Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“Hey, Cap. You save me all the time, remember?You keep me from saying bad things about myself.”He said even as he reached out for the iron man suit, and asked jarvis to get bruce. Even as Phil nodded leaving to get the good doctor. “No, I’m not hurting, though those welts you left from the awesome night last night, are gonna hurt if we get in a fight...can I ask Iron to join us?He came with you remember?”He asked holding onto the man tighter, nuzzling. “Peggy’s sick remember?She’s down with the flu. But we have someone better. You remember Natasha don’t you?She’s so good at helping.”Tony muttered turning his head a little at the sound of iron man landing on the balcony, “Hey, Cap. Is it okay if I come in, look both you and tony over?Make sure your not hurt, before we go rescue Bucky?”Iron said, because tony had no idea how to break the memory without breaking steve, so the best he was trying to do, was keep him from lashing out and hurting anyone.
Steve nodded. "yeah... yeah... you don't have a lot of self confidence, but we're working on it." Steve promised Tony before frowning, confused. "welts?" he asked, confused before he smiled. "oh. yeah, those welts. i forgot... have i checked them recently?" he asked. "...what day is it?" he asked, looking as if he was starting to get worried. "have i been drugged? something... isn't right..." he muttered, starting to fidget a little, though his hands where still so very gentle. "Iron? Iron Man. yes. he's good in a fight, he could get us into the base and then we wouldn't have to rely on Howard." his voice was laced with such disgust even Clint, who couldn't really understand what they were saying heard it. "Peggy's sick? i didn't know. is someone looking after her?" he asked, worried before he nodded. "yes. Natasha, she's a good soldier." he agreed before going tense at the sight of Iron Man and snarled at him again, trying to shield Tony from his view as well. "Iron? maybe you better com round over here." Clint suggested. "go slowly. no sudden moves." he suggested. "he's not in his right mind right now and if he thinks your a threat he might very well attack you." he warned. "and honestly? i'm not sure who would win."
“WE are. You’re good for me.”Tny said smiling a little, “No. You should totally strip me down and check.”Tony teased a little before frowning, “Sometime in January, you know me, I don’t know what day it is. But it is before valentine’s day.”Tony said watching the other, swallowing hard as the other fidgeted. Nervous and worried about him, flinching at the sudden mention of his father, nearly rearing back to get away from the thought, to make steve stop touching him, not wanting to contaminate the other with his thoughts of howard. “Yes, we have Bruce looking after her, no one’s better.”Tony muttered focusing on steve so much, he barely registered phil and bruce coming back, so concentrating on helping steve, and controlling the iron man suit, that he was ignoring the starbursts of pain blacking out his eyesight, extremis letting him know that he was abusing his control of eletronics and his own body to much, as he was forcing not only iron man to work, but his own body to behave, to not panic, heartbeat low and steady, keeping calm simply to make steve stay calm. “Me either. It’d be a interesting fight, but not one I’d look forward to.”Iron muttered as he eased around the room, looking at the doctor who was holding the syringe of the knockout drug. “Tony?” “Nope, we’re good. We are aren’t we cap?we’re going to go back to bed, and make sure I’m able to go into a fight with you, then we’re going to nap and prepare for a fight, okay?”Tony muttered not wanting to drug steve if he could talk him down.
Steve nodded, actually moving to strip Tony before remembering there where other people in the room and offering them another snarl to keep them back. "January?" he asked, looking mortified. "but it's supposed to be November!" he gasped. "how... how much did i MISS? what happened?!" he asked, trembling. "was i hurt? is that why Bucky's not here? i hit my head or something?" he asked before focusing on Tony when the other flinched, stroking Tony even ore gently now, as if he thought he'd hurt Tony. "sorry. sorry...." he mumbled. "yeah... yeah Bruce. he's the best..." he muttered swaying again. "good? yeah.. yeah we're okay.. i... okay. yes, we have to rest before we rescue Bucky, so we won't make mistakes..." he muttered, letting Tony lead him away, Clint sighing, sagging with relief before pausing. " was i the only one who caught that Tony said he had Welts?" Clint asked, sounding worried. "did he get hurt in his lab?" he asked. stinking lip reader.
“Yes, January. And you missed some time. Cap, you just got a nasty shock. I think you forgot what happened. Come on, we’ll just rest okay, let’s not worry to much.”Tony muttered, simply anxious to make the other feel better, swallowing hard as he was stroked gently,”I’m okay.”he muttered. “It wasn’t you. Thinking about howard is upseting.”He muttered before tightening his grip on the other’s waist, holding him. “Yep, no mistakes. We’ll rest.”Tony muttered as he led him away, settlign them both into bed with a tired sigh.

“...No. You’re not. And no he didn’t. He said Steve gave them to him.”Natasha said, damned lip reader, having picked it up from clint, since it was such a good thing to know, made spying easier. “....should we be worried?”She said looking concerned. “Maybe you two should stay out of his private life. Tony wont like it.”Iron said as he turned to settle on the couch to wait, and guard, steve and tony, even if he knew clint and natasha wouldn’t leave it alone, that they’d poke and prod at the problem of tony being ‘hurt or abused’ even if tony was fine and wouldn’t apprerciate anyone prying into his private life.
Steve nodded a little. "yeah... yeah okay Tony." he agreed softly before blinking at Tony. "do you hate Howard too Tony?" he asked, sounding rather delighted by the idea. "that's good. he's a bad man Tony." he admitted before settling into the bed and continued to stroke Tony. "am i broken Tony?" he asked softly. "am i broken?" he wondered before settling in to sleep.

"....missed that part. that doesn't make sense though, Steve would NEVER hit someone, least of all Tony." he admitted. "an accident maybe?" he wondered. because he couldn't hear, he didn't understand what Iron said, so he ignored it. "Steve could never abuse Tony so that's off the table right here and now." he decided, head cocked to the side curiously. "you know... Faith, Johnny's little lover, he has welts sometimes. do you think i's one of those Kink things that some of the Shield guys are into? you know with the black leather and the collars and stuff?"
“I do.”Tony said though he wasn’t about to go into just how bad howard was. His own mental state wouldn’t be able to handle it. “I know he was, don’t worry, I know.”Tony muttered before sighing, “No, you’re not broken.”He muttered nuzzling the other man, falling asleep.

“Maybe.”Natasha frowned glancing at Iron. “He’s your friend, aren’t you worried?” “Guys. Leave it alone, if you pry into steve and tony’s sex lives simply out of curiousity, Tony’s going to freak out. Please, for everyone’s sanity, leave it alone.”Iron said moving close enough to clint so he could sign, while it was awkward, the metal fingers could do it. Shaking his head as he realized he was going to be ignored, and tony needed rest he sighed. “Call if you need anything.”He said as he left. “....We should stay. Make sure they wont need help.”Natasha said looking upset that she had upset steve so badly by bringing him the picture of james, settling on the couch to wait for steve and tony.

When steve woke, it was to tony cursing quietly in the bathroom, trying to stop a nose bleed. The lights turned off as the man tried to stop his migraine, having way overdone it as sleep had given him a idea on how to find the winter soldier, and having seen steve’s reaction to who the soldier really was, the man had overdone it, plugging himself into every camera and computer he could in the city, having assumed that the man was still in the city since he was hunting avengers, but tony hadn’t done it to this scale before, the billionaire having not realized just how many cameras and tech there was in the city. Slumping down to sit on the floor he rested his head against the cool tile, not realizing steve was up, simply shutting down his body for awhile, simply relaxing, trying to recover, and hating that he hadn’t found anything on the soldier. Whining quietly to himself he started crawling back to the bed, sighing quietly as he crawled into the bed, and settling on his back as he stared at the ceiling.
"...i guess your right." Clint admitted, watching the fingers. though clumsy, Clint was good enough with sign language to be able to understand anyway. "i'l talk to Steve later, just to be sure and then that'll be the end of it." he promised. "i can't just sit back and pretend nothing at all happened, just in case. i can see Tony getting badly hurt and him talking Steve into hiding it." he admitted. "we'll send you a text when Steve wakes up too. just so ou know he's okay." Clint promised Iron Man before sitting following Natasha. "so.... what set off his flash back?" he asked, stooping to pick up the scattered papers.

Steve blinked a bit, trying to remember where he was an what had happened before closing his eyes. yup. he'd had another flashback. honestly he was surprised no one had thought to call River. he shook his head a little and slowly sat up, running a hand through his hair, more to calm himself, checking to make sure it was short and spiked instead of perfectly coiffed. reassuring himself that he was in the present, in the now. "Tony?" he asked when the other settled into bed. "are you okay? do you have another migraine?" he asked, gently setting a hand to Tony's forehead. "yeah, your running a bit hot. wait here a second i'll get the painkillers." because Taking care of Tony always made him feel better. soon he had a glass of water, a cold compress and the painkillers and was gently settling the ice-pack on Tony's head. "there, better?" Steve asked softly. "sorry if i scared you earlier. i... i haven't had one of those in a long time." he admitted. "last time it was because some idiot thought slapping me in the face would be a good idea to wake me up." he admitted. "you go back to sleep okay?" he asked. "i'll stay right here." he promised running his fingers gently through Tony's hair. "thank you. you handled me perfectly." he admitted. "i don't know why, but they... the others... for some reason all i could think of, focus on was that they where dangerous... might have attacked them if not for you." he admitted.
“...Me to. We’ll check on them.”Natasha said looking concerned though before looking over at clint as she held up the picture. “It turns on James isn’t just a look a like, it really is James Barnes.”She sighed quietly worried.

“Hm?”Tony muttered tiredly, pained as he cracked a eye to look at the other, “fine....just a migraine...”he muttered turning his head into the other’s touch, he felt good, cool. “...Thanks.”Tony muttered as he took the painkillers before nodding. “Better.”he muttered blinking slowly before nodding. “You did, but because I was scared for you, not that you’d hurt me.”He muttered wincing at the idea that someone had hit steve ti wake him up. “Welcome.”He muttered closing his eyes, “Well, I’ll protect you from them, and I’ll let you protect me from them...we’ll be okay.”He muttered turning his head into the other’s hand as he relaxed back to sleep, for the moment letting himself deplug from the eletronics in a effort to recover.

But three days later, it was obvious tony was running himself ragged, having either been in his bedroom, or in the lab, he was locking out everyone but steve, which just made natasha worry and wonder really if steve was hurting him, even if she couldn’t imagine it actually happening, she was worried about him. Hopefully she could sneak in a look at the billionaire before the two headed out to the ballgame.

“Steve?What times the game?”Tony asked as he leaned back in his chair, sniffling a little to stop teh blood from leaving his nose, knowing he had to stop for the moment, having figured out the nosebleeds were extremis’ way of telling him to stop unless he wanted to do some serious damage to himself. Looking up from the mess of wires, computer screens and holograms he was working on in a effort to find james, and as much as he was physically doing, he was doing even more out of sight as he hooked up to the system, even as he shut things down, knowing they had to be going soon.
as expected Clint had approached Steve, who had handed Clint the book that Johnny had given him. it was more of a pamphlet, explaining what BDSM was and how it was different from abuse and that ad been the last it had been mentioned by the Archer. well aside from Clint occasionally teasing about them having sex. he was more surprised that no one had brought up that he was deaf to really care that Tony liked getting hit.

"Tony? your nose bleeding again?" he asked, looking worried as he moved over and gently held a cloth to the others nose. "i wish you would go see Bruce Tony, it's not right, all these nosebleeds. and locking yourself in the lab is starting to freak out Natasha. i think she thinks your suicidal or something." he admitted, unaware that she was listening in. "this is a bad one Tony." he warned. "no, don't tip your head back you'll swallow it and that'll mess with your stomach, lean forward, there you go, pinch your nose..." he murmured soothingly. "i'll get you some painkillers, no doubt you have another migraine too..." he sighed, worried about Tony. "we have an hour before the game." he explained. "so just sit for a moment and let the painkillers work... i wish you wouldn't do so much." Steve fussed, gathering some juice and the painkillers. "are you going to be okay to go to the game? we can stay home." he promised, smiling. "or maybe just have a lot of kinky sex." he offered with a chuckle. he didn't want to go to the game if Tony was going to be miserable.
“Yea.It’s fine, I used to get them all the time when I was working. Dad was usually pissed cause I’d get blood everywhere.”Tony muttered before making a face, “I’m not suicidal. Natasha needs to stop worrying.”Tony grumbled whining as the other directed him, leaning forward to let his nose bleed as he pinched it, sighing softly as he let the other get him some painkillers, snuffling around to make steve come back and stand next to him, pressing his face into the other’s stomach, simply leaning into him. “How about after the game, I take a few days off. Simply rest. Would that make you feel better?”tony muttered nuzzlign his face against the other’s stomach, wincing a little as he realized he was getting a few drops of blood on his shirt, before sighing. “No, I want to go to the game. I’m going to be in pain either way, but the privacy of the box, and being with you, will help. I promise. I want to go.”
he snarled at the mention of Howard, a habit he didn't seam to realize he was doing, running his fingers through Tony's hair. "well she either thinks your suicidal or that i'm beating the shit out of you. she keeps giving me these looks." he admitted sounding a bit puzzled. "i can't imagine why." he admitted. "i thought about asking her but i'm not sure how to without sounding like a dick." he admitted, chuckling when Tony curled into him, running his fingers through the others hair, gently teasing the scalp. "alright. i'll make sure not to scream at your crappy yankees then." he agreed with a smile, running his fingers up and down Tony's neck now. "maybe we can make out in the box." he offered with a smile. "and i've got a picnic lunch to take with, since the food at the stalls there are disgusting." he admitted. "if your headache and nosebleeds don't stop in two days though, you ARE going to Bruce." he ordered.
“...Hm.Well you are, but I enjoy it.”Tony pointed out. “I just worry about him. He’s not been looking well, the few times I’ve seen him the last few days.”Natasha said as she eased into the room, looking amused as she slid out of the air vent, looking them both over. “Hmm...that feels good.”Tony muttered pressing his face tighter against the other’s stomach, acting like a puppy wanting cuddles. “Oh good, and they’re not crappy. They’re going to beat your stupid team.”he muttered before smirkign. “We can totally make out in the box.”he muttered looking up at natasha with a slight from. “I’m fine. Migraines are normal.” “Not this many tony. You look like death warmed over.”Natasha said studying the man as he pulled away from steve to start getting ready to leave.”Two days tony.”She said studying him. “Fine, fine. Two days, if they’re not better I’ll see bruce.”
he smiled a little before flinching when Natasha slid into view, lifting his lips at her, though he didn't actually voice the Snarl. "you shouldn't be in here, Tony doesn't like it." he grumbled, scowling at her before smiling at his lover. "our worse han a cat." he teased affectionately, continuing his ministrations. "they are crappy, and my team is far superior." he stated with a sniff before smiling a little. "she's right Tony, even f i don't like her spying." he said, offering her a scowl before relaxing. getting a verbal promise from Tony was as good as gold. once he promised, he always did it... provided he could remember when he'd promised to do it anyway. "i'll hold you to that Tony." he warned before examining Natasha. "let's go talk a walk." he decided, leading the way out of the lab, studying her. "you don't trust me with him. don't bother denying it, you wouldn't be spying on us otherwise."
“I know, but I couldn’t get him to pause long enough otherwise to talk to him.”Natasha said even though she didn’t say anything about getting snarled at, she didn’t move further into the room either. “Am not. I am not a cat.”Tony grumbled shivering a little as the other petted him. “Are not. My team’s superior.”he muttered. “Kay. I’ll be up in a bit.”Tony promised watving them away. Natasha tilted her head as she followed steve, shrugging a little. “Don’t take it personally, I don’t trust anyone with him.”She said simply, because well, she couldn’t help it, she’d found some of what memories were buried in tony’s head, and having already watched him nearly kill himself once, it worried her to know he was so emotionally and mentally compromised. “I watched him nearly kill himself once...I just....worry about him. It’s a new feeling. I don’t...have alot of people that matter enough to me to worry over.”She said making a face.
he snorted a little. "you re a Cat. my Kitten." he chirped, smiling at Tony. "you already agreed so there." he stated, kissing Tony's forehead. "lay down for a bit. it won't matter if we're a little late to the game." he promised. "you team is crap." he huffed smiling at him before nodding to Natasha. "he's fragile." Steve agreed softly. "there are memories he won't share with me and i have a very bad feeling i know why." he admitted, looking at her. "i know your just looking out for him Nat. but he's not going to take it well if you pry too deep and find things your not happy with judge me, or worse, him, on half formed ideas." he warned before shaking his head. "get Clint to share that Pamphlet with you, he'll know what you mean. might as well let you know on the upfront." he decided. "just remember, he brought me in, i didn't even know what it was until he showed me. also, if you treat him differently because of it? i'll hunt you down and make you suffer for every bit of pain you cause him." he paused and sighed. "i was never this violent before the Ice...." he muttered unhappily before looking at her. "just so you know. i think Tony loves you too." he admitted with a smile. "your the closest thing to a sister he's ever had." he admitted. "so try not to upset him okay?"
“...kitten...I can be your kitten I guess...”Tony muttered pressing his head into the other’s stomach, simply relaxed and happy for the moment before huffing. “Kay. I’ll lay down then.”Tony muttered even as he shuffled to the couch, and snuggled down to rest until steve got him up. Natasha frowned a little worried, before nodding. “...I’ll try not to.”she said looking worried about them both, before nodding. “I’ll do that.”She said looking curious about the pamphlet, before frowning a little. “...I’ll keep that in mind, Captain.”She said tilting her head as she studied the other, not wanting to cause tony or steve pain, but worried about them both. Blushing a little at the other’s words she smiled. “he’s like the world’s most annoying little brother.”She grumbled before nodding.”I’ll try not to.”She agreed before smiling. “You better get going. Tony’ll be very put out if you miss any of the game.”She pointed out.
Steve grinned. "should i get you a collar with a little bell on it?" he asked playfully, stroking Tony's neck. he wouldn't mind getting collar for the other, but he wasn't sure how Tony would take it. "good. you lay down." he agreed with Tony shaking his head. "just remember i would never hurt Tony." he reminded her before smiling. "just talk to Clint. he seams to be okay with it." he admitted before snorting. "try being his lover." he grumbled affectionately. "he's twice as annoying when he wants sex and all you want to do is go to bed." he admitted with a grin before he shrugged. "the game isn't for another two hours. i told him an hour so i could trick him into taking a nap." he admitted. "i know, it's cheating, but sometimes you have to be sneaky to get Tony to take care of himself." he admitted.
“ No bell.”Tony muttered shivering a little under the other’s hands, but not protesting the idea of a collar though, interesting that. “...I know. I know it, it still worries me though. Even knowing you....I guess I’m just not used to having people to worry about.”Natasha made a face before laughing. “Oh, and you’d ever refuse sex with him? I think you’re just as insatiable as him, Cap.”She teased snickering, “It is cheating, but with tony, you have to cheat.”natasha snickered, unaware tony had gotten up to come find them, having heard that, and taken it totally wrong, as in cheating-cheating, not cheating to get him to take care of himself. Pausing around the corner, tony swallowed thickly, before bracing himself, shoving the pain away before moving into the hall, making grabby hands. “Steve, can’t sleep. Lay down with me for a bit.”he demanded before heading back to the lab, knowing steve would be along to take a nap with him soon enough.
Steve smiled a little. "well. honestly it's good for you to worry. if it wasn't for me and Johnny Tony could really do damage to himself." he admitted with a sigh before he smirked. "well. there are times. like during movie night, or when your visiting and he wants to hide under the Bar and suck me off." he admitted with a bigger smirk. "you might be right." Steve admitted. "alright Tony." Steve agreed, flashing Natasha a look. "go talk to Clint." he ordered. "he'll explain it. Jarvis? wake us in time would you?" he asked, following Tony down to the lab and snuggling him with a sigh. he wished he could voice the words he was thinking, but they'd only scare Tony. "sleep well Tony." he murmered instead.

an hour later they where woken by Jarvis and Steve grunted a little, forcing his eyes to open. "ugh. why do i always feel worse after a nap?" he asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up a bit. "Jay? Coffee?" he asked hopefully, shuffling into the kitchen for Coffee, returning with a cup for Tony as well. "hows your headache? any better?" he asked, stroking Tony's hair.
“Well, we’ll just keep him from doing to much damage.”Natasha said wrapping him in a brief hug, glad the other hadn’t taken her worrying to badly. Before staring, shaking her head. “Oh man, that’s horrible, he really does have no control.”She snickered a little. “Kay.”Tony said smiling happily, “I will.”Natasha promised as she left. “Of course sir.”Jarvis promised as the two settled in to sleep.

“...cause you didn’t have sex before?Sex always makes naps better.”tony whined a little as he blinked, grinning as he took the coffee cup, sipping it slowly before nodding a little as he leaned into the hand. “Not as painful. Lights being on isn’t making me cringe, so I think I’m okay to go outside.”Tony smiled as he got up, straightening his clothes, making sure he was presentatable before heading for the door. “Come on, let’s get going.”
he nodded. "i'm sure he'll be okay. we just have to work on his self image a bit." he admitted before blinking, startled when he was wrapped up in a hug. "oh... uhm..." he wasn't sure how to respond to that, he'd never really gotten hugs from anyone but his mother. well and Tony but Steve wasn't sure she'd like it if he started stroking her head like he did Tony. "no control at all." he admitted dryly, chuckling as she left. Clint had done a lot more than just settle for the brochure though and had entire websites for Natasha to look into.

"maybe that's it. then again maybe your just insatiable?" he asked with a grin. "good." Steve sighed, relieved that the other was okay. "here!" he stated, gently sliding a pair of dark sunglasses onto Tony's face. "that'll help with the light sensitivity." he promised with a smile. "and i'm taking some painkillers with me, just in case." he admitted, hefting an honest to god picnic basket. "ready?" he asked with a smile. "let's take my car this time. you can drive, but if you have another migraine i want t be able to drive you home without having a minor panic attack about scratching your car." he admitted.
“I’m not the insatiable one in this relationship. You’re the one who still gets hard after like 6 orgasms. Sometime, I’m going to find out what one lasts longer, Extremis or the Serum. It’s sexy science.”Tony snickered a little before smiling as he the glasses were slid on relaxing a little. “Thanks. That does help.”He smiled as he looked at the picnic basket. “....When you said you packed a picnic, I didn’t realize you meant in a actual basket.”He teased before nodding, “Okay. And you don’t have to have a panic attack over the car. Only johnny should worry about scratching my car, and that’s only cause he caught one on fire once. It was horrible.”Tony whined a little smirking a little as he settled into the car as they headed for the ballpark.
Steve smirked. "we should totally see." he agreed. "you did say you would rest for a few days. since your not physically hurt, sex counts as resting right?" he asked with an impish grin. "good." he said, pleased he'd been able to help before smirking. "of course it's in a basket, what kind of picnic would this be if we didn't have the basket?" he asked with a grin before snorting. "i'll keep that in mind. in we go." he ordered, waving for Tony to pick a car.

soon they where at the ballgame and Steve was setting up the food on a table that had been provided. massive sub sandwiches and huge pitchers of iced tea and coffee. a fruit salad and mini corn-dogs and huge golden pretzels with cheese dip that he'd made himself. there was a apple pie, already cut into perfect little pieces and all sorts of delicious things you should find at a ballgame. only not disgusting.
“yes, sex does count. Totally.”Tony snickered a little before rolling his eyes a little amused. “I guess no kind of picnic at all.”he said looking amused at the idea smiling as they drove.

“You really did want to be able to enjoy the game, didn’t you?”Tony teased looking amused as he watched the game, eating a little and for once not connecting to anything, simply letting his mind rest, and enjoying steve’s company.
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