Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

Steve smirked. "yes. this is our first official date and it has to be perfect!" he insisted, grinning as he sat next to Tony and watched the game, growling under his breath any time the yankees made a good playy and hissing in delight, bouncing in his seat when the Mets made a better one. "What the fuck!?" Steve demanded when a figure slithered off the roof into their private stand. "Bucky!" Steve gasped, already moving, standing in front of Tony when a gunshot rang out twice, hitting Steve perfectly in the chest right in the middle, so Steve's heart was missed but he was still dropping. the figure paused, black mask in place but eyes free and the figure paused, head cocked, blinking at Steve before raising his gun to Tony, snarling when he pulled the trigger twice more only for Steve to ave gotten in the way again, this time the bullets punching him in the gut. "Чертов сука!" Bucky complained, already turning and fleeing the way that he came. Steve coughed, swayed and collapsed, slowly bleeding out because his wounds couldn't close with the bullets inside of him, though they where probably stopping him from bleeding to death in a few minutes. people in the stands where panicking and the Police in the stands where already reacting, though they couldn't catch Bucky they where in the private box in seconds, administering life saving first response aid while they waited for the ambulance which was there within ten minutes and the emergency medical personal administered even more life saving first response aid and carted him off to the hospital. by that time Jarvis had informed the others that Steve had been shot and Johnny had flamed there to collect Tony and make sure the man was okay.
“What?”Tony looked up at steve’s growl, looking startled and upset as he scrambled to get connected to the iron man suit, but he’d foolishly left it at home, for the moment he was human, and utterly vulnerable. “James!”Tony snarled looking utterly panicked as he caught the other, wrapping a arm around steve’s waist, staggering under the weight of having the man ht him, struggling to stop the bleeding as he growled at the people getting near, not wanting to let them close, being hit with a tranquilizer forcing him to let the doctors close, blinking stupidly at johnny as the man arrived, having been over dosed in the EMT’s rush to get steve up and moving to the hospital, simply following the EMT’s to the hospital. Looking up at johnny as the man walked into the ER he stared blankly, both shock and drugs having hit him hard. “Steve’s dead....steve saved me...”He muttered the EMT’s fears having been voiced around him, having sunk in to that steve was dead, instead of still alive, healing, slowly but he was alive. “No he’s not, Tony.”natasha said as she and clint walked in, having been trying to track Bucky, but having lost him in the city, they’d retreated to the hospital to stand guard. "...yes...yes he is..."Tony said totally disconnected
Steve coughed and James paused at the mention of his name, turning to blink, startled at Tony before fleeing. wondering why it hurt so much to see Captain America laying there, dead. Steve wasn't dead yet though, not yet. Johnny rushed over as soon as he saw Tony and examined his pupils. "fuck! they drugged you!?" he demanded, glaring at the EMP's who flinched. "Steve's not dead Tony, he's in surgery." Phil explained. "....we need River." Johnny said, looking at Clint who cocked his head to the side, he hadn't seen Johnny's lips moving at the order so he didn't know what the other had said, his ears still too damaged to put the hearing aids back in. "i'm already here." River promised, scooping Tony into his arms and wrapping him up in Calming layers. whispering soft soothing things in Tony's ears while Clint and Johnny went to talk to the doctors and complain about them drugging Tony without due cause. they where just lucky they had used the right narcotic because some of them had ingredients that reacted very, very badly to Extremis. they could very well have killed Tony doing crap like that and Johnny made sure to strip them of their hides. "Mr. Stark?" a doctor asked, walking out. "Mr. Rogers has you listed as his Emergency Contact." the Doctor explained. "it's also listed that you have Medical power of attorney." the Doctor explained. "which means we have to speak to you about Mr. Rogers options." "Tony is in no condition to be giving orders right now." River informed the doctors. "your foolishly stupid staff have drugged him, and then spoke of how his lover was dying. currently he is in a state of severe shock and is under the belief that Steve is dead." the Doctor looked very annoyed at that and shot his own glare to the wincing EMP's who Johnny was still ball busting. "...i will see them dealt with." the Doctor promised. "Mr. Rogers is alive, and will continue to be so for at least a month before decisions have to be made." the Doctor promised. "i just need to know of any resuscitation orders." "d everything in your power to keep Steve alive." River ordered, the Doc nodding.
“...Didn’t let anyone near....didn’t want them messing with him...”Tony muttered blinking slowly, looking up at johnny. Barely responding to the presence of the others, resting his head against river’s chest, sighing quietly as he simply relaxed. Blinking slowly as he looked at the doctor, obviously struggling to focus and figure out what the man was saying. “......steve...”Tony whined a little stirring at the sound of the others name. Squirming a little to get comfortable in river’s arms, registering that the others were there, trusting them to take care of things before he swallowed thickly, and started reaching ut, knowing he was messing himself up, but doing it anyways.

It was hours later that he stirred, whining quietly. “...Barnes is still in the city. Close.”Tony muttered pressing his cheek against river’s chest, before moving to get up. “I gotta go.”He said stumbling a little as he tried to get moving, “If steve’s gone, I have to at least take care of Barnes, Steve would want me to.”He muttered, ignoring the blood starting to trickle out of his nose, or the pounding headache starting to set in. Barely looking up as registered the suit walking in, already stumbling towards it, having every intention of suiting up and leaving himself.
Johnny huffed. "that's no excuse, they should know how to handle people better than just shooting them up with dangerous drugs!" Johnny huffed, scowling. "shh Tony." River whispered softly, stroking the others hair. he knew Tony was doing something dumb, but he didn't stop the other. not now. "hush Tony." River ordered, scowling as Tony got up. "you are not leaving Tony." River warned. "you are clearly the main target, i'm not letting you go." he admitted. "Steve isn't gone Tony... oh fuck this." River sighed, pressing to fingers to each of Tony's temples. all Tony would know was a brief pressure and then unconsciousness would take him. River knew that as soon as Tony went down, Jarvis would take command of the Iron Man suit. so no one would suspect Tony was Iron Man. "i'm taking Tony home." River informed them, pointing to Clint and Phil. "you two stay here and text me if the Doctor comes back with any news." he ordered, looking at Johnny. "you come with me. i think Tony needs your 'special ouch' as it where." he admitted, looking at Iron Man. "thanks for Coming but you need to go home before you get shot." he ordered. "o not go after Barnes by yourself, you'll just end up getting shot." he stated, picking Tony up and vanishing with him, gently laying him n Tony's bed, dislodging the journals hidden in there, but not noticing when one fell to the floor and another slipped into view through the slit in the mattress. he stayed with Tony until the Johnny arrived and set Johnny to watching Tony while he made some lunch.
Tony glared looking annoyed as he looked at the other man. “yes I am. I have to. Between iron and me, we can get branes.”Tony growled sounding annoyed before going down as river knocked him out. “I will.”Iron said sounding worried before leaving them. Tony whined as he was moved around onto the bed. And it was only later as johnny brought him lunch that he woke enough to stir, frowning a little as he saw the journal, trying to figure out what it was and opening it.
Johnny didn't seam to notice Tony picking up the journal so Tony's reaction to the sketches hidden inside was missed. it was pictures of Tony. all of them, every last picture was of Tony. some innocent, like the one of him sleeping, or the one of him working with a hammer and anvil on a new face plate. most of them however, where dirty. Tony tied up, Tony gagged and trembling, Tony kneeling with a hand in his hair, Tony covered in welts, Tony covered in cum, Tony arching off the bed, mouth open as he came, Tony blushing as he lay on a bed, ass up, head down, plug in his ass and ring around his cock. picture after picture of things they had tried, Tony covered in Wax, and things they hadn't, Tony completely immobilized in special ropes and harnesses. naughty pictures that showed just how long Steve had been obsessed with him. because they where all dated. and most of the innocent ones where from the period while they where fighting aliens, to the day he had to rescue Tony from the club. "Tony? you okay? woah... what's Steve doing hiding books in his mattress?" Johnny wondered, reaching down and pulling out the other four journals, examining them without opening them before shrugging. "diary maybe? River did mention something like that to me once." Steve did have a diary yes. it was locked in his art room. he had shown Tony once.
Tony’s eyes went wide as he saw the pictures, fingers stroking over the dates, shivering as he looked them over. Staring, shivering as he considered doing all this and more with the man who was currently doing his damnedest to die on him. Looking up startled as he heard johnny he whined a little. “Don’t look. They’re mine!”Tony growled grabbing them, holding them close, clinging to them, knowing that they were all of him, no wonder steve, his sweet easily embarassed steve, had hidden them. Whining quietly as he clung to the books before squirming around to lay down. “yea, I’m okay.”he muttered holding the books even as he settled down to eat. Content for the moment, and feeling so utterly worried and possessive, and steve needed to wake up soon, otherwise he was going to go insane waiting.

And it was nearly two weeks later that Natasha found herself sitting on the chair at the edge of the bed, smiling quietly as steve blinked awake, “Good morning, Captain.”She said looking him over, glad to see that the two weeks had healed him well, and while he’d be sore for a bit, he was in fighting shape again. Hopefully in good enough shape to go fighting for tony, who despite all trying and needling, had locked himself in the lab for the most part, even more worrying was the migraines and nosebleeds were coming more often. The only break was when johnny was able to convince the man out for a bit, though it wasn’t often, as even if steve said it was okay, teh man seemed stubbornly loyal to steve over it, and refused to have sex or even drop while his boy was hurt.
Johnny blinked, surprised and dropped the journal. "i wasn't going to look inside them." he promised Tony. "i know better." he assured the other. "if you didn't beat me up for it than Steve would." he admitted. "now. eat." he ordered smiling as he watched the other. terribly worried about Tony.

Steve swallowed thickly and tried to croak something. his throat was sore and his entire body was throbbing with pain. "Wh...T..Tony..." Stve managed to gasp out. "Bucky... shot Tony..." no, Steve had managed to save Tony by taking the bullets intended for Tony, but Steve didn't know that. "where am i?" Steve asked, looking around, eyes watering a little from the pain coursing through him. "where's Tony? please don't tell me he's hurt..." he pleaded, squirming in the bed, trying to find the energy to sit down, only to sag, too exhausted from healing to continue trying to do anything but lay there.
“Good. Don’t.”Tony growled holding onto them, definitely almost adorable in his possessiveness. “Eating.”He agreed snuggling down and eating.

“No, steve. You got shot. You saved Tony.”She promised looking at him, wincing a little. “Do you want painkillers?”She asked realizing he was in alot of pain, knowing that his body was going to process it to fast, but he might get some relief. “Tony’s in his lab, refusing to come out expect when forced or he collapses in exhaustion.”She said gently looking worried for him.
Steve shook his hed. "painkillers won't help. water would be nice." he admitted, panting softly. "he freaking shot me... he didn't recognize me at all." he muttered. "but it was him. it was Bucky. his eyes... god he used to get that look in his eyes..." he admitted. "when we where kids you know? when he'd find out i'd gotten bet up he'd get that cold, calculating look in his eyes." he admitted. "and i just knew he was going to go and beat the shit out f them." he admitted before holding his hand out to her. "phone." he ordered once he'd swallowed as much water as he could. he dialed the Tower directly, knowing Jarvis would patch him through. "Hey Jay. yes i'm feeling much better now. still hurts like hell though. patch me through to Tony? thanks Jay." he stated before smiling a little. "Tony? Baby? it's Steve. i'm awake, you have to come rescue me from the evil nurses." he ordered. "can you hear me Tony?"
“Water it is then.”Natasha said smiling a little as she helped him drink before wincing, nodding. “I know that look....I am sorry Steve. I hadn’t considered he’d attack in the open in public.”She said feeling guilty at having not been able to predict that before nodding, handing over hte phone. “Captain, it is good to hear from you.”Jarvis said sounding so relieved that you knew tony was up to more then just his usual shenanigans. “....He does not seem to be able to hear you, Captain. I have found that over the last two weeks, he has not been able to hear most people talking to him. He’s...lived in a quiet little you wish for me to ask, Johnny to get him ,and bring him to you?”
Steve shook his head. "it's not your fault." he promised her. "no one could have ever suspected." he admitted. "not even i thought he would attack in the open and if the two of us, who know him best, didn't suspect then who could have?" he asked. "we'll save him. we have to." he promised her. "well fuck... yeah Jay, have Johnny... and River, fetch him. maybe he'll calm down once he realizes i'm okay... well, more okay than i was. how long was i out anyway?" he asked curiously before blinking, surprised. "two weeks? well damn...." he muttered.

"Tony!" Johnny called, slipping into the lab with River. "Tony! Steve's up! Steve's awake!" he said, catching Tony's hands and pulled him away from whatever he was working on. "Tony! listen to me! Steve's up! he's asking for you!"
“...I know, but I still feel badly. Especially when I go down to the lab, and watch tony work...he’s nearly manic steve. More...more then normal.”She said sighing quietly. “Hopefully he’ll calm down when he does.”Natasha said before nodding.”Two weeks indeed. It’s been a long two weeks, Cap.”

Tony paused, frowning as he was stopped from working on a new shield, the utter perfection of the disc in front of him....and the nearly twenty other shields...saying he’d been at it for awhile. Frowning as he looked up at the other man, before shaking his head a little. “...Don’t want to see the robot you got to replace him. Can’t.”He muttered, well. No one had managed to quite convince him that the steve he was seeing, simply believing that the man was dead. Having been told that while he was drugged and shocky, the idea steve was lost to him, was to much, he’d simply shut down and refused to believe that the man was still alive.
Steve nodded. "he hasn't dropped in two weeks probably." he admitted. "of course he's manic. not to mention he's worried about me, which makes that worse. he probably hasn't been sleeping, or eating..." yeah Steve knew his boy well.

"Tony, the only person capable of creating a human perfect robot is you." Johnny reminded him. "come on. up." he ordered, forcing Tony to his feet and passing him to River who stroked Tony's hair and then vanished with him up to the bathroom to make him shower and change. once Tony had done that he force fed Tony a full bowl of cereal before taking him to the hospital, ignoring any and all comments, complains or curses. then they where at the hospital right in Steve's room and Steve had to snort. "Tony you look like shit." Steve commented. "you haven't shaved at all have you?" he asked, examining the other. "where's my kiss?" he complained, pouting as he did any morning that Tony didn't wake up and give him a kiss immediately.
“I don’t think so. JOhnny was complaining he was being adorably, annoyingly loyal. Apparently having sex when you’re in the hospital is bad.”Natasha sighed making a face, “You really do know him.”She snickered amused.

“ could have stolen my tech. I know it. You know the lab, you could have gotten help doing it, so I couldn’t tell.”Tony grumbled growling as he was forced to shower and eat, looking utterly lost and complaining teh whole time to the hospital, and stepping into the room he looked more like a quiet, lost child then a fully functioning adult. Edging into the room he looked around, and he did indeed look like shit. Dark hair stuck to his head in wet clumps, he definitely thinner then ever, with extremis burning up any reserves of fat and muscle he had to simply not kill him, and looking exhausted. Looking utterly confused as he looked around him, “...steve?You’re,...I’ve shaved.” “No he hasn’t. And nearly catching his face on fire and putting it out doesn’t count as shaving tony.”Natasha said looking concerned before sighing, looking at steve. Realizing they were going to have to explain...well, at least the hospital staff would get another stern talking to. “some of hte EMT’s stupidly drugged him and let him listen in while they were bringing you in. Convinced him you were dying and he’s not quite...accepting you’re around yet.”She muttered quietly so tony couldn’t hear.
he snorted. "i really should have expected that. i'll have to talk with him and let him know i don't mind if he sleeps with Johnny or Faith." he admitted. "they where first after all and they can take care of him when, or if i can't." he admitted.

"tony, how the hell would we have been able to steal it when you haven't left the lab!?" Johnny demanded. "you haven't shaved, you haven't eaten and you aren't sleeping." Steve corrected. "don't make me punish you for lying Tony, you know i can't stand it when you lie to me." he warned, eyes narrowed. "thy did What!?" Steve hissed, voice laced with fury before sighing and reaching out to Tony. "come here Kitten." he ordered. "come see me, touch me. i'm real." he promised with a smile. "i'm okay, i really am, i'm just sore and tired." he promised. "come on. come here. you poor silly thing."
“So we tried to tell him, but apparently we’re all...what did he say....’horrible people who wanted to ruin everything by making him cheat on the all american golden boy, who tastes like apple pie and freedom’...yea, he gets creative when he’s manic. Its both adorable and worrying.”

“Jarvis. Computers upstairs are linked to here. My suits. You’ve done it.”Tony muttered. “...I have to. I ate before I came here.”Tony muttered looking upset and anxious at being told to not lie, utterly confused and scared on how to act. Natasha winced at the instant fury in steve’s words, nodding slightly. “They couldn’t get him to move at the ballpark so they could help you. Instead of calmly talking him away, they drugged him, and then let him ride in the ambulance with you while they discussed what was going on....he’s been... Checked out...since.”Natasha winced a little, really wanting to get a front row seat to watch when steve yelled at the doctors. Tony bit his lip looking at him, edging closer, poking his finger against the other’s arm. “...good robotics.”He muttered absently patting the other, looking him over, “’re real.”He said looking utterly confused.
he snickered. "actually. i'm told i taste like caramel and salt." he admitted with a grin and a shake of his head. "well, he'll settle down soon enough." he admitted.

"and how long before that did you eat?" Steve asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i know either Johnny or River force fed you." he pointed out. "those fucking bastards." Steve hissed. "they've been fired since then Steven." River promised him. "and they have been levied a very serious fine and a warning." "good." Steve growled. "i want them, here in an hour so i can scream at them." he ordered, Johnny chuckling as he left to go relay those orders. "i am not a Robot." Steve complained, rolling his eyes. "Jesus Tony." he complained before chuckling. "i am real Kitten." he promised. "i'm real. now, do i get my kiss or not?" he asked, pouting again. "come on, come snuggle, i'm feeling cuddly."
“...uh. I ate before then!” “Not for nearly 35 hours.”Natasha said primly, knowing she ewas getting him in trouble, but steve needed to know. “...We’ve been trying to convince him back,but he’s not listened at all. Something about the shock and drugs made it stick worse.”Natasha said grinning a little at the idea of steve yelling at them. “...I’m not jesus. I’m better looking. Like a amazing demi-god.”Tony muttered looking him over before biting his lip before leaning down to kiss him lightly, eyes widening comically huge, “you are real!”He sputtered already scrambling up into the bed and squirming to get comfortable, no doubt hurting steve in the process, but settling in for a much needed snuggle.
Steve narrowed his eyes at Tony and nodded. "i thought so." he admitted. "well, we'll set up a system to make sure that never, ever happens again, won't we Kitten?" he demanded, using his 'i m your Dom and you'd better say yes or you'll regret it' voice. the same vice that made Johnny shudder and obey. the same voice that dropped Faith into subspace with just a single word. the voice that commanded entire armies and even made Hulk and Thor obey. hell even Phil and Fury obeyed that voice. "you are better looking." Steve agreed, grunting when Tony scrambled over him. "ow, Tony. your all bony." he complained affectionately. "stop sticking your elbows in me." he demanded with a chuckle, wrapping his arms tightly around him with a small sigh, closing his eyes. "take a nap Tony, you probably need one." he admitted with a smile.
“Kay. Yes, of course we will, always will. Yes!”Tony said with that manic eagerness to please that said he was definitely needing dropped, and had been utterly resisting it. Freezing at steve’s complaining he went still, raising his head to look at the other, trying to figure out if he wanted him to move away or not, before easing into a better resting spot, simply relaxing as he nodded.”Sleep sounds good.”he muttered as he snuggled into the other, and within moments was fast asleep.
Steve smiled as he ran his fingers through Tony's hair, shaking his head. when Tony woke up, he told Tony to go with Johnny for a 'drop'. since Steve was too weak to do it himself, and in too much pain. he did let Tony watch while he screamed at the stupid idiots who had hurt Tony so much.

it was over two weeks before Steve could move around properly. healing was one thing, dealing with the pain that was left over was another. he slowly stretched, making sure he was okay, no lingering pain, no aches, no fatigue, no tightness. he was fully healed. he smiled a little, looking around Tony's room. the man had insisted on taking care of Steve himself. he had done a pretty damn good job about it too. he stretched again, just enjoying the feeling now before heading up to his own rooms where he knew Tony was getting him a change of clothes. "Hey Tony!" he called, smiling at the other. "no more pai....." he paused, noticed the pile of journals where Tony had left them and went very red. " found those huh?"
Tony paused in the middle of gathering clothes, a armful of underwear in his arms, because despite being dropped throughout the two weeks, it had barely taken a edge of, the man’s worry and anxiety translating into a manic eagerness to take care of steve, which meant he was pretty much overdoing everything. Dropping the clothes onto the bed he scrambled to pick up the journals, holding them in his arms, nearly protectively, like he thought steve would try to get rid of them. “I didn’t mean to!Johnny knocked them out from under the bed and I picked them up and looked and don’t be mad!I didn’t mean to, I was just curious!”Tony said sounding anxious.
Steve chuckled a little at the other. "your not sniffing my underwear are you?" he asked playfully before blinking a little at the reaction. "hey, he, easy, it's okay." he promised, voice gentle."i won't take them away... you can keep them if you want. they're all of you after all." he admitted. "although, i do want the unfinished one back... so i can.. you know... keep drawing in it..." he admitted, flushing harder. "it was silly of me to hide them but... it seamed... i dunno. wrong somehow to have naughty picture of you... especially without your permission you know?"
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