Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“Hm, you’re as close to human perfection as we’re ever going to get. I mean, I could totally pledge allegiance to your ass, and be a model citizen of the good old untied states just to cop a feel.”Tony grinned, humming a little because well, he was allowed teasing now, and being utterly flirty, they were dating?Yea, dating, so he was allowed doing stuff like that, he thinks so anyways. “...huh. Well. Good. That was a mess. And it was bullshit, considering I wasn’t a teenager or in control. Good.”He smiled looking pleased with the praise before nodding. “I’m sure there’s something in my collection of odd weapons that you can use. It’ll be fun finding something for you.”he said smiling a little.

“Yep we’ll help each other.”he muttered before swallowing thickly, tense and unhappy as he hugged himself before nodding a little. “I do have River.”He muttered before relaxing, eyeing the other a little, not sure if he believed it was okay to not talk about or not, before nodding, sighing softly as he leaned into the touch. “Hm, yes. It’s a...something that causes a emotional response, good or bad. You...and my father’s ideal of you...gets all tangled up in my head sometimes. Makes it really, really hard to sort out since I know you as a person, and my memories aren’t....good of hearing his version of you.”He muttered before nodding.”ask river, he’ll explain better.”he muttered groaning a little as he was nuzzled, whining a little. “I am not a gangly puppy.”He whined, indeed like a puppy. Before shrugging. “I guess I don’t have to....Movie would be nice.”He muttered knowing he should go work on securing the building, on his suit but....snuggling sounded good. Blushing himself as he looked at the other, “We’ll go watch a movie in my bed, and you can look over my back and arms to.”He said blushing a little, this time consciously making the decision to invite steve into his space, needing to.
Steve snorted. "i'm a fake. it all came from a bottle." he admitted with a shrug. unconsciously repeating what Tony had said that day on the Hellicarrier. "if you want to pledge my ass though i'm all for it." he admitted with a smirk. "since we're having sex now, you can 'cop a feel' all you want." he assured the other before pausing. Tony had been hurt there, but so had many others. three kids, aged seventeen had wandered into that same club trying to find a good time. they'd gotten way more than they'd bargained for and gotten tied up, whipped to pieces and raped on top of that because no on was taking the 'no' and 'stop' seriously. he decided not to tell Tony that, he'd only feel bad for not telling people about the club sooner, no matter that he wasn't to be blamed for the misfortunes of the twenty plus other victims of the club. "you do have the best toys." Steve agreed with a grin.

"we both have River." Steve agreed with a nod, gently rubbing the others back. "oh. so... i suppose i cause both reactions." Steve mused. "so like Ice, and Bucky are emotional triggers for me?" he asked, his head tilted. "i can understand that." he admitted. "i can imagine you having some issues from that. if you ever need me to scram, make sure to tell me okay? i won't be hurt." he promised. "Your a gangly kitten then." he mused with a smirk. "we should watch a Disney. i like Disney." he admitted. "i'm working my way through the whole thing." he admitted before pausing. "are you sure? i know your bedroom is a private space." he admitted. "if you don't want me in there, we don't have to be in there. everyone needs their own space." he assured the other, worried Tony was only inviting him in because the other thought it was expected. "let me get my sketch pad and a pencil and then we'll go snuggle. Jarvis, you said you where working on the vent problem yourself right?"
“No it’s not. I thought it was, but it’s not.”Tony muttered turning his head to nuzzle the other a little, upset the other had focused so much on iron man’s words, not when he’d only been lashing out in response to emotional pain. “Hm, I’ll do that then. You’re ass is a work of art.”he snickered a little flushing a little, blushing, because he guessed he could. That was a awesome feeling really. “...I do.”he muttered grinning.

Tony sighed quietly, his eyes falling shut a little as his back was rubbed, simply enjoying the touch before nodding. “You do.”He muttered before nodidng, “Exactly. They’re something that gets a emotional response from you.”he muttered before sighing quietly, relaxing all the way, going loose limbed as he realized steve understood that there was going to be times tony just couldn’t be around him. “,....I can be a kitten. Kittens are better.”He muttered smiling quietly before nodding. “Disney it is then.”He said smiling a little before staring at the table, really thinking about it, to make sure he was okay before biting his lip. “...I am. I....I’m always alone up there usually. I...I want to invite you in. Not always, not all the time, but...right now. I want to share my space.”Tony smiled a little before nodding. “Kay. Let’s go then.” “Yes Captain. There is nothing that requires his attention for the evening.”Jarvis responded. “Oh good...I can rest then...”Tony muttered smiling at the idea as he headed for his bedroom, a little nervous really to consciously making the decision to let him in, instead of being down and letting it happen. Stripping down and changing into a pair of workout shorts, he settled on the bed with a smile, laying on his stomach to let the other look him over as he relaxed, simply enjoying the idea of spending time and getting to know steve as a boyfriend, instead of simply a friend.
Steve shook his head. "i was thinking it long before you ever said it." he assured the other. "it grated on me back in the war, how the only reason i could serve my country was because i cheated to get this body." he smirked at Tony "fake it might be, it's mine and i'm proud of it. i maintain it. it's fake but it's mine." he admitted. "the more i work on it, the less fake it becomes. does that make sense?" he asked Tony, his head tilted.

he smiled at the other. "Kittens are better." he agreed with a smile before nodding. "i will never enter your room without your permission barring life or death emergency." he promised with a smile. "and just so you know, you have blanket permission to enter any of my space." he promised. "even my Art Room." he admitted before pausing. "unless i'm not in there." he felt better for that. he new Tony would never go in there unless he was looking for Steve, but he felt better for laying the order. "thank you Jarvis. let us know when the new system is up?" he asked, knowing that Clint was helping Jarvis set up the hardware in the vents. he settled down with Tony, having changed into sweatpants while in his own rooms and pulled the other into a cuddle and smiled as he watched a Disne Classic, The Lion King. it was just reaching the part where Simba defeats Scar when the Alarms started sounding, and the sound of two gunshots rang through the air, followed by Clint's screams of pain as he struggled in the vents.

Clint was in the communal areas, which is where the fighting was happening, attracting the attention of all of the Avengers. two more gunshots sounded, punching a second hole through the ceiling, showing that Clint had only been shot twice. then the sounds stopped as the ceiling broke and Clint came tumbling out of the hole in the ceiling, the assailant already gone. Clints nose was broken, it looked like his Jaw was dislocated, both ears where bleeding sluggishly, he had two bullets in his right arm and he was screaming for Natasha. screaming to warn her about the man with the metal Arm. warning her to run. he had always thought the Winter Soldier would come back for her, wanting to finish her off. Clint was delirious with pain and couldn't seam to understand a word any of them where saying. Steve started freaking out too. "He has metal BUGS in his ears!" he gasped, seeing a tangle of broken wires and shattered plastic inside of Clint's ears. the Winter Soldier must have hit him just right, and burst the hearing aids he wore. the best in Stark Tech, hearing Aids that could barely be seen. apparently that made them a lot more delicate than most.
“Well....okay. So it was cheating, but it was a good sort of cheating. Allowed you to help alot of people, Cap.”He muttered smiling a little. “It does make sense.”He agreed before relaxing, smiling. “Thanks.”He said before looking a little startled that he was being given permission to go anywhere he weanted, looking nervous about that before nodding. “Okay. I wont go in there wihtout you.”He smiled a little. “You’re welcome sir. I’ll let you know.”Jarvis assured. By the time they heard the gunshots tony was floating not low, but simply relaxed and lazy, jerking up startled as he heard the gunshots, stumbling to get out of bed, and grabbing one of the weapons in the bedroom, a bracelet temporary version of one of the repulsors from the iron man suit before heading for the communal areas as tony ran in. Natasha ran in moments later as the ceiling broke, paling when she heard what Clint was saying, but refusing to run, not when he was hurting.

“No, no it’s not, Steve.”Phil reassured as he limped slower then the rest of them into the room, “It’s a hearing aid. Must have burst when he fell.”The man said kneeling at his side even as bruce walked in. The doctor carrying his medical bag and kneeling, starting to work right there, wincing when he bandaged the gunshot wounds before looking up at steve. “I need to get him downstairs. I have to pull those bullets out.”Bruce said before looking at natasha who was eyeing the vents then the screaming clint. “Don’t. There’s no use of going in the vents yourself.”Tony said before smirking a little as he looked at the iron man suit as it walked in. “Hey. Feel like going for a search?” “I will. It’ll be interesting”Iron man said, because of the way both the suit was narrower since it wasn’t made to have tony in it, and because of the way he’d built the vents to be comfortable for clint to crawl around in, would allow the suit to search, even if he suspected the assailant was long gone, taking advantage of their distraction with clint.

Watching iron man disappear into the vents tony absently followed the others downstairs to wait for bruce to finish working on clint, eyes slightly unfocused and taking advantage of everyone focusing on clint to truly focus on what he was seeing as iron man and running the suit as he settled into a chair to wait.
he snorted. "i didn't know there was a good way to cheat." he admitted. "and your right, i have helped a lot f people, it was the reason why i became a Guinea pig in the first place." he admitted before pausing, head tilted as if he was unsure about the word he'd used before shrugging and going back to what he'd been doing. "Thanks Jarvis." Steve chirped happily. Steve was almost in the same state of Lazy pleasure as Tony when the alarm started going off, he didn't grab a weapon, he'd get a knife from the kitchen.

"Hearing Ad? no Hearing Aids are massive!" he protested, looking rather baffled. "i've seen them! they have these huge boxes..." he paused. "right... seventy years of advancement..." he muttered before nodding at Bruce and carefully lifted Clint, who had passed out. he had done amazingly well against a man as skilled as the Winter Soldier. onl getting shot twice. landing hits of his own if the blood on his fists was any indication. "Bruce? can you run a DNA scan on the blood?" Steve asked, wondering if the blood would succeed where the hair had not. he gently settled the Archer into the bed in the Med Lab and backed away so Bruce could work, though he refused to leave until he knew Clint was really okay. as expected though the assailant was gone, leaving behind another tracking bug. this one designed to latch onto skin or clothing and emit a faint electronic signal to track whoever it latched onto. clearly the Winter Soldier kept his options open. if he couldn't listen in, then he'd track them. his only mistake was trying the vents again. then again, if Clint hadn't been in there, they would have never known the man was there. finally Steve removed himself from the room once all the shards of the hearing aid where picked out of Clint's ears and the bullets removed. he'd have a sore arm for a month or so, but he was not in any danger of death or crippling. the bullets had missed anything major, very lucky? Steve wasn't so sure.

"He's going to be fine." Steve promised them. "Bruce said that he's about eighty percent deaf." he admitted. "but that was before the attack. so when we talk to him, we'll have to talk very clearly and look at him so he can read our lips. using Sign Language would be better." he admitted. "but i'm not sure if any of you know ASL." he admitted. "other than that he doesn't have any permanent damage. his ears will heal perfectly without any scarring, his nose has been set, his Jaw is back in place, though that's going to be sore for a while. he was shot in the shoulder, the bone hasn't even been cracked there. and in the arm right here." he pointed to his bicep where Clint had been shot. "it missed main arteries and bone and was shot clean through so his arm will be weak for a while and we're all going to have to work double time to keep him from exerting it before it's healed or he could do permanent damage to it." Steve admitted. "....does anyone know why Clint didn't tell us he was deaf?" probably because people always treated him like an invalid after they found out. acted like he was stupid just because he couldn't hear. people treated him differently when they found out, people acted like he was just there for decoration when they found out.
"They're stark tech. If you thint I'd make something as ugly as a huge box you insane."tony snickered a little because while he hadn't made them,all stark tech crossed his desk at some point before it went to the market simply so he could see if there was any changes he wanted to make."I should be able to. Hopefully his own blood hasn't contaminated it to badly."brucesaid as he carefully wiped clint hands and set aside the samples for later. Carefully setting to work as he removed the damaged hearing aid and bandaged the other up.

"Damn it all. Nothing more then a tracking bug...though that might tell us who it is to.natasha?"tony muttered as iron returned with the tracker and held it out."I'll look into it."Natasha said though considering clint's yelling she had a bad feeling on who it was and it was going to make steve lose his mind. Thinking it was a good look alike,not realizing the soldier really was bucky barnes. "You can talk normally he understands, and has gotten very good at reading lips or gestures if you guys don't know ASL."natAsha added watching the friends,not sure how they'd react to having clint deaf and worried about it. "Because everyone always ttreats him differently when they know. This team was the few people left who worked for shield that didn't know,and he liked not being treated differently."phil answered trying to to show just how worried he really was.
he shrugged. "well i didn't know." he complained. "never had the need to look into hearing aids." he admitted. "can you make Clint new ones? something a bit stronger?" he asked Tony, well aware that Tony could, simply asking if Tony would. "of course, the DNA samples only work if the person the DNA belongs to is in the systems." Steve muttered unhappily, well aware the man, whoever he was, probably wasn't in the systems. even if he was, it wouldn't come up with the right name because they didn't have DNA back when the Winter Soldier was born. DNA testing was actually very new, it had only really gotten started in the 1980's and had grown fast since then.

"thanks Natasha." Steve chirped as he examined the little bug before smiling at I.M. "Thanks Iron Man." he stated. "Tony must have you set up to know when the alarms go off?" he asked, wondering how Iron Man had gotten here so fast. he had a bad feeling he knew who that tracker was keyed to as well. and he was right, it was set to locate Tony Stark as the primary objective. "i know ASL." Steve admitted. "Gabbie, one of the Commandos was about half deaf." he admitted. "he could hear and understand people if we talked loud enough or hit a certain frequency, but otherwise we mostly used lip reading and sign language to communicate with him. it actually worked to our advantage. all of the commandos learned the basics, and when we needed to communicate in stealth situations we just used sign language." he admitted. "Gabbie was one of the best soldiers we had, because he couldn't hear, a lot of his other senses where really enhanced. we once found a target because Gabbie followed his scent trail. literally. he followed the guys perfume." he admitted, looking very, very amused. "he's going to be fine Phil." Steve promised the man, shaking his head. "i'm initiating a buddy system." Steve decided. "no one goes anywhere without backup. this guy is good." he admitted. "it won't do to have hi getting the drop on us."
“I know.”Tony flinched a little, responding to the other’s complaint like he was under. To new to the relationship to handle the idea of steve being upset, even if he wasn’t dropped. “...Of course. I’ll see what I can do.’Tony smiled a little, before sighing. “Yes, only if. But we might get lucky.”Tony muttered though he didn’t have much hope for that.

“Welcome. And he does, my phone starts playing ‘star spangled man with a plan’, and I know I’m needed somewhere.”Iron man snickered a little. “Really?That’s really cool.”Tony said tilting his head as he considered the howling commandos. “Exactly. It’s been a help when me and him are working together.”Natasha said smiling a little before tilting her head. “His senses are better, eyesight mainly.”Phil said looking up at steve, swallowing hard. “Yea, he’ll be okay.”He said not liking to be able to make clint better now. “....Ha!I knew you’d find a way to make me spend all my time with you.”Tony sulked, making a joke simply because he was uncomfortable. “No lies, tony, you know you weren’t going to be leaving steve alone for the foreseeable future.”Natasha said rolling her eyes a little having seen the change in relationship as they’d walked in together
Steve smiled at Tony when he noticed the Flinch, trying to tell Tony that it was all alright. "great. you always make the best stuff." Steve admitted.

"i hate that song. if i could i'd have it completely destroyed." he admitted with a sniff before he nodded. "Gabbie was really good at keeping it a secrete. he only ever used the hearing aids when we where alone. it was this massive bulky thing." he admitted. "in this huge box... he had to lie to get into the service, and after the war i think he lied and said he lost his hearing in the war." he admitted with a smirk. "that's to be expected, with how amazing he is with the Bow. i imagine he has a much better sense of balance too." Steve admitted. "it was nearly impossible to knock Gabbie down." he admitted. "of course i found a way, what you think i'm gonna let you wander off? who knows the trouble you'll get into if i leave you on your own. i might leave to get groceries and come back and find out you've built a time machine and we're all British citizens again." he teased with a snicker and a shake of his head. "come on. we all need to rest. you especially Phil." Steve ordered, Clint needs the rest and us out here talking can't be good for his sleep." "he can't hear us." "no but he'll know were out here."
Tony sighed smiling a little, relaxing at the smile. “Hm, I do.” “I know you would. But it’s addicting, and if you’re not careful in how you word things, you’re going to have Stark humming star spangled banner while he’s giving a blowjob.”Iron said with a snicker, oh yea, Iron was tony at his worst, sarcastic and teasing. Tony made a face but didn’t protest what ‘he’d’ said. “He does. It’s why I don’t really worry about him hanging out on top of buildings or anything.”Phil smiled a little. “You should totally let me wander off. I’m a adult, I can take care of myself.”Tony sulked a little before making a face. “I would not!You can’t build a time machine. It’s impossible.”He huffed. “He will know we’re out here....”phil sighed softly hating to leave, but knowing clint would freak out if he didn’t go upstairs and sleep in the softer bed that was good for him instead of sleeping in the hospital bed.
Steve snorted. "i'd rather he hum the national Anthem. or Fly like an Eagle, that was a good song... oh! in the wings of Angels too. i'm catching up you know." he admitted, looking so proud of himself. "by the way... what is the Twist?" he asked, his head tilted. "i'm not sure Tony has a big enough mouth to take my cock anyway." he admitted with a shrug. ooooh, a challenge! Steve was naughty, knowing that Tony could never resist a challenge. "Tony. you can't even remember what day it is." he pointed out. "and if anyone could build a time machine, it would be you." he admitted, amused before hesitating as he looked in at Clint. "when he wakes up, we'd probably better move him to his own room. he's even worse than me when it comes to doctors rooms and hospitals." he admitted. "you'll stay with him Bruce? i know you must be tired too...." he admitted, worrying about the Archer before he focused on Natasha. "Nat? what do you know about all this? Clint was screaming for you, in particular to run. you've met this guy before?"he asked once they where away fro Clint so the other could rest better.
“...Oh you are catching up. I’m so proud Cap.”Iron teased the man, amused before snickering. “It’s...ask jarvis to show you a video. It’s easier to watch then to explain.” “What?I have a big mouth, you can’t be that big, not that I’ve seen you naked, but I can totally blow you.”Tony huffed sounding indigent that it was even a question. “...I can to!It’s Tuesday!” “Tony, it’s Thursday and stop trying to sound intelligent, you’re just going to mess up.”Natasha teased a little. “I’ll stay, and we’ll move him when he wakes. I don’t want to move him now.”Bruce said smiling a little, as he reached for a book. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him Cap.”The doctor reassured before shooing them away. “...If...if Clint is right about who it is, then yes. He was my trainer in the Red Room. He’s...”She bit her lip, shaking her head. “Let me gather everything shield knows about him, and I’ll tell you in the morning. I think we all need more rest.”Natasha said softly. Phil frowned looking at her, looking worried.
Steve smirked a little. "you should be proud of me." he admitted before pausing. "it's something naughty and filthy isn't it?" he asked, wrinkling his nose. "oh. i'm big." Steve admitted with a small smirk. "very big. there's no way you could fit me down your tiny little throat." he admitted before snorting as Tony got the day wrong. "i bet you can't even tell me what month it is." he teased, shaking his head. "that's okay Tony, i bet Iron Man isn't any better. and no, Iron Man, you can't use Jarvis to answer the question." he stated with a smirk before nodding to Bruce. "thanks Bruce. i'll get that Coffee you like so much from the Bucks place." he promised the scientist. he blinked at her, startled when she admitted she knew, intimately, who The Winter Soldier was. "is there any chance he is not acting of his own Violation?" Steve demanding, knowing from Natasha's files that Red Room was Hydra. and they would do anything to gain a pawn. blackmail, brainwashing, amnesia, threats, bribery, pay offs, they where limited to nothing. "Natasha, i need you to be honest. is there any chance at all that he can be redeemed?" he asked. he hated killing Hydra, because a good third of them where not willing at al and the other third didn't even know their own names.
“Hm, it’s a naughty and flirty dance. Watch it, Tony might even perform it for you.” “I don’t dance.”Tony sulked a little before frowning at steve, growling a little. “I can to!I’ll show you. Later. I can do anything.”Tony sulked a little before pausing thinking about it. “Well....we just celebrated new years, and we’re not at your birthday yet, so it has to be... Sometime in the spring?”Toyn said. “...It’s feburary. We haven’t had valentines day yet.”Iron said so very proud of himself. “Good. They have good coffee.”Bruce smiled as he settled down with a book. “If he’s here, he’s here on orders, not because he wants to be.”Natasha said frowning a little, seriously thinking about it before nodding a little. “There is. He’s controlled as people think he is. He has no memory of who he is, or anything beyond the’s almost...”She made a frustrated sound, because she had no idea who he really was, or who he was, but it was almost there. “it’s like...if you had no memory of being Cap, but if you picked up a shield, you’d still know how to use it. Muscle memory...but his is....absent personality, but the memory seems to be bone deep, not conscious but there....I think...” “You need to break the fog. Whatever they did. Like they did to you. I assume his is worse, but...same principle.”Tony said looking interested.
Steve snorted. "can't be any worse than the Tango." he huffed, amused. "well, i guess you don't want to go on a date to a dance club then. i've been practicing." he admitted. "i believe it's called 'twerking'. Clint said it's the most popular dance now.... i'm not sure i like it much but if it's what i'm supposed to do..." he shrugged. looks like Clint was pranking Steve too. "....right. well, i'll have to remember to remind Tony anytime an important date starts creeping up." Steve admitted with a nod. "and it's still January." he stated, flashing Iron Man a smirk. "January the twenty ninth. we just had Martin Luther King day.... although, i keep forgetting to look him up nd find out who he is." Steve admitted. "must have been important for it to be a federal holiday. was he a president?" he asked. "so he's being controlled." Steve sighed. "would a 'cognitive recalibration' help?" he asked, wondering if he could just hit the man really hard on the head like Natasha had done for Clint. "if we can help him, it's going to be dangerous." Steve muttered, remembering the files. Natasha had spent three years in the care of shield, when they first broke her 'programming' she was more a wild animal than she was a person. they had to try, he recognized the tone Natasha used. he was important to her. a father figure at the least, a lover more probably.
“No, I guess it’s not worse then the tango.”Tony snickered a little. “...You’ve been...twerking.”Iron man said slowly. “nooooo. Never take dancing advice from Barton. Noooo no nonoo you can’t twerk.”Tony whined. “you can remind him, but it wont stick. I mean, he has to make jarvis tell him things all the time.”Natasha pointed out amused. “Not a president, a important african american who fought for civil rights and stuff.”Iron said before tilting his head as they walked. “...It might. At least...might start it. Clint was only under for a short time...James...has been under for so long that I don’t think anyone knows how long he’s been the Soldier.”Natasha said her voice softening slightly, not aware of it really, or that she’d admitted his name was james. Even if she didn’t know who he had been, or he didn’t know, the soviets had found it a cruel inside joke to continue calling him James. “It’s always dangerous. But letting him hunt us is going to be worse. He’s good. Better then me.”Natasha sighed shaking her head, glancing at tony as he twitched, shaking her head. “Take care of tony, looks like he’s overthinking things, he’s going to start having smoke coming out of his ears soon.” “Am not. I can totally talk and think and work at the same time. Totally.”Tony said extremis working overtime in both running iron man and working on the problem of freeing the winter soldier. “I’ll gather the files tonight....we’ll talk in the morning?Clint should be up by then. He’ll have more to add about my time right after coming to shield....I dont’ remember alot. He might have more insight into what to expect.”
Steve nodded. "i've been trying anyway, i don't think i'm doing it right." he admitted before blinking a little. "is it the wrong kind of dance? thank god." he sighed. "i really don't feel comfortable... you know. doing that." he admitted before shrugging. "that's why you remind him every day for a week before the actual day." Steve pointed out. "African American?" Steve asked, his head cocked. "oh! you mean a N... er, a Black man?" he'd almost forgotten that the word... uh, the one that started with an N was a racial slur now. he'd never heard the term African American before though, seamed kind of stupid to him. weren't they all American after all? putting labels on people, honestly. everything was labeled, even kids these days. "James?" Steve asked, curious. lots of people where named James after all. "did they give him a last name? might give us something to search." then again, the man had a metal arm, probably be easier to look that up instead. "better than you... so we have a Russian assassin trained by the best and is better than our best who isn't in control of his own being at the moment trying to kill us... that's just dandy." Steve admitted with a sigh. "alright, we'll talk in the morning, come on Tony i want to see how lion king ends and then see how big that mouth of yours really is." he admitted. "we'll talk to Clint, and Phil in the morning about the best ways to.... recover, the Winter Soldier... James..." he decided. "Clint will want to be a part of that conversation." he admitted.
“yes, yes it is definitely the wrong kind of dancing. Never ever do it.”Iron snickered a little shaking his head. “Yes, that.”Tony smiled a little amused that even if he was politically correct, it sometimes took a bit for steve to not use the language he grew up with. It was amusing. “Yes. And if he did, I never heard it.”Natasha said sighing softly, wincing. “Sorry. Wish I had better news, but he’s been at it years longer then I have. But if we’re lucky, he’s been out of...the cyrogentics-” “Wait. They’ve figured out a way for someone to survive?” “Yes. I’m not sure how, but that’s how the Winter Soldier came by his name, in part. He’s on ice when he’s between missions. Frozen until needed, makes keeping him compliant easier....the longer he’s awake, the more he resists.”Natasha shrugged a little as she headed for her own rooms to work. “...Hm, it’s big. The biggest.”Tony said. “Goodnight, Steve. Tony.”Iron smiled a little watching them go before showing himself out, snickering a little as tony bounced back between science and sex, sliding into manic.
Steve nodded. "never again." he promised with a huff. "still. it's not much better than the bouncing up and down thing you people call dancing either." he admitted before smiling sheepishly at Tony and shrugging. "i ever tell you about the time i used that word and Fury nearly beat the shit out of me? it wasn't until he realized i didn't know why he was pissed that he realized i didn't know it was a nasty word." he admitted. "well, James with a metal arm is a good clue." he admitted. "might be enough to get a few hits." he admitted before paling so fast he almost looked like he was going to pass out at the word Cryogenics. "...Hydra where the first people to start working with Super Soldier Serums...." he whispered. "i survived the ice because of the Serum in me. i think that this James is surviving because he was a super serum experiment too." it was the only thing that made sense. normal humans could not survive being frozen, it just wasn't possible. "Dr. Erskine was experimenting with it, he showed me everything he had on it. i didn't understand most of it, but i was able to understand that being frozen killed the electrical signals beaten the persons organs and stuff. and that with a super soldier that didn't happen, which is why we can be de-thawed with minimal problems." Steve admitted before smirking at Tony. "god nit I.M." he chirped, stroking the back of Tony's neck as they walked, letting Iron Man see himself out. "i think i'm going to try the candles on you tonight. imagine, all that heat on those welts." he purred. he'd already texted Johnny to make sure that was safe.
“...I have no idea if I should take you dancing or not. I sorta want to, just to watch you figure it out.”Iron man snickered. “...Seriously?That’s really amusing.”Tony snickered a little as he leaned into the other man, before bracing a little, looking worried at how pale steve had gotten before frowning, before wincing. “Makes sense if he was one of their success stories. Natasha said he was doing this for awhile. He’s not aging, because he’s frozen and a super soldier.”Tony muttered to himself, sounding interested and fascinated with the idea. “But there are problems. At least, mentally. He’s not....stable. He’s been pulled off ice to often over the years....I’d bet anything his body’s rejecting it...”Tony muttered definitely now talking to himself as he chewe on the problem of a super soldier assassin. “Night Steve. Good luck.”Natasha smiled amused as she watched the two head for tony’s room. Amused that all she’d had to do was mention something fascinating to him, and tony was utterly entranced with the idea. “...Hm?Candles?”Tony paused blinking slowly as he paused in the middle of undressing, looking vaguely confused at having the science talk interrupted with sex.
"...lets not." Steve decided. "not only would i make a fool of myself but your not exactly Stealthy there rusty." Steve teased before nodding. "he actually had to lead me for a good week telling me why i couldn't say this or that anymore. it really helped. too bad he was too busy to teach me much of anything else." he admitted with a sigh before grimacing. "yeah... and i can only imagine that whatever they're doing to his head can't be good for him." he admitted. "he's probably crazier than Loki was at this point, but even Crazy can be cured. we might not get him back to, you know, normal human behavior but we can at least give him a life if we can get him back alive." he admitted. "whoever he is, he might have living family left. who knows how long he's been alive though..." he muttered, running a trembling hand through his hair. the idea of someone being on cryogenics for so long again and again made him very twitchy. "oh. i don't need luck." Steve assured her with a chuckle.

"Yes Tony, Candles. on your back." he reminded the other with a smirk. "why don't you come strip so i can see how good you look with candle wax all over your well strapped back?" he asked, smirking at the other. "you don't want to be thinking about science when i could be fucking you, do you Tony?" he asked, well aware that for Tony, that would be a hard pressed decision.
“Hm, but it’d be worth having fans flock to me, just to watch you dance.”Iron snickered a little. “Well, that’s why you have me. I’ll teach you anything else you want.”Tony smiled at steve, “No. It’s not. He’s more...blank then anything else. At least he was, ten years ago. Not sure now.”Natasha said sighing quietly, wincing at the idea of the man having family that mourned his loss. Snickering at steve’s words as they left.”Hm, you do if you’re going to convince him out of working on science.”She teased.

“...Oh yea. Candles.”Tony said eyes blown as he looked up at the other, squirming a little as he started undressing before pausing at the other’s question, whining quietly as he looked at steve, “That’s a unfair question!I want both!”Tony whined even as he finished undressing and moving closer to steve, leaning up for a kiss.
Steve snorted. "i think not." he stated dryly, shaking his head before snorting at Tony. "until you go off on a tangent about how it works that i don't understand or try to do it yourself out of frustration." he teased, looking amused before nodding to Natasha. "in ten years, who knows what his mental state could be." he agreed softly before smirking at her. "oh. i'm not worried about that." he admitted before following Tony.

"Yes, Candles." Steve agreed. "i asked Johnny and he said you love having hot wax poured all over your fresh welts." he admitted, smirking a little. "it is an unfair question." he admitted with a laugh. "go lay on the bed, on your belly, arms over your head." he ordered with a smug look. "want to be tied up this go around?" he asked. "or would you like to be able to wiggle and squirm as you like?"
“...Oh. I do like candles.”Tony said smiling a little, shivering at the idea, whining quietly. He was so having trouble focusing on the sex and not science. Shivering at the order as he laid down on his stomach, turning his head to look at the other, “No, don’t tie me down. Freaks me out with the wax.”He said sighing quietly, before coming up enough to explain. “It feels to much like water sometimes, if I’m tied up, you’ll toss me....back....instead of having sexy fun times.”Tony explained smiling slightly.
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