Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

he nodded. "i know you do." he agreed with a smirk, well aware Tony was having trouble focusing. that was okay, he'd expected that. "feel free to mumble to yourself all you want." he assured the other. "science talk, while not altogether sex, is rather pleasant when i don't have to focus on what your actually saying." he admitted with a grin. "i like hearing your voice." he admitted, giving Tony the chance to do science even during sexy fun times. it was a difficult thing to do but he knew Tony could manage it for a while until he started to drop at the very least. he ran his hand down the others back, stroking the healing welts to make sure none of them where too bad before telling Tony he was going into the closet to get the tools he needed. he gathered up the candles, the lighter and the cool cloth with water to clean up with after and checked the fridge for juice and finger foods pleased to see Tony had it well stocked. or maybe Jarvis had done it, he didn't know. "okay. settle in." he ordered, grinning as he settled on top of Tony and started laying issues all over his back and neck, running his hands firmly over those welts, making them burst into life again. giving him a back massage to get Tony 'into the mood' as it where. he wasn't sure if Tony would appreciate hot wax on his back when he wasn't eagerly anticipating it. thus the painful, and oh so very good back rub.
“,....Science talk during sex?You are truly perfect. I love science talk in sex. Gotten yelled at it for alot...”tony muttered resting his head on the pillows, sighing quietly. “...I got the bracelets done...even set them for the whole building...”tony muttered starting to talk about the science and engineering of the perfect security bracelet, barely noticing when steve had gotten his supplies and checked the jarvis stocked fridge. “Hmm, I’m settled.”He said startling a little though as he felt the other stradling him, closing his eyes a little hasping as teh other pressed into the welts, back arching a little as he indeed dropped, pained pleasure making the science talk sputtering to a end as he relaxed, and fell into that space where the wax wouldn’t be a bad thing, simply pleasant.
he snorted. "i like listening to you talk." he admitted. "and since it's usually science babble. well it comes with the territory." he admitted with a grin. "the Bracelets are done? good it'll be easier to keep track of everyone. you really are brilliant." he admitted, grinning as Tony babbled. "are you sure?" Steve asked, sounding amused as he worked Tony over a bit, humming happily while he watched Tony sink a little. not too far, the wax wouldn't be ll that noticeable if he was too far down. he paused and flicked on the lighter and watched the wax pool before testing it on himself, curious. a little sting, but not much more. good. he paused a second longer and then stroked a hand down Tony's back, a warning before long drops of wax trailed down Tn's spine. flooding Tony with the pleasure/pain of being slightly scalded across welts and skin alike.
“Hm, well I’ll keep that in mind. I like talking to you. You don’t get annoyed even if you have no idea what I’m talking about.”He muttered shivering a little under the other’s hands, before nodding. “They are. Though it hadn’t been in time to keep birdbrain from getting hurt.”he muttered sounding guilt about that before gasping a little the other stroked his back, whining quietly at the sound of the lighter, hips rolling, pressing against the bed as the other dropped wax onto his back, shivering,"stevee!"He whined squirming.
Steve grinned a little. "so long as you don't mind when i start babbling about baking at you." he commented cheerfully. "Tony i don't think the bracelets would have helped. Winter actually snuck up on Clint. he's too good." he admitted, shaking his head. "there's nothing we could have done to stop that attack and i'm not entirely sure we can stop the next one when, if it happens." he admitted before smirking when the other whined. "yes Tony?" he asked, grinning as he drew another line of wax down the others back before spilling a large pool of it on Tony's neck, right at the top of the spine, watching the wax crawl down Tony's neck with fascination before running more wax in a zig zag across all of Tony's back, smirking as he leaned back and spilled another pool of it at the tail bone, watching the wax crawl over his hips and down his ass crack, sliding over that tight hole, and further down to the balls.
“Works for me.I’ll just listen to you babble.”Tony snickered a little before sighing, resting his head on the pillow.”...I guess.”Tony grumbled, not able to admit that he wouldn’t be able to protect any of them from what happened next, hating that winter was just to good for him. “...Dunno...”Tony whined falling down enough that he couldn’t piece his thoughts together, squirming, sounding desperate as he rocked his hips a litle as steve kept working on him, shivering, hands fisting the pillows under his head to keep from coming, whimpering as he squirmed, wanting to come, but to well trained to do it without having permission.
he chuckled a little. "good because i tend to talk to myself." he admitted. "a lot." he grinned before shaking his head. "your so cute when your like this." he admitted, grinning as he watched the other, humming as he stroked his fingers down the hard wax. "flip onto your back. i want to do your nipples." he ordered, flipping Tony over. "don't cum. not yet." he ordered, running wax along Tony's arms, examining the welts as he did so and missing any that looked a little too raw yet. "i'm gonna do your nipples now." he warned, smrking. "you can cum when i put the wax on them." he promised, stroking each nipple with his finger to make them hard before pouring wax on each one in on swift movement, his other hand stroking Tony's cock, milking his orgasm out of him.
“Nooo not cute.”he whined a little squirming, before nodding eagerly, “Kay. Whatever you want.”He muttered trying to help steve roll him over, and really only making it more complicated before flopping over, whining as he was told to not come, squirming as he looked up at the other, shivering a little. Though his shoulders were a little raw, extremis kept him from being to hurt if given time to heal it. “kay.”He muttered blinking up at the other at the warning, gasping as wax was poured onto him, and even more as he felt the hand on his cock, whimpering, whining, a utter mess as he fell apart as he came. Collapsing back into bed with a pant, he shuddered as he basked in the afterglow for a moment, before making a noise of distress, squirming around to push at the other’s shoulders, trying to get him to lay down even as clumsy hands worked at his belt and jeans, having every intention of taking care of the other man. To well behaved to simply not wnat to take care of steve, especially now that he knew he was allowed to touch, and they were dating, so to him, that meant he had to take care of him, make sure steve was pleased well enough that he would never want to leave him.
he chuckled a little at the gasp and the arching, watching the other cum, licking his lips. "your gorgeous when your cumming." he admitted with a smirk, watching the other for a moment before blinking as Tony flew into action. how interesting. "easy Tony, back up." he ordered, gently nudging the other back a bit before starting to strip, revealing firm chest and then long well formed legs. "there you go." Steve stated once he was naked and settled, letting Tony position him as he pleased, running his fingers through Tony's hair and guiding his head down. "let's see how well you can take my cock, hmm?" he asked with a grin, leading Tony down to his throbbing member, moaning when he felt those hot lips wrapping around his cock. "fuck Tony you have a warm mouth, that feels so good..."
Tony shuddered, blushing a little, smiling pleased at the praise. Pausing, freezing for a moment at the order, whining quietly at being stopped even as he watched the other, humming slightly in pleasure.”Hm, I’ve reconsidered your uniform. I need it to be skintight again, so I can look at this all the time.”he muttered squirming to settle between his legs, sighing quietly as he let the other guide his head down, “I can take it well. Always. Very well.”Yep, he’d dropped enough to babble even as he lowered his head around the other’s cock, bobbing his head a little as he set about giving the other the best blowjob ever, humming quietly at the praise, before smirking a little as he started to hum, and much like Iron man had said, it was indeed the star spangled banner as he worked the other’s cock with all the needy eagerness of a sub who wanted to please their top.
Steve chuckled. "it's okay Tony." he promised before smirking. "ah but Tony, if you revamp my suit then everyone in the world will get to see me. you don't want that ow do you? however, maybe you could make a bedroom equivalent?" he agreed with a smirk. "Fuck, you can take it, you do take it. you take it so good Tony." he groaned, setting his hand on the back of Tony's head and forced him down a little further. "fucking... hnnn..." he groaned once Tony started to Hum. "i will never salute an American flag the same again." he admitted with a pant and a shudder. "suck a little faster. that's it. such a good little cock sucker, oh god Tony. how deep can you take me? how far can i get my cock down your tight throat?" he wondered.
“ I don’t want that.But I could totally do a bedroom version, it’d be awesome.”Tony muttered even as he slid his mouth down over the other’s cock, humming pleased as he worked, snickering a little at steve’s words, amused, and he was definitely going to have to take him to a baseball game again simply to make him blush over saluting the flag. Whining a little at the directions even as he worked his mouth down over the other, sucking before rolling his eyes to look up at the other, lips twitching a little into a smirk as he shifted, lifting his head. “We’re changing positions, come here.”He ordered, rearranging the other into a push up position before squirming down and laying under him, smirking as he licked a wet line up the other’s cock, resting a hand on the other’s hip, before tilting his head back as the other slid down his throat, smirking as the angle let steve slide all the way down, shuddering as the angle cut off his air supply for a moment, before pressing up on the other’s hip, using his hold to make steve fuck his mouth, his breathing turning ragged as he strangled himself on steve’s cock.
he smirked. "you go ahead and do that then." he agreed with a chuckle before groaning at the others humming. "your such a little shit sometimes." he complained, affection in every letter. "god, don't stop humming that feels so fucking good." he groaned before huffing at the others smirk. "your entirely too cocky for a sub." he pointed out before snorting at the order, obediently moving where Ton ordered him to because he was curious. "fuck! Tony! Jesus Christ!" he gasped, tossing his had back as he felt the others throat wrap so perfectly around him. god, that, felt, amazing! he groaned and rolled his hips carefully, feeling Ton clenching around him, the billionaires body rejecting the intrusion instinctive, fought for air, struggled against him. he shuddered and pulled bck up, letting Tony catch a few ragged breaths before he dipped his hips again, sinking into the others throat again, gasping, struggling to control himself. he highly doubted that Tony would like it much if he skull fucked him. "fuck... fuck. i can't... i'm cumming." he gasped, rocking slow, tiny thrusts in and out of Tony's throat, spilling his seed so deep Tony didn't even have to swallow. he shuddered, ilking himself out and then slowly pulled back out, blinking down at Tony. "fuck Tony... that was amazing."
“.Only a sub in the bedroom, I’m allowed being cocky any other time.”Tony made a face at that, because he knew it was going to be a least when it came to steve. He was a cocky, egotisical, selfish son of a bitch and he knew it, but he had a feelign that simply dating steve was going to have him being more submissive all around....not realizing that he wasn’t nearly as cocky or egotisical as he thought he was. Nor quite as much of a bastard either. Humming pleased as the other cursed he closed his eyes to simply focus on what he was doing, taking a few ragged breaths before letting steve go down again, carefully letting the other fuck his mouth before whining quietly as the other spilled down, whining that he hadn’t even gotten a taste, grumbling a little as the other pulled back, stealing a greedy little lick along the other’s cock as he pulled out, smiling at the other in that lazy contentment. “Really?”He muttered shifting to settle on the bed better, simply relaxing now, content with the knowledge he’d made steve feel as good as he was feeling.
he snorted. "your cocky in the bedroom." he pointed out with a grin. "that's okay, it's cute." he assured the other. he grinned when the other licked his cock. "greedy." he teased Tony, smirking. "i won't go limp if you want to keep going." he admitted with a lazy yawn. "best orgasm ever." he admitted with a smile, pulling Tony up for a kiss before gently peeling the wax off, wiped Tony down, put lotion on the welts, gave Tony a full glass of juice and gently fed Tony small finger foods. he loved taking care of the other like this.
Tony indeed paused, waiting for the reassurance that it was cute, not sure what to think. “Hm, you taste like apple pie.”He teased a little before focusing on the other as he kissed him back, shivering as he peeled off the wax, simply eating slowly, eyeing the other man. “Do you want to continue?”he said studying him, a quiet uncertainty to his look. Cause well, relationships left him confused, and he’d been having sex with johnny for so long, that he understood what johnny wanted from him. Anyone else....especially a relationship that meant as much to him as this one with steve did, left him at a utter loss on how to act, or how to figure out what steve needed from him.
Steve grinned a little and then snorted. "i do not!" he protested. actually, Steve tasted more like salted caramel than he did anything else. something about the Serum affecting his 'emissions'. as Howard had reported in the files that no one but Tony had ever seen. "i'm sated. won't say no to another if you really want to, but i'm good." he admitted with a grin. "you did excellent. i think you pulled my balls inside out with that blowjob." he admitted with a smile, kissing Tony again. "by the way. i bought the Mets and they're playing your crappy Yankees in three days, wanna go with me? just us? could be a date if you wanted." he offered.
“Hmmm no you don’t actually. You taste like caramel really.”Tony hummed a little smiling quietly as he mentally agreed with his father’s report, even if it made him shudder at the idea of how howard knew. “...Good. Me to. I’m okay.”he stuttered a little smiling a little as he relaxed, kissing the other back, “had to prove I’m more than capable of taking you like that. Can’t have you doubting me.”Tony huffed as he laid on his side, looking a little startled as he looked up at steve, looking a little relieved though that the man hadn’t invited iron man. One game suffering through a migraine was enough, he didn’t want to try that again. “I would like that.”He smiled quietly, blushing a little as he shifted around, getting comfortable as he cuddled against the other. No matter what anyone thought, tony was a utter cuddle-bunny when he was with someone he liked and trusted. Settling in to sleep.

The next morning Natasha tilted her head a little as she settled at the barstool, pushing a mug of coffee across the bar to tony as the man stumbled in, smirking. He was quite adorable like this really. It was only when he woke up more that Tony annoyed her, and even then it was more fond exasperation then true annoyance. “Morning tony, Steve.” “No talking, not enough coffee yet.”Tony muttered as he huddled over his coffee cup and sipped it, starting to wake up, and not totally happy about it. “Clint and Phil are on their way up, Bruce said he was safe to move around as long as he used the wheelchair.”Natasha said before steve could worry, tapping her fingers against teh folder on the table absently, nervous about what she had found, and what they were going to have to do. Knowing that they were probably annoyed with having their morning interrupted, but having been to nervous to wait for them to come find her, to anxious at the idea of having the Soldier hunting them to wait.
Steve snorted. "Caramel? really?" he asked, amused. "that's funny as hell." he admitted. "you know. if ou told me just a few months ago that's i'd enjoy pouring hot wax ver someone, i'd have thought them nuts." he admitted with a grin. "i can't imagine what my life would be like if i hadn't gone to save you from that nasty club." he admitted. "you know, it was that, that got me interested in this? i was absolutely horrified to realize i rather enjoyed the sight of you tied up, put in your place, silent for once in your life." he admitted. "the more Johnny explained things to me, the more i wanted it." he admitted with a grin at Tony. "great! it's in three days. Saturday." he admitted with a smile pleased when Tony snuggled into him, wrapping his arms around the other with a happy little sigh and a kiss to the others had. "night Tony."

Steve hummed as he walked into the kitchen, carrying about fifty pounds of food for everyone. he had worked on cooking while Tony was sluggishly getting dressed. "morning Natasha. help yourself to some food." Steve offered with a smile. "well, the guy did only shoot him in the arm. there's nothing wrong with his legs." he admitted. "it's a good thing he's allowed to move though or he'd drive us all insane." he admitted with a chuckle before looking at Tony, checking to make sure he hadn't gone back to sleep before accepting the folder and the picture before pausing. "....Bucky..." he muttered, voice shattered. "this is.... this is Bucky..." he whispered. "the scar. there on his chin, do you see it? i gave that to him when we where little. i threw a lamp at his head. he has one on his forehead too, right here." he trailed a finger from his own temple to the middle of his forehead. "you can't hardl see them unless you know that they're there." he admitted softly. "this is Bucky.... James. you said his name was James... those bastards still call him James!" he nearly screamed that last part, hurling the folder at the wall, the papers scattering wildly. Clint paused in the doorway, having heard the yelling and was unsure if he wanted to keep moving into the room.
“Yep. Like the world’s best chocolate.”Tony hummed a little before smiling quietly. “I know. You would have considered it abuse or something, I mean, why do you think I never tried anything at home?Thought you’d freak out over my sex life...”He muttered before flushing, shivering a little at the knowledge that it was him that had gotten steve interested. “Awesome....night.”He muttered contented in the other’s arms.

“Think you made enough?”She teased amused as she looked at the pounds of food before getting some of her own, snickering. “He’s going to drive us insane anyways. He hates being injured, which is odd, since he spends so much time of his life getting in that condition.” “He dislikes doctors.”Tony made a face as he sipped his coffee, and indeed he looked moments away from falling back asleep as he hugged his coffee cup. “What?”Natasha’s head snapped up at steve’s words, eyes widening. “I-I thought it was just a joke, that they had found a look alike not-”She stuttered at a loss. “It is a joke, a cruel one. On a man who doesn’t know who he is.”Tony said moving, suddenly wide awake as he edged closer, gripping steve’s arms even if he was trembling a little. Nervous despite knowing steve would never hurt him. “Steve?”Phil said from the doorway, pausing next to steve, likewise not wanting to get close to the super soldier until he knew where his head was, not when neither him or clint were in top fighting form yet.
he snorted. "only until someone explained it to me." he admitted. "admittedly, i would have been a lot more upset if it had been someone i knew hitting you." he admitted. "but since i know them i would have been a lot less likely to attack them." he admitted.

"Tony was having trouble waking up this morning. food always wakes him up a bit." Steve admitted with a chuckle, refilling Tony's coffee cup. "you have a good point, but given his past i can't blame him for not liking doctors." Steve admitted. being abused in the circus with a bunch of carneys, yeah they had instilled a very deep dislike of anyone of power into him. cops, doctors, lawyers, anyone who could hold power over him. Phil was the only person Clint listened to on a regular basis. well, Phil and Steve. that was more of a respect and trust thing than anything else though. Steve had been reaching for something else to throw when Tony grabbed his arms and he turned to face the other, fury etched into his face, rage in his eyes, a snarl on his lips. his touch was gentle though, stroking Tony's neck, as if to calm himself. "they turned my best friend into a monster." Steve hissed, eyes fixed to a point just beyond Tony's head. "they ruined him and i'll fucking slaughter them for this. i will make their world burn." he snarled, fingers still stroking Tony so gently, as if afraid he might break the other if he touched too firmly.
"He’s not looking overly awake.”Natasha said chuckling a little. Tony tensed, anxiety, not anger or fear filling his features as he watched steve look at him, despite what he told himself, he wasn’t nearly as dominate outside of the bedroom as he pretended, so standing up and bringing steve’s attention to him when he was angry, even if he wasn’t angry at tony, was nerve wracking to the man. Ignoring the tense woman standing nearby, knowing she’d intervene if steve was violent with him. Nearly going utterly limp at the gentle touch, sighing quietly as he leaned into him, “They did, but it’s a good thing we’ve got experience dealing with monsters. And I’m good at slaying Frankenstein, and saving Frankenstien’s monster.”Tony muttered, and it wasn’t so much that he thought bruce was the monster, which was what most would assume he’d meant by his words, but because he thought himself was the monster, and he knew how to help monsters. “We’ll destroy them.but first we have to prevent him from killing one of us, Captain.”Phil said softly, edging into the room, taking it as a good sign that the good captain was being so gentle with tony despite his anger.
he smirked. "i kept him up late." he admitted with a snicker. "i didn't have ay problems at all either for your information." he admitted to her before loosing his cool at realizing Bucky was alive and being used to murder people. "You are not a monster." Steve hissed at Tony. well aware that he was talking about himself. "if you ever say you are again you won't like the punishment. i'll get Johnny to help me." he warned before turning and snarling viciously at Phil, stepping so that his large body was hiding Tony from Phil's view. Clint reached out and pulled Phil back out of the room. "don't Phil, he's too worked up right now... i think he's having a flashback." he muttered softly. "i don't think he really realizes who we are." he admitted, watching Steve intently. he couldn't hear anything, but Steve had never, ever snarled at any of them before. not even close. "Steve?" Clint called gently. he remembered having to help Natasha through a few of these. he could help Steve too he hoped. "Steve where are you right now?" "...Hydra base..." Steve muttered. "they took Bucky and Tony. i have to get them back." Steve stated softly, Clint grimacing. "Tony? Talk to him. tell him where he is. tell him your safe, try and calm him down okay?" Clint asked, watching Steve gently stroking Tony. probably the only reason why Steve hadn't attacked them all in a blind rage.
"..whatever you say cap."tony muttered not about to argue with the man over the state of if he was a monster or not,si ghost ing quietly as he leaned into steve's hand."always like your punishment. And johnny's. I'm more then capable of keeping up with you cap."he muttered even if he had a feeling if he ever let steve figure out just how deep his self hatred and memories of howard went that he wouldn't like the punishment at all. Phil tensed a little before nodding stepping back as steve snarled."I think you're to him...we might get through to him.."he muttered watching Natasha to, the silent woman close and not drawing attention to herself,prepared to get to tony if steve's mood turned and he fought them all. Tony shivered under steve's fingers simply enjoying being petted as he hesitantly stepped closer wrapping his arms around steve's waist. "Steve you're in the tower. I'm safe cap."tony muttered
Steve nodded before smirking a little. "you are capable of keeping up with me." he agreed before falling silent, trapped in his memories. like a waking nightmare. "Tony?" he asked. "did i save you already?" Steve asked, sounding confused, so very confused. "Bucky's dead Tony... i dropped him. i let him fall..." he sounded so shattered now, so broken and Clint grimaced. "this isn't good at all. someone get Bruce, tell him to get the Cap Approved cocktail." drugs that would put Steve down for a good hour or two. make him sleep. Bruce had created them after someone had woken Steve from a nightmare in a very stupid way and he'd torn through over half of the Shield Base thinking he was being held captive in a Hydra compound. "Tony, we have to go save Bucky now. are you hurt too badly? i don't want to go alone." he admitted. "who knows what Hydra's doing to him. General Phillips won't let me go so we'll have to get Peggy to help..." Steve admitted, swaying a little, fingers still gently stroking Tony.
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