Lies hiding Truth (moon/lady)

"I'll keep that in mind. You really are to big to look good in a wedding dress."he teased a little having already planned something for later,it was going to be fun."...okay."tony bit his lip as he considered that before snickering."that's true. phil will keep things in control."he said smiling as he stood,leaning into the other man. Biting his lip and trying to not tell but his own need to be truthful, and to give steve a chance to leave if he had to kicking in. Almost like he was trying to free steve to leave him for the other's own good. His anxiety getting worse the closer they got to wedding time."...Howard named me steven...and he...he mistook me for you a few times and..."he swallowed ducking his head avoiding the other's eyes as he tried to brace himself for being left.
he snickered. "yeah, but i look fantastic in thongs." he agreed with a grin, bending down and kissing Tony's forehead. "even if you found out your already married and we have to put off the wedding, then that's okay. even if your pregnant with Loki's baby, that's okay too.... stretching it, but okay." he promised, eyes twinkling. "even if you unleashed a hoard of Hentai Yaoi Fetish monsters and we have to wait and get married in a week because we have to go round them up." he teased with a grin before frowning, looking worried at Tony. "...i know." he admitted softly. "you mentioned something like that, a while back so i sort of figured it out on my own." he admitted, wrapping his arm around Ton. "your father was a fucker Tony and he didn't deserve someone as utterly perfect as you." he promised the other. "if anyone deserved my name, it was you... though, it would be weird marrying someone with my name." he admitted with a smile. "i'm marrying you, for you tony. not for your name, okay?"
"Hm that you do. It's truly a sight to beyond."tony snickered a litle shivering as he was held, sounding anxious and amused at the same time as steve talked." I'd ever sleep with loki...though I could have totally messed with monsters..."he muttered shuddering as steve held him,leaning into his chest. Making a soft whining noise,not even able to voice how upset and long he'd been fretting over it. Silly tony.
Steve smirked. "i got brand new Iron Man panties just for you." he purred, chuckling a little. "i'm going to be wearing them under my wedding tux." he admitted with a grin. "i dunno. Loki's kinda hot." he teased with a snicker. "sorry i can't say that one with a straight face." he admitted. "weedy little psychopath he was." he snorted and smirked at Tony. "you are not making a tentacle monster Tony. no." he ordered with a chuckle before gathering the other into his arms and just held him. singing softly to Tony, his favorite lullaby.
"...dammit now that's ll be thinking about at the wedding."he whined a little. Snickering at steve's words."nice try though. You nearly did it."he teased going quiet in the other's arms." monster..."he muttered sniffling as he leaned into him,closing his eyes and letting the other calm him."...I should get going...the guys are waiting..."
he snickered. "that's why i told you." he admitted with a smirk. "i did almost manage." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yeah, no monsters...." he agreed with a chuckle before shaking his head. "no. not yet." he murmured. " want to hold you for a bit longer." he murmured. he felt more content ten minutes later and finally let Tony go to his Stag party, smiling. tomorrow, he was going to get married by a God. it was going to be awesome. "wait. i'm coming with you, i need to threaten Clint one last time, just in case."
"...kay. don't mind being held."he muttered snuggling into the other quite content to be held, to be cuddled."you think this time threatening will be any better then the last dozen timss?"tony teased amused as he pulled awy. Finishing getting ready to go before heading downstairs,smiling slightly as he saw the others. Indeed he was feeling undoubtedly loved, with all his friends there.
Steve smiled. "and i like holding you." he admitted, humming happily. "it might if i threaten to castrate him. or break his legs. or clean out all of his nests." he admitted with a grin following Tony down. "you lot have fun. Clint..." "i know, i KNOW!" Clint complained, sulking at Steve before shooting an even sulkier look at Phil who had threatened him too, to much greater effect. "Natasha is leading the way." he grumbled. "all of me and Grant's ideas where turned down.... stupid boring people." he grumbled.
"Those might work."tony snickered at the threats amused at the Ideas and really hoping that despite his need to have a std party and have fun, he really did want to be there on time and get married without looking like he'd been hit by a bus."don't wordy. He'll...they all will behave."phil promised looking amused. "Not boring. Just not suicidal enough to give steve a reason to come after us."Natasha pointed out as they headed for the door. And knowing they had plans for a high end strip club, and a private party room to enjoy it from was all she had to know that the night was going to be exactly what tony needed,without getting out of control.
Steve nodded and smiled at Tony. "oh, and Tony?" Steve asked, pleased that Phil would keep them under control. "you are allowed to touch, kiss, cuddle, receive or give a hand-job, give or receive a blowjob, but i will be very, very unhappy if anyone, touches that ass." he warned, giving Tony's bottom a pat. "you can do pretty much anything but actual intercourse, and no getting hickeys." he ordered, kissing Tony deeply. "go have fun, let loose, go wild." he ordered, grinning. "don't take you collar off." he didn't want anyone thinking Tony didn't belong to him.
"Hm?"tony looked up startled eyes widening as he got permission to do anything. yelping a little as the other patted his ass."kay okay. No one near my ass."he promised eyes widening slightly as he leaned up to kiss him."and I don't take my collar off. Ever you know that."he said smiling a little as they left.

The next morning tony stumbled in at a ungodly hour upset and needy as he crawled into bed with the other squirming around until steve was practically laying on top of him, whimpering quietly but trying not to be to loud,not wanting to wake his super soldier.
Steve snickered at the others yelp. "i know. i was ust reminding you in case someone else tried to take it off or Clint tried to talk you into it." he admitted, grinning at the other. "i want him back by six in the morning!" he called to Phil and Natasha. Tony would need to sleep at least a little bit before the wedding.

"Tony?" Steve asked, wrapping his arms around the other, stroking his back gently. "Tony what is it? what's wrong?" he asked softly, running his fingers through the others hair. "was it James? do you want me to beat him to death with his own arm? i can do it." Jokes usually helped Tony feel better.
Tony whined quietly, making a face."didn't mean to wake you up."he whined a little as he sbugged into him, relaxing quietLy as the other stroked his hair, laughing quietly. "No it wasn't james though you should still beat him with his own arm. that'd be amusing."he muttered before sighing."...someone tried to...touch me...I dont...I froze cap,I couldn't do anything....thank god james and Natasha were around, they were appropriateLy violent in removing the idiot from me but...I froze cap. I let someone else touch me and I didn't mean to!"well, he was such a silly lite kitten.
he smiled a little. "i wasn't asleep." he lied gently. "well good because i'd hate to make a mess." he admitted with a chuckle. "shhh. it's okay Tony. shhh. i'm not going to be mad because someone tried to take liberties. well. i won't be mad at you." he promised. "i gave you permission to touch remember?" he asked with a smile. "it's really okay Tony. calm down now. shhhh it's okay." he promised. "do you want me to go find that guy and send Natasha to make sure he's really learned his lesson?" he asked, his head tilted as he gently sat up and gathered Tony into his arms, cradling him.
"...kay...kay I'm're not mad?"he muttered calming slowly sniffling a little. "I remember. But I let someone else touch me!I didn't stop them. Needed james to stop them."he muttered before pausing thinking it over before shaking his head."can't do that...if she did,she'll be late for the wedding. And I want to get married more then I can to get someone in trouble."
Steve smiled a little. "no Tony. i'm not mad. i promise." he assured the other. "Tony... you've been abused for so long you don't know how to fight back." he explained softly. "that's why i made James and Phil go with you, Phil for common sense and James for grunt work." he explained with a smile. "fine. i'll send her after the wedding then." he agreed, smiling a little. "i love you Tony." he promised the other. "no matter what. forever and ever." he promised, kissing him gently. "now, you should go to sleep. okay?" he asked with a smile, humming to Tony to help him calm down.
"Kay...good. didn't want you to be mad..."he muttered snuggling before relaxing eveN more as he realized yes, even if he couldn't fight back, he had friends that would. He would be taken care of If he needed to."love you ro."he muttered yawning nodding slowly."sleep is good..."he agreed sighing quietly, happily as he let him sooth him to sleep.
Steve chuckled and nuzzled the other gently. "it's okay." he promised, watching Tony go to sleep. settling in once Tony was deep enough asleep to not wake up and went back to sleeping himself.

when Tony woke in the morning it was, as always, to the smell of hot coffee and a perfect breakfast. what was unusual was the sound of Steve cursing. he was having, now of all days, a bad hair day. it was snarled up and sticking everywhere and no matter how often he yanked a brush through it, it would not obey.
Tony smiled happily sleepily as he sat up just enough to drink his coffee before settling into eat before realizing he was hearing something odd. Groaning at the bathroom he tilted his head."steve? Why's wrong?"he asked looking worried about the other man and the oddity of him cursing.
Steve looked over at Tony, increasingly frustrated. "i can't make it behave!" he said, indicating his hair before he blinked. "....Tony? where you aware that your coated in glitter?" he asked, blinking at the sparkling tony, his eye twitching. "you take a shower, i have to go kill Clint." he admitted. kissing Tony. "and then i need to see if Pepper can make my hair behave." he admitted, trying to flatten it down with his hands. to no effect at all.
"Well I'll help then. It'll be fine."Tony said as he climbed out of bed and headed for the other man before pausing looking down at himself."...I'm covered in glitter...I don't remember that...and you can't kill clint. He's in the wedding."he reminded the other before smiling holding out a hand."let me have the brush."
"it won't be fine! my hair is the devil!" he complained, before chuckling at the other. Tony was pretty cute when he was glittery really. "can i maim him then?" he asked hopefully. "or scare him so bad he pisses himself?" he asked hopefully even as he handed Tony the brush and sat down. no matter what Tony did though, Steve's hair refused to behave, it practically had a mind of it's own. Tony would get one strand to behave only for the ones he'd brow beaten into submission to fly back up and defy gravity. "....hey Tony?" Steve asked, looking suspicious now. "Thor didn't mention bringing any... guests, did he?"
"Your hair is adorable,not the dsvil."he smiled a little as he took the brush."if you must just don't scare him to badly.he might leAve if you do."Tony warned before huffing growling at the hair in annoyance before pausing."he did say he was bringing a date. Why?"he said looking at steve with a slight frown.
"it's the Devil." he grumbled before snorting. "as if he'd leave." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i've punched him in the face before and he hasn't left. he'll be fine. he needs to pay for covering you i glitter." he admitted. "i was just wondering. i think maybe Thor is trying to prank us." he admitted, glaring at his reflection. "if he's bringing a guest who ca use magic, they might be the one responsible for this disaster, and maybe even for your glitter... though you do look cute like that." he admitted with a grin. "i mean, pranking seams to run in the family, remember when Frigga made all the floors into spring grass glades?"
"Clint's such a glutton for punishment. I swear."tony snickered a little before laughing."you know it really wouldn't surprise me if he was. And I do, I had grass in odd spots for weeks."he made a face before heading for the door."come on we'll see if pepper can tame your hair then deal with our prankster."he said scowling a little when he reAlized the glitter wasn't coming off
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