pepper agrees. i'd have asked Iron Man but i have the feeling he'd tell you just to annoy me." he admitted with a grin.
“No, thats been fairly awesome, but I want to have some awesome sex to go with awesome blowjobs.”he snickered shivering a little. “Hmm... I love doing that.”He said shivering.

“...That’s not helpful!”Tony whined still looking upset as he considered things, fidgeting and upset, before disappearing into his closet, soon enough clothes came flying out of the closet as he dug to find the most perfect thing. Obviously not reassured by the other’s words before walking out dressed in a really nice pair of jeans and a dress shirt, before making a face at the other. “....I should get to know where we’re going.”he pouted a little even as he got ready to go.
Steve snickered a little at Tony. "sorry." he admitted with a grin, grunting when he was nearly buried. "that's perfect." he agreed with a smile as he sat up and stretched. "i'll go get dressed." he promised. "there's no specific time we have to be there so we can take our time." he promised with a smile. "so we could stop at that Bucks place and get a cup of Coffee before heading out. and i'm driving this time." he admitted with a grin. he slipped out of the room and came back wearing very nice Jeans and a button up T-shirt with his black leather jacket over his arm, looking very modern indeed. "ready to hit the Coffee house?" he asked Tony with an impish grin, well aware that Tony was so curious the man was probably about to maul him. a stop at Starbucks and then a pause to make Tony cover his eyes and they where there. "okay, open them." they where at a Vintage Vehicle show! Cars, motorcycles, trucks, tractors, airplanes and even some of the very first monster trucks. some of them where from the very first lines of production to jut barely making the vintage line. "what do you think?"
“Thanks, I try for perfection.”He said looking amused as he finished getting ready, looking curious as he considered the other man. Okay, yes coffee is a necessary thing.”Tony grumbled, and indeed he was about ready to maul the other, and not just out of impatience, his boyfriend looked amazing. “Yes!”He demanded looking amused as he left and got coffee, looking utterly annoyed at being made to cover his eyes. Blinking amused as he looked around him as they got there, looking amazed as he twisted around, and indeed for a moment looking like a over excited puppy who had no idea where to go to first. “I think you are the best boyfriend ever!No one ekse wants to spend time with me near machines!”He grinned grabbing the other’s hand and running towards the cars as he started lookign with a childlike glee.
Steve grinned a little. "you are pretty perfect." he agreed with a smile. "Coffee is necessary." he agreed, proceeding to order the most complicated thing he could just to screw with the people, who where all well used to Steve by now and just handed him what he actually wanted. a Caramel Frappachino with three shots of Espresso. "i thought it would be fun, since i like working on cars and my motorcycles." he admitted with a grin. "i'm not as smart about the names of things but i can take apart and put together an engine all on my own now." he admitted. "sometimes, when i just can't stand the idea of going to another run, or drawing, i go down nd take apart one of the cars you got me." he admitted. "it's a lot of fun and it helps me settle when i'm feeling antsy so i thought that this would be perfect, since it's something we both like to do." he admitted with a grin, following Tony around.
“really?I knew you liked it, but I didn’t know you liked taking them apart. We should get a car and work on it together. It’d be fun.”He grinned at the other man, grinning as they walked around and looked at cars, the manic good mood lasting most of the day, and even a few times the other had to stop from tony actually starting to work on the cars right then and there. “Steeeveee....we should totally have sex in a car. One of the old cars.”Tony said with wide eyed wonder as they headed back towards the car, looking up at steve with that eager look that said he wanted to do whatever steve wanted.
Steve was delighted by how much he had learned just from hearing Tony babble. this was something he could learn just by watching. "we should. we'll get one of those really old rare cars that'll be really fun to put back together." he agreed with a smile. he chuckled every time he had to stop Ton from pulling out a wrench or a screwdriver. "we'll have sex in a car tomorrow." he promised. "i have other plans for you tonight Kitten." Steve admitted with a grin as he slid into the car and headed for home, very pleased that nothing bad had happened on there date. well, aside form that asshole sneering about 'faggots' but he was beaten up by other people so Steve hadn't had to worry about it.

"Go on up to my room." Steve ordered with a grin. "i have everything set up, up there." he admitted. "i just need to grab one last thing. strip naked and kneel at the end of the bed. no touching yourself." he ordered, giving Tony a deep kiss. once up in Steve's room Tony would see the biggest surprise of the night. there where rose petals and candles everywhere. electronic candles. so Steve didn't have to worry about accidentally setting the tower on fire. on a table that had been recently installed, was a crop, a flogger, and a small knife still in the package. there was a cock ring, a gag, a shackle set and a thick black leather collar. most interesting, was the TENS unit and a Violet wand. electrical play had been on Tony's list and Steve had researched it intensely and felt particularly safe in using them if Tony was interested.
“...Oh, yes. Definitely need to redo a car.”he said shivering at the idea of redoing a car with the other man, before sulking. “...fine. We’ll plan on sex in a car later.”he said whining quietly at the idea before smiling slightly.

“...Okay, sir.”Tony said trembling, shivering at the idea as he looked up at the other, wondering what he was going after before heading up to steve’s room. Looking nervous as he stripped down, neatly folding his clothes up and setting them aside, despite having been doing sex stuff and being with steve for nearly a month, the man was utterly lost and nervous, fidgety. Maybe simply because the man hadn’t dropped nearly enough, had simply dropped to take the edge off, not enough to truly relax. Biting his lip as he flushed, embarassed that steve had so obviously gone through a lot of effort when tony hadn’t done anything special, kneeling as he fisted his hands against his legs, wincing a littel as he felt the tears filling his eyes. Oh this was going to be a interesting night if his emotions were already knocking him off balance.
Steve smiled as he stepped into the room. "you like it?" he asked. " looked good and hard at my list and tried to find the things i was the most interested in trying." he admitted before frowning. "Tony? baby what's wrong?" he asked, realizing Tony had teary eyes. "Tony. what is it?" Steve asked. "did i scare you?" he wondered. he'd never made Tony kneel without him in the room before, was that it? "you have to talk to me Kitten, i need to know whats wrong." he admitted, running his hands through Tony's hair.
Tony nodded, keeping his eyes down so steve wouldn’t see the tears. “It’s amazing steve. Electric is going to be fun...”he muttered squirming a little, shaking his head even as he kept his eyes down. “N-no, you didn’t.”he said whining a little, upset as he leaned his head into the other’s hand, “...I didn’t do anything for you!I didn’t do anything special for tonight, a-and you did all this.”Tony said sniffling a little.
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