Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

“,,,,garret?”Phil paled looking at Grant, swallowing thickly. Somehow despite all the information tony had gathered, it looked like they’d still missed some things. “Dammit.”He cursed even as he dialed fury to have the man arrested, ignoring the conversation going on. “....It’s tech. I want to know.”Tony said shrugging a little even as steve lied, and it was quite believable that the man simply wanted to know how to turn them off because he was a tech genius. “Awesome. Lab time then. Come have to let me get up. I have some work to do.”Tony said trying to squirm away from the assassin.
Grant nodded. "yeah." he admitted, looking at least a little bit apologetic that Phil had to find out this way. James grumbled as he was shifted about again and offered Grant a glare, annoyed that his cuddle time was being upset because of his old Handler. it only took twenty minutes for Grant to show Tony how Hydra had created the way to disarm the bio-mech inside of James. the nano bots simply went in and provided a small electric shock that fired the sensitive tech buried inside. the most challenging part was getting them to do it all at the same time. if they where even a second off the Bio-Mech would activate and do serious damage to the person infected with it before they where killed. "it took me two months to be sure i was doing it right." Grant admitted. "a lot of people helped, though they didn't realize what they where helping with." he admitted, glancing at Tony. "it hurts like fuck, but better than being dead i'd imagine." he admitted.
“This really is genius.”Tony muttered as he was shown, looking vaguely disturbed that hydra had been the one to figure this out. Swallowing thickly he sighed softly. Well, at least with his extremis, it was less of a chance that he was going to accidentally kill his boyfriend. “That’s true. Pain is better then death.”he sighed quietly, looking at grant biting his lip. While he didn’t want to ask, he also wanted him there in case....”Jarvis, can you ask the Captain to come down?I need his opinion on something.”
Grant nodded. "honestly i only understand about half of it." he admitted. "it worked on James really well, but that was after very careful programming and stuff that, again, i don't understand." he admitted. "as brilliant as you are i'd be surprised if recreating the tech would take you a week." he admitted, flashing a smirk at Tony before nodding. unfortunately for him, he was probably going to be tortured to death. of Hydra got to him anyway. he'd more than likely kill himself, just to prevent himself from being tortured to death. at least he could help fix the damage he had done before he died. "Hey Tony, you asked for me?" Steve asked. "James is napping with Natasha." he explained, looking amused. "what did you find out?"
“Well, you can be forgiven for not understanding it all. I mean, you’re not a engineer or a tech person.”Tony grinned amused as he worked at building what he needed before glancing at the other man. “....You know. We could always use more snipers around, and stark tower’s nearly impossible to break in. Even our beloved assassin had problems breaking in here...I mean...if you want a place to stay.”He said knowing he should ask the others, but dammit it was his tower, he could invite whoever he wanted to bunk over. “Yea I did. And not suprising considering he sulked when I told him I was coming down here.”Tony snickered a little, before looking at steve. “He’s showed me how to turn the systems off. But even with my...unique abilities, it’d be helpful having someone else around when I take care of it.”Tony said, a vague way of asking if it was okay to tell grant about steve.
he snorted. "i'm barely literate. i wasn't expected to bring home good grades. matter of fact i was punished if i did better than my younger brother" he admitted. "i don't think that would be a good idea Stark." Grant admitted. "both Shield and Hydra are going to want my head." he admitted. "better to die quick by my own hand then die under torture for information i don't have." he admitted. "well that's morbid. Shield doesn't torture people." Steve stated, Grant lifting an eyebrow. "no? i assure you, Captain, that i have seen, i have helped Shield torture. they torture. all government tortures." he admitted simply before watching Tony. "he's getting good at sulking." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "River has him knitting did you know?" he asked, looking even more amused. "it's supposed to help him, something about brain chemicals." he admitted. "he's pretty damn good at it." he admitted before focusing intently on Tony, pondering that and then. "you think it's safe?" he asked, silently asking Tony if he trusted Grant enough. "i'll trust your judgment." he promised. "are we doing it now, or later?"
“...Avengers are laws onto ourselves. Not to mention we have the ever so good, agent here. We avenge things for a living, I doubt the world will want to start WW3 over your scrawny ass, no matter how nice it is to stare at.”Tony said flirting simply because it was a reflex to try and make people relax, to let off the stress. “.....He has know, probably why he was wondering if I could make knitting needles strong enough to be used as weapons. I was wondering why he wanted them.”He said looking vaguely amused at the idea before looking at grant, “....I think he could have refused to tell me how to fix things, an if he was really going to destroy the world, he would have killed James rather then setting him free, knowing if given the choice james might just turn on him.”Tony said sighing quietly, sulking a little that he was being left with the decision. “...we’ll do it now. Grant. Yes or no, are you staying here or not?”he asked wanting the answer before he told him everything
he shook his head. "i'll think about it." he said, which typically meant 'i'm not doing that'. "....." he blinked at Tony, startled and them glanced at his own ass, as if trying to decide if it really was scrawny, even if it was nice to look at it. he didn't see the appeal. "yup. knitting." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "he wanted you to make weapons out of knitting needles?" Grant asked, looking very amused by that. though, like all Hydra agents, the emotion was stunted and the face barely showed it. "Grant paused, looking startled. "oh. wait, are we talking about me?" he asked, startled before eyes widening. horrified that Steve had those things inside of him. no one but the Primary Handler ever knew that Steve had the same things inside of him that James did. "what do you need me to do?" Grant demanded as Steve stripped off his shirt and laid in a reclining chair with a long arm so Tony could inject all of the Nanobots into his bloodstream. with Tony's special abilities, he could locate all of the small things inside of Steve and assign a nanobot to them. "Your going to want to bite down on this." Grant warned, slipping a mouth guard into Steve's mouth so he wouldn't bite off his own tongue or crack his own teeth.
“Good. Do so.”Tony said even if he had a feeling the offer would be refused, he did have a good sense about the man, and rarely was he wrong in it. Snorting a little as grant looked at his own ass before looking at him. “yea, he did. Thankfully he accepted that needles made out of Iron Man’s suit material, were appropriately strong enough for him.”Tony snickered a little before nodding. “we are.”he said studying the other before sighing slightly. “You know, I’m finding it a relief that you didn’t know. At least we wont have to worry about anyone else having known that.”He mused before smiling a little. “I need you to keep a eye on his vitals and mine. While it shouldn’t be a problem, if I spike to quickly or much, you’re going to have to pull me out.”Tony said well awere there was more of a danger to himself and trying to control all the nanobots at once, then there was to steve. “And keep talking to me, the monitor will show the readings, keep up a running commentary.”tony said as he injected steve with the nanobots, before moving around to sit near steve’s head, resting his hands on the sides of steve’s head, closing his eyes as he started to connect to them. Knowing if he screwed up, he might end up killing himself doing this. “Ready?”Tony muttered nudging his head against steve’s a little, shuddering as he focused.
Steve snorted. "did you really?" he asked, amused. "well at least he'll stop breaking the needles now." he admitted. "that metal hand of his bends the needles or snaps them more often then not." he admitted. "i don't thin anyone else knows." Grant admitted. "but then, it's hard to be sure when your working with Hydra." he admitted. "either way it won't matter once the things inside him are dead." he admitted. "at least, i don't think it will." he admitted. "alright, i can do that." he promised, nodding. "uh. talk about what?" he asked, looking worried as he realized it was a little too late for that. "ready Tony. i love you. i trust you." Steve promised, smiling at him. "it'll be okay." he promised before closing his eyes and gritting his teeth as Tony began. it didn't hurt, not yet. but it felt.... odd. he could feel all those tiny robots moving around inside of him. Grant had started up a litany of his childhood because he couldn't think of anything else to say. he talked about being beaten because he'd run faster than his older brother, he talked about how he'd been unplanned and unwanted ever since he'd been diagnosed with a 'learning problem'. no Ward would ever be imperfect so they hated him for being so. he explained how the older brother had been forced and formed into a perfect politician while the youngest was born to be loved. the two oldest where tormented and tortured, the youngest smothered with affection. he talked about how he had loved his baby brother and protected him, making himself useful even if his mother and father would never love him, they at least approved. he had once thought that would be enough. he spoke of the Well. he spoke of the abuse his brother had heaped on after the incident. he spoke of how he'd burned the house to the ground to try and make sure that precious elder brother could not hurt the beloved baby brother ever again. he spoke of how Garret had fond him, played on all his fears, dreams and hopes. how Grant had loved Garret like a father, desperate to please the man, desperate to make the man proud by any means necessary. until he found out that his mother had sold him to Garret. who had not rescued Grant at all, but rather put a halt to the legal proceedings that would have had the Ward family arrested for child abuse. he explained how it had crushed him, realizing he could never be loved and decided to make sure Garret and Hydra would pay for using him. freeing James, and the other thirteen brain washed Assets had seamed the best way to do that. by that time, Steve was screaming and Grant couldn't bring himself to keep talking.
“Well hopefully. I’d be a little worried if he breaks those.”Tony said before shrugging. “Even with them turned off, I’d still feel better if no one knew for sure.”Tony shuddered a little before shrugging. “I don’t care. Whatever you want to. I’m just afraid if I focus to much, I’ll kill one of us.”Tony said sighing a little as he worked, focusing on both what he was doing and grant’s words, the litany of sins that the wards had committed keeping him from going to deep and causing worse damage then the nanobots, even if as time past there was a slow trickle of blood escaping his nose, his own body rebelling at both the stress and causing steve pain. Gasping as he killed the last, he nearly fell as he pulled away from steve, nearly hitting the floor, before waving grant away. “Take care of steve, I’m okay.”he ordered wiping his nose.
Steve snickered. "don't let him hear you say that, he'll try extra hard to destroy them if he hears you say that." he warned with a chuckle before hesitating when Tony voiced his worry. well, Tony knew what he was doing and Grant was eager to help so.... "Sorry." Grant said as he pressed a handkerchief to Tony's nose. "Steve is fine, your the one bleeding all over the place." Grant admitted, doing his best to support Tony so he wouldn't fall down. Steve was panting in his chair, but he was awake and his eyes where clear even as he tried to stop twitching. muscles rebelling the sudden agony. "how you doing Captain?" Grant asked, wrinkling his nose when Steve spat out the mouth guard. "two torn muscles. that's it." "no heart palpitations? headaches?" "hell of a headache." "dizzy?" "no." "good."
...Oh. He would.”Tony whined a little at that, gently patting the other’s arm,”Don’t look worried. I’m usually overworrying for the both of us.”Tony muttered. Wincing as he took the handkerchief to his nose, wiping it, “Well, that was alot of stupid robots to be connected to. My body didn’t like it.”Tony said knowing grant wouldn’t understand, but not focusing well enough to really be aware. Raising his head to look at steve,”You okay?”He muttered looking worried as he tried to straighten and get up, feeling a little weak himself as he slumped back into his chair. “ head is killing me.”He muttered.
Steve smiled at him. "more worried about you than myself. even if i die, the Serum restarts my heart." he admitted. "i have to be dead for over three minutes before i stay dead." he admitted. "a little electrocution won't kill me for long." he promised Tony, kissing him gently. "you just make sure you be okay." he ordered. "uh... sure whatever you say Mr. Stark." Grant muttered, wondering if Tony hadn't short circuited his brain or something. "i'm okay. i won't be able to stand up for a few more minutes." he admitted. Grant? go into that cupboard there and bring out the white bottle with the blue liable and a glass of water and give tony Two pills." Steve ordered. Grant did as ordered. "Jarvis? lights fifteen percent." the lights dimmed to a level where Grant almost couldn't find the right bottle. luckily Jarvis kept the cupboard lit up so he could see. "now go and get the ice pack out of the fridge." Steve ordered once Grant had administered the medication. Grant did as he was told again and gently settled the icepack on Tony's forehead, over his eyes to help with the migraine. "
“....I didn’t know that. That’s actually awesome to know.”Tony muttered. “Tony, grant, tony. Mr. Stark was my dad.”Tony whined a little looking relieved though that steve was okay. “Hm, I like you better laying down anyways. Fun stuff happens when your laying down. Though against the wall is interesting to.”Tony muttered sounding relieved as the lights went down and didn’t come back up. That was amazing. So much better. “Thanks Grant.”Tony said as he down the pills, sighing quietly as the ice settled on his forehead. “Just a migraine, grant. Don’t worry, I’m not dying on you.”
Steve shrugged. "it's not something i like to tell people you know." Steve admitted, looking amused. "Stark." Grant compromised. "fun stuff happens when i'm horny." Steve corrected with a chuckle. "uh. sure." Grant agreed, clearly not used to being thanked. "you have a nose bleed..." Grant protested, Steve chuckling. "Grant. it's okay." Steve promised. "his brain just overheated. like a computer, he'll be fine." he promised. "he just needs a nap and he'll be fine. i need a nap too for that matter. mind helping us into that bedroom over there?" "oh... uh. yeah sure." Grant agreed, helping Tony into bed first before getting Steve and helping him into bed as well before leaving to think about Tony's offer. he did promise after all. and he could enjoy a few more days of life at least, right? it wasn't like he'd ever enjoyed life before. maybe he could change that though? would it be worth the risks?
Tony twitched a little at the other’s refusal to call him tony, but not protesting since he knew it was the best he was going to get for now. “Hm, that to. I like you horny. You can go for hours, only person who can keep up with me really.”Tony said sounding happy. “... I do. It happens. Stupid migraines.Stupid extremis....I’ll explain when I’m more together, its a interesting awesome story, but not now.”She said knowing they were probably confusing grant with the explanation of why he had a nosebleed. “Nap?Nap sounds good.”Tony agreed, smilign a little as he let grant help him to the bed, smiling as he snuggled into steve,. “I think grant’s going to stay,cap.”he muttered already starting to fall asleep.
Steve smirked. "i know." he admitted with a chuckle. "and i can go for days actually." he paused, hesitated and then. "it was tested." he didn't have to say who tested Steve's abilities, they both knew it could only have been Howard. "the migraine will be gone by morning, it always is." Steve promised, smiling as he wrapped his arms around Tony and held him close once he was in the bed with him. "i think your right Tony... his life has been even more hell than Clint or Natasha's. at least they always had the dream that their parents might have loved them." he admitted, sounding incredibly sad. "we'll help him, best as we can." he promised.

Grant was sitting on the roof a few hours later, cigarette in one hand and a shot of whiskey in the other, sitting on the very edge so his feet dangled into the empty abyss. his eyes focused on nothing, the only movement he made was to occasionally take a drag off of his Cigarette or take a sip of his whiskey. "you want me to push you off?" James offered, startling Grant. "no thanks. just thinking." Grant admitted. "if i wanted to kill myself, a little trepidation wouldn't stop me." "didn't think so." James admitted, sitting next to Grant. "i wanted to thank you." "for what?" "setting me free." "no James. i just gave you the option to set yourself free." Grant admitted with a smile. "your free now too you know." "i'll never be free." Grant admitted.
“Thats awesome really.”Tony said wincing a little as he realized how it was tested, but it was still awesome. “Yea, it always is.”He agreed sighing quietly as he was snuggled, relaxing as he leaned into him. “we will.”he muttered as he fell asleep.

“....You’re free enough to be drinking Tony’s whiskey, which might get you killed actually.”Natasha teased a little as she eased down onto the other side of grant, smiling as she copied him, feet hanging over the side of the building.
Grant smirked and glanced at Natasha. he had only known she was there because where James was, she wasn't far behind. or maybe that was the other way around? "If i'm gonna die, i might as well have a taste of the good life first." he admitted, offering James his pack of Cigarettes while he offered Natasha the glass of whiskey. James happily took a Cigarette ad using a lighter he'd pilfered from somewhere took a deep inhale before settling into place on Grants other side, feet dangling. "good thing Phil's not here." Grant mused. "he'd be flipping his lid. he doesn't like it when Clint does this, no matter the birdbrain always makes a safety noose." he admitted, looking amused. "might be a fun drop." James admitted, wondering if he could survive falling that far? "so is death your only option then?" James asked, Grant shrugging. "it's either that or i live a life on the run, or worse, live trapped. i leave this building and Hydra will be on me. if not Hydra then Shield. i don't think i could bare being trapped again."
:Hm, might as well. And watching Tony freak out would be amusing really.”Natasha snickered a little at the idea, rolling her eyes a little as she took the glass of whiskey and sipped it slowly. “Phil would freak. Thank god those two are having a movie day, otherwise we’d have the birdbrain up here bothering us.”Natahsa snickered before looking at james. “You probably could survive it, but I’d not suggest it unless you get tony to have iron man catch you before you hit. Less broken bones that way.”She mused before sighing a little. “Third option, help us get rid of hydra, and Tony can make shield back off. Trapped for a moment, but you could stay.”
he chuckled a little. "hey if he didn't want me to drink it, he shouldn't have left it all out in the open where anyone could touch it. it's his own fault, he practically asked me to take it." he admitted, taking another drag off his cigarette. "it still amazes me that those two are together." Grant admitted. "they're like, polar opposites of each other." "ah. but even polar opposites, are made of the same stuff." James admitted with a grin, making Grant snort. "don't get philosophical with me buddy." he ordered, looking amused. "eh. it's not worth it. i like falling but this is a height that's a bit too immense even for me. besides Tony has a headache i don't think he'd have time to catch me." he admitted. "..." Grant pondered the third option for a moment and then. "yeah. that could happen. maybe Hydra will fall before i die of old age." he agreed. "might as well keep repenting. do what good i can, right?"
“...he leaves it out cause he wont drink it, but he still has a hissy fit if anyone else does. It’s quite amusing really.”Natasha snickered before shaking her head. “they’re like magnets, needs polar opposites to attract, even if its violently....besides Tony has extremis, needs a super soldier to be able to keep up with his libido, otherwise it might kill a normal person.”Natasha snickered before shrugging. “Probably not. Tony’s not his best when he’s overworked himself.”Natasha said with just a touch of worry to her words before smirking. “We all have red in our ledger, Grant. We’re just trying to wipe it out. Stick around, and we’ll give you a hand doing some good.”
Grant lifted an eyebrow. "he won't drink it? why?" he asked, looking a bit baffled before snorting. "okay. sure. magnets." he agreed, amused. "it's still weird seeing the man who was nearly my boss locking lips with his best Agent." he pointed out. "no offense to you of course." he admitted. "as for Tony and Steve, the whole world knew it was gonna happen save for the homophobes and those in denial. there was actually a pool in Hydra about when it would happen." he paused. "huh, you know i think i won. sucks i won't get my money." he admitted. "well. he only overworked himself because he was worried about Steve." Grant admitted. "yeah, maybe i will stick around. not too keen on dying to be perfectly honest." he admitted. "better than being tutored to death though." "GET OFF THAT LEDGE!" Phil ordered through the speakers, startling Grant so bad he nearly fell off anyway. "Jesus Christ Coulson!" James ignored the speakers though, Phil wasn't his handler after all.
“He’s a alcoholic. He leaves it out because he can’t stand the idea of throwing it out or selling it, but he can’t drink it either.”Natasha shrugged before laughing.”Hm, I guess I’m so used to seeing them do it, it’s not weird anymore.”Natasha said before snorting. “Seriously? I thought shield would be the only ones who had that pool going.”Natasha snickered, “You should. I mean, we need a new practice dummy, and Tony can always use someone new to expriement on.”She teased before turning her head to look at the speakers, smirking as she eased back from the ledge.”But phil, it’s a good ledge.”
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